6 minute read
WCA summer programming a huge success
By Susan Pittelman, WCA Publicity Coordinator
Whether you remained in Florida or returned “up north” for the summer, we hope that you had an enjoyable time and were able to connect with some of your WCA friends.
With nearly 40% of WCA members staying in Southwest Florida during the summer, WCA planned a series of special events and activities for our “Year Rounders.” (These new activities were in addition to the many WCA activities that already meet year-round.) WCA Membership Director Harriett Kleinman, along with a committee of 20 members, scheduled 13 special activities for the summer. Kleinman commented, “Planning these summer programs was especially rewarding, because women who had not worked on WCA events in the past volunteered to chair them.”
Our new “Summer Camp for Year Rounders" kicked off with a brunch on May 22 attended by 140 members. Four more Year Rounders programs were held in June: a lovely luncheon chaired by Toby Kosloff was held at the beautiful Pelican Isle Yacht Club; the “Mushroom Brothers” spoke with WCA members at a program planned by Marlene Apkon; Emily Berkowitz showed the film “The Way We Were,” followed by a lively discussion; and Naples Daily News Food and Restaurant Reviewer Diana Biederman shared “insider information” with WCA members at an event planned by Sharon Stein. (Biederman’s recommendations appeared in the WCA newsletter for all WCA members to read.)
In July, two more Year Rounders events were held: a “Shuffle Around” Card Party, organized by Barb Lefkowitz, and a showing of the classic film “Cinema Paradiso,” with a discussion led by Cipora Levine.
August began with a luncheon attended by 60 women at La Playa Beach and Golf Club, chaired by longtime LaPlaya member Judy Sommerfeld. LaPlaya Membership Director Sandy Cotter shared the resort’s history, beginning her remarks by saying, “I am thrilled to be with such a wonderful group of women – you empower each other.”
Additional events for Year Rounders taking place after this issue’s press deadline include: a Mystery Trolley Tour planned by Lesa Pammer and Gayle Dorio; iPhone and iPad Tutorials 1 & 2, led by Marty Dorio; Country Line Dancing organized by Debbie Laites; and a Lunch/Fashion Show at Molinos Restaurant arranged by Janet Cooperman and Nancy Kahn.
Just in case you are starting to wish that you could remain in Florida during the summer—remember that the liaisons for our 10 WCA Summer Branches offer programs for members who return up north for the summer.
Some of the branch programs held during the summer included:
• A tour of the exhibit “Brilliant Exiles: American Women in Paris, 1900-1939” at the National Portrait Gallery and a tour of the Baltimore Museum of Art, each followed by lunch, planned by liaison Deedee Remenick for the Washington DC/Virginia/Maryland Branch.
• Attending the Barrington Stage Company’s production of “La Cage Aux Folles,” with lunch before in Lenox, arranged by Anne Schnesel and Ann Cowen along with Lenore Greenstein for the Berkshires Branch.
• “Lovely Lunch and Lively Conversation” at Dorothy Schwebel’s home in Youngstown, Ohio by the NE Ohio Area of the Ohio Branch.
• A visit to author and artist Julie Dawson’s home and gardens, organized by Liaison Dorothy Collins for the Michigan Branch.
• Lunch at Bobby Byrnes Restaurant followed by boutique shopping at Mashpee Commons planned by branch liaison Ellen Garnick for the new Boston South Shore/Rhode Island/Cape Cod Branch.
• A tour of the Baha’i Temple in Wilmette, followed by lunch at Frank and Betsie's restaurant planned by Suzanne Tolpin, Minda Bernberg and Arlene Levin for the Illinois Branch.
• A pot-luck lunch and pool party at the home of Linda Hyde held by the Boston Metro Branch
And as I write this article, additional branch gatherings are being organized!
During the summer, the WCA Board, with the assistance of many dedicated volunteers, planned a wide array of programming for the upcoming season. Speaker series, trips, interest group activities and special events have been scheduled, with more being added as new, exciting programs are suggested. The WCA website contains a calendar of activities for the 2024-2025 season and a list of special events as well as information about interest groups. And, of course, WCA’s weekly newsletter includes announcements of upcoming programs that require registration.
If you haven’t yet renewed your WCA membership, please be sure to “due” it by Sunday, Sept. 1 so that you don’t miss out on a single day of the 2024-2025 season. Members who have not renewed by Sept. 1 will not receive WCA communications nor will they be able to register for WCA programs. To renew your membership (or to join WCA) go to our website, wcanaples.org, and click on “Membership.”
We look forward to a great new season and to having you be part of it!
Highlights of WCA’s Year Rounders Events

Snapshots from WCA Summer Branches