4 minute read
Expectations for the Jewish Book Festival
By Gayle Dorio, Jewish Book Festival Chair
Presents, who doesn’t like presents?
And so, it begins! Last month, many people told me the pull-out section detailing the Book Festival in the October issue of Federation Star was colorful, informative and exciting. This month, in addition to news about the JBF, a bookmark is included in your issue. A present! They just keep coming! In fact, each event should feel like a gift, one we know you will enjoy. We designed the bookmark a few months ago and ordered enough that everyone received one in this November issue, and we have more to give away.
Yes, we know it’s “only” a bookmark, and you probably already have some … but giving a present is more than the item itself. It shows one cares about the recipient; planning and thought went into what to give. One hopes the gift is well received, maybe gets a smile. I hope you know that each and every one of you is important to us and we consider you a gift!
The English language is tricky, as you know. The word, “present,” for example. As a noun, it can mean a gift or a time period – we enjoy the present, try not to worry about the future and don’t stay stuck in the past. As a verb, one can present a speaker, present a play or just present oneself. Throughout the JBF, we will be treated to authors who master the English language and create/present books for us to enjoy, thought provoking and eye opening in many cases.

Gloriana the Great with her crystal ball
We have a very supportive and philanthropic community, helping the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center become a reality as well as supporting the temples and community projects. All that you do makes the Greater Naples area truly special. We really appreciate all the sponsors and patrons! Thank you! Our goal is to continue to present JBF for years to come, increasing the number of patrons who support us each year. It would be wonderful if everyone would choose to become a patron!
Three events take place this month. Nov. 1, our first JBF event features Gioia Diliberto who will tell us about her book, “Coco at the Ritz.” Richard Rabinowitz discusses “Objects of Love and Regret” on Nov. 17 and Dan Grunfeld will present “By the Grace of the Game” on Nov. 30.
There will be two events in December, three in January, three in February and three in March. In total, we will have 14 events, nine on Zoom and five in person with livestreaming capability. COVID-19 is not completely gone. It seems likely that we will treat it similar to the flu, with an inoculation needed yearly. How fortunate we are to have vaccines. And, how fortunate we are to have technology that keeps us together. We look forward to having some events at the new Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center as soon as it is completed. Please join us for all the events!
Perhaps some of you remember Gloriana the Great, the greatest fortune teller in all the land? Gloriana has made an appearance at several JBF events. She graciously agreed to help when I explained my idea regarding how to open the JBF season. I asked if she had seen the television show, “Saturday Night Live,” where a famous celebrity comes on at the beginning, does their schtick for a while and then, with great fanfare, says, “It’s Saturday Night!”
I told her I tried to fi nd a famous celebrity to start the book festival in this way, first contacting Jada Pinkett Smith, who said she had to check with her husband and would get back to me. When I didn’t hear anything, I contacted Kim Kardashian, who turned me down, saying she didn’t have anything appropriate to wear. Then, I called Barbra Streisand. And yes, Streisand said, “Jews, of course I will come!” I was so excited. But then, the Supreme Court made some ruling that caused Streisand to get all upset and she said she was unavailable.
Even though we all know Gloriana is not the most famous celebrity, she was available. And so, Gloriana will be the one to say, “It’s the 8th Annual Jewish Book Festival!”
Please join us!