2 minute read
Gearing up for another season
Reneé Bialek Program Director
Some programs being offered here at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center include the Puzzle Competition, how to deal with antisemitism, how to deal with election anxiety, a Singles Ping Pong and Pizza Party, creative solutions to address hunger and urgent needs in Israel, Pictionary, Uno, art lessons, Movies That Matter, and a music concert with singer Bryan Ruby.
The Israel and Overseas Committee is announcing its Speaker Series in this issue. Check out their ad on page 20A.
Planning for the Jewish Book Festival is underway. Get a look at this year’s books and authors in Book Festival Chair Robin Mintz’s article below.
Last month, we had the NCH Bloodmobile here (see picture). Thank you to all who came out to donate blood.
Save these dates
Please save these dates for these upcoming Community Wide Programs:
• Monday, Oct. 7 – We Remember at 7 p.m.
• Sunday, Nov. 17 – Kristallnacht Commemoration Program at 2:30 p.m.
• Thursday, Dec. 26 – Chanukah Celebration at Mercato, 5-6 p.m.

Fun and games
Come join us! We offer Ping Pong, Scrabble, Chess, Uno, Pictionary, and the Super Samba Card Game. Is there a game that you would like to see us offer on a weekly or monthly basis? If so, email and tell me about it.
Please make sure to read our weekly Monday eblast to view new programs and click on the registration links for all the above programs and for all the new programs that are being added.
Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website homepage. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday eblast, please email me at rbialek@jewishnaples.org.
Please register for all events at www.jewishnaples.org.