3 minute read
Jeffrey Feld, Federation President/ CEO
My first article in the Federation Star appeared in September 2014, when I discussed the notion of change. For me, it was the change of moving from one community to another and, of course, getting to know new lay leaders, staff members, community and even strengths/directions. Many of my Federation Star articles have dealt with change.
One of the changes that struck me then was learning about the notion of “season.” For some people, Naples was/is a permanent home. Others might live here for three or six months a year but are very engaged while here. We always express the importance of understanding that the Greater Naples Jewish community exists year-round. If we want our community to be vital and vibrant, we need to support it appropriately.
Our community has adopted that sense of change. Although there are more people here at different times, our Jewish community exists and thrives year-round. To get here, we’ve had several strategic plans and one needs assessment/demographic study to learn about our community and its needs and wants. We have found a way to engage and involve more and more people to help create this Jewish community to meet those needs and wants.
Change is not easy! But we have been changing. To remind you, here are several significant changes that came about as a result of the needs assessment/demographic study and our strategic planning:
1) We changed our name to become Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. By doing this, we became more welcoming to more people in our geographic area.
2) We changed our fiscal year, which is now July 1-June 30.
3) By changing the fiscal year, we were able to change the time frames of the Annual Community Campaign and allocations. The Annual Community Campaign now begins in November and concludes in March/April. This allows the allocations process to be completed by the end of the fiscal year. Most importantly, with this change, JFGN and its beneficiaries are better able to plan and anticipate for the following year.
4) As a result of these changes, and by involving more people, there was a need for a new home for JFGN. We answered that need with the grand opening of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on Jan. 15, 2023.
I am sure there will be more changes in the future. We cannot sit back and think that we are done. If our goal is to continue to have a vital and vibrant Jewish community, we will all need to continue to work to make that the reality.
We should be very proud of the changes that have led us to this point of success in our Jewish community. We must continue to embrace change to provide for the future of the Greater Naples Jewish community.
Please accept my best wishes for each of you and all those dear to you for a happy, healthy, peaceful and secure Shanah Tovah in 5784.
Thanks to all of you for continuing to keep our Greater Naples Jewish community vital and vibrant.