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Call of duty Top Jewish charities reveal how they make a crucial difference 20-page pull-out inside


25 Sh’vat 5780

Issue No.1146



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Yeshivas held council to ransom over child safety Hackney schools only willing to meet safeguarding standards on ‘quid pro quo’ basis, report reveals EXCLUSIVE A council’s efforts to safeguard 1,500 Jewish boys attending illegal yeshivas were “frustrated” after strictlyOrthodox leaders warned they would only co-operate on a “quid pro quo” basis, writes Adam Decker. The stunning revelation – that Charedi leaders were willing to use the safety of Jewish children as a bargaining chip – is revealed in an internal council document seen this week by Jewish News, the contents of which will shock the wider community. The damning indictment came in an update to a landmark report from Hackney’s Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission in 2018, which revealed up to 29 illegal yeshivas are educating up to 1,500 Jewish boys. The latest update, dated 28 January 2020, shows how Orthodox leaders “acknowledge” serious safeguarding issues, but still wanted the council to “exempt yeshivas from the national curriculum” in return for them agreeing to a framework to keep the boys safe. Ofsted check safeguarding arrangements in all schools, but yeshivas are not classed as ‘schools,’ meaning there are no independent external safety checks of any kind carried out.

Many are instead defined as Unregistered Educational Settings (UES). After 34 yeshiva students almost drowned off the Kent coast in 2017 the commission sought to engage the Charedi community in plans to establish a safeguarding system, but last week it said Orthodox leaders were “unable or unwilling” to help them do so. The commission said there had been a “positive” meeting between Charedi leaders and the independent chair of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Board Jim Gamble in April 2019, before revealing their sudden change of heart. “At this time [9 April 2019] those engaged were positive about the idea of potentially creating a safeguarding committee for yeshivas, chaired by the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations and populated with relevant community individuals,” it reported, before Gamble received an email from communal leaders on 4 June outlining a change in attitude. “This [email] reflected the ongoing position of some in the local community who, having positively engaged, have since retreated to a position whereby they say they cannot address the safeguarding concerns – which they acknowledge Continued on page 4

WE’RE SO GILAD FOR YOU! Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held prisoner by Hamas in Gaza for five years until 2011, has announced is engagement. Fiancée Nitzan Shabbat posted a photo of the happy couple on Instagram in which she shows off a glittering diamond ring. The couple have been dating for about 18 months.

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