2 minute read
Helping seniors after Hurricane Ian
Dr. Jaclynn Faffer, President/ CEO
Ioften wait until the last minute to write my articles for our Senior Center newsletter and the Federation Star. I think about what I will write for days before and then, at the very last minute (or later), sit down at my computer. This process always serves me well. However, not this time.
For the November issue of Federation Star, I had planned to tell you about events that are taking place in December and January for Naples Senior Center. One will benefit our veterans’ programs and the other is our annual signature fundraising event, An Evening for Better Tomorrows, on Jan. 14, 2023. Ian had other plans.
Instead, I will share with you some of the emergency services Naples Senior Center staff is providing to seniors who have been left stranded, in shelters, during and after the storm.
We are currently working with eight seniors who have completely lost their homes. We have been able to relocate some with friends and relatives, and others have temporarily been housed in motels around the county, at our cost, until more permanent housing can be found.
One, a 97-year-old woman who lives alone in one of our waterfront communities, has the funds for housing, but no understanding of how to go about the process. She was helped to move to one of our independent/assisted living communities. Without any family, fi ercely independent and sharp, she insisted on the independent living apartments rather than assisted living. In her words, “I’m not that big on assistance.”
Over the next few days, I know we will be working on getting shelter and food to many seniors as well as totally vetted businesses to help them with clean-up and next steps. Just as our work with Irma survivors lasted a year and a half post Irma, we know our work with Ian survivors will last at least that long. Unfortunately, having done this five years ago, we now have the expertise.
Please let me know if you want to help by volunteering or making food pantry or financial donations. We are in this together, and I am thanking you in advance. Stay safe and stay healthy.