3 minute read

Volunteer Rockstar Doug Harlan




By Donna O'Steen, Jewish Family & Community Services

Doug Harlan has been an integral part of JFCS's food delivery programs since August 2015. Doug fi rst started volunteering for JFCS's Meals4You program, delivering weekly meals from River Garden to local Jewish seniors in our community.

In September 2018, Doug expanded his volunteer commitment by becoming a volunteer for the Senior Food Delivery program, delivering food throughout Jacksonville and into Flagler counties. He donates an astounding amount of his time to ensuring the food needs of Jewish seniors and Holocaust survivors are met.

Over the years, Doug has created relationships with the clients he delivers food to. He not only provides food, but also serves as a second set of eyes and ears in making sure our seniors are healthy and receiving all the services they need. His commitment not only ensures our clients have access to nutritious food and meals, but also provides an important human connection – which was especially important during the 2020 pandemic when so many seniors and Holocaust survivors were forced into isolation.

Doug always has a smile on his face and a "can do" attitude. Doug is happy to support JFCS staff in any way he can. On the few occasions when Doug has the opportunity to travel the world with his wife, Jeanne, our clients count down the days until they will see him again.

Doug goes above and beyond for those in need. He has a positive attitude and is always willing to lend a helping hand. He is a true example of good character and complete responsibility. JFCS is lucky to have Doug in our corner. Thank you, Doug, for all you do!


By Donna O'Steen, Jewish Family & Community Services

2020 was JFCS’s most successful holiday season ever, serving a record amount of clients in need. With the help of our amazing and generous supporters, we were able to provide over 2,000 children, seniors and Holocaust survivors with everything they needed to have a happy holiday.

The 2021 holiday season is now upon us and we are gearing up to make it special for the children, seniors and Holocaust survivors we serve. And although we hope that life has returned to normal for our clients following the pandemic, the need is still great. Many are still struggling to overcome the fi nancial repercussions of the last year, living day-to-day, and unable to fully get back on their feet.

The Jewish Family & Community Services Holiday Gift Giving program gives you the opportunity to do just that - come together as a community to make a diff erence in the lives of children, seniors and 1st Generation Holocaust survivors in need during the holiday season. JFCS donors are the true heroes and during the holidays, spreading love throughout the entire community. We ask you to help JFCS enrich the lives of our families during the 2021 holiday season by sponsoring a child, senior or Holocaust survivor to shop and purchase gifts for. For more information on our holiday program, contact Donna O’Steen at holidays@jfcsjax. org.

If you would like to help, but you are unable to shop, a monetary donation can be made and our volunteers will shop for you. Visit www.jfcsjax.org/holidays and make a diff erence today.

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