2 minute read
How MCA started
By Brian Katz
On Nov. 15, 2012, a group of men met at the Federation office. They discussed the formation of a men’s group and among many agenda items chose to finally give it the name MCA. The Men’s Cultural Alliance (MCA) is an affinity group of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, whose purpose is to create friendship and camaraderie among its members by attending and participating in social, intellectual, recreational and athletic activities. From the original group of nine men (Michael Sobol, Steve Brazina, Les Nizin, Steve Weiss, Dick Janger, Mitch Dannenberg, Dan Kamin, Meir Kehila and Dick Lechtner) we have grown to almost 870 members with a year-round calendar of activities.
In this 13th season, members will participate in a wide variety of activities. Weekly breakfasts, signature luncheons, sports, discussion groups, tours, guest speakers, trips and much more. A new sub-group of the MCA was created last year, officially as MCA Next Gen for men 65 years old and younger.

Members of MCA, who are in good standing, are eligible to join any program. It is necessary, however, to sign up for each program. Many groups are limited in the number of participants, allowing each member the best possible experience. In some cases, there may be a small fee paid to the event (museum) or for food. Some programs and discussion groups can be attended by Zoom.
We encourage all members to wear their ID badges to all events and review the weekly eblast and updated website.
Some examples of the key MCA events planned for the 2024–2025 season include:
• Lunch with Collier County Sheriff Kevin Ramsbosk
• Special Speaker on Artificial Intelligence
• Lunch with Former Astronaut Jay Abt
• Special Speaker – Former White House Direction of Commnications Anthony Scaramucci
• Trips to the Kennedy Space Center and Cuba
We actively seek and welcome new members! We also encourage all member input when organizing new activities and when participating in our exciting programs.
To renew your membership or to become a member of MCA go to https://mcanaples.wildapricot.org/membership_Form. For all other questions email Help@MCANaples.org.NCH