3 minute read
Grand Opening celebration
By Jane Schiff, JFGN Board Chair
Oh, what a day it was, Jan. 15, 2023. If you are one of the approximately 700 people who came to celebrate the opening of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, you know the excitement was palpable. There were two ribbon cutting ceremonies! The one outside included many of the Iser family, people who created the building and many of the largest donors to the building. The ribbon cutting in the front of Schiff Hall was ceremonial. So, with two ribbon cuttings, the building is now, doubly, officially open.
The speeches were heartwarming, inspirational and very moving. The sixyear journey of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center had more twists and turns than a Sherlock Holmes novel. Finding land, getting zoning and permits, building during a pandemic and a Category 4 hurricane, supply chain issues, worker shortages and a gazillion decisions all add up to amazement that the building is open. Frankly, we were not sure we’d have the certificate of occupancy until a couple days before the grand opening. But the DeAngelis Diamond team got it done.

We are still working out the kinks, or finishing the punch list as it is called in the building industry, but the building is usable and, every day, there are speakers, games, meetings, education and a host of other activities taking place.
Guests who attended the celebration were treated to a piano playing as they entered the Sobol lobby. As they walked through the building, they enjoyed beautiful artwork, some old and some new, most in shiny new frames. One feature that received a lot of positive feedback is the large sculpture on the wall in the lobby. The other sculpture by the same artist, David Hess, who did the Sobol lobby sculpture, is the Menorah on the outdoor patio wall — an amazing addition to the warmth and joy of the area. Next December, it will be lit as a Chanukiah at our annual Chanukah celebration.
And talking about the outdoor patio, after 4 p.m., it was used by children as a playground during a PJ Library activity. The tables and chairs in the covered patio area were enjoyed as a place to talk with others. The building really showed how comfortable and accommodating it is for the entire community.
On Jan. 15, we saw old and young, men and women, Jews, and many others, including Father Bob from St Agnes, come together to celebrate this new era of Jewish communal life.
If you haven’t made your way to 4720 Pine Ridge Road yet, come see what all the fuss is about!
For more photos from the Grand Opening of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, go to pages 20 and 21.