9 minute read
brainstorm about a mitzvah George Washington Carver about 50 little dreidels extra project to spread a little Elementary School. She also from last year when she happiness to Coves residents. gave a similar reply as Mar- spoke to my daughter Milly’s That was all I had to say. cia, “Let me know if there is class, and she was happy to anything else our students give them to us. Marcia first thanked me can help you with.” for being a part of the Fed- Shortly after that, I called eration and knowing Isabel I happened to be typing the Jacksonville Jewish By Faye Hedrick, Jewish Balotin who helped wel- up an enclosure card to Center to see about getting Federation & Foundation of come her to our community include in these Hanukkah the gelt at a discounted rate Northeast Florida at least ten years ago. She Happy bags and the old because maybe, just maybe, then offered to hand-make teacher in me was thinking, there was a chance there
When it comes to a this would be a great activity were extra this year because village, this community for students to practice their not as many people were continues to be just that. letter writing skills and it shopping. I spoke to Tracy I recently experienced the would be nicer to receive a Hilbert, Director of Memkindest series of events that handwritten holiday message bership and Federation’s can only be described as than my cookiecutter greet- BRIDGES Leadership Develbashert, destiny, or all the ing. So I asked Edith if her opment Initiative Participant, planets aligning. Whatever students would be willing who promptly replied, “Wait, you call it, without some sort to handwrite them. Without this is for River Garden and of divine intervention, there thinking twice she replied Survivors and it’s called a is simply no other way to that they’d love to. ‘Hanukkah Happy’ bag? I’ll describe what unfolded to make for the sweetest Marcia Grado The sweetness contincall you right back.” She called me back quickly to tell Hanukkah Happy bags for beautiful crocheted pouches ues….Later that afternoon, me that the Jacksonville Jewour community members at that can be used as a pill Gabrielle and Yohay Levi, ish Center Sisterhood would the River Garden Coves and container, dreidel holder, or along with their precious like to donate the gelt. for some of our local Holo- whatever the heart desires. daughter Aliza, were stopcaust survivors. She showed me a sample and ping by the Federation office. As I went to make a list I immediately took her up Gaby and I were introduced of what we still needed, I re-
I was standing in for on her offer. She was ready and she said, “Let me know alized because of the generone of the Coves volunteer to begin the project and also if there’s anything I can osity of our community, we shoppers and met some knew some other women help with.” I mentioned the didn't need one thing more. of our volunteer shopping who’d be happy to help. project we were working on We had everything to bring a regulars. Since March, these and that we’d like to include lot of joy. I called to let Marvolunteers have grocery After shopping, I spoke a small hand sanitizer, gelt, cia know and she replied, shopped on a weekly basis with Martin J. Gottlieb and a dreidel in each bag, “It was our pleasure to give for the Coves residents. One Day School and DuBow and I was having trouble back to our Jewish commuof these kind volunteers is Preschool’s Director of finding small bottles of nity during this bizarre and Marcia Grado. Marcia made Jewish Life, Edith Horovitz. sanitizer. She called me later special Hanukkah.” my day! She asked me if Edith mentioned that the to let me know that she and there were any other volun- school had already collected her husband found sever- Like Marcia, I too am teer efforts she could help enough food to fulfill the al bottles and she scooped proud to be a small part our Federation with during commitments they made for them up for us already. What of this. From my family to this inconvenient time in Thanksgiving. They would a mensch! yours, I wish you all a Happy everyone’s life. I mentioned like to send their addi- Hanukkah, the miracle of that our Young Profes- tional goods to the current And later that day, I lights, and the miracle of sionals & Families (YPF) food drive YPF is doing in mentioned our project to my community this season. members were beginning to collaboration with JFCS for mom and she said she had 31


By Kellie Smith, Jewish Growing up the eldest It was clear his grandfa-
Federation & Foundation son with two sisters in New ther was an infl uential part of Northeast Florida Orleans, he felt family of his life, having deeply pressure to attend Tulane ingrained values of integrity but was compelled to move and giving to others and away from home. He attend-who set an example by ed Brown University in serving his community in Providence where he gradu- New Orleans. His grandfaated magna cum laude. Even ther, a lifelong member of an though with these high Orthodox shul who had Sons Philip and Robert Loeb at honors, his mother ques- escaped the Ukraine and the Western Wall in Jerusalem. tioned whether he would be emigrated to the U.S. in the A moment Dr. Loeb will always accepted to medical school early 1900s continues to cherish. and thought becoming an motivate and inspire Dr.
Dr. David Loeb accountant would be a better fi t for him, he attended Loeb. He recalls his grandfather always putting money the world. As we see more divisiveness and animosity Driven to service by his medical school at the in the tzedakah box and from so many world and grandfather’s infl uence, Dr. University of Texas South- wanting to do for others. health events, people tend to
David Loeb joined the western Medical School in As a result, Dr. Loeb and his look for people to blame. I
Jewish Federation & Founda-Dallas. Ultimately, he ended family have been heavily believe this has helped fuel tion of Northeast Florida’s up working at the Mayo involved in the community. the rise in anti-Semitism, (JFF) board in July of this Clinic in Rochester, Minne- and remember my grandfayear while simultaneously sota. In the early years of He is an engaged volun- ther telling me that if Jews being named president of the Mayo Clinic Florida, Dr. teer and donor who has don't help Jews, no one else
Jewish Family and Commu- Loeb relocated to Jackson- given 20 years of service to will. It is my turn, and I feel nity Services (JFCS) board. ville in 1991 to begin the Jacksonville Zoo and very committed,” he said.
He continues a family legacy. building a practice. “We felt
His father was on the board of JFCS in New Orleans, and like pioneers in a new place, and it was hard work, but ‘If we as Jews don’t support his grandfather stressed the we had a cohesive team and Jewish agencies, no one will.’ importance of Jewish strong leadership. I am so philanthropy and involve- proud of how Mayo Clinic ment. has grown into a trusted Gardens, including serving The only thing Dr. Loeb puts resource for the entire as board chairman. Other before his commitment to During our interview, region and beyond.” board contributions include service and community is his
Dr. Loeb shared that he is vice-chair of The Bolles family. He’s married to honored to represent JFCS When Dr. Loeb was School, Brown University Katharine and they have two on the JFF board and is asked what connected him Sports Foundation, and a sons, Philip (24) and Robert committed to bringing with the mission of JFCS, he founding member of the (22). The family’s favorite
Jewish philanthropy closer said it was “the tangible way Beaches Community Fund of Jewish tradition is during together with the primary that the agency helps all peo-The Community Foundation Hanukkah where they light goal of preserving Jewish life ple, regardless of religion where he served on the the Chanukiah and recite in Northeast Florida, and and solely based on need.” Coordinating and the Grants blessings before exchanging continuing the Jewish He went on to say, “there is Committee. gifts. tradition of helping others. this voice inside my head
He believes it is a critical and it’s my grandfather, “I felt very fulfi lled in His family traveled to time for the Jewish commu- telling me ‘if we as Jews this secular world. But I Israel recently and spent two nity to build endowment don’t support Jewish agen- became concerned about weeks with a guide seeing funds and secure our future. cies, no one will.’” what was happening around both Jewish and Christian 32

sites. Yet the most memorable moment for him was seeing his sons at the Western Wall.
Devoted to the mission Jewish future in Northeast
and the Jewish tradition of selves, Dr. Loeb is a committed leader and is looking forward to getting more involved in securing our
helping people help themFlorida.

COOK TOGETHER, cont. from pg. 5
Erica has le arned a lot from working with Shylie. “Interestingly, one of the things she said that has stuck with me is, ‘There is a lot of forgiveness when cooking.’ I am going to try to remember this the next time I make something new.” You can register for the 2021 Women’s Philanthropy Champagne Brunch at https://events.idonate. com/cb���� or call Lauren at 904-224-1406.

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