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Celebrating 50 Years Of The Lion of Judah
By Lauren Rickoff , Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida
Women's Philanthropy Chair, Diane Rothstein
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Lion of Judah. Throughout the year, we will celebrate the accomplishments of the program both locally and globally, culminating with an in-person celebration at the 2022 International Lion of Judah Conference on December 11-13, 2022.
“Women Making History,” a virtual celebration of women with powerful impact, kicks off the year-long celebration on January 9 at 7:00 p.m. All women throughout Northeast Florida are invited to join women from across generations, state lines, and oceans to celebrate accomplishments, inspire and learn from one another, and strengthen our collective ability to give back to the communities we cherish.
The Lion of Judah was created in 1972 in Miami by two philanthropists, Tobie Friedland, of blessed memory, and Norma Kipnis-Wilson, of blessed memory. “The women of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation realized then that they could make an enormous diff erence in Jewish philanthropy. A small group of women joined in making our dream a realty and inspired each other to create a program that enabled women to be bold, confi dent and to have a collective voice about our shared Jewish future. Today, the Lion of Judah is an international symbol of women’s leadership in philanthropy,” said Kipnis-Wilson at a past Lion of Judah conference. The Lion of Judah became responsible for raising more than a billion dollars to benefi t Jews in need in Israel, in countries worldwide, and in our own local communities.
In Northeast Florida there are 113 proud Lions of Judah and 25 Forever Lions, women who will continue their Lion of Judah gift in perpetuity. Lions of Judah make an impact throughout Northeast Florida, Israel and around
the world by making a gift of $5,000 or more to the annual campaign.
“It’s our obligation to make the world better, and to leave the world better than we found it. It’s truly my pleasure, and a blessing, to be a Lion of Judah - helping so many people - locally, nationally, and globally. Federation is a unique organization that continuously identifi es the most urgent needs in our community both here and abroad, sometimes on a moment’s notice. It’s wonderful to be part of a group who are on the same page, working to make the world better together,” said Diane Rothstein, Women’s Philanthropy Chair.
To learn more about becoming a Lion of Judah, contact Lauren Rickoff , Director of Campaign and Women’s Philanthropy at laurenr@jewishjacksonville.org or (904) 224-1406.