Jacksonville Jewish News - May 2017

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WHERE’S THE (CORNED) BEEF? Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue has much success through its recent sale of corned beef sandwiches Page 10

Torah Academy plants a garden with help of its students Page 11

century of service to Jacksonville at EverBank Field during event Page 23 A publication of

May 2017

• Iyar/Sivan 5777 •

River Garden Auxiliary to host WJCT’s Melissa Ross at luncheon

First Coast Connect host Meliisa Ross

BY MIMI KAUFMAN River Garden Auxiliary

The River Garden Auxiliary will hold its annual closing luncheon and meeting, Tuesday, May 23rd at 11:30 a.m. at the Hebrew Home (11401 Old St Augustine Rd.), where a delicious luncheon will be served followed by election and installation of officers. There will be door prizes as well as raffle prizes and the guest speaker will be Melissa Ross, Emmy award-winning host and producer of WJCT’s First Coast


Pair of talks to be given on Jax Jewish History during May BY HAZEL MACK Temple Archivist

May is Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM), which is a national commemoration of the contributions that American Jews have made to the fabric of our nation’s history, culture and society. Jews began coming to Florida as early as 1763 in Pensacola, and in the Jacksonville area in the mid 1830s and ‘40s.

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Jewish Federation of Jacksonville


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JaxJewishTV • Volume 29, Number 11 • 32 pages

Sundara founder Erin Zaikis to speak at this year’s Girlfriend Connection, May 18th BY ERIN COHEN

Women’s Division Director erinc@jewishjacksonville.org

Last fall, several Jacksonville women attended the International Lion of Judah Conference in Washington, D.C., hearing a mix of engaging and moving presentations and lectures. A few though, stood out from the rest and that’s why the Women’s Division is excited to bring one of those extraordinary women to Northeast Florida for the annual Girlfriend Connection, Thursday, May 18th at 6 p.m., inside the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Erin Zaikis is the founder of Sundara, an organization that recycles hotel soap across India, Uganda and Myanmar. They hire widows, victims of domestic violence and single mothers, employing them at a fair wage and training them to become community hygiene ambassadors in the process. The hospitality industry throws away billions of bars of gently used soap into

landfills every single year, but Sundara takes those bars before they hit the trash, cleaning and sanitizing them so they are pathogenfree and cannot transmit disease, making them fit for use again. Sundara employs a holistic approach to soap recycling, relying on community members for leadership, giving dignified jobs to underprivileged women and focusing on intensive hygiene education in a sustainable movement to reduce preventable hygiene related death and disease. Zaikis has been recognized by the Huffington Post, ONE, CNN and the Clean India campaign, and as a ‘36 Under 36’ in the Jewish Week. She has also spoken at universities and conferences across the US Erin Zaikis will be the keynote speaker at the Federation’s 2017 Girlfriend Connection and Canada, including a TEDx talk. “I’m so excited to visit Jacksonville and sure to be hosted by the Jewish Federation the strong Jewish community in May.,” of Jacksonville,” she added. “I’m hoping to Zaikis said in advance of her visit. “It is meet as many people as possible and I really so important for me to speak about my hope readers can join us for the event.” story and the work that Sundara is doing to improve hygiene education and women’s See GF CONNECTION, p. 15 livelihood across the world and it’s a plea-

JFCS sponsors month-long Holocaust programs in public and covers the history of the Holothe community caust from the rise of Nazism in Germany through the liberation of the concentration By Jewish Family & Community Services

The Northeast Florida Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education presented a multi-panel large format exhibition this past month, called ‘Shoah - The Holocaust: How was it Humanly Possible?’ This multi-panel large format expo was produced and provided by Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem. The exhibition began in late April at the Wilson Center for the Performing Arts on the Campus of Florida State College at Jacksonville, South Campus (11901 Beach Blvd .) and runs through Friday, May 5th. This self-guided exhibition is open to the

and extermination camps at the end of World War II. In addition to the exhibit, the Northeast Florida Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education is in the midst of hosting two special events. First, was a screening of the film ‘Conspiracy’, which took place late last month, and the second will be on Tuesday, May 2nd, when the Northeast Florida Center will welcome Holocaust survivor Manfred Katz, who will bravely share his story. The event will be preceded by a brief presentation on the history of the Holocaust and will be followed by a question and answer session. The Exhibition and the evening event are open to the public and are free of charge.

rGEN’s philanthropic efforts celebrated and recognized with an ‘rGENerosity’ fundraiser BY ARIEL FRECHTMAN rGEN Director arielf@jewishjacksonville.org

This campaign year, the community’s young adults were challenged to increase their giving to Federation by considering making a donation of at least $2 per week to the Federation’s annual campaign. In late March, gracious event hosts Kimberly and Richard Sisisky helped to thank the community’s next generation of philanthropists at their beautiful home. Chaired by Haley and Jason Trager, guests enjoyed cocktails, dinner and remarks by the Sisisky family on their own journey of philanthropic giving to Jacksonville’s Jewish community. Ben-Gurion Society members, those giving a minimum $1,000 to the Annual Campaign, were invited to partake in a special celebratory cocktail hour prior to the event. A big thank you goes out to those who continue to give generously and meaningfully to the efforts Federation supports overseas and locally, and we look forward to many more years of celebrating those efforts through special events like this one.

Event chairs Shylie Bannon, Haley Trager and event hosts Richard and Kimberly Sisisky

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

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opinion and cartoons

Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

Rabbinically Speaking Column: Allowing the lessons of the permeate throughout us Ten Commandments to BY RABBI ELI WILENSKY Chabad at the Beaches

We are approaching the holiday of Shavuos, the holiday in which G-d chose the Jewish people as a nation and gave us His holy Torah on Mount Sinai. When the Jewish people gathered around Mount Sinai, they were greeted by loud thunder and bolts of lightning. The mountain was on fire and gave off smoke like a furnace, but then they heard the sound of the Shofar as it grew louder and louder. At that moment all sick people were healed. Then came the great moment when G-d spoke directly to the Jewish people. G-d’s voice was so overwhelming that heaven and earth trembled, lakes and rivers turned backwards, and trees fell over and snapped. It was at this

great moment that the whole world was silent. There was no sound except for G-d’s Holy voice. When G-d spoke the Ten Commandments in “a great Voice, which did not cease” (Deuteronomy 5:19). Midrash explains, the divine voice at Sinai was unique in that it had no echo. What is the significance of no echo? An echo is created when a sound meets with a substance which resists it. Instead of absorbing its waves, the substance repels them, bouncing them back to the void. Prior to Sinai, the voice of Torah had no echo. At Sinai, however, G-d rescinded the decree which had severed the heavens from the earth. The world could now fully absorb the divine voice, a physical object could now become one with its mission. The lesson and mission for us is

RABBINICALLY SPEAKING to implement the values and ideals of Torah in our world. To teach humanity that no matter what the conditions of a particular time or society might be, there is a tran-

scendent, unequivocal, divinely ordained truth and code of behavior to adhere to. The voice of the Ten Commandments had no echo, because it permeated every object in the universe. Any resistance we might encounter is superficial and temporary. Ultimately, the essence of every created being is consistent with, and wholly receptive to, the goodness and perfection that its Creator desires of it. Similarly, Torah must permeate our lives and become one with us. A Chossid once came to his Rebbe, proudly proclaiming that he had gone through the entire Talmud six times. The Rebbe wisely countered, “You’ve gone through the Talmud, but has the Talmud gone through you?” May we internalize the lesson of the holiday of Shavuos and let the Torah permeate our lives so that

this year we merit to receive the Torah in Jerusalem, with the third Temple. Rabbi Eli Wilansky is the Program Director of Chabad at The Beaches in Ponte Vedra where he lives with his wife and children. Rabbinically speaking is a monthly column written by clergy members in the Jacksonville Jewish community. If you are a Rabbi, hazzan or religious leader in NE Florida and would like to contribute your inspirational thoughts for a monthly column, please e-mail jjn@jewishjacksonville.org with your name, organization, congregation and which month you are interested in writing for and what topic, specifically you would like to write about.

Ties of Violence: What it’s like to talk about Israel in the deep south BY ILAN LOPEZ StandWithUs

In its ninth tour, ‘Between the Lines: Voice of Israel - Stories Untold’ featured two reserve duty Israeli soldiers who recount their personal experiences in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) upholding its strict moral code, often in the face of an enemy that hides behind its civilians. The tour was sponsored by StandWithUs, an international Israel education organization with chapters throughout the US, in Israel, Canada and the UK. ‘Between The Lines’ builds bridges between American and Israeli society, and reinforces the organization’s mission that “Education is the path to peace.” Jacksonville, Florida’s largest city (by landmass) was the first stop Mark and I made on our tour. For two weeks, we traveled throughout the Southeastern United States in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee, sharing our story as Israelis, immigrants and former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers. Our first event, in Jacksonville was with young Jews who wanted to deepen their relationship with Israel. The next day, we anticipated facing a completely different challenge. A public school in a popular area of Jacksonville opened its doors for us to share our stories with JROTC students, a leadership course. We asked the first question: “when I say the word Israel, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?” A few hands rose, and some relayed the horrible things about Israel they heard in the news. Most of the students did not know what I’m talking about. Then we created the first bridge by asking, “have you heard of the Holy Land?” Many more hands went up; several raised the small copies of the Bible they

Ilan Lopez

have as key rings. Our educational work had started successfully. Through comparisons and analogies we began to bring this distant subject, Israel, to the small school in Jacksonville. The next bridge we created paralyzed us all, and gave us goose bumps. Mark shared how the second Intifada negatively affected his childhood in Israel. Then, “have any of you experienced or know someone who has been a victim of violence?” Sadly, more than half the room raised their hands. In the largest city in Florida, these teens are dealing with a situation that Israel has faced since before its creation: violence. The teens now understand the challenge of living in Israel. The various ways in which we endured violence for several years in Israel now inspire these young people in Jacksonville and we connect regarding stories of survival. After we presented at universities, high schools and community organizations, it was time to travel to Georgia, where in this city, we would face the representation of hatred and intolerance. We arrived at the University of Georgia (in Athens). An article in the school newspaper “Zionists supports Apartheid” is our welcome message. Our hosts’ warnings become

frequent: anti-Israeli groups will try to sabotage our talk and usually at the beginning. We had extra security. Approximately 90 people were present. In the last row, a group of 15 students wearing shirts with anti-Israel messages were staring at us. Strategically, we decide, that I, a representative of the Hispanic minority, a member of the IDF humanitarian unit COGAT, who experienced many cases of coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians, should begin first. “My name is Ilan, I am Venezuelan, my father is a Christian and this is the story of how Israel saved the life of a four-year-old Palestinian child.” As I speak, I cannot avoid being afraid. I wait for the shouting and sabotage. Without realizing it, I finish. The room is silent. The 15 protesters remain in their seats. Maybe we will have the opportunity to have a productive debate, listen to different positions and try to get to a neutral space in which we can understand each other? After all, that’s the only way we’ll ever have peace. Mark commences. Two minutes pass and the first person stands. The protest begins. “If you leave now, you will have made a statement, but if you stay, you can make a difference,” Mark tells them. Demonstrators have print-

Dry Bones Cartoons by Yaakov Kirschen

ed photos of children killed in the 2014 military operation in Gaza. They throw them on the floor at our feet. Mark and I pick them up. “Respect the victims! If you really respect human life, you will never soil the image of the victims,” I tell them. The room is silent for a few seconds. The demonstrators no longer throw the photos on the floor, they now place them on the tables. We invite them to stay and participate but unfortunately, they leave. A reporter from the Atlanta Jewish Times captured it all. Sadly, we were not able to hear the views of the anti-Israeli protesters, nor did they articulate a proposal for a resolution to the conflict. Closing the doors to dialogue only demonstrates that a

possible agreement is not part of these groups’ agenda. Days before, we conversed with a young man of Jordanian descent who decided to open his mind and listen to other versions of the narrative. He was filled with surprise when we explained the origin of the name Palestine and the 3,000-year Jewish presence in the land of Israel and when we told him about Israeli Arabs or how there is daily cooperation with Palestinian civil society. These two weeks were filled with experiences and challenges and they allowed us to understand a little better, relations between Israel and American society. It shows us clearly that there is still much to do. As Israelis, experiences such as these allow us to share with the world our great passion, Israel, and it gives us an opportunity to fight the lies that are perpetuated against it. I will continue to share my story, creating more and more bridges between Israel and the world and believing, like StandWithUs’ mission, that education is the only path to peace. Ilan Lopez is Latin America Director for StandWithUs, an international Israel education organization.

Advertising Representatives Barbara Nykerk • 904.733.4179 Eta Perras • 904.629.0466 Editor & Communications Director Matt Franzblau • mattf@jewishjacksonville.org Communications Committee Jon Israel, Chair Shirley Bielski Helen Hill Michele Katz Joan Levin Andrea Mail Rachel Morgenthal Andrew Ocean Marsha Pollock Federation President Sandy Zimmerman Federation Executive Director Alan Margolies 8505 San Jose Blvd. • Jacksonville, FL 32217 The Jacksonville Jewish News is published monthly. All submitted content becomes the property of the Jacksonville Jewish News. Announcements and opinions contained in these pages are published as a service to the community and do not necessarily represent the views of the Jacksonville Jewish News or its publisher, the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville. The Jacksonville Jewish News is not responsible for the Kashruth of any product advertised. Copy due dates: All news, photographs, etc., must be received by the 6th of each month, and sent to jjn@jewishjacksonville.org. Ad deadlines: All ads must be received by the 15th of each month and sent to jjn@jewishjacksonville.org in .pdf format. Editorial support: Donna O’Steen, Erin Cohen, Ariel Frechtman, Val Battini, Emma Pulley, Alan Margolies, Andrew Ocean

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

community news

David Stein honored with OneJax’s 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award By OneJax Institute

OneJax Institute honored six deserving men and women late last month at the Prime Osborn Covention Center with its Humanitarian Award winners, and one of them included David A. Stein, who was given the 2017 Gold Medallion for Lifetime Achievement. That award recognizes those who have had an extraordinary impact on and have given back generously to their communities over their lifetime through exceptional commitment to the OneJax mission of promoting the dignity and respect of all people. Stein is chairman and CEO of King Provision and for much of his career, was Chairman and CEO of Southern Industrial Corporation, the original franchisor of 36 Burger King restaurants in three counties of Northeast Florida. He is a Jacksonville native who has spent a lifetime giving back to the community he loves and has enhanced the quality of life in Northeast Florida by financially supporting many educational initiatives. He has provided scholarship endowments at UNF, JU, and FSCJ, at the Jewish Community Alliance, where he led the effort to found it and where he was its first president. Additionally, he helped to impact the Greenwood

School, where he spearheaded a capital campaign to provide a permanent home for this school that serves the educational needs of children with learning disabilities. Stein has served as an officer or board member for numerous local organizations such as the United Way, Chamber of Commerce, University Medical Center, UNF Foundation, and WJCT Public Television, and this past year, he and his wife, Linda, were honored as the ‘Philanthropists of the Year’ by the Association of Fundraising Professionals at its annual Philanthropy Day luncheon. The OneJax Humanitarian Awards honor those who have demonstrated the highest level of personal and professional integrity, have given generously and extensively to our community, and have been dedicated to the improvement of human relations among diverse groups in our community. The 2017 awards honorees represent a broad cross-section of community trustees and leaders, and in

David A. Stein

addition to Stein included Jean Ludlow, Retired Insurance Executive; Community Volunteer, Dr. James Crooks, Professor Emeritus of History at UNF; Author; Community Volunteer, Rodney Hurst Sr., Civil Rights activist and author, Faisal Sayed, Executive Director, Muslim American Social Services, and Sabeen Perwaiz Syed, Executive Director, Florida Nonprofit Alliance. Since 2012, OneJax has been an Institute at the University of North Florida. Through education, community building and advocacy, OneJax Institute works to make Northeast Florida a better place for everyone by celebrating differences and identifying all we have in common.

JJN Advertising Directory At the Jacksonville Jewish News, our advertisers are precious to us. It is with their support that the Jacksonville Jewish community has a newspaper. Advertising revenue also offsets the cost of production, so Federation dollars can be dedicated to helping Jews locally and overseas. Please continue to live generously and support our advertisers: • 5-Agency Annual Mtg. • Jewish Com. Foundation (p. 32) of NE Fla. (p. 24) • Adams Eyes (p. 27) • Jewish Museum Fl. (p. 29) • Athens Cafe (p. 11) • JJN Summer Mag (p. 28) • Alhambra Theatre (p. 12) • Larry Tallis Photo (p. 14) • All Pro Painting (p. 6) • Margo’s Catering (p. 6) • Beachview Rentals (p. 10) • Pediatric Dentistry (p. 6) • Bob Ham Eyewear (p. 11) • River Garden (p. 19) • Brandon Pest (p. 8) • rGEN Jax (p. 16) • Camp KiTov (p. 20) • Stein Mart (p. 7) • Erica Jolles Realty (p. 9) • Shalom Jax (p. 17, 20) • Israel 70th Mission (p. 21) • St. Augustine • Impressions (p. 6) Amphitheatre (p. 4) • Innovative Financial • The Tax Man (p. 6) Solutions (p. 13) • UF Health (p. 5) • Jax Jewish Center (p. 2) • Wajsman Home Team • Jacksonville Jewish Food Realty (p. 26) Festival (p. 31) • Whole Foods (p. 30) • Jax Jewish News (p., 31) • Women’s Division (p. 15) For your advertising needs, please contact advertising sales representative Barbara Nykerk at 904-733-4179 or Eta Perras at 904-629-0466.

May 2017 - Iyar/Sivan 5777

Adult Education............... p. 29 Business Directory.............p. 6 Chabad News ...................p. 14 Community News..................... .............................p. 4-9, 26-27 Education ........... p. 11-13, 31 Federation News ........p. 15-19 Foundation ..................... p. 24

JCA ................................. p. 22 JFCS ................................ p. 23 Lifecycles ............................p. 6 Opinion & Cartoons ........... P. 3 River Garden ................... p. 25 Synagogue News ......... p. 7-10 Top Stories..........................p. 1

Read archived issues online at


Ladies’ Day at the JCA, scheduled for May 12th

By Jewish Community Alliance

Mother’s Day isn’t just for mothers as it’s a great day to honor all of the smart, courageous, nurturing women in your life, and if you’re a mother, it is also a great day to honor yourself. The Jewish Community Alliance’s J Institute has a fun, inclusive Mother’s Day program for any special woman in our lives. Ladies’ Day at the J, scheduled for Friday, May 12th from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. is a chance to enjoy fashion, food and fun at the JCA. This special event will take place at the poolside at the JCA Howard and Joy Korman Outdoor Pool. Representatives from Athleta and Carla’s Shoes will be on-site for a fashion show to model the latest in women’s summer trends.

This event is open to the community, however the fee for Ladies’ Day at the J is $10. JCA valued members are free to attend as part of the JCA’s valued member series. Advance registration is required by May 9th. For information on this and other J Institute events, visit jcajax.org/ji or call 904-7302100, ext. 228.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

community news

Sheri Trager Weiss Active and Inspired JFCS Volunteer


heri Trager Weiss is a familiar fixture over at Jewish Family & Community Services as she has her hand in a number of different projects. In the past she has assisted with the organization’s annual event, but most recently, she was instrumentally involved in JFCS’ holiday gift giving program, where she adopted more than 20 children for the holidays, went shopping for them and then came back to the organization to help organize and sort the toys,


m ot m

which were given to caseworkers to dole out. “That was a huge commitment that she made to JFCS and those children and I cannot thank her enough for that,” said JFCS Executive Director Colleen Rodriguez. “Sheri has a real heart for our community and the people that we serve here at JFCS.” It’s because of this that Trager Weiss was recently named a community superhero by JFCS for Federation’s annual Super Sunday

If you would like to nominate someone special for Mensch of the Month, who volunteers both their time and efforts to the Jacksonville Jewish community, simply submit their name, photo and a short write-up about them to jjn@jewishjacksonville. org. campaign. Now she can add the ranks of JJN’s Mensch of the Month to her mantle.


Jax Jewish History Continued from pg. 1 To learn more about the early Jewish settlers in Jacksonville , come and hear Temple Archivist Hazel Mack talk about the city’s Jewish history, Monday May 8th at 12 p.m. inside the Mandarin Public Library Branch on Kori Rd. If you miss that one a similar presentation will be held just two days later at 6 p.m. on Wednesday the 10th inside the Regency Branch at 9900 Regency Square Blvd.

RG Auxiliary Continued from pg. 1

Temple archivist Hazel Mack will give two talks on Jax Jewish history in May, which coincides with Jewish American Heritage Month

Connect on NPR. Prior to joining WJCT, Ross spent three years in the corporate communications field at Jacksonville’s Dalton Agency. During her stint at Dalton, she was cast in the HBO film ‘Recount’ playing a reporter. Married

with two children, Melissa is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and Communications. She also writes for the Florida Politics blog. The cost of the luncheon is $10 and the deadline for reservations is May 17. For more information or to make your reservation for this outstanding event, please contact Mimi Kaufman at 904626-2472 or by emailing her at 2sexymandms@gmail.com.

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Follow us on Twitter & Instagram: @jaxjewish

Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

lifecycles Births

Sloane Ava Werber was born Friday, Apr. 7th at 11:58 a.m., to parents Laura and Ben. She was 6.5 lbs and 19.5 inches at birth. Proud grandparents are Marjie and Abe Rogozinski of Sloane Werber Jacksonville and Serena and Rick Werber of Boca Raton.

B’nai Mitzvah

Allie Ryan Bielski, daughter of David and Carrie Bielski, will be called to the Torah on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah, Saturday, May 27th at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Sharing in her simcha will be her older sister Jamie; grandparents Abe and Shirley Bielski of Jacksonville, and Arthur Allie Bielski and Kay Gomberg of Coral Springs, Fla., along with many other friends and family. Allie is completing the seventh grade as an Honor Role student at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School. She loves playing tennis, surfing and hanging out with friends. For her Mitzvah project, she created an Adult/Child doubles tennis tournament, where she raised nearly $2,000-dollars to benefit the MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation. MWYF’s mission statement is to develop champions in classrooms, on tennis courts and throughout the communities, and she plans to make this an annual event. Abigail Lois Fixel, daughter of Rebecca Wengrow Fixel and Alan Fixel will be called to the Torah on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah, Saturday, May 13th at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Sharing in the simcha will be her grandparents Dr. Henry Ray Wengrow, Ms. Jean Brock and Ms. Vicki Wengrow all of Jacksonville in addition to many other famAbigail Fixel ily and friends. Fixel is a seventh grader at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School and in her spare time, enjoys participating in musical theater and spending time at home with her cats Bobbie and Emma Swan. For her mitzvah project, Fixel is organizing, producing and directing a two-week musical theater camp this June for children who cannot afford summer camp. Zammy Novack will be called to the Torah for his Bar Mitzvah on Shavuot, Wednesday, May 31st at Chabad of Southside. Born in Jacksonville, he is the eldest child in his family and is a source of great pride to his parents Rabbi Shmuli and Chana Novack. A starstudent at Chabad’s Day Zammy Novack

School, Zammy is passionate about technology and graphic design. Family from across the U.S. and from Israel will be flying in to celebrate the simcha with him.

In Memory

An unveiling for Stanley Stone was held Monday, May 15th to commemorate his yoretziet at the New Jewish Cemetery in Jacksonville. Rabbi Gary Perras officiated a simple gathering of family and friends to honor Mr. Stone who passed away, May 27, 2016.


… To the family of Lenny Morgenthal, who passed away Saturday, March 25th at the age of 83. He is survived by his wife, Carole, their children Craig (Rachel), Michael (Renee) and Jeffrey Morgenthal, grandchildren, Daniel, Joey, Jacob, Amanda and Siena. Funeral services took place March 28th in Boynton Beach. Contributions to Lenny Morgenthanl’s memory can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, to River Garden Hebrew Home, or the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Mitzvah Fund. … To the family of ‘Pop’ Frank P. Natale, who passed away Monday, March 27th. He is survived by his son Peter (Susan) Natale, grandchildren Stephanie Natale Frus (Brian Frus), Ryan (Oon) Natale and great grandchildren Penelope, Sofia and Juniper. The family received friends at Naugle Funeral Home, March 31st and April 1st. The family request contributions in memory of ‘Pop’ Natale be made to the VFW Post 6530, 77 Main Street, Camden, N.Y. 13316. … To the family of Marvin Falis, who passed away Monday, Apr. 3rd. He is survived by his wife Shirley Byrd Falis, their children Don Campbell, Donna Palmer, and Sheri Lopez, sister Marcia Jawitz, and many grandchildren, nieces and nephews. A graveside service took place at Shepherd Memorial Park in Hendersonville, N.C., Apr. 7th. Contributions in Marvin Falis’ memory can be made to the Jacksonville Jewish Center, or to the American Diabetes Association. … To the family of David Eison, who passed away, Thursday, April 6th. He is survived by his wife Paulette, children Danielle (Tom) and Matthew, brother Martin (Nancy), and grandchildren Jacob, Sophia, Alexandra and Nicole. Funeral services were held April 10th at King David Cemetery (Greenlawn). The family requests that contributions in memory of David Eison be made to Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple) or First Tee of North Florida (1157 Golfer Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32209). … To the family of Jacksonville Jewish Center member Sheila Baruch, who passed away Sunday, Apr. 9th. She is survived by her husband Ron, daughters Kimberly Barlow and Valerie Badt, sister Marsha (Marvin) Fish and granddaughter Allyson Badt. A graveside service took place Apr. 10th at the Old Center Cemetery in Jacksonville. … To the family of Harold Bernard Serota, who passed away Monday, Apr. 17th. He is survived by a daughter, Ronni (Scott) Kruger, grandson Dylan Kruger, in addition to siblings Jeanne SerotaSchultz, Shelley (Stanley) SerotaBock and Martin (Susan) Serota. Funeral services took place in Lake Travis, Texas. Contributions in Harold Serota’s memory can be made to the Jacksonville Jewish Center. … To the family of Barbara Merlin Ferrell, who passed away Tuesday, Apr. 18th. She is survived by partner Barry Luftig, son Joshua, grandson Owen, sister Margie (Aaron) Holzer, brother James Merlin, nephew Hazzan Jesse (Leora) Holzer, and niece Morgan Holzer. Funeral services

were held Apr. 21st in Sudbury, Mass. Contributions in memory of Barbara Merlin Ferrell may be directed to the Cantor’s Discretionary Fund of the Jacksonville Jewish Center. ... To the family of Leah Karlin, who passed away, Monday, Apr. 24th. She is survived by her daughter Ellyn (Rick) Carpentier and family, in addition to Ron (Phyllis) Karlin, and Velvel (Tzipora) Wayne. Funeral services took place Apr. 25th at the Arlington Park Cemetery in Jacksonville with Rabbi Yaakov Fisch officiating.

Classified Ads

Maid Services Available Housecleaning, laundry and cooking with reasonable rates. By appointment only. Call 904-3879293 or leave a message. Ask for Lidia. Synagogue Employment Opportunity Temple Bet Yam, St. Augustine, seeks part-time coordinator/head teacher for small religious school. Must have knowledge of Hebrew and Reform Judaic customs, practices, and teachings. Passion for and understanding of working with children a must. Religious school is 26 session throughout the school year held on Sunday morning. Contact templebetyam@ gmail.com or call -904-819-1875. To submit an item for life cycles, please email it to jjn@ jewishjacksonville.org. Due date is the 15th of the month. For guidelines of how to write Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding or obituary announcements, go to jewishjacksonville.org/news under “Share your news.”

Have some news to share?

By Jacksonville Jewish News

Whether it’s a milestone achievement accomplished by a friend or family associated with the Jacksonville Jewish community, or simply a story, event or announcement to be shared, drop us a line at jjn@jewishjacksonville.org. You can also contact newspaper editor and Federation Communications Director Matt Franzblau directly at mattf@ jewishjacksonville.or or by calling 904-448-5000, ext. 212. The Jacksonville Jewish News is published 11 times a years, in newspaper from January to May and then again from August to December, with a Summer Magazine covering the months of June and July. For further information as well as advertising rates, log onto jewishjacksonville.org/news and for back issues go to issuu. com/jewishnews. For advertising inquiries contact Barbara Nykerk at 904-923-3205 or bnykerk@ comcast.net, or reach out to Eta Perras at 904-629-0466 or perraseta@bellsouth.net

business card directory


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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

synagogue news The Temple hires Michelle Penson as Come play for a purpose its interim religious school director at Beth El’s Bob Hersh students and their families.” Golf Classic on May 15th “Rabbi Rick Shapiro joined By Congregation Ahavath Chesed

The Temple’s Board of Trustees is proud to announce that Michelle Penson has been hired as the Interim Religious School Director effective July 1st. Penson and her family moved to Jacksonville in 2010 and immediately became active and engaged members of the Temple family. She is an engaging teacher, who effectively transmits her love of Judaism to her students. She received her Bachelor of Arts from Boston University and her Master of Arts from St. Mary’s College and has served as Temple’s Education Chair, most recently as the Temple’s VP of Education and Youth. “I am honored to have been selected to head Temple’s Religious School,” Penson said. “As a parent and a teacher, I appreciate the challenges of engaging our

Michelle Penson

families in the traditions, history, liturgy of our Jewish heritage as I know that Jewish learning is a lifelong endeavor and the seed for which we plant in our young students,” she added. “I have deep respect for the Temple’s Religious School faculty and know that, together, we will use all our combined skills to share our love for Judaism and learning with our

Temple as the Interim Senior Rabbi in July 2016,” said Temple President Brian Bialik. “Recognizing the changing demographics of congregational life and the resultant differing needs and expectations, Temple chose to commit a 24-month period to self-assessment as the Board of Trustees hired Rabbi Shapiro to facilitate that process while serving as the Senior Rabbi of the congregation,” he added. “Michelle Penson’s hire as the Interim Director of the Religious School is one more step in that process and The Temple will appoint a Rabbinic Search Committee this summer with responsibility for identifying a settled Senior Rabbi for July 2018. Michelle’s hire as an interim Religious School Director will enable the settled rabbi to secure his/her professional team, which might include her.”


Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue

The Bob Hersh Classic golf tournament will be held Monday, May 15, at The Palencia Club in St. Augustine. This four-person scramble championship has a shotgun start time of 8:30 a.m., and the tournament is open to men and women. If you do not have a team of four, you can still sign up as you may sign up as an individual and you will then be paired up with three other players. Money raised from the event will benefit the

Beth El Education Fund and help to ensure that the Synagogue continues to enrich lives and expand horizons by remaining a vibrant center for life-long learning for the entire community. The entry fee is $700 per team or $175 per player. This includes the range fee, green fee, cart fee, prizes, grill lunch and complimentary Bloody Mary, beer, and wine. Sponsorships are also available, so for more information or to register, contact Karen Freedman at kffreedman40@yahoo.com or call 904-273-9100.

The St. Augustine Jewish Jacksonville Jewish Center to host Historical Society to host a Shavout eve interfaith program Lee Weaver play in May By Jacksonville Jewish Center

Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Israelites at Mount Sinai and this year the Jewish festival also falls during the month of Ramadan, a period of elevated sanctity on the Muslim calendar. To that end, the Jacksonville Jewish Center will host members of the Islamic Center of Northeast Florida to join them for a festive meal and study program to welcome the start of the Shavuot festival and simultaneously serve as iftar, the traditional meal eaten by Muslims to end their daily fast during Ramadan. The program, which will be held, Tuesday, May 30th at 7:30 p.m., with a brief introduction for Muslim participants about the meaning of Shavuot, and for

By St. Augustine Jewish Historical Society

Actor-Playwright Lee Weaver will present his one-man play ‘The Secret-The Spanish Inquisition in Old St. Augustine’ at The Corazon Cinema and Cafe (36 Granada St.), Thursday, May 4 at 7 p.m. The performance is, in part, a benefit for the St. Augustine Jewish Historical Society, and the cost of admission is $20. Tickets will be available at the door prior to the performance and refreshments will be available for purchase. Seating is limited, but all are welcome and no advance arrangements are necessary. For directions call 904-679-5736 and for more information call 804914-4460.

Lee Weaver

Neil Simon’s ‘I Ought To Be in Pictures’ coming to St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre BY JACKIE WITTE Temple Bet Yam

Temple Bet Yam will be taking over the Black Box Theatre at the Limelight, Saturday, May 6th at 6:30 pm., as this intimate venue will be the setting for the presentation of the Neil Simon hit, ‘I Ought To Be In Pictures’. Attendees will be treated to a range of delicious appetizers and the chance to bring home a host of amazing bargains from the silent auction featuring goods and services from local vendors and artisans. Don’t miss out on this show, so contact Terre Wallach at 904-826-0281 or

Carol Levy at 954-895-7332 for tickets, which are $30 a piece.

Grow your business

If you want to reach a demographic with a higher than average household income and education, the Jewish News is your connection. To advertise, contact: Barbara Nykerk 904-923-3205 bnykerk@comcast.net Eta Perras 904-629-0466 perraseta@bellsouth.net

Jewish participants about the significance of Ramadan. Each of the faith communities will hold their respective afternoon/evening services consecutively with an opportunity to attend the worship of the other. Earlier that day, members of both congregations will join together in the synagogue’s kitchen to cook a kosher, dairy meal, incorporating recipes from both faith traditions to serve at that evening’s festive meal. “While the giving of the Torah has a set of uniquely Jewish associations, neither Jews nor Muslims believe in a gerrymandered God,” said Jonathan Lubliner, the Center’s Jack F. Shorstein Senior Rabbi. “We may worship differently, but ours is the same Deity who created all of humanity in the Divine Image, so by hosting an iftar which also serves as our fes-

tival meal, complete with Kiddush and Birkat Hamazon (grace after meals), we serve to underscore that our religious differences need not serve as a barrier to learning from and about one another,” he added. “In an increasingly polarized world, it is more important than ever to build bridges of understanding between neighbors.” The Shavuot dinner will be followed by the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s traditional Tikkun Leyl Shavu’ot study program, which will include facilitated learning by the synagogue’s clergy as well as members of the Islamic Center, who are fellows of the Muslim Leadership Initiative sponsored by the Shalom Hartman Institute in Israel. For more information please contact the synagogue office at 904-292-1000.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

synagogue news Jacksonville Jewish Center confirmands What’s The Difference??

head to D.C. for AIPAC through special scholarship experience By Jacksonville Jewish Center

Members of the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Confirmation class received full scholarships to attend AIPAC’s Policy Conference in Washington, D.C., earlier this spring. Through the generosity of Charles, Elyne, Seeman, Nancy, Morrie and Chase Zimmerman, confirmands traveled to Washington at no expense to them to learn about the challenges facing proIsrael students on college campuses, lobby congressional representatives on important Israel-related issues, and enjoy the sights of our nation’s capital.

Bubbe’s Bake-Off judges are ready to taste for the sixth annual Jewish Food Fest, May 7th

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between square and circle matzah?? Find out in this short YouTube video featuring Etz Chaim Rabbi Yaakov Fisch by scanning the QR Code below.

By Congregation Ahavath Chesed

If you have a favorite cake recipe from Bubbe, The Temple encourages you to enter Bubbe’s Bake-Off, an adult and child baking contest which will be held on Sunday, May 7th as part of the sixth Annual Jewish Food Festival hosted by The Temple. Anyone and everyone, of every age is invited to enter as the category is cakes. It doesn’t have to be just plain, boring cakes, but instead it can be cake pops, cupcakes, bar cakes, round cakes, sheet cakes, or any cake your heart desires. Those wishing to enter can submit as many cakes they would like for $10 per entry. A list of the judges taking part in this year’s panel is below as well as an explanation of their culinary qualifications. Belinda Hulin – Is a veteran Bubbe’s Bake-Off judge and re-

turns to the panel again this year. She is the author of many foodrelated books, including ‘Roux Memories – A Cajun-Creole Love Story with Recipes’. She is also a former Food and Lifestyle editor at The Florida Times-Union. Visit her website at belindahulin.com. Judy Wells – Is a longtime food and travel writer and also a veteran Bubbe’s Bake-Off judge. One of her recent posts is about adult ice cream, adding whiskey to chocolate, so she’s no stranger to treats. Her website is wellsworld.blogspot. com. Leigh Cort - Enjoyed judging Bubbe’s Bake-Off as a first-timer last year. She’s the founder of the Women’s Food Alliance, whose mission is to cultivate and ad-

vance networking, education, and collaboration for women in the culinary and hospitality industry in Northeast Florida. Her website is leighcortpublicity.com. Jay Magee - Is a longtime restaurant reviewer for The Florida Times-Union and a veteran Bubbe’s Bake-Off judge. His website is jaymagee.com, ‘where the dot is devoured daily’. Bubbe’s Bake-Off is just one component part of the Jacksonville Jewish Food Festival. For one single entry price, you can eat from each of the 24 vendors. Corned beef, beef sliders, falafel, tabbouleh, and much more. Go to TheTempleJacksonville.org to purchase your ticket, or call the Temple office at 904-733-7078.

Center Sisterhood to hold an evening with Anita on May 15th By Jacksonville Jewish Center

The Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Sisterhood will hold its annual donor event, Monday, May 15 at 7 p.m., and the format will be a unique one as the chat style evening with be emceed by Andrea Mail. In honor of her mother, Rose Goldberg, homegrown businesswoman and philanthropist, Anita Zucker, has graciously chosen to underwrite the Sisterhood’s annual event. Zucker is the daughter of Holocaust survivors and graduated from the University of Florida, receiving a Masters of Arts from the University of North Florida. She is CEO of the Charleston-based InterTech Group, a holding company with a widerange of assets, including a chemical production

plant, an aerospace engineering firm and large amounts of commercial real estate. Zucker’s late husband, Jerry, founded the business with a partner in 1982, when they purchased a single industrial manufacturing plant owned by Raybestos-Manhattan. Within five years the small operation had grown into a multinational conglomorate, and Zucker quickly began compiling assets across the globe. By the time Jerry died of a brain tumor in 2008, he had amassed more than 300 individual patents. Today Anita is the owner of the South Carolina Stingrays, a minor league hockey team. A member of numerous boards and honored many times for her philanthropy, she continues to be highly active in the Charleston business community as she is the only billionaire living in

Anita Zucker

Charleston. Donor levels begin at the chai level of $18 and continue in multiples of chai, at $36, $72, and the mensch level of $144. For more information contact event chair, Shirley Bielski at 904-228-0500 or send checks to the Center Sisterhood at 3662 Crown Point Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32256.

Wine and cheese social and movie screening to be held at Beth El’s next mixer BY GAIL GREENFIELD

Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue

Please join Beth El – The Beaches Synagogue Sunday, May 21, at 5 p.m., for its next member and guest mixer, where there will be a wine and cheese social prior the viewing of a film. That evening, ‘Orchestra of Exiles’ will be screened, which is a movie that takes place in the early 1930’s when Adolph Hitler began firing Jewish musicians across Europe. Overcoming extraordinary obstacles, violinist Bronislaw Huberman moved these great musicians to Palestine and formed a symphony that would become the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. With courage, resourcefulness and an entourage of allies including Arturo Toscanini and Albert Einstein, Huberman saved nearly 1,000 Jews and guaranteed the

survival of Europe’s musical heritage. This documentary features commentary by musical greats interwoven with an array of marvelous film footage. This event is free and open to the community, however donations are gratefully appreciated. For more information, contact Gail Greenfield at gailsgreenfield@hotmail.com or call 904-534-7381.

Jax Rabbis at AIPAC in D.C.

Jacksonville Rabbis Matt Cohen of Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple), Yaakov Fisch of Etz Chaim Synagogue and Howard Tilman and Jonathan Lubliner from the Jacksonville Jewish Center at the 2017 AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. in late March.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

synagogue news

Jacksonville’s Jewish Food Festival to feature a new L’Chaim wine wall at annual event By Congregation Ahavath Chesed

Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple) will host the sixth annual Jacksonville Jewish Food Festival, Sunday, May 7th from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Brisket, corned beef, matzah ball soup, latkes (potato pancakes), bagels, hummus, falafel, kugel and macaroons will all be available for

cooking styles of the many places that Jews have lived throughout the ages, especially Eastern Europe, Germany, Spain and the Mediterranean, and the constellation of these varied cuisines into one is uniquely Jewish. The event will also feature the sixth annual Jewish baking contest, Bubbe’s Bake Off, with expert judges including food bloggers and recipe book authors. There will be a children’s division for younger bakers to participate in as well and this year’s event will also feature the ‘L’Chaim Wine Wall’,

sampling by attendees in addition to other types of Jewish foods. “The festival will feature an All You Can Nosh (Eat) format that is sure to entice the community’s collective taste buds with delicious Jewish food,” said event chair Sarah Fraden. “This year’s event tastings will focus on traditional, Israeli, Jewish holidays and desserts.” Jewish cooking combines the

where for $18, attendees purchase a ticket and get to pick a mystery bottle of wine from the wall. Individual tickets to the Jewish food festival cost $25, and family passes for up to two adults and their children 16 and younger are $75. Kids three and younger are free with a paid individual admission. For more information and to purchase tickets online, go to thetemplejacksonville.org. Congregation Ahavath Chesed, which was established in 1882, is northeast Florida’s largest and oldest Reform Jewish congregation.

Yoga Shalom becoming a Learn how to read Hebrew a variety popular program at the of ways at the Jacksonville Jewish Hebrew class, also taught by Jacksonville Jewish Center Center Lois Tompkins. Both groups will By Jacksonville Jewish Center

New summer Hebrew classes will begin in May and June at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Classes are free and open to the community, and the materials will be provided thanks to NJOP (National Jewish Outreach Program). Online Alef-Bet Hebrew (beginner’s level) classes, taught by Lois Tompkins, are live webinar-style, which can be easily accessed from

your own computer in the convenience of your home, but there is a limit of six students. Those who prefer to be taught in person, can try the Center’s regular Alef-Bet

learn the alef-bet and reading fluency, and run weekly for about 12 weeks. Please note that, although there will be some very basic grammar and vocabulary provided, this is not a conversational Hebrew class. Classes will be scheduled at the convenience of the group, so please sign up now to be a part of this decision. To get on the waiting list, please contact Lois Tompkins at LTompkins@jaxjewishcenter.org, or call 904-268-4200, ext. 146.

Jacksonville Jewish Center’s book club to examine novel on OCD in May By Jacksonville Jewish Center By Jacksonville Jewish Center

The Jacksonville Jewish Center Sisterhood continues its low impact Yoga Shalom Classes, Wednesdays, May 10th, 17th and 24th at 10 a.m. Summer is coming so, keep that commitment to yourself to exercise and

get in shape in 2017. No fee or prior experience is necessary and all are welcome, so just bring a positive attitude and a towel or exercise mat. To sign up or for more information contact, Sandy Selwitz at selwitzs@gmail.com or Naomi Lazar at naomilazar2014@ gmail.com.

The Jacksonville Jewish Center’s book club will be discussing ‘The Man Who Couldn’t Stop: OCD and The True Story of a Life Lost in Thought’ by David Adam. The book club will meet at the Barnes & Noble on San Jose Blvd. in Mandarin from

7:30 – 9 p.m., Tuesday, May 16th. Newcomers are welcomed, so for additional information about the club visit jjcjax.org/education/ adult-education or contact Millie Tannen at millidds@aol.com and 904-733-0111. David Adam and his book, ‘The Man Who Couldn’t Stop’ (left)

Graduation is ahead for Selevan Religious School students at the Jacksonville Jewish Center

By Selevan Religious School

Mazel tov to the graduating class of the Bernard & Alice Selevan Religious School at the Jacksonville Jewish Center, who will be celebrating their simcha, Sunday, May 21st at 11:00 a.m. Congratulations to Noah Bomser, son of Ilene and David Bom-

ser; Nahila Davis, daughter of Mzrai and Stephen Davis; Dalia Dryden, daughter of Beth Oberlander and Jeff Dryden; Dustin Sandler, grandson of Bonnie and Neil Sandler; Jacob Vernon, son of Deborah and David Vernon; and Gabriel Willens, son of Sara and Michael Willens.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

synagogue news Corned beef sale is easy Jacksonville Jewish center to celebrate slam dunk at Beth El – confirmation class graduation, May 20th

The Beaches Synagogue

Denice Goldberg, corned beef sandwich chairperson, and Vickie Kennedy double checking all the delivery boxes at the Synagogue


Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue

Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue’s annual corned beef sandwich sale took place during the final days of March this year and once again ordering the delicious corned beef from Ben’s Deli in Boca Raton was clearly the

way to go. Everyone raved about the sandwiches, and people are already excited about next year’s sale. A huge thank you goes out to Denice Goldberg, who once again stepped up to be the Chairperson for this fun and tasty fundraiser. If you missed out on the sale this year, not to worry as it will return in 2018.

Temple Bet Yam to hold its annual pizza and bingo night, June 3rd By Temple Bet Yam

Pizza and Bingo equals fun, food and cash prizes for those at Temple Bet Yam as the synagogue will hold its annual pizza and bingo night, Saturday, June 3rd at 6:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Temple, located at 2055 Wildwod Dr., in St. Augustine. Tickets are just $15 ticket per person and includes a pizza dinner and 10 games of bingo, which means 10

chances to win. Contact Carol Levy at 954-895-7332 for more information.

It’s Bunco time at Temple Bet Yam By Temple Bet Yam

Who doesn’t like a great game of BUNCO? If that’s you, be sure and come to Temple Bet Yam (2055 Wildwood Dr.) in St. Augustine, Saturday July 15 at 7 p.m., for a fun evening of the dice game Bunco, refreshments, and prizes. No experience is needed and tickets are just $10 for adults

and children play for free. Contact Bernie or Carol for more information or to make reservations at 954-895-7332 or via Bernie.levy@ att.net.

By Jacksonville Jewish Center

The Jacksonville Jewish Center will celebrate the Confirmation of its 2017 Siyyum class, Saturday, May 20th at Shabbat morning worship, beginning at 9 a.m. Siyyum, which means ‘conclusion’ or graduation in Hebrew, is the name of the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s 12th grade program. Culminating in Confirmation, Siyyum is a part of the synagogue’s Setzer Youth Education program, and serves as the capstone to secondary school education at the Center’s Galinsky Academy. Throughout their senior year, students partner with the Jacksonville-affiliate of World Relief, an international organization engaged in the resettlement of refugees granted asylum in the United States. Through study and dialogue with program director Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner, Siyyum

participants explore biblical and rabbinic texts relevant to the issue of refugees, and explore the parallels between the current world refugee crisis and different periods of Jewish history. The students also underwent volunteer training and orientation to prepare them to serve as friendship partners with a refugee family. This year’s class partnered with the Kamazungus, a Congolese family with two parents and six children, who spent 20 years in a Ugandan refugee camp before being granted asylum in the United States. As friendship partners, the group tutors family members in English, helping them acquire basic skills to navigate life in America, while familiarizing them with Jacksonville and providing support and reassurance during the difficult transition from life in a refugee camp to becoming new Americans. “The Siyyum program has

made me feel both more Jewish and more American at the same time,” one participant observed. “With our friendship family I am an ‘expert’ on America because I was born and raised in this country and at the same time, as different as their story is from mine, it reminds me that Jews can understand oppression better than many others because of our own historical experience.” At the Confirmation ceremony, students will participate in Shabbat morning worship and share their thoughts about their experiences in the Siyyum program and how it has impacted their Jewish identity. This year’s confirmands include Jennifer Gordon, Aaron Kitay, Avichai Lubliner, Ben Miller, Ryan Mizrahi, Joseph Plotkin, and Rachel Spector. All are invited to attend and partake of a Kiddush luncheon afterwards in honor of this year’s graduates.

JAFTY’s first Friday Shabbat service at the Temple preaches vital message of keeping an open mind By Congregation Ahavath Chesed

Erev Shabbat service at the Temple on the first Friday of the month is a themed creative service, written and led by JAFTY (Jacksonville Area Federation of Temple Youth) members. The theme for the April service was ‘Keeping an Open Mind’ as JAFTY-ites shared interpretive writings of the traditional liturgy and Caro Barkowitz delivered the D’var Torah. Emilia Dahlman and her family are new to the Jacksonville area and the following is her writing based on Shabbat holiness. “I have only recently joined Temple and it’s made such a huge impact on me in such a little time. I was beyond nervous to enter a completely new and unknown environment, because before coming to Jacksonville, I’ve been exposed only to small congrega-

tions without much community. Because this whole experience was bound to be so nerve-wracking, I had to alter my mind-set in order to make it over this new obstacle. I made efforts to widen my mind and cross the threshold with open eyes and positive thoughts. I entered these doors and was greeted with a plentitude of sweet smiles and welcoming, endearing faces. As much as this beautiful community makes me feel at home, there is something distinctive about Shabbat services. They push me to think about things that only come to mind when I am submerged in the holiness of a Shabbat service. Shabbat services twist my heart, making me feel happy and warm at most points, and feeling sympathy and heartbreak for those persevering through the hardships that the Mourner’s Kaddish surfaces.

During the service, in the midst of the songs that bring us together, I know this is where I need to be. While reading the inspiring words of prayer, my mind expands with the insights they hold. While listening to my fellow JAFTY-ites speak from their hearts, and while looking around me seeing people I adore be moved just as I am, I am overwhelmed by the abundance of emotions and all the influential words and thoughts that are shared. This happens only because I have come to realize of the benefits of an open mind.”

Jacksonville Jewish Center to hold program on planning for a Jewish funeral By Jacksonville Jewish Center

Planning for a Jewish funeral can be difficult and stressful, especially for grieving relatives, but did you know that many funerals are delayed simply because of a lack of vital personal information? Come to the Jacksonville Jewish Center, Sunday, May 7th for the answer to this question in addition to the dissemination of vital information like what your Jewish choices and obligations are in addition to your legal requirements. A brunch will begin at 9:30 a.m., prior to the event which will teach you about some easy steps that you can take now to help your family through

this emotional time in their lives. Led by the professionals at Hardage-Giddens, in partnership with the Jacksonville Jewish Center clergy, you will be given enough information to be able to begin a conversation about your goals, beliefs and experiences, and provide a peace of mind by planning ahead. Attendees will also

receive a personal planning and advance care planning documents to get them started. Brunch will be free of charge, thanks to HardageGiddens and the program will begin at 10 a.m., so Please RSVP to Lois Tompkins at LTompkins@ jaxjewishcenter.org, or call 904 268-4200, ext. 146.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017


JCA readies for Camp Habonim this coming summer


Jewish Community Alliance

Every summer, the JCA offers exciting summer programming for children of all ages. In the upcoming summer season, JCA Camp Habonim provides a sum-

mer camp experience, for campers entering grades three to six, tailored to fit your child’s specific interests. Registration is currently open for JCA Summer Camps of all ages and interests. The unique feature of JCA Camp Habonim is the option for campers to select specialty activi-

ties from a variety of programming, including sports, arts and crafts, cooking, dance and other activities. On-site programs take place in the JCA’s state-of-theart facility, and off-site programs allow campers to enjoy many of Jacksonville’s most exciting and enriching attractions. All JCA

programs take place under the guidance of trained, mature staff. The 2017 summer camp season includes programs such as soccer, horseback riding, print making, ice skating, fencing, kayaking, basketball and more. Specialty activities take place throughout the week, Mon. – Thur. JCA Summer

Camp is offered in four sessions, including June 12 – 23; June 25 – July 7; July 10 – 21; and July 24 – Aug. 4. Several time options are available, so for more information on Camp Habonim or other JCA Summer Camps, visit jcajax.org/ camp.

Bolles School, St. Johns Country Day School, and the Advanced Scholar program at Creekside High in St. Johns County. Please make plans to come and celebrate

this milestone with their families. For more information about Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, please call 904-268-4200, ext. 147.

The DuBow Preschool Martin J. Gottlieb Day School’s celebrates Pesach in style graduation is a community simcha By DuBow Preschool

By Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

Classes at the DuBow Preschool celebrated Passover with model seders and Passover plays in April. Parents, Bubbes, and Zaydes clapped and kvelled as students from ages one to Pre-K sang songs, told the Passover story, and munched on matzah to show how much they have learned and in preparation for their family seders at home.

Ganeinu students revel in their mock Passover Seder

This year’s Eighth Grade Class at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School cordially invites the Jewish community to come and celebrate their commencement ceremony, which will be held Monday, June 5 at 7 p.m. at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. The graduating class of 16 students have been accepted to the International Baccalaureate program at Stanton College Prep, the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) program at Mandarin High, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, The

Torah Academy students develop a green thumb with numerous planting projects By Torah Academy of Jacksonville

By Southside Chabad

Passover came to life at Ganeinu preschool as students prepare their very own Passover Seder. Creatively assembling the

holiday meal from classroom supplies and materials, each student received their very own homemade Pesach Haggadah featuring full color images of their Seder, for each of the 15 steps.

Fifth and sixth grade students at Torah Academy of Jacksonville planted herbs and flowers in their garden as they’ll be using a variety of feeding methods along with learning about control groups. The students will record how different procedures affect a plant’s growth. Meanwhile, the seventh and eighth graders were busy cleaning up the ‘island’, laying out planters and planting several types of vegetables. They will monitor the growth of the plants, and record their findings

and hopefully by the end of the school year, the students will have an abundance of vegetables to take home and share. Thanks to the Bonnie Cabbage Project , the school’s third and fourth graders have been hard at work tending to their cabbage

plants. For the next 10-12 weeks, they will be observing their plants daily and recording any changes in their observation journals. These plants came home with students to care for over Pesach break in mid-April.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017


Jewish community invited to ‘dream with us’ at the Torah Academy of Jacksonville’s annual dinner By Torah Academy of Jacksonville

Torah Academy of Jacksonville will honor a pair of well-deserving couples during its annual dinner, scheduled for Sunday, May 21st. Each of his year’s honorees, Sima and Barry Chefer and Caren and Larry Appel had dreams, ideas, and ideals that spurred them to attain goals to enhance Jewish life in the Jacksonville Jewish Community. They worked for and strove to fulfill their dreams, but each time they achieved one of their aspirations, they did not stop and rest on their laurels. Instead, they pursued bigger, bet-

be the stars of the show. Of course, what Torah Academy event would be complete if Kim Robbins, Emily Rosenbaum, Rachel Smith and Tzippiy Zaguri were not lending to the ethereality of the event. Robbins spearheads the artistic presentation of the evening, and it would be terrible to miss seeing what she dreamt up this time. Rosenbaum and Smith have likewise dedicated their days and nights to ensuring that all elements of the program are truly representative of an evening of this magnitude. And Zaguri uses her culinary expertise to hire the best caterers and offer a menu of the highest caliber. It is time now to thump back to reality, because in practical terms, the students’ work in school and

ter, greater objectives. That is how Torah Academy benefitted from their toil and devotion because the school measures its success by the dedication of the community and the parent body of the school. Torah Academy students embody the dreams of our forefathers and foremothers as we proudly pass the baton of Torah on to the next generation. The dinner this year focuses on the students, because while we dream, they learn and while they learn, we kvell and beam with pride. This evening of dreams will be unique and an event that will be unusual, different, awe-inspiring, and not to be missed because the students will

their lives intertwine inextricably. They have a genuine love for their school because every day heralds the study of new academic and Jewish ideals. They delve into the layers of Torah thought, plumbing its depths and the rich traditions, history, culture, and practices. The school gives its students the opportunity to grow, absorb sensitivity, and develop their character in the way most suited to them. Academy graduates learn to respect their elders and their peers as they study, play, and dream. Let us all continue this dream together, as we sit in the rarified atmosphere and pay tribute to two exemplary couples and to the remarkable students and dedicated teachers of Torah Academy of Jacksonville.

Michele Block Gan Yeladim to put Torah Academy students on Shabbat Family Dinner with the honored by recent visit from well-renowned artist PJ Library BY NATHAN WOODS

Michele Block Gan Yeladim

Who’s up for some Shabbat family fun and relaxation? Community members with young children can join other families for a picnic dinner, festive Shabbat celebration and fun activity with PJ Library of Jacksonville, Friday, May 12th from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. For this event, a representative from PJ Library, an organization that provides Jewish-content

books and music for children, will be present to engage participants with activities and storytelling. JCA’s Family and Jewish Outreach Director, Dave Flagler, and Michele Block Gan Yeladim Judaic resource teacher Morah Karen Morse will lead this Shabbat celebration with songs, music and prayers in JCA’s beautiful outdoor courtyard. Registration is required by May 11th, and fees are $15 per family and $10 for JCA valued member families. To register, visit jcajax.org/programs. For more information, please contact Rochelle Golomb at 904-730-2100, ext. 259.

Author and illustrator David Catrow reads to students at Torah Academy By Torah Academy of Jacksonville

Thanks to the Jacksonville Public Library, students at the Torah Academy of Jacksonville were privileged to have David Catrow, a well-known author and illustrator of books for children, come to the school in late March. Students in grades K-8 were entertained with Mr. Catrow’s energetic and engaging presentation. He demonstrated how he creates art and how mistakes can play a vital role in the act of creating. Mr. Catrow’s animated and humorous style captivated students and teachers alike. Mr. Catrow has published more than 70 print works and

he has a Scholastic book series, entitled Max Spaniel, which has sold more than a million copies. Additionally, he has several New York Times best sellers and two New York Times Best Illustrated Books, as he works with many different publishers. Mr. Catrow also works in film and television, creating visual development for films such as ‘Horton Hears a Who’, ‘Despicable Me’, and ‘Stuart Little’. He has also worked on the TV series ‘Plantzilla’, based on popular children’s books written by Jerdine Nolen. Mr. Catrow also has syndicated editorial cartoons in more than 1,000 newspapers across Canada and the U.S.

New Prenatal yoga class to be offered at Michele Block Gan Yeladim BY NATHAN WOODS

Michele Block Gan Yeladim

As part of Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten’s ongoing efforts to meet the needs of all its families, the school will begin offering prenatal yoga classes this month. Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to experience the journey of pregnancy, and is the most commonlyrecommended workout program for pregnant women. According to studies, potential benefits of prenatal yoga include improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, increased strength and flexibility in muscles needed for childbirth and the decreased presence of usual pregnancy side-effects such as nausea. The hour-long class meets on Sundays at 10 a.m. and runs for seven weeks from May 7 to June 25th. Registration is $35 for JCA members and $55 for nonmembers. To sign up, visit jcajax. org/programs. For more information about Michele Block Gan

These hour long pre-natal classes run for seven weeks starting May 7th and ending June 25th

Yeladim’s prenatal yoga program and other programs for young families, please contact Rochelle Golomb at 904-730-2100, ext. 259.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017



Camp Ki Tov set to take off this summer Model Matzah bakery

prepares Southside kids for Passover


The Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Camp Ki Tov is sure to be full of fun this summer as there are some new faces on the staff eager to meet their campers. This summer, campers will enjoy some old favorites such as fishing, archery, sports, and more. Some weeks will be highlighted by treats such as a petting zoo, magical pirate, and bounce houses. Other weeks field trips will be the name of the game to places like Bowl America, Pump it Up, the FBI Field Office, and more. New programs are coming this summer with the very talented Mrs. Shana Gutterman, who will be working with campers on amazing art and robotics projects. Science will also be a regular activity thanks to Mrs. Susan Burkhart, including fire breathing and exploration of gravity, plus outdoor music with Mr. Paul Bavington. The camp’s new and improved L.I.T. program will encourage older campers to strive for leadership and will look great on a college application. The L.I.T.’s had

By Southside Chabad

Fun is to be had at Camp Ki Tov whether in a classroom or at the beach

lots of fun learning life skills and making friendships while working with campers and other counselors. Weekly themes encourage each cabin to compete with spirit and pride to win the beloved ‘spirit stick.’ The camp is also fortunate to have the Jacksonville Jewish Center clergy participate in Shabbat lunches on Fridays with lots of ruach (spirit) and passion. Teen counselors from Israel at will also make an appearance at Camp Ki

Tov, as they’ll be sure and bring their love of Israel to camp. As usual, a great time will be had at the annual Camp Ki Tov undernight/overnight, which features night time swimming, flashlight games, and kosher s’mores. As always, it is the goal of the camp to build long lasting memories for the children at Camp Ki Tov. One-week sign-ups are available, so bring a friend and join them at Camp Ki Tov this summer!

Early last month, children flocked to Chabad of Southside for the Matzo Bakery, a hands on workshop taking students all the way from a grain of wheat to a finished unleavened bread. Taking stalks of grain, they ‘threshed’ it to break off the wheat berries, then winnowed, separated the chaff from the grain and finally collected the grain into a handdriven wheat mill and grinded it into flour. “Each child takes home a handmade Matzah but more importantly they each take home a positive Jewish experience that stays with them forever,” said Rabbi Shmuli Novack, co-director Chabad of Southside. Fashioned after an actual Matzo bakery, students assumed the responsibilities of kneading the dough, rolling the Matzo and baking it into their

Kids at the Southside Chabad learned how to make matzo from scratch just in time for Pesach

very own Matzo.

DuBow Preschool visits After school registration open at the JCA the Diamond D Ranch

By DuBow Preschool

The three and four year-old classes at the DuBow Preschool recently visited Diamond D Ranch on Jacksonville’s Westside. There, children enjoyed pony and tractor rides and got to feed cows

before enjoying a picnic lunch at the ranch. Ranchers were on hand to give lessons about the animals, including their eating and sleeping habits, and to encourage budding cowboys and cowgirls in the group.

By Jewish Community Alliance

When school is over, JCA After School provides a safe, stimulating environment for children grades K – 6 to engage in fun, interactive programming. Registration is currently open for the 2017– 18

school year. JCA After School offers students daily activities under the guidance of a trained and mature staff. Quality enrichment classes like painting, chess, music and other programs provide added value to students’ after school experience. The JCA also has a

monitored homework room with a computer lab, and free transportation is provided from select school with minimum enrollment. For more information about the JCA’s After School program or to register, visit jcajax.org/youth or call 904-730-2100, ext. 245.

Martin J. Gottlieb Day school’s full day Kindergarten proves to be a huge success By Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

This school year the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School took its Kindergarten from a reduced-hour program to full day, with wonderful results. The school found that its previous dismissal time of 1:45 p.m., did not allow sufficient time for a complete Jewish Studies curriculum, and accordingly increased the school day by two hours. Having the extra time each day allowed for Hebrew-language immersion and more cross-curricular lessons. “It has been really amazing,” said teacher Pamela Lewis. “When we are learning about numbers

we can do that in English as well as Hebrew, and science as well.” “Lessons about trees and weather are done in both languages, and it adds a layer of enrichment that we

didn’t have before,” explained fellow teacher Adva Kiel. For more information about the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, please call 904-268-4200 ext. 147.

Torah Academy students rewarded for good behavior with a zoo trip By Torah Academy of Jacksonville

Torah Academy of Jacksonville students attended a PBIS (Positive Behavior in School) activity earlier this spring at the Jacksonville Zoo. The students went as a reward for their continued positive behavior, which is recorded through the PBIS program. Nearly 60 students and 10 staff members were in attendance where kids saw reptiles,

mammals, amphibians, and a wide array of creatures. The Jacksonville Zoo currently has a Lego exhibit as well and the students were in awe at the massive statues of creatures created completely of the plastic toys as some statues contained more than 300,000 individual Legos. Everyone also enjoyed a picnic lunch at the zoo, before returning to school to finish the day with regular classes.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

chabad news

Chabad of Northeast Florida to hold annual Lag B’Omer picnic, May 14th By Chabad Lubavich on NE Fla.

Now in its 21st year, Chabad Lubavich’s Lag B’omer outing will once again feature blow up toys, a petting zoo and pony rides, and of course the event’s famous grand bbq. This year’s picnic will take place Sunday, May 14 at 5 p.m. at Chabad’s headquarters in Mandarin. “My kids look forward to this all year,” said Sara, a mom of several children. The event is hosted by all six Chabad Centers on the First Coast and is sponsored in part by Al & Marilyn Wolfson in honor of their wedding anniversary. The event is free of charge, however donations are appreciated and there is The petting zoo at last year’s Lag B’Omer picnic presented on by Chabad nominal fee for the food.

Chabad at the Beaches to hold its 14th annual Gala and celebration By Chabad at the Beaches

A capacity crowd is expected at the One Ocean Resort in Atlantic Beach, Sunday, June 11 at 4:30 p.m., when Chabad at the Beaches will be celebrating its 14th year of commitment to Jewish life in the Ponte Vedra and the Jacksonville Beach communities with its annual gala, dinner and celebration. The Gala is timed to coincide with the yahrtzeit of Mr. Aaron Scharf, who along with his wife Blanche of blessed memory are the center’s namesakes. The evening will feature a delectable four-course dinner, along with first class entertainment, a charitable auction and multimedia presentations. Also during the dinner, Chabad will host its sixth annual Chinese and silent auctions, where there will be raffles for tickets to the Super Bowl, Masters Tournament and the Grammys, in addition to jewelry, cameras, trips to Cancun, Disney

Park passes and a host of other prizes that will be auctioned off. The dinner will highlight the vast educational and social work of Chabad around the world and Chabad at the Beaches, all of which is testimony to the vision, passion, and leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. In Florida alone there are 195 Chabad institutions, seven of which are in the Jacksonville area. This year 12,000 children attended Chabad’s 16 schools, 48 preschools, 70 Hebrew Schools, and 24 summer camps in Florida. Tickets to the event are $150

per person or $125 for tickets that are prepaid by May 20. For sponsorship opportunities or to RSVP please contact Chabad at the Beaches via email at Dinner@ChabadBeaches.com or at 904-543-9301. For more information visit winwithchabad. com or JewishDinner.com. News media coverage of this event is encouraged, so please feel free to print, broadcast or post this information on your website and social media pages. Please use the contact information above to arrange interviews or any special coverage needs.

Chabad to hold all-night learn-a-thon for Shavuot By Chabad Lubavich on NE Fla.

Separate study sessions will be held at the Mandarin Chabad center, Tuesday, May 30 into Wednesday morning May 31 by Rabbi Yossie Kahanov, Rabbi Mendy Browd, as well as by lay members of the community. There will also be separate study sessions for women, given by Rivkie Kahanov, Nechamie Browd, in addition to others held at the Levine residence. Then at 11 a.m., on the 31st, a reading of the Ten Commandments as it is extremely important for every

Jew to be in Synagogue at this time. It is especially important for the children to be in Synagogue during the reading of the Ten Commandments, as the children played a critical role in our receiving the Torah. When G-d gave the Torah to the Jewish people, he gave it on the condition that the young boys and girls

will be the guarantors. Following Services and the reading of the Commandments, a delicious dairy Kiddush will be served 12:30 p.m. This ‘dairy dazzle’ will include blintzes and other delicacies, and there will also be special treats, including ice cream for the children.

UNF Students celebrate Purim at Chabad By Southside Chabad

In mid-March, more than 60 Jewish UNF students and guests gathered at Chabad of Southside for Purim Night Live that featured a live Megillah reading, music with DJ G-BAUM from Orlando, and comedy courtesy of renowned stand-up comics Mitch Aron, Christina Schriever and Renaldo Evans. Topping off the evening was a seemingly never ending buffet of delicious tapas, while the music and the lights continued into the early morning as students got their Purim groove on.

UNF students listen to a stand-up comic at ‘Purim Night Live’

upcoming and ongoing events Clay County Tanya Class - Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life. Held Shabbos mornings from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Shabbat Beginner’s Service – Held at 12 p.m. followed by a light Kiddush. Mandarin/HQ Daily Chassidic Philosophy Held weekday mornings, Monday – Friday, 6:40 a.m., Sundays 8:15 a.m., with instructor Rabbi Yossie Kahanov. Insights on the Torah Portion Shabbos Mornings, 8:30 a.m., with instructor Rabbi Mendy Browd. Exploring The Talmud Tuesday evenings after Maariv with instructor Rabbi Mendy Browd. Women’s Study Group Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m., with instructor Rebbetzin Rivkie Kahanov. Shabbos Live - Join us for a memorable Shabbat dinner and monthly oneg. The dinner is free and open to all to experience the feeling of holiness that only Shabbat can bring. Great food, insightful discussion, Chassidic melodies and a warm ‘Heimish’ atmosphere is to be had. Call 904-262-6641 for more information or to reserve a spot. Southside CHS - Chabad Hebrew School on the Southside - Mid-Year enrollment is now open. At CHS Jewish learning is meaningful and fun. The school enjoys a well-earned reputation as a trendsetter in creative Jewish education for children ages 5-13. From lively interactive classroom discussions to exciting hands on learning programs, it’s unique learning experience will engage, excite, involve, and inspire young minds and hearts. School is held Sundays from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Visit SouthsideChabad.com for more information. Yoga and Torah for Women: Unleash Your Inner Strength Invigorating Yoga exercise followed by delicious and healthy refreshments and a thought provoking discussion of Jewish wisdom. No prior Jewish Education or Yoga experience necessary. Class meets every other Wednesday evenings by the St. Johns Town Center. To RSVP visit SouthsideChabad.com

or call 904-646-4434. Saturday Morning Shabbat Services Join us for services with Rabbi Shmuli Novack in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Our nonjudgmental philosophy embraces everyone, regardless of commitment or religious background. Services are held at 10:30 a.m., in a traditional setting, with a contemporary message. A traditional cholent luncheon follows services. Visit SouthsideChabad.com for more information. S. Augustine Kabbalah and Coffee - Sunday mornings from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Torah Studies – Examining the weekly Torah portion, Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Beginners Shabbat Services and Kiddush – Held Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. S. Johns GROW MyPalette Series - GROW After-School Enrichment Program begins a new six-week course, entitled ‘MyPalette’, starting Tuesday Apr. 25. The GROW After-School Enrichment Program takes place every Tuesday at Durbin Creek Elementary School. For more info visit JewishSJohnsCounty.com/ GROW. Torah & Tea Series – Held Mondays at 7:30 p.m., where we will join together with Jewish women for inspiring Torah discussions, Jewish meditation, camaraderie, hot tea, and delicious refreshments. The feminine Spirituali-Tea! For more information Email:Dini@ JewishSJohnsCounty.com. Hebrew School for Grownups Your informal space to refresh your knowledge of Judaism. You’ll gain a basic knowledge of Jewish practice and an understanding of why we Jew-it. You’ll also delve into the deeper, more mystical aspects of Jewish life. Contact info@JewishSJohnsCounty.com for more info. BLT - Join us once a month on Sunday morning for Bagels, Lox and Tefillin. For more info call 904-701-4422 or email: Rabbi@ JewishSJohnsCounty.com .


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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017


federation news

Federation welcomes JAFI speaker Nir Lahav to its annual Major Gifts event

Joan Levin and Iris Kraemer By Jewish Federation of Jacksonville

In early March, Federation held its annual Major Gifts event

Kim Glasgal, Peter Levy, Nir Lahav and JAFI’s Hal Applebaum

at the home of Kim Glasgal and Peter Levy. The morning’s featured speaker was Nir Lahav, Director

of Social Activism for the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI). The Jewish Agency is one of two major

Sandy Zimmerman, Lahav and Ken Jacobs

overseas agencies supported by Federation dollars and the Federation would like to extend a heart-

felt thank you to Kim and Peter for hosting this event and opening their home to our donor family.

Jacksonville’s Iris Kraemer honored during recent regional P2G meeting BY JILL ABEL

Israel Partnership Director jilla@jewishjacksonville.org

The Hadera-Eiron Southeast Consortium Partnership honored Jacksonville resident, Iris Kraemer for her outstanding service at their most recent steering committee meeting in Richmond, Va. Kraemer completed her term as the Southeast U.S. Consortium Volunteer Chair for its cherished partnership with Hadera-Eiron. During her time as Consortium Chair, Kraemer worked closely with executive directors, Partnership staff and volunteers in all 11 of the shared communities including Richmond, Charlotte, Charleston, Jacksonville, Volusia, Fort Myers, Pinellas, Chattanooga, Knoxville and Nashville in the United States and Hadera-Eiron in Israel. She was instrumental in working with volunteers to en-

Kraemer (left of center) during the meeting in Richmond, Va.

courage participation and leadership in programming in addition to overseeing the formation of the newest and incredibly successful program for community young leaders called Leadership2Gether. P2G is so grateful to Kraemer for her vision, leadership and support over these last three years. Although she has completed her

term, she will no doubt be present at Partnership programs in the future. “Iris did a great job as chair for our Partnership and we are looking forward to her leadership for our Federation as she will be the 2018 campaign chair,” Jewish Federation of Jacksonville Executive Director Alan Margolies said.

Zaikis washing her hands with soap in Shilonda, India

GF Connection Continued from pg. 1 This year, Girlfriend Connection is co-chaired by Risa Herman and Jenn Neuman. Along with an incredible committee of women, they are working hard to make this evening special, educational and fun for everyone. This event is an annual fundraiser for the Federation. Tickets to attend are $45 for a guest, $100 for patron level or $250 for a benefactor. All guests are required to contribute to the 2017 Federation Annual Campaign to attend this event, where a kosher meat meal will be served. Glatt kosher meals are available upon request. Guests will also have the opportunity to partake in a handson soap making project, then dinner and a presentation from Zaikis will follow. The soap that is made at the event will be donated to Jewish Family & Community Services and Hubbard House. “After having been involved in the planning of many of the Girlfriend Connection events in years past, I am extremely excited about our program for this year,”

co-chair Risa Herman explained. “What Erin Zaikis has been able to accomplish through her Sundara organization is nothing short of extraordinary and I can’t wait to hear her story as well as participate in a small way by making actual soap that will be donated here in Jacksonville.” “Likewise, I am honored to be co-chairing this year’s Girlfriend Connection with Risa,” fellow cochair Jenn Neuman added. “It is a great opportunity to unite with girlfriends and learn more about how women are impacting our world because Erin Zaikis has certainly empowered many women around the world,” she added. “The annual Girlfriend Connection is ‘our time’ as we come together on common ground yet walk away with something different.” This event is made possible in part by a substantial sponsorship by TD Bank and the Federation Women’s Division is incredibly grateful for its support and generosity. To RSVP, go to jewishjacksonville.org/gfc2017 or call 904448-5000, ext. 1209. The deadline to register for the event is May 10. For more information about this program, contact Erin Cohen, erinc@jewishjacksonville.org or via 904-448-5000, ext. 1205.

Rabbi Avi in the House!

Etz Chaim Synagogue’s Rabbi Avi Feigenbaum talks to attendees about the topics of freedom and Passover and how they relate to one another at April’s Jewish Java, held at River Garden Senior services

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federation news

Muslim leaders bring some unique perspectives to recent rGEN event

Peaceful Perspectives participants pose for a photo post event

BY ARIEL FRECHTMAN rGEN Director arielf@jewishjacksonville.org

Young adults from Jacksonville’s Jewish and Muslim communities gathered last month to hear the experiences of multiple panelists on the topics of peace and partnership. They included Sabeen Perwaiz and Asghar Syed, both participants of the MLI

program which educates Muslim young adults about Israel and the conflict in the Middle East. Dana Marmari, the Jacksonville Jewish community’s shlicha from Kfar Saba, Israel and Matt Flagler, a member of the local Jewish community who spent time living in Turkey were on hand to provide a Jewish perspective. The panelists each shared their unique experiences on being a minority

Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

A Night Not To Passover

Ashgar Syed talks to the audience

both overseas and abroad, and opened a dialogue on how these two populations can support one another within the city. This event, followed suit of many other Federations who have hosted a variety of programs bringing the Islamic and Muslim communities together with the Jewish ones in the wake of threats and acts of violence and vandalism against both groups.

rGEN held its annual second night Seder and for the second straight time it was hosted by Josh and Jen Sachs at Jacksonville Beach

May’s Jewish Java to feature coming to America story of a Gen 2 Holocaust Survivor BY ISABEL BALOTIN

Shalom Jacksonville Director shalomjax@jewishjacksonville.org

On Wednesday, May 3, from 9-10:30 a.m., Shalom Jacksonville’s Jewish Java program will feature Molly Kushner, an active member of JFCS’s Generation2 Holocaust Survivor program. Kushner was born Malka Irgang in a Displaced Person’s Camp in Wels, Austria and immigrated to New York City in 1951 with her Polish parents and her older brother. Her informal talk will include her family’s history and stories of their travels during

Newspaper production to resume in Aug

By Jacksonville Jewish News

Following the release of the Jacksonville Jewish News’ Summer Magazine in mid-June, the JJN will return in newspaper format, starting again in August, however copies of the magazine will be out alongside the August paper while supplies last in newsstands around the community. Those locations are now up to three places in and around Mandarin as Whole Foods Market at 10601 San Jose Blvd., has joined the JCA and River Garden Senior services as the exclusive public pick-up locations of the publication. The exact location in Whole Foods is at the café area behind the registers.

World War II from Sept. 1939-51. Additionally, she’ll describe her family’s struggles to make a new life in America and her need to give her parents ‘nachas’., so come listen and ask questions. The Jewish Federation’s Jewish Java is a joint program of its Shalom Jacksonville Division with River Garden Senior Services. This casual program, designed for newcomers and locals, begins at 9 a.m. with a complimentary bagel brunch followed by an informative speaker. There is no charge for this program, however, reservations are a must by Sunday, Apr. 30. Contact Shalom Jacksonville director Isabel Balo-

Kushner (right) at a recent rGEN event which took place at MOSH. She’ll be at River Garden for her first Shalom Jax event, May 3rd

tin at 904-448-5000, ext. 1206 or shalomjax@jewishjacksonville. org. Jewish Family & Community Services (JFCS) is a Federation partner which offers support, assistance and compassionate care to survivors and their families throughout Northeast Florida. Survivors and their families participate in programs that include quarterly social gatherings and outreach projects with local youth documenting survivors’ stories to enhance Holocaust awareness in the broader community. Generation 2 often holds workshops and support services for adult children of Holocaust survivors.

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federation news

Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

Documentary on the history of Jews and basketball to be shown at River Garden, June 11th BY ISABEL BALOTIN

Shalom Jacksonville Director shalomjax@jewishjacksonville.org

Did you know a Jewish kid from New York scored the first basket in the NBA? Find out more about this piece of trivia and more Sunday, June 11, at 2 p.m., as Shalom Jacksonville will show the documentary film, ‘The First Basket’ at River Garden Senior Services. Though basketball was invented by Dr. James Naismith in Springfield, Ma., the game spread like wildfire through the turn-ofthe-century New York settlement houses and proved a perfect fit for urban Jewish kids. By the 1920s,

basketball had become a staple of life in American Jewish communities and many of the top teams grew out of these neighborhoods. ‘The First Basket’ is the first comprehensive documentary to examine both the role that Jewish players had in the evolution of the game and the impact that basketball played in the assimilation of American Jews. The film’s writer/producer David Vyorst and narrator Peter

Riegert explore the little-known, yet very important, Jewish history of the game. Chock full of vivid anecdotes and distinctive characters, the film brings back famous as well as unsung basketball legends such as Red Auerbach, Red

Holzman, Barney Sedran, Eddie Gottlieb, Abe Saperstein and Ossie Schechtman (that kid from New York who scored the eponymous First Basket). The Jewish Federation’s Shalom Jacksonville Division and River Garden invite you

to come view this delightful and nostalgic film. There is no charge to attend, however, reservations are required by June 9th. Please contact Isabel Balotin at 904-4485000, ext. 1206 or via shalomjax@ jewishjacksonville.org. Refreshments will be served prior to the screening. Visit thefirstbasket.com for more information on the film and its making.

Executice Director’s Msg Time to get organized during June’s 2017 Campaign Update Jewish Java with pro Jenn Neuman

At our April board meeting, campaign chair, Ken Jacobs, announced that our current total is $2,170,000 and that we are running level on a gift-to-gift comparison with last year. We have $204,000 outstanding from donors who contributed last year and have yet to do so this year. Since the April 19th board meeting, we came together as a community to commemorate Yom Hashoah and to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut. As is often the reality of our Jewish history, the contrasts between those two events represent the saddest and the happiest of all Jewish experiences. It does not get any darker than the holocaust and the establishment of the state of Israel is, of course, one of the brightest of all things Jewish. All of our holidays remind us how fortunate we are to live in such a wonderful time for the Jewish people. We have never before been as free, nor as successful, so we have so much to be thankful for. Which brings us back to the 2017 campaign, because we have

among the best local agencies, synagogues and Jewish schools in all of North America. All of our Jewish family organizations beat the benchmarks when compared with other like agencies, schools and synagogues in other communities. So as we take pride in what we have, we also need to recognize that there are unmet needs here at home and overseas. I think all of us can share in the responsibility of taking care of the Holocaust survivors living in Northeast Florida. There are now nearly 90 survivors here and half live at or below the poverty line. In the former Soviet Union, there still remains 200,000 Jewish elderly, who many are survivors that are faced with a daily choice between nutrition and medicine. Our gifts to the Federation annual campaign address these needs and so many more here at home and overseas. Our request is that if you have never before given to the annual campaign, please do so at this time. No gift is too small, as each one makes a difference. If we missed you on Super Sunday and you give every year, please make your gift at this time. Thank you very much,

Alan Margolies Executive Director

Proposed slate of officers announced by Federation By Jewish Federation of Jacksonville

In accordance with the bylaws of the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, the nominating committee, chaired by past president Larry Appel, presents to the members of the Jewish community a proposed slate of officers and board members for the fiscal year July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018. Election and installation will occur at the annual meeting to be held Thursday, June 8th at River Garden. Any changes or additions to this list will be noted in the next issue of the Jacksonville Jewish News. The executive committee will include: Ken Jacobs, president; Iris Kraemer, vice president and campaign chair; vice presidents, Andrew Jaffa, Daniel Miller, Sue Nussbaum, Allison Jacobs, vice president and women’s division president; Debbie Banks Kitay, Women’s Division campaign chair; Jen Plotkin; treasurer, Kim Glasgal, secretary; Shylie Bannon, rGEN chair; Sandy Zimmerman immediate past president; Mitchell Levine, presidential appointee.

Board members include: Susan Cohen (River Garden), Ali Korman Shelton (Jewish Community Alliance), Jodie Leach (Jewish Family & Community Services), Claudia Baker, Susan DuBow, Jeff Edwards, Dina Fetner, Mark Green, Risa Herman, Jon Israel, Michael Korn, Mark Kraemer, Sue Levine, Ben Marsh, Judy Silverman, Jeanine Rogozinski, Emily Rosenbaum, Diane Rothstein, Zachary Schwartz, Nicole Sena Brown, Mike Solloway, Haley Trager, Susan Wolchok, Eugene Wolchok, Barry Zisser. Past president/honorary life members include: Scot Ackerman, Larry Appel, Guy Benrubi, Jack Coleman, Ronald Elinoff, Leslie Held, Joan Levin, Mitchell Levine, Gary Perlman, David Robbins, Kenneth Sekine, Leonard Setzer, Steve Silverman, Richard Sisisky, Arnold Vandroff and Elliot Zisser. Rabbis include: Rabbi Yaakov Fisch, Rabbi Rick Shapiro, Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner and Rabbi Michael Matuson.


Shalom Jacksonville Director shalomjax@jewishjacksonville.org

Jewish Java, a joint program sponsored by the Jewish Federation’s Shalom Jacksonville and River Garden Senior Services, invites you its June program, Wednesday, June 7th at 9 a.m., at River Garden. The morning begins with a complimentary bagel breakfast followed by professional organizer Jenn Neuman of Neu Spaces who will discuss ways to de-clutter, organize and regain control of our living spaces. Professional organizer Jenn Neuman Sooner or later, most people reach a point where the sheer vol- ager and professional organizer, ume of objects in their homes beNeuman will share a variety of come unmanageable and daily life ideas on how to organize, minibecomes stressful. Jenn and her mize and manage our living NEU Spaces team can help you spaces. Whether you need help organize your space for the way adjusting to a new lifestyle, are you live, not the way your ‘stuff ’ feeling overwhelmed by clutter wants you to live, so find out what or are considering aging in place, you can do to age wisely in place there are professionals like her or downsize without stress. who are trained to deal with your As trained senior move manunique needs.

Feel free to invite your friends to this very informative program. Jewish Java meets the first Wednesday of the months Sept. to June and is open to newcomers and locals. There is no charge, however, reservations are a must. Please contact Isabel Balotin at 904-448-5000, ext. 1206 or via shalomjax@jewishjacksonville. org by June 2. Have a wonderful summer and we’ll see you in September.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

federation news

The Jewish Federation of Jacksonville thanks you for your support! We appreciate our donors and want to express this each month in the Jacksonville Jewish News. Thank you to the following donors who have made a commitment to support our 2016-17 Federation Annual Campaign as of Apr. 15, 2017. Names in BOLD & LIGHT BLUE denote a gift that was made since Mar. 15, 2017. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abel Dr. and Mrs. Mark Abramson Dr. and Mrs. Scot Ackerman Mrs. Toby Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ackerman Dr. and Mrs. Tony Adelson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Adler Mr. and Mrs. David Adler Dr. and Mrs. Philip Adler Mrs. Peggy Ageloff Mr. and Mrs. Scott Allerding Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allison Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Alterman Mr. and Mrs. Allen Altman Ms. Rosa Alvarez Ms. Barbara Ames Ms. Jacqueline Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Greg Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Allan Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Marc Angelo Mr. Lawrence Ansbacher Mrs. Sybil Ansbacher Mr. and Mrs. Larry Appel Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Appelbaum Mrs. Sandy Archer Mr. Robert Armel Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Mark Atkins Ms. Sara August Mr. Philip Axelrod Mr. and Mrs. Frank Backilman Dr. Guilad Pribluda and Ms. Ashley Backlund Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bailet Mr. and Mrs. David Bailys Mrs. Audrey Baker Dr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Mrs. Isabel Balotin Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bannon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barkowitz Dr. and Mrs. Harold Baumgarten Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Becker Mr. and Mrs. Ben Becker Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beckerman Ms. Sarah Beekman Mrs. Mary Beissinger Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bendit Mr. and Mrs. Jean Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bennett Dr. and Mrs. Guy Benrubi Dr. Isidore D. Benrubi Mr. and Mrs. Ira Berger Dr. and Mrs. Alan Berger Mr. and Mrs. Greg Berger Mr. Martin Berger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berger Mr. Daniel Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Berke Ms. Danielle Berke Berman Family Mrs. Steve Bermudez Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bernard Dr. Anne Bernstein Ms. Carolee Bertisch Mr. Herschel Bettman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bettman Mrs. Adrienne Biber Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bick Mr. and Mrs. David Bielski Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bielski Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Blattner Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blaustein Block Family Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blum Ms. Stacey Blum Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Blumenfeld Mrs. Sue Ann Blumenthal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Board Mr. Al Bogacius and Ms. Carol Doyle Mrs. Traude Bohrman Mrs. Josephine Bonnett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bossen Mrs. Rhona Botnick Mr. Wiatt Bowers Mr. and Mrs. David Boyer Dr. Joy and Mr. Steven Boyne Mr. and Mrs. James Brady Ms. Michelle Branly Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brattner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Breault Mrs. Ruchel Broadman Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brodsky Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bronowitz Dr. and Mrs. Sol Brotman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Browdy Dr. and Mrs. Robert Brown Dr. and Mrs. Andy Brown Mrs. Estelle Brust Drs. Robert and Suzanne Bryskin Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bubis Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Buchman Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Burke Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Burns Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buss Cantor and Ms. Henry Butensky Mrs. Felice Caliestro Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cantor Mrs. Barbara Carman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chait Mr. and Mrs. Barry Chefer Ms. Miriam Chefer

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Cheiken Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cheiken Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chepenik Dr. Colleen Bell and Mr. Craig Cherrin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cherry Ms. Susan Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chiapetta Mrs. Rita Clark Ms. Carol Cohane Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cohen Ms. Gail Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohen Rabbi and Mrs. Matt Cohen Ms. Joanne Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Donald Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Meir Cohen Mrs. Marion Cohn-Spitzner Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Constain Mrs. Maxine Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Coplan Ms. Cheryl Covitz Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crafton Dr. and Mrs. Richard Crovatto Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crowder Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cutler Mrs. Sheri Daar Mr. and Mrs. Albert Datz Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Datz Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Datz Ms. Joan Davidow and Mr. Stuart Glass Drs. Leo and Joanne Davis Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Dayan Mr. and Mrs. Jim De Arman Mr. and Mrs. Jon DeBardeleben Ms. Angela Deese-Theobald Mr. and Mrs. Moti Demri Mrs. Marilyn Desser Dr. and Mrs. Robert Diamant Mrs. Helen Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dreicer DuBow Family Mrs. Jody Dughi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Alexius Dyer Mrs. Sue Eaglstein Mr. and Mrs. Dan Edelman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Edelman Mrs. Goldie Edelstein Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Martin Edwards Dr. Barry Efron Ms. Gloria Einstein Mrs. Judy R. Eisen Mrs. Elizabeth Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Elikan Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Elinoff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elkin Dr. and Mrs. Mark Emas Dr. and Mrs. Warren Endes Dr. and Mrs. Warren Enges Mr. and Mrs. Neal Esserman Mrs. Fern Estner Ms. Linda Evans Ms. Arlene Faracchio Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fastenberg Ms. Betsy Federman Dr. Denise Sherman and Mr. Yakov Feig Rabbi and Mrs. Avi Feigenbaum Dr. and Mrs. Neil Feinglass Ms. Harriet Feinglass Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Alan Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Brian Feldman Dr. and Mrs. Charles Feldstein Dr. Alan Fetner and Dr. Mary Hartigan Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fetner Drs. Howard and Dina Fetner Ms. Gaye Feuer Ms. Etta Fialkow Mrs. Luba Finegold Mr. Alex Finelt Ms. Anna Finelt Mr. and Mrs. Neal Finkelstein Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fischoff Ms. Billie Fishel Mr. and Mrs. Myron Flagler Mr. Dave Flagler Mr. Matt Flagler Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flamm Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fleet Ms. Kaitlin Flynn Ms. Bobbie Fost Ms. Deborah Foust Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fox Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Fox Ms. Sarah Fraden Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Franzblau Mr. Matthew Franzblau Ms. Ariel Frechtman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freedman Mrs. Marilyn Freedman Dr. and Mrs. Marc Freeman

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Friedman Frisch Family Mr. and Mrs. Adam Frisch Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Frohman Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Fruit Judge Jerry Funk Ms. Elaine Furman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Furman Mr. and Mrs. Oren Gahanian Mr. and Mrs. Harold Garber Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gare Ms. Nicola Garner Mrs. Zelda Gartner Mr. and Mrs. Simon Garwood Mr. Victor Gaukhman Mr. and Mrs. Larry Geller Mrs. Alois Gendzier Mr. Sheldon Gendzier and Ms. Estelle Kritz Mrs. Sunny Gettinger Judge and Mrs. Marvin Gillman Mr. and Mrs. Randall Ginzig Mr. and Mrs. Marc Gladstone Mr. Peter Levy and Ms. Kim Glasgal Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glassman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goetz Mrs. Carole Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goldberg Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goldberg Ms. Lauren Goldenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ira Goldfield Mr. David Golding and Ms. Leslie Carmel Mr. Alan Goldman Mrs. Muriel Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goldman Mrs. Hilda Goldman Mr. Kenneth Goldman Dr. and Mrs. Roy Goldman Mrs. Irma Goldman Mr. and Mrs. David Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Marty Goldmintz Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Goldring Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goldstein Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Allen Goldstein Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Goldstein Mr. Harvey Goldstein Ms. Janet Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Goodfarb Rabbi and Mrs. Robert Goodman Mr. Jonathan Goodman Mrs. Gloria Goodman Mr. and Mrs. David Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goranson Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gosa Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Goshen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jarzyna Gottlieb Family Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gould Mr. and Mrs. John Grado Dr. and Mrs. Neill Graff-Radford Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Granat Dr. and Mrs. Brett Gratz Ms. Ashley Gray Mr. and Mrs. Mark Green Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Green Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Greenblum Dr. and Mrs. Michael Greenburg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Greenfield Dr. Mickey Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Steven Greenhut Dr. and Mrs. Earl Greenwald Ms. Gari Greenwald Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grenadier Ms. Ilisa Griffin Mr. Matthew Grinnan Mr. and Mrs. James Grinnan Mrs. Brenda Gross Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Arnold Mr. Marc Grosse and Ms. Lisa Ross Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grossinger Mrs. Dolly Grunthal Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gutterman Drs. Randall and Shoshana Haas Ms. Amy Hadden Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Halpern Ms. Gabrielle Hamaoui Mr. Peter Hammer Mrs. Cynthia Handmaker Mrs. Bonnie Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hare Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harrison Rabbi and Mrs. Shaya Hauptman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayflick Mrs. Sonie Hecht Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedrick Mrs. Leslie Held Mr. Steven Heller Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Herman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hersh Ms. Dena Heyman Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hilbert Mr. John Nelson and Ms. Murren Hill John and Helen Hill Ms. Karen Hill Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hirsch Rabbi Joseph Hirsch

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodor Mr. David Hoffman Mr. Royal Holian Mr. and Mrs. Jay Holiday Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Holzer Hazzan and Mrs. Jesse Holzer Mrs. Nancy Honig Mrs. Wendy Honigman Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Horn Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Horovitz Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Horovitz Ms. Sheila Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hunt Mr. Arthur Hurwitz Ms. Janet Healy and Mr. Charles Hyman Mrs. Amanda Ibrahim Mr. and Mrs. Michael Isakbayev Ms. Helene Isolica Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Israel Mrs. Judith Israel Mrs. Marlene Israel Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jaben Dr. and Mrs. Ira Jackler Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jackrel Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson Mr. Marc Jackson and Ms. Ann Tiefenthaler Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs Mr. Darryl Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. James Jaffa Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jaffa Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Jon Jagodinski Ms. Gail Jarrett Mrs. and Mr. Alexa Jenkins Mrs. Lorraine Jenkins Mrs. Stacey Jewesak Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Jolles Dr. Edward Joseph Ms. Sharon Juhasz Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kagan Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kagan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Perry Kale Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kaminsky Mr. Jeffry Wollitz and Ms. Randy Kammer Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Kane Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kanner Dr. and Mrs. Larry Kanter Mr. and Mrs. Jay Karp Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Karsin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katz Mr. and Mrs. Alan Katz Dr. and Mrs. David Katz Ms. Libby Katz Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Katz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kaufmann Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Kaunitz Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kaye Mr. Robert Kaye Mrs. Barbara Kazin Mr. and Mrs. Benjay Kempner Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kempner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kersun Judge and Mrs. Morton Kesler Ms. Sharon Kesler Ms. Marcia Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Kigel Mr. and Mrs. David Kight Ms. Simone Kilbourn Dr. and Mrs. Garry Kitay Mr. and Mrs. Gil Kleiner Mr. Hy Kliman Ms. Janice Knack Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kodner Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kopp Mr. and Mrs. Brett Koretzky Mr. and Mrs. Howard Korman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Korn Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kornhauser Mr. Yefim Brunfon and Mrs. Polina Koropova Mr. and Mrs. Eric Korzyniowski Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kossoff Mrs. Sylvia Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kraemer Dr. and Mrs. Alan Krantz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kreisel Ms. JoAnn Krestul Mrs. Carolyn Krestul Mrs. Barbara Kristal Ms. Ann Kristal Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Kuhbander Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kulchin Mr. Don Kupfer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kurtz Dr. and Mrs. Ron Kushner Mr. Carl Kutlin Mr. and Mrs. Grant Kuvin Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Lafer Mr. and Mrs. Eric Land Ms. Rebecca Landerman Mr. Howard Laner Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Langer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lantinberg Mrs. Sonya Lasris Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson Mrs. Naomi Lazar

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Leach Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Leach Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leader Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leavitt Ms. Jean Lebowitz and Ms. Thelma Lebowitz Mrs. Dorothy Legum Ms. Sybil Lehr Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Leibowitz Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Leif Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Leimberg Ms. Tilde A. Lerman Dr. and Mrs. Eli Lerner Mrs. Louise Leve Drs. Jeff and Ilene Levenson Dr. and Mrs. H. Ronald Levin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levin Mrs. Pearl Levin Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Levine Mrs. Eileen Levine Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Levine Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Levine Ms. Robin Levine Mr. and Mrs. Mark Levine Ms. Stefanie Levine Mr. Alan Levinson Mr. and Mrs. Don Levinson Ms. Carol Levitan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Levitsky Levy Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Philip Levy Ms. Lillie Ray Levy Ms. Alexandra Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lieberman Mr. Tyler Curl and Ms. Jessica Ligator Dr. Leonard Lipkin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lipsky Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lissner Mrs. Muriel Litt Dr. and Mrs. Marc Litt Mr. Mark Lodinger Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lodinger Dr. David Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Alan Loeser Ms. Joan Logan Ms. Rhoda London Ms. Esther LoPiano Ms. Sherri Louer Ms. Maigret Loureiro Ms. Joanne Lowell Ms. Sylvia Lubliner Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner and Mrs. Susan Lubliner Ms. Marcia Luettchau Drs. Robert and Anne Lufrano Ms. Lucille Lustig Mrs. Betty Lustig Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mack Ms. Gabrielle E. Magid Mr. Leonard Magid and Mrs. Claudia Baker Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mail Mrs. Raquel Maiman Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Maiman Ms. Stephanie Majeskey Mrs. Amy Malkin Mrs. Ilana Manasse Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marcus Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Margol Mr. and Mrs. Drew Margol Mrs. Marilyn Margol Mr. and Mrs. Alan Margolies Mr. and Mrs. Adam Marko Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Marks Ms. Caroline Marks Dr. and Mrs. Alan Marks Ms. Dana Marmari Mr. and Mrs. Adam Marmelstein Mr Howard Caplan and Ms Jeanne Maron Dr. Donald Mars Dr. Ronald Mars Mr. Ben Marsh Mrs. Phyllis Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martinez Mrs. Pearl Marton Dr. and Mrs. Mike Mass Mr. Adam Mautner Mrs. Deinya Mautz Mrs. Charlotte Mayo Mrs. Hilda Mazo Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Tom McNett Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meisel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Melamed Mr. and Mrs. Walter Menaged Mr. and Mrs. Myron Mensh Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Meritt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Metlin Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Tony Milian Mr. Matthew Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller Mr. Matt Miller Mr. Michael Miller Mrs. Melissa Miller Mrs. Margaret Miller Mr. and Mrs. David Miller Alexandra Miller Bequest Mr. Daniel Miller and Ms. Lior Spring Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Millrood

See DONOR LIST, p. 19

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Donor List

Continued from pg. 18 Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Mirensky Dr. and Mrs. Jon Mitzmacher Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mizrahi Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mizrahi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mizrahi Mrs. Judy B. Mizrahi Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mizrahi Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Montagna Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan Dr. and Mrs. Craig Morgenthal Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Morris Mr. and Mrs. Joel Morris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moskovitz Mr. Andrew Yellen and Ms. Ruthellen Mulberg Ms. Geri Myers Ms. Kathy Myers Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Myers Judge and Mrs. Bernard Nachman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nadler Dr. and Mrs. Peter Natale Dr. and Mrs. Alan Nathans Ms. Maria Natovitch Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Neadle Ms. Melissa Neadle Drs. Steven and Tmima Neihaus Mr. and Mrs. Lon Neuman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman Mr. and Mrs. William Newman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nicotra Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nied Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nussbaum Drs. Michael and Sue Nussbaum Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nykerk Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nykerk Ms. Linda Oberdorfer Mr. Andrew Ocean Ms. Gloria Oehlman Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Ohayon Mr. and Mrs. Jais Ohayon Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Olesker Mrs. Donne Ordile Mr. and Ms. Albert Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Osterer Ms. Sandra B. Overton Ms. Janice Ozer Ms. Ali Pagano Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pagano Ms. Marilyn Pagano Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paisner Ms. Leah Palestrant Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Palevsky Mr. Michael Pallen Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pargman Parker and Wilf Families Mr. and Mrs. Richard Passink Mr. and Mrs. John Pataky Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paul Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paul Ms. Adele Paul Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peck Mr. and Mrs. Mark Penson Mrs. Sophia Pentel Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Perin Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perlin Dr. and Mrs. Gary Perlman Dr. and Mrs. Morton Perlman Mr. and Mrs. Doronne Perras Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Persky Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Peters Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pies Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pinnar Ms. Laura Platzer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Platzer


Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

federation news Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Plaut Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Plotkin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plotkin Mr. and Mrs. Jay Plotkin Mrs. Lita Poehlman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pollan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pollock Dr. Judy and Mr. Ronel Poppell Mr. and Mrs. Steven Porter Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Portnoy Mrs. Phyllis Portnoy Mr. and Mrs. Jan Pozin Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pozin Mr. and Mrs. Marc Preminger Mr. Neil Presser Mrs. Anne Presser Mr. Bradley Preuss Dr. Susan Price Mr. and Mrs. Sam Price Mr. and Mrs. Ron Price Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Priddle Ms. Terri Quint Dr. and Mrs. Marco Rand Mrs. Laura Rappaport-Spector Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Raudt Mr. Melvin Redmond Rein Family Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reinfeld Dr. Harry Reinstine Jr Mr. Edward Witlen and Ms. Marie Reitzes Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reiz Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Resnick Mrs. Barbara Resnick Ms. Sondra Resnikoff Mrs. Marian Rice Mrs. Ina Richter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rickerson Mr. and Mrs. Matt Rickoff Mr. and Mrs. William Rifkin Mrs. Toby Ringel Dr. and Mrs. Harris Rittenberg Mr. and Mrs. Skip Roach Mr. and Mrs. David Robbins Mrs. Linda Rodman Mr. Howard Roey Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogove Dr. and Mrs. Abe Rogozinski Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogozinski Dr. and Mrs. Chaim Rogozinski Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rohan Mr. Jeff Rood Mr. and Mrs. Don Rosborough Ms. Margaret Rose Mr. William Rose Mr. Paul E. Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rosen Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Rosenbaum Ronnie & Jerrold Rosenbaum Family Mr. Jerome Rosenbaum Mrs. Stacia Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rosenfield Mrs. Elaine Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rosner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ross Ms. Hilary Rotenberg Dr. and Mrs. Neal Roth Mrs. Sandi Roth Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rothstein Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rothstein Ms. Nan Rothstein Mr. and Mrs. Grigory Royzen Mr. and Mrs. George Rubens Ms. Nancy Rubenstein Mrs. Laura Rubin and Mr. Irwin Kirk Mrs. Arlene Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rubin Dr. and Mrs. Devon Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ruby Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rudowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Leif Rush Mr. Joseph Rutansky Mr. and Mrs. David Saag Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Sachs Dr. and Dr. Barbara Sharp Mrs. Carol Sack Ms. Daryl Sadowsky Ms. Jill Sadowsky Mrs. Rubye Safer Joe P. Safer Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Safer Ms. Eleanor Safer Mrs. Gaye Sager Ms. Bess Saliman Dr. and Mrs. David Sall Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Saraga Mr. and Mrs. Mark Saye Mr. and Mrs. David Schachnovsky Dr. and Mrs. Howard Schare Dr. and Mrs. Michael Scharf Dr. and Mrs. Jay Schauben Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Scheer Judge and Mrs. Jack Schemer Ms. Amy Schemer Mrs. Frances Schemer Mr. and Mrs. William Schemer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schemer Mrs. Shirley Schemer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schiller Ms. Ilene Schinasi Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Schlackman Judge and Mrs. Harvey Schlesinger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider Judy and Robert Schnitzer Rabbi and Mrs. Avi Schochet Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Schulman Mrs. Laura Schulman Dr. and Mrs. Brian Schwam Mr. Brandon Schwartz Mr. Marc Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Craig Schwartz Mr. Zachary Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sebotnick Ms. Stephanie Seebol Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Seebol Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sekine Selevan Family Mrs. Mimi Selig Mr. Alan Selmanoff Dr. and Mrs. Robert Selwitz Mr. Howard Serkin Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Serkin Mrs. Jeanne Serota-Schultz Dr. and Mrs. Barry Setzer Setzer Family Mr. and Mrs. Alan Setzer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shacter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shainbrown Mrs. Arlene Shainbrown Mr. Barry Shapiro Dr. and Mrs. Craig Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Joel Shapiro Rabbi and Mrs. Rick Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shenkman Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sherline Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Josh Shilts Mr. Harry Shmunes Shorstein Family Mr. and Mrs. David Shuman Dr. and Mrs. Michael Shumer Dr. and Mrs. Jules Sidle Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siegel Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Signer Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Silbar Mr. and Mrs. Leon Silke Ms. Elaine Silver

Mrs. Cynthia Silverberg Mr. and Mrs. Gary Silverfield Ms. Barbara Berlin and Mr. Robert Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Chris Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Simms Mrs. Deborah Simon Mrs. Julie Simon Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sims Mr. and Mrs. Federick Singer Mrs Carole Sinoff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sisisky Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Sherman Mrs. Irene Sloat Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smiley Ms. Laurie Smirl Mr. and Mrs. Avi Smith Ms. Dianna Smith Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smolensky Drs. Todd and Catherine Snowden Ms. Zina Sohaney Mr. and Mrs. Eugolio Soliven Dr. and Mrs. Michael Solloway Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Solomon Mrs. Carole Solomon Mr. and Mrs. David Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spill Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spriggs Mrs. Elaine Stack Mr. Rob Armstrong and Ms. Barbara Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stark Dr. and Mrs. Mandell Stearman Mr. Daniel Stein Mr. and Mrs. David Stein Ms. Ruth Stein Mrs. Marilyn Stein Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Martin Steinberg Ms. Talia Steiner Mr. and Mrs. David Steinfeld Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stern Ms. Irina Stevens Ms. Adele Stewart Mr. Margulies and Mrs. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Stone Mrs. Bernice Stone Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stone Dr. and Mrs. Richard Stromberg Mr. George Strumlauf Dr. and Mrs. Saul Sussman Dr. Millie and Mr. Edward Tannen Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tannenbaum Mrs. Marilyn Tanney Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Tavill Mr. and Mrs. Leonid Tesler Ms. Laura Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Lev Tillis Rabbi and Mrs. Howard Tilman Ms. Marion Tischler Dr. Karen Toker Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Toyzer Mr. and Mrs. Marty Trachtenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jason Trager Mr. and Mrs. Brent Trager Trager Family Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Triebwasser Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tromberg Ms. Esfir Tulchinskaya Mrs. Carol Turbow Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Turko Mr. and Mrs. Izrail Turovskiy Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ullmann Mr. and Mrs. Sean Valliere Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Van Mrs. Hope Vandervort-Kulish Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Vandroff

Mrs. Dot Verstandig Ms. Sharon Voiron Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Voloshin Mr. and Ms. Yan Makeev Mr. and Mrs. Jules Wagman Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Waitz Mr. and Mrs. Ilan Wajsman Mr. Eric Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wallman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ware Dr. and Mrs. Steven Warfield Mr. Michael Waskew and Ms. Elsa Mitschele Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wasserman Drs. Paul and Marte Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Weihnacht Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Weiner Dr. Joseph Weinman Mrs. Linda Weinstein Ms. Rachel Weinstein Mrs. Renee Weinstein Mrs. Margie Weinstein Mr. Daniel Weinstock Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Weintraub Mr. and Mrs. David Weintraub Mrs. Susanne Weisman Mrs. Sandra Weiss Dr. and Mrs. David Weiss Mr. Mitchell Weiss and Mrs. Gale Cohen-Weiss Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Weitzen Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Weitzner Mrs. June Weltman Dr. and Mrs. Gary Weltman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Werner Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Josh Whitman Mr. Jeff Wiener Mrs. Linda Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Skip Willbach Mr. Stuart Wilson Mrs. Hylda Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James Wiss Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Witt Mrs. Jacqueline Witte Ms. Carole Witten Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Wohl Ms. Kathy Wohlhuter Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Wolchok Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Wolchok Mr. and Dr. Arnie Wolf Mr. and Mrs. David Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Judah Wolf Ms. Irene Wolfe Mrs. Carole Wolpin Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolpoff Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodard Ms. Elaine Wright Mrs. Marjorie Wyzan Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Yahre Mr. and Mrs. Evan Yegelwel Mrs. Elsie Yellin Mr. Leon Yergin and Ms. Caryn Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Larry Yeston Dr. Harry Yoffee Dr. and Mrs. Brian Young Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young Dr. and Mrs. Larry Young Mr. and Mrs. Dana Zaifert Mr. and Mrs. David Zavon Ms. Anita Zeldin Mrs. Elissa Ziemba Zimmerman Family Mrs. Barbara Zimmerman Mr. Sandy Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Zisser Mr. Jonathan Zisser Mr. and Mrs. Barry Zisser

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017


JCA Aquatics to kick off summer with annual cardboard boat regatta By Jewish Community Alliance

Summer is almost here and for the JCA Aquatics Department that means a summer full of quality swim instruction and competitive swim teams. To start the summer swim season off right, the JCA hosts a fun day of swimming along with a friendly boat race. This event is on Monday, May 29th from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Every year, JCA members and their families come together to celebrate the opening of the Howard and Joy Korman

outdoor pool with games, music and food. Regatta competitors put together their best and most innovative cardboard boat designs for a chance to win the top prize in the race. This community sharing afternoon is a great opportunity for JCA valued members to get to know each other and have fun with other families. For race rules and information on entering your boat in the race, contact Aquatics Manager Josie Marten at 904-730-2100, ext. 240. For information on the JCA Makos Summer Swim Team, visit jcajax.org/aquatics.

JCA staff attends recent JCC’s of North American Professional Conference in Orlando By Jewish Community Alliance

This past March, staff from the JCA departments, Jewish and Family Programs, Sports and Recreation and Membership and faculty from Michele Block Gan Yeladim, participated in the JCC of North America Professional Conference in Orlando. The biennial conference provides professional development opportunities for staff of Jewish Community Centers in North America. The four-day event included a panel of notable speakers such as Kostya Kimlat, a renowned entertainer and author of the forthcoming book, ‘Think Like a Magician’. Also present was Ted-Talker and filmmaker Tiffany Shlain and Kevin A. Trapani, president and CEO of The Redwoods Group and a leader on the topic of scaling

social innovation. The conference also had add-on sessions for early childhood and TK professionals, in which Michele Block Gan Yeladim Director Theresa Levy participated. “What an amazing opportunity to continue a journey of reflection and discovery together with 100 of the top early childhood educators from JCCs in North America,”

Levy said. “Utilizing the JCC Association’s Sheva framework we provide exemplary early childhood practice deeply rooted in the latest research on child development seen through a Jewish lens, plus it was great traveling with the amazing JCA team,” she added. Levy was joined by Dave Flagler, director of Jewish and Family Programs, Rio Robinson,

director of Sports and Recreation, Casey Wiley, JCA After School coordinator and Chris Turner, assistant membership director. The group met with nearly 500 other JCC professionals from across the country to network, gain insight into their peers’ work and learn best practices in their field.

“This was a great opportu-

nity to meet our counterparts from across North America, to hear what challenges they face, how we are all facing similar challenges and to share their solutions as well as ours,” Turner said. “I really benefited from the opportunity to network and built rapport with people representing their agencies.”

Make a dream come true and Send a Kid to Camp at the JCA this summer By Jewish Community Alliance

Summer is almost here, which means it’s nearly time for another exciting season of JCA Summer Camp. Each year there are a significant number of families who need assistance with their camp fees, as these children would not be able to benefit from outstanding programming without the generosity of others. At JCA Summer Camp, children spend their day physically active and gain resiliency through encouragement and a nurturing environment. They also

experience successes and build confidence because of it. With non-competitive activities and diverse opportunities to succeed, camp life is a real boost for young people. JCA Summer Camp gives children the opportunity to unplug from technology and grow more independent by rediscovering their creative powers and engaging in the real world. Camp helps kids develop who they are and expand their abilities as well as learn social skills and make friends easily in a close-knit community. You can make a difference by helping to send a kid to camp as your support will allow the JCA to continue this proud tradition of

assisting those in need. To make a gift, please contact Lior Spring

at 904-730-2100, ext. 318 or lior. spring@jcajax.org. You can also

visit jcajax.org/donate to make a contribution.

Jewish community alliance HAPPENINGS May 2017 Iyar/Sivan 5777 For more information or to register for programs at the JCA, call 904-730-2100 or visit our official website at www.jcajax.org.

Vandroff Art Gallery

Aaron Shelton’s paintings, drawings and prints will be shown from Apr. 27 - May 31. Shelton’s work explores ‘spontaneous realism’. The opening reception for this exhibit is on Apr. 30 from 3 - 5 p.m.

Sunday Film Series

See ‘Little White Lie’, Sunday, May 7th at 2 p.m. Filmmaker Lacey Schwartz explores her family’s journey of discovery and identity.

This is free and open to the community, however advance registration is appreciated.

Classic Movie Magic

See ‘Mildred Pierce’, starring Joan Crawford and Zachary Scott, Thursday, May 11th at 12 p.m. This is free and open to the community, however reservations are appreciated.

JCafé Family Day at the MOSH

Families with young children join us for an exclusive, hands-on educator led science experience and picnic snack on Sunday, May 7 from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The fee is $15 and $10 for JCA valued members.

JCA Family Shabbat Dinner

Join other JCA families for a festive dinner and celebration in conjunction with PJ Library of Jacksonville, Friday, May 12th from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. The fee is $15 and $10 for JCA valued members.

Summer Sing Along

On Sunday, May 21st from 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., enjoy a treat and learn your favorite campfire songs and popular summer hits during this family song session. The fee is $10 and $5 for JCA valued members.

JCA PAC Presents: The Little Mermaid

Children presents this classic Disney tale on May 14th and 21st. Show times are 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. on both dates. Tickets are $7, sold at the door. For information, call 904-730-2100, ext. 248.

Summer Swim Team

Splash into another great summer with the JCA Makos co-ed swim team beginning May 1st. Call 904730-2100, ext. 240 for details.

The JCA Performing Arts for


Youth Summer Basketball League

A mandatory skills evaluation will be held on June 11th. Call Mike May at 904-730-2100, ext. 254 to volunteer to coach or for information.

Flag Football

The JCA has flag football clinics for youth and adults. Contact Mike at 904-730-2100, ext. 254 for availability.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017


500 plus dress up and get out to EverBank Field for JFCS’ 100th Anniversary Celebration

Kimberly Sisisky, Colleen Rodriguez and Mary Edwards

Judy and Steve Silverman during the cocktail hour

Board President Jodie Leach thanks JFCS supporters

Carol Belcher and Harry Frisch

Mary Edwards and Kimberly Sisisky welcome guests

Approximately 500 people celebrated JFCS’s century of service

Christine and Andy Block

The large scoreboard at EverBank Field was all lit up with JFCS’ logos and lettering celebrating 100 years

Danielle and Faatimah Darby praised JFCS for its help in their lives

The after party included a DJ-band hybrid

Ben and Pat Frisch

Linda and David Stein

Dancing the night away at the home of the Jags

Much celebrating took place during the after party


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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017


Elikan Camp Scholarship helps fund three great opportunities for kids during the summer BY LAURA THOMPSON Interim JCF Director

The Len & Judy Elikan Camp Scholarship Endowment Fund helps local Jewish young adults attend 501(c)(3) nonprofit summer camps. This year, awardees will attend camp at Camp Ramah Darom in Clayton, Ga., JCC Maccabi Sports Camp in San Francisco and Camp Nageela in Fallsbur, N.Y. Below is an explanation of each one. Camp Ramah Darom - In 1997, a group of visionaries shepherded by the late Leonard Kaplan and Mayer “Bubba” Mitchell came together to create a dynamic center of Jewish

living and learning in the Southeast. With the goal of providing exceptional year-round Jewish programming and camping for children and adults of all ages, celebrating a deep love of culture, religion, diversity, nature, spirit and community, Ramah Darom was born. In the 20 years since turning this vision into a reality, thousands of kids, from young children to teenagers have grown up at Camp Ramah Darom, shaping their Jewish identity in life-changing ways. Thousands more have visited the 122-acre campus for year-round programming, enjoying the beauty of the North Georgia mountains, experiencing Shabbat and Havdalah with song and dance, engaging in stimulating learning,

celebrating simchas, and attending corporate retreats. For more information on Camp Ramah Darom, visit: ramahdarom.829-devl2.com. JCC Maccabi Sports Camp Campers at JCC Maccabi Sports Camp focus on developing athletic skills and improving as teammates in their sport of choice including baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, softball, or girls lacrosse. The camp’s focus is sports, yet balanced with fun and traditional Jewish camp excitement. Each day includes skills and drills plus competitive game play, with a focus on improving as individuals and teammates. As a compliment to their emphasis on skill development, the camp is guided by Jewish values and the meaningful way as they integrate into the athletic and community

experience. Core values taught at the camp include: Tikkun Middot (building character,) K’lal Yisrael (welcoming Jewish people and friends,) Shmirat Haguf (guarding the body,) and Shabbat Shalom (time of rest and gratitude.) At Maccabi Sports Camp, the life skills learned through sports are as important as the sports skills themselves. For more information on JCC Maccabi Sports Camp, visit maccabisportscamp.org/wp.

Camp Nageela - Camp Nageela East has welcomed thousands of Jewish boys and girls into their camp for the past 25-years. All boys and girls grades 3-10 find their place in Camp Nageela through the warm and welcom-

ing environment that is felt from the moment you step on camp grounds. The camp experience is comprised of a wealth of activities and specialty programming. Designed to cater to the interests of each individual camper, the array of options satisfies those who envision themselves either playing sports, paintballing, canoeing, woodworking, or enjoying any of the other varied activities that are available. All Jewish denominations agree on certain values fundamental to Judaism. Rather than focusing on a specific style of observance, Camp Nageela focuses on imparting core values in a way that sparks campers’ interest in discovering and learning about the details. In this way, children from any background feel comfortable and welcomed. For more information on Camp Nageela, visit campnageela.org/index.html.

Community Concert for Free Ninety Nine • Did you know that JCF staff is present at many local and partner agency events? If you see us in our blue JCF t-shirts, please feel free to stop by and say ‘hello’. We would love to meet you and are more than happy to discuss how we may help you reach your philanthropic goals. • The next JCF Board of Trustees meeting will be held Wednesday, May 17th, at 6:30 p.m. inside the JCF offices. Our Finance Committee will also be meeting in May, so stay tuned for announcements of other upcoming JCF committee meetings.

• The JCF is still actively seeking to update their database of B’nai Tzdek participants. If you know a young adult who participated in the program (especially if they no longer live in Jacksonville area,) please email their name, address, phone number, and email to: laura.thompson@jewishfoundationnefl.org.

Last month Pharaoh’s Daughter held a concert presented by Avant Arts at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Together, JCF grant recipient Avant and partner agency, the Jacksonville Jewish Center put on this event.


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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017



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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

Community news

Local Jewish neuropsychologist offers free monthly sessions to those searching for emotional wellness BY DR. JONATHAN GROSS The Narrative Project

For the past year, neuropsychologist and Jacksonville Jewish community member Dr. Jonathan Gross has been running ‘The Narrative Project’. This is a program for emotional wellness rooted in research showing that our early experiences have lasting influence and that sorting those experiences out conveys great benefit to our mind and body. An old Zen folktale helps explain this notion. The folktale says that two monks, one a master, the other a disciple, were traveling together. They chanced upon a young woman at the bank of a river. She asked to be carried across. The master lifted the young woman onto his shoulders, took her across, and put her down on the other side. The disciple was

upset and could not put the matter to rest. At last he spoke up. “Master, we have taken vows to avoid contact with women, but you lifted her onto your shoulders!” The master replied, “My son, I set her down by the river bank. You are still carrying her.” The story is old and wise. But let’s imagine the master taking a different approach towards his brooding disciple. The master might take a deep breath and allow room for the disciple’s experience. “What happened back there seems to have really bothered you,” The Monk said. “It did.” The disciple replies. If this version were to continue (as it does in each session of the Narrative Project), the young monk would go deeper into his experience. He might discover anger at his master or at himself. He might discover that he was aroused by the young woman

and might therefore recognize an internal battle between his vows and his desires! He might even glimpse an old frame of reference that carries familiar ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. Narrative Project participants explore their past encounters and uncover lifelong patterns of thinking, feeling, and relating. The program is designed to unearth the depth of one’s personal story. Participants find that doing so is a journey filled with excitement, challenge, and reward. The science behind the Narrative Project owes much to the work of British psychoanalyst John Bowlby who pioneered Attachment Theory. Bowlby shed light and stimulated a large body of research showing the extent to which difficult experiences in our early years have lifelong impact on our internal and social worlds.

Not surprisingly, Bowlby’s work was influenced by the challenges of his own personal story which was filled with emotional distance and loss. For Dr. Gross as well, the professional is deeply rooted in the personal. As a third generation holocaust survivor and grandchild of Jewish immigrants, Dr. Gross’ family legacy of chaos, victimhood, otherness, and complex struggles around power created the psychological context within which the Narrative Project was conceived. For Gross, the Narra-

tive Project is a profoundly meaningful undertaking that reclaims clarity out of a past so often filled with confusion, obscurity, and painful repeating ghosts. Meetings are free to attend and occur the last Thursday of each month from 5pm-7:15pm in the Brightway Center in Jacksonville’s Southside. Send an email to admin@1stpersoninc.com to register or visit thenarrativeproject.us to learn more.

Jacksonville teen’s recent Eagle Scout Very first model Seder project creates a chicken coop for the held at Baptist Downtown BY MARTIN SCHWARTZ Catty Shack Jewish Chaplain


History was made in midApril, when for the first time, a Model Sedar was held at Downtown Baptist Hospital. The Sedar was held in the Chaplain’s conference room, and was led by the Jewish Chaplain, Martin Schwartz, along with his wife Mere. In attendance were more than two-dozen Chaplains, the Chaplain’s administrator, one hospital administrator and a nurse. Everything was done according to strict Halachic standards in both Hebrew and English, and kosher grape Juice was used in lieu

Eagle Scout Parent

A typical Eagle Scout project is one in which it can be completed in one to two-weekends with a few volunteers and the Scout needs to raise approximately $500. For Michael Ackerman, who is a member of troop 14, this time span and these numbers were not nearly enough as he took on a project that everyone including his parents and Scout Master tried to dissuade him from. Ackerman had the idea to build a chicken coop for Catty Shack (the wildlife sanctuary for big cats) and he ended up raising $4,000 to cover the cost of materials. He had anywhere from four to eight volunteers every Saturday and Sunday for 10 weekends to complete this project, which took a total of 997 man hours. The chicken coop holds 60 chickens yielding approximately five dozen eggs per day. It’s important to note that the chickens are not fed to the lions and tigers but rather the eggs are fed to the cats, given to volunteers, and donated to food centers to feed the homeless in Jacksonville. Despite the initial pessimism, the young volunteer was never deterred from his vision after taking a tour

Eagle Scout Michael Ackerman, who is a member of Troop 14, proudly displays his finished project, a chicken coup for the Catty Shack

of Catty Shack (which is open to the public), proving to everyone that he could make this happen. It shows incredible drive and determination to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, as they all have been part of the program for years and have had to complete

numerous badges to even be able to submit a project. It is only about 5-percent of the boys who start as Scouts that achieve this prestigious honor, so many mazel tov’s are indeed in order for Ackerman and those who helped him achieve this lofty goal.

of wine. The Sedar consisted of the first half including the Hillel Sandwich of charoses and morer, and a short recess instead of a meal was followed by the conclusion of the Sedar. A big thanks goes out to the chief Chaplain and her staff for making this possible, in hopes that this will become an annual event.

Jacksonville community gets a moving history lesson from JCA theatre production BY IMAN BYFIELD

Jewish Community Alliance

In late April, the JCA Theatre Department presented a special, educational program highlighting the real-life stories of children who suffered during the Holocaust. ‘Just Like Me’, was a poignant, multimedia production and was researched and written by the young performers of the JCA Theatre program, featuring monologues, stories and vignettes. It has been estimated that the youngest of Hitler’s victims numbered more than one million. To gain insight into these untold stories, the students of JCA Theatre of Youth researched documented accounts and interviewed Holocaust survivors, some who even had personal connections to their own families. Eleven students participated in the production including, Evan Wolpoff, Anna Feig, Horatio Gilman, Aiden Smolensky, Andrew Wolpoff, Lily Davis, Nava Kempner, Rosalie Howerton, Abby Germaine, Jake Rutansky and Abigail Fixel. Through their research, the students uncovered similarities between themselves and the children they were honoring. This led them to look at their own family histories and create family trees. One student, Nava Kempner, spoke to her great-grandmother, Marilla Kempner, who was only 17 when Nazis invaded her hometown in Poland in 1939. Of her

Anna Feig along with her grandmother and family

family, only she and her sister survived and eventually made it to America. Another student, Anna Feig, interviewed her grandmother, Malka, who is also a survivor. Malka was 16 the day she arrived in Auschwitz. Her parents and three siblings were all immediately sent to the gas chamber, but Malka alone survived. All of the ‘Just Like Me’ participants used their discoveries to create moving stories to share. JCA Theatre brings many productions to the Jacksonville community through programs like The Magic Wardrobe, Value Members Cabaret, Stage Door Theatre Camp, Spring Break Theatre Camp and variety of professional programming for children and adults of Jacksonville. For more information on this and other JCA Theatre programs, visit jcajax.org/theatre.

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community news

The Shlicha Corner: Celebrating Jerusalem Day, a half century after the Six Day War in 1967


Community Shlicha jaxshlicha@jewishjacksonville.org

“Mountain air as clear as wine and the scent of pine … Imprisoned in her dream, is the city which dwells alone, a wall within her heart”. These words, written by Naomi Shemer in May 1967, convey the Jewish people’s lifetime longing to return to Jerusalem, a city which has been the core of our faith and history for centuries but was unreachable for years. 50 years ago, during the Six Day War, that longing finally turned into reality. Many look back at the Six Day War as a turning point in Israeli history, as Jerusalem was reunified. An uplifting atmosphere, a sense of unlimited pride and strength alongside many new social and moral issues were just some outcomes of that war. In 1968, the Israeli government assigned the 28th of Eyar as ‘Jerusalem Day’, making it a national holiday celebrating the reunification. Ever since, yearly parades are held in the city during that day and children are taught about the significant part the city plays in our culture and identity as Jews

and Israelis. As I was growing up I experienced these lessons first-hand. My grandmother used to share stories with me of how she smuggled weapons underneath her dress to help the soldiers on their way to Jerusalem. My parents told me stories of the days after the reunification, their first visit to the Old City, meeting the Jewish and Arab citizens living there. Despite these stories and patriotic feelings, Jerusalem was a city we hardly ever visited. The long and winding roads were an excuse to stay away from the city that has always been full of struggle and conflicts. When the Second Intifadah broke, fear was added to Jerusalem’s integral complexity. Bombings, demonstrations and chaos drew me even further away from a city that I felt only a basic historic connection to, not a personal one. Jerusalem was a distant city in my life until my service in the IDF. I was introduced to Jerusalem through the eyes of my officer, a young secular Jewish woman and a Jerusalem native. For the first time in my life I saw not only the historical avenues of the city but the young, vibrant life that people were leading in it. As I became more intrigued by this contrast

Spice up your life with some salsa and the Jax Jewish Singles BY FRANCINE SMITH Jax Jewish Singles

This month the Jax Jewish Singles are going to try a little salsa and other Mexican food items at Salsa’s Mexican Restaurant. Please call Francine for details at

904-221-8061 or email francine. smith@comcast.net.

May packed with month long programming at River Garden Senior Services By River Garden Senior Services

The last few months have been packed with a multitude of programs and events at River Garden, all with an open invitation for the community to join in and the response to these programs has been terrific, with attendance being incredible. River Garden’s programming selections are very diverse as there truly is something for everyone and May is no different as there is nearly a handful of activities to choose from. On Sunday, May 7th at 3:30 p.m., the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Hazzan Holzer and friends will be in the Cohen Auditorium performing Songs of Israel, ‘From Pioneers to Modern Day’. Then on Wednesday, May 10th at 11 a.m., Rabbi Perras will be speaking on ‘No 2-State Solution. Tuesday, May 16th features a talk by Cindy Edelman at 2 p.m.,

on ‘What Endures: A Look at One Family’s Story of Art Loss During WWII’, and finally on Tuesday, May 30th at 10:30 a.m., Rabbi Dov Kentof will be telling the Story of Ruth and the Ten Commandments in preparation for Shavuous. All of these programs are always free, so visit rivergarden. org for upcoming events and programming information held on the River Garden campus. All community-wide programming requires attendees to RSVP to Laura Platzer at 904-886-8429 or lplatzer@rivergarden.org. For more information please contact Leslie Held at lheld@rivergarden.org or 904-886-8429.

between the past and the present, I decided to move to Jerusalem and study at the Hebrew University. Living in Jerusalem for three and half years I was exposed to a city struggling, yet not giving up on diversity and harmony, while trying to find the balance between history and present day. It is a city that integrates many generations, religions, narratives and cultures while remaining a home to all. We can discuss history, facts and wars, but in my opinion Jerusalem’s beauty comes from deep within, rooted in its people and in every stone. Jerusalem Day has never been as meaningful to me, not only because of its 50th anniversary or its historical importance, but because today I can truly say that Jerusalem is in my heart.

Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

Jax Hadassah to host its special event, May 4th

Stewart Greenberg, a stage four melanoma cancer survivor will talk about how Hadassah saved his life at its special event, May 4th


Jacksonville Hadassah

The Jacksonville Board of Hadassah and Jacksonville Associates cordially invites the community to meet Stewart Greenberg, Thursday, May 4th. This special event will feature Mr. Greenberg, a Stage 4 Melanoma Cancer survivor, who will relate his personal story of how Hadassah saved his life. The program is in conjunction with Melanoma Awareness Month and as part of the Research in Service to Humanity Campaign. Come hear Greenberg’s story and learn about the miraculous work of Hadassah’s Dr. Michal Lotem, Head of the Center and the doctor who offered his patient a life-

saving treatment, when no other doctor offered any hope. Greenberg, together with his wife Maggie, is leading a drive to raise funds for the Hadassah Melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy (HMCIC), Department of Oncology at the Hadassah Hospital. There is a VIP Reception scheduled for 6 p.m., that night and its $25 per person, which includes wine, beer and hors d’oeuvres. The program, which is free, begins at 7:30 p.m., and will be held at Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple). Please RSVP to Gail and Stanley Greenfield by April 28th at 904-5347381, gailsgreenfield@gmail.com or sbg39@outlook.com.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

The JJN’s will return for Summer 2017. Scheduled to hit newsstands and mailboxes in and around Northeast Florida, June 15th, the special double-issue will once again cover a wide variety of topics and replace the June and July newspapers.

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Fkk kdvkktikikg k tikkk kkkk kkkkkkk: Barbara Nykerk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Eta Perras

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adult education May 2017 Iyar/Sivan 5777

To include your adult education event in this listing please e-mail the Jacksonville Jewish News at jjn@jewishjacksonville.org, with the time/date or frequency of the event from your specific organization or synagogue, along with a short description of each program or event.

Special Events

May 1st

Jacksonville Jewish Center (7 p.m.) TALMUD CLASS - Rabbi Lubliner explores communal responses to crisis in tractate Ta’anit. Jewish Community Alliance (12 – 1 p.m.) BREAST HEALTH - Jennifer Crozier, MD, of Baptist Health MD Anderson Cancer Center discusses the link between obesity and breast cancer. This is free and open to the community, however registration is required.

May 4th

Jewish Community Alliance (6 – 7:15 p.m.) DECLUTTER AND DOWNSIZE YOUR HOME - Learn simple strategies with professional organizer and senior move manager Jenn Neuman. The fee is $5, and JCA valued members are free, however advance registration is appreciated.

May 6th

Jacksonville Jewish Center

(1 p.m.) MINDFULNESS MEDITATION WORKSHOP – Following services, the special guest will be Dr. Ellen Williams who will teach and inspire, so please make your reservations by dropping a check for $10 in the mail to the JJC office.

May 7th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (9:30 – 11:30 a.m.) FUNERAL PLANNING - Planning for a Jewish funeral can be difficult and stressful, especially for grieving relatives. Join us for brunch and an informational program and learn about some easy steps that you can take now to help your family through this emotional time in their lives. Brunch begins at 9:30 a.m. and the program, which is free of charge, lasts from 10-11:30 a.m. Jacksonville Jewish Center (12:30 p.m.) YIDDISH ‘CLUB’ - Monthly meetings will held in the JJC Kramer Library. This is an informal group of all ages with varying levels of ability. Meet other local speakers to practice the language, or to just shmooze a bis as we’ll listen to Klezmer music, watch videos and films, and read and speak in Yiddish, so please join the fun. River Garden Senior Services (3:30 p.m.) SONGS OF ISRAEL - Hazzan Holzer and Friends will be in our Cohen Auditorium performing Songs of Israel ‘From Pioneers to Modern Day’.

May 10th

Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue (5-5:45 p.m.) INTERMEDIATE HEBREW FOR ADULTS - This intermediate class is taught by Education Director Beth Brenner and is designed for those students who want to improve upon their basic knowledge of the Hebrew language. This class meets the second and fourth Wednesday of every month, with some exceptions.

May 11th

River Garden Senior Services (11 a.m.) NO 2 STATE SOLUTION TALK - Rabbi Perras will be speaking on this topic.

March 13th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (9:15-9:55 a.m.) SHAL‘OM’ MEDITATION – Come for 25 minutes of meditation in a Jewish environment. At 9:15-9:30, we will offer some basic instruction of meditation technique and approach, then will start actual practice at 9:30 and go until 9:55 in time for the Torah service.

May 16th

Jewish Community Alliance (6 – 7:30 p.m.) EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE This excited evening with Executive Coach Jan Lipsky of Image Partners will show you how to recognize when emotions are ruling your behavior. The fee is $5 and JCA valued members are free, however advance registration is appreciated. River Garden Senior Services (2 p.m.) WHAT ENDURES – A talk by Cindy Edelman about one family’s story of art loss during WWII.

May 17th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (7:30 p.m.) JEWISH BOOK CLUB - Open to all interested adults and meets in the Starbuck’s section at Barnes & Noble on San Jose Blvd. Jewish Community Alliance (1 – 3 p.m.) TERRARIUM GARDENING Use a variety of natural elements to design a personalized terrarium garden to enliven your home. All materials are included. The fee is $33 and $22 for JCA valued members and registration required by May 10.

May 18th

Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue (7:00 p.m.) BELLES Book Club - The BELLES (Beth El Literary Ladies Enjoying Sisterhood) will discuss ‘After Long Silence: A Memoir’ by Helen Fremont. Fremont was raised as a Roman Catholic but it wasn’t until she was an adult practicing law in Boston that she discovered her parents were Jewish-Holocaust survivors living invented lives, as not even their names were their own. In this powerful memoir, she delves into the secrets that held her family in a bond of silence for more than four decades. Jewish Community Alliance (6 – 7 p.m.) CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT - Michael Yorio, MD, of the Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute will share how to protect ourselves and our children from head injuries and concussions. This is free and open to the community.

May 20th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (8 – 9 a.m.) COFFEE & TORAH - Come enjoy a strong cup of brew, a tasty breakfast treat, and thoughtprovoking insights into the weekly Torah portion in the intimate setting of Rabbi Lubliner’s office.

May 21st

Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue (5 p.m.) WINE & CHEESE SOCIAL – The screening of the film “Orchestra of Exiles’ will be held following the wine and cheese. The film centers around the early 1930s when Hitler began firing Jewish musicians across Europe. Overcoming extraordinary obstacles, violinist Bronislaw Huberman moved these great musicians to Palestine and formed a symphony that would become the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. This event is free and open to the community, however donations are gratefully appreciated. For more information, contact Gail Greenfield at gailsgreenfield@ hotmail.com or call 904-534-7381.

May 23rd

Jewish Community Alliance (7 – 9 p.m.) DRINK AND DRAW: GETTING SKETCHY - Bring your sketchbook and favorite drawing medium to explore your creativity and enjoy a seasonal cocktail. The fee is $12 and $8 for JCA valued members. Registration is required by May 19.

May 24th

Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue (5-5:45 p.m.) INTERMEDIATE HEBREW FOR ADULTS - This intermediate class is taught by Education Director Beth Brenner and is designed for those students who want to improve upon their basic knowledge of the Hebrew language. This class meets the second and fourth Wednesday of every month, with some exceptions.

Jewish Community Alliance (7 – 8:30 p.m.) LOVE THEY NEIGHBOR - Etz Chaim Education Director Rabbi Avi Feigenbaum leads a discussion of this multi-dimensional commandment. This is free and open to the community. Advance registration is always appreciated. Jewish Community Alliance (12 p.m.) THE CREATION OF BEAUTY IS ART - Art maven Cindy Edelman returns with a presentation of Susan Ronald’s book, ‘Hitler’s Art Thief ’. The fee is $8 at the door or a donation of toothpaste and toothbrushes. Advance registration is always appreciated.

May 30th

River Garden Senior Services (10:30 a.m.) SHAVUOUS STORY TELLING Rabbi Dov Kentof will be telling the story of Ruth and the Ten Commandments in preparation for Shavuous.

June 10th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (9:15-9:55 a.m.) SHAL‘OM’ MEDITATION – Come for 25 minutes of meditation in a Jewish environment. At 9:15-9:30, we will offer some basic instruction of meditation technique and approach, then will start actual practice at 9:30 and go until 9:55 in time for the Torah service.

June 11th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (12:30 p.m.) YIDDISH ‘CLUB’ - Monthly meetings will held in the JJC Kramer Library. This is an informal group of all ages with varying levels of ability. Meet other local speakers to practice the language, or to just shmooze a bis as we’ll listen to Klezmer music, watch videos and films, and read and speak in Yiddish, so please join the fun.

Regular Events


Jacksonville Jewish Center (10:15 a.m. – 12 p.m.) FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM CLASS - Classes are open to all, whether you are considering conversion, seeking to understand a friend or relative’s religious choices, or simply trying to go

Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

beyond your childhood Jewish education. Our last unit, taught by Hazzan Jesse Holzer, is called Medieval and Modern Jewish History and the goal is to introduce learners to major events in Jewish History, and to explore the role of the Land of Israel in Jewish faith through the ages. We will also encounter and respond to major 20th century events that have affected the Jewish people. Classes scheduled for May 7, 14, 21st. Jewish Community Alliance (12:30 – 1:15 p.m.) YOGA FOR SURVIVORS - Baptist Anderson Cancer Center and the Christina Phipps Foundation have joined to provide cancer patients, survivors and caregivers a yoga adapted to fit their individual needs. This is free to the community, however advance registration required and the program runs until June 4th.


Jacksonville Jewish Center (Mornings following Minyan) MONDAY MINYAN MAPQUEST - Rabbi Lubliner takes us on a tour of Jewish cities, explaining history and current statistics of some well-known and not-sowell-known Jewish communities in our country. Classes held May 1, 8, 15, 2, June 5, 12. Jacksonville Jewish Center (12:15 p.m.) PARSHA CLASS - Held in the Kramer Library. Join Marci Rogozen as we continue to explore each week’s Torah portion. Perfect for parents wanting to parallel their children’s learning, and for those seeking personal growth and knowledge. Sessions held May 1, 8, 15, 22nd. Jacksonville Jewish Center HEBREW CLASSES/SERVICE SKILLS - (intermediate Hebrew level). This is an ongoing class, designed to increase prayer fluency and help our congregants to become more comfortable in our Jacksonville Jewish Center weekday and Shabbat services. Basic reading skills are necessary, but we will work together on fluency and prayer vocabulary. All are welcome to join us May 1, 8, 15, 22nd. Jewish Community Alliance (10:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.) PLOTTING, PLANNING AND PUBLISHING - In this four-week

program, professional book editor Jessica Hatch guides you through the writing process from outline to publication. The fee is $24 and $16 for JCA valued members. Registration required, and the program will be held May 1, 8, 15, 22.


Jewish Community Alliance (5:30 – 9:30 p.m.) THE ART OF FILMMAKING WORKSHOP - Join Andrew Fallon, creative Director for Tigerlily Media, for this three-part handson workshop to understand the creative, technical, on-set and post production aspects of filmmaking at an offsite location. Space is limited. The fee is $60 and $40 for JCA valued members, and registration is required by May 31 for this program which takes place June 6, 13, 20.


Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue (10:30 a.m.) YOGA SHALOM – Along with meditation and spirituality, which meets every Wednesday at Beth El. Using a DVD with Cantor Lisa Levine and Carol Kurgoff, you will learn to relax your body, calm your mind, and nurture your spirit. Bring your mat and we will see you at the next session. Immediately following Yoga Shalom is an hour of Jewish Meditation and Spirituality for you to study and grow spiritually within a Jewish framework. Jewish Community Alliance (12:30 – 1:15 p.m.) YOGA FOR SURVIVORS - Baptist Anderson Cancer Center and the Christina Phipps Foundation have joined to provide cancer patients, survivors and caregivers a yoga adapted to fit their individual needs. This is free to the community, however advance registration is required for this program which runs through June 7.


Jewish Community Alliance (6:15 – 7 p.m.) ADULT BEGINNER GUITAR LESSONS - This group lesson teaches an introduction to singing, guitar, music theory and relevant techniques. Sessions are progressive. The fee is $40 and $25 for JCA valued members and registration required for this event which takes place May 4, 11, 18, 25.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017


Parent and Me Shabbat Michele Block Gan Yeladim’s JCafé MOSH family day to take place in May will be held at Michele Block Gan Yeladim


Michele Block Gan Yeladim

Families with young children can join Michele Block Gan Yeladim’s JCafé for a fun family day at Jacksonville’s Museum of Science & History (MOSH) on Sunday, May 7th from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. JCafé (Cultural Arts Family Experiences) aims to provide quality, culturally-enriching activities and programming for families with young children. “Going on-location extends our unique curriculum partnership opportunities outside of the school day and classroom and lets parents participate in meaningful


Michele Block Gan Yeladim

ways in their children’s learning experiences,” explained Rochelle Golomb, Block Gan’s assistant director. Preschoolers of all ages are invited to this hands-on, exclusive, educator-led science experience, tour and picnic snack. Registration is requested by May 5 and can be accessed by going to jcajax.org/ programs. For more information on this and other JCafé programming, please contact Rochelle Golomb at 904-730-2100, ext. 259.

Beginning this month, celebrate Shabbat with Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten. Experience the school’s new Parent and Me weekly Shabbat celebration, where every Friday starting at 9 a.m., parents, caregivers and babies can participate in an interactive, enthusiastic Shabbat observance. Enjoy delicious Challah bread and grape juice, as well as songs, music and stories led by Early Child-

hood Judaics instructor Morah Karen. Meet other parents to socialize and delight in experiencing Shabbat through your child’s eyes. Parent and Me Shabbat is free to attend, so for more information, please contact Rochelle Golomb at 904-730-2100, ext. 259.

Ready ... Set ... Paint!! Wants YOU to be a part of its growing advertising sales team! The Jacksonville Jewish News is in search of a highly qualified, highly motivated sales representative to secure advertising on a monthly and yearly basis for the official publication of the Jacksonville Jewish community. Candidates should have 2-3 years of sales experience and be willing to work in assigned territories. The JJN is a newspaper published monthly from August – May, with a Summer Magazine for the months of June and July. The JJN has a circulation of approximately 13,000, with three stands for pick up, in and around Mandarin. *Please note that this is a commission based, part-time position with no benefits* Interested candidates should e-mail their resume to JJN editor Matt Franzblau at mattf@jewishjacksonville.org, no later than May 15th.

Kids in grades three to six attending Camp Habonim get to take part in all kinds of fun activities such as painting during the summer at the JCA. Registration for this summer experience is now open so visit jcajax.org/ camp to sign your child up to make many great memories and friends.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • May 2017

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