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Welcome, Gonen Arad
By Susan Edelman, Congregation Ahavath Chesed
Meet Gonen Arad, Temple's new Director of Congregational Learning and Engagement. Gonen Arad’s passion for Jewish connection is evident in every conversation. Punctuated by his beautiful Israeli accent and his enthusiastic delivery, he makes his mission clear:
“My goal is to connect every Jewish soul with his or her Jewish identity.”
A seasoned Jewish educator, Gonen will direct youth and adult education, youth and adult programming and membership recruitment and engagement at Temple.
“I am really looking forward to build something new,” he says, noting that it’s going to be a process and that everyone is very committed to the goal.
From an education standpoint, Gonen plans to fully integrate informal Jewish education with traditional learning. He plans to focus on providing Jewish experiences that will resonate with them. The Temple Institute of Religion (TIR) will refl ect that emphasis as it opens this fall.
“I like the kids to explore many aspects of Judaism: songs, skits, arts, movies, conversations,” he says. “My main goal is to provide our younger generation with a positive Jewish experience. Period. I want them to be happy Jews.”
He understands that he can’t turn children into Jewish scholars in just a few hours a week. But he can provide the foundation that connects them with their Jewish identity in a way that it will be a lifelong connection.
Gonen received his Masters in Education from Hebrew Union College and has served as a lead educator and administrator of Jewish education for many years, most recently at Beth Rishon in Wyckoff , NJ. But he was very excited to come to Jacksonville.
Gonen and his family are getting settled in Jacksonville. You can reach him at garad@thetemplejax.org