Federation Star - January 2022

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Federation Star


January 2022

“‘…only I never saw another butterfly…’ Voices of the Holocaust” 2022 UN Holocaust remembrance program By Bella Gutshtein


s I was leisurely walking on a busy New York City street some 27 years ago, enjoying my time out from a demanding schedule, my eyes were drawn to a book displayed in a window. I felt compelled to buy this work although I would be reluctant to open it, knowing what it held inside. I knew, however, that one day, this book would help to transform the seeds of hate into blossoms of hope. One seed was planted long ago, when I would hear stories of pogroms from my father, who was born and raised in the Ukraine. Another seed was planted when I and fellow Conservatory students snuck into the Leningrad Philharmonic Grand Hall to witness the premiere of Shostakovich’s 14th Symphony, “Babi Yar.” Yet another seed was planted when I heard, “Jew, go back to where you belong!” The seeds continued to be planted in the fertile soil of hatred until the day I left the Soviet Union, where I had been born and raised. Then, years later, as I finally opened the book, “Yes, We Sang – Songs of the Ghettos and Concentration Camps,” by Shoshana Kalish, my time had come to plant another kind of seed…

It has taken 12 years for this seed to grow into the musical production that, with the participation of my husband, violinist Boris Sandler, musicians from the Naples Philharmonic and members of our community, debuted in 2005 at Edison Community College as part of the commemoration of Yom Ha Shoa. Since that time, the work continues to evolve as the venue and performers change and as we strive to keep alive the spirit of those who perished and honor all of those who survived against all odds. This new seed, bearing hope and love, has grown into a beautiful tree of courage and resilience. This tree has witnessed both the making of new friends and the letting go of old ones, when, with heavy hearts, we said goodbye to our friend, survivor Abe Price, who for many years, was an ardent supporter and participant in the program. Our involvement of children has been one of the more memorable facets of our growth, as they serve as a reminder of the inherent good that persists, even in the hardest of times. On Jan. 30, we will once again present a new production to commemorate UN Holocaust Remembrance Day. This program will pay special tribute to the youngest victims of the Shoa as well as

to artists and musicians who performed while imprisoned. This production will feature Naples musicians; members of the community, including children; and the newly formed Chamber Orchestra – Camerata of Naples. Although I personally did not suffer any loses of my immediate family to the Holocaust, I feel that what I have been doing all these years is simply what my duties as a musician and human being

have demanded of me. And the tree blooms on…. The 2022 UN Holocaust remembrance program, “‘…only I never saw another butterfly…’ Voices of The Holocaust,” will take place at St. John’s Episcopal Church located at 500 Park Shore Dr. on Jan. 30 at 4 p.m. Reservations are suggested. RSVP by calling 239-596-8404 or email cn@cameratanaples.org.





SAVE THE DATE Thursday, March 3, 2022 For Triumph 2022 6:00pm – 8:00pm Arthrex One Corporate Event Center 1360 Creekside Blvd, Naples, FL Special Guest Speaker

Lieutenant-General, the Honourable Roméo Dallaire (Ret'd) Join us for prayer, fellowship, education and yes, some old-fashioned fun at Naples Jewish Congregation, serving the Jewish community of southwest Florida for 23 years. We’re a friendly group who gather weekly for joyful Shabbat services led by Rabbi Howard Herman, Cantorial Soloist Jane Galler, and music director Alla Gorelik, as well as many activities sponsored by our Sisterhood and Men’s Club. NJC is a Reform congregation, but we come from many Jewish backgrounds. We’re egalitarian, inclusive and committed to tikkun olam. Come to a service and you’ll feel at home. We’re also affordable. The first year’s membership is “pay by the heart,” and dues after that are very reasonable. Happily, we’re now holding services and other events together, live on the covered patio of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Naples. We comply with all CDC pandemic directives. We meet at 6340 Napa Woods Way in Naples, at the UU Church www.NaplesJewishCongregation.com Membership information email: marilyngoldenberg1@gmail.com

General Dallaire was appointed Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda prior to and during the 1994 genocide. He sought permission from his superiors to intervene but was denied. When the UN withdrew its peacekeeping forces, General Dallaire, along with a small contingent of Ghanaian and Tunisian soldiers and military observers, disobeyed the command to withdraw and remained in Rwanda to fulfill their ethical obligation to protect those who sought refuge with the UN forces.

Tickets: $300 per person; Event Sponsorships Available Proceeds benefit Museum Education programs.

The Holocaust Museum & Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Center 975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd., Suite 108, Naples, FL 34110 239-263-9200 www.HMCEC.org Info@HMCEC.org

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Articles inside

Renewed spirit of togetherness

page 41

January programs and events

page 40

Exciting events offered at JCMI

page 39

January at Beth Tikvah

page 38

Tu B’shvat - New year for trees

page 37

American FIDF supporters cycle across Israel alongside wounded Israeli combat veterans

page 36

In Israel, Knafeh takes the dish of 2021

page 35

When a loved one dies by suicide

page 34

New movies and series: Catch up and look ahead

page 32

Musicians wanted

page 31

JCMI opens 28th Cultural Series

page 31

“Mughaniyat: The Songs of the Mothers”

page 30

“‘…only I never saw another butterfl y…’ Voices of the Holocaust”

page 28

People of the Book author to talk about consummate rags-to-riches story

page 25

Around the world

page 23

Another great month

page 22

Things don’t stop at FGCU Chabad

page 20

Florida Jewish History month 2022

page 19

Hadassah locally and globally

page 18

A tribute to Dr. Marty Cohn

page 18

Temple Shalom events open to the community

page 17

At the Museum

page 16

Jack Nortman to be honored at Never Again event

page 14

Dementia respite and caregiver support

page 14

Meet the Goldsteins

page 13

Ways to celebrate Tu B’Shevat with kids

page 13

Make 2022 a great year with MCA

page 12

The future is now

page 10

Lion of Judah

page 9

The season is here, and we are Here for Good

page 9

Israel advocacy programming

page 8

Israel Advocacy Committee presents dynamic speakers in the new year

page 8

Are you keeping count?

page 6

Brick paver donors bolster capital campaign

page 5

Order your engraved pavers

page 5

Rabbi Skorka: what promotes fellowship in a shared history

page 4

Happy New Year!

page 4

New year brings big, new start!

page 2

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples breaks ground for Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

pages 1, 3
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