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Stay in May with MCA
By Jeff Margolis
Worldwide traveler Jim Sernovitz will continue his popular and entertaining travelogues throughout the summer months, with a presentation on Alaska and the Klondike Goldrush via Zoom on Tuesday, May 4 at 2:30 p.m.
The monthly lecture series continues on Monday, May 10 at 10 a.m., with a program titled, “The Birth and Death of American Department Stores and Malls.” The presenter will be retail and shopping center expert, Carl Chudnofsky.
Are you searching for your family roots? Have you wondered about a possible longlost relative out there? The Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group will have its next session on Tuesday, May 11 at 1 p.m.
MCA members are invited to participate in a lifestyle discussion program on Wednesday, May 12, with presenters Dr. Jerry Kumin and Arthur Sissman. Topics to be discussed include the Blue Zones project, medical supplements, and health issues and DNA.
The MCA book discussion group will have its monthly Zoom meeting on Thursday, May 13.
Contact program chair Stan Farb at stan4mignon@earthlink.net for details and book selection.
Many of this year’s programs have been recorded. If you missed an event and want to view it, please visit the MCA website to learn how to catch up on some of the excellent programs you may have missed.
The MCA e-blast will continue during the summer months and a number of the popular programs will be continuing as well. Members can access programming from just about anywhere in the world with a computer, iPad or phone.
MCA is looking for new members. It is not too early to become a member or to renew your membership for next year. Please visit our website, www.MCAnaples.org. Current dues are $90 and include membership in the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.
If you have an idea for a program or event, or if you would like to facilitate a new group or activity, please contact Les Nizin, MCA President, at MCAnaplespresident2021@gmail.com.
MCA is a proud supporter of the planned Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center and is looking forward to the groundbreaking and construction of this wonderful facility.
We hope that most (if not all) of our members have received their COVID- 19 vaccinations and we look forward to the day that MCA can resume its in-person programming.
Stay safe.