4 minute read
Honoring our local history
Marina Berkovich JHSSWF President
The Jan. 19 film presentation of The Jewish Historical Society of SWFL original production of “Jack Nortman, The Boxcar Education Giant” was a success, thanks to Collier County South Regional Library and our volunteers, under the leadership of Ellen Seigel.
This month, we present four films from our ongoing documentary series, Southwest Florida Jewish Pioneers, at the new Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center to honor four outstanding individuals who are no longer with us.
• March 7 – “Irving Berzon, Engineering the Future” is about the WWII veteran and Collier County visionary water engineer. d. 2021
• March 14 – “Richard Segalman, The Man and His Art” is about a renowned local artist, whose Naples beach landscapes are at Metropolitan Museum of Art and many other museums. d.2021
• March 21 – “Murray’s Mile” is the film about Murray Hendel, the most famous unelected official Naples/Collier County ever had. d. 2022

• March 28 – “Th e Song Meister” is a film about Gene Goodman, Benny Goodman’s younger brother and a prolific music publisher. d. 2022
All presentations will begin at 3 p.m. and end at 4 p.m., except March 21, which will end at 4:30 p.m.
We usually have a wonderful response to our events and the majority of our members are happy to support the work of Jewish Historical Society of SWFL in many ways. But the convoluted workings of modern times, regrettably, demand clarity. So, let me emphasize, the work we do is local Jewish history preservation.

We strive to make sure our Jewish history is not written out and over. The importance of protecting and preserving the imprint earliest Jews left on this region is not replicated by any other organization. Although other local historical preservation groups pride themselves on understanding diversity and inclusion, Jewish Pioneers continue to be excluded.
Since our inception in 2010, we have off ered a variety of cross-cultural and expanded territory programming. One such example was “Early History of Reform Judaism in USA” that was presented by Emil G. Hirsch, whom we were privileged to have in our Collier County community for decades. He is the direct descendant of the two famous rabbis who were imperative to establishment of Reform Judaism in USA.
Another, a program we brought last year was about the history of Jews of Ukraine, because, let’s face it, most of us can be genetically traced to that area and the tragic war developments there do not leave any of us unmoved.

I was told a couple times during this year’s Florida Jewish History month that all contributions should be sent to Ukraine instead of local Jewish history preservation. It is unfortunate that in any “contest” between Ukrainians and Jews, Jews lose. Historically, institutionally and socially, the prejudices against the Jews are systemic and rooted in ancient history of most other nations since antiquity.
Sadly, some people will offer that choice as an excuse not to renew, but we forge forth, because our mission of historic preservation occupied its proper place in the hearts of the majority of our community. I am certain that deep inside your heart and soul, most of you support our cause, and I ask you to continue your gracious support. It is always very much appreciated.
You may now purchase Jewish Historical Society of SWFL memberships online or mail us a check. A family membership is $54; individual membership is $36; student membership is $18; and corporate sponsorship is $300. If mailing a check, please send to The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida, 8805 Tamiami Trail North, Suite #255, Naples, FL 34108.

We can be reached at 833-547-7935 (833-JHS-SWFL), www.jhsswf.org or office@jhsswf.org. The Virtual Museum of SWFL Jewish History is located online at http://jewishhistorysouthwest florida.org/.
The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida is a section 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.