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Moms Should Prioritize mental wellness during difficult times
To say that being a parent can be tough is an one curating and managing a never-ending to-do list in understatement—but as all moms and dads know, it’s your head: what needs to get done, for who, and when – one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. While then, delegating those tasks and making sure they actually the strain of a global pandemic and subsequent shift of get done. societal norms has undoubtedly been difficult for all parents, mothers in particular are feeling intense strain. One study published in the American Sociological Review Through our work at Jewish Family & Community Services’ explains mental load as the responsibility of "anticipating Dupont Counseling Group, we’ve noticed the acute impact needs, identifying options for filling them, making decisions, that the last few months have had on moms. We’ve and monitoring progress." The burden of a family’s helped many of them find peace and balance mental load often falls heavily on moms and can with strategies for self-care that are sap time and energy even more during times important to share—but first, one must examine the causes for chaos. Mental load of uncertainty. For many, the recent stress they’re feeling is due in part to a much It’s no secret that the COVID-19 crisis stopped almost every aspect encompasses not the physical tasks, but heavier mental load managing an unexpected turn of events. The simple solution is to take time to of day-to-day routine and rather the overseeing of release yourself from the mental structure on a dime. One morning, children were in school, those tasks...curating load whenever possible. With many families spending restaurants were open, and businesses were functioning as a never ending to-do more time together under the same roof all day long, taking a few normal, but seemingly the very next day, everything shifted. This abrupt list in your head minutes to be alone and unwind seems nearly impossible. So how can moms change—caused by a then largelyfind ease among the mental clutter? In unknown virus—was anxiety-provoking on short, prioritize your solitude and make its own. Add in strict social distancing mental health maintenance a habit. mandates and the inherent isolation they caused, and a A great way to ease into taking time for yourself is to perfect storm began to brew for parents. wake up before the rest of your household. Whether it is an
Both stay-at-home mothers and those in the workplace allows for uninterrupted peace where nothing is needed began to not only take in the stresses of their own roles, but from you. It is simply time to refuel, reflect and breathe also absorbed many of the challenges faced by their children before the rest of the day takes over. In fact, Psychology and partners due to the pandemic. School-aged kids were Today notes that even just 30 minutes of solitude per day suddenly unable to see their friends, and toddlers were helps reboot the brain, enhance concentration and suddenly without childcare. And while many parents split productivity, and can even improve relationships. It’s duties, women often take the brunt of a family’s “emotional important to normalize alone time so that you can allow labor” or “worry work,” also known as the mental load. your mind to truly relax.
The mental load encompasses not the physical tasks, but rather the overseeing of those tasks. It means you are the entire hour early or just a few minutes, this quiet time
As a counseling group, we know that in addition to finding quiet time for self-care, it is equally important to
take time to prioritize mental health. There is never shame in reaching out and asking for help – especially now. The current climate has added new hardships for every walk of life, increasing responsibilities and knocking many families off course. Seeking counseling services not only helps to reframe and find new perspective throughout troubling times, but also to provide new strategies for effective parenting during the pandemic.
Antiquated ideas about counseling and therapy unfortunately still carry a negative stigma, but any counselor will tell you that one of the best things you can do for yourself – and your loved ones – is to share your thoughts, emotions and worries with a professional. A therapist or counselor can help you find clarity in problems big or small while giving you strategies to overcome anything life throws at you.
Fortunately, seeking professional help is easier than ever. Many mental health providers – including Dupont Counseling Group – are now offering tele-counseling sessions: video chats or phone meetings that effectively serve as a remote counseling session. In fact, we’ve held hundreds of these sessions with both new and existing clients over the past several months. So, for mothers at home who may not be able to leave to attend a counseling session, know that options exist that make it easier than ever to prioritize your mental wellbeing.
From setting an earlier alarm and seeking out solitude to booking a counseling session with a professional, there are many helpful ways for moms to avoid burnout during difficult times. Our counseling group accepts many insurances for our therapy services, and we offer sliding scale pricing to help both families and individuals afford the extra support they need.
Remember: no matter how hard you try; you can’t pour from an empty cup. One of the best things moms can do for themselves and their loved ones is to prioritize their own mental wellness – and keep their cups full.

Lorna Wittenrich is the Director of Clinical Services and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor at Jewish Family & Community Services’ Dupont Counseling Group. For more information or to get help, visit JFCSJax.org.