Federation Star - October 2021 - Jewish Book Festival

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October 2021

Federation Star

17 Authors • 15 Events November 9, 2021 through March 17, 2022

People of the Book Wednesday, Feb. 2 2022

Schedule of Events

Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: o Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 2 p.m. – Heather Cabot o Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. – Amy Schwartz o Monday, Nov. 22 at 2 p.m. – Mark Sullivan o Thursday, Dec. 2 at 2 p.m. – Judy Batalion o Friday, Dec. 10 at 10 a.m. – Lauren Fox

o Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. – Charles Lichtman and Alexander Weinstein o Wednesday, Feb. 2. at 7 p.m. – PEOPLE OF THE BOOK Joshua Greene o Thursday, Feb. 10 at 2 p.m. – Leah Garrett o Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. –

o Friday, Dec. 17 at 2 p.m. – Annabelle Gurwitch

Jonathan Santlofer and Tracy Walder

o Thursday, Jan. 6 at 2 p.m. – Joshua Jay

o Friday, Feb. 25 at 12 p.m. – Jan Cherubin

o Wednesday, Jan. 12 at 7 p.m. – Silvia Foti

o Thursday, Mar. 17 at 2 p.m. – Eddie Shapiro

o Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 12 p.m. – Bob Abelman



Federation Star

October 2021

Did you notice our new logo? “Better Together,” what exactly do we mean? by Gayle Dorio, JBF Chair


here are several meanings actually. When we started planning this, the 7th Jewish Book Festival for Greater Naples, we expected the COVID19 pandemic would be winding down. We hoped that with vaccinations and people following safety guidelines, we would be able to meet a few times in person. We planned nine virtual events and six inperson events with the first in-person event scheduled for the beginning of December. Of course, with live streaming, it is entirely

possible to enjoy the book festival via Zoom. No worries though, we will remain flexible, making changes, if needed. Above all, everyone’s health and well-being are our primary concerns. So, “better together” means we love seeing one another and being together in person. It also means that it is wonderful to have both options — virtual and in person. Why not?! “Better together” also means that when we come together to support our

community, we all benefit. Each year, the book festival has enjoyed growth and support from our patrons, sponsors and you — our community members who attend. Your generosity and commitment to the book festival show what a wonderful community we have. You value the cultural arts, and you enjoy the opportunity to further your education, be entertained and inspired! “Better together” means it takes hardworking, dedicated individuals to plan,

organize and execute a book festival. The Jewish Book Festival Committee members; Reneé Bialek, the amazing program director for Jewish Federation of Greater Naples; and Larry Israelite, guru in all things, have been essential in putting this together. I can’t thank everyone enough! We did this together and we hope you enjoy every author, every book and every event! Thank you!

Answers to your burning questions! Q: How do I register for a book festival event? A: Visit www.Jewish BookFestival.org • You will receive a confirmation email after you register. The Zoom link will be emailed one to two hours prior to each event and is good for your entire household. • Event reservations are not transferable. Please do not forward the Zoom link. • Payments are not tax-deductible. • If a start time or author needs to be changed, you will be notified via email. • If an author cancels, an attempt will be made to reschedule the author; your original reservation will be good for the rescheduled event. • No refunds unless the entire event is canceled. • Books may be purchased at Barnes & Noble at Waterside Shops and online at barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com. If you have any questions, please email Reneé, Program Director, at rbialek@ jewishnaples.org.

Q: Why should one become a Patron of the Jewish Book Festival? A: Many reasons! People tell us their most important reason is knowing that their support is integral to the success of the Jewish Book

Festival. The generosity of our Patrons helps underwrite expenses of our Jewish Book Festival. In addition, money raised helps our Jewish Federation of Greater Naples fulfill its mission of building a vibrant Jewish community in Greater Naples and supporting the social service needs of the Jewish people in our community, in North America, in Israel and around the world. There are three Patron levels: Platinum at $500, Silver at $225 and Bronze at $118. If purchased separately, the cost for the entire festival is $230; you save money at both the Silver and Bronze levels. • Patrons will be acknowledged in the Federation Star as well as on the Jewish Book Festival webpage. • Patrons are preregistered for each event; you simply sign up once. Platinum Patrons receive additional benefits: • One copy of the author book of their choice • Invitations to one virtual and one inperson Patron gathering with book festival authors following their presentations • Preferred seating at in-person events Silver Patrons receive additional benefits: • Invitation to one virtual Patron gathering with book festival author following their presentation • Preferred seating at in-person events

More questions Q: I am not sure if I want to attend in-person events, how should I register? A: It’s best to choose in-person events now, before they fill up. You can always let Reneé know in advance your desire to switch to Zoom. As long as there are seats at the venue, you can switch from Zoom to in-person. Q: What is Zoom and how do I get it? A: Zoom is free to all. Please download the app. Reneé is happy to give you a personal tutorial if you have never used Zoom. Q: I want to buy a book and I want it signed by the author, but I don’t want to attend the in-person event. What do you suggest I do? A: After you purchase the book via the JBF registration link, please email Reneé to let her know that she needs to get the book signed and save it for you until you can personally pick it up from the JFGN office. Q: I know of a professional who has an office in Naples and in Ohio. How can they sponsor an event? A: Please have the potential sponsor contact Reneé. It’s never too late to be a sponsor! Q: I received the Zoom link, but the link says it is not available. What does this mean?

A: The Zoom link will be emailed two hours prior to the start of each event. If you click on it earlier than the start time, Zoom will say “Waiting for host to start the meeting.” If you get any other error message, please email Reneé ASAP! Q: Who should I call if I can’t attend or have any issues with Zoom? A: Please do not call Reneé or the JFGN office. Please email Reneé to let her know you are having issues. If you include your phone number, she will call you if she can’t resolve the problem via email. Q: I am a Patron, and I would like my spouse/friend to sit with me. Can you save me an extra seat? How much is an additional ticket? A: Reserved seating is for Platinum and Silver Patrons. You are more than welcome to sit with your friend/spouse in general seating. Please notify Reneé so that she can release your reserved seat. Additional tickets can be purchased via the JBF website. Q: I am a Platinum and my BFF is a Bronze. Can we sit together? A: Yes, you can sit together! You can both sit in the general section. Please notify Reneé that your reserved seating is being released. If you have additional questions, contact Reneé at rbialek@jewishnaples.org.

Thank You!

Jewish Book Festival Committee We greatly appreciate your support!

Author Review Team: Jan Goldman & Carol Hirsch | Book Review Specialist: Carole Greene Tracy Askotzky, Emily Berkowitz, Patti Boochever, Steve Brazina, Louise Forman, Spencer Forman, Judith Finer Freedman, Sherry Greenfield, Lenore Greenstein, Ronna Hain, Bobbie Katz, Ida Margolis, Jeff Margolis, Robin Mintz, Susan Pittelman, Irene Pomerantz, Estelle Rauch, Gale Schulman, Dina Shein, Iris Shur, Linda Simon, Marc Simon, Elaine Soffer, Phyllis Strome, Steve Yussen

Book Festival Chair: Gayle Dorio | Program Director: Reneé Bialek

October 2021


Federation Star

Wondering about the origins of the Jewish Book Festival?

al Patron benefits! W

Jewish Book Festival Sponsors

By Iris Shur, JBF Committee Member

able to get funding from the Jewish Comonder no more! Almost 100 munity Centers Association. So, it is no years ago, in 1925, a librarian named Fanny Goldstein coincidence that our Jewish Book Festival is under the auspices of Jewish Federation initiated a Jewish Book Week at the West End Branch of the Boston Public Library. of Greater Naples. The Jewish Book Council went on She displayed a selection of Jewish books to promote Jewish books in a variety of at the library and the concept became a hit. In fact, in just two years, many Jewish ways. In 1950, it started the National Jewish Book Awards, a very prestigious communities in the United States copied her efforts. awards program for Jewish authors. The JBC began a Jewish literary journal Initially, Jewish Book Week occurred during Shavuot. Later, in 1940, it was called “Paper Brigade” and it has a speakers bureau of authors who present their moved to just before Hanukkah so people sinesses and organizations stories. In addition, JBC holds writing would buy books as holiday gifts. Also, in seminars for adult and children’s’ authors. 1940, the National Committee for Jewish eater Naples Jewish Book Festival: Benefits There are many other programs the orgaBook Week formed and Fanny Goldstein, the librarian who started the whole thing, nization supports, all enhancing the field Silver $225 of Jewish Literature. was the first chairperson. The program most pertinent to us is ü The event was so popular that it went called “JBC Network.” This group coorüfrom one week of activities to one month. Benefits: the dinates all the Jewish authors and JewishüIn 1944, the name was changed toPatron interest books. More than 270 authors üJewish Book Council (JBC). They were

We are grateful to these businesses and organizations for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Fes

ls and Benefits Gold $360

the country send representatives to hear travel all over North America every year, thanks to the JBC Network. The Jewish a two-minute pitch by each author. This year, it was held virtually. The JBC sends Book Council handles all the intricacies of signing up the authors, having them make copies of all the selected books to each registered Jewish Book Festival group presentations to interested Jewish Book across the country. When the batch of Festival coordinators, keeping the schedbooks gets to Naples, our stalwart JBF ules of authors straight (which Jewish Book Committee members hitch up their Festival wants which author to present and when) and a myriad of other details. reading glasses and check them out. The preview representatives from the JBF The annual selection process of Committee and the “readers” compare authors starts with a detailed list of rules notes. Eventually the list of authors the for author participation: books must have a Jewish author and/or Jewish content; committee wants to invite to Naples gets culled down. This year, we have chosen authors must commit to presenting at Weto Naples are grat 17 fascinating authors coming least three events for no honorarium; and either in person books must be published in English and foror virtually. their support of Now that you know the history and distributed in the United States. When JBC selects the hundreds of authors for the torturous road taken, I’m sure you want to be there at the end of this journey the program, it offers to meet with them Platinum Gold Silver and attend all of the wonderful author and help with their presentations. $500 $360 $225 presentations the JBF Committee has A JBC author preview is held every spring and Jewish Book Festivals all over selected for you.

Silver $225

stival ü Sponsors ü Become a Book Festival Patron

r Form ü ü ü

ü ü ü


and receive numerous benefits!

Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits

ish Book Festival Sponsors

Sisterhood Jewish Book Festival Sponsors mron ewish Book Festival Sponsors kfits! Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsors merous benefits! Thank You to Our Sponsors*

Tickets all 12 events (a $320 value) ü ü Shalomü grateful to these businesses andtoorganizations Temple ü ours ally YPatron Strengthening our temple, our community and each other Book Festival Sp irtuFestival: Vbook Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s Become a Book Festival Jewish rt of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book ü ü ü s r u o Y y l l a tu Greater Naples ir V 1 ourand FastPass & separatetocheck-in lly Yüours We areügrateful to these businesses and o a ü tu Jewish Book receive numerous benefits! ir We are grateful these businesses and organizations V s Greater Naples Y y l s Yoursupport eFestival Virtual llytheir Jewish2020-21 BookVirtuafor of the 2019-20 Greater Naples J Greater Naples Recognition in Federation Star for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: ü 2020-21 üJewish ü ü eFestival Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits We are grateful to these businesses and organizations Greater Naples Book Greater Naples and organizations enefits We are grateful to these businesses Center Jewish Book Greater eFestival 2020-21 Jewish Book Reserved VIP seating upport of the 2019-20 Naples Jewish Book Festival: A Special to Sponsors erhood Platinum GoldYou Silver eFestival 2020-21 eFestival 2020-21 forThank their support ofü the Our 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festiv e Shalom Silver Patron Benefits: $500 $360 $225 community and each other Reserved seating area *As of October 13th atron Levels and Benefits ü $225 *As of October 13th Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) ü Book ü Festival ü al Patron Jewish Book Festival Festival Patron Jewish Sponsors Free book voucher(s) 2 Sponsors 1 omen’s Platinum Gold Silver urs 13th y Yoorganizations omen’s Lori Gottlieb’s book land _____ atCopy the of door) ü ($40Patron tu ü ü üand *As ofalof October ir stival Jewish Book Festival Sponsors V We are grateful to these businesses and organizations We are grateful to these businesses We are grateful to these businesses organizations merous benefits! benefits! Patron event with an author TBA *As October 13th ultural $500 $360 $225 üNaples Jewish ü Book *As of October 13th FastPass & separate check-in ultural Greater Naples for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Festival: ü2019-20 ü üGreater for theirfor support of the Greater Naples Jewish BookJewish Festival: üFestival their support offor 2019-20 Naples Book Festival: We are grateful tothe these businesses and organizations _____ ($55 atand thePatron door) omen’s ous benefits! tron Levels Benefits omen’s Jewish Book lliance ook Jewish Book Festival Sponsors Extra luncheon event ticket guest ls and Benefits Levels and Benefits ü ü Marco üIsland Recognition in lliance Federation Star forü their supportü of the 2019-20 Festival: ü Greater ü Naples Jewish Book eFestival 2020-21 erry Drive, ü ultural We are grateful to these businesses and organizations _____ ($45 at the door) Sisterhood numerous benefits! Platinum Gold Silver Levels and Benefits ultural GoldüGold Silver Reserved VIP seating ü Temple Shalom um Silver ü for their support ü of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: Naples $500 $360 $225 Strengthening our temple, our community and each other al Patron Levels and Benefits Sisterhood lliance ü lliance $360 $225 num Gold Silver _____ ($45 atReserved the door) 0 Naples $360 $225 Temple Shalom seating area y, ü ü ü ü Strengthening our temple, our community and each other ü$360 üGold$225 ü Silver Hilton ü Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail N., Naples 00 üPlatinum _____ ($25 atFree the door)voucher(s) book 2 1 $500 $360 ü ü$225 üBook ü ü Jewish Sisterhood sh Festival Sponsors *AsDrive, of October 13th üvalue) ü ü Congregation of Marco Island: Marco Island ü ü ü he door) rsShalom 991 Winterberry u o Temple Y y ü ü ll a tu ü ü ü ir Sisterhood V Patron event with anNaples author TBA Festival ü ($35 ü ü Strengthening our Sponsors temple, ü our community and each other ü _____ atthese the door) ü üJewish atron Book Conference Center: 1455 PineNaples Ridge Road, Naples Temple Shalom grateful to businesses and organizations omen’s ü ü ü Greater he door) ü ü ü ü ü ü Strengthening our temple, our community and each other Extra ticket for Jewish Book Woods Way, Naples ü luncheon üevent Naples Jewish 6340 Napa ü Festival: We areNaples grateful toguest theseCongregation: businesses and organizations Sisterhood nefits! t ofütheü2019-20 Greater Jewish Book ü ü eFestival 2020-21 ü ü ü ü ü ultural he door) ü ü Temple Shalom Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples for their supportTemple of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: ü ü ü Strengthening our temple, our the community and each ü ü Sisterhood d Benefits Check events youother will be attending for easy reference: ü üü ü No tickets sold Temple Shalom lliance he door)2ü ü _____ Venues okfestival.org for more after November125 Sisterhood Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland Sisterhood ü 2Silver TempleSisterhood Shalom 1 Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail N., Naples *As of October 13th ü ü he door) and a printable order 0ates $225 Strengthening our temple, our community and each other Sisterhood Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Isra Temple Shalom Jewish Congregation of Marco Island: 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island Check the ü events you will be attending for easy reference: ü ü Temple Shalom 2 1 ü ü omen’s ü 1 ü hisdoor) insert?5 @Naples Send an Elyssa email Strengthening our temple, our community and each other Visit the official Festival www.jewishbookfestival.org for more he Daymaker Hair Salon Salon Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Road,website Naples at Daymaker Hair Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse 7:00pm - HN Friedland 1 A Tue, November ü ü ultural ü ü ü 1 Naples Jewish Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples information on the authors and their books, event updates and a printable order üNovember t 239.263.4205. Mon, 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibe ü ü Temple Shalom:lliance üguest 4630 PineHave Ridge questions Road, Naples ü form. that have not been answered in this insert? Send an email Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse _____ ($25 üat the door) ets soldIsland Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN AdamDaymaker Chandler & Stephen Ha nues Marco to &fedstar18@gmail.com or by: callby: the Federation office at 239.263.4205. Book Festival is presented ü Greater üVenues Mon, December 9 @Naples 7:00pm Naples - HNJewish Barry,Jewish Mansbach Zweibel Greater Book Festival is presented ember 25 Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Daymaker H Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Wed, January 8Jeremy @ 1:00pm - TS CFP®of Melanie Benjamin & Pam Naples L Darstek, Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsor _____ “ Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman rail N., Naples Festival Website & Email Ameriprise Financial* Check the events you will be Sisterhood d: 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island rm Daymaker tending forWinterberry easy reference: Island: 991 Drive, Marco Island .,s Naples Jenoff Tue, November 5reference: @ 7:00pm - HN Hair ElyssaSalon Friedland Check t Mon, Januaryto 13 @ 1:00pm - NJCthe events Marra B.willGad & Angela Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Check you be attending forHim ea Check the events you will be attending for easy We are grateful these businesses and organizatio Visit the official Festival website at www.jewishbookfestival.org for more and receive numerous benefits! Ridge Road,Road, Naples 55 Pine Ridge Naples Tue, November 5 @ 7:00p _____ “ Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is presented by: TAYLOR 991 Winterberry Marco if can’t make itMarra to Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN Boo Elyss you Mon, January 13 Way, @Naples 1:00pm - NJCDrive, B.all Gad &ELLI Angela Himsel Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCCand Andrew Gross & Steve Tue,of January 28 @ 7:00pm - HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth We the Tue, November 5Island @and 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland apa Woods Way, for their support the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Sisterhood information on authors their books, event updates a printable orderIsrael sd: 340 Napa Woods Naples Mon, November 11 @ 1:00 erry Drive, Marco Island Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Temple Shalom Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is presented by: Consider purchasing a Patron Festival Package. Even if you can’t make it to all d, Naples ge Road, Naples Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andr Tue, January 28 @ form. 7:00pm - Have HN Ken & each Elizabeth Weitzman e Ridge Road, questions that have not-December been answered in Israel this an email Sutak Mon, @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew & Steve Winterberry Drive, Marco Island Strengthening ourmembers. temple, our community andNovember other 11 _____ “Naples Mon, 2Gross @ 11:30am - HNinsert? Alana Send Newhouse ues and family Mon, December 2 @ 11:30 Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm - TS Lori Gottlieb he door) Naples

Thank You to Our Sponsors* Thank totoSponsors Our Sponsors* stival Patron Jewish BookYou Festival Thank You Our Sponsors* ou toW Our Sponsors* W

C WW AA CC AA Thank VenuesYou to Our Sponsors

ous benefits! C



W C A You to Our Sponsors* Thank Strengthening our temple, our community and each other

Festival Website & Email Temple Shalom

Strengthening our temple, our community and each other

Strengthening our temple, our community and each other

Schedule of Events:

nues of Events:


Tickets ARE Transferable Temple Shalom


Strengthening our temple, our community and each other


*Securi�es and financial planning products and services are provided by Ameriprise Financial and its affiliates, and the JFGN/JBF is not a broker-dealer.

to fedstar18@gmail.com or2 @call the Federation office 239.263.4205. Mon, December 2 @Mon, 11:30am - HN9 @Alan 12 events, you can your at tickets to friends, Gottlieb Mon, December 11:30am - HN Alanagift Newhouse Road, Naples5 @Way, Wed,Woods February 7:30pm -Naples TS Lori nted by: Platinum Gold Silver colleagues and family members. Napa December 7:00p y, Naples Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm - TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Op Winterberry Drive, Marco Island _____ “ ods Way, Naples Website & Email Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Barry Patron Benefits: Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel $500 $360 $225 Thu, December 19 @ 7:00 Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm - TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer ad, Naples Check theevents events you willwill be attending for easy reference: Check theChandler you be attending for easy reference: Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Road, Naples Check the events you will be attending for easy refH Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam & Stephen Silverman Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: ite at www.jewishbookfestival.org more es Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Thu, December 19 @ Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm for Thu, December 19$320 @Hersch 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland 7:00pm - HN Adam Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm -Tickets JCMI Fairweather & (a Jack toJack all 12 events value) Daymake rg for more www.jewishbookfestival.org for more ü ü ü November @ 7:00pm -Book HN Friedland heir books, event updates andbe a printable orderfor Tue,115November 5 @ 7:00pm - HNElyssa Elyssa Friedland Become aJosh Book Festival Patron Jewish Festival Sponsors Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland Tue, ds Way, Naples heck the events you will attending November Friedland - 1:00pm Mon, January Mon, November @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew GrossTue, & Steve Israel 5 @ 7:00pm - HN ing easy reference: Wed, Januaryeasy 8 @ 1:00pm - TS January Melanie @ - TS 13 @ 1:00p Mela reference: Wed, 8 @Benjamin 1:00pm&-Pam TS Jenoff Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff Wed, March 11Elyssa @ 7:30pm TSWed, January Josh8Frank oks, event updates and order for Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm -insert? TSa printable Frank intable order not been answered in this Send an email Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse ü ü ü Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Consider purchasing a Patron Festival Package. Even if you can’t make it to all Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm We are grateful to these businesses and organizations s Daymaker Hair Salon ays to order your tickets: and receive numerous Elyssa Friedland January @ 1:00pm - NJCbenefits! Marra B.more Gad & Angela ntheanswered in this Send anMon, email Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - NJC Marr Federation office atinsert? 239.263.4205. For 13the events with thanHimsel one author, due to travel arrangements, the order

l Schedule bsite & Email of Events:


Tickets ARE Transferable Multi-Author Events

Schedule of Event


Marco Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - NJCand Marra B. Gad & 2Angela Himsel end an Island email te & Email bsite & Email le,Email arrangements, theyou 12 events, can giftcheck-in your tickets to friends, colleagues family members. FastPass &order separate Schedule of Events: Mon, December @ 11:30am - HN2019-20 Alana Newhouse for their support of the Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: ü ü ü eration office at 239.263.4205. Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: okfestival.org for more

Thank Thank you for your support of the Schedule of Events: 2019-20 Gre Sisterhood ren tickets: answered in this insert? Send an email 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festiva ü eail Schedule of of Events: Schedule Events: deration office at 239.263.4205. Mon, - HN &Alana Newhouse Mon, December 9 @December 7:00pm - HN2 @ 11:30am Barry, Mansbach Zweibel

Schedule of Events: ur support theGreater Naples Jewish Book www.jewishbookfestival.org forEvents: more or toTransferable theirSchedule event. of If you’d ü ü Festivalüis presented by: RE of ecom & Email and a Multi-Author printable order orevent call updates 239.263.4205. ü Events Transferable sooks, Jewish Book Festival!

for Mon, Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm Check the events you will be attending easyDecember reference:2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse 19 7:00pm HN Adam Stephen Silverman NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Check the@December events-you beChandler attending for easy reference: Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm - HN and Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman Thu, December Mon, 9prior @will 7:00pm -to HN &their Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm - HN Ken S Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels Benefits in which they present will be decided a few days event. If you’d Mon,&Friedland December 9@& 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel 05. Wed, February 26 @ 1:00p ewishbookfestival.org for more Check theBarry, events attending for easy Tue, November 5reference: @7:00pm 7:00pm --HN Elyssa Mail this order form to: the Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm - you HN will&be Ken &Tue, Elizabeth Weitzman Mon, December 9 @will7:00pm - HN Mansbach Zweibel Check events you be attending for easy reference: Sutak Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS 19 Melanie Benjamin Pam Jenoff Mon, December 9 @ HN Barry, Mansbach Zweibel Recognition in Federation Star November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland Thu, December 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman N Alana Newhouse Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm - TS Lori Gottlieb Wed, February @ Wed, 7:30pm - TS Lori G ates and a printable order Tue,- November 5 @ 7:00pm - HNSilverman Elyssa5 Friedland Tue, November 5 the @ 7:00pm - HN Check ElyssaSilver Friedland Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen be Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm -easy NJC Marra B. Gad &or Angela Himsel& Steve like to know order, please email fedstar18@gmail.com call 239.263.4205. March 4 @ 1:00pm vent updates and a printable order Mon, November 11 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross Israel Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is be presented theby: events you will attending for@7:00pm reference: h Federation of Greater Naples Platinum Thu, December 19February @Gold 7:00pm -5HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Check the events you will attending for easy reference: Mon, Wed,19 January 8 @11 1:00pm - TS Adam Melanie Benjamin &Steve Pam Jenoff November @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Israel Thu, December @ HN Chandler & Stephen Silverman Wed, @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb Nthis Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Wed, 26 1:00pm - TS Bob- Mankoff Butnick/Oppenheimer stivalinsert? Package. EvenBenefits: if you can’t make it toFebruary all @ Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew&Gross & Steve Israel Reserved VIP seating Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm - HN Ken Sutak & Wed, Elizabeth Weitzman Send an email Wed, February 26 @Wed, 1:00pm - TS Bob M January 8 @attending 1:00pm - TSforNovember Benjamin & Pam Gross March 11 @Israel 7:30pm Patron Check the you will be easyMelanie reference: Mon, 11 @ 1:00pm - Jenoff NCC Andrew & Steve Mon,for December 2 @reference: 11:30am - HNevents Alana Newhouse $500 $225 ered in Check this insert? Send an email theRd., events you will be attending for easy January Tue, November 5 $360 @reference: 7:00pm - HN you Elyssa Friedland Mon, Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - NJC B. Gad & Angela Himsel Check the events will be attending easy December 11:30am - HN Marra Alana Newhouse Vanderbilt Beach Ste. 2201 will be attending for easy reference: 8@ -- TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Mon, December 21:00pm @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse ets to friends, colleagues family members. Jenoff Wed, February 58@@ 7:30pm - TS 2-@ Lori GottliebMelanie Check the events youMarch will be4Wed, attending for easy reference: Wed, January 1:00pm TS Benjamin & Pam Jenoff wishbookfestival.org for Nt 239.263.4205. Adam Chandler & Stephenand Silverman more Wed, @ 1:00pm JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch Wed, February 26 @to 1:00pm -&TS Bob Mankoff & January Butnick/Oppenheimer Mon,Ken January 13 1:00pm - NJC Marra B. Gad &Temple Angela Himsel Wed, 4 @Newhouse 1:00pm - JCMI Jack Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm -7:00pm HN Mansbach &@Zweibel if For you can’t make it tovalue) all Shalom nPackage. office atEven 239.263.4205. the events with more than one author, due travel arrangements, the order Reserved area Mon,December November 11 @ - NCC Andrew Gross Steve Israel November 5Barry, @Sutak 7:00pm - HN&Mon, Elyssa Friedland Mon, Tue, 28 7:00pm - HNBarry, & Elizabeth Weitzman all 12 events (aseating $320 December 2 @ 11:30am - HNMarch Alana December @Bob - HN Mansbach Zweibel ü Mon, 9 @1:00pm 7:00pm - HN Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm - TS@9Tue, Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer ü1:00pm ü - HN Tickets ElyssatoFriedland Mon, January 13 @ - NJCBarry, Mansbach Marra B.& Zweibel Gad & Angela Himsel s,7:00pm FL 34109 Strengthening our temple, our community and each other Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm TS Josh Frank nt updates and a printable order Tue, January 28&you @Stephen 7:00pm - HN attend Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman Mon,December December @ 11:30am - HN iends, family members. 4Thu, Wed, February 5 19 @Mon, 7:30pm - TSAdam Gottlieb Thu, December 19& 7:00pm -7:00pm HN Chandler Silverman Wed, @ 7:30pm - TS be Thu, 19 @2will 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler Stephen Silverman Physical tickets not be issued. Simply check inMarch at each event. • cannot event, youMarch can 11 give your ticket toJosh af Wed, @If 1:00pm -@JCMI Fairweather Jack Hersch inand which they present• will decided a 4few days prior to their event. you’d Check theAlana eventsNewhouse will be attending for easy reference: November 11 @ If 1:00pm Andrew Gross 9&an Israel December @Jack - HN &Lori Adam Chandler Stephen Silverman Wed, @ 1:00pm -you&JCMI Jack Fairweather Jack Hersch Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book m to: colleagues Free book voucher(s) -&NCC Mon, December @Steve 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel ü ü üSutak Tue, January 288@@March 7:00pm - &HN Ken & Elizabeth Weitzman val.org for more make it to all Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross Steve Israel Wed, January 1:00pm - TSeasy Melanie Benjamin &7:00pm Pam Jenoff be Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm - TS Josh Frank Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Marra B. Gad &insert? Angela Himsel Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer red in this Send an email Tue, November 5 @ HN Elyssa Friedland Check the events you will attending for easy reference: Check the events you will be attending for reference: Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff ToBenjamin make change, please call the Federation office like to know the order, please email fedstar18@gmail.com oracall 239.263.4205. Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Wed, @Mon, 1:00pm - TS Pam Jenoff 40 atNaples the- HN door) December 2Melanie @ 11:30am - HN&the Alana Newhouse • will receive anü email reminder week prior toJanuary each 8event. ter FastPass &Federation separate check-in aIn printable order @ne 11:30am Alana Newhouse ü Mon, January @19 1:00pm - 11 NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel person at You Wed, February 513@March 7:30pm - TS@ Lori Thu, December 19 @ &7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silv Wed, 7:30pm -11TS@about Josh Frank üGottlieb author, due tothe travel arrangements, the order Patron event an author TBA Thu, December @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Wed,5Israel March 4 @ 1:00pm - JCMI Fairweather &Himsel Jack Hersch Mon, November 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Marra Wed,Jack February 26239.263.4205 @ 1:00pm - TS Bob Mankoff Butnick/Oppenheimer Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse y members. with Tue, November 5November @ 7:00pm -@HN7:00pm Elyssa Friedland Wed, February @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm NJC B. Gad & Angela at or email rbialek@jewishnaples.org. office at 239.263.4205. Tue, 5 HN Elyssa Friedland Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - NJC of9Marra B. Gad -&HN AngelaBarry, Himsel .,cided Ste. 2201 Mon, December @Frank 7:00pm Tue, 28 @ 7:00pm - HN2020. Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman rt? Send an email *As ofJanuary October 12, Updated lists will be published in several issues the Federation Star.Mansbach & Zweibel a few days prior to their event. If you’d • No refunds unless entire event (both authors for multi-author events) is Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm TS Josh @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel 55 at the door) Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer Federation .ifPlease fill out form advance. Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Weitzman Wed, 8 @ 1:00pm - TSHersch Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jeno Ken Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm - JCMI January Jack Fairweather & Jack ü ü üGrossIsrael you can’t make itExtra to allluncheon Mon, 1:00pm Andrew & Steve Tue, January 28 @ HN Sutak Elizabeth e. ifRecognition you can’tin make it239.263.4205. toStar all Lori Gottlieb event guest ticket Mon, November 115 -@@NCC 1:00pm Andrew & Steve Israel call Mon, December 9 @November 7:00pm HN@for Barry, Mansbach &Mon, Zweibel Tue,26 January 28 @-7:00pm - HN Ken&Sutak Elizabeth Weitzman Wed, February @7:00pm 1:00pm - TSDecember Bob Mankoff & &Butnick/Oppenheimer -11 Wed, February 7:30pm - TS- NCCGross Lori Gottlieb 3.4205. Open atChandler all events. Platinum ailEven fedstar18@gmail.com or December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Thu, 19• @ 7:00pm -seating HN Adam & Stephen Silvermanand Gold Patrons, and S March Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - each NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel canceled and not rescheduled. or, due to travel arrangements, the order @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm TS Josh Frank Wed, 4 @ 1:00pm JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch • Physical tickets will not be issued. Simply check in at event. • If you cannot attend an event, you can give your ticket to a friend. Reserved VIP seating 2 Wed, February2 26 @ 1:00pm - TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer All &authors appe @ 11:30am Alana Newhouse ues and family Wed, February 5Friedland @ 7:30pm TS Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN Marra B. Gad Angela Himsel ü Mon, December @- HN 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse colleagues and members. family members. Mon, December Elyssa Wed, February 5 @-7:30pm -Lori TS Gottlieb Lori Gottlieb Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - NJC

Thank you for your suppor 2 1 • Jewish If you cannot attendare an event, you can give ater Naples Book Festival members All authors appearing at theJewish 2019-20 B nsferable ü your ticket ü to a friend. 2019-20 Greater Naples Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: hor Events Thank you for your support of the To make change, please call the Federation office Bookthe Council Network. t. of the Jewish ü Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival are mem

All authors appearing at the 2019-20 Author Events

erable ank you for your support of the


Schedule of Events:

Schedule of Events: Schedule of Events: 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival!


Federation Star

October 2021

2021-22 Jewish Book Festival 17 Authors • 15 Events Register at www.JewishBookFestival.org

Heather Cabot “The New Chardonnay: The Unlikely Story of How Marijuana Went Mainstream”

Amy Schwartz “Can Robots Be Jewish?: And Other Pressing Questions of Modern Life”

A deeply researched journey into the new world of legal cannabis by an award-winning reporter. From edibles to CBD lotions to Martha Stewart’s recipes for marijuana munchies, this narrative posits that pot has shed its stoner image. Author Cabot is an acclaimed journalist, keynote speaker, and contributor to ForbesWomen. She has taught part-time at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and serves on the J-school alumni board.

Rabbis span the range of modern Jewish thought to agree — or not — on questions we often ponder. Should we edit our children’s genes? Do Jews still expect the Messiah? Are we commanded to vote? When does life begin? Can robots be Jewish? Author Schwartz is Moment Magazine’s opinion and book editor, as well as editor of the magazine’s popular “Ask the Rabbis” section. She runs workshops nationwide on topics of Jewish commentary, psalms and literature.

Sponsored by MCA and Jeremy L. Darstek * (see page 3B)

Sponsored by Vi at Bentley Village

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2 p.m. virtual • $10

Lauren Fox “Send For Me”

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 7 p.m. virtual, in conversation • $10

Annabelle Gurwitch “You’re Leaving When?: Adventures In Downward Mobility”

Dreaming of her future while working at her parents’ bakery in Feldenheim, Germany, Annelise dismisses rumors of anti-Jewish sentiment on the rise. She falls in love, marries, has a baby — all as dangers grow closer. When given the chance to emigrate to America, Annelise and her husband must leave their parents behind — to an uncertain and likely disastrous future. Author Fox has written numerous novels and seen her work appear in prestigious publications such as The New York Times, Marie Claire, Parenting, and Psychology Today.

In these essays, Gurwitch gives irreverent yet empathetic voice to a generation hurtling into the future with no safety net. She embraces homesharing by welcoming a young couple and a bunny into her home. She relearns how to parent her college student offspring shedding the gender binary. She flunks the magic of tidying up. All stories prove that our no-frills new normal does not mean a deficit of humor. Actress, activist, and author of five books, Gurwitch received a 2020 Excellence in Journalism award from the Los Angeles Press Club.

Sponsored by WCA

Sponsored by Beth Tikvah

Friday, Dec. 10, 10 a.m. virtual • $10

Bob Abelman “All the World’s a Stage Fright”

What starts as a stunt to increase readership for the Cleveland Jewish Chronicle becomes much more. Local theater critic Bob Abelman accepts an acting role with a top-tier theater company so he can write about the experience from the inside. When the play he’s cast in turns out to be Shakespeare’s “As You Like It,” he confesses “an irrational, overriding, mind-numbing fear” of Shakespeare. Author Abelman relates his personal battle with the Bard with laugh-outloud humor, creating a tale full of twists and turns, endearing characters and behind-the-curtain action. Sponsored by TheatreZone

Wednesday, Jan. 19, 12 noon virtual • $10

Friday, Dec. 17, 2 p.m. Beth Tikvah and virtual • $18

Charles Lichtman “The Sword of David”


Lichtman, an expert in Middle East affairs, uses that expertise in the creation of his n Ark of the Covenant, but then must search for the Ten Commandments tablets. Along t consortium of Islamic states and terrorists planning a simultaneous attack to obliterate d Weinstein’s “Universal Love” welcomes readers to a near-future world where technolo stories spotlight emotions. In one, a young boy tries to understand why his father can’t s mother’s hologram better than she ever knew her mother when living. Author Weinstein, a professor of creative writing, has received numerous awards for h

Sponsored by Alison Craig Home Furnishings, Jewish National Fund and TOP Jewish Found


Tuesday, Jan. 25, 7 p.m. • Hil

October 2021

Federation Star


Jewish Book Festival Preview! See what’s in store for the 2021 – 2022 festival Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2 p.m. • virtual Register at www.JewishBookFestival.org

Mark Sullivan

Judy Batalion

“The Last Green Valley”

“The Light of Days”

A young family in the midst of WW II faces excruciating choices: Do they flee from Stalin’s forces pushing into Ukraine or wait for the Soviet bear’s intrusion and risk a bleak future in Siberia? Or do they reluctantly accept the protection of Hitler’s SS pledged to protect “pure-blood” Germans and evacuate Ukraine for who-knows-where? Author Sullivan is the acclaimed author of more than 20 novels, including the #1 Kindle bestselling “Beneath a Scarlet Sky” and the #1 New York Times bestselling “Private” series, which he writes with James Patterson. Sponsored by Casual Connection

Monday, Nov. 22, 2 p.m. virtual• $10

A cadre of Jewish women in Poland use courage, guile and nerves of steel to transform Jewish youth groups into resistance cells to fight the Nazis. They flirt, bribe and seduce their German captors, then kill them. They bomb German train lines and blow up a town’s water supply. Author Judy Batalion, Jill of many trades, writes essays and articles for such publications as The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Forward, Salon, and Jerusalem Post. Sponsored by WCA and Collier/Lee Hadassah

Thursday, Dec. 2, 2 p.m. virtual, in conversation • $10.

Joshua Jay

Silvia Foti

“How Magicians Think”

“The Nazi’s Granddaughter”

One of the world’s most accomplished magicians not only reveals the artistry, history and traditions of magic, but also brings us directly into the mind of a magician. He describes how they develop their skills, conjure up illusions and delight their audiences. While doing so, he reveals another kind of secret: what it takes to follow your heart and achieve excellence. Named “Magician of the Year” in 2012, author Jay has made noteworthy appearances on The Tonight Show and The Late Late Show. He has performed and lectured on magic all over the world.

Growing up in Chicago, Foti was treated like royalty in her tightly knit Lithuanian community. Why? Because her grandfather was hailed as a hero, a martyr for Lithuanian independence, and an unblemished patriot. He’d resisted his country’s German and Soviet occupiers in WW II and survived two years in a Nazi concentration camp, only to be executed in 1947 by the KGB. But author Foti, a journalist and teacher, in 2000 learned a different story, and since then has published research on the deeds of her grandfather, who turned out to be an alleged perpetrator of the Holocaust in Lithuania.

Sponsored by MCA and Senior Housing Solutions

Sponsored by WCA

Thursday, Jan. 6, 2 p.m. Hilton Naples and virtual • $25

Wednesday, Jan. 12, 7 p.m. virtual • $10

Joshua Greene

exander Weinstein “Universal Love”

novel “The Sword of David.” Protagonist Chaim Klein unexpectedly finds the long-lost the way, he discovers the mystical, awe-inspiring sword of David. Klein must also stop a dozens of Western cities and, of course, Israel. ogies have altered the possibilities and limits of how we love one another. These gripping sever ties with the drowned city they call home. In another, a girl gets to know her dead

his short story collections.



lton Naples and virtual • $25

“Unstoppable: Siggi Wilzig’s Astonishing Journey from Auschwitz Survivor & Penniless Immigrant to Wall Street Legend” “Unstoppable” is the ultimate immigrant story. Deported to Auschwitz, Siggi used his wits to stay alive, pretending to possess skills the Nazis could exploit. After liberation, he went to work for the US Army hunting Nazis. Earning a visa to America, he vowed three promises: to never be hungry, to always support the Jewish people, to speak out against injustice. From humble beginnings, he made his way to CEO of a major company. Author Joshua Greene is a renowned Holocaust scholar and filmmaker whose biographies have sold more than half a million copies worldwide. Sponsored by Ginsberg Eye, Temple Shalom Men’s Club, People of The Book Patrons and Wollman, Gehrke & Associates, P.A.

Wednesday, Feb. 2, 7 p.m. • Temple Shalom $36 “People of the Book” event


Federation Star

October 2021

Leah Garrett “X Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II”

In the midst of WW II, a new commando group is formed of Jewish refugees who have escaped to Britain. Most hail from Germany and Austria, and many have been interned as enemy aliens. They’ve lost their homes, families, everything. This motley group of intellectuals, artists and athletes will stop at nothing to defeat the Nazis. Trained in counterintelligence and advanced combat, this top-secret unit becomes known as X Troop. Author Garrett is a professor at Hunter College and director of its Jewish Studies Department.

Become a Patron: Platinum $500 Silver $225 Bronze $118

Sponsored by Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Thursday, Feb. 10, 2 p.m. virtual • $10

Jonathan Santlofer “The Last Mona Lisa”

Tracy Walder “The Unexpected Spy” Santlofer begins his novel in August 1911, when Vincent Peruggia steals the famous Mona Lisa portrait. What happens in the two years before its recovery remains a mystery. Art historians know that many replicas exist. Is the one returned to the Louvre real or a fake? In present time, art professor Luke Perrone digs for the truth behind his most famous ancestor, the thief Peruggia. His search for truth tumbles him deep into the world of art and forgery, of obsession and danger. Author Santlofer has written five novels and earned the Nero Wolfe Award for best crime novel of 2009. “The Unexpected Spy” is the true story of author Tracy Walder’s tenure in the CIA and, later, the FBI. She tells of her assignments to watch al-Qaeda members with drones while President Bush looked over her shoulder and CIA Director George Tenet brought her donuts. Driven to stop terrorism, Walder debriefed terrorists — men who swore they’d never speak to a woman — until they gave her leads. Author Walder received many awards for her service from CIA and some foreign intelligence offices. She served as Staff Operations Officer in the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center before, during and after September 11, 2001. Sponsored by Naples Jewish Congregation and Wollman, Gehrke & Associates, P.A.


Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2 p.m. • NJC and virtual • $18

Jan Cherubin “The Orphan’s Daughter”

A work of literary fiction, this debut novel depicts the life of a girl growing up in the shadow of her charismatic but troubled father, Clyde Aronson. The cruelties of Clyde’s boyhood in a Depression-era Jewish orphanage have scarred him. He yearns for a son to replace the relationship lost when his father abandoned him. Instead, he fathers daughters, the younger of which — Joanna — receives most of his resentment because she most resembles him. Author Cherubin worked as a fact checker at New York magazine, a staff writer at the New York Daily News, an editor at Seventeen Magazine, a playwright, and a standup comic.

Eddie Shapiro “A Wonderful Guy”

This compilation of intimate, career-encompassing conversations with 19 of Broadway’s most prolific and fascinating leading men comes as a follow-up to his earlier book, “Nothing Like A Dame: Conversations with the Great Women of Musical Theater.” As a theater journalist, Shapiro digs deep into each actor’s career, fleshing out the story of what it means to be a leading man on Broadway over the past 50 years. Author Shapiro grew up singing music from every cast album he could get his hands on. He is the son of Arlene and Don Shapiro of Naples.

Sponsored by Temple Shalom Sisterhood and Elli Taylor, John R. Wood Properties

Sponsored by Jewish Congregation of Marco Island and Wollman, Gehrke & Associates, P.A.

Friday, Feb. 25, 12 noon virtual • $10

Thursday, March 17, 2 p.m. JCMI and virtual • $18

October 2021

Federation Star

A special Thank You to our Patrons P L AT I N U M Patti Bloom

Pamela Karll

Sam Roth

Pete Bloom

Fran Kroll

Jane Schiff

Sue Bookbinder

Robin Mintz

Gale Schulman

Karen Deutsch

Jackie & Franklin Paulson

Donald Shapiro

Gayle Dorio

Susan Pittelman

Arlene Shapiro

Susie Goldsmith

Estelle Price

Gail Smith

Larry Israelite

Stuart Price

Phyllis Strome

Wendy Israelite

Ellaine Rosen

Deborah Waranch

Judy Roth

S I LV E R Penni Blaskey Beverly Blazar Terri David Marlene Finkelstein Arnan Finkelstein Eloyse Fisher Spencer Forman Louise Forman Myra Friedman Susan Garelick Priscilla Gerber Heidi Gilbert Jan Goldman

Diane Goldstein Carole Greene Sherry Greenfield Lenore Greenstein Ronna Hain Linda Hamburger Carol Hirsch Rolly Jacob Bobbie Katz Gracia Kuller Bernie Lashinsky Dana Lefkowitz Bettye Leibowitz

Rick & Marla Osgood Terri Polacheck Mae Riefberg Susan Ritter Adrienne Russ Iris Shur Anita Siegal Arlene Sobol Elaine Soffer Nancy Wiadro Jack Wiadro Leona Wreschner Susan Yale

BRONZE Anonymous Leslie Aderson Marlene Apkon Tracy Askotzky Harv Becker Joan Becker Lea Bendes Emily Berkowitz Carole Berkowitz Rita Bernstein Rosalyn Bernstein Jamie Blatter Rosalee Bogo Stephen Brazina Cipora Brown Nan Ciralsky Edythe Cohen Ann Cowen Susan Dean

Marty Dorio Geri Feldman Sheila Frank Nancy Garfinkel Darryl Garfinkel Molly Getnick Annette Goldenberg Marilyn Goldenberg Melvin Goldfine Hannah Goodman Ellen Gordon Heather Greenfield Elaine Griver Howard Herman Mona Herman Linda Hirsch Burton Hirsch Melissa Keel Susan Koeppel Lisa Lauber

Lynette Lederman Hilda Levine Ida Margolis Harriet Matz Lynn Maxim Stephen McCloskey Audrey Meyer Lynn Miller Karen Moss Karen Mullins Sara Newman Judi Palay Judith Picus Joel Pittelman Estelle Rauch Ellen Rodwick JoEllen Rubenstein Diane Schwartz Harriet Schweitzer Millie Sernovitz

*As of October 12, 2020. Updated lists will be published in several issues of the Federation Star.

Linda Shapess Dina Shein Mark Shiffman Janet Solot Howard Solot Shellie Specter Beverly Stein Denise Sultan Shira Swartz Ann Swartz Joyce Toub Allison Tucker Leslie Wasserman Sydelle Weinberger Suellen Weiner Ellen Weisberg Goldie Wetcher Beth Wolff Cathy Zacks


Federation Star

October 2021

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples




Audi Naples


Audi Naples


Les Nizin: 516-356-2897 Len Schuman: 917-640-7564 Neil Shnider: 614-582-0108 Phyllis Strome: 248-496-9290 Bob Maisel: 612-251-8035 Bill Howel: 201-803-3619


Proceeds go to camp scholarships for Jewish youth. *your charitable contribution portion is $145.00 Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is registered as a charitable organization in Florida, Reg. No. CH4862


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