3 minute read
November events and happenings
Reneé Bialek, Program Director
What a whirlwind with Hurricane Ian. I hope you are doing well by the time you read this.
Jewish Book Festival begins Nov. 1 with Gioia Giliberto, author of “Coco at the Ritz.” On Thursday, Nov. 17 at 2 p.m., we will see Richard Rabinowitz, author of “Objects of Love and Regret.” Then, Wednesday, Nov. 30 at noon, Daniel Grunfeld, author of “By the Grace of the Game,” will address the audience.
If you became a Patron prior to Oct. 25, your name will be listed in the next Federation Star. If you don’t see your name in this issue, now is the time to become a Patron and buy tickets. The deadline for the January issue is Nov. 25! Please visit www.jewishbookfestival.org for more information or to buy individual tickets.
Join us for these additional programs
• Kristallnacht Commemorative Program on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 2:30 p.m., live at Temple Shalom
• Movies That Matter on Wednesday, Nov. 9
• Lyn Julius will Zoom in from Israel on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 3 p.m. Please make sure to read the article by Monica Goodwin in this issue.
• Community-wide Chanukah Celebration on Wednesday, Dec. 21 at 5 p.m.
• Tuesday, Jan. 31, the Annual Klezmer Revival Band will play at the South Regional Library. Please become a patron and get VIP seating for $50 per person. Or attend for free, but you need to register via Collier County Library.
• Sunday, March 26, come join us at Celebrate Israel @75. Better yet, become a friend and join Friends of Celebrate Israel @75 for $75. You will be supporting this free community event and your name will be listed in the Federation Star.
Please register for all events at www. jewishnaples.org.
Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website homepage. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday e-blast, please email me at rbialek@jewishnaples.org. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link, which gets emailed two hours prior to the start of each event.
Social Single Group
Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, MCA and WCA have started a new group called Social Single Group. This group is for Jewish singles to meet each other at a variety of events. Membership is required. Become a member of MCA or WCA and Federation today!
A group for you
We have a variety of groups and committees at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, such as PJ Library, Jewish Families with Young Children, Cardozo Legal Society, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Israel Advocacy Committee and Jewish Community Relations Council. Please join the group and/or committee that best fits your needs. A taste of each one can be found throughout our website at www.jewishnaples.org.