3 minute read
MCA season revs into high gear
By Jeff Margolis
The Men’s Cultural Alliance of Greater Naples (MCA) welcomes all returning and new members to what is slated to be the “best ever” season. Looking for something to do? Want to meet new friends? Here is just a sample of upcoming programs this month.
Note: Indoor programming will begin when the JFGN reopening committee determines it is safe to do so. In the interim, programs may be available via Zoom. Please check your e-blasts for updates.
MCA/WCA Documentary
The ever-popular MCA/ WCA Documentary film program presents its first showing of the season on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1-3 p.m., virtually. The film, “Mendelssohn, the Nazis and Me,” looks at the brief life and career of composer Felix Mendelssohn. It explores the unifying of music and the role religion played in his work and legacy. Be sure to register for this event; further details will be in our weekly e-blast.
MCA luncheon
The first MCA luncheon of the season will be Thursday, Nov. 11, 11:30 a.m. at the Audubon Country Club. Please check the MCA e-blast for further details on this event being conducted virtually.
Featured speaker, Michael Farr, will address “2021: Climbing a Wall of Worry. The Economic and Market Forecast entering the Post-Pandemic World.”
Chairman of investments for Farr, Miller and Washington, Farr has appeared on CNBC, MSNBC, the “Today” show and “Good Morning America.” He authored “Restoring Our American Dream: The Best Investment.” Luncheon cost is $32. Reservations are required and may be made via the MCA website.
Steve Schreier continues his popular “Israel Between the Wars” programs on Tuesday, Nov. 9, 10:30 a.m. at Beth Tikvah Synagogue. Schreier looks at recent events in Israel and what can be gleaned for future actions.
MCA Speaker Series
The MCA Speaker Series resumes this fall on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 10:30 a.m. in the Community Room of JFGN. MCA member Larry Golden will present a program about the Innocence Project – a nationwide effort to identify wrongfully convicted defendants and help them get exonerated.
Other activities
Interested in athletic activities? MCA offers a wide variety of programs, including bocce, pickleball, walking, pool, targetshooting, table tennis, kayaking and biking.
Do you want to start a new event? Please contact MCA first vice president Michael Sobol at msobol99@gmail.com for information on getting it moving!
MCA will host a special “Let’s Play Golf” event on Wednesday, Nov. 3 from 12:30 to 6 p.m. at the Pelican Sound Golf Course in Estero. Cost for the event is $55 and includes a cart. Foursomes will be created based on handicap.
Perhaps you like to play cards. MCA offers groups for canasta, poker and bridge. Check the website for details.
For those who like to participate in discussions, why not join any number of discussion groups? They include science, book reviews, Talmud, lifestyle, Israel and fi nancial health. The latter meets the second Friday of the month at 9:30 a.m. The Nov. 12 program will feature local attorney Edward Wollman, who will discuss “Legacy Building Blocks.”
Join fellow MCA members for breakfast every Thursday, 8:30 a.m. at the Patio Café on Tamiami Trail for outdoor dining and a chance to kibbitz. Reservations are required.
Circle the date
MCA cordially invites the entire community to its virtual Hanukkah Celebration on Wednesday, Dec. 1 from 7 to 10 p.m. featuring comedian David Goldman and his Zoom Golly Golly program. Sing, laugh, listen to funny stories and enjoy latkes from the comfort of your own home with the entire family. Don’t forget to register.
Just a reminder: MCA membership dues are now due. The cost of $90 includes membership in the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. MCA welcomes all returning members and invites new members to join. Application information can be found at the MCA website, MCAnaples.org.
MCA wishes a Happy Thanksgiving to all our members and their families.