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Throughout the month of Elul, The Jacksonville Jewish Center clergy and members met up to hear the shofar blast in different locations throughout town—from the JCA to the beach.

Getting ready for the high holy days at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. We created goodie bags with the help of the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School middle school students, delivered mahzorim and collected food. We also brought our past presidents together to film them for our Kol Nidre service.

Look who turned out to welcome our community's new shaliach, Stav Brenner, and say goodbye to past shaliach, Rotem Gabay.

Back to School! Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool & Kindergarten was so excited to welcome back students for a new school year.

The GROW After School Enrichment Program has begun in person! GROW is the place to be when it comes to fostering Jewish pride in the next generation of young, inquisitive minds. At GROW your child will have a fabulous time expressing his or her creativity in a warm and stimulating Jewish environment. GROW is where Jewish kids from public schools throughout St. Johns County come together. Now offering 3 tracks: GROW In Person, GROW Online or Grow Pods for 2020-2021 for more info visit JewishSJohnsCounty.com/GROW

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~ Hablo Espanol

The Bernard and Alice Selevan Religious School had a great first day of Sunday School—in person! It was so great to have our students back in the building. The students started the morning with a Havdalah service and then attended class. We are lucky to have so much space so students can be physically distant in the sanctuary and their classrooms.

JFCS would like to thank the Women's Philanthropy of Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida for thinking of JFCS by implementing a project called “The Dignity Project," for lower income girls and women who are struggling to make ends meet who cannot afford to purchase personal hygiene items. Thanks to the Jewish community, the project has been an exceptional success! A special thank you to Jenn Neuman, Debbie Banks-Kitay and Lauren Rickoff for spearheading the project!

The Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida's Young Professionals & Families Quarterly Cocktails Collaboration with TAVERNA San Marco.
We celebrate Executive Director Alan Margolies, as he enters his 30th year as Jewish Federation & Foundation's fearless and exuberant leader. Happy Anniversary Alan! Thank you for all you've done for our community.

For her 65th birthday, Amy Amann gathered her closest friends to her “driveway birthday party.” The cost of admission? School supplies for Jewish Family & Community Services. The group of 25 brought enough supplies to fill 40 bookbags for low income and at-risk school-age kids and teens served by JFCS. A HUGE thank you to Amy and her pals!

For his Bar Mitzvah Mitzvah project, Gabe Kaye created a fundraiser for Jewish Family & Community Services Backpack Project. Gabe’s fundraiser, Strides for School Supplies, included walking to collect money to purchase items for JFCS children. Gabe walked so much, he collected enough cash to purchase two cases of pencils and 48 mesh backpacks! With the money he had left over, he made a monetary donation in his name for the purchase of more backpacks and school supplies. THANK YOU SO MUCH, GABE!!! 43

The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t stopped The PGA TOUR Red and Blue Coats from making a positive impact on our Community! The group stopped by JFCS Headquarters carrying backpacks full of school supplies for our children. We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to the PGA Tour and The Red and Blue Coats! Here's to a successful 2020-21 school year!
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JFCS would like to thank the BethEl Sisterhood for collecting children’s clothing, new socks and new underwear for the Fanny Landwirth Clothes Closet. A special thanks to Vickie Kennedy, Director of Education for coordinating the drive! JFCS appreciates you!

First few weeks of school at Martin J. Gottlieb Day School: (left) Kindergarten singing their alphabet safely behind their shields and face masks and (right) 3rd grade is taking a yoga movement break.
J All Day is designed for families seeking a safe and supportive alternative to brick and mortar schooling. We have developed this program specifically for kids in grades K-8. You bring the online learning; we bring the fun!

Rosh Hashanah deliveries from Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida

Young Professionals & Families, The JCA, and PJ Library families learning about bees and honey during a joint Rosh Hashanah program to help bring in a SWEET new year!