Jacksonville Jewish News - November 2017

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A BIG STEP FOR SECURITY Gov. Rick Scott calls for more funding to be directed to Jewish day schools and synagogues around Florida Page 5


The Temple’s Campus activist brotherhood hosts visits Jax to talk event with Jax’s newest pro sports to teens about the subject Page 6 team on ice Page 9 A publication of

November 2017

• Cheshvan/Kislev 5778 • www.jewishjacksonville.org

JCA’s cultural arts fest to have a little something for everyone

BY SHERRIE SAAG JCA Cultural Arts Festival

The JCA’s Jewish Literary, Film and Arts Festival begins Nov. 2 and brings a variety of opportunities for the community to enjoy Jewish books, authors, movies, music and theater. Described as ‘something for everyone’, this year’s lineup was planned to educate, entertain and inspire with great Jewish cultural offerings. Opening night, at 7 p.m., brings two accomplished humorists to the JCA to share their hilarious parody of the Haggadah, ‘For this We Left Egypt?’ Florida native and Miami Herald syndicated columnist Dave Barry joins his friend and co-author Alan Zweibel, a five-time Emmy winner and original Saturday Night Live writer. On Sunday, Nov. 5 at 2 p.m., ‘Angels in the Sky’ author and former Navy fighter pilot Robert Gandt shares the harrowing tale of volunteer airmen who fought for Israel during its War of Independence. The Festival augments Sunday’s subject matter with a screening of the film, ‘Above and Beyond’ at 3:30 p.m. ‘Angels in the Sky’ was released Oct. 3 and will be available for purchase at the Festival’s Pop-Up Bookstore in the JCA lobby. A panel discussion format is planned on Tuesday, Nov. 7, when Academy Award winner and USC Professor Steven J. Ross shares his chilling, little-known-but-absolutely-true story of a Jewish spy operation that infiltrated Nazi and fascist groups in Hollywood during WWII. Ross will welcome a Q&A after his presentation to examine the

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JaxJewishTV • Volume 30, Number 5 • 32 pages

Federation’s Finance Director flies to Israel to see Jacksonville’s dollars at work BY PAT BURKE

Finance Director patb@jewishjacksonville.org

Recently, the Finance and Technical Professional Institute (FTPI), which includes finance and IT professionals from Jewish Federations across North America, completed a weeklong tour of Israel. It was the first time the group had toured the country in a dozen years, as FTPI participants traditionally meet each year in different U.S. cities for training and networking. As the representative from the Jacksonville Federation, I am pleased to report the trip was a huge success and a true adventure for all participants. Packed into six days were stops in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Galilee, the Golan Heights, the Dead Sea and Jerusalem. We had 110 participants riding in three tour buses, and each day was unique. It was

a wonderful trip that included an intimate look at Israel’s ancient history with the nation’s current day activities. Over the course of the trip, we saw incredible activities happening in Israel. Among our many stops, we visited three schools, several small businesses, and a medical facility which are recipients of funding through our Federation’s allocations. The schools are seeing excellent results working with at-risk kids, while the medical facility is doing incredible work with the disabled, and the businesses would not have survived if it weren’t for the special loan funds. It was great to see the many success stories of the programs that benefitted from of our annual campaign dollars. In recounting the ancient history of Israel, we toured the Jaffa port area (Tel Aviv), the Sea of Galilee, Masada (in the Judean Desert), and the Old City in

Finance Director Pat Burke (right) dines in Israel with his fellow Federation collegues while on a recent overseas trip.


UF’s Price Library of Judaica houses priceless pieces of local and international artifacts BY MATT FRANZBLAU Communications Director mattf@jewishjacksonville.org

Nestled in between Criser and Anderson Halls on the Campus of the University Florida in Gainesville is a complex and vast look into the history of the Jewish people. The books, artifacts and information found in this place known as the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica can be found past the reading room on the second floor of Smathers Library (commonly referred to as ‘Library East’). With holdings of more than 120,000 volumes, and digital collections comprising more than 180,000 pages of content, the Judaica Suite is considered the foremost Jewish studies research collection in the southeastern United States. In terms of many of its scarce late 19th to early 20th century imprints, it ranks among the top 20 academic libraries in the world. Furthermore, many thousands of its titles in Hebrew and Yiddish are held by less than 10 libraries in the United States.

“Those who come here get a real taste of Jewish history because the library is visually and intellectually inspiring as well as informative,” said Dr. Rebecca Jefferson, who is the head of the library and its collection. “You go on a sort of journey through time, seeing Jewish history starting in the 16th century and then coming into the 19th century when there was a massive output of Jewish publication before the period of destruction.” The library was built on the core collection of Rabbi Leonard C. Mishkin of Chicago which, at the time of its acquisition in 1977, was the largest personal library of Judaica and Hebraica in the United States. The range and depth of Mishkin’s collection was described by Harvard Bibliographer Charles Berlin as ‘superb’. Formally dedicated in March 1981, the Library was named for Isser and Rae Price, whose sons, Jack and Samuel Price of Jacksonville, Florida, established a fund to support sustained development of its collections. The Price family gift was the largest single gift ever

The Judaica suite in Gainesville houses thousands of books and items from as close by as Jacksonville and as far away as Israel.

made to the libraries at that time, and it was the first time that a special collection in the University Library had been endowed.


River Garden Gala to celebrate Jewish genealogy silver anniversary, November 18 group now forming By River Garden Senior Services

25 years ago the River Garden Foundation Board of Trustees wanted to create an elegant community event to establish the Foundation’s identity and promote River Garden/Wolfson Health and Innagural Gala Chair Aging Center in Barbara Parker the community. The Gala has indeed become known as one of the finest in town and has helped educate the general community about the unique nature of River Garden, its national reputation as a model elder care agency, and the special role it plays in our community. This year we are celebrating ‘Shimmer & Stars’, River Garden Foundation’s Silver

Anniversary Gala. This special event will take place Saturday, Nov. 18, at the Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort and Spa. To commemorate the importance of the 25th gala, local philanthropist Barbara Parker will be honored. Parker chaired the first gala as well as the 13th and 14th. Barbara and her children Stacie and Dr. Larry Wilf in addition to Debbie and Jeff Parker, have also chaired the gala, continuing their commitment of giving. The black tie event is sponsored by SunTrust Bank and chaired by Jeanine Rogozinski, President of the Foundation. River Garden will also recognize its stars, all Past gala chairs, including Parker, Rochelle Proctor, Denda and Bob Shields, Karen Wolfson, Kathy Osterer, Masha Pollock, Shirley Bielski, Debbie and Mel Gottlieb, Gaye Sager, Judi Greenhut, Stacie and Dr. Larry Wilf, Sue Eaglstein, Wendy Efron, Allison Bailys, Gayle Bailys, Francine and Jim Kempner, Jeanine Rogozinski, Debby Fialkow, Nancy Zimmerman, Maxine Romo, Dot Verstandig, Arlene Adelson, Diane Rothstein, Debbie and Jeff Parker and Jackie and Stephen Goldman.


By Northeast Florida Jewish Genealogy Society

You are invited to join a group of interested members of the community in the first meeting of the Northeast Florida Jewish Genealogy Society. Whether you are a beginner who wants to pass on your family history to your children and grandchildren, the family historian who wants to contribute


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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

opinion and cartoons JJN’s Rabbinically Speaking: Taking a breather during November BY RABBI RACHAEL BREGMAN of relief. Jewishly, we’ve just spent the last several months doing Temple Beth Tefilloh a major internal overhaul. We In this month of November, have looked deeply into our souls, we celebrate…nothing! While looked at all the ugly bits and done in the secular world we may be what we can to clean them up. gearing up for Thanksgiving and Now, here we are off again to the Black Friday, two great American daily grind and the freedom for a holidays, Jewishly we move into moment to give our own selves a the month of Cheshvan. Cheshvan little less scrutiny. has absolutely no holy days in it So what is so bitter about this? beyond, of course, our weekly Perhaps the rabbis of old were taste of holiness, Shabbat. The full being a little tongue-in-cheek name of the month is MarCheshwhen they named the month a van. There is some debate over bitter one. Or perhaps they were how the month got this name. lamenting the difficulty of living Some scholarship suggests it’s a the lives we have imagined for typo with two letters transposed. ourselves during the holy days. With this transposition returned, Being our better selves is chalwe would get the words eight and lenging work. Shouldering up to moon. This would make sense the task of holding our own feet since Cheshvan, or MarCheshavn, to the proverbial fire or water is is eight months since Passover not always easy, especially as we which is held as one of four Jeware just getting started on making ish new years. However, Mar, in good at our new year’s resolutions. Hebrew, means bitter. Suggesting Maybe the bitterness is just the that the month is bitter because it yoke of responsibility for enacting is holiday free. our loftiest goals. I don’t know about you, but Personally, I think the bitterafter Tisha B’Av, Elul, Rosh Hasha- ness of Cheshvan is also this after nah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini an extended period of time of Atzeret and Simchat Torah, a little coming together with increased time out from feasting and fasting frequency with our families and is welcome in my life. Instead our communities, we miss one of bitter, if you don’t mind me another. While getting through confessing, this break from all the tachlis, the details of the holy the preparation and leading while days may have had its moments of juggling the rest of my life is a bit frustration or anxiety, the being

RABBINICALLY SPEAKING there together, all of us throughout time and space, is something to behold. It is an intense reminder of how interconnected we truly are and, perhaps, of the oneness of God. And now on the other side, we are faced with the bitterness of our solitude and maybe even our loneliness. But here is the thing to remember. This is temporary and an important part of the process. After the heights of joy at a wedding, the couple immediately goes off for a period of seclusion known

as yichud which can mean both singular as well as together. It is a brief moment to let the enormity of what has just taken place settle in. And that is us right now. We need a second not just to catch our breaths, but to solidify all we have allowed ourselves to hope for and imagine. To wobble a little bit on our shaky new legs and try on this new self we have crafted. It’s learning how to walk all over again. And while we know there are others nearby to catch us if we falter, we must now take these early challenging steps all by ourselves. And once we have done this, we celebrate and rejoice next month again with Chanukah. The calendar of time forever, brilliantly and beautifully moving us forward again. Rabbi Rachael Bregman is the first female to serve in that capacity at Temple Beth Tefilloh in Brunswick, Ga., which has been in operation since the 1880s. She grew up in the suburbs of Boston and was actively involved in NFTY, the Reform Movement’s youth group and spent most of her summers at Camp

Ramah in New England, a Conservative Movement summer camp. She earned a Bachelor’s degree from Boston College in Human Development and Psychology with a double minor in Jewish Studies and Studio Art. Upon ordination in 2010, Rabbi Bregman took a position with The Temple in Atlanta, where she served for three years as The Rabbi for Open Jewish Project, a grantfunded endeavor under the umbrella of Synagogue 3000 and NextDor. After coming to Brunswick to be the congregation’s first resident rabbi in more than half a century, she has served on the boards of Truah (formerly Rabbis for Human Rights), The Jewish Community Relations Council, and is a founding member of Tzedek Georgia. She has recently been accepted into the first cohort of CLAL’s Clergy Leadership Incubator and continues to speak regularly against human trafficking. In addition to her congregational work, Rabbi Bregman continues to build community and focus on Jewish engagement in Atlanta and beyond. Bregman has a daughter, Lillith and the two reside in Brunswick.

If you are a Rabbi, hazzan or religious leader in NE Florida and would like to contribute your inspirational thoughts for a monthly column, please e-mail jjn@jewishjacksonville.org

Shlicha Corner: Recalling a Somber Time in the Secular Calendar


Community Shlicha jaxshlicha@jewishjacksonville.org

By the time you are reading my column, the Chagim are already over and the routine of our daily lives is kicking in as the next holiday on the horizon is Chanukah. It is safe to say now after this wonderful time spent with many of you this holiday season, I have no doubt in my mind that I chose the best place to spend my upcoming year and I thank you for your warm and loving hospitality into the many homes and hearts in the community. The month of November marks the beginning of the winter as the ‘Yore’, which means the first rain of the year in Hebrew. As it arrives, the jackets are slowly coming out of the closet, but the autumn months, more specifically, the 4th of Nov., marks two very important

dates. One is my father Yossi’s 55th birthday. Second, and sadly, on this date we will commemorate the 22nd year of the assassination our former prime minister of Israel Mr. Yitzhak Rabin. In 1993, Rabin negotiated the Israel-PLO accords with Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat, with the aim of sanctioning Israel’s withdrawal from occupied territories and the hope of ending conflict between the two groups. In Oct. 1994, Rabin also signed a peace treaty with King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan following secret negotiations. In December of that year, Rabin was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with Arafat and Peres, who was serving as Israel’s foreign minister at the time. Then on that fateful night Nov. 4, 1995, after speaking at a Tel Aviv peace rally, Rabin was gunned down and killed by Yigal Amir, an Israeli law

Dry Bones Cartoons by Yaakov Kirschen

student and right-wing extremist. I was just five years old that day, but I remember it so clearly and vividly, as I recall watching the TV screen with my parents and how upset they were as they began to grieve over Rabin’s loss. This day was initially supposed to be a

happy one, celebrating my father’s birthday, but on that day, the state of Israel stopped because not only did we lose a great leader, we also lost a sense of hope for the future, witnessing our prime minister gunned down by in the name of politics, of insanity, of extremism.

Advertising Representatives Barbara Nykerk • 904.733.4179 • 904.923-3205 Eta Perras • 904.629.0466 Elise Kurian • 404-625-9263 Editor & Communications Director Matt Franzblau • mattf@jewishjacksonville.org Communications Committee Jon Israel, Chair Shirley Bielski Helen Hill Michele Katz Joan Levin Andrea Mail Rachel Morgenthal Andrew Ocean Marsha Pollock Federation President Ken Jacobs Federation Executive Director Alan Margolies 8505 San Jose Blvd. • Jacksonville, FL 32217 The Jacksonville Jewish News is published monthly. All submitted content becomes the property of the Jacksonville Jewish News. Announcements and opinions contained in these pages are published as a service to the community and do not necessarily represent the views of the Jacksonville Jewish News or its publisher, the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville. The Jacksonville Jewish News is not responsible for the Kashruth of any product advertised. Copy due dates: All news, photographs, etc., must be received by the 6th of each month, and sent to jjn@jewishjacksonville.org. Ad deadlines: All ads must be received by the 15th of each month and sent to jjn@jewishjacksonville.org in .pdf format. Editorial support: Donna O’Steen, Erin Cohen, Ariel Frechtman, Val Battini, Emma Pulley, Alan Margolies, Andrew Ocean

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

community news UF Judaica Library

JJN Advertising Directory

Continued from pg. 1

Jacksonville’s defunct Beth Shalom Congregation lives on in Gainesville as the library houses its Torah

and that’s not just the people who

UF’s Judaica Suite entrance

Today library patrons will find a Jewish studies collection of notable depth, scope and singularity. Its diversified holdings in English, Hebrew, and other languages support scholarship in virtually every aspect of the Jewish experience. Materials relevant to the ancient, medieval and modern periods are available to students and researchers alike, as they are to any reader who possesses a curiosity about the Jewish People, whose cultures, societies, and influences span more than 3,000 years of recorded history. “You get a sense when you walk into these rooms of the vibrancy of Jewish life and culture from the pre-war period,” Jefferson explained. “We try to recapture that feeling from our books, in addition to the artwork and collections reflecting rebuilding of post Holocaust life.” The city of Jacksonville has a prominent presence inside the library as a number of artifacts including a Torah can be found from Temple Beth Shalom, a conservative synagogue in Mandarin, which folded in 2011. In addition to more recent artifacts, the collection also boasts texts that were published but ultimately censored by Christian leadership in places like Spain, where Jews were living underneath Gentile rule. “People aren’t always aware that these books are survivors, as they have come through many

A megillah (right) and book written have lived here forever, this is in Hebrew (left) are just a few of the also the immigrant experience artifacts on display for the public. of the state,” Jefferson described

of the library’s current efforts. countries and passed through “We want to capture that history many hands to get here,” Jefferson through preserving materials that said. “Some of our books have people have in their home, so been smuggled out of places, and we’ve already acquired a good we have one that was even buried slice of Jacksonville Jewish life.” so it could be hidden from the The library is home to the Nazis.” Safer Collection which documents It isn’t just the books and artiearly Jewish life in Jacksonville facts themselves that people come in addition to more current items to see as the room and building such as synagogue publications itself is quite literally a work of and even the Jacksonville Jewish art, thanks to University of Florida News. People in Jacksonville and alumnus Kenneth Treister. around Northeast Florida are en“Our library is very unique. It couraged to contact the library if has become a piece of art because they have items of historical value the whole room was designed from their own personal collection by Treister who is a renowned that they might be interested in architect and artist,” Jefferson donating. explained of the library’s look. The library is used for a multi“He applied to it a theory of intude of purposes including study, terior design that incorporates art lecture and research, but Mondays into interior design, creating this are open to the public. To schedharmonious space which is quite a ule an appointment for a tour or marvelous experience.” for more information, call JefferThanks to the library’s reputason at 352-273-2865 or email her tion for both aesthetics and hisat rjefferson@ufl.edu. toric collections, it was awarded a second prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Challenge Grant. This grant will enable the library to build a new endowment fund to support the acquisition and digitization of hidden and endangered Jewish materials from Florida, Latin America, and the Caribbean and thus support vital research in this area. “We are collecting the histories Head of library Rebecca Jefferson goes over some historic documents of the Jewish people of Florida

At the Jacksonville Jewish News, our advertisers are precious to us. It is with their support that the Jacksonville Jewish community has a newspaper. Advertising revenue also offsets the cost of production, so Federation dollars can be dedicated to helping Jews locally and overseas. Please continue to live generously and support our advertisers: • Alhambra Theatre (p. 15) Jacksonville (p. 26-27) • B&C Financial (p. 12 • Jewish Federations of North • Beachview Rentals (p. 8) America (p. 11, 27) • The Bolles School (p. 13) • JJN 30th Anniversary (p. 30) • Bob Ham Eyewear (p. 8) • Larry Tallis Photo (p. 16) • Brandon Pest (p. 11) • Margo’s Catering (p. 25) • Dignity Memorial (p. 28) • Mensch Express (p. 25) • DuBow Preschool (p. 29) • Memorial Hospital (p. 32) • Erica Jolles Round Table • Pediatric Dentistry (p. 25) Realty (p. 25) • River Garden (p. 5) • Harbor Chase (p. 31) • rGEN Jax (p. 17) • Impressions (p. 25) • San Jose Beauclerc Animal • Innovative Financial Hopsital (p. 9) Solutions (p. 11) • Stein Mart (p. 7) • Israel Partnership (p. 18) • Shalom Jax (p. 20) • Jacksonville Country Day • Temple Arts Show (p. 14) School (p. 4) • The Tax Man (p. 25) • Jacksonville Symphony • UF Proton Health (p. 21) Orchestra (p. 21) • Wajsman Home Team • Jax Hadassah (p. 19) Realty (p. 6) • Jax Jewish Center (p. 19) • Watercrest San Jose (p. 20) • Jewish Federation of • Women’s Division (p. 2) For your advertising needs, please contact advertising sales representatives Elise Kurian at 404-625-9263, Barbara Nykerk at 904-733-4179 or or Eta Perras at 904-629-0466.

Nov. 2017 - Cheshvan/Kislev 5778

Adult Education............... p. 29 Business Directory.......... p. 25 Chabad News .................. p. 15 Community News........... p. 4-8 Education ..................p. 12-14 Federation News ........p. 16-20 JCA ................................. p. 22

JFCS ................................ p. 23 Lifecycles ......................... p. 25 Opinion & Cartoons ........... P. 3 River Garden ....................p. 24 Synagogue News ......... p. 9-11 Top Stories..........................p. 1

Read archived issues online at


This month in JJN History Nov. 2011

Six years ago this month the JJN’s front cover had on it articles and information on the transformation of the Federation’s website, jewishjacksonville.org, as well as the Consul General of Israel who was coming to speak at the Federation’s annual campaign kick-off event. Readers were also encouraged to vote for their own Jacksonville community hero on the new web page and peruse the profile The Nov. 2011 edition of the Jacksonwritten on partner agency ville Jewish had news of the Federation’s River Garden Senior Sernew website on its front page. vices and Hebrew Home.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

community news

Natalie Dayan Visionary Lay Leader


atalie Dayan moved to Jacksonville a few years ago with her husband Joey, a physician, and their three young boys. Upon her arrival, she immediately became involved with the DuBow Preschool, joining its education committee. She now has chaired this committee for the past several years, as well as serving on the Galinsky Academy Board. Dayan has been vice president on the Galinsky PTA board for the past two and a half years, including holding

Nov. River Garden Gala Continued from pg. 1 During the past 24 years, a net amount of $3,550,798 has been raised to benefit River Garden residents, enabling the Hebrew Home to earn the Governors Gold Seal Award for Excellence in LongTerm Care an unprecedented eight

m ot m

the title of room parent coordinator. Additionally, she is also a co-founder of DuBow Treehouse and creator of Color Splash. As an experienced speech pathologist, Dayan volunteers annually with speech screening for the DuBow and Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, in addition to conducting speech training seminars with teachers for their professional development. The busy lay leader is active at both the Jacksonville Jewish Center and Etz Chaim Synagogue, where she

If you would like to nominate someone special for Mensch of the Month, who volunteers both their time and efforts to the Jacksonville Jewish community, simply submit their name, photo and a short write-up about them to jjn@jewishjacksonville. org. supports Henny Fisch with JWRP women’s programming.

2017 consecutive times. Philanthropic community support helps residents enjoy their lives with a sense of caring and dignity and River Garden is firm in its commitment to admit individuals for care without regard to race, religion, national origin, ability or disability, when their assessed needs can best be addressed by the care programs of River Garden. More information on River Garden and the Gala can be found at rivergarden.org or by calling Kathy Osterer at 904-886-8430.

River Garden Gala chairs from the past quarter century

Governor Scott proposes $1 million in security funding for Jewish day schools By Office of the Governor

In mid-October, Governor Rick Scott visited Katz Hillel Day School of Boca Raton to announce his proposal for $1 million in security funding for Jewish Day Schools in his 201819 recommended budget. This funding would be available to all Florida Jewish Day Schools to help provide security and counterterrorism upgrades such as video cameras, fences, bullet proof glass, alarm systems and other safety equipment. Governor Scott said, “Every Florida student deserves to have the opportunity to learn in a safe and comfortable setting. After Florida’s Jewish community received hateful threats last year, we saw the need to provide additional security so the children that attend Jewish Day Schools can learn without having to worry about

feeling threatened. While last year’s investment will make a huge difference, we must continue to do more. I look forward to working with the Legislature to provide this important funding and will continue to work with our federal partners and members of Florida’s Jewish community to ensure the safety of families and students.” Currently, thousands of Florida students attend Jewish

Day Schools. Earlier this year, the Governor signed the Fighting for Florida’s Future budget, which provided more than $654,000 in security funding for Jewish Day Schools. Locally, Jacksonville is home to two Jewish Day Schoolsthe Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, located in the Jacksonville Jewish Center and the Torah Academy of Jacksonville in the same building as Etz Chaim Synagogue.

page 6

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

community news Jewish Genealogy Continued from pg. 1 your research to the larger Jewish genealogical family or simply someone who is looking for lost or forgotten relatives, join us Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m., at River Garden Senior Services

(11401 Old St Augustine Rd.) to discuss this interesting topic. Holocaust survivors or children of survivors still searching for loved ones lost during the Shoah are also invited to attend as are non-Jews looking for their long lost Jewish heritage or those helping family members find their histories. For more information or to RSVP please contact, Marla Westberg at marla@westbergfl. com or Isabel Balotin via isabelbalotin@yahoo.com

Go Greek with Jax Jewish Singles in Nov BY FRANCINE SMITH Jax Jewish Singles

Due to Hurricane Irma, the September gathering was rescheduled for November, so join the Jax Jewish Singles for dinner at the Greek Street Kitchen & Bar, now located on University Blvd South. They serve authentic Greek cuisine at very reasonable prices. If

you have a sweet tooth you will want to try the Choco Kebab or the Baklava cheesecake, so contact Francine for details at 904-221-8061 or email her at francine.smith@comcast. net.

Student activist Rudy Rochman will be speaking to teens about anti-Semitism BY SABRINA MAIL Event Organizer

Student activist Rudy Rochman will speak to high school students Dec. 10 on how to promote Israel and combat anti-Semitism. The event will be held from 5.30-6:30 p.m., at the home of Sabrina Mail, who is a StandWithUs High School Intern. All high school students welcome as the event is free, and there will be refreshments served. Born in France, Rochman grew up moving around the world from Paris to Miami and California, Israel and Singapore. At the age of 17, he voluntarily enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Paratroopers and served as a sniper in the 101st Airborne brigade. After the army, he attended UCLA, where he began publicly speaking and standing up for Israel. Rochman transferred to Columbia University and founded

Rudy Rochman

a nationwide campus pro-Israel movement called Students Supporting Israel (SSI). Since then, he has been involved with several viral videos and in groundbreaking work to fight anti-Semitism while strengthening Jewish identity. Founded in 2001, StandWithUs is an international Israel education organization that supports

people around the world who want to educate their campuses and communities about Israel. Students Supporting Israel (SSI) is a pro-Israel international campus movement that supports the State of Israel. Its mission is to be a clear and confident pro-Israel voice on college campuses and to support students in grassroots pro-Israel advocacy. For more information on the event or to RSVP, contact: Mail at sabrina.mail99@gmail. com or by phone at 904-891-4959. For more information on either of these organizations, log onto standwithus.com or ssimovement. org.

JCA Young Concert Artists Series returns for another exciting year By Jewish Community Alliance

With 2018 just around the corner, Jacksonville residents can look forward to a new season of music and culture at the Jewish Community Alliance. At the beginning of every year, the JCA partners with Young Concert Artists International, Inc. (YCA) to bring up and coming, young musical talent to Jacksonville with three amazing free concert events. The JCA Young Concert Artists Series is a free program made available to the entire communitythrough the generous support of the Berman Family. On Sunday, Jan. 28, the JCA welcomes violinist Benjamin Baker. Winner of the First Prize at the 2016 Young Concert Artists International Auditions, Baker has impressed audiences around the world his masterful musicianship. He has appeared as a soloist with several orchestras across Europe, including the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London, the English Chamber Orchestra, the Philharmonia Orchestra, the Royal Northern Sinfonia, Wales’ Sinfonia

Violinist Benjamin Baker

Cymru, the Orchestra SinfonicaAbruzzese L’Aquila, the Maui Pops Orchestra, and the Auckland Philharmonia. This season marks his first tour in the United States with debuts at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., and at New York’s Merkin Concert Hall. Baker currently resides in London. February showcases the talent of flautist Anthony Trionfo on Sunday, Feb. 18. Trionfo is a winner of the 2016 Young Concert Artists International Auditions where he

Pianist Dasol Kim

took home several prizes, including the Saint Vincent College Concert Series Prize, the Ruth Laredo Award, the Lied Center of Kansas Prize and the Michaels Award. He is also the first YCA artist to win the inaugural LP Classics Debut Recording Prize, granting him a commercial recording. Carrying a reputation for performances that have been described as ‘spellbinding’, Trionfo has performed concertos with the Interlochen Symphony Orchestra, the Colburn Symphony

Flautist Anthony Trionfo

Orchestra, Mr. Obama’s “President’s Own” Marine Band and the Las Vegas Philharmonic. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree at the Colburn Conservatory of Music. He also teaches through the Jumpstart program in L.A. South Korean pianist Dasol Kim visits the JCA on Sunday, March 18. With what has been lauded as ‘refined artistry of incredible maturity’, Kim won the 2015 Young Concert Artists International Auditions.This season, he makes

his debut in Washington, D.C. and New York through sponsorships from the Korean Concert Society Prize and the Peter Jay Sharp Concert Prize. A sought-after soloist and frequent chamber player, Kim has performed with the New York Philharmonic in Seoul, the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, the Berlin Konzerthaus Orchestra, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the Berlin Chamber Orchestra, the MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony, Concerto Budapest and the Belgium National Orchestra. He has also partnered with cellist David Geringas, violinist SvetlinRoussev, violist Maxim Rysanov, cellist Myung Wha Chung, and YCA’s violinist Paul Huang and other prominent musicians. He currently holds the Mortimer Levitt Piano Chair of Young Concert Artists International, Inc. The JCA is happy to shine a spotlight on these brilliantly talented artists. For details on the JCA Young Concert Artists Series, contact Thelma Nied at thelma. nied@jcajax.org.

Jacksonville Hadassah to host informational event on artist Marc Chagall BY HELEN HILL

Jacksonville Hadassah

Join Jacksonville Hadassah Monday, Nov. 6, at 7 p.m. inside Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple) as more is learned about famous artist Marc Chagall,

whose most recognizable work are the stained glass windows depicting the 12 tribes of Israel at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem. Chagall was actually born Moshe Shagal in Viebsk, Belarus, and he was 70 years old before he began to work with stained glass as an art form. More interesting facts like

these will be told by art historian Cindy Edelman, who will present the program. Chagall, who is well known as a modernist painter, created works in virtually every artistic format, including painting, book illustrations, stage props and backdrops, as well as stained glass, but he is best

known for those stained glass windows he created for the synagogue of Hebrew University’s Hadassah Medical Center. The program is free of charge, however, an RSVP is requested. Call Audrey Freed at 904-315-4509 or email her at staugaud@gmail.com to do so. Pictured Left Artist Marc Chagall

Chabad young pros. to host Jags gameday experience By Chabad at the Beaches

Chabad at the Beaches’ Young Jewish Professionals group is turning in its traditional blue and white for teal, black and gold, as on Sunday, Nov. 5, the group will be hosting a Jacksonville Jaguars Game Day Experience. From tailgating, to having surprise attendees, it will certainly be a November night to remember when the Jacksonville Jaguars will be taking on the Cincinnati Bengals at EverBank Field. To secure your spot at this memorable event, please contact the Beaches YJP President, Max Lesser. The Beaches Young Jewish Professionals is a group for young professionals looking to advance and enrich their lives through the Jewish Community. From networking events to celebrating

holidays, the Beaches YJP looks to strengthen the community one person at a time. All Beaches Young Jewish Professionals events are sponsored and supported by the Chabad at the Beaches, so remember, remember the fifth of November, and cheer on the Jacksonville Jaguars with the Young Jewish Professionals. For more information please visit facebook. com/beachesyjp, send an email to Max Lesser at maxless21@gmail. com or call Chabad at 904-5439301.


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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

community news

Discussion on Medieval Iberian history to be held in St. Augustine

Florida Central Hadassah’s installation to be held in Jacksonville

Professor Nina Caputo of the Jewish Studies Department at the University of Florida will give an overview of Medieval Iberian History, Thursday, Nov. 9, at 7 p.m. in the St. Augustine Campus Teaching Auditorium (C0116) of St. Johns River State College. The event is sponsored by the St. Augustine Jewish Historical Society

By Jacksonville Hadassah

By St. Augustine Jewish Historical Society

as part of the quest to understand the environment in which cryptoJews lived in the first Spanish period of St. Augustine. The program is free, and all are welcome as no advance arrangements are necessary. St. Johns River State College is located at 2990 College Dr. in St. Augustine. Please call 904-626-5956 for directions or more information.

Author to Skype in during next Jewish book club for women discussion in Nov. By Chabad at the Beaches

Chabad at the Beaches’ Jewish book club for women is beginning its fifth year and will be lead by Joan Csillag. This month, the club will meet Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. and will discuss ‘The Midwife of Venice’, whose author Roberta Rich will Skype in during the book club. Rich’s novel is an imaginative, suspenseful tale about a 16th century Jewish midwife from Venice’s Ghetto Nuovo. When a Christian nobleman comes to her house by dark of night and begs her to assist his wife, Hannah knows she must turn him down or risk torture for breaking the law. Jewish midwives are forbidden to deliver Christian babies, but the nobleman has heard Hannah is a wonder worker. The nobleman is desperate and will pay her price, a sum high enough to ransom her husband away from the Knights of

Malta. With a baby at the center of the tale, The Midwife of Venice is as fast-paced as any thriller, the childbirth scene as gripping as any battle story. Cliffhanger chapter

endings bounce readers back and forth between Hannah and her husband as each faces a series of potentially deadly perils. Each month, the Jewish Book Club for Women meets and discusses a new book that covers a wide variety of topics which meet various interests. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, share your thoughts and opinions, and hear other people’s insights as well. There is no charge to attend the club but meetings are hosted at private homes, so the address is provided with reservations. To RSVP, email leah@chabadbeaches. com or text 904-504-0451. For more information on this or other Chabad at the Beaches programs and events, go to Chabadbeaches. com or call 904-543-9301. December’s meeting will take place Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m., and the book will be ‘Karolina’s Twins’ by Ronald H. Balson.

JCA celebrates 30 years with signature event in Oct. By Jewish Community Alliance

The Jewish Community Alliance will celebrate 30 years with a signature event on Saturday, Feb. 24, at 7:30 pm at the JCA. Honorary Chairs of the event are David Stein, Howard Korman and Jeff Parker. Please contact Lior Spring at lior.spring@jcajax.org or 904730-2100, ext. 318 to learn more about this milestone event and how to support the JCA.

Howard Korman and Myron Flagler address the event committee at a kickoff meeting at the home of Michael and Glenn Miller on Sept. 28. The 30th Anniversary Celebration will honor the past, present and future of the Jewish Community Alliance.

Operation Isaiah collects food for those who need it By Jacksonville Jewish Center

During late September and early October, the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s members and Galinsky Academy families made the DuBow/Cohen Lobby home to grocery bags filled with food. Each year at the end of the first day of Rosh Hashanah morning services, volunteers hand out grocery bags as people leave, signaling the start of our annual Operation Isaiah High Holy Day Food Drive. In the days leading up to Yom Kippur and through Simhat Torah this year, center members and Galinsky Academy families returned to the DuBow/Cohen Lobby filling up table tops and grocery carts with all that they can hold. Thanks to their efforts, more than 2,500 pounds of food items were delivered to Jewish Family & Community Services’ Max Block Food Pantry to be distributed to the many families in Jacksonville and elsewhere who were victims of Hurricane Irma and are in need of food. The Jacksonville Jewish Center would like to thank its congregants, the children and parents of the Galinsky Academy, which is comprised of the Martin J. Gottlieb School, the Bernard and Alice Selevan Religious School,

the DuBow Preschool, and Setzer Youth Education for their outstanding generosity in donating to the Operation Isaiah High Holy Day Food Drive. The center’s Operation Isaiah Food Drive gives everyone an opportunity to engage in the mitzvah as a community to accept responsibility for the world we live in and to make it better. The giving doesn’t have to end just because the high holy days have as the center’s Social Action Committee runs a year long food and toiletry drive that benefits the JFCS Max Block Food Panty. Everyone in the community is encouraged to continue donating throughout the year as donations can be dropped off to the shopping carts in the DuBow/Cohen Lobby at the Center during business hours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Jacksonville Jewish Center is located at 3662 Crown Point Rd. in Mandarin.

The Jacksonville community is invited to attend Hadassah Florida Region’s Installation and Banquet on Saturday, Dec. 9, at Aloft Hotel in Tapestry Park (4812 Deer Lake West). Cocktails will be served at 5 p.m., with Havdala taking place at 6:30 p.m. and dinner to follow at 7 p.m. Marcie Natan, Immediate Past Hadassah National President will be the guest speaker. Jacksonville is proud to announce that along with other incoming Hadassah Florida Central officers for 2018, Lin Pomerantz will be installed as the incoming

Marcie Natan (center), Liat Walker (left), Lin Pomerantz (right)

President for the Region that evening. She will be the first Region President from Jacksonville, so all local Hadassah members, associates and guests are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Tiffany Davis at 904-7423389 or via email at tiffanybdavis@comcast.net.

UNF Chabad tables its way to notoriety with Jewish students around campus

Chana and Shmuli Novack of Southside Chabad table on UNF’s campus By Southside Chabad

‘Tabling’ means different things in different contexts. In the U.S. it means ‘postpone consideration of ’ but in the U.K., it refers to ‘presenting formally for discussion or consideration at a meeting’. On campus at UNF however it means something entirely different. With this in mind,

Chabad at UNF has been tabling for nearly two decades, getting in front of the students as it were to make sure every Jewish students know that with Chabad they have a home away from home, so keep an eye out for Rabbi Shmuli Novack or his wife Chana (both pictured above) next time you or your friends are on campus.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

community news Jacksonville teen sees Jewish youth Chabad at the Beaches will er a four-week course in movements making positive changes off conversational Hebrew Capitol Hill to express our views BY HALLIE WRIGHT JAFTY President

The Jewish teens at Temple and those enrolled in JAFTY and NFTY are working in variety of different ways, big and small, to build a stronger community. During my first social action program, I heard 20 Jewish teens at a JAFTY event passionately participating in a very heated discussion regarding climate change. Both sides were deep into the debate, armed with an artillery of facts, historical references and anecdotes they could quote from memory. As a freshman in high school, I was amazed by how knowledgeable these Jewish teens were about such a controversial topic. All the teens had an opportunity to express their views as the community listened respectfully to each speaker. I saw teens who had found their voices in a divided world, and I began to realize that with our passion, knowledge and drive, Jewish teens can really make

Hallie Wright

a difference in the world. This year’s Confirmation class will travel to the Religious Action Center in Washington D.C. for L’Taken, a Social Justice Seminar. Here, we will learn how legislation is debated and enacted, develop our leadership skills, and meet with our local representatives on

on pending legislation and social issues important to us. Making a difference on a national level gives teens the experience of using their own voices within a sea of controversy. In JAFTY, I have learned that some of the most significant work we can do is right here in our community. Whether it’s making fleece blankets for Project Linus, writing letters to veterans, collecting food for the hungry, or hosting our annual Social Action Banquet (this year Dec. 9), JAFTY and Temple teens have unwavering dedication to our community, a love for Social Action, and the drive to make a difference. There is power in youth movements where teens become better informed and develop passions and make change in the lives of individuals and our community. In these times of uncertainty and fear, I am hopeful for the future and what Jewish teens will contribute to make the world a better place.

By Chabad at the Beaches

Going to visit Israel or do you have friends or relatives you want to speak to? Perhaps you just love the Hebrew language, well if that’s the case take the plunge and learn some basics of the language through Chabad at the Beaches’ ‘Say it in Hebrew’ course. This course, which begins Monday, Nov. 13, takes a unique approach to learning Hebrew as here you will learn practical Hebrew for day-to-day conversation. Dafne’s dynamic classes are interactive, entertaining and packed with information as each week she will select different topics for discussion and spend a few minutes improving Hebrew reading skills. “Dafne’s Hebrew reading crash course was so well received this August,” said Chabad at the Beaches Associate Director Leah Kurinsky. “She incorporated conversational Hebrew in her classes and made it so much fun that the students begged for her to offer a

course in conversational Hebrew. It’s a request we kept hearing over the years and we are so excited to offer it for the first time.” Classes begin at 7 p.m. and last until 8:30 p.m., during a fourweek stretch that wraps up, Dec. 4. The cost for the course is $59 and prior registration is required. ‘Say it in Hebrew’ is designed to appeal to people at all levels of Jewish knowledge, including those without any prior experience or background in Jewish learning. The course is open to the public, and attendees do not need to be affiliated with a particular synagogue, temple, or other house of worship. Interested students may call 904–770-0502 or go to chabadbeaches.com for registration and other course-related information.

Jacksonville’s new Torah High School is a fun and loving place to learn for its students BY CARLIE ROSENTHAL JTHS Student

Jacksonville Torah High School has been such a wonderful place to be because it’s so nice to have a loving atmosphere and an environment that is conducive to learning. The structure of the classroom is such that the students work with the teachers, teachers work with the students, and in turn, the students work with each other. One of the things that I have found while being a student at the high school is that the Judaic instruction is not only interesting and informative but fun as well. That’s because the Rabbis and

Rebbetzin have really made it a point to pique our interest with brilliant explanations of Torah and Halacha, so it really is a pleasure to learn. I really like the way virtual learning is structured for secular studies. The unique setup gives me the ability to go quickly when I already know the curriculum, as well as the option to slow down when I need more time to work on it. This seems more comfortable for me because when I need to slow down or have questions I am not holding up the rest of the class. Additionally, when other students have questions they are not sidetracking me. Last but definitely not least, I love my classmates. We are all one

Carlie Rosenthal

group on the same team with the same goals and we’re so proud to

Torah High School students bond over fun games such as bowling.

be the pioneers for JTHS. I look forward to future generations

being able to enjoy Jacksonville Torah High School as we all do.

Jewish Business Network of Jacksonville hobnobs at HOBNOB ByJewish Business Network of Jacksonville

For the first time, the Jewish Business Network of Jacksonville held its monthly meeting at a local restaurant owned and operated by a Jewish community member. Ellen Cottrill, co-owner of HOBNOB, Food and Social Exchange

in Riverside, hosted members at her eatery located in the Brooklyn neighborhood near Unity Plaza in mid-October. Cottrill had the chance to talk a little bit about her restaurant and the menu options it offers for brunch, lunch, dinner and dessert in addition to unique craft cocktails at the full-service bar. Anyone interested in attending the next JBN meeting, Friday,

Nov. 10 at 8:30 a.m., or to sponsor one should contact Zach Cohen at Zach@stjohnsasset.com.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

synagogue news Beth El – The Beaches Synagogue holds The Temple Brotherhood to hold night with the Icemen

fun and inclusive events for everyone BY SHERRILL HERFELD

Beth El – The Beaches Synagogue

The Board at Beth El – The Beaches Synagogue and its Sisterhood have been working hard to plan a number of fun-filled events this fall for members and guests. Sisterhood’s wine, cheese and fashion show was held in October as was the annual game day Oct. 24. Sisterhood’s next event is a crafty one, as on Thursday, Nov. 9, Girls Night Out, featuring Beach Life Mosaics will be held. Mosaic projects will be available for the beginner level and will incorporate a number of Judaic designs to choose from. The board of Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue continuously looks for ways to engage its mem-

bers and encourage participation and interest from all. With this in mind, come for Yoga Shalom, Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m., followed by Jewish mediation and spirituality. The synagogue’s annual member and guest mixer will be held a few days later, Sunday, Nov. 12 at 5 p.m., where a film entitled Raise the Roof will be showing. A wine and cheese social will be held prior to a viewing of

the a feature documentary by Yari and Cary Wolinsky, who set out to reconstruct a lost synagogue and find a lost world in the process. Both Sisterhood and temple programs are available to anyone in the community who would like to learn, participate and have fun. Please contact the synagogue office at 904-273-9100 for more information on these and all programs.

Temple Bet Yam to hold hard lox café and road rally, Nov. 26 BY JACKIE WITTE Temple Bet Yam

Temple Bet Yam is presenting its traditional Hard Lox Café, Sunday, Nov. 26th at 11 a.m. along with a new and exciting road rally. First, enjoy great deli bagels, lox, salads, and garnishes at the Temple, then be off on the modern-day road rally. Will you

First Congregation Sons of Israel, the oldest synagogue in the Nation’s Oldest City, will be holding a Kristallnacht Remembrance Shabbat weekend, Nov. 10-11. Visiting Rabbi Joel Fox will be leading Erev Shabbat services, Friday, Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m., in addition to Shabbat services Saturday, Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. On Saturday, Rabbi Fox will conduct Mincha service at 4:30 p.m, followed by Ma’Ariv and

Jacksonville has an ice hockey team again and The Temple Brotherhood has organized a night to celebrate its arrival. The Jacksonville Icemen, an affiliate of the Winnipeg Jets, are in their first season in the East Coast Hockey League (ECHL) and play at Veterans Memorial Arena downtown. The Brotherhood event will take place Saturday Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. vs. the Norfolk Admirals. Tickets are available to Temple members and their guests as 75 are reserved but

more can be ordered if needed. Tickets are just $15 for Temple members and $20 for non-members. For more information, email Wiatt Bowers at wiatt.bowers@ atkinsglobal.com

Etz Chaim hosts historic Jewish Jacksonville talk for Sunday breakfast

have to take photos along the way or will you have to be collecting items? Find out at the Hard Lox Café as the event will be followed by desserts and prizes back at the synagogue, which is located at 2055 Wildwood Dr. in St. Augustine. The cost for the event is $18 per person and kids 15 and younger are free. For more information, go to templebetyam. org or call Bernie Levy at 954-895-

Historic St. Augustine Synagogue to host a Kristallnacht remembrance weekend By First Congregation Sons of Israel

By Congregation Ahavath Chesed

Hazel Mack stands in front of her collection at the Temple Archives By Etz Chaim Synagogue

Havdalah. A film about Kristallnacht will be shown following Havdalah, and refreshments will be available. Kristallnacht occurred on Nov. 9-10, 1938, and through our remembrance, we hope to instill that we can never forget the baseless hatred that was shown against Jewish businesses and synagogues in Germany. For more information about the weekend, call 904-829-9532 or send an email to fcsi1924@gmail.com. Rabbi Joel Fox

Join archivist/historian Hazel M. Mack on a journey through time, Nov. 19 at 10 a.m., inside Etz Chaim Synagogue, where she will explore the heritage of the Jacksonville Jewish community, including its Synagogues and people. Mack is Canadian by birth, and an American by choice. She is a mother of four daughters, a grandmother of three, and a great-grandmother of five. After retiring from a career in the

broadcasting industry, she began volunteering at the Temple and in the community. Mack served on the board of the Speech and Hearing Center, and retired as president, and has served on the board of directors of the Jacksonville Historical Society for more than eight years. The Jacksonville Jewish history maven currently serves on the President’s Council of the Jewish Museum of FloridaFIU and oversees the archives at Congregation Ahavath Chesed. (The Temple).

Jacksonville Jewish Center boasts an impressive music series in year to come By Jacksonville Jewish Center

Through generous donations and support, the Jacksonville Jewish Center is proud to announce the creation of the Jacksonville Jewish Center Music Series, as each year the series will provide opportunities for the local community to come together for

outstanding musical performances at the Center. This past year, the synagogue co-hosted the local Civic Orchestra, in addition to New York City-based Pharaoh’s Daughter as well as a number of partnership concerts with the Jacksonville Symphony, culminating with a sold out performance of the entire Jacksonville Symphony. “Our synagogue is home to amazing music, both Jewish and secular and to have partnerships that bring in both young and old is truly a delight to see,” Hazzan Jesse Holzer said. “We want to be at the forefront of music here in Jacksonville, so when they see our logo on an ad, they know they’ll be in for a high level, highly musical experience.” The 2017-18 Jacksonville Jewish Center Music Series kicks off Tuesday, Nov. 14, with a concert

featuring Jacksonville Symphony Chamber Orchestra. Highlights include Stravinsky’s L’Histoire du soldat (The Soldier’s Tale) and Shostakovich’s Chamber Symphony No. 110. On Sunday, Dec. 10, the Jacksonville Civic Orchestra will offer their fall concert that highlights a number of Jewish music themes and on Monday, Feb. 5, the Douglas Anderson School of the Arts will partner with the Jacksonville Jewish Center to highlight DA’s nationally acclaimed vocal department. The season’s final concert is of personal significance to Hazzan Holzer as four cantorial colleagues and friends visit Jacksonville for a “Divas on the Bima” concert. Three of the four performers were students with Hazzan Holzer at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and the fourth cantor is the current President of the Cantors Assembly, the largest organization of hazzanim in the world. The concert will take place on Sunday, Apr. 29, the culmination of the synagogue’s Sisterhood Shabbat weekend. For more information about the Jacksonville Jewish Center Music Series 2017-18 concerts, including dates, times and ticking information, please go to jaxjewishcenter.eventbrite.com.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

synagogue news Etz Chaim Synagogue to hold lecture Temple Sisterhood will sponsor its eighth annual series on practical Halacha Mahjong Tournament ments put forward in the Sulchan

By Etz Chaim Synagogue

There are many laws in the area of both Shabbos and Kashrus and many times it seems confusing and as if we are in one maze feeling vexed in our quest to be more diligent with our observance. At times it is also necessary to separate fact from fiction in terms of what are actually the require-

Aruch. Please join Rabbi Yaakov Fisch and Rabbi Ephraim Weiss for a most informative class on the some of the Hilchos Shabbos and Kashrus and feel more empowered with the knowledge. The dates for the class in Hilchos Shabbos are on the following Wednesdays: Nov. 1, 8, 15, 29 and Dec. 6. The dates for the class in Hilchos Kashrus are on the fol-

By WRJ Temple Sisterhood

lowing Wednesdays: Jan. 24, 31, Feb. 7, 14, 21.

Etz Chaim’s sushi in the Succah is a tasty event for everyone By Etz Chaim Synagogue

In early Oct., Rebbetzen Henny Fisch hosted the Etz Chaim Sisterhood’s event, ‘Sushi in the Succah’, which was organized by Rachel Shyken. The sisterhood brought in a trained Sushi chef for the event, to teach participants how to roll their own sushi. Vung, who makes sushi at Hero’s (Jacksonville’s only kosher restaurant), demonstrated the art of tightly rolling beautiful and tasty treats. Participants used avocado, mango, cucumber, and fake crab in the rolls then decorated it with a siracha mayonnaise sauce and sesame seeds. In addition to partaking of the sushi in the succah, the ladies took home rolls of sushi to share with their

families. The Jewish holiday of Succot reminds us of the temporary dwellings in which the Jewish people lived in during their 40 years in the desert. The flimsy nature of the succah is a reminder that the physical world in which we live is not sturdy but rather fragile. It reminds us not to get carried away with the fleeting pleasures of materialism and to focus on what really matters in life: our faith, our families and our communities. Sukkot is a time for friends to get together and celebrate all the blessings God has given us. The Etz Chaim Synagogue Sisterhood has many more exciting upcoming events for women this year. To find out about these events, please contact Sisterhood

Ladies were busy making sushi in the Sukkah during Sukkot.

The Temple’s Sisterhood will once again sponsor Northeast Florida’s only Mahjongg tournament, Sunday, Nov. 5. For the last eight years, the Mahjongg tournament has been an extremely popular event, when Jacksonville players welcome participants traveling from as far away as Savannah to our north and Orlando to our South. Registration begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by lunch and tournament play will begin at 12:30 p.m. There will be three rounds of Mahjongg games and tournament/door prizes will be presented at the conclusion. The cost, including lunch, is still $25, with a check payable to Temple Sisterhood. “We are expecting a huge crowd again this year so we cannot accept walk-in players who

have not made a reservation,” explained Tournament Co-Chairs, Ann Stone and Sheila Horowitz. “If you have not registered, call me right now at 904-742-2773,” said Stone. Registration forms may be obtained at TheTempleJacksonville. org or by picking one up in The Temple lobby. Please put ‘Tournament’ both your check and envelope. “Payment will be accepted at the door, but only from those who have made a reservation,” emphasized Horowitz. “So invite your family and friends as it will be a great day!”

The Temple to hold winter Shabbaton, Dec. 1st-3rd By Congregation Ahavath Chesed

president, Talia Gahanian at tgahanian@yahoo.com or call the synagogue office at 904-262-3565.

Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple) is proud to welcome Dr. and Rabbi Gary P. Zola for a Shabbaton, beginning Friday, Dec. 1 and lasting until Sunday the 3rd. Zola, is the Edward M. Ackerman Family Distinguished Professor of American Jewish History at Hebrew Union College and Executive Director of The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives. The entire community is welcome to participate in this exceptional learning experience, which is made possible through the generosity of Dr. Larry and Kathy Kanter. The American Jewish Archives is the world’s largest free-standing research center dedicated solely to the study of the annual Community Mitzvah Meals program on Dec. 25, so stay the American Jewish experience. Professor Zola is a historian of tuned for details. American Jewry who specializes in the development of American Reform Judaism. His published volumes include The Americanization of the Jewish Prayer Book and The Liturgical Development of Congregation Ahavath Chesed, New York City (New York: Central Synagogue, 2008); A Place of Our Own: The Rise of Reform Jewish Camping in America (co-edited with Michael M. Lorge and published by the University of Alabama Press, 2006); The Dynamics of American Jewish History: Jacob Rader Marcus’s Essays on American American Jewish History: Jacob Rader Marcus’s Essays on American Jewry (Brandeis University Press, 2004); Women Rabbis: Exploration and Celebration (HUC-JIR Alumni Press, 1996) and Isaac Harby of Charleston (the University of Alabama Press, 1994), a major biographical study on the life of one of the founders of the first organized effort to Reform Judaism in the United States of America. He is currently completing a new volume on Abraham Lincoln Rabbi Zale Newman

Temple Brotherhood has a busy fall with numerous events By Temple Brotherhood

The Temple Brotherhood will host its annual Veterans Day Breakfast, Sunday, Nov. 12, at 10 a.m. This year, Temple member Marvin Edwards will be recognized for his receiving of the Congressional Gold Medal for his service in World War II. Edwards story and accomplishments were featured in a story in the October Jacksonville Jewish News. Robert “Bob” Hayflick, of blessed

memory, will also be recognized for his many years of service to the Brotherhood. A few days later, on Wednesday Nov. 15, the Brotherhood will be serving up Ice Cream with the Icemen, so come to the Temple at 7 p.m. that night to learn more about our city’s new hockey team, while purchasing your tickets for the Dec. 2 game. Enjoy some ice cream provided by the Brotherhood for just $5. Finally, the Brotherhood will be coordinating the synagogue’s involvement in

Etz Chaim to host musically inclined Rabbi Zale Newman in Dec By Etz Chaim Synagogue

Reb Zale Newman will make an appearance at Etz Chaim Synagogue, Saturday, Dec. 9. Reb Zale’s musical talents have allowed him to contribute to the field of Jewish music as a musician, songwriter, record and concert producer. He serves as an advisor, teacher, consultant, and speaker for a number of outreach organizations around the world. Reb Zale is married to Rochel, a family therapist and together they have been blessed with three children and five grandchildren. Reb Newman was born and raised in Toronto and studied in Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY) yeshivot in Israel, and Yeshiva University in New York, where he learned Talmud, Judaic Studies and completed a BA in economics. He received his Rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Reuven Silver of Bais Medrash N’siv Olam with whom he studied

for 38-years. He completed his MBA studies at McGill University in Montreal and York University in Toronto. He is the founder and President of Bond Street Mercantile, where the concentration is on opportunities to invest in Israel as well as mortgage and real estate investments in Toronto. The flagship products are the Holy Land Investment Fund, the Canada Israel Infrastructure Funds, the only hedge funds of their kind available to Canadians who wish to invest in Israel. Reb Zale’s first love and ‘real’ work is in the area of Jewish education. To this end, he served in every level of NCSY during the past 40-years, including a stint as the International Director. Zale has lectured throughout much of the Jewish world including Costa Rica, Russia, Israel and most of North America, and he recently led a men’s mission to Israel for the JWRP.

Dr. and Rabbi Gary P. Zola

and the Jews as well as a Primary Source Reader on American Jewish history. In 2011, President Barack Obama appointed Dr. Zola to serve as a member of the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, an independent agency of the federal government. Established by Public Law in 1985, the Commission exists to foster the preservation and protection of the cemeteries, monuments, and historic buildings associated with the foreign heritage of United States citizens. Rabbi Matthew Cohen, The Temple’s rabbi, is excited to be welcoming his beloved teacher, Rabbi Zola to the pulpit to deliver the sermon at Erev Shabbat worship and lead a Lunch and Learn experience following Shabbat morning worship. Sunday morning, Rabbi Zola will be the guest speaker at the Community Breakfast which will begin at 10 a.m.

Etz Chaim invites you to step up your marriage with Rochel Goldbaum By Etz Chaim Synagogue

Rochel Goldbaum is a highly sought after international speaker who has taught Jewish women for

more than 15 years. Her effervescent joy and engaging style has drawn many to her classes and lectures focusing on the topics of parenting, self development, marital harmony, and intimacy

in the Jewish home. In addition to her teaching, Goldbaum is a dating and relationships coach in her hometown of Denver, Colo. The proud mother of seven and grandmother of three takes her

talents to Mandarin, Monday, Nov. 13, for this inspiring and informative talk. Rachel Goldbaum (right) will be in Jacksonville, Monday, Nov. 13

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

synagogue news To Stand or Not To Stand; Etz Chaim to The annual read Hebrew hold class on proper protocol of prayer America series to be held at Etz Chaim

By Etz Chaim Synagogue

“Will the congregation please rise” is one of the most common proclamations made in synagogues around the world. It seems sometimes confusing why we attach more significance to one part of the service than others. What is the proper way to conduct oneself during prayer - and what is the basis for its structure? Join Etz Chaim Rabbi Avi Feigenbaum on Dec. 4 and 11 as he clarifies all these issues from traditional sources.

By Etz Chaim Synagogue

‘Please Rise’ is a common phrase often heard at synagogue services

Every November, tens of thousands of Jewish adults gather in hundreds of locations across North America to learn Hebrew, the language of our people. Read Hebrew America is the ideal way to learn how to follow synagogue services, become more involved in your children’s Jewish education, or simply to enhance your own ties to Judaism. This course is designed for Jews with little or no background in Hebrew, and it

concentrates on teaching Hebrew alphabet and reading skills. The classes will be held on Tuesdays, Nov. 7, 14, 21, 28 and Dec. 5 all at 7:30 p.m.

Etz Chaim Synagogue to hold special AIPAC Shabbaton Nov. 3-4 Etz Chaim Synagogue is excited to host an AIPAC Shabbaton this year, as its unique partnership with AIPAC enables the synagogue to hear from some notable experts on Israel and the Middle East. Following shabbat dinner on Friday evening Nov. 3, Michael Doran will speak to the congregation.

Michael Doran

Doran is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC., specializing in Middle East security issues. In the administration of President George W. Bush, Doran served in the White House as a senior director in the National Security Council, where he was responsible for helping to devise and

coordinate American strategies on a variety of Middle East issues, including Arab-Israeli relations and U.S. efforts to contain Iran and Syria. He also served in the Bush administration as a senior advisor in the State Department and a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Pentagon.

By Etz Chaim Synagogue

Counting blessings with Etz Chaim’s Rabbi Brown By Etz Chaim Synagogue

How often do we take the time to think about all the good in our lives? Do we pay attention to unusual and special things that occur around us? Our sages established brachos for each of these situations. Come to Etz Chaim Synagogue to explore what these brachos teach us about everything in our lives, from a simple snack to major life cycle

Rabbi Brown

events. Classes are scheduled for Nov. 6, 13 and 27.

The Temple to hold 100th edition of its Thanksgiving union service 100 years ago, a local Jewish Rabbi invited the preacher at the Unitarian Church to join in a ‘Union Service’ on Thanksgiving Day, and just like that a Jacksonville tradition was born. Since then, each year additional faiths joined in to offer thanks and gratitude for all we appreciate as a community. Today, more than a dozen faiths and traditions are represented at this annual unifying event, which this year will take place Thursday, Nov. 16, at Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple). Celebrating such a remarkable milestone at this moment in history could not be more timely as if ever there need to be reminded that we are not alone it is right now. Despite our differences, we share many of the same values and beliefs. In a world divided, and after enduring natural disasters and disasters of our own making, this service reminds us to treat one another with kindness, to be grateful for all that we have and to approach each other with compassion. The service, which offers us reasons for hope will take place from 6-7 p.m., followed by a Fellowship Reception. This event is free and open to the Public, however RSVP’s are appreciated. To reserve your space today, call 904-620-1529 or go to tinyurl. com/100gratitude. Canned goods and dry foods will be collected for the FANN or ‘Feed a Needy Neighbor’ initiative.

By OneJax

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017


DuBow Preschool celebrates its 75th year with a kick-off event By DuBow Preschool

This school year marks the 75th year the Jacksonville Jewish Center has housed a preschool and in mid-October, community members kicked off this exciting time at a cocktail hour at the preschool. During the evening, the 2018 L’Dor V’Dor logo was unveiled and event co-chairs, Faye Hedrick and Haley Trager, shared with guests a glimpse of what the main event will have in store. In addition, former student and current parent Rachel Morganthal and former student Eliana Jaffa both shared their memories and

love for the special school. The DuBow Family, who is being honored with the Rabbi David Gafney Leadership in Education

Award, as well as representatives from JFCS, which are being honored with The Community Partner Award were present at the Kickoff

Event. The L’Dor V’Dor Awards Dinner and Ceremony will take place Sunday, Mar. 18, so mark your calendars and be on the lookout for ticketing and sponsorship

information. Contact Nancy Davis at 904.268.4200, ext. 147 or send an email to DuBowpreschool75@ gmail.com regarding these matters or to reserve your spot today.

Arts abound at the Martin J. Gottlieb Answering the question of ‘Why do I have to go Day School to religious school?’

By Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

The arts program at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School is excited to partner with the Civic Orchestra of Jacksonville in November. The Orchestra’s Artist-In-Residence, Melinda Gopp, will be working with students in fourth through eighth Grades. The students will listen to a piece of music and, with Ms. Gopp’s help, create works of

art based on the students’ interpretation of the music. The art will then be on display for all to enjoy when the Civic Orchestra of Jacksonville performs at a concert at the Jacksonville Jewish Center in December. The concert, which will be open to the community, will feature the same music that the students used to create their paintings. For more information about Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, a K–8 Jewish Day School, please contact Nancy Davis at nancy.davis@mjgds.org.

Children will take up tools at Lowe’s Menorah building workshop, Dec. 3rd

By Chabad of S. Johns

Chabad of S. Johns is partnering with Lowe’s once again and this year it’s a pre-Chanukah glowing Menorah building workshop, Sunday, Dec. 3. Wearing mini Lowe’s aprons and goggles, the kids will each craft a remarkable Menorah with a host of supplies available from Lowe’s. Expect some light refreshments in the form of fried foods as we keep up the tradition to eat items that remind us of the miracle of the oil. And, of course, Judah Maccabee will make his annual appearance

to give us a taste of victory and the joy and warmth of the holiday. The workshop will take place at 2 p.m. inside the Lowe’s on 4040 Oldfield Crossing Dr. In Jacksonville, children and their families are invited to join in this lively, interactive celebration of Chanukah. The highlight of Chanukah is the kindling of an eight-branch candelabra or Menorah on each of the eight nights of the holiday. “Chanukah brings the generations together around the light of tradition,” said Rabbi Mendel Sharfstein, Director at Chabad of S. Johns. “During the time of the

Chanukah story, our ancestors rededicated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem with the lighting of the Menorah. Today, we rededicate ourselves to making this world a better and brighter place.” This event is open to kids of all ages and is free with your RSVP. The Menorah workshop is co- sponsored by Lowe’s and Chabad of S. Johns. Reservations are appreciated to ensure enough supplies will be on hand for the event. To RSVP, go to JewishSJohnsCounty.com, send an email to Info@JewishSJohnsCounty.com or call 904-701-4422.

Standing in the Sukkah


I had many goals when I became the Director of the Religious School at Temple, but one of the more important to me was to help parents answer the following questions that have been asked for, perhaps, generations,:“Why do I have to go to religious school and why do I have to go to services?” For too long, the answer has been, “I had to go, and now you do.” I admit I told my teen daughters that once or twice. However, I promised myself and our parents that we will provide a far better answer. We are committed to teaching our students and families the value of a Reform Jewish education and the benefits of engaging in congregational life. Last month, I greeted a family arriving for KolNidre Family Worship service. They were harried, obviously coming to Temple directly from work and school. The mother explained that her son was struggling with worship and ‘not really feeling it’. As I explained to him, I often struggle as Shabbat sneaks up on me each week because our lives are so

busy, so it takes a conscious effort to slow down to prepare for the weekly holiday. However, there has never been a week that I do not feel better after sitting with our congregation in prayer and learning. We come together as individuals and through prayer and learning a community is created. We join together to right wrongs and learn together from Rabbi Cohen and each other, while creating a sacred space by just being together. I will continue to check in with families, teachers, students and other congregants whether my own goals are being met. Are children and teens feeling part of a greater community? Are they learning each week and sharing their own knowledge? Is it a power struggle to get students up on Sunday mornings or are they more eager to get to class to be with their teachers and friends? The positive energy on Sunday mornings and many times throughout the week suggests we are well on our way to creating a sacred learning community that nourishes our souls and adds meaning to our lives. With this in mind, you are welcome to join our community as children three and older are welcome to enroll in the Temple Institute of Religion. Each Sunday morning beings with Nosh at Schmooze at 9 a.m. and Kehillah, an all-school gathering (students and parents) begins at 9:30 a.m. Classroom learning begins at 10 a.m. and concludes at noon, while Hebrew School meets for one hour at 12:30 p.m. after a slice or two of pizza. So come because you want to, not because you have to.

Torah Academy holds an appreciation board dinner

Etz Chaim Rabbi Yaakov Fisch addresses Torah Academy’s board members during a dinner that was held at Hero’s Eatery in Mandarin. By Torah Academy of Jacksonville

Torah Academy of Jacksonville students rise up and stand on their chairs amidst the fun they were having during the school’s various Sukkot celebrations

In the early fall, Torah Academy of Jacksonville held its firstever board appreciation dinner as a token of gratitude for the enormous responsibility these extraordinary individuals shoulder on a daily basis, maintaining the school on every level. Board members, administration and

their spouses thanked Hashem for bringing us to this point, recalling highlights of the past 13plus years and looking forward to the school’s bright future with confidence and anticipation. A very special thank you goes out to the evening’s anonymous sponsors and Heros’ Eatery for making this an evening to remember.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

Martin J. Gottlieb Day School’s middle school mitzvah program comes through for hungry families By Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

Martin J. Gottlieb Day School’s middle schoolers are proudly continuing one of their signature projects as this Nov. they will be delivering complete Thanksgiving meals to families in need right here in Mandarin. A vitally important component of their Jewish Day School education is to take their learning outside the school building every Friday by doing

mitzvot or good deeds, in the form of community service projects around Jacksonville for Jews and non-Jews alike. In partnership with Beauclerc Elementary School, each fall the students collect donations of money and non-perishables so that families in their own community can have a complete Thanksgiving meal. The students sort and package the donations and use

the money to purchase turkeys to complete the meal. “This project is great because I just don’t think I could enjoy my own family Thanksgiving as much knowing that someone in my own neighborhood didn’t have enough to eat,” said sixth grade student Nava Kempner. To make a contribution to the day school’s Mitzvah Program, contact Edith Horovitz at edith.horovitz@mjgds.org.

Southside Chabad’s middle school students bring Sukkot to N. Florida By Southside Chabad

During chol hamoed Sukkot, the intermediate days of the holiday, Chabad eighth graders took a short trip the Campus at UNF. Armed with the four species of Sukkot, they shared the mitzvah with Jewish students. “I was just about to grab lunch between classes when a whole group of these cool kids approached me with the Lulav,” said Parkland,

Michele Block Gan Yeladim

Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten’s JCafe (cultural arts family experiences) program will hold its annual Cummer Family Day this month. The school invites families with young children to come engage in an exclusive,

Fla., freshman Zack Zweig. “It felt awesome to do a mitzvah at school.”

educator-led hands-on art and nature experience and tour at Jacksonville’s Cummer Museum of Arts and Gardens in Riverside. The event is just one part of the school’s larger, year-round effort to provide fun, meaningful cultural experiences for children and young families in safe and local environments. The program takes place Sunday, Nov. 19 from 12–1:30 p.m. Registration is $10 per family for JCA members and $15 for

The DuBow Preschool’s garden growing and now going strong

By DuBow Preschool

DuBow Preschool students have planted the Milian Family Garden with their fall tasting garden using the ‘Square Foot Gardening Method’. This method emphasizes plant spacing and placement, and is a fun way to incorporate shapes, math, and measurements into gardening. The school’s one- and two-yearold students enjoyed planting seeds of different sizes, and the three- and four-year-old classes planned their gardens on grids, and then planted both seeds and young plants in each bed. In addition to different types of herbs, root vegetables, and fruits, three of the raised beds were designed for special themed snacks. The salsa bed, bruschetta bed, and stir-fry bed will provide a variety of tastings for students’ growing palates.

Martin J. Gottlieb Day School’s grandparents’ breakfast a big hit with the bubbees By Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

Block Gan hosts its annual Cummer Family Day BY NATHAN WOODS

Martin J. Gottlieb Middle Schoolers make their Thanksgiving deliveries.

non-members. Refreshments are included. For more information or to register for the program, please contact Rochelle Golomb at 904-730-2100, ext. 259 or at rochelle.golomb@jcajax.org.

Hosted by head of schools Raquel Scharf-Anderson, grandparents of students at the DuBow Preschool and Martin J. Gottlieb Day School were recently invited to attend what will be a new annual event, Grandparents’ Breakfast. Some 68 grandparents and grandfriends enjoyed a breakfast buffet from Margo’s Catering Close to 70 grandparents got to and a presentation from a special have breakfast with their grandkids. guest speaker, Roberta Scharf, possessions or money. “We love former development director inviting grandparents into our for the Jewish Foundation of schools to remind them of the Greater Phoenix. Mrs. Scharf spoke to the group about ways to important role they play in chilleave an impactful mark on their dren’s lives and also to include them in their grandchild’s educafamilies, reminding them that tion,” said Scharf-Anderson. legacy is about much more than

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017


Embracing the arts at Michele Block Martin J. Gottlieb Day School to hold sessions Gan Yeladim about school choice

BY NATHAN WOODS Michele Block Gan Yeladim

One of the main components of the unique curriculum at Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten involves encouraging an early understanding and appreciation of the arts. To advance that curriculum goal, Michele Block Gan Yeladim offers a variety of arts-related programming and special events throughout the school year. JCA students are fortunate to have the popular Vandroff Art Gallery on campus, which is booked through 2021. Last month, Michele Block Gan Yeladim Junior Kindergartners met Pablo Rivera, the gallery’s featured artist. Rivera answered questions and demonstrated many techniques while painting a beautiful still life right before their

By Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

eyes. This month, the experiential learning continues as Michele Block Gan Yeladim’s Junior Kindergarten classes create an art gallery of their own. The students’ exhibition is Thursday morning Nov. 2. All visitors are welcome but must bring a penny to purchase a ticket and hire a student docent as a guide through the exhibit. Additionally, the school will have their an annual JCaféCummer

Museum Family Day on Nov. 19 at the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens in Riverside. This JCafé (cultural arts family experiences) program is part of the school’s ongoing partnership with the Cummer. For more information on the role that art plays in Michele Block Gan Yeladim’s curriculum, please contact Rochelle Golomb at 904-730-2100, ext. 259 or at rochelle.golomb@jcajax.org.

Ganeinu Preschool students build their own upcycled Sukkah By Southside Chabad

The name Chag HaSukkot commemorates the temporary dwellings G-d made to shelter our ancestors on their way out of Egypt. Ganeinu Preschools students at Chabad of the Southside got caught up in the holiday excitement by designing and building their own ‘upcycled sukkah’.

Repurposing various boards and panels the structure was carefully built by Ganeinu’s Pre-K class under the watchful eyes of Morah Elyse. “Completing this project provided students with a boost of satisfaction and confidence which culminated in the joy of sitting and celebrating in their very own sukkah,” she said.

The Martin J. Gottieb Day School is excited to be hosting two upcoming parent learning sessions that are open to the Jewish community. First, on Thursday, Nov. 2, parents of older elementary-age children are invited to learn ‘How to Choose The Right Middle School Program For My Child’, which will be led by Middle School Vice Principal Edith Horovitz and Head of Schools Raquel Scharf-Anderson. Then, On Tuesday, Nov. 7, parents of three-and-four year-olds are

encouraged to attend ‘What To Look For In A Kindergarten Program’, which will be led by Raquel Scharf-Anderson. The sessions are designed to help parents become savvy shoppers as they begin looking for the next phase of their child’s educational journey. Both programs begin at 7 p.m. and will take place in the school library.

New parent liaison comes to Michele Block Gan Yeladim BY NATHAN WOODS

Michele Block Gan Yeladim

One of the core values at the JCA and Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten is the inclusion of the entire family in experiences and in learning. To help attain this goal, Michele Block Gan Yeladim is pleased to introduce new parent liaison, Michelle Cutler. With a decade of experience as a center director for two lab schools, a lead preschool teacher, teacher trainer and adjunct professor, she is a Conscious Discipline trainer and great addition to Block Gan. Cutler is assisting with Michele Block Gan Yeladim’s ongoing efforts to encourage family engagement in the classroom. The addition of a parent liaison allows for families to take a more hands-on approach to their

child’s education process. In addition to adding this new position, Michele Block Gan Yeladim has also added several programs to encourage family involvement. Parent and Me Shabbat takes place Friday mornings at 9 a.m. and allows parents and caregivers to join their child in an interactive, enthusiastic Shabbat celebration. Parent and Me Story Time takes place on Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. and helps parents get their children ready for the challenges and excitement of learning to read. These new programs are free to the community. For more information about the new parent liaison position or other ways to get involved, please contact Michelle at 904-730-2100, ext. 242 or via michelle.cutler@jcajax.org.

GROW after school enrichment kicks off the New Year By Chabad of S. Johns

There are plenty of things happening and planned for participants of GROW after school enrichment this school year. First, a new advanced track is available for sixth and seventh graders. The track is for girls and boys to dive in and take a deeper look at Judaism all while using their creativity through projects, games and loads of fun. Another fun and innovative program began earlier this fall as in midOctober Jewish Journeys was available for kids to unlock their inner potential as they experienced the dynamic Jewish Journey from Egypt to the Promised land. The program began Oct. 17, and will take place at Durbin Creek Elementary every Tuesday for the next six weeks. Finally, GROW’s Holiday Chefs Series helped students prepare for the High Holidays by inviting everyone into the kitchen. Apples were sliced and dipped before Tzimme’s taste test followed by the making of round

raisin challah and a pomegranate seed count. Students also took part in Kreplach stuffing contest and crafter edible Sukkahs and Torahs. As always, GROW promises a unique, spirited, hands-on experience when it comes to kids learning about their Jewishness and bringing out their Jewish pride. Sign up now for the next session and give your kids the Jewish Enrichment they crave. GROW Enrichment takes place every Tuesday at Durbin Creek Elementary from 3:45-5:45 p.m. For more information go to JewishSJohnsCounty.com/GROW, send an email to Dini@JewishSJohnsCounty.com or call 904-701-4422.

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chabad news Chabad Jax upcoming and ongoing events Clay County Tanya Class - Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life. Held Shabbos mornings from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Shabbat Beginner’s Service – Held at 12 p.m. followed by a light Kiddush. Mandarin/HQ Daily Chassidic Philosophy Held weekday mornings, Monday – Friday, 6:40 a.m., Sundays 8:15 a.m., with instructor Rabbi Yossie Kahanov. Insights on the Torah Portion Shabbos Mornings, 8:30 a.m., with instructor Rabbi Mendy Browd. Exploring The Talmud Tuesday evenings after Maariv with instructor Rabbi Mendy Browd. Women’s Study Group Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m., with instructor Rebbetzin Rivkie Kahanov. Shabbos Live - Join us for a memorable Shabbat dinner and monthly oneg. The dinner is free and open to all to experience the feeling of holiness that only Shabbat can bring. Great food, insightful discussion, Chassidic melodies and a warm ‘Heimish’ atmosphere is to be had. Call 904-262-6641 for more information or to reserve a spot. Southside CHS - Chabad Hebrew School on the Southside - MidYear enrollment is now open. At CHS Jewish learning is meaningful and fun. The school enjoys a well-earned reputation as a trendsetter in creative Jewish education for children ages 5-13. From lively interactive classroom discussions to exciting hands on learning programs, it’s unique learning experience will engage, excite, involve, and inspire young minds and hearts. School is held Sundays from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Visit SouthsideChabad.com for more information. Yoga and Torah for Women: Unleash Your Inner Strength - Invigorating Yoga exercise followed by delicious and healthy refreshments and a thought provoking discussion of Jewish wisdom. No prior Jewish Education or Yoga experience necessary. Class meets every other Wednesday evenings by

the St. Johns Town Center. To RSVP visit SouthsideChabad.com or call 904-646-4434. Saturday Morning Shabbat Services Join us for services with Rabbi Shmuli Novack in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Our nonjudgmental philosophy embraces everyone, regardless of commitment or religious background. Services are held at 10:30 a.m., in a traditional setting, with a contemporary message. A traditional cholent luncheon follows services. Visit SouthsideChabad.com for more information. S. Augustine Kabbalah and Coffee - Sunday mornings from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Torah Studies – Examining the weekly Torah portion, Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Beginners Shabbat Services and Kiddush – Held Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. S. Johns GROW After-School Enrichment Program - The GROW After-School Enrichment Program takes place every Tuesday at 3:45 p.m., inside Durbin Creek Elementary School. For more info visit JewishSJohnsCounty.com/GROW or email Dini@JewishSJohnsCounty.com BLT - Join us once a month on Sunday morning for Bagels, Lox and Tefillin. Upcoming BLT to take place on Sunday, Nov. 5th at 9:30 a.m. For more information call 904-701-4422 or email Rabbi@JewishSJohnsCounty.com. Torah and Tea Series - Mondays at 7:30 p.m., join together with Jewish women for inspiring Torah discussions, Jewish meditation, camaraderie, hot tea, and delicious refreshments. The feminine Spirituali-Tea! For more information email Dini@JewishSJohnsCounty.com.

chabadjacksonville. org

Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

Southside Chabad leases temporary facility during construction By Chabad of the Southside

As construction of Chabad of Southside’s new home forges ahead, a new interim location has been secured. Located conveniently at 3545 S. Johns Bluff Rd. S., Chabad’s popular services and programs are being held there until the grand opening of the Pouring concrete at the building site New Center.

Chabad at the Beaches to hold special Havdalah glow party, Nov. 18 By Chabad at the Beaches

Cancel those babysitters because there’s a new kids program in town as CKids Club offers a fun, exciting, and educational experience for children and their parents to come together and explore their Jewish roots. The club will feature innovative events throughout the year and the first event premieres this month when children will adventure through an interactive super fun Havdallah, Saturday, Nov. 18, at 6:30 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to light it up with an inspirational Havdallah ceremony and glow party as there will be activities to excite and unite the entire family. Transform family game night with a Havdallah ceremony and rocket balloon light show or create your own Guess Who game with fun Snapchat-inspired filters starring you, your kids and your friends. Then join in for some delicious

artisanal popcorn making and play today’s most popular fun games with a Jewish twist. This event will take place at Chabad at the Beaches’ Aaron and Blanche Scharf Center for Jewish Life , located at 521 A1A North in Ponte Vedra. There is a cost of $12 per child and $9 if prepaid by Nov. 10. Ckids Club is a club that puts an emphasis on the person as Judaism not only comes alive for young children and their families, but the program is designed to help you acquire a new dimension of meaning, mastery, and unique identity. For more information or to register, please call Chabad at the Beaches at 904-543-9301, go to chabadbeaches.com or send an email to dafne@chabadbeaches. com.

Chabad at the Beaches will hold Shabbat in Atlantic Beach, Nov 10 By Chabad at the Beaches

Jewish residents of Neptune and Atlantic Beaches will now have the opportunity to experience both a Shabbat Service and wonderful dinner, as on Friday, Nov. 10, a short yet meaningful 25-minute Shabbat service will take place followed by a full Shabbat dinner. Services will be led in Hebrew with transliteration and translation, in addition to English. This wonderful Shabbat evening will take place at the Adele Grage Community Center, located at 716 Ocean Blvd in Atlantic Beach. Dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m., complete with Kiddush, a full four course meal, singing and Shabbat fun led by Rabbi Nochum and Leah Kurinsky of Chabad at the Beaches. As with all Chabad events, there is no membership or affiliation necessary to join. Reservations are required and can be made via ChabadBeaches.com. For nearly 14 years Chabad at the Beaches has offered a Shabbat service and legendary full dinner to residents of the Beaches area. Hundreds of Beaches residents

and travelers have participated and enjoyed a spectacular Shabbat experience. These Shabbat meals are legendary because of the singing, jovial atmosphere and spirituality. “After three joyful and warm Shabbat dinners in Atlantic Beach, we are thrilled to host a fourth.” said Leah Kurinsky, co-director of Chabad at the Beaches. “The greatest joy for us is spending Shabbat with old friends and we welcome the opportunity to make new ones.” Reservations are requested for this event and there is no set cost, however a donation of $25 per person is suggested which can be made through the Chabad website or by mail. Sponsorships are available for $100 and $180 and $360. For more information, please call 904-543 9301 or email info@chabadbeaches. com. Please note that Chabad’s regular Shabbat service will be held at the Aaron and Blanche Scharf Chabad at the Beaches’ Center for Jewish life in Ponte Vedra, starting at 7 p.m.

Southside Chabad gives pizza in the hut to UNF students By Chabad of the Southside

More than 50 Jewish students gathered for a special Sukkos celebration in Chabad of UNF’s massive Sukkah last month. Students were encouraged to explore their culinary creativity by assembling their very own handcrafted pizzas, while selecting from the extensive selection of sauces, cheeses and toppings. In addition to the delicious food and lively music, each

UNF students in Chabad’s Sukkah

guest had the opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of ‘the four species’.

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federation news

Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

Federation Partner Spotlight: The Joint Distribution Committee New JCC in Kiev delivers state-of-the-art Jewish culture and social services

By Joint Distribution Committee

Anna Bondar knows very well just how critical it is for Ukraine’s Jews to have a vibrant Jewish community and cultural hub. “Last year [2016] was not the easiest year for the country, so it’s important people know they have a place where they can receive support, talk to other members of the Jewish community, and forget about their problems for a while,” said Bondar, the 30-year-old director of the Halom Jewish Community Center (JCC) in central Kiev.

Officially dedicated in November 2016, the Halom JCC offers programs spanning four generations. A showcase for Ukraine’s renaissance of Jewish culture and thriving Jewish life, Halom— ”dream” in Hebrew—also highlights the power of communitybuilding and the tenacity of the Jews who engage in that work. “When you enter Halom, you immediately feel its warmth, as if it’s home,” Bondar said. “Everyone there smiles, asks how you are doing and even stops to discuss the day’s news. The center is filled with the laughter of children and the

voices of the elderly singing their favorite Jewish songs. It is vibrant and alive, which is so important, especially now.” Volunteers of all ages are central to Halom’s approach, helping foster a spirit of community service in Ukraine’s post-Soviet generations and even giving an outlet for active, engaged elderly. Lidia Horelik, 71, has volunteered at Halom since it opened its doors, viewing service as an extension of her Jewish identity. “For me, it is important to be needed, to help people, and to give them joy through organizing

celebrations like concerts,” she said. “I enjoy being in demand, and there are so many activities at Halom where I can apply my energy, while continuing to discover hidden talents I wasn’t aware of until now.” Halom serves as a connector for Jewish cultural, educational, community, and social service programs and activities. In addition, the center helps to catalyze teen leadership, and organizes a youth club, leadership training programs, Sunday school, a cinema club, vocational assistance program, summer camps, weekend retreats, Shabbat experiences, and tours to historic Jewish sites in Kiev Innovating JDC’s approach to elder care, Halom also houses a senior club that offers a range of activities for the mobile elderly. This marks the first time that this type of center is located outside of a JDC-supported Hesed social welfare center, traditionally the home for these programs. Jewish Family Service, the Jewish community center program that aids at-risk families and enables needy children to engage in traditional community activities, as well as assists displaced Jews from Ukraine’s east in integrating into their new

location, is also located within the multipurpose facility, which brings together Jews of all types, backgrounds, and interests. “I’m proud that Halom is a place where different generations can join together in various programs,” Bondar said. “For example, we have cooking classes where the elderly can share their cooking expertise with children as they make meals as a team. We also have big Jewish holidays and events where all four generations of Halom’s Jews can rejoice and have fun, no matter their age.” For Bondar, Halom’s mission is to ensure that the Jewish future in Ukraine is more than a fervent hope—it’s a promise and a guarantee. “There’s a whole generation of young Ukrainian Jews who find out that they’re Jewish and want to connect to the Jewish world, but they don’t know how. There are many Holocaust survivors like my grandparents, for whom the thought of having a Jewish home where they can get together and sing Jewish songs and eat challah is something they could never have dreamed of some 50 years ago,” she said. “Halom is here to ensure that every community member’s dreams about the Jewish future in Ukraine will come true.”

Jewish Java is happy to welcome others into ‘the tent’ BY ISABEL BALOTIN

Shalom Jax Director shalomjax@jewishjacksonville.org

To a certain extent, it is a vicious cycle – they (i.e. newcomers) don’t come around because they don’t know anybody, and they don’t know anybody because they don’t come around. Some people can walk into a room full of strangers and easily strike up a conversation, while others would place this situation as one of the top ten fears in life. This anxiety is understandable and very common, especially for newcomers. We, as a community, have to keep working on changing this cycle of feeling on the ‘outside of the tent’. We have to show our newcomers and those who are newly interested in our community that there is value for them to be inside and that their lives will be enriched when they connect with us. At the same time, we must respect the different paths that might lead them into our community. Here is our call to action: that if you know a new neighbor, coworker or someone not engaged in the community, invite them to join you for an event or activity. Introduce them to others with common interests and if you are at an event and you see them arrive, walk up to them and if possible invite them to sit with you.

These are small yet meaningful steps which will make them feel welcomed. I believe that after a few months of some participation, these newcomers will walk into a room of people, recognize a face or two and gradually begin to feel ‘at home’ in their new surroundings. Federation’s Shalom Jacksonville is the official Jewish welcome wagon of Northeast Florida and welcomes newcomers from Amelia Island to St. Augustine. Please reach out with names of new neighbors, coworkers or relatives new to the area by contacting Shalom Jacksonville Director Isabel Balotin at 904-448-5000, ext. 1206 or via email at shalomjax@jewishjacksonville.org.

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federation news

Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

Finance in Israel Continued from pg. 1

And had the benefit of a knowledgable and spirited tour guide who was sure to make stops at places of prominence and history like the ones above

The group had many great meals

Jerusalem. We spent a good amount of time in the Old City, and it was quite incredible. In addition, Masada struck me as particularly interesting because as we toured the hilltop, I was thinking how amazing it must have been to

live on Masada. In looking at the recent history of Israel, the group toured Independence Hall (Tel Aviv), the Golan heights and the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem. In the Golan, we took a Jeep tour of the Syrian border and

while there, we learned about the history of the Israeli-Arab conflict as well as the status of the current Syrian civil war. One of our stops was in Haifa where we learned about the latest technology breakthroughs at Technion University. Technion is helping launch technology startup companies like ReWalk Robotics, which through a live demonstration, we saw how ReWalk’s products allow paraplegics to walk. The weeklong tour of Israel was packed with one adventure after another and it was incredible to see and experience so much of the country. For me, the tour was the perfect balance of the old, the not-so-old, and the new. My

thanks to the Jewish Federation of North America for their help in setting up the tour in addition to the many vendors that sponsor FTPI events, as money from the sponsors helped substantially reduce the cost of the trip.

Burke met up with former Shlicha Dana Marmari while in Israel

Jacksonville teen feels right at home in her native homeland


I don’t think I can find the right words to explain how thankful I am to have been able to participate in the Tikkun Olam program this past summer as the friendships I made through the program will last a lifetime. Over the course of a month, I got to know and grow incredibly close to some amazing people. They are all unique and amazing in their own special way and share a special place in my heart. My host family was so welcoming and kind that when I arrived I immediately felt at home. What struck me is that even though we lived across the world from one another, we shared many similarities. It was also incredible to me that everything in the small country of Israel was no more than 45 minutes away. The amount of roundabouts and the fact that throughout my entire two weeks in that extraordinary country, I never saw a single speed limit sign

amazed me. The Graffiti Tour that we took in Tel Aviv was awesome, and the way our tour guide explained the meaning behind the art was incredibly inspiring. The Western Wall in Jerusalem speaks for itself and it was surreal to be standing in front of a structure that I’ve spent my entire life hearing about. The prayer I left on the wall was very meaningful to me, and it was even more meaningful to leave it on the ancient wall. Staying in Pardes Hanna, minutes away from Caesarea, for two weeks was one of the greatest parts of my visit as the family I lived with happened to live on one of the first streets of Pardes Hanna. Rather than travel around the country as tourists, in Jacksonville we travelled around the city as hosts, which was equally as fun, because we led them all around the city visiting the various locations in the Jewish community. It was fun to host them and give them a taste of southern hospitality here in Jacksonville, and I sincerely hope they enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed my experience in Israel.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

federation news

The Jewish Federation of Jacksonville thanks you for your support! We appreciate our donors and want to express this each month in the Jacksonville Jewish News. Thank you to the following donors who have made a commitment to support the 2017 Federation Annual Campaign as of October 15, 2017. Names printed below denote a gift that was made since July 1, 2017.

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Abramson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alterman Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Alterman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Appelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arnold Mrs. Rita Baumgarten Mr. Jack Bazinsky Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Becker Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beckerman Mr. and Mrs. Jean Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bennett Mr. Martin Berger Mr. Daniel Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Berman Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bernard Mrs. Adrienne Biber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Board Mrs. Josephine Bonnett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bossen Mr. Wiatt Bowers Mrs. Joyce Braun Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Breault Ms. Alison Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chait Mr. and Mrs. Barry Chefer Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cheiken Dr. Colleen Bell and Mr. Craig Cherrin Ms. Susan Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cohen Ms. Joanne Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Donald Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Datz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Davis

Drs. Leo and Joanne Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jim De Arman Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dreicer Mrs. Jody Dughi Mr. and Mrs. Alexius Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Martin Edwards Mrs. Marie Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Farhi Ms. Harriet Feinglass Dr. and Mrs. Neil Feinglass Mr. and Mrs. Alan Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Neal Finkelstein Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flamm Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freedman Mrs. Marilyn Freedman Dr. and Mrs. Marc Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Friedman Judge Jerry Funk Mr. and Mrs. Simon Garwood Mrs. Alois Gendzier Judge and Mrs. Marvin Gillman Mr. Peter Levy and Ms. Kim Glasgal Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goldberg Mr. David Golding and Ms. Leslie Carmel Mr. and Mrs. David Goldman Mrs. Hilda Goldman Ms. Bea Goldsmith

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goldstein Mrs. Gloria Goodman Mr. Jonathan Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Greenblum Mr. Gerald Greenspoon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grenadier Mr. Matthew Grinnan Mrs. Dolly Grunthal Mrs. Bonnie Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedrick Mrs. Leslie Held Mr. Steven Heller Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Herman Mr. and Mrs. Brian Herschkowitz John and Helen Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jay Holiday Mrs. Wendy Honigman Mrs. Judith Israel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs Ms. Sharon Juhasz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kahn Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kanner Ms. Libby Katz Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Katz Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Kigel Ms. Simone Kilbourn Mr. and Mrs. Gil Kleiner Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kopp Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kornhauser Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kreisel Mr. Don Kupfer

Dr. and Mrs. Ron Kushner Mr. Howard Laner Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Langer Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson Ms. Jean Lebowitz and Ms. Thelma Lebowitz Mrs. Dorothy Legum Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Leimberg Dr. and Mrs. H. Ronald Levin Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis Ms. Suzanne Lichter Dr. and Mrs. Larry Lieberman Mr. Tyler Curl and Ms. Jessica Ligator Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lodinger Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mack Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mail Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Maiman Mrs. Ilana Manasse Dr. and Mrs. Alan Marks Mr. Ben Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Martino Dr. and Mrs. Mike Mass Mr. and Mrs. Paul Metlin Mr. A.J. Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Tony Milian Mr. Glenn Miller and Mr. Michael Miller Mr. Michael Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nadler Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Neadle Drs. Steven and Tmima Neihaus Ms. Kym Newlen Mr. and Mrs. William Newman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nied Mr. Andrew Ocean Ms. Gloria Oehlman Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Ohayon Mrs. Donne Ordile Ms. Sandra B. Overton Ms. Marilyn Pagano Ms. Leah Palestrant Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pargman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Passink Ms. Adele Paul Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Perin Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Persky Ms. Laura Platzer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Platzer Mrs. Lita Poehlman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Porter Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Portnoy Mrs. Anne Presser Ms. Terri Quint Dr. and Mrs. Marco Rand Mr. Edward Witlen and Ms. Marie Reitzes Ms. Sondra Resnikoff Mr. and Mrs. Matt Rickoff Mr. and Mrs. William Rifkin Mr. and Mrs. Skip Roach Ms. Danielle Rogozinski Dr. and Mrs. Chaim Rogozinski Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogozinski Mr. Jeff Rood Ms. Margaret Rose Mr. William Rose Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rosen Mrs. Elaine Rosenthal Mrs. Sandi Roth Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Rothstein Mr. and Mrs. Paul

Rothstein Mr. Simon Rothstein Mrs. Arlene Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ruby Mr. and Mrs. Leif Rush Mr. and Mrs. David Saag Mrs. Carol Sack Ms. Daryl Sadowsky Ms. Eleanor Safer Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sandler Ms. Mitzi Saul Ms. Amy Schemer Mrs. Frances Schemer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schemer Mrs. Shirley Schemer Judge and Mrs. Harvey Schlesinger Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sebotnick Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Seebol Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Selber Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Joel Shapiro Dr. and Mrs. Craig Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shapiro Mr. Harry Shmunes Dr. and Mrs. Michael Shumer Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Signer Mr. and Mrs. Federick Singer Ms. Laurie Smirl Ms. Dianna Smith Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smith Drs. Todd and Catherine Snowden Mr. and Mrs. Eugolio Soliven Dr. and Mrs. Michael Solloway Mrs. Carole Solomon Mr. and Mrs. David Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spill Mr. Rob Armstrong and Ms. Barbara Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Martin Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stern Mrs. Ann Stone Mr. George Strumlauf Dr. and Mrs. Saul Sussman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Teitelbaum Ms. Marion Tischler Mr. and Mrs. Marty Trachtenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jason Trager Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tromberg Ms. Esfir Tulchinskaya Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Van Mrs. Margie Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weisberg Mr. Mitchell Weiss and Mrs. Gale Cohen-Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Weiss Mrs. June Weltman Mr. Jeff Wiener Mrs. Linda Wilkinson Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Wolchok Mr. and Dr. Arnie Wolf Mrs. Carole Wolpin Mrs. Daiva Woodworth Mr. Leon Yergin and Ms. Caryn Kenny Dr. and Mrs. Larry Young Mr. and Mrs. Dana Zaifert

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

federation news

Federation promotes Emma Pulley to new role as rGEN Director By Jewish Federation of Jacksonville

Earlier this fall, Federation Executive Director Alan Margolies announced the promotion of Executive Administrative Specialist Emma Pulley to the role of rGEN Director. Pulley spent her first two years at the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville serving in the capacity as Administrative Assistant before

assuming her role as Executive Administrative Specialist last winter. The Jacksonville native takes over for former director Ariel Frechtman, who left in August to pursue an opportunity at the Atlanta Federation. Pulley brings with her a wealth of knowledge and strong relationships that have been built up within the local Jewish community during the last few years.

Emma Pulley

“Emma is intelligent, passionate, hardworking, and creative,” said rGEN campaign chair Haley Trager. “In just over a month, she has already demonstrated these talents and many more as she dove into the rGEN Director’s role.” A 2012 Flagler College graduate, Pulley donates her time outside of work to theatrical and artistic causes as she is a board member of Bridge Eight Literary Magazine as well Apex Theatre

Studio. She also is an amateur ballroom dancer, having taken part in numerous local competitions. “I have recently had the pleasure of working with Emma on a few projects and she is such a joy to work with,” Trager added. “I am excited to see rGEN continue to grow and impact our young Jewish adults under her leadership.”

Federation holds its first board meeting of the New Year in JFCS’ new building By Jewish Federation of Jacksonville

The Jewish Federation of Jacksonville held its first board meeting of the New Year off-site, at JFCS’ brand new Alan J. Taffet building on Baycenter Rd. The Federation partner agency made the move to the new Southside location after vacating its old DuPont Circle locale for renovations. Its former headquarters off of St. Augustine Rd. will still be uti-

Federation president Ken Jacobs leads the first board meeting of the New Year which was held at JFCS’ brand new Alan J. Taffet building

JEWISH NEWS acksonville

Grow your business

If you want to reach a demographic with a higher than average household income and education, the JJN is your vehicle. To advertise, contact:

Barbara Nykerk (Mandarin/Southside/San Marco) 904-923-3205 bnykerk@comcast.net Eta Perras (Mandarin/Southside/San Marco) 904-629-0466 perraseta@bellsouth.net Elise Kurian (St. Johns/The Beaches) 404-625-9263 zapwoman@gmail.com

lized, serving as the main location for the Max Block Food Pantry where people can take part in an authentic shopping experience. New Federation board president Ken Jacobs led his first meeting of his presidency requesting that attendees take part in a thought provoking exercises as the Federation begins to shape its

vision for the future. The official dedication and ribbon cutting of the Taffet Building in addition to the unveiling of its Frisch Family Holocaust Memorial Gallery took place, Oct. 29, so stay tuned for complete coverage in the December edition of the Jacksonville Jewish News.

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federation news

Have some news to share with the JJN? Whether it’s a milestone achievement accomplished by a friend or family associated with the Jacksonville Jewish commu-

nity, or simply a story, event or announcement to be shared, drop us a line at jjn@jewishjacksonville. org. You can also contact news-

paper editor/Communications Director Matt Franzblau directly at mattf@jewishjacksonville.or or by calling 904-448-5000, ext. 212.

Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

Jewish Java tackles the subject of grandparents raising their grandkids

Jacksonville Jewish community member and professional photographer Larry Tallis explained at October’s Jewish Java, what it’s like being a grandparent, raising a grandchild, as he and his wife do with their grandson, Bryan.

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

JEWISH COMMUNITY ALLIANCE JCA Arts Fest Continued from pg. 1 correlation between hate groups of the 20th century and those moving into the mainstream today. The panel will also includeLonny Wilk, associate regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, and Dr. Charles E. Closmann, associate professor of History at University of North Florida. Book lovers will then join together for the first ever Festival Book Club on Thursday, Nov. 9 at 12 p.m. for a brown bag lunch discussion of ‘Waking Lions’ by

Israeli author and Sapir Prize winner Ayelet Gundar Goshen. It is a story of one man’s deadly mistake and the morally devastating consequences that follow. Facilitator and University of North Florida adjunct professor Kelsi Hasden leads the book group discussion and we will Skype with author Gundar Goshen to enhance the lunchtime gathering. The weekend of Nov. 11-12 brings no less than three separate festival events. On Saturday night the JCA Theatre Department performs a Jewish Legacy Broadway Cabaret featuring Mitchell Wohl. On Sunday morning at 10 a.m., the festival welcomes a puppet show for ages 2 -5, with a story highlighting Jewish values.

The JCA celebrates Sukkot with Pizza in the Hut event

By Jewish Community Alliance

In early October, JCA valued members celebrated the Sukkot holiday with a fun-filled Pizza in the Hut event. Led by the JCA Department of Jewish and Family Programs, members and their families carried on the tradition of shaking the Lulav and holding the Etrog while learning about this pilgrimage festival. JCA-valued

members also enjoyed a festive, family-style meal of pizza, salad and dessert, as well as crafts for children to teach them about the Sukkot holiday. The JCA Department of Jewish and Family Programs brings fun, family events to the community. To learn more about upcoming events for JCA valued members and the community, go to jcajax.org/family.

Jewish community alliance HAPPENINGS November 2017 Cheshvan/Kislev 5778

For more information or to register for programs at the JCA, call 904-730-2100 or visit our official website at www.jcajax.org.

Vandroff Art Gallery

The works of Debbie Pounders and Melissa Sciumbata will be shown until Nov. 29.

JCA Cultural Arts Festival

Enjoy literature, film and arts from Nov. 2–15. All events are free and open to the community. Contact Lior Spring at 904-7302100, ext. 318 for information and sponsorship opportunities.

Sunday Film Series

On Nov. 19 at 2 p.m., see The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.

Classic Movie Magic See East Side, West Side (1949), starring Barbara Stanwyck, Ava Gardner and James Mason on Thursday, Nov 2 at 12 p.m.

CoRK Open Studio Visit

Explore one of the most culturally alive areas in Jacksonville, Saturday, Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. The fee is $8 and $5 for JCA valued members.

JCA Tennis

The JCA offers tennis clinics for adults and youth, ages 3–18. For information, contact Reggie Exum at 904-730-2100, ext. 317.

Swim Lessons

Join one of our group lessons for youth, ages 6 months to 12 years, or our new adult group lessons for ages 16 and older. For more information, contact Josie Martin at 904-730-2100, ext. 240.

School Year Swim Team

This team introduces competitive swimming and helps prepare for the summer league. For information, contact Josie Martin at 904730-2100, ext. 240.

Youth Basketball League

Practice begins in Dec. A mandatory evaluation is on Nov. 5. Call 904-730-2100, ext. 254 for info.


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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017


JFCS holds board social in its new Baycenter building

PJ Library

PJ Library, the award-winning free program for books and music is open to all families with Jewish children in Jacksonville. If your children are between the ages of six months and eight years, they are eligible. Please sign up now by going to pjlibrary.org/ communities/jacksonville, or calling Whitney Kuvin at 904394-5724.

JFCS’ Board of Directors enjoyed seeing JFCS’ new building with an informative tour as JFCS leadership explained the life

changing work that is performed in each area of the Alan J. Taffet Building.

JFCS responds to the Irma JFCS celebrates its successfully reunified relief efforts families with FSS event By Jewish Family & Community Services


JFCS in partnership with River Garden is pleased to bring you our meal program, Meals4You, from our kitchen to yours. Meals are delicious, nutritious, convenient and delivered right to your door. Jewish dietary laws are observed. Call Whitney for more information at 904-394-5724.


JFCS is now using a Lyft product called Concierge, which allows JFCS to arrange rides on behalf of its clients, including the ability to schedule rides up to a week in advance. Lyft has also partnered with GreatCall, a senior-focused cell phone company, which will help seniors use Lyft without having to navigate the smart phone app. Anyone using a Jitterbug phone can now simply press ‘0’ and arrange a ride with the company. To learn more or schedule rides, please call Whitney Kuvin at 904-6609268.

Every year Family Support Services of North Florida hosts a ‘Red Carpet Reunification’ for families that have completed the hard work of reunification. This year, JFCS

had the pleasure of hosting five families that have been reunited through the agency’s case management work.

Hurricane Irma left some of our most vulnerable community members in even more challenging positions. People that relied on others for transportation were left stranded. Families without power lost the only food that they had. Some lost their homes. After the storm, The United Way of Northeast Florida contacted JFCS to ask if the agency could take a lead role in the distribution of Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund. Without hesitation, Colleen Rodriguez, JFCS Executive Director, wholeheartedly agreed. JFCS is now assisting in completing FEMA applications, rent/mortgage/deposit payments, medical needs, temporary housing, food and clothing. JFCS’ Max Block Food Pantry is also expanding hours of operation in order to feed individuals and families in need. If you or someone you know needs help recovering from Hurricane Irma call 2-1-1. Calling 2-1-1 is the

first step in beginning the recovery process related to relief funds. Simply dial 2-1-1. This hotline is open 24/7. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to call JFCS. Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund was founded in 2016 by Northeast Florida’s largest nonprofit funders to help those affected by Hurricane Matthew. Relief Fund partners re-activated the First Coast Relief Fund in 2017 for Hurricane Irma relief. Major First Coast Relief Fund contributors include The United Way, The Jacksonville Jaguars, Jessie Ball duPont Fund, Mayo Clinic of Jacksonville, Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, Lucy Gooding Charitable Trust, and Florida Blue.

JFCS’ 2017 holiday gift giving program By Jewish Family & Community Services

JFCS children and seniors need your help as every year, JFCS organizes a Holiday Gift Giving Program to serve the more than 1,500 children that are served in the organization’s many programs as well as seniors in need. The

generous donors that provide gifts for clients are JFCS heroes. With that in mind, you, your family, your friends and your co-workers are encouraged to participate in this rewarding program. To become involved, contact Donna O’Steen at 904-394-5714 or via email at dosteen@jfcsjax.org. Should you choose to sponsor a

child or a senior, you will be sent a wish list to fulfill. If you do not have time to shop, send a check with ‘Holiday Giving’ written in the memo line to Jewish Family & Community Services at 8540 Baycenter Road, Jacksonville, FL 32256 and we will do the shopping for you. Make a child or a senior a priority this holiday season.

Mazel Tov to JFCS staff Stein Mart donates gift cards for hurricane victims members for all their hard work By Jewish Family & Community Services

Jewish Healing Network

Become a Jewish Healing Network Volunteer at JFCS and help us fulfill the mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim. We need volunteers to make weekly visits or phone calls to a senior or deliver food to those who cannot get out. For more information, please call Gail at 904394-5723.

JFCS staff member Shawna Davis recently earned her National Mental Health Counseling License after passing the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Exam, which is in and of itself is a momentous feat. “For me, this means that three years of hard work has paid off,” she said. “I had to complete four additional college classes, an additional 600 hours of supervised practicum and 1,500 hours providing psychotherapy with clients.” In addition to those hours the JFCS employee had to complete at least 100 hours of supervision per 1,500 hours of psychotherapy with a minimum of one hour of supervision every two weeks. In addition to Davis, Chauncey Johnson has been recognized by

Family Support Services as Kristin Mosley of Family Support Services shared outstanding feedback received from a client regarding her work. After she received confirmation that Johnson had been addressing the family’s needs, discussing safety, and performing outstanding case work, the parent said that, “Chauncey has gone above and beyond for myself and my family.”

A huge thank you to Stein Mart for their generous donation of gift cards for Hurricane Irma victims. Their contribution is helping area


residents replace clothing and household goods that were lost in the storm.

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river garden senior services


Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

lifecycles and business card directory Births

Mazel Tov to Chana Leah and Yishai Lee on the birth of daughter Dinah Liron Lee in Jacksonville Beach on Friday, Sept. 29, 2017. Dinah weighed eight pounds, five ounces and was 20.1 inches in length at birth. Proud grandparDinah Lee ents are Christopher and Samara Gilbert of Atlantic Beach and Sandra Lee of Atlantic Beach. Dr. Randy and Shoshana Haas of Jacksonville and Mr. and Mrs. David Zarzar of Jerusalem, Israel are thrilled to announce the arrival of their new grandson, Ilan Louis Zarzar. He was born Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017, weighing Ilan Zarzar 8 pounds 26 ounces, measuring 19 inches. Ilan lives with his proud parents, Tamara and Ze’ev Zarzar in Ramat Gan, Israel, where Ze’ev works as a computer programmer for Phoenix Insurance Company.


Mazel Tov to Lauren Kominars and Josh Crespi who are engaged to be married. The couple met through

Crespi & Kominars

various young Jewish professional events here in Jacksonville. Kominars is the daughter of Aron and Arlene Kominars of Commerce Twp., Mich., while Crespi is the son of Jerry and Judy Crespi of Delray Beach, Fla. The brideto-be is employed as a registered nurse at Baptist Hospital. The groom works as an instructional designer at IBM.


Lee J. Kaplan recently won Best Actor in his short film ‘Attempt to Rise’ in the Long Island International Film Festival. Kaplan continues to perform his oneman show, ‘Bully’ for audiences across the country and Canada. From Sept. 18- 29, Lee Kaplan he was contracted by the Coachella Valley Repertory Theatre where he performed his play in the Palm Springs, Calif., area school system, as well as two theatre performances for nearly 4,000 people. This winter Kaplan will collaborate with high school students to develop their solo shows to premier alongside ‘Bully’ shortly after Thanksgiving at New York’s IRT Theatre.


... To the family of Irwin ‘Buddy’ Goldberg, who passed away Sunday, Oct. 1, at the age of 94. He is survived by his wife Pat, children Julie (Tommy) Averette and Jeff (Belinda) Goldberg and grandchildren Jason, Danielle, Travis, Timothy and Tyler. A graveside funeral service was held Oct. 6 at King David Garden in Jacksonville. The family requests that contributions in memory of Buddy Goldberg be made to River Garden and/or The Temple. … To the family of Alan Smiley, who passed away Monday, Oct. 2, at the age of 74. He is survived by his wife Joscelyne. Funeral

services were held Oct. 4, in the King David section of the Greenlawn Cemetery in Jacksonville. … To the family of Lev Tessler, who passed away, Sunday, Oct. 8, . He is survived by his wife Maria; children Vladimir (Anna) Tesler and Leo (Victoria) Tesler; sister Asya (Mark) Tesler; and grandchildren Ariella, Elliana, Adeline, Amelia, Adam, and Sophia. Funeral services took place Oct. 10 at King David Gardens in Jacksonville’s Greenlawn Cemetery. The family requests that contributions in memory of Lev Tesler be made to the Jacksonville Jewish Center. … To the family of Dr. Henry Ray Wengrow, who passed away Thursday, Oct. 12. He is survived by his wife Jean Brock, daughter Rebecca Wengrow Fixel, granddaughter Abigail Lois Fixel, stepson Brock Trevathan, sister Reberta Wengrow Karesh, and brother Arnold Wengrow. A graveside funeral service took place Oct. 16 at the New Center Cemetery in Jacksonville. Memorial contributions in Dr. Wengrow’s honor may be directed to the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Mitzvah Fund. … To the family of Alan Fixel. He is survived by his daughters Abigail Fixel and Lydia Fixel of California; siblings Michael (Ava) Fixel and Kathy (Morrie) Osterer; nieces Leia and Juliet Fixel, Natalie (Rabbi Eli) Menaged, Jessica (Dr. Victor) Hassid, Melissa (Dr. Douglas) Storch, Ashley Osterer and Adam Lee; in addition to nine grandnieces and grandnephews. Memorial contributions may be directed to the Jacksonville Jewish Center or to River Garden Senior Services. To submit an item for life cycles, please email it to jjn@ jewishjacksonville.org. Due date is the 15th of the month. For guidelines of how to write Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding or obituary announcements, go to jewishjacksonville.org/news under “Share your news.”

business card directory

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

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Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

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adult education November 2017 Cheshvan/Kislev 5778

Special Events

November 2-15

Jewish Community Alliance JCA CULTURAL ARTS FESTIVAL – Enjoy literature, film and arts. All events are free and open to the community. Contact Lior Spring at 904-730-2100, ext. 318 for information and sponsorship opportunities.

November 3rd

Jewish Community Alliance (9 a.m.–5 p.m.) ADULT MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID TRAINING – This eight hour training gives key skills to help those experiencing a mental health crisis. The curriculum is developed by mental health professionals and the event is free and open to the entire community, however reservations are appreciated.

November 9th

Jewish Community Alliance (6:30–7:30 p.m.) EATING WELL: THANKSIGIVING EDITION – Registered dietician Jennifer Lewis presents healthy recipes and simple strategies to navigate the Thanksgiving holiday and beyond. Reservations are appreciated and the fee is $5, however JCA valued members are free.

November 11th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (9:15 a.m.) SHALom MEDITATION - Please join us for 25 minutes of meditation in a Jewish environment. From 9:15-9:30 a.m., some basic instruction of meditation technique and approach will be offered. Then, we will start our actual practice at 9:30 and go until 9:55 (in time for the Torah service).

November 12th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (12:30 p.m.) YIDDISH ‘CLUB’ - Monthly meetings are held in the JJC Kramer Library. This is an informal group of all ages with varying levels of ability where you can meet other local speakers to practice the language, or to just shmooze a bisl! We’ll listen to Klezmer music, watch videos and films, read and speak in Yiddish, so join the fun.

November 18th

Jacksonville Jewish Center (8–9 a.m.) COFFEE & TORAH - Come enjoy a strong cup of brew, a tasty breakfast treat, and thoughtprovoking insights into the weekly Torah portion in the intimate setting of Rabbi Lubliner’s office.

November 21st

Jacksonville Jewish Center (7:30 p.m.) JEWISH BOOK CLUB - Open to all interested adults and meets at the Starbuck’s section at Barnes & Noble on San Jose Blvd.

Regular Events


Jacksonville Jewish Center (10:15 a.m.–12 p.m.) FOUNDATIONS OF JUDIASM CLASS - Classes are held at the JJC, and are open to all, whether you are considering conversion, seeking to understand a friend or relative’s religious choices, or simply trying to go beyond your childhood Jewish education. Classes held Nov. 5, 12, 19.


Chabad of Clay County (10 a.m.) GREAT DEBATES IN JEWISH HISTORY – This Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) course will revive some of the fiercest and most central debates in Jewish history. Classes began Oct. 29, and will be held at Chabad (1760, Eagle Crest Dr.) in Fleming Island For cost or more information please call 904-290-1017 or email rabbi@ JewishClayCounty.com.


Jacksonville Jewish Center (morning following minyan) MONDAY MINYAN MAPQUEST - Rabbi Lubliner takes us on a tour of Jewish cities, explaining history and current statistics of some well-known and not-sowell-known Jewish communities around the world. Classes held Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27. Jacksonville Jewish Center (7 p.m.) TALMUD CLASS - Rabbi Lubliner explores communal responses to crisis in tractate Ta’anit. Open to all and classes scheduled for Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27. Jacksonville Jewish Center SERVICE SKILLS - (intermediate Hebrew level). This is an ongoing class, designed to increase prayer fluency and help our congregants to become more comfortable in our Jacksonville Jewish Center weekday and Shabbat services. Basic reading skills are necessary, but we will work together on fluency and prayer vocabulary. All are welcome to join on Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27. Jewish Community Alliance (6:30 p.m.) ADULT GROUP SWIM – Join the JCA’s new Adult Learn to Swim program throughout the entire month of November. For ages 16 and older.

Jacksonville Jewish News • November 2017

Community Foundation for Northeast Florida pitches in to help local Holocaust survivors


By Jewish Family & Community Services

JFCS recently received a grant from the Grace H. Osborn Endowment at the Community Foundation for Northeast Florida. This support will cover the costs to provide boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables for 26 survivor households for a year. Jewish Family & Community Services is honored to help care for Holocaust survivors and their families throughout Jacksonville, Palm Coast and the surrounding area. For those in need, JFCS

provides an array of food and homecare services, supplying groceries and fresh vegetables as well as companionship, light housework and transportation. That’s a significant investment since roughly half of the local 88 survivors live at or below the poverty level, and it is increasing as the survivors age and require

greater assistance. JFCS is most grateful for this support, but additional financial support is still needed to help survivors live out their days in comfort and dignity. To make a difference in the life of a survivor, please call Kathy Wohlhuter, JFCS’ Director of Development at 904-394-5727.

From the Bookshelves of the Second Generation God’s Hotel by Victoria Sweet

Recommended by Helen Meatte

This nonfiction account of contemporary health care in America is written from the point of view of a physician who tends to the sick in the last almshouse, a health facility for the destitute, in San Francisco. Dr. Sweet becomes interested in the Hotel Dieu (God’s Hotel) that existed during

the Middle Ages and was created by and run by Nuns. She decides to get a Ph.D in history and social medicine. What she discovers is that the medical profession has a lot to learn about caring for the sick and dying as modern medicine focuses primarily on procedures and medication. Dr. Sweet employs what she refers to as ‘slow medicine’ that focuses on diet, quiet and a peaceful environment. Most importantly, the physician is required to have a more hands-on approach and subsequently gets to know her patient intimately.


Jewish Community Alliance (6:30 p.m.) ADULT GROUP SWIM – Join the JCA’s new Adult Learn to Swim program throughout the entire month of November. For ages 16 and older. Chabad of Clay County (7:30 p.m.) GREAT DEBATES IN JEWISH HISTORY – This Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) course will revive some of the fiercest and most central debates in Jewish history. Classes begin Nov. 7, and will be held at Tehila’s Pilates in Riverside (1250 McDuff Ave S., Jacksonville). For cost or more information, please call 904-290-1017 or email rabbi@JewishClayCounty. com.


Jewish Community Alliance (6:30 p.m.) ADULT GROUP SWIM – Join the JCA’s new Adult Learn to Swim program throughout the entire month of November. For ages 16 and older. Chabad at the Beaches (7 p.m.) GREAT DEBATES IN JEWISH HISTORY – This Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) course will revive some of the fiercest and most central debates in Jewish history. Classes begin Nov. 1, and will be held at the Aaron and Blanche Scharf Chabad Center in Ponte Vedra (521 A1A N.). For cost or more information please send an email to Rabbi@ChabadBeaches. com or call 904-543-9301.


Jacksonville Jewish Center (9:15–10 a.m.) BEGINNING HEBREW CLASS - This year’s class will be taught by Etta Fialkow covering Alef-Bet reading skills and fluency. Classes scheduled for Nov. 5, 12, 19.

Jewish Community Alliance (6:30 p.m.) Jewish Community Alliance ADULT GROUP SWIM – Join the JCA’s new Adult Learn to Swim program throughout the entire month of November. For ages 16 and older.

Jacksonville Jewish Center (10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.) HEBREW CONVERSATION This new class will be taught Dr. Melvyn Cohen using the Pimsleur Method. No Hebrew reading skills are needed; the class is completely oral. Please call Lois Tompkins and reserve your spot. Classed held Nov. 5, 12, 19.

Jewish Community Alliance (6-7 p.m.) PRENATAL YOGA - Experience pregnancy with poses to help ease discomfort, prepare your body for labor and childbirth and help you relax and bond with your growing baby. Takes place throughout the month of November and is free and open to the entire commu-

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