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Celebrate Israel @ 75
By Harvey Cohen, Israel Advocacy Committee Chair with contribution by Goldie Wetcher, National Board Member AMHSI and IAC member
The big Israel festival, Celebrate Israel @ 75, will take place on Sunday, March 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Every month prior to the event, we will showcase a few exhibitors so you know who will be visiting us on this special day.
Israel Ride
The premier bike riding adventure in Israel, Israel Ride was launched in 2003. Primarily benefiting the organizer, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Israel Ride is held annually in late fall, attracting up to 200 riders. Three riding levels are available (recreational to hardcore), combined with touring and studying the ecological challenges facing people across the Middle East. Riders from USA, Canada, Australia and Israel, join in for a unique way to see and touch Israel. The five-day riding route is usually from the outskirts of Jerusalem through Mitzpa Ramon in the Negev and on to the resort city of Eilat. For more information, go to www.IsraelRide.org.
Israel’s Alexander Muss High School
Why would a young high school student leave friends and family to study at Alexander Muss High School in Israel? Three of my grandchildren have studied there and, frankly, they were reluctant, initially, to go. Alexander Muss is the ultimate High School study program abroad with an outstanding faculty devoted to the students. The programs have expanded to offer a variety of options to study and learn about the history and people of Israel. The students are “in the place where it happened,” literally going to the places where 4,000 years of history occurred. The Land of Israel is their classroom.
Alexander Muss was founded 50 years ago and now boasts over 33,000 alumni. The former students generally refer to having developed a love and understanding of Israel, a sense of independence and lifelong friendships. For further information https://www.amhsi.org/.
The list of Israeli and local organizations confirmed to exhibit keeps growing. We will feature dynamic Israeli dancing and much, much more. There will be balloon creations, a bounce house and, of course, Israeli food for all.
The event is free to attend but preregistration is requested via the Monday weekly e-blast and at www. jewishnaples.org.
We need your support!
Friends of Celebrate Israel @ 75
Our pride in Israel grows as we edge closer to her 75th anniversary. Celebrate Israel @ 75 is seeking donations of $75 towards the community celebration on March 26, 2023. Because we are blessed with a matching gift by an anonymous donor, your support of this event doubles in value immediately. Be among those who are helping put on a very fitting and memorable event.
To become a Friend of Celebrate Israel @ 75, visit www.jewishnaples.org. The Friends of Celebrate Israel @ 75 list will be published in the Federation Star.