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Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Kindergarten and First Grade Students learned abut artist Georgia O'Keeff e. O'Keeff e painted landscapes, buildings but is most known for her close-up fl owers. O'Keeff e painted how she felt and used color to express her feelings. Inspired by O'Keeff e Martin J. Gottlieb Day School kindergarten and fi rst grade artists created a painting of a close-up fl ower.


Children At Chabad of St. Johns Grow After School program learn about "My Jewish Home" GROW is the place to be when it comes to fostering Jewish pride in the next generation of young, inquisitive minds. At GROW your child will have a fabulous time expressing his or her creativity in a warm and stimulating Jewish environment. GROW is where Jewish kids from public schools throughout S. Johns County come together. Now off ering 3 tracks: GROW In Person, GROW Online or Grow Pods for 2020-2021 for more info visit www. JewishSJohnsCounty.com/GROW.


Safely tucked away on 40 acres in Mandarin is a special place that many people call home, including Betty & Ernest Barnes. The couple have not been apart since their first grade class nearly 82 years ago. The latest chapter in their life story is set at The Coves on River Garden’s highly-rated campus. Here, they can access a continuum of care befitting their lifetime of love.

On November 3, 2020, forty-fi ve (45) residents of River Garden Hebrew Home - our highest turnout ever - voted in this year's heated election. Here, Murray Husney & Iris Solomon show off their voting buttons!

Call (904) 292.2683 to schedule your tour of The Coves.

At the end of October, Girl Scout troop leader Rachel Trulove delivered delightfully decorated potted plants for our River Garden residents. While we missed seeing the Elizabeth Jackson and Bobbie Jo Mentz.

A morning in Israel with Israeli snacks. Each month Chabad of St. Johns sponsors a Kosher

Food Club at Creekside High School. girls from the troop in person, we certainly appreciate their

(Above L-R) Rachel Trulove delivers plants to the River Garden team: Ernestine Axson, Lisa Poremba, thoughtfulness and creativity. Above: Alex Vaynman selects his potted plan, with Samantha Derrick, Life Enrichment Coordinator.

Below: Ruth Zimmerman selects a

polka dot pot and plant .

KOLLEL HOSTS, cont. from pg. 13

experiences. To fi nd out more about our Young Professionals and Families programming contact joeyhamaoui@ jacksonvillekollel.com or for information on our other programs contact offi ce@jacksonvillekollel.com.

Members of The Coves are enjoying a new intergenerational program called 'Better Together in a Box' with the Martin J Gottlieb Day School middle school students. The fi rst session was on October 30, 2020. Boxes with the information and supplies needed for the program were delivered to the member apartments prior to the online event.

MITZVAH DAY, cont. from pg. 23

11 parks and add many more, if needed. The hours are fl exible. In case of rain, we will move clean-up to Sunday, Dec. 27.

To be part of Mitzvah day, please sign up at: http:// bit.ly/CommunityMitzvahDay����

For more information, contact rhodagoldstein@ hotmail.com or Wiatt Bowers at Wiatt.Bowers@atkinsglobal.com.

Mary Beissinger enjoys the 'Better Together' ZOOM session. Thank you to Edith Horovitz from Martin J. Gottlieb Day School for encouraging these intergenerational bonds despite the restrictions of COVID.

Jacksovnille's new shaliach, Stav Brenner, came to TA to teach our students all about Israel. Torah Academy �th graders use microscopes to compare and contrast plant and animal cells.

Above: Dr. Scott Ackerman, cancer specialist, and (Below) Maxine Cooper, survivor, addressing participants during the recent program, It’s Not Just for Women: The Big C presented by the Jewish Federation & Foundation.

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Wolpoff Bar Mitzvah

Andrew Zachary Wolpoff will be called to the Torah for his Bar Mitzvah on December 19, 2020 at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Andrew is a seventh grader at The Bolles School and in the summer he attends Camp Ramah Darom. He is vice president of his Kadima chapter, a member of the middle school Robotics team, a Library Ambassador and a member of the Bolles D & D club. Andrew enjoys acting, reading, art and playing video games. Mazel Tov to his parents, Beth and Howard Wolpoff and Grandparents, Chary and Michael Greenburg and Florence and Martin Wolpoff .

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JEWISH PHILOSOPHY, Students meet in-person cont. from pg. 23 in a small group setting, or them to advance their questions and make their No previous Judaic knowledge is required. virtually over Zoom. Credits earned in the love? What does it mean to class are transferable to believe in G-d? Why do some of the most popular bad things happen to good colleges throughout the people? What happens after country, including here I die? And much more. Florida UF, UCF, USF, FSU “I know how busy teens to fi nd out if the college are preparing for college— you'd like to go to will this is an opportunity for transfer them.) resume and college career CTeen U is one of many while studying the Torah’s programs of CTeen, which timeless wisdom,” Chabad has over 600 chapters in 37 of St. Johns Rabbi Mendel countries and six continents Sharfstein, who is leading and describes itself as “the the class, said. “The teens fastest growing network of will be encouraged to ask Jewish teens.” knowledge personal.” For additional informa CTeen U is open to contact Rabbi Mendel Jewish high school students Sharfstein at Rabbi@ from all backgrounds JewishSJohnsCounty.com or across Northeast Florida. call 904.701.4422. and many more. (Reach out tion about the course

Moderator Mickee Brown (Top) speaking with panelist Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner (Above) at last month's Young Professionals & Families program, "Where Race Meets Religion".

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