4 minute read
Our Jewish Federation of Greater Naples
A reflection of the past and goals for our future
Nat Ritter Federation Board Chair
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the secular new year are holidays of self-reflection and a time when one begins to plan what she/he hopes to accomplish in the upcoming year(s). The same introspective process is true for our Jewish Federation of Greater Naples (JFGN). In August 2022, our Federation developed a Strategic Plan for 2022-2027. One of our past and primary goals was to complete the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, move in and begin using our facility to its maximum potential. I am happy to report that we are well on our way to achieving that goal! We first started with determining our vision and mission.
Our vision: The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples aspires to be the central communal voice for the Jewish community of Greater Naples and the supportive thread that runs through the fabric of the Jewish community, its organizations and services, connecting all.
Our mission: To enhance and enrich the quality of Jewish life by recognizing and supporting the charitable, educational, humanitarian and social service needs of the Jewish community locally, nationally, overseas and in the state of Israel.
Our strategic goals include:
1. Ensure the financial stability of JFGN so we can develop JFGN’s long-term financial strength. One way to achieve this will be to develop revenue streams to monetize our Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center’s usage. Did you know our facility is available to rent for nonreligious events? (Kosher-style food only).
Another way to achieve financial strength will be to increase our community’s commitment to our annual campaign and to increase active participation as the Jewish community of Naples grows. Additionally, an endowment fund established with JFGN will enhance the long-term stability and needs of our local Jewish community. Jeffrey Feld will be happy to help with this. Please contact him.
2. Enhance our programming and continue to make it relevant and engaging. One of our programming goals is to bridge generations and promote Jewish continuity. We’re proud of accomplishing this through our robust programs like PJ Library, BBYO, WCA and MCA. We will significantly increase our programming and are pleased that Jane Schiff will be our program chairperson. We will have events that are cosponsored with other agencies so that Federation programming will have greater appeal to our community at large.
One of JFGN’s newest programs for the 2023-2024 season will be 92nd Street Y, Live from New York! We will offer live programming and prerecorded programs with discussion groups after each session. More information will follow! Also, your Federation is planning a mission to Israel and Dubai in November 2024. Stay tuned. This upcoming season, the programming WCA and MCA have planned will be unmatched!
3. Increase outreach, community awareness and visibility to both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. JFGN will be proactive against antisemitism and anti-hate. We will increase active participation of our Jewish community in programming through committees such as Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), Israel and Overseas Committee (IOC), Catholic-Jewish Dialogue (CJD), and WCA and MCA. We will have another year of great, inclusive programming that is designed to attract active Federation loyalists as well as new members.
4. We hope to engage more community members that have interest in helping grow JFGN’s fundraising and programming needs. We will look to these community members as future leaders and stewards of the Greater Jewish community’s future and of JFGN’s leadership.
5. Our final goal will be to utilize our wonderful Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center to its fullest extent. We will have programs that are inclusive, interesting and impactful so that you will want to return time and again.
To shape the JFGN future, JFGN will need your input, guidance and continued support to achieve these goals. Your Federation’s staff, board members and volunteers are confident these aspirations meet your expectations and that you can help us achieve these goals.
May 5784 be a prosperous and successful year for all of us and may we go “from strength to strength.” La Shanah Tova!