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Upcoming events for all
By Sue Baum, JCMI president
The Jewish Congregation of Marco Island would like to invite you to visit us and enjoy our many upcoming events.
Chanukah celebration
On Sunday, Dec. 5 at 5:30 p.m., Jewish Federation of Greater Naples will sponsor the Marco Island Community Chanukah Celebration at JCMI. We are so happy to bring back this outdoor island tradition, shared with our Marco and Naples friends and neighbors. We will light our large outdoor menorah and celebrate with traditional music and delicious goodies. A fun event for all ages!
Moving on into the season, please mark your calendars for these upcoming annual events offered at JCMI. Check our website for details or feel free to call the office if you have any questions.
Jewish Film Festival
Our 21st season of the Sydney R. Hoffman Memorial Jewish Film Festival returns on Sunday, Dec. 12. Each year, we bring you four films that highlight the Jewish experience.
Saul I Stern Cultural Series
The 28th season of the Saul I. Stern Cultural Series begins on Saturday, Jan. 15. We strive to bring you three meaningful programs to stimulate your intellect or just to get your toes tapping.
This season, our Concert Series presents two musical concerts for you to enjoy. We will start with a returning group, Motown Magic, on Jan. 22. Ticketing information will be available on the JCMI website soon.
Book Club
The 14th season of The Women’s Book Club resumes on Nov. 16, with “The Vanishing Half,” by Brit Bennett. See the flyer with a full list of books on our website.
Lifelong learning
Join us every fourth Sunday for Rabbi Gross’s Lifelong Learning Series, beginning Sunday, Jan. 23, 2022 with “Tell Me a Story (or Three)” at 9:30 a.m.
There is so much more to look forward to: the Jewish Book Festival, duplicate and social bridge, weekly mah jongg, the annual mah jongg tournament, and (fingers crossed) bingo.
We have reopened our Friday Shabbat Services to all who wish to attend. Join us at 7:30 p.m. We hope to reopen our Oneg Shabbat following services very soon. Streaming is still being offered to those who prefer to remain at home. Visit our website for access, www.marcojcmi.com.
Torah Study with Rabbi Gross takes place every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at the synagogue. We welcome you to attend in person or join us via Zoom. Contact the JCMI office for Zoom information.
While our board gathers monthly to revisit the ongoing COVID situation, please be sure to honor our current safety guidelines: vaccinations, masks and social distancing are requested. For more timely information, please do not hesitate to contact the Synagogue office at 239-642-0800.