Federation Star
November 2023
Happy Thanksgiving! Reneé Bialek Program Director
e have a number of events you will want to attend this month:
Magic Show with Joshua Jay
I hope you bought tickets to the Magic Show with Joshua Jay on Wednesday, Nov. 1. It’s going to be a magical evening!
Kristallnacht Commemoration
Everyone is invited to join us at the Kristallnacht Commemoration Program on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2:30 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church on 5225 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples. Rabbi David Maayan of Saint Leo University Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies will be our guest speaker. Rabbi Maayan’s extensive teaching background has been dedicated to promoting understanding between Catholics and Jews.
Please register for this free program.
Jewish Book Festival
The Jewish Book Festival starts next month with Mitch Albom on Sunday, Dec. 3. Wear pink to the free Pink You can purchase individual Challah Bake on Thurstickets or a full patron packday, Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. age. Elizabeth Graver, author Join us for this meanof “Kantika,” will present on ingful program to raise Thursday, Dec. 14 at 1 p.m. awareness of breast health All Jewish Book Festival and cancer genes while events are presented live, Mitch Albom kneading and braiding in person, at the Nina Iser pink challah dough. Dr. Sharla PatterJewish Cultural Center. son, breast surgical oncologist, Magnolia Breast Center, will address both the 92nd St. Program increased hereditary risks for cancer in has begun! the Jewish community and modifying risk Join us at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural factors. She will also provide strategies for Center when we come together to watch empowering individuals to take charge of the programs on the screen. This month, their own health. Please register for this there are four programs that include “Big free program. Heart Little Stove,” Erin French in conversation with Ina Garten; Technology help Neil deGrasse Tyson in conDo you need technology help with your versation with Gayle King; iPhone, iPad, Facetime, Facebook or other and David Rubenstein and device? If so, the students from St. John Ken Burns in conversation Neumann Catholic High School will be with Jelani Cobb. Purchase here to help you on Tuesday, Nov. 28 tickets at www.jewishnabetween 3 and 5 p.m. Please register for ples.org. this free program.
Pink Challah Bake
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package. There are a variety of topics for everyone: arthritic exercise classes, super samba, Scrabble, singles social group, and more. Please read our weekly e-blast for specific information. The January through March series also is being advertised in this issue.
Dates for important community-wide events
• Monday, Dec. 11: Community-wide Chanukah Celebration at Mercato, 5 p.m. • Tuesday, Jan. 30: Naples Klezmer Revival Band Concert at S. Regional Library. $18 for reserved seating. Please register for ALL events at www.jewishnaples.org. Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website homepage. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday e-blast, please email me at rbialek@jewishnaples.org. We have a variety of groups and committees at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, such as PJ Library, Singles Social Group, Cardozo Legal Society, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Israel and Overseas Committee and Jewish Community Elliott Katz Relations Council. Please Lectures Series join the group and/or comThis lecture series is hapmittee that best fits your pening now through Elliott Katz needs. A taste of each one December at the Nina Iser can be found throughout our website at Jewish Cultural Center! You can still www.jewishnaples.org. purchase individual tickets or a patron
Chellie Doepke
Premiere Plus Realty Co.
seachell2@hotmail.com • www.sells-naples.com www.facebook.com/chelliedoepkerealtor
This publication is brought to you each month thanks to the support of our advertisers. Please be sure to use their products and services, and mention that you saw their ad in Federation Star.
Making Real Estate Dreams REALITY
Anago Cleaning Systems.................21 James Knafo Architect & Builder........14 Arline R. Kaplan PhD.......................21 Jewish National Fund USA................7 Avow.......................................20 Katz New York Deli.........................22
Beth Tikvah...................................38 Kotler Law Firm, P.L..........................10 BMO Wealth Managment............8 Mattis Inc...................................14 Carlisle Naples, The..........................13 MCA......................................18 & 32 Casual Connection.........................38 Moorings Park...............................9 Chabad of Naples.................19 & 31 Naples Envelope & Printing Co.....37 Chellie Doepke, Premiere Plus Realty..2 Naples Jewish Film Festival..............3 Cremona String Trio...................26 Senior Housing Solutions.................6
LET THE NEUMANN TECH SQUAD SET YOU UP Free session at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center November 28, 2023 4-5pm
Deborah Zvibleman, John R. Wood..27 Siena Lakes..................................33 Fuller Funeral Home......................37 Sweet Art Gallery.......................28 Ginsberg Eye....................................22 TheatreZone..................................29 Henderson|Franklin.........................3 Truly Nolen......................................15 Hodges Funeral Home...................40 WCA......................................13
Holocaust Museum......................17 Wynn’s Market..............................30