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What’s next?
The Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center is becoming a reality before our eyes. It has taken a village of over 600 donors to get us here. But where did the idea of building a building come from? It came from a strategic plan the Board of Directors did in 2017. Every five years or so, the Board takes time to envision how the Federation should change in order to meet the new demands of the community (both Jewish and Greater Naples), the times, and any other circumstances we can determine.
This year, with the imminent opening of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on the Steve Saks Campus, it was time to look ahead again to see how the Federation must change and grow in the next five years.
Federation again hired Sallie Williams to facilitate the process. She led us in our last plan and has come to understand and appreciate our needs. We started the process by walking through the building in April when it was not yet under roof. That set the stage for hours of discussion and ideas that shaped the new strategic plan, which was passed by the Board of Directors at a special meeting in August.
Obviously, Federation’s continuing growth financially is the underpinning of everything going forward. As our community continues to grow, the annual campaign and endowments must also continue to grow. In order to do that, we will need both lay and professional leaders who will champion and lead our Federation.

The Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center needs to be utilized and programming needs to grow. A Program Committee and a House and Grounds committee will be added to the list of standing committees in order to accomplish proper utilization and programming. If you have a desire to serve on either of these committees, please contact either Jeffrey at JFeld@jewish naples.org or Jane at janeschiff42@gmail.com. These two new committees are forming now, and the best way to get involved with Federation is to be on a committee.
Increasing our visibility in the general community is only beginning with the opening of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on the Steve Saks Campus. Fighting antisemitism and being involved in many community organizations is also important. Our Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) does a wonderful job with the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue (CJD), marching in the MLK Day parade, the Shop with the Sheriff program, and the Stand up for Justice and Human Needs awards, which all reach out to our brethren in Greater Naples. We need to continue these activities and find even more ways to be helpful and visible in Naples. If you want to help with any of these activities or know of other activities that we should be involved in, please contact either Jeffrey at JFeld@jewishnaples. org or Jane at janeschiff42@gmail.com.
What’s next is whatever we make it. As with all opportunities, we need to become involved, give of ourselves and step up to make a difference. You hold the key to the next 5 to 10 years of your Federation. The Board has made a strategic plan, but it is up to the Jewish community to create the excitement, the drive and impetus to make it happen. Step into the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on the Steve Saks Campus and volunteer to help us make this the most exciting, welcoming and fabulous Jewish community in Florida and the entire United States.