4 minute read
Purim is next
By Marina Berkovich
Jewish Russian Cultural Alliance (JRCA) is an affi nity group under the auspices of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples (JFGN). Our mission is to enhance the social and cultural lives of our emerging/expanding community by providing the “home base” to those Jews from the former Soviet Union and countries that evolved after its collapse, who are now moving to Southwest Florida, and are seeking new Jewish connections. Non-Jewish relatives and friends are, of course, welcome.
We usually get together for four community events during the year — Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Purim and May 9/Victory in Europe Day, the last holiday that is sacred to all of us, because we are all second- and, some of us, first-generation survivors of World War II and its atrocities. Our fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts were bombed and either evacuated or became prisoners of Nazis or Soviets and otherwise suffered during that horrific time. Our group meets either at JFGN or at a member’s business location. Join the email list by emailing JRCAGroup@ gmail.com.
Our last two meetings were led by Mark Katsnelson and we thank him for volunteering his skill and time to these events. The next two events in 2023 will be led by group co-chairs, Darina Lumar and yours truly. Both of us are founding members of JRCA.

Sam and Darina Lumar
Allow me to introduce you to Darina. In 1977, with her husband, Sam, and their 3-year-old daughter, Emily, Darina left their home in Odessa, Ukraine as stateless Jewish refugees and, two months later, in Rome, accepted a sponsorship invitation from the Jewish Federation of Flint, Michigan.
In Darina’s own words, “When we arrived, I did not believe that it was a city. It was February 1978. All we could see was snow and no people, just cars. It was very different from Europe. It took us only two months to find jobs.” Darina had a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and was hired by General Motors. Sam worked at the local hospital before opening his own business.
“We wanted to integrate into local Jewish life and be a part of the Jewish community, which became our second family. We joined Temple Beth El, a reform synagogue, where Emily had her bat mitzvah, then continued to her confirmation,” Darina adds.
Darina served on various committees of their Federation and at Temple Beth El. The Lumars retired to Florida in 2005, joining their daughter and grandchildren, who were already in Fort Myers. They celebrated 45 years in the U.S. on Feb. 4. Please join me in congratulating them.
At our events, we hold round-table discussions and enjoy a community meal of Jewish-Russian flavors. In the USSR, while we were deprived of our religion and persecuted for being Jews, somehow, Jewish cuisine survived even through deficit and depravation years. Cover charge is $10 per person for wine and refreshments and each family brings a dish to the table.
The exact location, date and time for our Purim celebration is not available at the time this article is written. Please email JRCAGroup@gmail.com to be added to our email list and receive proper information and notifications.
We are looking for volunteers willing to help the recently resettled Ukrainian refugees with learning English and driving.
If you speak Russian, want to meet a “Russian” or are just generally curious, we welcome you. If you lived in the USSR, you are qualified to be a member.
Help us spread the word. Tell your Jewish neighbors from the former Soviet Union that we are waiting for them. Please join our email list by writing to JRCAGroup@gmail.com.