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WCA summer branches
The fun never stops!
By Susan Pittelman, WCA Publicity Coordinator
Thanks to the WCA Summer Branches, there is no need to sing,
“Tho we gotta say goodbye for the summer,” (as depicted in that oldie but goodie song “Sealed with a Kiss”)!
Creating friendships is synonymous with WCA, and it is one of our biggest draws in enticing new members. Anticipating having to say goodbye to friends when returning north for the summer, members were delighted to learn about WCA Summer Branches and discover that many of their new Florida friends are from the same geographic area.
In 2012, following our philosophy that “the fun never stops at WCA,” WCA created Summer Branches in several geographic areas throughout North America, allowing women to “take the fun of WCA home with them.”
WCA Summer Branches are for those who have a connection to the branch. The connection is not a specific geographical boundary, but rather, a past or current geographic connection to the area, along with the member’s intention and commitment to partake in and/or host the branch’s summer activities in that area.

Sally-Ann Endleman arranged a luncheon for the Connecticut Branch at Shells & Bones Restaurant in New Haven, Connecticut
There are currently nine Summer Branches, each headed by a WCA liaison. These branches typically get together several times during the summer, but COVID has made connecting the last two summers difficult.
As Deedee Remenick, the liaison for the Baltimore/Washington Summer Branch, commented, “Our branch usually gets together during the summer, but this year, due to COVID, we did not have any outings. (But three of us did meet for lunch with our guys, who are friends from MCA!) I look forward to resuming our ‘field trips’ next summer.”
Four WCA Summer Branches did meet this summer. Their liaisons were happy to share information about their successful gatherings.

Gayle Kline, Carol Mest and the event’s planner, Judy Belmont, enjoy the DelVal cocktail party with a beautiful bay view from the Morris’ deck
Using our new membership system, Sally-Ann Endleman, the new liaison for the Connecticut Branch, was able to contact approximately 50 women who spend their summers in Connecticut. Endleman said the response was amazing!
“Fourteen women came; it was perfect. The women were from all parts of Connecticut — some traveling for more than an hour. It was a very exciting gathering with nonstop talking and mingling,” commented Endleman.
Judy Isserlis, liaison for the New York Metro/New Jersey Summer Branch, sent her branch members an invitation for a “Lower East Side Food Tour.” The women who participated really enjoyed it.
“Our guide was very knowledgeable and gracious,” said Isserlis. “We experienced such treats as potato knishes, pastrami on rye, rugelach and mashed plantains. The tour was excellent — both educational and tasty!”
Lenore Greenstein, the new liaison for WCA members in The Berkshires, arranged a Sunday afternoon gathering at Tanglewood for a Yo-Yo Ma concert. It was the first event the branch has held in a few years.

Judy Isserlis, Lenore Greenstein, Molly Getnick, Linda Simon, Ann Cowen and Linda Lerner enjoy being together at Tanglewood
Greenstein said, “The weather and the music were perfect as Ann Cowen and I welcomed about 15 ladies and gentlemen to our gathering on the lawn. I provided balloons and Ann brought a delicious chocolate cake. It was a lovely reunion!”
Judy Belmont, who had been the liaison for the DelVal group for more than four years, planned a very successful daylong event in mid-July. Belmont and her husband, Don, hosted a brunch at their home in Ventnor, NJ. Many stayed for an afternoon of canasta, while others took a walk on the boardwalk.
Later, Gail and Howard Morris hosted a lovely cocktail party at their Jersey Shore home.
Margo Rosenfeld, who is returning to her role as DelVal liaison, commented, “Everyone was so excited to see each other for the first time in nearly two years. It was like a homecoming! Approximately 40 women and men participated. There was a wonderful feeling of camaraderie. ”
WCA’s nine Summer Branches and their liaisons are:
The Berkshires: Liaison Lenore Greenstein Boston Metro North: Liaison Rolly Jacob Connecticut: Liaison Sally-Ann Endleman DelVal (South Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware): Liaison Margo Rosenfeld Illinois: Liaison Diane Freeman Michigan: Liaison Ruth Ann Lippitt New York City Metro/New Jersey: Liaison Judy Isserlis Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland: Liaison Deedee Remenick Oh Canada: Liaison Joanna Paull
If you are a WCA member interested in joining a WCA Summer Branch (and did not sign up in October), contact the liaison. Their contact information is on the WCA website (under “Groups” after logging in). If you are interested in starting a WCA Summer Branch in a different area, please contact WCA President Patti Boochever.
Don’t miss out on the fun that happens in Naples! Go to our website (www.wcanaples.org) and join today. You will soon start to receive the WCA weekly newsletter with upcoming activities, so that you, too, can be part of the never-ending fun of WCA!