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Temple Shalom events open to the community
By Jeanette Fischer, Temple Shalom Director of Communications
Stories of Music
Facilitated by Cantor Donna Azu, Stories of Music is an adult education project of the Lowell Milken Fund for American Jewish Music at the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music. The first of a two-part series begins on Wednesday, Nov. 10 with “The Sounds of Eretz Yisrael in America: 1920s-1950s.” This lesson explores how American Jews have engaged with Israeli musical forms, from the 1920s through the 1950s, examining how Israeli music navigated the ongoing relationship among American Jews and Zionism and Israel.
On Wednesday, Dec. 8 at 10 a.m., the series continues with “The Sounds of Eretz Yisrael in America: The Crucial ’60s,” exploring how music of Israel grew in the consciousness of American Jews and penetrated American culture. This is a Zoom program. Contact the Temple Shalom office to register.
Family Shabbat
Join Rabbi Boxman and Miss Jane on Friday, Nov. 12 at 6 p.m. for a family-friendly celebration of Shabbat, featuring an activity, service and dinner. Registration is required. Contact Mary Flores, Education Administrative Assistant, at 239-455-2233 or education@naplestemple.org.
Thanksgiving food drive
Make this Thanksgiving a mitzvah! Sponsored by the Tikkun Olam Council of Temple Shalom and benefiting the Harry Chapin Food Bank, the community is invited to drop off donations of canned goods and nonperishables Sunday, Nov. 14 from 9 to 11 a.m. A drop-off station will be located in the parking lot. Checks, made out to the Harry Chapin Food Bank, will also be gladly accepted.
Shabbat ShaPlay
Join Rabbi Boxman and Miss Jane on Saturday, Nov. 20 at 10 a.m. as we sing, dance, play and celebrate Shabbat in the park. All young families are invited to attend. Contact Mary Flores at 239-455- 2233 or education@naplestemple.org.
Torah talk
Join this lay-led Zoom discussion of the week’s Torah portion every Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. Contact info@ naplestemple.org for the Zoom link.
Jewish yoga
Join yoga teacher, Missy Balsam, via Zoom as she guides you through an all-level gentle yoga stretch session interwoven with Jewish spiritual teachings, designed to relieve stress and calm the mind. This class will be practiced lying down and seated on the floor. Open to all, no experience necessary. The cost is $54 for an eight-week session. Call the Temple Shalom office to register and receive the Zoom information.