1 minute read
Israel Advocacy Committee Explores Fall Programming
By Jeff Margolis
The Israel Advocacy Committee of Greater Naples (IAC) is working to engage Ambassador Dennis Ross and David Makovsky for a Zoom program with the community this fall to discuss current issues in Israel. Both men are part of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The Institute, founded in 1985, is an academic think tank whose mission is to strive to advance a “balanced and realistic understanding of American interests in the Middle East and to promote the policies that secure them.”
The committee is also working on arranging other “Live from Israel” programs.
Those who tuned in for the recent Graffiti art tour truly enjoyed the experience.
Other programs currently under discussion are author presentations of recently published books about Israel and the Middle East.
Most IAC programs are free to the community. Contributions are encouraged to help defray costs of future programs. Click on the IAC donation button found on the homepage of our website: www.jewishnaples.org.
Suggestions for future IAC programs are welcome. Check the Federation e-blast for information about upcoming programs. Please email Harvey Cohen, chair of the Israel Advocacy Committee, with your ideas at hwcohen@gmail.com.
Members of the Israel Advocacy Committee are: Chair Harvey Cohen, Program Director Renee Bialek, Diane Hahn, Fran Goldman, Goldie Wetcher, Ilya Prizel, Jeff Margolis, Jerry Kumin, Mark Schloss, Monica Goodwin, Myra Benedikt, Ron Agronin and Michael Rubinstein.