2 minute read
Israel Advocacy Committee hosts author and speaker Lyn Julius
By Monica Goodwin, Israel Advocacy Committee Member
Ihighly encourage people to tune into a Zoom event hosted by the Israel Advocacy Committee on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 3 p.m. (ET). Please register for this free program at www.jewishnaples.org to receive the Zoom link, which will go out two hours prior to the start of the event.
We have all heard about the Jews of Europe, but what do we know about the Jews from Arab lands?
Now is your chance to listen to a world authority on the subject. Lyn Julius will tell us how they were ‘Uprooted’ and how very important Israel was to their very existence.

Julius is the British-born daughter of Iraqi Jewish Refugees. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, Jewish News, Ha’Aretz, Standpoint and The Huffi ngton Post. Besides being a journalist, she is cofounder of Harif, an association of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa. She also authored “Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish Civilization in The Arab World Vanished Overnight.”
Jews lived continuously in the Middle East for almost 3,000 years yet, in 50 years, their communities outside Palestine almost totally disappeared as more than 99% of the Jewish population fled.
Some 650,000 went to Israel. Now, 50% of Israeli Jews or their descendants are refugees from Arab and Muslim countries. Her book looks at how their cause can contribute to peace and reconciliation between Israel and the Muslim World — and God knows we all need peace.
Julius has a blog, “Point of No Return” at www.jewishrefugees.org.uk, which has over 6,000 posts and is updated daily. She is a frequent commentator on all things pertaining to this period and on many documentaries on Netflix and more. She recently wrote an article about the law that was passed in Baghdad that makes normalization with Israel punishable by death.
“Uprooted” can be purchased online or at Barnes & Noble.
Register for this free program at www. jewishnaples.org to receive the Zoom link, which will go out two hours prior to the start of the event. .
We look forward to welcoming you all to the Zoom presentation on Nov. 16 at 3 p.m.