Federation Star
November 2021
www.naplesjewishcongregation.org / 239.431.3858
A new season at Naples Jewish Congregation Roberta Obler President
he weather has turned a little cooler and the snowbirds are returning. It’s time for everything to start up again at Naples Jewish Congregation. We had beautiful High Holiday services, both in person and streaming. Rabbi Howard Herman conducted meaningful services with inspirational words regarding the need for us all to do the right thing in order to achieve holiness. Due to COVID, NJC suspended participation of our choir. Cantorial soloist Jane Galler and choir member Peter Weissman handled the music
beautifully, with the aid of our music director, Alla Gorelik. We had wonderful participation by congregants, either in person, in the sanctuary or on Zoom. All in all, it was one of the most meaningful High Holidays services I have attended. And all this despite the power failure on Yom Kippur afternoon for about two hours, where we continued streaming on battery power. We have since decided to mostly revert to streaming services through the end of this calendar year. We hope to resume services occasionally on the patio in person, and then in person in the sanctuary in January (or sooner, if deemed safe). In addition to regular services, we had a special service on Zoom for Simchat Torah, filled with songs, Torah readings and education. We also participated, along with Jews from all over North America, in the Union For Reform, Judaism’s special
Celebrate Simchat Torah Zoom presentation of song, storytelling and Torah reading. It was a fun experience. NJC is continuing with its series of “NJC Connects” – programs to connect our members while we are still not able to meet in person. The program for October was part of the “Talk Amongst Ourselves” sessions. The topic, “Civil Discourse in an Uncivilized Age,” led by Rabbi Herman and past president Steve McCloskey, was held on Oct. 5. This is Part 3 of this topic, which has been vigorously discussed among many congregants. More programs will be scheduled for the following months. Adult education, provided by Rabbi Herman, began in October with our first session scheduled on Oct. 19. The topic, “Plagues and Pandemics in Jewish History,” was a very timely discussion. Five more education programs are planned.
NJC’s Sisterhood had a robust program of events planned for the 20212022 year. Unfortunately, the program for November will be delayed, but we hope to resume this fabulous programming soon. Co-presidents Marilyn Goldenberg and Shelley McCloskey, along with committee members Rochelle Pollens and Sandy Demovsky, are working hard to make the events work in these uncertain times. In this High Holiday season, Rabbi Herman and all of Naples Jewish Congregation have been considering the times we live in and how we, as Jews, should be acting. We have heard from Rabbi Herman on our responsibilities to ourselves, each other and the world: Tikun Olam, and our responsibility to do the right thing in all situations; and righteousness, to behave and act constructively and for the benefit of others. I believe this is our obligation as a Jewish people.
www.marcojcmi.com / 239.642.0800
Upcoming events for all By Sue Baum, JCMI president
he Jewish Congregation of Marco Island would like to invite you to visit us and enjoy our many upcoming events.
Chanukah celebration On Sunday, Dec. 5 at 5:30 p.m., Jewish Federation of Greater Naples will sponsor the Marco Island Community Chanukah Celebration at JCMI. We are so happy to bring back this outdoor island tradition, shared with our Marco and Naples friends and neighbors. We will light our large outdoor menorah and celebrate with traditional music and delicious goodies. A fun event for all ages! Moving on into the season, please mark your calendars for these upcoming annual events offered at JCMI. Check our website for details or feel free to call the office if you have any questions.
Jewish Film Festival
Book Club
Our 21st season of the Sydney R. Hoffman Memorial Jewish Film Festival returns on Sunday, Dec. 12. Each year, we bring you four films that highlight the Jewish experience.
The 14th season of The Women’s Book Club resumes on Nov. 16, with “The Vanishing Half,” by Brit Bennett. See the flyer with a full list of books on our website.
Saul I Stern Cultural Series
Lifelong learning
The 28th season of the Saul I. Stern Cultural Series begins on Saturday, Jan. 15. We strive to bring you three meaningful programs to stimulate your intellect or just to get your toes tapping.
Concerts This season, our Concert Series presents two musical concerts for you to enjoy. We will start with a returning group, Motown Magic, on Jan. 22. Ticketing information will be available on the JCMI website soon.
Join us every fourth Sunday for Rabbi Gross’s Lifelong Learning Series, beginning Sunday, Jan. 23, 2022 with “Tell Me a Story (or Three)” at 9:30 a.m. There is so much more to look forward to: the Jewish Book Festival, duplicate and social bridge, weekly mah jongg, the annual mah jongg tournament, and (fingers crossed) bingo.
our Oneg Shabbat following services very soon. Streaming is still being offered to those who prefer to remain at home. Visit our website for access, www.marcojcmi.com. Torah Study with Rabbi Gross takes place every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at the synagogue. We welcome you to attend in person or join us via Zoom. Contact the JCMI office for Zoom information. While our board gathers monthly to revisit the ongoing COVID situation, please be sure to honor our current safety guidelines: vaccinations, masks and social distancing are requested. For more timely information, please do not hesitate to contact the Synagogue office at 239-642-0800.
We have reopened our Friday Shabbat Services to all who wish to attend. Join us at 7:30 p.m. We hope to reopen
Federation Star Publication Policy The Federation Star is a subsidized arm of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples (JFGN). Its purpose and function is to publicize the activities and programs of Federation, and to publicize the ongoing activities of the established and recognized Jewish organizations in Greater Naples. The goal of JFGN is to reach out and unite all Jews of the Greater Naples area. While differing opinions and points of view do, and will continue to, exist on many issues of importance to Jews, the Federation Star will confine itself to publishing ONLY items that report the facts of actual events of concern to Jews and will only offer commentary that clearly intends to unite all Jews in a common purpose or purposes. Critical or derogatory comments directed at individuals or organizations will NOT be published.
To avoid misunderstandings, controversies and destructive divisions among our people, the Officers and Board of Trustees of Federation have adopted the following publication policy: Advertisements: All advertisements, regardless of their sponsor, shall be paid for in full, at the established rates, prior to publication. The contents of all advertisements shall be subject to review and approval of the Federation board or its designee. Commercial advertisers may make credit arrangements with the advertising manager, subject to the approval of the Federation board. Regular Columns: Regular columns shall be accepted only from leaders (Rabbis, Presidents, Chairs) of established and recognized Jewish organizations in Greater Naples and the designated chairs of the regular committees of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.
Special Announcements: Special announcements shall be accepted from established Jewish organizations in Greater Naples and may, at the discretion of the Federation board, be subject to the conditions applicable to paid advertisements, as set forth above. News Items: Only those news items pertaining to matters of general interest to the broadest cross section of the Jewish community will be accepted for publication. Note: Items of controversial opinions and points of view, about political issues, will not be accepted for publication without prior approval of a majority of the Federation Officers and Trustees. All persons and organizations objecting to the actions and rulings of the Editor or Publications Committee Chair shall have the right to appeal those rulings to the Officers and Board of Trustees of JFGN.