Federation Star
January 2022
Ways to celebrate Tu B’Shevat with kids By Alicia Feldman, PJ Library Coordinator
his year, Tu B’Shevat will begin in the evening on Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022, and end in the evening on Monday, Jan. 17, 2022. According to Jewish tradition, all trees share the same birthday on Tu B’Shevat. Although it’s a lesser-known holiday, observance of Tu B’Shevat is growing due to the rising importance of Earth stewardship. Families can celebrate by enjoying any number of activities. Here are some of our suggestions:
Read a book about trees
Meet the Goldsteins
With rhyme and colorful illustrations, this book tells the story of a boy and his family, who plant a tree in honor of the Tu B’Shevat, the Alicia Feldman Jewish holiday known as the birthday of the trees. “Netta and Her Plant,” by Ellie Gelman (Recommended for ages 4 to 5 years) The plant that Netta received on Tu B’Shevat is growing — and so is Netta. In fact, soon it will be time for the plant — and Netta — to do new things. Growing bigger is intimidating, but it’s also wonderful.
PJ family spotlight
Build your family tree
Pick up your favorite book about nature, trees or caring for the environment. Here are some Tu B’Shevat selections: “Dear Tree,” by Doba Rivka Weber (Recommended for ages 2 to 3 years) On the Jewish New Year of the Trees (Tu B’Shevat), a little boy shares his hopes and wishes for trees — and especially for the one under which he plays. “It’s Tu B’Shevat,” by Edie Stoltz Zolkower (Recommended for ages 6 months to 2 years)
By Alicia Feldman, PJ Library Coordinator
Q: A lot of parents say they feel PJ books help them raise good kids. Do you feel that way? A: Yes, we feel that the books help to teach her values, such as respect, kindness, gratitude and honoring our parents/ grandparents. We enjoy incorporating some of the activities depicted in the stories into our own lives as they teach her about cooperating and helping others. Q: Are you involved in the Jewish community in Naples? A: Maddie attends Preschool of the Arts at Chabad of Naples. We try to stay involved through various events and committees that support the Jewish community. Q: How do PJ Library books play a role in your bedtime routine? A: After bath time, Maddie gets to pick two to three books to read, and then we talk about her favorite part of the day as she falls asleep. PJ books often have wonderful prompts on the inside of the cover to help spark age-appropriate conversation about the book and the Jewish values highlighted in it. Q: What is Madd i e’s f a v o r i t e P J Library book? A: Right now, it is “Hanukkah with Friends,” by Chris Barash. If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a PJ Library Spotlight Family please let us know! Email A l i c i a Fe l d m a n , programs@jewish Be sure to follow us on Facebook @PJLibrary Adam and Miriam Goldstein NaplesFL. with daughter, Maddie.
: Tell me about the Goldstein family members. A: Our immediate family is made up of Miriam, Adam and Maddie (age 3), but we are lucky to have a lot of extended family in the area. Q: How long have you been in Naples? A: Our family has spent the last 5 years together here in Naples. Q: What is it like when PJ Library books arrive? A: It’s very exciting! Maddie loves adding to her collection and learning about all the Jewish holidays. Q: What do you think about the quality of PJ Library books? A: The quality of PJ Library books is excellent. The illustrations are beautiful, and the stories are easy to read and engaging.
Photo credit: Nicole Rose Photography @nicolerosephoto
Tu B’Shevat is a perfect opportunity to talk about your family story. For more family tree ideas, visit the PJ Library Pinterest board.
Enjoy Tu B’Shevat food Use our special PJ Library Tu B’Shevat meal plan (https://pjlibrar beyond-books/pjblog/january-2017/ a-tu-b-shivat-meal-plan) to find fast and fun recipes to learn with all your senses. Don’t feel like cooking? Try cream cheese and fig jelly on whole wheat bread — a quick and yummy Tu B’Shevatthemed sandwich.
Plant parsley The Bible Belt Balabusta explains that planting parsley connects our early spring holiday with our main spring holiday — and provides step-by-step instructions to do it. Read a story like “Planting Parsley,” by Pamela Ehrenberg or “Thank You, Trees!” by Gail Langer Karwoski and Marilyn E. Gootman as you do your planting. Your Tu B’Shevat parsley will grow in time for your Passover seder!
“LET’S EXPLORE SHABBAT” Hope to see our PJ Friends at our next Park Playdate Jan. 30, 3-4 p.m. North Collier Regional Park, Can U Dig It Playground
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