2 minute read
Israel Advocacy Committee programs
By Jeff Margolis, IAC member
The Israel Advocacy Committee of Greater Naples (IAC) cordially invites the community to a program by author Lyn Julius, who will discuss her book “Uprooted: How 3000 years of Jewish civilization in the Arab World vanished overnight.”
Julius is the British-born daughter of Iraqi-Jewish refugees. She graduated in International Relations from the University of Sussex. A journalist and blogger, her work has appeared in The Guardian, Jewish News, Ha’aretz, Standpoint and Huffington Post, among other media. Julius is also the co-founder of Harif, an association of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa in the United Kingdom.

“Israel Update”
The IAC is pleased to announce that, periodically, there will be a link in the weekly Federation e-blast to current articles and issues regarding the nation of Israel. Committee member Andy Karpman will be curating articles for this “Israel Update” link. Be sure to check out what is happening in the fields of technology, medicine and the arts.
Save the dates
Please mark your calendars for these two events that will take place this coming spring.
Thursday March 16, 2023 – The Israel Tennis Center Program returns to Naples after a two-year absence due to COVID- 19. The co-chairs of the event are Myra and Bill Benedickt. The times and location are to be determined.
The ITC is the largest social service agency for children in Israel, serving more than a half million children and their families since its first center opened in Ramat Hasharon in 1976. With 16 centers across Israel, primarily in underprivileged communities, the nonprofit Centers use tennis to promote the social, physical and psychological well-being of students (through other programs such as the Life Skills program). Another of its goals is the development of coaches, and building and maintaining courts and facilities at the highest levels.
Sunday, March 26 at 11:30 a.m. – Celebrate Israel @ 75. Please register so we know how many people to plan for.