1 minute read
Israel Partnership Welcomes New Partnership2Gether Southeast Coordinator
By Mitzi Saul, Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida

The Israel Partnership Program (Partnership2Gether or P2G) is an opportunity for members of the Jewish community in the Northeast Florida area to make people-to-people connections with Israelis living in our partnership city of Hadera-Eiron, Israel. P2G creates programs and projects where local Jews and Israelis can learn together, travel together and share common interests in unique platforms. Programs include educator exchanges, teen summer exchange programs, young leadership programs, artist projects, medical professional delegations, music programs, fi refi ghter exchanges and running delegations. We share this sister city with ten other U.S. Southeast communities so we have the opportunity to make connections with both American and Israeli Jews.
Becca Greenspan Stein serves as the new P2G Southeast Coordinator. Becca is excited to be working closely with our Southeast Jewish communities as well as the HaderaEiron region in Israel to help put quality programs together. She has a background in both Jewish and special education and has spent the last few years working at a synagogue in New York City developing curriculum and family programming. In addition to her role as P2G coordinator, Becca also teaches Jewish Studies part-time and runs the PJ Library and outreach program for the Jewish Federation of Florida’s Gulf Coast.
For more information about Israel Partnership2Gether, contact Becca at becca@jewishgulfcoast.org.