He added: “Iran is a major threat. It’s not just about their missile programme, we have got to put snap sanctions on the table. We have to recognise the threat they pose in supporting terrorism and its something I said at the weekend given what happened with Salman Rushdie … where is this from, it’s from a fatwa that is there.On” the possible signing of a nuclear deal with Iran, he believed the prospects were “low.” The former cabinet minister, one of the first to leave Boris Johnson’s top team, said: “It’s not just about Joe Biden, it’s about Congress as well, and the Republicans have a very clear point of view on this.” In a wide-ranging conversation, Sunak said he’d like to pass legislation opposing BDS “as quickly as possible”, saying “it shouldn’t be controversial”.Inwholeheartedly backing the new proposed Holocaust memorial in Westminster, he stressed the importance of education in tackling antisemitism.Hethenadded: “I was pleased as chancellor to ensure that the funding in perpetuity will be for people to be able to visit it free. The people that are still here who we can still hear from are not going to be with us forever. That’s why the next generation and the generation beyond, my two girls, need to understand what happened. embassy table
Continued on page 2 Historic
in race for No 10
THERE’S NO JEWISH NEWS NEXT WEEK – SEE YOU ON 1 SEPTEMBER 18 August 2022 21 Av 5782 Issue No.1276 @JewishNewsUK Thechosenpaper FREE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR
Page 7 Community pics Page 21
Marathon men win gold in Munich, 50 years after Olympics massacre just about their missile programme, we given what happened with Salman Rushdie … where is this ” Israel
Poignant victory for
The heat is still on!Derby showed the Y-word is not yet off-side for Spurs
Sunak joins Truss to mull Jerusalem move
Y oh why?
Rishi Sunak has insisted there is a “very strong case” for Britain to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and he is “very open to looking at that” – a move that would pave the way for the UK to follow America in moving its embassy. The former chancellor’s remarks at a Conservative Friends of Israel leadership event come less than two weeks after his rival Liz Truss committed to “review” the embassy’s current location in Tel Aviv. He was asked by Lord Pickles, the parliamentary chair of CFI, about what he saw as the “basic obstacles” to Britain recognising Jerusalem as the country’s capital. While describing Jerusalem as “indisputably the historic capital” in his view, he added: “Having not been foreign secretary, there must be some sensitivities involved because if it was that easy, it would have been done by now. I’d like to get in there and [understand] the reasons why its proved so di cult, but prima facie it seems to me that there is a very strong case to it, to recognise what is a historic and practical step.” He added that any such a move would be in concert with allies in the region. Asked about Iran, and an earlier pledge to proscribe the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, especially after the stabbing of author Salman Rushdie, Sunak said: “It seems an entirely reasonable position, that if we proscribe Hezbollah and Hamas then the parent organisation is also…, there’s an argument for proscribing it.”
relocation on the

The favourite to replace Boris Johnson turned her attention to the Human Rights Council. She said that on the body there “are too many countries who tried to do Israel down, who try and use the Human Rights Council as a way of levelling, unwarranted criticism at Israel. What I’ve done is I’ve stood up against those countries.“I’veoccasionally stood up against advice from my own departments, and various claims of Britain would be isolated, and in fact, other countries followed us in what we did.”
Editorial, page 16 by Lee Harpin lee@jewishnews.co.uk@lmharpin
SILVER Liz Truss has set out her plan to “protect British Jewry” but provoked anger after claiming “woke culture” in the civil service “strays into antisemitism”.TheTory leadership frontrunner also published a statement on Friday announcing she would review whether schools are doing enough to educate about antisemitism, rid university campuses of antisemitism and work to secure a free trade agreement between the UK and Israel. In her statement, Truss said: “So many Jewish values are Conservative values and British values too, for example seeing the importance of family and always taking steps to protect the family unit; and the value of hard work and self-starting and setting up your own business.” The wording of her praise was roundly condemned by the Jewish Council for Racial Equality for evoking stereotypes of Jews and for failing to convey the diversity of the community. But it was her comments about the civil service - delivered from Manchester’s Hale Synagogue - that the “woke civil service culture that strays into antisemitism” that attracted more widespread criticism. In a press release, released after her civil service comments, Truss said: “Every organisation has its culture, but it’s not fixed, it can be changed.“That’s what ministerial leadership is about: it’s about making sure that the policies we represent, the values we stand for, are reflected in what we do. I’ve been very clear with our o cials about the positions we take on Israel, and that will continue if I become prime minister.” But she was challenged too by the FDA union, which represents civil servants, to present evidence of antisemitism to the relevant authorities.Dame Margaret Hodge, the Labour MP, tweeted: “Using antisemitism to peddle the right’s ‘anti-woke agenda’ is below the belt. The oldest form of racism is not a tool to use in the divisive culture war nonsense.”Also taking to Twitter, journalist Hugo Ri ind said the attack on “woke” culture and antisemitism in the same sentence was “ba ing” and “grim”. He added: “Equating Jews with rightwing reactionary politics is what leftwing antisemites do. Am pretty colossally unkeen on Tories doing it, too.”
Continued from page 1 We must never forget the awfulness and remember the lessons and protect ourselves against anything like that happening again.”
A JCORE statement criticised the “silence” of major Jewish bodies on the issue and other remarks from both candidates. “Attempts to conflate so-called ‘woke culture’ with antisemitism are thoroughly disturbing. Seeking to draw this issue into broader culture wars at best cheapens serious e orts to tackle antisemitism, and at worst is dangerous Also aiming at Sunak, it added: “If both candidates for prime minister are serious about representing ‘Jewish values’, we would compel them to reconsider their approach towards refugees and asylum seekers. This would reflect the command to ‘welcome the stranger’, so frequently made in the Torah.”
Truss said she believed the UK’s security relationship with Israel needs to be deeper, adding: “We need to do more and I very much pushed that at the Foreign O ce. That is what the strategic partnership I signed with Yair Lapid was all about, and this is about following through. I see Israel as an absolutely key ally of the United Kingdom, in both defence and security but also science and technology.”
In further comments, Truss promised to retain the government’s £14m annual spending commitment to the Community Security Trust, for protection of Jewish schools and synagogues.She added: “It’s extremely sad that this funding is needed, that people are under threat, but I would certainly make sure we continue the funding and do all we can to stamp out antisemitism here in Britain. “You know, we know the history of the Labour Party and the appalling things that went on, particularly under Jeremy Corbyn, and regrettably, those elements are still there in British society, and we have seen these incidents taking place.”
Meanwhile, Liz Truss, in a similar meeting with CFI supporters last week, claimed she has succeeded in “changing the mindset” of o cials at the Foreign O ce over Israel and with dealings with the UN Human Rights Council. She said: “I think I’ve demonstrated at the Foreign O ce I am prepared to take on the orthodoxy .. that sometimes o cials are not always giving advice that is necessarily in line with what we believe.”
which represents civil itism to the relevant authorities.Dame Margaret broader cheapens serious e orts to tackle antisemitism, and at worst is dangerous andAlsodivisive.”aiming Sunak, both candidates for serious about Dame Margaret Hodge Liz Truss spoke of ‘woke culture’ in the civil service and antisemitism
Asked by CFI honorary president Lord Polak if she would proscribe Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps if she became PM, she said: “We cannot allow Iran to succeed in their nuclear ambitions and I’m willing to do what it takes to stop that happening.”

Abbas in Berlin: Israel guilty of ‘50 Holocausts’
Jacob Daniel Benzaquén, president of Spain’s network of Jewish communities, said civil authorities sometimes support these com memorations.Hetoldthe Guardian: “It’s very sad that these events continue to this day and are cel ebrated with such enthusiasm and a shame that the ecclesiastical authorities haven’t put an end to them, despite our requests.” N2 0BE Mahmoud Abbas and Olaf Scholz in Berlin Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitchko criticises Israel’s stance
Blood libel ‘perpetuatedmythinSpanishtowns’
The mayor of Ukrainian cap ital Kyiv and former heavy weight boxing champion Vitali Klitchko has claimed Israel is making a mistake by trying to maintain a neutral stance in the war with Russia. Klitchko, whose family on his grandmother’s side were Jewish, insists Israel has a moral obligation to impose sanctions on Russia because Vladimir Putin continues to “break all international rules”. In an interview with The Times of Israel, Klitchko said: “It’s the biggest mistake, right now, to take a neutral position if Israel promotes democratic values and sees Ukraine as a peaceful country. “It always was a peaceful country where peaceful people live. We never, ever were aggressive to anyone.” Israel has sought to main tain open channels with Russia and Ukraine since the invasion on 24 February. It has not joined sanctions against Moscow. Neither has it pro vided weapons to Ukraine’s military, though it has sent aid. But the former boxer said: ”Right now, what Russia did is break all international rules. “It can touch the interest of Israel also. And my message is: Stop the trade relationship with Russia because every cent, every dollar you send to Russia, it’s bloody money. “It’s the biggest mistake to see the war as something far away. Everyone has to be proactive. We are fighting and defending not just our homes and our homeland. We [are] actually defending values and defending Europe. Believe me. “I know the mentality and the Russians go as far as we allow [them] to go. And that’s why we’re fighting right now for everyone in Europe. ”
Ha’aretz reported that parishes in Toledo, Zaragoza and elsewhere still perpetuate the myth, with rituals supported by both the church and local authorities. Every September, villagers in Santo Niño de La Guardia in Toledo in central Spain commemorate the alleged abduction and murder of a Christian child by Jews, even though no child was ever reported missing. The child is venerated as a saint. In the basilica of Zaragoza, there is a small chapel dedicated to a child who was allegedly abducted and tortured by Jews, with a remem brance service held every year in October.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas sparked global outrage this week after accusing Israel of com mitting “50 Holocausts” during a visit to Germany - before appearing to backtrack.ThePalestinian leader made the remark at a press conference with the German chancellor Olaf Scholz after he was asked if he planned to apologise for the deaths of Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympics in Munich.ThePalestinian group Black September, which was linked to Abbas’s Fatah party at the time of the attack, took the eleven athletes and coaches hostage before killing them.Abbas expressed no regret for the attack responding in Arabic: “If we want to go over the past, go ahead”.Hethen said that Israel had committed 50 massacres in 50 Palestinian locations since 1947, adding: “50 massacres, 50 Holo causts.”Scholz was seen to grimace as the Palestinian leader used the word “Holocausts”. A later statement published by Wafa, the Palestinian news agency, said Abbas had “not intended to deny the singularity of the Holo caust” and the president reaf firmed it as the “most heinous crime in modern human history”. Israeli prime minister Yair Lapid said it was “not only a moral disgrace, but a monstrous lie” for Abbas to have made the remark while standing on German soil. Lapid continued: “Six million Jews were murdered in the Holo caust, including one and a half mil lion Jewish children. “History will never forgive him.” Deborah Lipstadt, the US anti semitism envoy, also criticised the Palestinian president, saying: “Holocaust distortion can have dangerous consequences and fuels antisemitism.”TheIsraeli website Ynet reported Abbas’s retraction came following “heavy pressure” from Defence Minister Benny Gantz, who has met the Palestinian leader several times over the past year. Scholz said Abbas’s remark was “unacceptable”.Earlier,theGerman chancellor had rejected Abbas’s use of the term “apartheid” to describe Isra el’s treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories. “We also have a different assess ment with regard to Israeli poli tics,” Scholz said during the press conference.“Iwant to say explicitly here that I do not adopt the word apartheid as my own and that I do not think that is the right way to describe the situation.”
Jewish News 3www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022
slur / Blood libel / Kyiv mayor / News
Spain’s Catholic Church is investigating claims in an Israeli newspaper that some towns and villages still commemorate the ‘blood libel’ that Jews used the blood of Christian children in religious rituals. The libel dates to the Middle Ages and was used to justify the expulsion or forced conver sion of Jews in the Spanish Inquisition of 1492.
Ukraine’s past history, in terms of pogroms, and collab oration with the Nazis, is not spoken about by the ex-fighter in the interview, preferring to mention its more accommo dating approach to Jewish citi zens in more recent decades. He claimed that if the international community had reacted more forcefully in 2014, this war could have been prevented. Klitchko added: “The reason of this senseless war is very clear. Our wish to be a part of the European Union. And Putin [doesn’t] want to give a chance to Ukraine to be part of [the] European family.”

Israel angry at UN worker’s relocation Israel reacted with anger after a UN aid worker was relocated from her Jerusalem-based post for using her Twitter account to condemn rocket fire from Gaza. Sarah Muscroft was removed after coming under criticism from some activists who suggested she was blaming Palestinians for the cross-border violence this month. She tweeted: “Relieved to see a ceasefire agreed... The safety of all civilians is paramount — the ceasefire must be upheld.”
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Brandon Lewis Brandon Lewis has accused the European Union of “trying to block the Jewish community of Northern Ireland from getting access to kosher products”. In an interview on Kay Bur ley’s Sky News show, the former Northern Ireland Secretary was asked about the Tory leadership contender’s comments about alleged antisemitism in the civil service.Lewis said: “Liz outlined that she came against challenges in the Foreign Office about having to deal with some of these issues. She broke through that.” He then added that within his own role he said: “Where I saw anything against the Jewish community it was coming from the EU who were trying to block the Jewish community of Northern Ireland from get ting access to kosher products. That’s what dealing with the Northern Ireland protocol was all about.”Paterson pressed Lewis saying “plenty” of politicians and “every” civil servant he had spoken to had disputed Truss’s claims of antisemitism. The Lib Dem Baroness Sarah Ludford criticised the remarks saying Lews “cannot substantiate Liz Truss charge of antisemitism so falls back on ever Brexiter’s reflex – falsely accuse the EU.”
www.jewishnews.co.uk4 Jewish News News / Reform policy / Kosher goods / UN worker / Homes with succahs 18 August 2022
Gateshead homes with succahs A development proposal for 20 affordable homes with a built-in sukkah has been unveiled for the strictly Orthodox community of Gateshead. The houses would be big enough to accommodate extended families. The public/private partnership project is being led by Agudas Israel Housing Association, which owns over 900 homes for struggling Orthodox Jewish families.
The country’s biggest Reform synagogue has adopted a policy allowing the child of a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother to be recognised as Jewish without having to go through conversion. Edgware and Hendon (EHRS) announced the generational change this week, making it the latest – and by far the biggest – progressive congregation to sign up to the ‘inherited status’ policy first intro duced by the Reform Movement seven years ago. Under the policy approved by Reform’s Beth Din, to have inherited status, children must have been raised as Jewish. Orthodox Jewish synagogues, as well as some Reform synagogues, maintain that to be considered Jewish without conversion, a child’s mother must be Jewish.Theshul’s decision could have a wide-ranging impact. About 20 percent of children at EHRS have one Jewish parent and “a high proportion” of EHRS children at Jewish day schools have a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother. Since its introduction, each Reform shul has been free to choose whether to incorporate it. Fol lowing a period of advocacy from Rabbi Mark Gold smith and Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers, however, the EHRS council has now approved it. The synagogue said it would give “a route to Jewish status which is not considered to be conver sion as that is not the emotional reality for those children” who have been brought up as Jewish. “It is truly a delight to help a young person claim their Jewish status where they have always lived as a Jew,” said Goldsmith. “To call it ‘conversion’ can be insulting to the commitment their parents and they have made to their Jewish upbringing. Inher ited status enables who they truly are to be recog nised and celebrated.” A Jewish upbringing is required for the policy

He is the boy from Golders Green whose reputation soared as a result of his masterful handling of a Jeremy Corbyn interview at Cambridge University’s debating society. But 14 months later, Joel Rosen, the newly installed president of the Union Jewish Students, (UJS) has set himself another target. He is determined to go on and become a leader who is able to represent student voices from every spectrum of communal life.
Asked for his aspirations for his time as UJS president, Rosen is clear in his response. “I want to advance diversity across our community,” he says. “I am a firm believer that JSocs should be a home for all Jews, be they Orthodox, Progressive, somewhere in between, or non-aligned. I am a big believer that we need to represent the full diversity of Jewish students, politically and religiously.”
802559No.RegCharity “Jewish Care meant everything to my Bertie.mum,That’s why I’m leaving them a gift in my Will”. Brian, Legacy Pledger quizzing Jeremy Corbyn ‘I’ll speak for all students’, vows Orthodox UJS chief Joel Rosen, who famously quizzed Jeremy Corbyn at Cambridge, says students will be free to express differences on Israel Bank. He intends to ensure “we o er Jewish students a space to express their disagreements on a whole range of topics including Israel”.Rosen o ers similar concerns over those in the community now viewing the campaigns such as those around trans rights as some kind of threat to the Jewish community. “It is a fiction to think that support for trans rights somehow threatens the Jewish community,” he adds. “Every year UJS conference has voted through motions of LGBT rights.” Rosen (centre) joined a panel on LGBT issues at Cambridge JSoc
Brian’s mum Bertie loved being around people. That’s why she used to say that volunteering for Jewish Care was the happiest time of her later Beforelife.Bertie passed away, she never got a chance to amend her Will so she could leave something to Jewish Care. Brian has since told us that he has included Jewish Care in his Will on her behalf; “I don’t want to leave it until it’s too late, like Mum. I’m doing this for her”. With a gift in your Will to Jewish Care, you can make sure that future generations of our community get the care they need, when they need it most.
“I feel like I am very hard to put in a box,” Rosen tells Jewish News, when asked why he believes he has been able succeed in student politics, having been elected to the UJS leadership role by a landslide in last December’s election. I think people saw me as someone they uniquely might not be able to categorise. “Someone who was very much born and bred in Golders Green in the Orthodox community, but who was a member of Labour, who was active in combating antisemitism, but also quite active in campaigns around LGBT rights in schools. “I wouldn’t fit into any neat box in terms of the community, which I think means I have lot in common with people from very different points. I hope that gives me an insight into di erent ways of thinking.”
Rosen, a former Menorah Primary School and Hasmonaean pupil, went on to City of London School’s sixth-form to complete his A-Levels. Before reading history at Cambridge, he spent a year in Israel, working mostly as a volunteer with Magon David Adom. “It exposed me to all areas of Israeli society, it was an incredibly informative experience,” says Rosen. I learnt how to cope with very stressful situations. I performed CPR on a 27-year-old who didn’t make it, which was very di cult to deal with emotionally.”Rosen made national newspaper headlines in June 2021, with his sit-down interview with Corbyn, in which he the former Labour leader denied point-blank any suggestion that Luciana Berger was “hounded out” of the party. He was contacted afterwards by several MPs who commended him for “venting the feelings” that so many felt during the Cambridge Union showdown. He says his campaign for the UJS role was “not a party-political partisan” one, and he “got to know people from di erent political backgrounds who I respect tremendously and get on Onewith”.ofRosen’s first actions on taking up the role, was to oversee the submissions sent to an independent QC ahead of her investigation into allegations of antisemitism that have dogged the National Union of Students (NUS) over a lengthy period. The UJS have, says Rosen, been “very robust and proactive in responding to the issues of antisemitism.” He adds: “I think it is very clear that successive generations of Jewish students have been failed by NUS, and our response will be guided by Jewish students.”
Jewish News18 August 2022 Student leader / News
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Another of Rosen’s first acts at UJS was to tweet a response, to Tory leadership favourite Liz Truss’s statement to the Jewish community, which included controversial comments about the “woke” civil service. He wrote: “Jewish students have found her remarks to be ill-judged and o ensive. We hope she reflects on her words, withdraws these remarks and reaches out to our community.” He is equally forthright on the debate currently going on, particularly among younger sections of the UK Jewish community, related to Israel and settlement policy in the West

Tributes have been paid to an Israeli woman scientist, Noga Sella, and her retired mathematician father, Yoram Hirshfeld, who were killed last week when a car struck a crowd of pedestrians at a bus stop in Ramsgate. Mrs Sella’s husband, Omer, and the couple’s eight-year-old son su ered minor injuries in the crash, while their six-yearold daughter received more severe injuries and is being treated in a London hospital. Reports suggest that the family were on holiday in Ramsgate and had taken Mr Hirshfeld, 78, visiting them from Rosh Pina, in northern Israel, on their trip. Nitesh Bissandary, 30, who also received hospital treatment, has been charged with two counts of causing death by dangerous driving. Noga Sella, 40, was a physicist who worked at the Cambridge Design Partnership (CDP), a post she had held since June 2021. The family came to Cambridge from Israel in 2018 and settled in the village of Milton. Mrs Sella, despite being dyslexic, had achieved a BSc in physics from Tel Aviv University and an MSc in high-energy astrophysics from the Hebrew University. Her mathematician husband, Omer is studying for a PhD in computing at Cambridge University. Uri Baruch, a colleague of Mrs Sella’s at CDP, and who headhunted her to work with the company, told Jewish News that she had been “very creative, highly intelligent. Perhaps because of her dyslexia she looked at things in di erent ways. She was fun to be around, fun to work with, always smiling, enthusiastic and energetic. We don’t solve easy problems, we solve the hard problems, and Noga was in the thick of it, always working with a passion. It was a joy to work with her.”
TAU Trust chief executive Cara Case said: “Professor Yoram Hirshfeld had been a well respected member of the TAU faculty. We send our sincerest condolences to the family”. A page from a bible crafted 800 years ago by the monks of Glastonbury Abbey telling the history of Israel and Judah is on public display at its former home for the first time. The double-sided sheet is made from vellum, and is taken from the beginning of the Book of Chronicles in the OldTheTestament.first word, Adam, is marked by an ornate “A” filled with a serpent entwined with foliage. The Latin text is thought to have been written around the 13th century.
Local Girl Guides leaders also praised her on social media, for her work with Guides and Rangers.Both Mrs Sella and her father were widely admired. One of Yoram Hirshfeld’s former students at Tel Aviv University (TAU), Amnon Eden, told the Press Association: “His teaching was legendary. He knew how to explain complex maths at the highest order in a way that even I, not a mathematician, and dyslexic to boot, could understand.”
Glastonbury Abbey was famous for its library, but many works were lost when Henry VIII ordered its dissolution in 1539. Abbot Richard Whiting and two senior monks were executed on Glastonbury Tor on allegations of treason. The Glastonbury Bible disappeared, but turned up at Sotheby’s auction house in London in the 1980s, where it was bought by a manuscript dealer from Ohio who dismantled it with this particular page being bought by the University of Bristol in 2020 at auction.
Noga Sella
Tributes to Israeli pair killed in road accident
Richard Leyland, CDP’s chief marketing o cer, said that the company was now considering an appropriate way to mark Noga Sella’s memory. Mrs Sella was also active in the local Cambridgeshire society, becoming an active Girl Guide leader and a keen member of a cycling club. Gabriel Bienzobas, the leader of Milton Cycling Campaign and Camcycle trustee, said: “Noga was funny and full of energy, she also always wanted to help, she cycled everywhere in Cambridge, and we had a few conversations about many topics in the short time I knew her. There is no fairness in life.”
Jewish News6 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022 News / Kent tragedy / Rare display
Part of the manuscript at Glastonbury Abbey

Jewish News 7www.jewishnews.co.uk London derby / Special Report 18 August 2022
Chelsea supporters were reminded that the club o cially adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism in January 2020, “becoming the first sports team in the world to do so”. The chants during Sunday’s game continued to provide the same narrative as outside the ground. When Harry Kane headed home an equaliser deep into injury time in the second half, an Israeli flag was held aloft in the Spurs end. Plenty of chants about “hating Tottenham” from the Chelsea lot, but few if any of the old outright antisemitism that had become a feature of a minority of the club’s following. I explained to Chelsea fan Anthony the dilemma of being a Spurs fan, caught up in the rivalry with Chelsea since I was a boy but admiring the success of the club’s work around combating antisemitism, much of it the result of previous Russian owner Roman Abramovich. Anthony, who admits he would once have not shirked about jokingly singing some of the songs that have now largely stopped, told me: “There’s been a lot of hard work. The work around antisemitism has also made me think about singing racist songs in general. Rivalries with teams like Spurs and whoever can be just as intense, but without the racist rubbish that used to go with it.”
Chelsea were taken over from Abramovich in May by a consortium led by Todd Boehly and Clearlake Capital. The new group includes the involvement of property developer and former chair of the Jewish Leadership Council Jonathan Goldstein, now a director of the club along with Times journalist and Jewish commentator Daniel Finkelstein. Goldstein is sure to encourage Chelsea to continue with the antisemitism campaign, having previously been one of those pushing Spurs to be more active in clamping down on the Y-word. Spurs issued a statement on their website in February telling fans the club now believed it was “time to move on” from using the Y-word, but the campaign in north London does not appear to have had the same impact as at Chelsea. An annual poll conducted by the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust, published this month, showed that half of Spurs fans who identified themselves as being Jewish disagree with attempts by the club to stop supporters using the word Y*d, while nearly a third of Jewish supporters said they “always” use the ‘Y’ word at the club’s stadium. The previous weekend, at the first Spurs home game of the season, strains of Y*d Army could be heard as fans joined the upward escalator at Seven Sisters tube station. A small group of men, perhaps in their mid-40s, led the chant, but were quickly joined by several young boys, one who looked no older than 12. As a Jewish Spurs fan for nearly five decades, the Y-word debate at the club often played on my mind. At certain times, I’d agreed with those who argued the word was being reclaimed from the National Front and British Movement fascists I’d seen outside grounds in my youth, selling newspapers urging the white population of the UK to “get rid of the Blacks and the Yids”. But more recently, the use of the Y-word by Spurs fans had become increasingly problematic. Most of those using the chant were not themselves Jewish, so how could they be reclaiming the word? And some, but not all, of the Jewish fans who argued in favour of using the Y-word, well, they were also the same fans who were not adverse to using racist slurs of a di erent nature against rival fans – hardly a progressive advert for continuing with Y-word chants. And yet despite all of the negative connotations of the Y-word, I still could not bring myself to truly hate most of those Spurs fans chanting, not in the way I would despise someone using racial slurs against another ethnic minority. Walking down Seven Sisters Road with me ahead of that first game of the season was Pavel Brunssen, a German born PhD student and an MA from the Centre for Research on Antisemitism at the Technische Universität in Berlin. The Y-word chants are both “highly problematic and highly contested”, Brunssen said, but at the same time “you can also tell they are part of the club culture. My sense is Tottenham fans are happy to be part of the debate, and they want to be vocal on it, but they want to see fans of other clubs being educated on the debate.” of the Bridge’ shows Y-word debate far from
The rivalries were intense as ever as Spurs travelled to Stamford Bridge for Sunday’s west London derby. A bust-up between the two managers – Thomas Tuchel and Antonio Conte – made media headlines after a fiery 2-2 draw. But there was another untold story that unfolded before and throughout the match, involving the fans. Put simply, many of the 3,000 Spurs supporters at the game engaged in songs and chants that made reference to the word “Y*ds”. At the same time, it was clear the sort of antisemitic abuse once spat out by some Chelsea fans whenever they played their north London rivals had, to my own ears, stopped. Before kick-o , a group of Spurs fans with a large police escort as they walked to the ground, could be heard launching into a united chant of “Y*ds!, Y*ds!, Y*ds!” as they approached two pubs containing Chelsea supporters. Police o cers, some on horses, prevented clashes that would have been inevitable otherwise. But where, only a few years ago, a minority of Chelsea fans would have taunted their rivals with songs about Auschwitz or perhaps gas noises it wasn’t there this time. A message in the match programme acknowledged this, praising Chelsea fans for “much improvement in recent seasons.” But it was accepted that still “a small minority of Chelsea supporters have in the past tarnished this derby by using antisemitic chanting, noises and gestures, including the Y-word, o ering the justification of opposition fans using those terms as a form of identity”. In reference to continued use of the Y-word by Spurs fans, the message added: “Our stance on this remains clear – there is no place for such behaviour at Chelsea Football Club, regardless of its use by fans of other clubs or its inclusion in the Oxford English Dictionary. Indeed, the dictionary’s own definition describes the Y-word as ‘derogatory and o ensive’.”
over Register now for our ground-breaking Israel360Jordan trek, and raise money for MDA UK’s vital services. mdauk.org/trek | info@mdauk.org | 020 8201 5900 Register here YOUR CHALLENGE IS TO SAVE MORE LIVES Registered Charity No. 1113409 ISRAEL360 J ORDAN 6TH – 13TH NOVEMBER 2022 by Lee Harpin lee@jewishnews.co.uk @lmharpin Chelsea drew 2-2 with Spurs at a packed Stamford Bridge – but another story was unfolding
Jonathan Goldstein, a club director

Ready for the off at last summer’s inaugural interfaith fun run Dr Stephen Smith at his mother’s funeral For more information: 020 8202
Anne Frank’s stepsister Eva Schloss and actress Dame Maureen Lipman have spoken lovingly at the funeral this week of Marina Smith, cofounder of the National Holocaust Memorial Centre. A Christian, she donated the land for the centre and museum following visits to Israel with her sons Stephen and James. James, whose brother recently stepped down as director of the Steven Spielberg-backed USC Shoah Foundation Institute, said: “We needed a place to build a Holocaust centre and mother had already planned a new building for the site of a meeting hall. She leapt at the chance to donate the site.” He added: “The a nity she felt for the survivors of the Holocaust was clear from the way she embraced their stories, treated them as people, not as artefacts of history.” Marina spoke at her own funeral in a video played to mourners recorded earlier this year when Stephen asked her what she would want said. Her reply: “I’m so pleased that I met so many good people.”
Interfaith run boosts good causes
on Faith chair David Dangoor, who initiated the project, said: “The Fun Run is an opportunity for Londoners of whatever ethnic group or faith, to come together and send a message of unity and friendship. It clearly shows the enormous amount of good our diverse communities and cultures can do when we all work together.”
With investing, your capital is at risk Raymond James Investment Services Ltd is a member of the London Stock Exchange and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales number 3669657. Registered office: Ropemaker Place, 25 Ropemaker St, London EC2Y 9LY. Are your savings keeping up with the soaring levels of inflation? • With the current rate ofinflation at a staggering 10.1%(August 22 CPI Data), savers face theirgreatest threat since 1982. • Atthisrate, £100,000 left in a non interest earning bankaccount will havethepurchasing power of less than £62,000 in only 5 years time. • TheBank of England predicts inflation will continue to growthis year, potentially reaching over 13%. We can provide you with a managed,tax efficient investment portfolio thatcan combine growth potential withincome to help protect your savings fromthe impacts ofinflation. Source: Raymond James, Golders Green £100,000 £90,827 £82,495 £74,927 £68,054 £61,811£120,000£100,000£80,000£60,000£40,000£20,000£0 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 The purchasing power of £100,000 in 5 years time with inflation at 10.1% Source: BOE, 2022
Jewish News is joined this year as a media partner for the event by Church Times, Eastern Eye/Asian Media Group, the Sikh Channel and Voice of Islam Radio. The inaugural event last summer saw over 500 attendees, 250 runners and thousands of pounds generated for 35 charities.
Rossano and Hyman land Limmud roles Limmud has named a senior leader at Moishe House as its new executive director alongside its first director of innovation. Adam Rossano and Joe Hyman will start their roles this autumn ahead of the organisation’s first in-person winter conference for threeRossanoyears. is currently associate vice-president for global development of Moishe House, having risen through the ranks. He is also set to take up a place on the prestigious Schusterman Fellowship for exceptional Jewish leaders. Hyman will leave his role at JW3 to become Limmud’s first director of innovation and engagement. He will support new programming approaches and work to extend Limmud’s outreach to marginalised groups and to regions outside London. He is chair of Ohel Mo’ed Community and founder of Davar – The Jewish Art, and is well known for his passionate activism on LGBTQ+ inclusion in the community. He said: “My own Jewish identity and volunteering has been profoundly formed by the opportunities afforded by Limmud.”
FINAL FAREWELL TO MARINA SMITH Hundreds of people from a range of faith communities are set to take part in the second interfaith run following an initiative by a leading Jewish philanthropist.Participants will take on a 10k, 5k or 1k course at the StoneX Stadium in Barnet while raising thousands of pounds for 50 good causes from local and national charities to faith groups.
Jewish News8 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022 News / Charity run / Marina Smith / Limmud appointments
The event is organised by the Faith & Belief Forum and Maccabi GB, whose annual Jewish community fun run inspired it and supported by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London’s Council on Faith.
The gathering will also feature performances from a diverse range of faith and belief groups, activities for families and young people, food stalls and a picnicCouncilarea.

Souraka Djabouri report that Jeremy Corbyn which Jones commented on an earlier 2009 Jones wrote: “Sound life advice is, if you “GoodMurrayadvice.”subsequently “Rachel Riley tweets that Corbyn is as dangerous as she is stupid. her tweet after it was widely
Souraka Djabouri, 19, admitted hitting Rabbi Rafi Goodwin over the head with a brick, in an assault after the rabbi stopped suddenly while driving, in order to avoid hitting a pedestrian who had walked out into the road from behind a parked van.
A challenge by lawyers representing former Labour sta er Laura Murray against a judgement that she libelled Countdown host Rachel Riley (pictured, inset) has been dismissed by the Court of Appeal, writes Lee Harpin. A verdict confirmed three judges had upheld the original ruling and rejected Murray’s appeal on the grounds of public interest, as well as truth and honest opinion. Last December Riley had been awarded £10,000 in damages by a High Court judge after suing Corbyn’s former stakeholder manager for libel. A judge had granted Murray permission to appeal against the decision in May. But in a blow to the daughter of Andrew Murray, Corbyn’s one-time key adviser, the appeal judges concluded it was “not substantially true to report only one possible meaning” of a tweet in which Riley had written the words “Good Advice.” Three judges found Murray’s Tweet “misrepresented” Riley’s post as an “unequivocal public statement that Jeremy Corbyn deserved to be violently attacked, when in truth was ambiguous.” Sources told Jewish News that costs, after Murray’s appeal was dismissed, could exceed £1m. Riley tweeted: “Big thanks to my legal team William, Godwin and Mark Lewis. Happy to draw a line under this now.” Lewis, of Patron Law, told Jewish News: “It was a shame Rachel had to win this way. I’m sure all parties are exhausted and realise sometimes it’s cheaper and much better to settle.” Riley had sued Murray over a tweet she posted in 2019, shortly after Corbyn had been egged during a visit to a north London mosque. In her tweet, Murray referred to another tweet of Riley’s containing a screenshot of a post from Guardian columnist Owen Jones, in which Jones commented on an earlier 2009 egging of former BNP leader Nick Gri n. Jones wrote: “Sound life advice is, if you don’t want eggs thrown at you, don’t be a Nazi.” In response Riley tweeted: “GoodMurrayadvice.”subsequently tweeted: “Rachel Riley tweets that Corbyn deserves to be violently attacked because he is a Nazi. This woman is as dangerous as she is stupid. Nobody should engage with her. Ever.” Murray deleted her tweet after it was widely condemned on social media.
Djabouri, of Tudor Crescent, Ilford, first verbally abused the rabbi, invoking the fact that he was Jewish. Rabbi Goodwin drove o , but when he stopped at a junction, he found that Djabouri had followed him and had begun kicking at his car, damaging the wing mirror and the door. The rabbi got out of the car to take pictures of Djabouri and another man who he believed were responsible for the damage. But he was assaulted with a brick and his phone was stolen. He needed urgent medical care as the assault necessitated stitches and resulted in serious swelling to his face and eye. Djabouri and another man, 26-year-old Abderrahman Brahimi, were arrested by Essex Police, who treated the case as a hate crime. But prosecutors o ered no evidence against Brahimi and all charges were dropped. Djabouri pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm, theft and criminal damage on 6 July. The United Synagogue’s chief executive Steven Wilson said: “We know this has been an exceptionally hard time for Rabbi Rafi and hope today will bring some measure of closure. He has been so well supported by the synagogue and the community more widely.”
SENTENCE FOR RABBI ATTACK Ex-Corbyn aide loses Riley libel challenge West Bank stays probed Libel challenge / Rabbi attack / West Bank / News Travelink - Job Vacancies Two exciting opportunities to join a leading travel company based in Hendon 1 . Experienced Bookkeeper/Accounts manager – Full time (min 4 days p/w) Overall responsibility for the
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Jewish News 9www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022
A teenager who viciously attacked a Chigwell rabbi in May last year has been sentenced by Chelmsford Crown Court to 43 months in a youth o enders’ institution, after pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm without intent, theft and aggravated criminal damage.
The United Jewish Israel Appeal,(UJIA), has confirmed it is investigating how participants on a Birthright tour and Federation of Zionist Youth (FZY) trip were booked into overnight accommodation in a West Bank settlement. Jewish News revealed how two participants in a Birthright tour quit last month after being told they were expected to stay for three nights at a settlement without prior knowledge.It has now emerged other teenagers on a FZY trip also objected after being put up for several nights last month in Almog, a West Bank settlement near the Dead Sea. A letter circulated expressing anger at the arrangements was signed by dozens of youth movement leaders, who said the decision to put groups in settlements “not only upends our nuanced education about Israel and the conflict but forces us to be complicit in a system we fundamentally disagree with.” In a statement sent to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, a UJIA spokesman said: “We understand that this is a sensitive and divisive issue and are taking it very seriously.” daily running of the accounts department. Credit control, bank reconciliations, payments, VAT returns, etc 2 . Financial Controller – Part Time (5-6 days per month – flexible) Review and streamline the accounts processes and systems, preparing y/e accounts incl provision of agreed trial balance and schedules,monthly management accounts etc Competitive salary package offered depending on experience and Emailexpertise.forfulljob description and further details – incl your CV.
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After 80 years, a survivor recites Kaddish for his family at Treblinka
ike as a young man Ike Alterman at the memorial stone for Ostrowiec at Treblinka
Ike with (L-R) his daughter Fione Weiner, partner Diane Stoller and granddaughter Danielle Weiner
I pray that this encounter filled him with confidence that his story, and those of other Survivors like him, will be preserved and that the next generation will become the guardians of the truth.
Raphi Bloom joins Ike Alterman as he travels to the death camp where his mother, sister and brother were murdered by the Nazis
Jewish News10 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022 Special Report / Shoah journey Itzick, known as ‘Ike’, Alterman was born in his mother’s hometown of Ozarow and later went to live in Ostrowiec where his father was born and raised and much of the family still were. Ike is 94, a survivor of four death camps – Blizyn, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald and Theresienstadt – as well as a death march. His father died in the Bhuna work camp; his mother Chawa, 14-year-old sister Faiga and nine-year-old brother Pyniek were transported to Treblinka in October 1942 and murdered by the Nazis on Treblinkaarrival. was one of three killing centres linked to Operation Reinhard, the SS plan to annihilate almost two million Jews living in the German-administered territory of occupiedIkePoland.isaclose family friend. I have spent hours talking to him about his life in Poland before the war and his horrific experiences under the Nazis. I am in awe of his resilience in surviving the Holocaust and in rebuilding his life in Manchester from nothing following hisIliberation.amstruck by the raw emotion each time he recounts the selection in the square, when he last saw his mother, sister, and brother. There has never been closure for him, he said, but would hopefully come by going to Treblinka and reciting Kaddish for his family. I was privileged to arrange for him to do exactly that on 4 August when along with his family, my wife and another close friend, I accompanied Ike to Poland. We were accompanied on the day by Caroline Sturdy Colls, Professor of Conflict Archaeology and Genocide Investigation at Sta ordshire University, specialising in Holocaust Studies, who completed the first archaeological surveys of Treblinka. A permanent exhibition called ‘Findng Treblinka’ based on her research was installed there at the Museum of Struggle and Martyrdom in August 2015. We arrived and walked along what used to be the camp access road beside the railway tracks which brought thousands of Jews to their deaths every day. I tried to imagine the site in full operation but Itzick did not need to imagine. While he had not been in Treblinka, he remembered Birkenau only too well – the sights, sounds and smells of a death camp. Walking down the road, he broke into the anguished song of Jewish prisoners who would sing in Yiddish about the fathers, mothers and children who never left Treblinka once they arrived there. The fate of his own mother, sister and brother was clearly on his mind and he was visibly in pain. As we made our way along the train tracks and platform inside Treblinka, Colls described the depravity and brutality of the camp, about the zoo the SS guards built for their enjoyment; the choice of wallpaper the camp commandant demanded for his quarters and the dozens of fragments of champagne bottles she had excavated from the site of the SS barracks. Ike recalled seeing the Nazis burying Jews in mass graves in Birkenau before covering their bodies in lime. The unspeakable horrors he had witnessed and which he testified to that day shocked us. To stand on the site of a Nazi death camp and hear the testimony of one who had seen the atrocities with his own eyes left us reeling in shock. Ike is a living, breathing giant of Jewish history. At the field of memorial stones – over 17,000, each representing a village, town or city from where Jews were sent to their deaths – we came to one inscribed “Ostrowiec”, from where Ike’s mother, sister and brother were taken to Treblinka and murdered where we stood. He was overwhelmed with emotion, reciting a loud, heart-rending Kaddish as tears streamed down his cheeks. Across the camp where the gas chambers and mass graves were located and the ashes of the dead had been buried, we came to the memorial stone for Ozarow, Ike’s mother’s hometown and the place where he had been happiest as a child. Here he listed the names in Hebrew of his zeidi (grandfather) aunts, uncles, cousins, and extended family and recited Kaddish once again. I asked him if being on the very ground where his family’s remains are located made him feel closer to them. His answer was a resounding yes. The most exceptional moment of all, however, came at the car park as a bus filled with Israeli and American Jewish teenagers pulled up. We introduced ourselves and asked if Ike could say one final Kaddish for his family with a minyan, following the belief that a prayer said with a minyan has far greater power. Our two parties stood as one and Ike recited the ancient Jewish memorial prayer for his family one further time – on this occasion with a group of young Jews. I hope he knows the Jewish teenagers he spoke to will never forget the Survivor they met on their visit to Treblinka, nor why he too had made the journey that day.
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One of Britain’s largest trade unions has launched a Jewish faith workers branch aimed at improving employment conditions for rabbis, rebbetzins and other religious-sector employees in the community. At an often emotional inaugural launch event at the GMB union’s London region headquarters in Hendon, about 15 rabbis – from the United Synagogue, Masorti, Reform and Liberal movements – attended, in person and online.
WIZOuk Registered address: Charles House, 108-110 Finchley Road, London, NW3 5JJ. Registered charity number: 1125012. Registered company number: 6634748. Ad 165x260mm_FA _JN.indd
Garelick said he been born in Brick Lane, in the East End, and was the son of a cabinet maker. He spoke of the “need to assist everyone along the way” as being “part of what the Torah teaches”. moment’: GMB trade union launches Jewish workers branch by Lee Harpin
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The impact of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party led to further tensions, with rabbis resigning from the Unite union in protest at former general secretary Len McCluskey’s comments around antisemitism. The initiative was founded by Muswell Hill Synagogue’s Rabbi David Mason and Rabbi Richard Jacobi, of East London and Essex Liberal Synagogue, in collaboration with the Jewish Labour Movement. In a sign of how much the branch launch meant to the GMB’s leadership, its general secretary Gary Smith, London regional secretary Warren Kenny and regional organiser Steve Garelick –who is himself Jewish – all spoke at the meeting. Rabbi Mason said at the launch: “It’s a big moment for the GMB, it’s a big moment for the Jewish community, and for relationships with the Labour movement. This is incredible from all perspectives.”Headded:“Iwould like to thank the GMB for building this new branch. There is a long history of the Jewish community being part of the trade union story. This branch will allow that story to continue and give rabbinic sta across the community an important voice on their workplace conditions. It has been a pleasure to have been part of bringing this to fruition.” Mason noted that a rabbi’s house is often owned by the shul and so a rabbi may feel tied to the employer even if the relationship is poor. Due to their role, rabbis can be vulnerable to misconduct allegations and given a heavy workload. Rabbi Jacobi highlighted how the current cost of living crisis was impacting all communities, including the Jewish one. “We know we have a heck of a lot to do together to make life a ordable again,” he said.
“That is going to be a challenge for us as Jewish faith workers, and we can’t do it alone, because we are a small community. We need to do it in tandem, in partnership with other people.”
‘A big
Presents A tribute to the memory of Renée Dangoor and Sir Naim Dangoor CBE who were dedicated to changing lives and building futures.
1 15/08/2022 11:28
Rabbi Mason addressing the launch event in front of a 1936 banner in Yiddish and English
The speeches were delivered in front of a banner of the London Trouser Makers’ Union from 1936, written in both Yiddish and English, which had been preserved in a glass cabinet at GMB’s regional o ce. Gary Smith said: “Today marks a remarkable day and a new chapter in both GMB’s and the wider labour movement’s history.”
Jewish News 11www.jewishnews.co.uk Rabbis’ union / News 18 August 2022
Tuesday’s launch event also held added significance as an attempt to restore relations between the community and the trade union movement, which had broken down in most cases in more recent decades.

Bruce Gurfein celebrates in Saudi Arabia
Jewish News12 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022 World News /
Five Americans were among eight Jewish worshippers shot and wounded by a 26-year-old Palestinian gunman on a packed bus near the Western Wall early on Sunday. Two of the victims, including a pregnant woman and a man who su ered head and neck wounds, were said to be in serious condition in hospital on Sunday evening. Hamas praised the attack. The woman’s baby was delivered by emergency caesarean section after she su ered abdominal wounds.TheAmerican victims included an Orthodox family from Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Local reports said they had arrived in Israel on Wednesday. Yeshiva World News reported that the father of the Williamsburg family was badly injured. The incident took place as the bus waited in a car park near David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, just outside the Old City walls. The attacker opened fire on the vehicle then fled, heading for the district of Silwan. Within hours, after a large manhunt involving helicopters and police road closures, he handed himself in. The bus driver, Daniel Kanievsky, told journalists that “everyone panicked” when the shooting started. Emergency service Magen David Adom said all victims were “fully conscious” and that most of the victims had been men.
Eight wounded in shooting near Kotel
Prime Minister Yair Lapid said the attacker was from East Jerusalem, had been acting alone, and was known to security services. “Jerusalem is our capital city and a tourist centre for all religions,” he said. “There is one conclusion from this event, as from previous events: whoever harms the citizens of Israel will have nowhere to run. We will hunt them down.”
The bus was attacked near David’s Tomb HatzalahUnitedPhoto:
Terror attack / Innovation mission
Last week, Israeli jets attacked sites in the Gaza Strip over three days, targeting Iran-backed terror group Islamic Jihad, before an Egyptian-brokered peace deal took e ect. The raids killed 49 Palestinians, including 17 children, with 275 wounded. An entrepreneur has been documenting a 9,000km trip taking him from the United Arab Emirates to Israel by land to meet aspiring entrepreneurs in what he called a “dream come true”. Bruce Gurfein, who is Jewish, will spend three weeks driving through Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan and Palestine on a journey that would have been almost impossible a few years ago. But a major obstacle was eliminated when Israel and the UAE normalised their relations as part of the Abraham Accords, meaning it is easier for a car with Emirati number plates to enter Israel. Gurfein is planning to launch a platform to help businesses in the countries of the region cooperate with each other, particularly on food and desert technologies. He told his followers on Twitter that he was “fulfilling a long-time dream, a long-time journey, a journey to combine and unite innovative technologies, ideas and platforms that will really bring the nations together”. Despite the Accords being in force, the trip is not a straightforward one because Gurfein has had to arrange permits and insurance for each individual country. He told The National, a newspaper based in the United Arab Emirates, that the formalities were costing him 20,000 dirhams (£4,500).

Jewish News 13www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022

Jewish News14 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022 020 8446 www.jdeaf.org.uk0502 Registered Charity No. 1105845 Company Limited by Guarantee 4983830 Don’t get impatient when I can’t hear you Stand in front of me so I can see your face and have a nice chat Top tips for chatting to someone with hearing loss

Israel scientists racing to create cancer
Israeli scientists are developing an oral immunotherapy for cancer and expect it to be the first such drug available for use. While some allergies can be treated with oral immunotherapy, cancers cannot. Instead, treatment is most commonly given intravenously. This means cancer patients need to visit hospital to get immunotherapy. The main barrier to oral doses, which could be taken at home, is that the antibodies which form immunotherapy drugs don’t survive in the gut. Researchers at Tel Aviv University, together with colleagues at the University of Lisbon, have developed a synthetic molecule they say does the job of antibody-based immunotherapies. Theirs is one of several attempts under way at providing oral cancer immunotherapy.TheIsraeli-Portuguese team published a peer-reviewed study on their breakthrough in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer The article revealed that the team successfully tested their molecule in vitro as well as on a human tumour in a special lab model. A potential drug is years away, however, as further development is needed followed by human testing, but one of the researchers, Prof Ronit Sacthi-Fainaro, head of Tel Aviv University’s Center for Cancer Biology Research, told The Times of Israel that the theoretical research is significant. “This is important, as the new molecules have many advantages. They can be given orally, are cheaper to produce than antibodies, and penetrate more areas of the tumour than antibodies can reach,” she said. Immunologists who aren’t involved in the research say it is promising. “This is an exciting study by pioneering groups, in line with some others, showing the promises of oral immunotherapy against cancer,” said Prof Cyrille Cohen, head of the immunology lab at Bar Ilan University. “I look forward to seeing its implementation in clinical trials that will compare the e cacy in cancer patients of these new drugs to current antibodies. If successful, I have no doubt that it will fast forward another revolution in cancer care.” Immunotherapy works by telling the immune system what doctors want it to do in order to fight cancer. All too often, proteins in the body instruct immune cells — called T-cells — not to attack Immunotherapycancer.is the delivery of drugs designed to reprogramme the immune system. One popular immunotherapy stops two particular proteins — PD-1 and PD-L1 — from suppressing the immune system. The molecules created by SatchiFainaro and colleagues do the same, encountering the proteins which would ordinarily suppress an anticancer immune response and reprogramming them so that the desired immune response takes place. Her team released a computer generated image of the molecules encountering the proteins in Satchi-Fainaroquestion.believes that synthetic molecules could make immunotherapy more accessible. Synthetic molecules, once in large-scale production, will be cheaper to make than antibody-based ones and could make immunotherapy available at “a fraction of the cost”, she said. treatments in form
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Jewish News 15www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022 Medical research / Special Report

THIS WEEKEND'S SHABBAT TIMES... Shabbat comes in Friday night 8.01pm Shabbat goes out Saturday night 9.04pm Sedra: Eikev Support your Jewish community. Support your Jewish News
New thinking on Jerusalem
THE FOUNDATIONJACOB Jewish News is owned by The Jacob Foundation, a registered UK charity promoting cohesion and common ground across the UK Jewish community and between British Jews and wider society. Jewish News promotes these aims by delivering dependable and balanced news reporting and analysis and celebrating the achievements of its vibrant and varied readership. Through the Jacob Foundation, Jewish News acts as a reliable and independent advocate for British Jews and a crucial communication vehicle for other communal charities.
I was delighted to read there is to be a film about Sir Nicholas Winton. The episode of That’s Life! where he came face-to-face with dozens of children he rescued was iconic. Miriam Goldstein, By email
Jewish News16 www.jewishnews.co.uk LETTERS TO THE EDITORVOICE OF THE JEWISH NEWS 18 August 2022 Send us your comments PO Box 815, Edgware, HA8 4SX | letters@jewishnews.co.uk Editorial comment and letters ISSUENO. 1276 Every nation has the right to choose the location of its own capital city, and Israel is no exception. The problem is that the Palestinians want the same capital. Such is the vexed issue of Jerusalem’s final status. It is a city living in a strange form of a limbo. For day-to-day purposes it oper ates as if part of Israel, but most countries around the world do not officially accept that position. Under international law, Jerusalem’s status remains unresolved pending a comprehensive deal between Israelis and Palestinians. Given that has not happened for so long, it is welcome that the two contenders for our next prime minister have promised to look at things Recognisingdifferently.Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, which Britain currently does not do, or committing to relocate the British Embassy to that city would be momentous steps forward. Much of British Jewry would be delighted. Yet these are only ideals. Both Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss will struggle to turn them into policy proposals. Britain after all favours a two-state solution — as do many Jews who live in this country — and a move that appears to favour Israelis over Palestinians will do little to advance that cause. This does not mean the candidates’ views are without merit. This decades-old conflict desperately needs new thinking to shake both sides out of their entrenched positions. But Jewish members of the Conservative Party should reconcile themselves to the fact that Britain’s embassy will likely retain its Tel Aviv shorefront location for some time to come.
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Tour leaders unfit to lead EMBASSY MOVE
ANTI-JEWISH RACISM MADNESS SPREADS: Pages 22 23 Hospital probes ‘cutthroat gesture’ to Jewish patientDriver with Israeli flag attacked in Golders GreenCrucifixion banner at huge pro-Palestinian demoBBC journalist’s #Hitlerwasright tweet revealedNearly 300 antisemitic incidents in under 3 weeks ONLINE ORTUK.ORG/BOOKSAlternatively, ‘It’s okay not to be okay’DRIVE Journey’s endcancels Page FREE COMMUNITY century!Freddie’ssurvivor’s Landmark reviewracism in the Jewishcommunity calls Timefor: to endthe divide to racial lingat communal eventsSynagogues create‘welcoming committees’Word ‘Shvartzer’ to beunderstood as slurSephardi, Mizrahi and Yemenitesongs in Ashkenazi synagoguesSchools increase oncolonialism and black history...and Facebook group JewishBritain named and shamedREPORT ANALYSIS PAGES shamed Magazine News LIFE DRESSING HAART:Inside Julia’s unorthodox wardrobe Pink Rabbit turns New BeginningsYIZKOR Livingwithloss
SIR NICKY FILM If, as now seems inevitable, Liz Truss is to be our new prime minister, it will be fascinating to see if she is true to her word and “reviews” moving the British embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. You quote her as saying after “many” conversations with her “good friend” Yair Lapid on the issue she would “review a move to ensure we are operating on the strongest footing with Israel.” What a huge impact such a move would have.
Britain’s Zionist Jews Facebook group, run by former leaders of Betar UK
We are members of the Britain’s Zionist Jews Facebook group, appalled by the wording in the letter sent by Israel tour leaders oppos ing overnight stays in Judea and Samaria. These leaders do not speak for us or our children, many of whom were on tours with these groups. Many of these organisations took us on tour in our youth. Attempting to brainwash our children with left-wing propa ganda is not acceptable on an Israel tour. The homes and areas of Judea Samaria including Hebron and other cities are some of the most important holy places in Jewish his tory. The area is, without doubt, Jewish land built on by brave Jews who are surrounded by enemies who want us all dead. At the very least it is disputed and not occupied. We are disgusted Jews who are supposed to be tour leaders are boycotting Jewish are as. We ask for the replacement of these ‘lead ers’. For any Jew to use the word occupation is totally unacceptable and shameful. It fuels the Jew haters and is turning Jew against Jew. If you look at the profiles on Twitter of many of these people they are clearly from the Labour camp and some have Palestinian flags and use the word occupation. Why do we allow these people to lead children?
Simeon Sefton, By email
CONTACT DETAILS Publisher and Editor Richard Ferrer 020 8148 9703 richard@jewishnews.co.uk Publisher and News Editor Justin Cohen 020 8148 9700 justin@jewishnews.co.uk Political Editor Lee Harpin lee@jewishnews.co.uk Foreign Editor Michael Daventry 020 8148 9704 mike@jewishnews.co.uk Executive Editor –Features Brigit Grant brigit@jewishnews.co.uk Features Editor Louisa Walters louisa@jewishnews.co.uk Online Editor editorial@jewishnews.co.uk Sub Editor Beatrice Sayers beatrice@jewishnews.co.uk Design Manager Diane Spender 020 8148 9697 diane@jewishnews.co.uk Production Designer Daniel Elias daniel@jewishnews.co.uk Production Designer Sarah Rothberg sarah@jewishnews.co.uk Accounts Benny Shahar 020 8148 9694 benny@jewishnews.co.uk Sales Manager Marc Jacobs 020 8148 9701 marc@jewishnews.co.uk Sales Yael Schlagman 020 8148 9705 yael@jewishnews.co.uk Operations Manager Alon Pelta 020 8148 9693 alon@jewishnews.co.uk
The completion of the latest IDF campaign in Gaza against Islamic Jihad and previous campaigns against Hamas in 2014 and 2021 were undertaken to ensure rock ets and missiles fired from Gaza would cease. Yet in the space of 15 months, terrorists were able to acquire piping for the rocket and missile cases, explosives and projectiles such as ball bearings, restocking their depleted resources to enable them to fire over 950 rockets at Israeli towns and vil lages. There must be an independ ent inquiry into how such materials were acquired, given there is a blockade of such materials. The only apparent source is the 600 daily trucks purported to be car rying humanitarian aid sent from Israel. Dr Colin L Leci, Jerusalem Lee Harpin’s report on his recent tour of Hebron with Breaking the Silence (3 August) was a disgraceful propaganda piece masquer ading as journalism. The author should have consid ered the facts before sharing the lies spread by Breaking the Silence, or taken the trouble to look at the parts of Hebron his anti-Israel hosts chose not to show him: The massive, high-end malls of Hebron, the bustling shops and luxurious villas in which Arabs live, work, shop, conduct business - and all of which are off-limits to Jews. Some 97 percent of Hebron is off-limits to Jews. Naomi Kahn, Israel

Jewish News 17www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022 Editorial comment and letters The Jewish Fast Show weather forecast RESPECTING YOUR WISHES, GUARDING YOUR TRADITIONS KKL, JNF UK’s legacy department, has been serving the Jewish community for over 70 years. Our highly qualified team combines first-rate executorship and trustee services with personalised pastoral care. We can support you in the way that close family would, keeping in regular contact with you and taking care of any Jewish needs (such as saying kaddish for you) in accordance with your wishes. For a no-obligation and confidential consultation, and to find out more about supporting JNF UK’s vital work in Israel, please get in touch. Call 020 8732 6101 or enquiries@kkl.org.ukemail KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd (a Company registered in England No. 453042) is a subsidiary of JNF Charitable Trust (Charity No. 225910) and a registered Trust Corporation (authorised capital £250,000).

Rishi Sunak has pledged to do that. He has promised to increase government funding to combat antisemitism in Britain, including increased support for groups like the Community Security Trust. He is rightly appalled that security guards are required outside faith schools and that there are children who face abuse when they walk to and from school. He will prioritise keeping Jewish communities safe. Rishi is proud that the UK was the first country in the world to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism. As a local government minister, he pushed for councils to back the definition as well. While progress has been made - in part thanks to those e orts by Rishi - there is more to be done, and I believe that he will take this issue very seriously as primeRishiminister.wantsto capitalise on our historic relationships with Gulf states to widen the Abraham Accords. Last week I attended an event in Finchley with Rishi where he explained that he is very worried about the situation in Iran. He spoke about his concern that the UK Government has not taken the threat posed by Iran seriously enough. A nuclear-armed Iran would pose an existential threat to Israel and embolden Iran’s web of terrorist groups throughout the region. He said that any deal with Iran must be a tougher one that extends the sunset clauses, lengthens the breakout period and curtails Iran’s ballistic missile programme. The credible threat of snapback sanctions, which has so far been missing from the negotiations, should be deployed to force Iran to take the process seriously.Ashesaid, if we can’t get results in the negotiations, then we have to start asking whether the JCPoA is a dead end. Iran remains the largest state sponsor of terrorism and it continues to direct its terror apparatus against Israel. Rishi is clear that the option of proscribing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp is very much on the table. In the last few weeks, Rishi has travelled the length and breadth of the country, meeting people from all walks of life. He knows how important it is to engage with di erent communities. I am confident that if he becomes prime minister, he will make sure that the voices of Jewish communities are both heard and listened to. That is one of the reasons why I believe that he is the best candidate to take our country forward.
Jewish News18 Opinion www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022
Why I am backing Rishi to be our
T he battle for the leadership of the Conservative Party and next leader of our country is in its final phase as ballot papers are being delivered. The final two are both highly capable but o er a di erent outlook on how to steer the UK economy through the turbulence that is impacting countries across the globe, as we all battle the costs of the pandemic and the economic shockwaves caused by the war in Ukraine. Much is made of the choice between ‘sound money’ or ‘going for growth’. Sound money is exceptionally important, as any Conservative believes, but households and businesses know that the books can be balanced only by growing income or reducing expenditure. This time, no one is arguing for austerity or spending cuts. In fact, people want more spent on the NHS (to clear the Covidcaused backlogs and fix social care), more on defence and more to help families with energy bills. So if we won’t reduce spending and we worry about taxing growth out of the system, then we need to be bold. Putting money in people’s pockets, by cancelling tax rises, can help to drive economic growth. Cutting taxes paid by companies can drive investment and create jobs. Liz Truss is prepared to be bold. Pump priming the economy is being done by our competitors. Liz knows that supply-side reform can boost growth and, as a former trade secretary, she knows that overseas trade can boost the sales line of UK plc too. Going for growth, to boost national income, is a sensible strategy and preferable to steady stagnation. It isn’t just on ‘going for growth’ that Liz is right. On domestic issues I know that Liz cherishes our long history of religious freedoms. These freedoms include the ability to send children to faith schools, to observe whatever faith we follow. Having attended a comprehensive school in Leeds, she understands the value of education on social mobility and in providing the skills our economy needs. She knows that education is the ladder to success, faith-based schools tend to outperform, as well as maintaining the ethos of the community’s faith. That mixed economy of good state schools, faith and non-faith is a fundamental part of our education o ering. She knows from her time at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural A airs how vigilant we must be to protect shechita. Outright attempts to ban arise from time to time but luckily are repeatedly rejected by previous prime ministers. Liz would be no di erent. Working with her as foreign secretary I know the enormous value she places on our relationship with Israel. Only those at the highest levels of government will know the true depth of the security relationship between our two countries. As someone committed to the defence of the UK and to facing down aggressors, she cherishes the UK/Israeli relationship. Liz’s dealings with the Iranian regime over the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcli e will have made her more aware than most, of the true nature of the Iranian regime and the threat to stability in the Middle East the regime poses. The UK will be a critical friend to Israel, but Liz’s understanding and experience of the depth and complexities of the relationship will ensure we will be at Israel’s side. Finally, as a junior minister, I worked with Liz. Robust debate and clear decisionmaking were her hallmarks, backed by clear deliveryThat’sexpectations.whatweneed in a prime minister.
W e live in a great country. While turbulence in the global economy means that we face difficult times ahead, I am optimistic for our future. And I believe that Rishi Sunak is the person who has the right plan to get us through the turmoil and on towards a better future. Our new prime minister will need to get a grip of inflation as a first priority. Rishi Sunak has the determination to do that. We are all worried about the rising cost of living. As chancellor, Rishi put in place a package of measures to help those who are struggling. He has been clear that he would deliver further direct support if he becomes Prime Minister. As MP for Chipping Barnet, I represent a constituency which is home to a substantial Jewish community. I have campaigned against antisemitism for over two decades, raising this matter in Parliament and with the police. I will always speak up in support of the state of Israel and it is very important to me that our next prime minister does the same.
Signing ceremony for the Abraham Accords

Penina Edel 07922info@benlevymagic.co.ukwww.benlevymagic.co.uk097541
Helping people withstand climate crisis isn’t simple
MAKE YOUR SIMCHA ASTONISHING. Ben was absolutely amazing! We had him for our company party and he didn’t disappoint. His show was the highlight of the night, it was full of surprises and left us all speechless! He was so professional and easy to work with. Will definitely use him for future events. Patron Law Can’t thank Ben enough for the brilliant Shabbat friendly mind reading and magic show at our son’s Bar Mitzvah lunch. Kept the whole crowd involved, including 35 boys aged 13. So easy to deal with, personalised show and left us all enthralled!
T here’s no doubt about it. Our planet is under siege due to the climate crisis. As temperatures soar, the UK begins to experience its a ects first-hand through intensifying drought and devastating wildfires. But our su ering seems small when compared with that of countries facing the brunt of climate breakdown, enduring years of drought, relentless flash flooding, and climate-related disasters. We often describe global warming as, just that, a global issue. But in reality, those paying the greatest price are minorities, vulnerable communities and lower-income countries who are least responsible for the damaging emissions of greenhouse gases, and less able to adapt to the changes. When we think of humanitarian work we picture conflict, such as the war in Ukraine, natural hazards such as earthquakes and tsunamis, and political upheaval. What we must remember, however, is that our climate crisis is also a humanitarian issue, a ecting millions of people across the globe. At World Jewish Relief, we are inspired by the Jewish values that compel us to take climate action. We recently commissioned Rabbi Yedidya Sinclair, an expert on the intersections of climate justice, science and Judaism, to write a report on the Jewish and humanitarian imperative to support those worst a ected by our climate crisis. In his report, Rabbi Yedidya highlights that pikuach nefesh, or saving life, is one of the central imperatives in Judaism. The climate crisis already claims 100,000 lives a year, according to the latest statistics by the World Health Organisation. We are also taught to care for the most vulnerable members of our society; as Rabbi Lords Sacks said, “What renders a culture invulnerable is the compassion it shows to the vulnerable.” We must provide assistance to the millions of at-risk members of our global society. But how have we responded as an organisation?Our Jewish and humanitarian values have led us to respond to climate breakdown in Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar so far. We have focused on delivering climate-resilience programmes, through local partner organisations on the ground, helping communities adapt to a rapidly changing environment. We believe that tailoring programmes to meet the specific needs of a community is paramount to successful interventions, as the e ects of global warming vary greatly between regions.Simple, right? Unfortunately, humanitarian work is never straightforward. Through the delivery of these climate resilience programmes, we have learnt invaluable lessons.Wehave heard from our local partners that when international charities become involved with a community, o ering higher wages, they can e ectively ‘poach’ highly trained sta from local charities. Although the international development sector has been incredibly important in delivering support to vulnerable people, it is far from a perfect model. We are committed to reforming the sector by prioritising support for local charities, who deeply understand the needs and culture of their community. The role of men and women, boys and girls, vary di erently between and within communities. If we look to change farming practices, livelihoods or levels of income we are responsible for understanding how this will a ect men and women di erently. We must ensure that we do not introduce new gender tensions, by conducting full gender reviews of the communities we work with. I would encourage anyone who is interested to learn more about the intersection of Judaism and climate justice to read Rabbi Yedidya Sinclair’s report on World Jewish Relief’s website.
Opinion 18 August 2022 Jewish News 19www.jewishnews.co.uk

Jewish News20 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022 Unlock cash from your home Homeowners aged 55+ could benefit with equity release For more information call 0161 773 3106 or email hello@ukadviser.co.uk hen A lifetime mortgage is secured against your home. To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration UK Adviser & UK Mortgages are trading styles of The UK Adviser Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Ref: 798920). The UK Adviser Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of The UK Adviser Group Limited. Registered with the ICO Ref: ZA286899 In partnership with HMB Finance Group Limited (FCA 752970) FCA Regulated No income required Maintain 100% home ownership Release up to 50% of your property value Help your children on to the property ladder Maxim is an award winning finance specialist and the founder of The UK Adviser Group. A leader in his field, Maxim is an experienced equity release adviser and also sits on the advisory panel to the equity release council's standards board Ma imCohenxChartered MCSI, CMgr MCMI, FFA, FTA, Certs CII (MP & ER), CeMAP, CCBI

The latest news, pictures and social events from across the community Email us at community@jewishnews.co.uk And be seen! 421 3 5
Two batmitzvah girls both called Evie stayed awake all night to raise over £2,400 for a Camp Simcha respite project named in memory of another Evie. Evie Mindel and Evie Gee chose Camp Simcha’s Evie’s Night Owls project, which funds the charity’s overnight respite service for some of its families, with seriously ill children needing round the clock care. The project was set up by Sam and Lee Bladon and named for their daughter Evie, who was supported by Camp Simcha after she was deprived of oxygen during birth. Evie Gee, who goes to JFS, said: “We really hope that the money we have raised makes a difference to the families Camp Simcha supports, and also to Evie’s family who set up the charity.”
Jewish News 21www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022 Community / Scene & Be Seen
More than 620 young Jews from the UK, France, Malta, Germany and Israel took part in the biggest JLGB summer camp in over 40 years. The camp includes sessions teaching graffiti art, Brazilian martial arts and beatboxing as well as the opportunity for participants to try their hands at archery and even an aqua park inflatable assault course. “In preparation for our 125th anniversary, we’ve been planning a major upgrade to Summer Camp for some time” said Neil Martin OBE, JLGB Chief Executive, “but considering everything we’ve all been through these past few years, and knowing just how much children, young people and their parents needed a spectacular summer, it just makes us all the more proud of the phenomenal success of our summer camp, our volunteers, and the future of JLGB.” lily, 14, from Barnet added: “It was the best week of my life!”
2 STATION VISIT People supported by Kisharon visited Hendon Fire Station where they learnt about the work of officers, were shown around a fire engine and were given the chance to try out the powerful hose, resulting in much laughter
An impressive £25,000 was raised for Jami’s carer and family support service thanks to Hartsbourne Ladies Golf Charity Day. A total of 85 women took part in the event and the winning team of Jo Fogel, Mel Rom, Alex Reid and Janine Berg finished with 93 stableford points. Caroline Arnold, co-chair of the Hartsbourne Ladies Golf Charity Day Committee, said: “We chose to support Jami this year because unfortunately the number of people with mental health problems is rising, particularly since the pandemic. So we wanted to help Jami increase its support for people caring for someone with mental illness and be able to reach out to more people in need of this vital service.”
5GARDEN GLOW Jewish Care Anita Dorfman House resident Evelyn Saville and volunteer Marilyn Albert were among those enjoying a spot of gardening at the care home at Sandringham

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Brigit Grant’s excuse finally to listen to Bennett Arron Bennett Arron (le ) with cast members from Moray Hunter’s Alone as a stand-up. “The thought of doing it filled me with dread because I’m glibly said to me, ‘You’re not very funny’, so
18 August 2022 Jewish News 23www.jewishnews.co.uk LIFE InsideThethrough-loungeandarecipeforalightlunch A look
Bennett Arron should have been at the Edinburgh Festival until 29 August. He had the venue booked, somewhere to stay and a stand-up show befitting his Welsh-Jewish heritage, enticingly titled Mazel Taff But Bennett isn’t in Scotland. After 15 minutes into a preview of the show, the audience were laughing, but it didn’t feel right to him. “It has to be 100 percent the best I can do and I’ve got to look forward to doing the shows,” says the comedian, who is serious about a craft he’s been honing for 25 years. “Thank God past shows have gone really well.” ‘Really well’ for a comedian translates as big audiences and the opportunity to do other things, which is true in his case as he has written and starred in BBC radio series, been nominated for awards and presented two documentaries – The Kosher Comedian, in which he traced his family’s roots from Lithuania to Port Talbot, and the even more dramatic How Not To Lose Your Identity on Channel 4, which detailed his alarming firsthand experience of identity fraud. Bennett also penned a very honest and jocular novel about the nightmare, which he sent to me after our chat. A chat that, to my embarrassment, revealed how paltry my research had been before speaking to this very funny and forgiving fellow. Until we spoke, I knew Bennett only by reputation as a hot warm-up man (that’s comedy), who only last week was putting crowds, celebs and stuntmen at ease at the first London Action Festival. I also see from his smart, sympathetic and occasionally explosive Facebook posts that he is one of those energising funny folk of the faith who doesn’t hide in the shadows, hence Mazel Ta , which will appear next year. Fortunately, you won’t have to wait that long to hear Bennett, as he is one of the star voices in Moray Hunter’s Radio 4 comedy Alone, about five single, middle-aged neighbours, including his character, the nerdish and needy Morris. Now in its fourth series, which began on Tuesday, the show is recorded in front of a live audience and, thanks to Bennett promoting this fact on Facebook, I got to see his nebbish Cymry portrayal in person alongside fellow cast members Angus Deayton and Abigail Cruttenden. Deliciously British and old-fashioned in the best way, Bennett enjoys performing Alone as much as the audience enjoys listening to it. “What was interesting to me at the live recordings was the number of people with their eyes closed,” he says. “Initially, I thought they were sleeping, but that’s how they listen to it on the radio, so they really didn’t want to see us performing with scripts.”Bennett was 12 and at school when he wrote his first scripts and was told by his drama teacher that he was a good actor. This stuck with him and paved his way to the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts in south London for a three-year drama course, but he was kicked out after 18 months. “It’s a long story,” he says, and one he’d prefer you read in his book, as it was followed by the comedy sketches he wrote and pitched to TV in the days when unsolicited material was accepted. “I wrote for Hale & Pace and Freddie Starr, and one of the sketches I wrote for The Real McCoy was recently voted the best of all time or something like that. They did contact me to ask if they could give me money to show it on TV, so that was great.” Not all Bennett’s comedy hit the sweet spot, but when a producer threw a sketch back at him deeming it unfunny, he was so convinced the material was strong he decided to try it out of doing it filled me with dread because I’m naturally phenomenally shy. Invite me to a party and I’ll start shaking weeks beforehand, but I needed to prove to myself I wasn’t mad and that the material was funny.” With his ‘gem’ woven into five minutes of stand-up, Bennett made his debut at The King’s Head in Crouch End in March 1997, fully intending to do no more than three gigs. But at gig number three, fate delivered a rep from BBC’s New Comedy Awards, who took Bennett forward to the heats, which he won, and eventually the Edinburgh Festival, where he was runner-up to Peter Kay at the awards. This was not just impressive – for Bennett, it was like being shot out of a rocket. “But it was misrepresentation because I thought, ‘This is it now, I’ll get my own TV series.’ It’s only been 25 years, so any day now…” That he has made a living making people laugh is undeniable, however, as he proved to his now 19-year-old-son some years ago. “He had glibly said to me, ‘You’re not very funny’, so I pointed to his PlayStation and clothes and said, ‘If I wasn’t funny, you wouldn’t have any of these things.’ But I made an impression on both my kids because my daughter, who is 23, has done a degree in film production and my son is doing English and acting at university.” As he said, Bennett intends to launch Mazel Ta in 2023. We will embrace it, while he braces himself for those with views about Jews. “Over the past few years, it’s been really weird because friends I’ve known on the circuit for a long time who are meant to be non-racist and open-minded have expressed borderline opinions. I’ve had to block people on social media who have suddenly shown their true colours and I’ve been in Green Rooms where occasional snide comments are made that wouldn’t have been said years ago. That this has raised its head again is upsetting andOneworrying.”thingBennett won’t have to worry about is our absence at Mazel Ta . And not just because I need to get my book signed. ◆ Heard the One About Identity The ? by Bennett Arron (Amazon.co.uk). Alone, Season 4 is on Radio 4, Tuesdays 6.30pm. Previous seasons are on www.bbc.co.uk

The frenzy for wall demolition sometimes goes further, and chimney breasts and cornices are ripped out as well. Serving hatches are created between the kitchen and what was the dining room, and sometimes the entire wall between these two also goes. In fact, any feature taking up space, blocking one room from another, or interrupting an otherwise straight line of sight, is a candidate for removal. From the French doors at the back to the bay windows at the front, an uninterrupted view can now be guaranteed in nearly every one of these homes. It is an architectural feature found in the majority of homes in Gants Hill and significant parts of Southgate and Edgware. But why would anyone actually want to reduce the number of rooms in their home? Perhaps there is a psychological explanation, something rooted in the anxiety of the wandering Jew; a manifestation of subconscious expression of perpetual looming doom.
The through-lounge may be a recreation of our primordial tent
I was sitting in the unique architectural heritage of my people: the Jewish throughlounge. Specifically, the Gants Hill Jewish through-lounge. I wondered why this uniquely Jewish through-lounge had been so successful and so pervasive among our tribe.
There are two facets to the Jewish throughlounge: The Container and The Contents. The Container itself is universal to all Jewish through-lounges, because it requires more or less the same amount of demolition to create. However, The Contents, although conforming to a basic template, vary considerably from home to home. The Contents also vary considerably from one Jewish area to another, with significant di erences between the Jewish suburbs of north-east London and north-west London, not to mention the isolated Jewish outpost in Southgate.
A look T he 1970s was a transitional decade for British Jewry, whose second generation started their upwardly mobile trajectory from London’s East End to the suburbs, where many settled down in semi-detached houses. This extract, adapted from Martin’s book, considers how and why the through-lounge became a status symbol.
The role of The Contents in the Jewish through-lounge is to be the signifier of many things, reflecting the beliefs, politics, interests, concerns, social status and wealth of the householders. In this respect, the inspiration for The Contents can be measured on a sliding scale. From intellect, artistic bent, intelligence and broad-mindedness at one end, to ostentation, little taste, no original thought and the display of great wealth at the other end. Concerning The Container: almost all Gants Hill parents have now knocked their front and back downstairs rooms into one, thus making the pervasive phenomenon of the Jewish through-lounge possible. They performed this demolition soon after leaving the East End and buying their new semi-detached homes in this outer suburb with the generally available mortgages, introduced by the Greater London Council to help build the post-war economy and generate social mobility. Nobody knows the reason why they felt the urge to knock down walls the moment they had purchased their new homes. Maybe they had always yearned after a very large ‘showpiece’ room, and only now owned a house where they could fulfil these ambitions. Or only now owned any kind of accommodation.
After all, in a Jewish through-lounge, one can detect any approaching Cossacks, Nazis, or Fascists. Its unique architectural style means that from any position, one can see who’s coming down the front path and about to bang on your door, or in the garden and about to smash in your French windows. A vantage point is possible from every part of your downstairs, whether watching telly, having a family Friday night dinner, or just sitting and reading a book. Or maybe it’s the result of a guilt complex caused by the dramatic changes achieved in just one or two generations. From when the first nomadic Jews lived in tents to when an entire extended family lived in a hovel in an eastern European shtetl, to when they inhabited one room in an East End tenement, to today’s semidetached suburban luxury, the Jewish throughlounge may be a subconscious recreation of that primordial tent and single shtetl room. Or perhaps this single large space helps to maintain a balance between the paternal and maternal forces of the Jewish family. Both sides have to co-exist. On the other hand, it could be that the desire to create the Jewish through-lounge is nothing so psychologically deep and profound. It could be all about the demand generated by The Contents for more room to hold and display the increasing number of possessions In this excerpt from his novel Budgie Wore My Jacket, Martin Silverstone leads us on a humorous tour of Seventies suburban London
18 August 2022Jewish News24 www.jewishnews.co.uk
Patterned carpet and heavy wood furniture feature in the Seventies through-lounge

Jewish News 25www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022 JN
Camp Simcha, Amélie House, 221 Golders Green Road, London, NW11 9DQ
tables. An over-large and ornate crystal chandelier, placed above the Regency dining table; several reproduction Canalettos of Venice, hanging on brocade wallpaper, each in a heavy frame and lit by a little brass light fitting, the whole thing done out in an oppressive colour scheme of royal blue, gold and burgundy and gilt, gilt and more gilt. (Or is that guilt, guilt and more guilt?) The central heating is always on the maximum setting. Throughout the whole year. With radiators that burn when touched. The Contents could just be an expression of new-found a uence. These over-decorated and gilded Regency rooms would have looked fine in the Palace of Versailles. But when crammed into a Gants Hill semi’s Jewish through-lounge, it is tasteless and unashamedly materialistic.
Camp Simcha makes a vital difference for seriously ill children and their families, delivering practical and therapeutic support, as well as hope and joy at the darkest of times.
Nicola Nathan • legacy@campsimcha.org.uk • 020 8202 9297 Registered Charity No. 1180646
LIFE and items. The Container addresses the need to hold recently acquired luxury goods, signifiers of intellectual pursuits and of material success. Therefore, The Container and The Contents exist in a symbiotic relationship: The Contents require an appropriate space to display social, intellectual and financial progress, and The Container provides this. The Contents are, at base and face value, a burgeoning panoply of domestic essentials for the glass-fronted display cabinets, co ee tables, Regency cabinets, Regency dining tables and. of course, those specifically Jewish contents: the Judaica. Now representing a new growth industry: gifts from Israel. These can rapidly fill any Jewish through-lounge: menorahs, Pesach plates, Shabbat candlesticks, kiddush wine cups, things that say ‘Shalom’, depictions of the Wailing Wall, those artistic-looking silky glass jugs with six matching glasses sets, ashtrays made from the same silky glass, and those cute little statuettes of various klezmer musicians and fiddlers on the roof. The decor and interiors of all Jewish
Simon Amstell’s hilarious BBC2 sitcom Grandma’s House was set in a Gants Hill home Martin Silverstone
Leaving a gift in your Will to Camp Simcha, whatever the size, can help to ensure we will continue to be the lifeline for seriously ill children and their families in the future. Get in touch with us for more information about how to leave a Legacy to Camp Simcha.
� Budgie Wore My Jacket is available at WHSmith at £9.20 THEIR

4. Tip the remaining peas into a bowl, add the zest and juice of ½ lemon, the remaining 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil and the shredded mint. Season and mix to combine.
5. Drizzle the hummus with a little more extra-virgin olive oil, sprinkle with the chopped pistachios and za’atar, and spoon the minted peas alongside. Arrange the leaves and quartered cucumbers on the platter.
6. Remove the halloumi from its packaging, pat dry on kitchen paper and cut into 12 slices. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium–high heat, add the halloumi and fry quickly until golden brown on one side, then turn and cook the other side. You may need to cook the halloumi in batches depending on the size of your pan. Place the hot halloumi on the platter and serve with toasted flatbreads and pickled green chillies.
Jewish News26 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022
BRIGHT LIGHT Green hummus with minted lemony peas and halloumi authentic neapolitan pizza home made pasta and muchneapolitanmore
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Eat More Veg by Annie Rigg is published by National Trust Books, £12 on Amazon Serves four Ingredients 175g peas (frozen are fine) 75g podded edamame or broad beans 400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1 large clove garlic, roughly chopped 1 rounded tbsp tahini grated zest and juice of 1 lemon 5 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra to drizzle 2 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley 2 tbsp chopped mint, plus 1–2 tbsp shredded mint leaves 40g pistachios, roughly chopped 2 tsp za’atar 2 handfuls baby spinach leaves or pea shoots 4 baby cucumbers, quartered 250g block halloumi cheese 1 tbsp olive oil salt and freshly ground black pepper toasted flatbreads and pickled chillies, to serve
Method 1. Start by making the hummus. It can be prepared ahead and chilled until needed.
JN LIFE You can use either edamame or broad beans in this vibrant green hummus but if using broad beans do double-pod them a er cooking. This is a light supper or lunch dish that can be made more substantial by serving some dolmades or falafel alongside.
2. Cook the peas in boiling salted water for 1–2 minutes; remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and cool quickly under cold water.
3. Cook the edamame (or podded broad beans) in the same pan for 1 minute, drain and cool in the same way. Tip 75g peas and all the beans into a food processor, add the drained chickpeas, chopped garlic, tahini and juice of ½ lemon. Add 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and blend until almost smooth. Add the chopped herbs and blend again. Taste and add more lemon juice and seasoning if needed. Spoon on to a serving platter, cover and chill until ready to serve.

» Guardian of the Memory – guarding the memory of a named victim of the Holocaust. ‘Yizkor, Never Forget’.
Yad Vashem: the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre, is the ultimate source for Holocaust education, remembrance, documentation, and research. As the Jewish people’s living memorial to the Holocaust, Yad Vashem safeguards the memory of the past and imparts its meaning for future generations.
» Travelling Exhibitions – designed to promote dialogue about the Holocaust, imparting its universal lessons relevant to daily life in the 21st century.
Yad Vashem UK promotes Holocaust education and awareness in the UK through:
Jewish News 27www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022
» Holocaust Education Seminars – held each year for teachers and Youth leaders at the Yad Vashem International School for Holocaust Studies.
In addition to the Holocaust History Museum, the Yad Vashem campus has other memorials you can visit. The Yad Vashem Museum, complex and grounds are open and free to all visitors. Private guided tours and special ageappropriate tours for families with children are available on request. Scan the QR code above to book online.
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» Bar & Bat Mitzvah Twinning – young people, on their special day, can share it with a named child Holocaust victim who was denied a future.

● Tackle business challenges and integrate solutions to improve customer experience and operational efficiencies
L Marks staff in celebration mode with chief executive Daniel Saunders (inset)
● Grow revenue with the launch of new trans formational products and services
email beverley@jewishnews.co.uk
Business innovation is when companies implement new processes, ideas, services, or products with the goal of boosting the bottom line. “It is also multifaceted,” notes Saunders, a trained software engineer with an MSc in com puter science. “It can be applied to business models as well as behaviours and people; it can be used for technologies and even continuous processFoundedimprovement.”byManchester-based Stuart Marks CBE, L Marks has a vision to be the most trusted partner for corporate innovation. It partners with large organisations to create a tailored process that addresses key opportunity areas and strategic goals through innovation. “It does this in two ways: through har nessing Open Innovation (connecting cor porates with entrepreneurs and start-ups / scale-ups) or building New Ventures (designing and developing nascent business ideas into market-validated and revenue-generating products).Overthe past eight years, L Marks has created 85 innovation initiatives, becoming the largest operator of corporate innovation programmes in the UK, and has delivered these programmes globally in Europe, Japan, the Middle East and the US. “We are all experi encing innovation every day,” Saunders says. “It isn’t just about the metaverse, decentralised finance and Innovationwearables.”deployments
● Enter into new commercial and invest ment relationships following unrivalled due diligence through a period of managed close collaboration
● Embed innovation across the company with a proven managed process
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Do many businesses claim to be innovating but are “Onenot?hundred per cent. You will find at every board meeting for every FTSE 100 company that innovation is stressed as crucial. However, without the right processes or investment in place, we would see innovation relegated to a junior role, siloed department, or simply used for PR purposes with organisations playing in innovation theatre. Innovation is not a one-time-fix, it should be an organisation-wide continuous practice.” This has become increasingly important since the pandemic, which highlighted how innovation is not the disrupter but the enabler.
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L Marks has been involved with include tracking down billions of litres of lost water in the north of England; creating the world’s first municipal UV LED water treatment work; creating the insurance to transport the Covid vaccine; creating the world’s first IVF insurance; automating airport security checks, and improving cargo handling. “The worst mistake any corporate can make is ignoring the threat of disruption.,” Saunders says. For a business to continue to grow and develop in new and profitable ways, only a wellthought-out innovation strategy will do.”
Innovation is the boss for this specialist operation which has proved its mettle by signing up some of the world’s leading names and now is expanding in the US Event Hilton London Elstree book a stand, or call 020 8148 9709
Jewish News28 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022 Business / Innovation hub hen it comes to corporate buzzwords, innovation has been topping the charts for the past decade. So much so that there is now a loss of understanding as to what it actually means, says technologistturned-investor Daniel Saunders. And Saunders would know. An experienced adviser in applied innova tion, Saunders is the chief executive of L Marks, an innovation specialist which runs pioneering programmes for some of the world’s leading corporates including Lloyd’s of London, Arsenal FC, Metro Bank, Sodexo, British Airways, John Lewis and BMW. That’s a lot of innovation. So much so that L Marks is credited as the UK’s most successful innovation company and is now expanding rapidly in the US with offices in New York and the Midwest. Saunders, the former chief of staff for economic development at the Israeli Embassy, says: “The reality is that inno vation is necessary but not sufficient for success. The novelty of a product or a service doesn’t imply a market demand for it. Analogously, ‘disruptive innovation’ was subject to a similar confusing and indiscriminate use of the term.”
“When true disruption took place, innovation gave us the new technologies, processes and business models which enabled us to con tinue with our lives and our work during the pandemic.'Saunders, 40, lives in north London with his wife and three children. His wife Chaya grew up on shlichus and is the daughter of Chabad shluchim in South Florida. A yeshiva alumnus, Saunders is a senior figure and on the board of Heichal Menachem – the Chabad-Lubavitch community of Golders Green. With Candice BUZZWORD CHANGING EVERYTHING
● Early exposure to cutting-edge technolo gies to win a competitive edge in the market
So, what does innovation actually mean? “Etymologically, it means “bring in something new”, so intuitively innovation is an important enabler of competitive advantage,” Saunders says. We have to make an important differentia tion with ‘invention’, which instead refers to ‘discovering something new’.”
Jewish News presents Wedding and bar/batmitzvah show Sunday 13 November 2022 Doubletree by
● Boost their brand as a leader in innovation and digital transformation

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Jewish News30 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022 020 8446 www.jdeaf.org.uk0502 Registered Charity No. 1105845 Company Limited by Guarantee 4983830 I can’t hear you if youcover your mouth. Top tips for chatting to someone with hearing loss

Orthodox Judaism
It was during the England-Sweden semi-final of the Women’s Euros that Alessia Russo captured the hearts of this nation and wrote herself into footballing history. In the 68th minute, Russo had a shot at goal but it went straight to the Swedish keeper, Hedvig Lindahl, who easily kicked it away. Russo chased the ball as it rolled away, harassed by two defenders and su ering a body blow in the scramble. Undaunted, and without a backward glance, she tried an audacious backheel kick, which took everyone by surprise. The ball rolled between Lindahl’s feet and into the net. We Jews have long had a certain a ection for the heel. In this week’s sedra, Eikev, Moshe reminds the Jewish people: “It will be eikev (because) you listen to these commandments… that God will... love you and bless you…” (Devarim 7:12-13).TheMidrash comments on the word eikev, used to mean ‘because’. It is linked to the word akeiv, which means heel, and the midrash comments that there is a hint here to a deeper idea: that you should listen to the easy commandments that many people ‘grind beneath their heels’. This nuance in the text o ers us a di erent perspective on our spirituality. We may be looking for a once-in-a-lifetime grand gesture, something immensely heroic on an epic scale, and maybe something headline-grabbing as well, to define ourButlives.Moshe warns us that this is not what God seeks from us, and His blessing is not contingent on this. Quite the contrary. God wishes us to find Him, to relate to Him in the little moments, the gestures and thoughts that are so easily overlooked. How much thought do we put into lighting our Shabbat candles? Do we pay attention to how we greet a colleague or a bus driver? Do we take the trouble to find out the meaning of the Hebrew words in the songs in our prayer services that we know so well?Itis in these downtrodden details of our Jewish life that we can get to know who we really are. These are the spaces where our relationship with God and with other people is tested, where it blossoms and thrives and finds expression. Alessia Russo reminded us that a simple action with the heel can be life-changing for an entire nation. Our parsha reminds us that our personal greatness lies at our feet. It is ours for the taking, and with it we too can reach our goal.
In our thought-provoking series, rabbis, rebbetzins and educators relate the week’s parsha to the way we live today world at feet
Jewish News 31www.jewishnews.co.uk 18 August 2022
BY REBBETZIN RACHIE LISTER EDGWARE UNITED SYNAGOGUE MAKING SENSE OF THE SEDRA 10 Golders Green Road London NW11 8LL Opposite Cafe Nero Open everyday & Sundays til 5:00pm Suits from £79.50 Overcoats from £79.50 Trouser Bargains £25 Raincoats from £49.50 We accept Large Sizes a speciality Shirtsuptosize23instock LIGHTWEIGHT SUITS AND JACKETS ALL ½ PRICE JEANS AND CHINOS £25 EACH 2 PAIRS FOR £45 UP TO 46 WAIST RAINCOATS FROM £29.50 SUMMER CASUAL JACKETS FROM £20.00 SHIRT OFFERS £15 EACH ANY 2 FOR £20.00 POLO SHIRTS £10 EACH ANY 2 FOR £15.00 SUMMER BARGAINS FOR ALL, SPECIALISING IN LARGEMORNINGSIZESSUITSANDDINNERSUITSSTOCKED
Alessia Russo reminded
us of the power that lies at our feet – in a heel

LEAP OF FAITH A stimulating series where our progressive rabbis consider how Biblical figures might act when faced with 21st-century issues BY RABBI SYLVIA ROTHSCHILD LEV CHADASH MILAN AND HEART OF KENT HOSPICE Moses would have sided with motherBattersbee’sArchie Antiques Buyers Wanted all Antiques & furniture including Lounge Dining and Bedroom Suites. Chests of drawers. Display and Cocktail Cabinets. Furniture by Hille. Epstein. Archie shine. G plan etc in Walnut. Mahogany. Teak and Rosewood. We also buy Diamonds & Jewellery. Gold. Silverware. Paintings. Glass. Porcelain. Bronzes etc. All Antiques considered. Full house clearances organised. Very high prices paid, free home visits. Check our website for more details www.antiquesbuyers.co.uk Email: info@antiquesbuyers.co.uk Please call Sue Davis on Freephone: 08008402035 WhatsApp Mobile: 07956268290 Portobello rd London By appointments only. Archie Battersbee: a judge said treatment ‘served only to protract death’
Jewish News32 www.jewishnews.co.uk18 August 2022
Progressive Judaism When we toast l’chaim we remind ourselves that Judaism values life absolutely. “To everything there is a season; a time for every experience under heaven. A time to give birth and a time to die, a time for planting and a time to uproot…” But the 14 paired opposites cited by Kohelet are not as easily acceptable as he assumes. For some, death comes as a welcomed next step in a life well-lived, but for most, it is to be resisted at all costs. Even Moses pleads for a reprieve from imminent death (Deut. 3:23). The midrash teaches that he o ered 515 prayers to try to change God’s mind (Devarim Rabbah 11:10). The Talmud says that when a rabbi was seriously ill, his students prayed continuously in order to keep him alive. Only when his maid could no longer bear to see his su ering did she interrupt their prayers by throwing jars from the roof, allowing his soul to escape (Ketubot 104a). What would they say about the tragic case of Archie Battersbee, who was taken o life support after an accident that caused brainstem death? Is there ever ‘a time to die’, particularly when a person is young, or has unfilled wishes and potential? At 120, Moses knows he will die, but he is still vigorous so his death feels premature. But God has decreed it and Moses has to accede if not to fully accept. The halachic category of goses – the dying person – is left undefined. We’re supposed to know or trust medical opinion that dying is under way. Death cannot be hastened, but we can remove impediments to it. The key legal ruling in Archie’s case was that the treatment “serves only to protract his death whilst being unable to prolong his life” (Justice Hayden, 15 July). Moses stopped begging for life after 515 prayers and the rabbi’s maid stopped the prayers of his students. They removed the impediments and death took place. It is never easy to do this. As a hospice chaplain, I see the process unfold. As Jews, we will say: “Blessed is the true judge,” when we hear of a death. It is hard to accept but is the first stage of healing.

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• Provide caring pastoral services Contact us to find out more and about leaving a legacy to support JNF UK’s vital work in Israel
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Kathryn Dear SinceKathryntheproblem resolved after restarting it sounds like it’s an issue with the nosticsrunwherestart-uplaptopsitself.thanlaptopcardgraphicsontheratherthescreenMosthaveaoptionyoucansomediag-(usually by pressing a Function button when you turn it on) and this will test the graphics card. It could also be the software driver that has either updated or become corrupted. My initial advice is run the diagnostics and then run a system restore to go back a few days to remove a bad update. Then see if the problem reoccurs. Hopefully this will save you having to replace the laptop.
• Help reduce inheritance tax liability or eradicate it completely.
Email: atenquiries@kkl.org.ukyourservice
Dear Man on a Bike I was presenting today on my laptop over zoom and I suddenly got multi coloured horizontal bars, the screen flickered on and off and then the screen went black. The group I was presenting to could still see the presentation and hear me but I had a black screen and only audio. When the meeting was done I closed it down and on the second attempt it restarted with visuals. Do you think this is fixable, will it happen again or should I be looking to replace the laptop?
WILLIAMSJONATHAN JEWELLER JEWELLERY CAVE LTD Dear Jonathan I need your explanation please ! My son purchased a 3ct solitaire diamond ring from a very well known top end jewellery brand for close to £100,000. Unfortunately their relationship broke down and they split up. When my son went to try and recoup his money on what he had spent , the best he was offered from many jewellers was about one quarter of what he had originally paid. Please can you explain why this has probably turned into one of his worst ever investments ? Yours Jeremyfaithfully Dear DiamondsJeremyare governed by the international market price. Every Friday via Rapnett, there is a price update. Most weeks it stays the same, but then some weeks, it may move up or down a couple of percent . What obviously determines this is demand, or lack of demand, or international political and financial conditions.But what really a ects why your son had lost so much money, is because any diamontaire will source the exact same diamond they need from the same suppliers listed on Rapnett, as the top end jeweller where your son purchased his ring from. The only di erence is that we at Jewellery Cave in Finchley have almost zero overheads compared to the top jewellery brand where your son went. So myself or most other dealers will probably be able to make the exact item for a 1/4 to 1/3 of what your son unfortunately spent. If he wants me to look at the ring and try and help him, please ask him to visit our Hendon Lane showroom. I hope this explains the problem.
KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd (a Company registered in England No. 453042) is a subsidiary of JNF Charitable Trust (Charity No. 225910) Our highly professional team can:
Professional advice from our panel / Ask Our Experts
TREVOR GEE PRIVATE SPECIALISTHEALTHCARE PATIENT HEALTH IAN GREEN IT SPECIALIST MAN ON A BIKE Dear Trevor, I am desperate to maintain personal health cover bearing in mind the waiting times for NHS treatment, but with rising costs of living, what would you advise my family to do to reduce our premiums? Rochelle Dear Phew!RochelleThisisthe most relevant question today, so let us go through your options. First, and only if financially possible, do everything to maintain private health cover since the NHS is not necessarilyAlso,accessible.requesta discount from the insurer. Explain that you wish to continue your plan, but other costs are causing you to reconsider. All insurers have a discretion, with some being much better than others. I have found in the last two years that AXA have been incredibly sympathetic. Do also look at the outpatient cover. One client I advised this week realised it was more economic to have £0 outpatient cover, since paying for a low limit was disproportionately expensive, since even at the £0 level, with Aviva, they still maintained their MRI/ CAT/Pet scans cover. Hospital lists are a personal choice, but the less costly countywide lists from insurers such as Freedom, Aviva, Vitality, AXA still include some of the central London units. So, consider whether the extra ones are worth the extra expense. Savings may also be achieved by looking at placing family members on separate plans, which can reduce the premium significantly, although of course medical history would always be considered, and I will advise on that. As a company,FCA-regulatedyoureceiveall the advice you want without any charges, so do give me a call and we can discuss your options. 020 3146 3444
Our trusty team of advisers answers your questions about everything from law and finance to dating and dentistry. This week: Diagnosing a laptop, maintaining affordable health insurance and returning a solitaire ring our
• Assist in arranging for your Will to be professionally drafted.

KKL EXECUTOR AND TRUSTEE COMPANY 020 8732 enquiries@kkl.org.ukwww.kkl.org.uk6101 DIRECTOR OF LEGACIES CAROLYN ADDLEMAN Qualifications: • Lawyer with over 20 years’ experience in will drafting and trust and estate administration. Last 14 years at KKL Executor and Trustee Company. • In close contact with clients to ensure all legal and pastoral needs are cared for. • Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners. JEWELLER JONATHAN WILLIAMS Qualifications: • Jewellery manufacturer since 1980s. • Expert in the manufacture and supply of diamond jewellery, wedding rings and general jewellery. • Specialist in supply of diamonds to the public at trade prices. JEWELLERY CAVE LTD 020 8446 jonathan@jewellerycave.co.ukwww.jewellerycave.co.uk8538 REMOVALS MANAGING DIRECTOR STEPHEN MORRIS Qualifications: • Managing Director of Stephen Morris Shipping Ltd. • 45 years’ experience in shipping household and personal effects. • Chosen mover for four royal families and three UK prime ministers. • Offering proven quality specialist advice for moving anyone across the world or round the corner. STEPHEN MORRIS SHIPPING LTD 020 8832 stephen@shipsms.co.ukwww.shipsms.co.uk2222 Got a question for a member of our team? Email: editorial@jewishnews.co.uk 34 www.jewishnews.co.ukJewish News 18 August 2022 Ask Our Experts / Professional advice from our panel SUE CIPIN Qualifications: • 20 years+ hands-on experience, leading JDA in significant growth and development. • Understanding of the impact of deafness on people, including children, at all stages. • Extensive services for people affected by hearing loss/tinnitus. • Technology room with expert advice on and facilities to try out the latest equipment. Hearing aid advice, support and maintenance. CHARITY EXECUTIVE JEWISH DEAF ASSOCIATION 020 8446 mail@jdeaf.org.ukwww.jdeaf.org.uk0502 COMMERCIAL LAWYER LOVATT LEGAL LIMITED 07753 802 adam@lovattlegal.co.uk804 ADAM LOVATT Qualifications: • Lawyer with more than 11 years of experience working in the legal sector. Specialist in corporate, commercial, media, sport and start-ups. • Master’s degree in Intellectual Property Law from the University of London. • Non-Executive Director of various companies advising on all governance matters. VACANT PROPERTY SECURITY GLOBAL GUARDIANS MANAGEMENT 020 3818 info@global-guardians.co.ukwww.global-guardians.co.uk9100 STUART WOOLGAR Qualifications: • CEO of London’s largest guardian company with more than 20 years’ experience • Well-known and highly regarded British security industry expert. • Specialists in securing and protecting empty commercial and residential properties. • Clients include small private landlords to major national property companies and managing agents, as well as those in the public sector. EMPLOYMENT LAW AND DATA PROTECTION SPENCER WEST LLP 020 7925 emma.gross@spencer-west.comwww.spencer-west.com8080 EMMA GROSS Qualifications: • Specialist in claims of unfair dismissal, redundancy and discrimination. • Negotiate out-of-court settlements and handle complex tribunal cases. • HR services including drafting contracts and policies, advising on disciplinaries, grievances and providing staff training. • Contributor to The Times HRMagazine and other titles. LOUISE LEACH Qualifications: • Professional choreographer qualified in dance, drama and Zumba (ZIN, ISTD & LAMDA), gaining an honours degree at Birmingham University. • Former contestant on ITV’s Popstars, reaching bootcamp with Myleene Klass, Suzanne Shaw and Kym Marsh. • Set up Dancing with Louise 19 years ago. PRINCIPAL, PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL DANCING WITH LOUISE 075 0621 Info@dancingwithlouise.comwww.dancingwithlouise.co.uk7833 Got a question for a member of our team? Email: editorial@jewishnews.co.uk Our Experts TREVOR GEE Qualifications: • Managing Director, consultant specialists in affordable family health insurance. • Advising on maximising cover, lower premiums, pre-existing conditions. • Excellent knowledge of health insurers, cover levels and hospital lists. • LLB solicitors finals. • Member of Chartered Insurance Institute. PRIVATE HEALTHCARE SPECIALIST PATIENT HEALTH 020 3146 trevor.gee@patienthealth.co.ukwww.patienthealth.co.uk3444/5/6 Jewish Deaf Association Struggling to hear the TV? Missing out on family phone chats? Hearing just not what it used to be? 1 LondonCornhillEC3V 3ND 0207 781 info@richdale.co.uk8019

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SOBELL RHODES LLP 020 8429 a.shelley@sobellrhodes.co.ukwww.sobellrhodes.co.uk8800 LEON HARRIS Qualifications: • Leon is an Israeli and UK accountant based in Ramat Gan, Israel. • He is a Partner at Harris Horoviz Consulting & Tax Ltd. • The firm specializes in Israeli and international tax advice, accounting and tax reporting for investors, Olim and businesses. • Leon’s motto is: Our numbers speak your language! ISRAELI ACCOUNTANT HARRIS HOROVIZ CONSULTING & TAX LTD +972-3-6123153 / + 972-54-6449398 leon@h2cat.com ALIYAH ADVISER DOV NEWMARK Qualifications: • Director of UK Aliyah for Nefesh B’Nefesh, an organisation that helps facilitate aliyah from the UK. • Conducts monthly seminars and personal aliyah meetings in London. • An expert in working together with clients to help plan a successful aliyah. 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JEWISH BLIND & DISABLED 020 8371 6611 Lisa@jbd.orgwww.jbd.org If you would like to advertise your services here Email: sales@jewishnews.co.uk DIVORCE & FAMILY SOLICITOR LLOYD PLATT & COMPANY SOLICITORS 020 8343 lloydplatt@divorcesolicitors.comwww.divorcesolicitors.com2998 VANESSA LLOYD PLATT Qualifications: • Qualification: 40 years experience as a matrimonial and divorce solicitor and mediator, specialising in all aspects of family matrimonial law, including: • Divorce, pre/post-nuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, domestic violence, children’s cases, grandparents’ rights to see grandchildren, pet disputes, family disputes. • Frequent broadcaster on national and International radio and television. Jewish Newswww.jewishnews.co.uk 3518 August 2022 Professional advice from our panel / Ask Our Experts INSURANCE CONSULTANCY RISK RESOLUTIONS 020 3411 ashley.prager@risk-resolutions.comwww.risk-resolutions.com4050 ASHLEY PRAGER Qualifications: • Professional insurance and reinsurance broker. Offering PI/D&O cover, marine and aviation, property owners, ATE insurance, home and contents, fine art, HNW. • Specialist in insurance and reinsurance disputes, utilising Insurance backed products. (Including non insurance business disputes). • Ensuring clients do not pay more than required. 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18 August 2022 Jewish News 37www.jewishnews.co.uk Fun, games and prizes SUDOKU Fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains the numbers 1 to 9. 11/08 Last issue’s solutions Sudoku Suguru Wordsearch Codeword Crossword See next issue for puzzle solutions. All puzzles © Puzzler Media Ltd - www.puzzler.com SUGURU Each cell in an outlined block must contain a digit: a two-cell block contains the digits 1 and 2, a three-cell block contains the digits 1, 2 and 3; and so on. The same digit must not appear in neighbouring cells, not even diagonally. 123456 78 9101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ACROSS 1 Rigid (5) 4 Gently mountainous (5) WORDSEARCH CODEWORD In this finished crossword, every letter of the alphabet appears as a code number. All you have to do is crack the code and fill in the grid. Replacing the decoded numbers with their letters in the grid will help you to guess the identity of other letters. ALIEN ANIMATED ASTEROID CHAOS COBRA CREATOR CREATURE DAVID DISNEY EXPERIMENT EXPLOSION FAMILY HAWAII ISLAND LILO RESCUE RESTAURANT SCIENTIST SHELTER STITCH ACROSS: 1 Mace 3 Snorer 8 Remnant 9 Fob 10 Hurly-burly 13 Untidiness 17 Aga 18 Goodies 19 Regime 20 Star DOWN: 1 Mars 2 Cymru 4 Net 5 Refer 6 Rib-eye 7 Pallid 11 Bank on 12 Au pair 14 Twang 15 Swift 16 Tsar 18 Gum The listed words related to Lilo and Stitch can all be found in the grid. Words may run either forwards or backwards, in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction, but always in a straight, unbroken line. T T Y Y U U 41517179 82118204 15 10 20 16 12 18 15 5 9153 15 682232 11 17 8 26 2151125 482123182 61121239 8 97169 19 25 15 14 11 21 87 10 14 8 63 24 20 15 71025108 25 715 498 52 13 711 3117 11 10 11 2221 18 910 218 38815 15 22 822114138 13 25 21 8 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 3 1 545 1 4 35 2 1 22 3 46 13 14 85 37 39 51 48 2 589 96 57 2 397 BF TW SC IE NT IS T AV PN H DHH OL IL Y NB AA EC ID AU OL Y II OS TM IV MW IN R MS SI TS IE AM AE N AE TL NE RR AD SI O TS UE AUR FETP OI ECYC TN FOAP LH S DO UA S NDU IO XR O BB EL NE RM OD RE L ER PW H ARN EI LA P CA NY NSHE LT ER X UR OT AE RC EC DL E F HP UD RAC T SOPG YT ME RMN ALP RFR HC AI DHU AAS NN E OE TL EI NR SW OI E LL SA ED SE EIE NT IL LU ST RA TI ON I DO M COD TA ER FA N ACA I DHC EAS RG G YPEAE OT SRP IO S EW H RL NTH EI ELY MS IR U OTO GN NSU M ESS AGE EW I DGC LR COU NT RYN LA O CE AAB FW H UMA NS QU EL CH EI TT CE E RO GU IS H KNA VE UR MS Z BL AC KJ ACK BO Y TE IR LE E EXP EN SIV E EP AE N GLO SS DU TI FUL ANADU II CHUCK LE BON US YSE DE GT D K V N J R Y F O C E X P W G L M Q H S B A U T Z I 51 76 93 284 46 85 27 913 92 38 41 567 14 27 85 396 78 61 39 452 35 92 64 871 87 53 12 649 63 49 78 125 29 14 56 738 3 2532 4 4 1415 1 5 2534 2 1 3121 3 2 5435 4 1 3212 1 1 4245 3 2 3131 4 1 5252 5 2 4341 3 3 1525 2 4 2314 1 7 Supersede (7) 8 Whichever (3) 9 Curving line (3) 11 Crib (6) 14 Money received for working (6) 17 Secure with a knot (3) 19 First number (3) 20 Enjoy yourself (4,3) 22 Lid joint (5) 23 Possessive pronoun (5) DOWN 1 Dash across a pitch naked (6) 2 Mischievous elf (3) 3 Former French currency unit (5) 4 ‘Laughing’ beast (5) 5 Brochure (7) 6 Round toy with a string (2 2) 10 Declare unfit for human habitation (7) 12 Spirit distilled from molasses (3) 13 Racket sport (6) 15 Orange yellow pigment (5) 16 Diplomatic messenger (5) 18 First name of US actor Mr Hartnett (4) 21 Viral disease (3) THE JEWISH NEWS CROSSWORD
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