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Lori Gottlieb to kick off the 2020-21 Jewish Book Festival

By Carole J Greene

“All things come to those who wait,” goes the 19th-century adage. Your patience is about to be rewarded. Psychotherapist, advice columnist and author Lori Gottlieb was scheduled as our People of the Book presenter last February. At the last minute, she had to cancel. We hosted someone else, of course, but we always had the hope we could manage to get Lori here sometime, somehow.

We’ve done it! Lori Gottlieb will be our inaugural author for the 2020-21 Jewish Book Festival, kicking it off December 3 at 7:30 p.m. Her virtual presentation will allow all of us a front-row seat.

Lori’s private practice in Los Angeles provides her with opportunities to counsel patients in crisis. When a crisis in her own life crashes around her, she looks for the same kind of answers her patients seek. In her book, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, we get a peek behind the curtains to discover the world of both clinician and patient. What results is the chance to examine the truths and fictions we tell ourselves and each other. Her funny and thought-provoking book becomes a boldly revealing portrait of what it means to be human, an illuminating account of our own mysterious lives, and our power to transform them.

In addition to penning best-selling nonfiction books, Lori writes a national advice column published weekly in The Atlantic. She also writes for The New York Times and appears frequently as a relationship expert on The Today Show; CBS This Morning; Good Morning, America, and on CNN and NPR.

To purchase tickets for the opening JBF event, featuring Lori Gottlieb, just visit www.jewishbookfestival.org. The cost for this event is $18 a ticket, per household. Platinum and Silver Patrons will receive a complimentary copy of Lori’s book as one of the benefits.

Look elsewhere in this issue of the Federation Star for a listing of authors and book titles for the entire festival, along with information on purchasing tickets and on becoming a Platinum, Silver or Bronze Patron.

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