3 minute read

Amazing …

Nat Ritter Federation Board Chair

The accomplishments of the past season at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples are truly amazing. The tragedy that befell Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 started off that season. Like no other season, we saw the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center host 500 people at our community solidarity gathering with an additional 200 households viewing the rally online. Jewish Federation of North America initiated the Israel Emergency Fund, which raised in excess of $860 million and has allocated almost $500 million as of July 2024 for immediate needs of Israelis. Thanks to your generosity, our community alone was able to contribute $1,067,000 to that effort!

Our goal for the 20232024 Annual Community Campaign was a challenging $1.75 million. While no easy task, under the leadership of Annual Campaign Chair Rosalee Bogo and our Financial Resource Development team, Alicia Feldman and Eduardo Avila, our campaign superseded its goal ($1.77 million), enabling our Allocations Committee to increase allocations for this year.

The dollars raised in Naples help many local, national and international agencies worldwide and in Israel. Not only do these dollars help the needy, but they also enable Jewish Federation of North America’s boots-on-the-ground efforts throughout the world operate more efficiently and effectively.

Under the leadership of Steve Strome and the Finance/Audit Committee, the bank loan needed to finance the construction of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center was paid in full on June 30, 2024! That is three years faster than initially planned! This accomplishment, through the early prepayment of many capital pledges by our generous donors, resulted in the need to borrow fewer funds and pay less interest on the loan. The remaining capital pledge commitments will be utilized to fund an endowment for future capital improvements and help offset increased operational needs of the building.

All these accomplishments could not have been achieved without our community seeing the need and working as one to achieve these constructive and very important goals. Our Federation and the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center is a home where our Jewish community can all have a sense of belonging. We have a home where we can feel strength in unity and share activities that unite and interest us. Let’s all remember the Federation’s mission: To enhance and enrich the quality of Jewish life by recognizing and supporting the charitable, educational, humanitarian and social service needs of the Jewish community locally, nationally, overseas and in the State of Israel.

Let’s all respect each other’s values and opinions. Let’s keep the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center amazing and continue to be a united community by refraining from political advertising and wearables.

This upcoming season promises to be exciting, very busy — and I’m sure — fulfilling for all of us!

We, at your Federation, look forward to your return!

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