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Self-care: Organize Your Space For Less Stress & More
Self-Care: Organize Your Space for Less Stress and More Happiness
By Mitzi Saul, Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida
Practicing self-care is more than just eating healthy, regular exercise, and getting enough rest. It also involves ways to diminish the stress of everyday life that comes with living with clutter, disorganization, or the emotional eff ects of downsizing. Nearly eight years ago, Jenn Neuman, an entrepreneur and dedicated volunteer, created Neu Spaces by Jenn (NeuSpacesbyJenn.com), an independently owned and operated company that empowers people to replace chaos with order in their everyday lives. Their mission is to improve the daily lives of their clients by providing customized organizational solutions and services that maximize simplicity, effi ciency, and order. They accomplish it with compassion, kindness, and adherence to the highest ethical standards.
Jenn says, “As a professional home organizer, my goal is to create valuable space for our clients so they no longer structure their lives around their home but structure their home around their lifestyle. When you get organized, you’re not only changing your physical space, but you’re also changing your mental space, and this frees you up to spend more time doing what you love.”
Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, Jenn’s not new to entrepreneurship. She put herself through college at FSU by co-owning a nail and facial salon in Tallahassee. In 2003 she started a catering company with a neighbor. “Through these businesses, I learned about working with people and listening to their needs. When my husband Lon and I moved to Jacksonville, I dove into connecting with my Jewish community and volunteering for the JCA where my children went to preschool. Connecting this way gave me a sense of family, of home, of comfort.” As her three daughters, Hannah, Josie and Haley were growing up, her volunteer work led to Congregation Ahavath Chesed, where she chaired their religious school advisory board and coordinated holiday events.
Jenn feels strongly about volunteering for Jewish Federation & Foundation. She co-chaired the Women's Philanthropy's fundraiser, Girlfriend Connection, Women’s Philanthropy’s Dignity Project, and this year will co-chair our Champagne Brunch. “I’m very intentional about what I say ‘yes’ to. The reason I choose to put a lot of time and eff ort into volunteering with Jewish Federation is because of the broad impact and the diff erence it makes not only within our community but globally. This volunteer work has provided me the opportunity to reach within myself; I have so much more to give to others than I ever expected and will be forever grateful.”
Jenn’s passionate about her Jewish journey, too. “I was very close to my grandfather who hid being Jewish because he grew up in a small town in Indiana where antisemitism was prevalent. But he wore a Star of David, only he could see, close to his heart. It warms my Jewish heart to wear it with pride as he would have wanted. My volunteerism inspired me to go to Israel. I came back fueled to maintain more of a Jewish connection throughout my life, to keep going and stay connected.” She continues, “By doing this, I’ve made friends for life. From someone who attended 10 diff erent schools from kindergarten to 12th grade, I immediately felt like I was part of a community and family that gave us roots.”
Jenn claims her business has boosted her self-esteem, independence, and helped her become a better role model to her daughters. She’s proud to grow a business of four women who focus on building each other up, helping each other grow, and learn in a safe, sharing environment. “By using our services, we’re doing a mitzvah for our clients, but our clients are doing a mitzvah for themselves by getting organized.”
This year’s Annual Women’s Philanthropy Champagne Brunch will be held on Sunday, January 2� at �0 a.m. at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Co-chairs are Jenn Neuman and Sandy Shapiro. To register, please go to events.idonate.com/champagnebrunch2022.