“And so the process started which he didn’t want and which he wanted to stop: the disappearance of the Soviet GorbachevUnion.”was a loyal believer in Lenin’s ideas who wanted to give socialism “a more human face”, Sharansky said, and tried “very hard” to stop the collapse – by sending troops to the breakaway Baltic republics, for example – because “he was fighting for something that he believed. He was fighting until the last days because he wanted to keep the monopoly of the Communist Party.” He continued: “So it is really a unique phenomenon of a person who is at the top of the pyramid, of the system, and decided to change the system. “But you have to remember that the real changes that he did were because of the big pressures of the free world and the big crises in which the Soviet Union was in.” Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev was a “unique phenomenon” who tried to rebuild the Soviet system after reaching its summit – according to the man he released from six years of hard labour. Natan Sharansky, the political activist who became a symbol of the plight of Soviet Jews persecuted during the 1970s and 1980s, praised the last Soviet leader for recognising the need for greater freedoms. But that also triggered the unravelling of the USSR, a process that Gorbachev – who died in a Moscow hospital this week aged 91 – was unable to stop.
But former Soviet leader ‘didn’t realise there’s no such thing as a little bit of freedom’, iconic refusenik tells Jewish News
“What he didn’t realise was that there is no such thing as a little bit of freedom,” Sharansky told in the hours after Gorbachev’s death was announced.
Israel’s president recreates iconic Theodor Herzl image to mark 125 years of Zionism. See
Continued on page 3
But that also triggered the Jewish News in the hours after Gorbachev’s death want and which he wanted wanted to give socialism “a more by Michael Daventry
Sharansky’s tribute to Gorby the ‘phenomenon’
1 September 2022 • 5 Ellul 5782 • Issue No.1278 • @JewishNewsUK Thechosenpaper FREE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR
“The more people get some freedom, they demand all the freedoms.
Anatoly (later Natan) Sharansky with Prime Minister Shimon Peres (right), Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon (top) arrives in Israel in 1986 following his release
mike@jewishnews.co.uk @MichaelDaventry EXCLUSIVE

Blunt – who is known for his anti-Israel stance – is being investigated by the Standards Commissioner after failing to declare 10 payments from the International Centre for Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) within the 28-day period required. The payments, which he received between 29 August 2021 and 1 June 2022 and declared too late, amount to more than £20,000. In one case he declared the payment 320 days after receiving it. The ICJP states that its principal objective is being to coordinate and support legal work that supports the rights of Palestinians in Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the wider diaspora. Its website says the ICJP is advised by senior lawyers, academics and politicians who form its advisory board. In May, the organisation hosted a conference examining claims of apartheid in Israel. Blunt, who has represented Reigate in Surrey since 1997 and is backing Rishi Sunak as party leader, last year faced calls to have the whip removed after he suggested during a parliamentary debate that the terrorist group Hamas had the right to hit “legitimate targets” in Israel. In May, the 61-year-old said he would stand down at the next general election. He says he has responded to the Standards Commissioner over the ICJP payments.
Crowne had previously served on a number of Board committees. He was previously the deputy for Limmud. He works professionally as a forensicBoardaccountant.president Marie van der Zyl thanked Crowne, saying he had “worked diligently to keep our finances in good order and to ensure the smooth running of our operation”. Chief executive Michael Wegier also confirmed the Board” will soon start the process to elect a new treasurer”.
www.jewishnews.co.uk2 Jewish News News / 1972 massacre / MP investigated / Treasurer quits 1 September 2022
The 11 were killed after being taken hostage
“It has been a privilege to work with so many dedicated and engaged people, and to help facilitate the range of perspectives and values which are at the heart of our representative nature. “I am really proud of the work which we as an organisation have achieved, and want to thank all my colleagues... for all their hard work, insight and support.”
Ankie Spitzer, whose husband Andre was among the 11 Israeli athletes and coaches (inset) killed by Palestinian gunmen at the 1972 Games in Munich
Families of the Israeli athletes killed in the Munich Olympic massacre have struck an agreement for compensation from the German government. The relatives have for years been campaigning for Germany to accept responsibility for the deaths of the nine Israeli athletes and two coaches after they were taken hostage by the Palestinian terror group Black September. As recently as last week some family members had attacked what they considered Germany’s refusal to recognise their su ering. But Jewish News understands the families have now agreed a package that includes a German admission of responsibility and the promise of a historical inquiry, as well as “suitable compensation”. No financial figure has been Israel’sannounced.PresidentIsaac Herzog and FrankWalter Steinmeier, President of Germany, said in a joint statement that would together commemorate the 50th anniversary of massacre next week, alongside the victims’ families. Herzog said: “I believe that 50 years after this catastrophe, the time has come to find relief for the bereaved families and to reaffirm the lessons of this tragedy, including the importance of fighting terror, for future generations.”Eleven members of the Israeli Olympic team were killed in 1972 after they were taken hostage at the Munich Olympic village by members of the Palestinian terror group Black September. The site had been poorly guarded. Many died during a subsequent armed stando and a botched rescue attempt by police. Payments have since been made to victims’ relatives but families have demanded greater sums and for authorities to be accept the mistakes made half a century ago. Michael Daventry
Ben Crowne: ‘Privilege’
Board’s treasurer quits after 13 months in role
Selling items of value has never been simpler.
Tory MP Crispin Blunt is being investigated by a parliamentary watchdog over late declaration of payments from a Palestinian pressure group.
Board of Deputies treasurer Ben Crowne is stepping down from the role, writes Lee Harpin. He told deputies he had “regrettably” decided to leave the post to which he was elected unopposed in May 2021. He added that he would remain a deputy, representing Bevis Marks synagogue. In a statement, Crowne wrote: “As well as the bread and butter areas of my division’s work – finance, fundraising and risk – I have greatly valued the other projects which brought me in touch with many of you: community outreach, deputy engagement, hybridising our meetings, the board plan and our long-term strategy.
Crispin Blunt is known for his anti-Israel comments
mike@jewishnews.co.uk @michaeldaventry

Continued from page 1 became leader in 1985 and is best known in the west for opening up the USSR and rebuilding ties with countries including United States and Britain. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990 for his role in ending the Cold War. He also lifted restrictions on Soviet citizens from travelling abroad, prompting Jews in their hundreds of thousands to make aliyah after waiting for years. Sharansky was the first political prisoner to be freed under Gorbachev’s policy of glasnost –openness – and went on to emigrate to Israel, where he became a politician and later the chairman of the Jewish Agency.
Gorbachev would later express his regret at the Jewish exodus, admitting that Soviet authorities had long persecuted Jews and that society had been infected with antisemitism.
Editorial comment, page 16
Jewish News 3www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022 Mikhail Gorbachev / News JNF UK Legacy Mission ISRAEL2022 ◆ Walk in the footsteps of history ◆ Celebrate Israel’s amazing achievements ◆ Enjoy the trip of a lifetime 24 October - 2 November ◆ £1,600 per person excluding flights ◆ No single supplement TOUR THE LENGTH & BREADTH OF ISRAEL IN LUXURY & COMFORT ACCOMPANIED BY AN EXPERIENCED GUIDE EXPERIENCE FIRST-HAND THE JNF UK PROJECTS IN THE NEGEVFor more information and to secure your place, please contact the JNF UK legacy department Tel: 020 8732 6129 • Email: legacymission@jnf.co.uk LAST AVAILABLE!PLACESFEW Sharansky: Gorby felt I had insulted him
The two men first met in Israel at a dinner hosted by President Chaim Herzog in 1992, when Gorbachev was no longer president. Sharansky recalled that his wife Avital, who had spent years campaigning against the Soviet Union, even picketing Gorbachev on his overseas visits, had been reluctant to attend but in the end they both did. “It was a very easy atmosphere,” he said. “It was nice to talk, especially when you feel that your cause is won.” But a subsequent menbetweenencounterthetwoataconference in Poland was more tense. “I was asked what are the main factors which brought the liberation and my release and the release of political prisoners. “I said: ‘Number one is the struggle of the dissidents within the Soviet Union, like [Andrei] Sakharov; number two is the support of world leaders like Reagan, and number three is Gorbachev coming to power and making a courageous“Afterdecision’.I finished I went straight to Gorbachev and said to him ‘thank you’, but he was very insulted. He said: ‘I released you, against all the advice, I released you, and now you put me in the third place.’”
“The poisonous seeds of antisemitism arose even on Soviet soil,” he said in 1991, when he was still Soviet leader.“The Stalinist bureaucracy, skilledistrymenthewe,butgrateitsvinismcountingthecountryitpracticesemitism,decryingpubliclyanti-inusedtoisolatethefromoutsideworld,onchau-tostrengthenhold.“Therighttoemi-hasbeengranted,Isayfranklythatsociety,deeplyregretdepartureofourcoun-andthatthecountrylosingsomanytalented,andenterprisingcitizens.”

Jewish News4 www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022 News / TV uproar / Stamford Hill attacks MAN ‘TRAVELLED 180 MILES TO ATTACK LONDON JEWS’
Suspended Tory given senior role Television channel GB News has sparked anger after giving a platform to a right-wing activist who once tweeted: “I believe the Holocaust is lie”, writes Lee Harpin. Free speech advocate Peter Imanuelsen was interviewed by presenter Neil Oliver during Oliver’s two-hour Saturday night show, with the presenter describing his guest as a “journalist and politicalImanuelsencommentator”.appeared on the episode to discuss population decline in the west, with claims made by both Oliver and Imanuelsen that the Covid vaccines could have impacted birthrates. In 2017, Imanuelsen was revealed to have been responsible for tweets under the name of “Peter Sweden”, who regularly made extremist allegations about “Jews”, “globalists” the “NWO” (New World Order) and the Shoah. GB News tweeted a clip of the interview with Imanuelsen but later deleted it after anger mounted on social media over the decision to invite him on to the show.
The anti-racism charity Hope Not Hate revealed the identity of the Peter Sweden Twitter account. Confirming that he had posted under the name, Imanuelsen claimed his views “are very di erent and I strongly regret things I have said when I was young”. In another tweet, in which he tried to win support from a pro-Israel group in Norway, he claimed the Holocaust tweets were smears from the “far-left”. But just one year earlier his tweets included the claims: “I don’t like fascism but I think Hitler had some good points. I am pretty certain that the Holocaust never actually happened.”InAugust 2016 he wrote: “I believe the Holocaust is a lie to further the agenda of the NWO,” referring to the New World Order conspiracy theory. In May he tweeted: “The claim that 6 million jews were gassed seems highly unprobable. The concentration camps didn’t have the facilities for that.” In October that year he added: “The globalists (mainly Jews) are the ones bringing Muslims into Europe.” He also tweeted “Judaism is the antichrist religion” and claimed the antisemitic forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion was “the Jews own text on Jewish supremism”. Imanuelsen, whose family moved to the UK in 2004 from Sweden, was also photographed at an anti-immigration event in Sicily with far-right activist Katie Hopkins. Born in Norway, he has built up a large following on social media channels such as You Tube, where he airs his often extreme views. Marie van der Zyl, president of the Board of Deputies, said at the time: “It was distressing to see Katie Hopkins posing for a photo with a Holocaust denier, as part of her trip to support the ‘Defend Europe’ campaign.”Imanuelsen then said he believed that the Holocaust did happen and that it was a “horrific crime”.
Anger as GB News gives platform to right-winger who denied Holocaust
Qureshi, who is Muslim, represented himself at Thames Magistrates Court and admitted attacking the two adult victims. He denied any religious motivations after being accused of travelling to the area “deliberately” to target “members of the Jewish community.”
A local council election candidate suspended by the Tories after sharing inflammatory social media posts about “Zionists” and Israeli “assassins” has landed a senior role at Manchester Conservatives. Sham Raja was unendorsed as Bury Conservatives’ local election candidate for the Sedgley ward in Prestwich, after the posts came to light. But just four months later, Raja’s appointment as deputy chairman membership was confirmed on Manchester Conservatives’ website. Raja was earlier revealed to have shared a Facebook post which suggested Israeli soldiers were responsible for “unborn children being ripped out of pregnant women” and claimed “the media makes the Zionists look like the victim.”
A man deliberately travelled 180 miles from Yorkshire to north London to attack two Jewish men and a boy on their way to a synagogue, a court has heard, writes Lee Harpin. Abdullah Qureshi, 29, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, is accused of attacking the victims as they walked in traditional religious clothing through Stamford Hill. One of his alleged victims claims Qureshi hit him over the head with a bottle after being targeted “because he was Jewish”.
Sham Raja: Appointed and presenter Neil Oliver
The historian and BBC presenter Sir Simon Schama tweeted: “This is utterly horrifying – neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier – GB News must apologise; who booked this abhorrent antisemite ?” Board of Deputies director of public a airs Daniel Sugarman tweeted: “14 months ago, GB News launched stating it intended to ‘give a voice to those who feel sidelined’. I don’t know about you, but personally I feel that those with a history of Holocaust denial should very much continue to feel sidelined rather than have GB News give them a voice.”
A GB News spokesperson said on Sunday: “We’ve been made aware that Peter Sweden, also known as Peter Imanuelsen, who appeared on GB News yesterday to talk about falling birth rates, has been accused of being a Holocaust denier.
Imanuelsen’s tweet
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The alleged attacker also went on to slap a young boy who was on his way to the Jewish School wearing a Jewish coat. His third alleged victim, Jacob Lipschitz said he was punched into a wall and knocked out on the way to a synagogue, the court heard. Lipschitz said that he could “not function normally” after he was punched in the face by Qureshi. The religiously aggravated element of the charges was dropped by prosecutors but was then reinstated following an outcry from communalQureshiorganisations.deniedone count of religiously aggravated wounding or grievous bodily harm and two counts of religiously aggravated common assault. At an earlier hearing, he had admitted to attacking the two adult victims but denied any religious motivations. He has also never admitted attacking the boy.
Qureshi will next appear at Stratford Magistrates Court for a full trial in November.
Raja told Jewish News he was a long-time member of the Conservatives. He said he was “not antisemitic” and added that he lived among the Jewish community, many of whom were his friends.
“As a result of this information, we have removed clips of Mr Sweden’s interview from our website and our social media channels while we investigate. “GB News abhors antisemitism and all other forms of racism.”

A groundbreaking new project, the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, is being launched on 11 September with a three-day intensive conference.
JNF helps Ukrainians who have fl ed to Israel
Jewish News 5www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022
There’s a young, dynamic, growing Jewish community in the UK and we’d love you to come for a visit. With financial incentives to young couples who will play their part in regenerating our community, joining the UK’s fastest growing Jewish community could, actually, be for you.
1979 and is now honA statue in Swanage of Trevor Chadwick, who rescued 669 children from Prague in early 1939 from German occupation
Chadwick / Refugee aid / Antisemitism centre / News
JNF UK has taken part in a project to give aid vouchers to Ukrainian refugees who have fled to Israel after Russian invasion of their country. Those helped include the family of Peotr Sanevich, who saved the Jewish boy Dimitri Schmeiger from the Nazis. Sanevich’s daughter and seven of his grandchildren are now safe in Beersheva, where Schmeiger’s family live today. Money raised by JNF UK — about £127,000 — will go towards helping 1,000 Ukrainians in Israel, some of whom are the descendants of those named Righteous Among the Nations for their wartime aid to Jews. The vouchers will help them buy things they need beyond the food supplied by the state, including shoes and basic household goods. Anatoly and Lydia Odarchuk fled to Israel from Rivne in Ukraine with seven of their nine children when the shelling began. Lydia’s father was recognised as righteous for risking his life to save Jewish children during the Shoah. Lydia said: “We had a happy life in Ukraine. We didn’t believe that a war could break out. We have discovered in Israel many good, caring people who help us.”
To enjoy a free* trip to Brighton and join a Hard Hat Tour of Brighton’s Jewish Hub comprising residential units, Shul, kosher restaurant and co-working facilities, please scan here: @bnjcbrighton www.bnjc.co.uk *Tours are taking place on Sundays this Autumn. BNJC will reimburse train or coach day tickets to Brighton if attending a bnjcbrightontour. tour. by Jenni Frazer @JenniFrazer dangerous work after the Nazis invaded... he praise.”
“We hope it will not only serve to educate about an important historical episode, but also inspire future generations to consider the ways in which ordinary people can make a di erence in the world.”
A previously unsung British hero of the Holocaust has finally received proper recognition in his home town of Swanage, Dorset, where a bronze statue has been unveiled by his grandson. Trevor Chadwick, a Latin teacher and lifeboat volunteer, first travelled to Czechoslovakia in January 1939 to bring back two refugee children who had been given places at his school. While in Prague he met another potential refugee child, Gerda Mayer, and took her back to the UK as well; Chadwick’s mother stood as guarantor for LikeGerda.the later, betterknown Nicholas Winton, Chadwick began trying to bring out hundreds of Jewish children from Czechoslovakia, working with the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia, selecting children for the Kindertransport and organising their departure. His first operation was an evacuation by a 20-seat aeroplane from Prague. Later evacuation were usually by train. Chadwick accompanied the children to the Prague rail station. In early June 1939, Chadwick saw o a final trainload of 123 children and left Czechoslovakia. Winton later wrote: “Chadwick did the more di cult and dangerous work after the Nazis invaded... he deserves all Chadwickpraise.”died in 1979 and is now honoured in Swanage. A children’s playground has been named after him and a blue plaque in his name has been approved at the town’s railway station. At a ceremony on Bank Holiday Monday for the unveiling of statue by local sculptor Moira Purver, about 300 guests were present in brilliant sunshine, together with the Lord Lieutenant of Dorset, Angus Campbell, the High Sheri of Dorset, Sibyl Fine King, Richard Drax MP and Val Pothecary, chairman of Dorset Council. There were also dedications from Rabbi Maurice Michaels and Reverend Tony Higgins, who is also a former lifeboat crewThemember.Association of Jewish Refugees’ head of education Alex Maws said: “The child refugees who owed their lives to actions of Trevor Chadwick never got to thank him in person, which is why the Association of Jewish Refugees is so pleased to support this important new memorial.
The brainchild of academic David Hirsh and collaborators, the centre’s mission is “to challenge the intellectual underpinnings of antisemitism in public life and to confront the hostile environment for Jews in universities”.
Comment, Page 20
About 1,000 Ukrainians have arrived in Israel
Brighton, actually.
Organisers say the launch is in response to antisemitism “leaking into academic thought and liberal cultural life”. The answer, they believe, “is to define, debate, deconstruct and defeat this hostile environment”. Performers, writers and thinkers involved at the launch include Howard Jacobson, Karin Stögner, Anthony Julius, David Baddiel, Tracy Anne Oberman, Luciana Berger, Rachel Riley, Philip Spencer, Matt Bolton, Marlon Solomon, Ray Gelato, Terri Shaltiel and Sam Eastmond and many more. On the following two days there is a planned academic conference, involving scholars from across over the world.
Memorial at last for unsung hero

Zionism marks Theodor Herzl’s 125-year-old vision
Jews community leaders from around the world – including members of the Board of Deputies – met this week in Basel, Switzerland, to mark the 125th anniversary of a historic gathering of Zionists in the city. The event was organised by the World Zionist Organisation, a group inaugurated during the First Zionist Congress that Theodor Herzl, considered the father of modern Zionism, convened in 1897. At the 1897 congress, 200 participants from 17 countries voted to adopt as an explicit goal the creation of “a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine” for Jews.“At Basel, I founded the Jewish state,” Herzl wrote in his diary at the time, noting that while not everyone recognised the import of the congress then, they would in 50 years — precisely predicting the moment when Israel would become an independent nation.
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The 125th anniversary event, which began on Sunday, was not meant to set or debate specific policies. Instead, it was aimed at celebrating the degree to which Herzl’s vision has transformed into a thriving reality in modern-day Israel.
“Many of us were born into the reality of the State of Israel existing as a sovereign, powerful, Jewish and value-based entity,” said Yaacov Hagoel, chairman of the WZO, in a statement.” But just five generations before, it was a distant dream.”
The two-day conference incorporated a series of speeches and panel discussions about both the successes of Israel and the challenges facing it and the Diaspora. Among the many Jewish leaders from Israel, the United States and Europe on the agenda were Micah Goodman, a philosopher of modern Zionism; Shuly Rubin Schwartz, the chancellor of the Conservative movement’s Jewish Theological Seminary; Shais Rishon, a black Orthodox rabbi and commentator; Ruchie Freier, the first Chasidic woman to serve as a civil court judge in New York and Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League.
Israeli president Isaac Herzog, a former leader of the Jewish Agency for Israel, which connects Jews in Israel and abroad, attended, as did Israeli minister of diaspora a airs Nachman Shai, who called in a speech for a rethinking of the relationship between Israeli and diaspora Jews. Also in Basel is Board of Deputies chief executive Michael Wegier. He said: “It was a privilege to be part of a Board of Deputies delegation meeting Zionist leaders from around, the world and hearing inspirational presentations from thought leaders and activists from Israel and around the world.” Organisers recreated a famous photograph of Herzl taken in Basel in 1897. The picture, in which Herzl gazes over a hotel balcony, gives a sense of the bearded Jewish leader peering intently toward an uncertain territory and is an iconic image of Zionist history. Herzl, who died aged 44 in 1904, was later reburied in Israel. A sculpture of Theodor Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, in Dimona, southern Israel

Jewish News 7www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022 Registered Charity 1003345. Therejamiuk.org/understandmaybetimesinour lives when we lose all hope. Jami provides reassurance that things can get better. #understandmentalhealth JamiPeople JAMIMentalHealth jami_uk Jami UK Understand SUICIDAL THOUGHTS JNFP_Jami_Understand Suicidal Thoughts_260mmWx330mmH_AW.indd 1 26/07/2022 15:38
Ancient DNA cannot solve the puzzle of what caused the 17 people to die. But by working with historians and archaeologists, researchers have o ered new insights into a significant historical crime, Jewish population history, and into the origins of Ashkenazi-associated genetic diseases.
“Accordingly on 6 February [in 1190 AD] Jews who were found in their own houses at Norwich were butchered; some took refuge in the castle.” The findings indicate that four of the probable victims were relatives, including three young sisters (aged 5-10 years, 10-15 years and a young adult). Their DNA included variants associated with genetic diseases that are found more commonly in Ashkenazi Jewish – one of two major ancestral groups of Jewish individuals – populations today.
Dr Selina Brace, a principal researcher at the Natural History Museum, said: “I’m delighted and relieved that 12 years after we first started analysing the remains of these individuals, technology has caught up and helped us understand this historical cold case of who these people were and why we think they were murdered.”
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Researchers suggest their study challenges the previous view that disease-related variants associated with Ashkenazi Jewish populations only became more common in the past 600 years.
The researchers also found that they carried markers associated with some genetic disorders for which modern day Ashkenazi Jewish populations are at higher risk. Genetic disorders particularly common in certain populations can arise during bottleneck events, where a rapid reduction of the population can lead to big jumps in the number of people carrying otherwise rare genetic mutations.
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Reconstructed faces of a male adult (left) and a child (right) based on skeletal remains. DNA from human remains found in a medieval well suggests they belonged to Ashkenazi Jews who fell victim to antisemitic violence during the 12th century
DNA from human remains found in a medieval well suggests they belonged to Ashkenazi Jews who fell victim to antisemitic violence during the 12th century. In 2004 archaeological excavations in central Norwich uncovered a medieval well containing the remains of at least 17 people, mostly children. Researchers analysed DNA from six of these individuals, and found strong genetic link with modern Ashkenazi Jews, making them the oldest Jewish genomes to have been sequenced. According to the study, the findings are consistent with these people being victims of a historically recorded antisemitic massacre by local crusaders and their supporters in Norwich on February 6 1190 AD. A specific antisemitic riot in 1190 CE was recorded by the chronicler Ralph de Diceto in his Imagines Historiarum II. He wrote: “Many of those who were hastening to Jerusalem determined first to rise against the Jews before they invaded the Saracens. Researchers analysed DNA from six of these individuals, and found strong genetic link with modern Ashkenazi Jews, making them the oldest Jewish genomes to have been sequenced.
Scientists from the Natural History Museum, University College London, Mainz and Cambridge Universities, and the Francis Crick Institute, conducted analysis on the remains of six of the people discovered at the site. Unlike other mass burial tioned, likely caused by being deposited head-first after death. Experts suggest these findings hint at mass fatalities such as famine, disease, or murder.
Jewish News8 www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022 Special Report / Ancient ancestors
Medieval DNA ‘shines new light’ on Jews in Britain 16+ (14+
in London).

Jewish News 9www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022 Each year, across Israel, thousands of children and families suffer from devastating socio-economic problems and many are at-risk and vulnerable. Though most of us never see this first-hand, Emunah absolutely sees the need every day, responding and acting to improve lives wherever and whenever it can. By supporting our crowdfunding campaign on 11th and 12th September, you can ensure that every child and family that need help will be seen and supported. Donate at www.charityextra.com/britishemunah or call 020 8203 6066 Not all injuries can be seen. Psychological damage may be invisible but it’s very real. Registered charity no. 215398 emunah.org.uk • British Emunah on Please help us support thousands of ‘at-risk’ children in Israel 11 - 12 SEPTEMBERCrowdfunder2022

One of the leading lawyers of the 20th century is to be honoured posthumously with an English Heritage blue plaque placed at the front of his former home in London, writes Adam Decker. Sir Hersch Lauterpacht QC, born in 1897 near the city now known as Lviv in western Ukraine, is widely recognised for having devised the concept of crimes against humanity during his illustrious career as a lawyer and judge.
number 3669657. Registered office: Ropemaker Place, 25 Ropemaker St,
Rabbi David Meyer, the former head of Hasmonean High School, said he was “honoured”, adding: ”I have had the privilege of working closely with the DfE and Ofsted in my current position at PaJeS. I look forward to building on these relationships.”
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PaJeS Trustees chair Sarah Anticoni added: “This is clear recognition of Rabbi Meyer’s expertise.”
Born into a Jewish family who moved later to Vienna and then London, Lauterpacht obtained a PhD from the London School of Economics in 1925. With his wife Rachel he later moved to a terraced house at Walm Lane, Cricklewood, where the blue plaque will be placed in a ceremony this month. In 1945, Lauterpacht, by then professor of international law at Cambridge, played a key role in the first trial of Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg.From1955 to 1960, the year he died, he was the British judge at the International Court of Justice. His writings are cited frequently in briefs, judgments and advisory opinions of the World Court. After the Holocaust, Lauterpacht’s thinking also included the question of how this unprecedented event could be properly met by an international law based on established rules and precedents. He was asked by Israel ocials for his opinion in overturning attempts by Arab states including Syria to invalidate the Jewish state’s right to declare independence. He recommended that they avoid the International Court if possible, telling them: “There is little doubt that the real purpose of the Syrian proposal is an attempt to challenge the entire jurisdiction of the United Nations on the issue of Palestine.”
England and
The sessions over four days were aimed at helping refugees absorb into the UK community and to support those in need of immediate care. In June, the synagogue hosted a summer concert for Ukraine that raised over £10,000 for World Jewish Relief’s Emergency Appeal. The recording, watched by more than 2,000 people, can be seen at Jewishevening,theHampsteadGrunwaldconcert-for-ukraine.theus.tv/summer-WJRpresidentHenryQCthankedSynagogueandShabbatonChoirfortheandpraisedthecommunity’sbacking for Ukrainians. “The British Jewish community has been fantastic in its support so far for what World Jewish Relief has done, and is doing in Ukraine, the surrounding countries and the UK,” he said. “Thank you for helping to support Ukrainians.”
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• With
Sir Hersch Lauterpacht QC Guests at the training sessions
Rabbi David Meyer joins Ofsted board The executive director of Partnership for Jewish Schools (PaJeS) is one of six new appointments to Ofsted’s board.
Training sessions for Ukrainian refugees were held last month at Hampstead Synagogue’s Community Centre, organised by Camden Caremark in conjunction with Camden Council.
EC2Y 9LY. Are your
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With investing, your capital is at risk
Jewish News10 www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022 News / QC honoured / Ukrainians hosted
portfolio thatcan combine
Holocaust theme for Eisenberg’s new film Jesse Eisenberg’s newest film directing project follows two estranged cousins who travel to Poland and learn about their grandmother’s Holocaust story. A Real Pain, starring Eisenberg and Kieran Culkin, begins shooting in Warsaw in March. It tells how Eisenberg and Culkin’s characters try to learn about the grandmother’s past, and their journey – which involves joining a Holocaust-themed tour – brings up questions about pain and trauma in a modern context.

Joel Rosen, whose reputation soared after a masterful demolition of Jeremy Corbyn in an interview with the former Labour leader at Cambridge University’s debating society, has set out his agenda as the newly-installed presi dent of the Union of Jewish Students (UJS).
JK Rowling’s agent has been named new chairman of the British Friends of United Hat zalah when current chairman David Metzger steps down next month. Neil Blair said he was proud to play a role in the organisation: “United Hatzalah of Israel’s mission is truly inspiring and its ability to pro vide emergency medical support in under three minutes across Israel truly saves lives,” he said. “Its inclusive approach to lifesaving is inspiring and I am proud to play a role in ensuring that it can continue to serve all of those who need its help. It really is the embodi ment of Tikkun Olam.” United Hatzalah founder Eli Beer welcomed the appointment. “Neil’s long history of lead ership and extensive experience in both the commercial world and the not-for-profit sector make him an ideal person to act as our board chairman,” he said. Crossrail engineers are to advise Israeli officials on the country’s new Tel Aviv Metro. Crossrail was responsible for the new Elizabeth Line in London, which opened in May. The engineers will pro vide consulting services for Tel Aviv’s new £33bn Under ground with 90 miles of tracks and 109 stations. UK transport secretary Grant Shapps flew to Israel last week to sign a “memorandum of understanding” with the transport ministry. He said: “This partner ship ingrains our commit ment for a global Britain, helping our world-leading rail industry to extend its exper tise to friends oversees. It is a fantastic opportunity for our British engineers and advisers to share their ingenuity with Israel as they undertake their largest ever rail project.”
“The support for Magen David Adom in Nigeria is immense. I could not believe a million people turned up,” Burger said.
Jewish News 11www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022
Shapps signed the deal with Israeli Minister of Transpor tation and Road Safety Merav Michaeli, who said: “The know-how we have shared and the agreements we have signed will result in better transpor tation in both countries, and particularly greener, shared transport that the world needs so much as we face the climate crisis. These steps contribute to strengthening the relations between Israel and the UK and are a cornerstone of our important bilateral ties. Matthew Salter, the UK’s trade attaché to Israel, told The Times: “It is very grati fying to see a British company win such a significant advisory role in Israel.”
Magen David Adom has secured a further two ambulances from donors in Nigeria following an appearance at a landmark Christian conven tion in MDANigeria.UKchief executive Daniel Burger was the keynote speaker at the event to mark the 70th anniversary of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in the city of Lagos. The convention was attended by Pastor E.A. Adeboye and Folu Abeboye, the Mother-inIsrael pastor, and one million other attendees. Burger thanked both for their existing dona tions, saying the ambulances had helped save 23,000 lives and birthed over 1,000 babies MDA UK said after the gathering that the Adeboyes were “so moved by the tribute they have subsequently committed to donating a further two ambulances in the coming weeks”.
Rosen, who was born and raised in Golders Green, was elected to the UJS leadership role by a landslide in last December’s election. ambulance pledge Rosen sets agenda as UJSMetropresidentpact/News
HATZALAH ROLE FOR NEIL BLAIR UK experts advise on Tel Aviv Metro MDA
Rosen said he is determined to become a Jewish leader able to represent student voices from every spectrum of communal life. “I want to advance diversity across our com munity,” he said. “I am a firm believer that JSocs should be a home for all Jews, be they Orthodox, Progressive, somewhere in between or nonaligned.“Iam a big believer that we need to rep resent the full diversity of Jewish students, politically and religiously.”
The Adeboyes with MDA’s Daniel Burger Elizabeth Line engineers are to ‘share their ingenuity’

Jewish News12 www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022 MEDIA PARTNERS:DISCUSSIONS | LECTURES | PERFORMANCES | MUSIC TICKETS £30/£15 londonantisemitism.comCONCESSIONS More than 33 million people have been affected PLEASE DONATE NOW worldjewishrelief.org02087361250 reg. charity number 290767 RESPONSEFLOODPAKISTAN

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Jewish News14 www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022

GCSE pupils are pass masters courses community’s A-level ‘ mensches ’ excel King Solomon High School and Yavneh Colleage students
Rabbi David Meyer from the Jewish schools thinktank PaJeS said the results were “most impressive” in Jewish schools and “a reflection of the dedication and commitment of the students and their teachers”. He added: “It is also noteworthy that many schools are recording increased numbers of students taking vocational courses. This is a very positive development for the community.”FortheJewish Community Secondary School (JCoSS) in Barnet, it was a recordbreaking year with 78 percent of students receiving A-levels at Grade B or better. Some students secured the highest possible grades: Dinah Lewis and Eitan Richards each received three A* and one A, while Joel Klein topped the school with four A* grades. Partrick Moriarty, JCoSS headteacher, said the students were now leaving the school as “accomplished mensches”. He said: “This cohort faced exceptional challenges over the last few years: their GCSE courses ended abruptly without the chance to prove themselves in the exam hall.
At King Solomon High School in Ilford, east London, nearly half of the results – 49 percent – were graded between A* and B, with all candidates in its Art & Digital Photography and Religious Studies groups receiving the top grades.Headteacher Hannele Reece said it was testament to her students’ “resilience and hard work” against the backdrop of the Immanuelpandemic.College in Bushey, Hertfordshire, said this year had produced the second-best exam results in the school’s history, with 88 percent of results between A* and “OurB. students have shown incredible resilience and commitment as a cohort who have seen their education so disrupted,” said the headteacher.
The college’s best results were recorded in 2019, the last time traditional exams were sat. Yavneh College in Borehamwood announced it was sending six students to Oxbridge or to study medicine after a “brilliant” set of results.
“These are excellent grades, achieved against a backdrop of exceptional challenges during and since the pandemic,” said outgoing headteacher Patrick Moriarty. “Not only were GCSE courses disrupted by school closure, isolations and remote learning, but the social and emotional toll on students and their families has been very significant too.”
Jewish schools achieved recordbreaking GCSE results following the first in-person exams to be sat since 2019, writes Adam Decker. Multiple Jewish schools in England have reported strong performances, with some saying more students than ever before have received the highest grades. Immanuel College in Bushey, Hertfordshire, said this year’s results were the best traditional exam results in its history, with more than half of all the results graded at level eight or nine.Nearly one third – 31 percent – of students received a Grade Nine and the school’s average GCSE grade was halfway between a seven and an happysaid:MikeHeadteachereight.Buchanan“Weareverytocelebrate with pupils and their families on such outstanding results, especially given the upheaval of the last two years, and the challenges the pupils have faced.
At JFS in Kenton, north London, 40 percent of all GCSE grades were grade eight or Headteacherabove.David Moody said it was an “exceptional” performance, adding: “The way in which the students have brought every ounce of their e ort to bear on these exams has been incredible to watch. “They should be hugely proud of everything that they have achieved. They are a superb group of students, supported by an excellent sta at JFS and deeply caring families.”Yavneh College in Borehamwood cent – of students received grades eight or Spencernine.Lewis, headteacher, said it was “testament to the hard work and dedication of the pupils and of the incredible team of sta at our school”.The Jewish Community Secondary School (JCoSS) in Barnet, north London, saw 32 percent of results at Grade eight or nine.
Jewish News 15www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022 Exam success / News
Students celebrated – and commiserated – after the first in-person A-level exams in three years, writes Adam Decker. Jewish schools nationwide reported strong results, with some saying more students than ever before had received the highest grades.
“They took these exams without the benefit of that experience, on top of significant disruption to their time in the sixth form.”
Ilford, east London, nearly half of the graded candidates in its Art & Digital Photography groups receiving the top Headteacher Reece ment to her students’ “resilience work” against the backdrop Bushey, Hertfordshire, said this second-best the school’s history, with 88 percent “Our students have shown ience and commitment as a distinctions.Headteacher dents and to the dedication and commitment percent of all grades were either A* or A, lute credit to everyone, pupils, sta and of everything they have achieved. “With over 200 students taking up excited to watch everything that they will achieve in their lives. tastic community.” of everything Jewish schools reported outstanding GCSE performances with many pupils receiving the highest grades said more than one third – 36 perondaryschool”. north London, saw 32 percent of of since the pandemic,” said outgoing
At King Solomon High School in Ilford, east London, students were celebrating a “fantastic set of GCSE results” despite the challenges of the pandemic. Seven students secured multiple high results ranging between Grades seven and Headteachernine. Hannele Reece said: “Their results are a credit to their hard work and determination, and to the commitment and dedication of their teachers. “I look forward to welcoming students into the sixth form to continue their journey with us.”
“We look forward to welcoming pupils to IC6 (Immanuel College Sixth Form) in September.”
Some 88 percent of A-level candidates scored between A* and B, while 93 percent of vocational students achieved at least three distinctions.Headteacher Spencer Lewis said it was “testament both to the hard work of the students and to the dedication and commitment of the sta ”. JFS in Kenton, north London, said 65 percent of all grades were either A* or A, with over a third of all grades at A*. Headteacher David Moody said all those receiving Oxbridge o ers had been successful, while a majority of 200 students were on their way to Russell Group universities. He said: “These results are an absolute credit to everyone, pupils, sta and parents alike. I could not be more proud of everything they have achieved. “With over 200 students taking up places at university next year, I am excited to watch everything that they will achieve in their lives. “It is a privilege to work in such a fantastic community.”

THIS WEEKEND'S SHABBAT TIMES... Shabbat comes in Friday night 7.31pm Shabbat goes out Saturday night 8.31pm Sedra: Shofetim
communal eventsSynagogues to create‘welcoming committees’Word ‘Shvartzer’ to beunderstood racial slurSephardi, Mizrahi Yemenitesongs in Ashkenazi synagoguesSchools increase focus oncolonialism and black history...and Facebook group JewishBritain named shamedREPORT EXPERT PAGES 26 shamed Magazine Jewish News LIFE DRESSING
BLINDBRITAIN’SSPOTWe’veneverbeensofocusedonfightingracism,sowhythedeafeningsilenceasantisemitismspiralsoutofcontrol? ANTI-JEWISH RACISM MADNESS SPREADS: Pages 4, 5, 6, 22 Hospital probes ‘cutthroat gesture’ to Jewish patient• Driver with Israeli ag attacked in Golders GreenCrucifixion banner at huge pro-Palestinian demoBBC journalist’s #Hitlerwasright tweet revealed• Nearly 300 antisemitic incidents in under 3 weeks DONATE ORTUK.ORG/BOOKS ‘It’s okay not to be okay’ Journey’s end FREE COMMUNITY 100thcentury!Freddie’ssurvivor’s Landmark review ofracism in the Jewishcommunity calls Timefor: to endthe divide End to racial profiling
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The bulk of the early tributes to Mikhail Gorbachev rightly focused on his role in ending the Cold War. For those readers old enough to remember the protracted conflict between the world’s two superpowers – it will not be in living memory for many below the age of 40 – this was the man who helped the world become a little less unpredictable. Some went so far as to call it the “end of history”. The man himself deservedly won the Nobel Peace Prize. For Jews, he had a second significance. For decades, the notionally secular Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had oppressed its Jewish population because of who they were. Gorbachev himself admitted it: he said Soviet authorities had decried antisemitism publicly while simultaneously using it to isolate the country from the outside world – it was an act of the “Stalinist bureaucracy”. Soviet Jews, in their hundreds of thousands, were prevented from travelling abroad or building a new life in Israel and were instead forced to endure their lives in an oppressive regime. Gorbachev changed all that. First by releasing emblematic political prisoners like Anatoly Borisovich Sharansky – who later took the name Natan – then by allowing Jews who had long felt outcast by their home country to leave. A generation later, the numbers make clear how that act of lowering the drawbridge has transformed Israel. Around 1.3 million Russian-speaking Jews live in Israel today. They are now a major part of the fabric of modern Israeli society, representing more than 15 percent of the population.Thatiswhy Sharansky was right in his interview with Jewish News this week to call Gorbachev a “unique phenomenon”.
With regard to your recent news report on rabbis joining the Gas Workers and General Labourers Union (GMB), will they be striking for better pray? I’ll get me tallit...
Support your Jewish community. Support your Jewish News
Lee Harpin’s report on the situ ation on the ground in Hebron (4 August) was a propaganda piece, unsurprising given it was a trip organised by a hostile “human rights” organisation which only presents a hate agenda against Israel and its citizens across the Green Line. Hebron’s Jewish quarter is tiny.
Joe Millis, By email Striking for fair pray?
Jewish News16 www.jewishnews.co.uk LETTERS TO THE EDITORVOICE OF THE JEWISH NEWS 1 September 2022 Send us your comments PO Box 815, Edgware, HA8 4SX | letters@jewishnews.co.uk Editorial comment and letters Bringing Russia in from the cold ISSUENO. 1278
Support Jewish News by visiting our donor page at jewishnews.co.uk at HAART:Julia’s unorthodox wardrobe Rabbit turns 50 BeginningsLivingwith
THE FOUNDATIONJACOB Jewish News is owned by The Jacob Foundation, a registered UK charity promoting cohesion and common ground across the UK Jewish community and between British Jews and wider society. Jewish News promotes these aims by delivering dependable and balanced news reporting and analysis and celebrating the achievements of its vibrant and varied readership. Through the Jacob Foundation, Jewish News acts as a reliable and independent advocate for British Jews and a crucial communication vehicle for other communal charities.
Last month India benefited from Israel’s water expertise at the ‘Eve rything About Water Expo 2022’ in New Delhi, focusing on the Israeli model for water management, pol icy regulations, technologies, R&D implementation and the Israel-India water partnership.
The next prime minister should follow suit by inviting Israeli ex perts to help resolve the urgent crisis of serious water shortages, the daily leakage of 20 percent of water companies’ supply (that they only “have plans to halve by 2050’”: (Water UK 27.03.22) and the 1,000 daily discharges of raw sewage into our water. Trevor Lyttleton NW11 SOLVING THE WATER CRISIS
Revd Helen Harrell, Chair, Unite the Union Faith Workers Branch
The Jewish community has heard about a rabbis’ union grouping which has set up under GMB. While any clergy seeking to unionise is a good thing, it is important to stress that rabbis have been un ionised and very effectively represented along with other clergy for several decades in the Faith Workers Branch of Unite the Union and its forerunner, Amicus. This branch contains the single largest unionised group of rabbis in the country. It is currently forming its own subgroup within a branch of 2,700 members working for a wide range of different faith groups, thus lending a strong hand to the representation of Jewish clergy in the UK and Ireland. Ariel Abel is one of the rabbis in Unite who has served as an accredited workplace rep and is an elected member and Equali ties Officer of the Faith Workers Branch committee. He looks forward to welcoming anyone, Jewish or not, who works in a Jewish faith or ethos-based organisa tion, to the Faith Workers branch and can be contacted at rabbiabel@gmail.com
Jews there need army protection because of Palestinian, not socalled “settler”violence. Hebron is Judaism’s second holiest city, and was King David’s capital.
Few leaders have risen to the pinnacle of power only to try change the system that elevated them. The Soviet Union did collapse on his watch – but without him, it may well have been far messier and far, far bloodier.
You report (16 August) that “the country’s biggest Reform shul (EHRS) has adopted a policy allowing the child of a Jew ish father and non-Jewish mother to be recognised as Jewish without having to go through conversion”. You are correct that this could have an impact if a number of EHRS children at Jew ish schools have a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother who has not undergone even a Reform conversion, which is anyway not recognised by Orthodox bodies. Martin D. Stern, Salford
It is shameful that Jewish News should add to the climate of antisemitism by publishing an article based on bigotry. James R Windsor, Ilford
Thank you for helping to make Jewish News the leading source of news and opinion for the UK Jewish community. Unlike other Jewish media, we do not charge for content. That won’t change. Because we are charity-owned and free, we rely on advertising to cover our costs. This vital lifeline, which has dropped in recent years, has fallen further due to Todaycoronavirus.we’reasking

Talks with Iran have failed time and again
Rob Rinder declares his support for the criminal barristers’ strike T his column often laments the sickening appeasement of anti-western forces, whether of nation states (eg, Putin’s Russia, Iran or Syria) or ideologies (such as radical Islam). Such appeasement is always immoral and short sighted, weakening the West and undermining liberal values. Yet few of the politicians, academics or policy gurus see it that way. More often, they have projected a fantasy onto their opponents, pretending that they will be more amenable to the West if only a few specific grievances are satisfied. There was a reminder of all this last week following the sickening attack on Sir Salman Rushdie in New York State. Rushdie has long paid a terrible price for daring to write a novel that questioned the foundations of Islam.The fatwa that was imposed on him by Ayatollah Khomeini was never lifted and was merely waiting to be activated by a ‘righteous’ fanatic with the means and opportunity. Some conservative newspapers in Iran were glowing in their praise for the attacker and sought to justify the near killing with reference to the original religious edict. In response to this heinous crime, one western leader after another has o ered pious condemnations and fallen over themselves to defend principles of free speech and expression, as indeed they should. But they have also been seeking to resurrect a failed nuclear deal with a regime that openly supports terrorism against the West. Whatever one thinks of the merits of the JCPOA (and there are many legitimate criticisms), one cannot doubt that it openly ignores much of Iran’s most nefarious behaviour: the appalling persecution of minorities within the country, the growing ballistic missile threat, its bloody intervention in Lebanon and the use of terrorist proxies in multiple countries.
Sanctions won’t calm Iran’s bestial appetite
Jewish News 17www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022 Editorial comment and letters
What is abundantly clear is that the ayatollahs operate a rogue regime that is contemptuous of international law and which is dedicated to the violent march of Shia Islamism in the region. It inspires supporters to commit heinous crimes in its name, including the attempted murder of secular writers like Rushdie. Yet western nations seem to think that relaxing sanctions or the threat of force will rein in the bestial appetites of the Iranian government. It is a tragically misguided perception based ultimately on a delusion. Religious fanatics cannot be appeased or wished away. They must instead be confronted and defeated.
For good reason, Iran is considered the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. For years, it has trained Shia terrorists fighting against coalition forces in Iraq and kept alive the flames of civil war in Syria. It has supported Houthi rebels in Yemen, helping to exacerbate a humanitarian disaster in that war torn country. It has dispatched militias to other Arab countries and funded Palestinian terror groups, including Hamas, in the hope of igniting a regional war to destroyWithinIsrael.thelast few weeks, an Iranian member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was charged with plotting to kill former national security adviser John Bolton, possibly in retaliation for the killing of terror chief Qasem Soleimani in 2020, while assassination plots against former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have been described as ‘real and ongoing’. Lest we forget, Iran has also taken innocent civilians hostage, among them Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcli e. Needless to say, such an administration is dangerous enough without the massive injection of cash that any nuclear deal would bring.

Jewish News18 www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022 020 8446 www.jdeaf.org.uk0502 Registered Charity No. 1105845 Company Limited by Guarantee 4983830 Don’t get impatient when I can’t hear you Stand in front of me so I can see your face and have a nice chat Top tips for chatting to someone with hearing loss

disguised as a girl, and then Yossele’s passport picture – also showing him as a girl – was swapped for Claude’s. For nearly two years, Ruth Ben-David outwitted Mossad in the search for Yossele Schumacher. He was eventually found in America and returned to his parents in September 1962, going on to live a blameless and happily anonymous life in Israel. Ruth, despite being admired so much by Mossad chief Isser Harel that it is rumoured he o ered her a job as a Mossad agent, had yet another chapter in her. In 1965, to the horror of his acolytes, she married the leader of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect in Jerusalem, Rabbi Amram Blau. Blau was 26 years older than Ruth, and after his death in 1974 she took on a singular role in the strictly-Orthodox world, travelling and negotiating with Arab leaders – including Yaser Arafat – for the return of Israeli captives. These two extraordinary stories are showcased in new books by Israeli academics, Professor Motti Inbari and Professor Kimmy Caplan. I can’t think when I’ve enjoyed falling down a rabbit hole more, and I hope readers will agree there is a fantastic film to be made. Sex, lies and skullduggery: what more could we want?
RUTH WAS SO ADMIRED BY MOSSAD THAT IT IS SAID SHE WAS OFFERED A JOB AS AN AGENT ❝ Rabbi Amram Blau’s marriage to Ruth Ben-David shocked his acolytes
Sex and skullduggery
down the rabbi(t) hole
Opinion 1 September 2022 Jewish News 19www.jewishnews.co.uk
M y father’s generation, all refugees or survivors of the Shoah and each with horrific stories of captivity, violence, escape and unrecognised heroism, mostly have passed on now. In our immediate family there are two brave and brilliant women still alive who experienced the sheer hell of Auschwitz, then found temporary refuge in Sweden before joining family in Britain. Whenever I visit my father’s youngest sister Sussie in north London and his niece Schindy in Brighton (brought up as a sibling by a grandmother who died in the death camps), there is new living testimony to what they have endured. On a recent emotional visit, Shindy recalled how our grandmother squeezed her hand as they stepped o the train at Auschwitz. In the moment before separation my grandmother had the good sense to tell her to lie about her age. The di erence between the ‘child’ age of 14 years and 16 meant the barracks at Auschwitz-Birkenau rather than murder and incineration. My grandparents, Fanya and Sandor, went straight to the gas chambers. Aunt Sussie, in the midst of Britain’s hot summer, recalled the bitter cold of the barracks in mid-European winter when the only coverings were rough, cotton shifts. She, her late sister Rosie and Schindy huddled together for warmth. The idea that Britain this winter faces some kind of existential energy crisis is a liberal myth created by those without any knowledge of real humanitarian su ering. Now in their mid-90s, both remaining relatives have age-related health problems. But the same courage which allowed them to survive the horror of the camps still pumps through their bodies. Life is far too precious to allow it to slip away and it is their duty still, whenever they can, to bear witness to the degradation and abomination which they su ered at the hands of their Nazi captors. The way Britain gave them refuge, success in life and new families is a huge tribute to the way successive governments have dealt withYes,refugees.therehave been lapses – my father in 1938 was turned away by the British army at Haifa after a perilous journey from Europe, but he eventually made it to Victoria station as war erupted and the Nazis began their grotesque task of emptying Europe of its Jews.Iwrite this now with this intimate Shoah experience because I find it incomprehensible that some Jews should think it acceptable to join the UN antisemites and Israel haters who oppose the National Holocaust Memorial at Victoria Palace Gardens.
The arguments are manifest but the answer is simple – the Shoah, with its industrial murder of Jews, Roma, homosexuals and the disabled, is crime against humanity which shows the evil and vile actions which are the ultimate darkness haunting humankind.
The Tory leadership candidates talk of moving Britain’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. As grateful as we all should be for that recognition of the return of Jews to their destiny, the candidates must also make sure the National Holocaust Memorial is completed next to the House of Commons –that great symbol of freedom and tolerance. With every passing day and lost testimony of survivors, it becomes more imperative.
There’s only one site for the Holocaust Memorial
London, like other great cities such as Berlin and Washington, needs a permanent, prominent, in-our-face reminder of what happens when societal values are perverted by madmen and to remind us genocides are not over – think Darfur, Rwanda, Ukraine.
Iwas looking something up online the other day when I fell down a research rabbit hole and happened on an incredible story. It ought to be a film. Perhaps that should be “rabbi hole”, because this was the almost unbelievable story of a kidnapped child and the role played in his kidnapping by a Catholic-born Frenchwoman who became the rebbetzin of the anti-Zionist group Neturei Karta. You see? This was certainly a rabbit hole worth falling into, as we will discover. The kidnapped child element of the story is fascinating enough on its own. This was 10-year-old Yossele Schumacher, born in the Soviet Union – Uman, in Ukraine, as it happens – and brought to Israel, with his sister, in 1958. Yossele’s mother, Ida, had rejected the strictly-Orthodox background of her own parents, Nachman and Miriam Shtrakes, who were members of the Breslov Chasidic sect. Ida and her husband Alter settled on a secular kibbutz with their children, but things went badly for them financially to the point where the Schumachers asked Yossele’s grandparents to look after him in Jerusalem. When it came to returning Yossele to his parents, however, Nachman Shtrakes put his foot down. He believed that Ida and Alter were planning to return to a secular life in the Soviet Union. They weren’t, but thus began a scarcely credible story of hide-and-seek as the strictlyOrthodox community joined forces internationally to keep Yossele away from his parents. The Schumachers went to court for the return of their son and Mossad became involved. The search went worldwide, from Switzerland to New Jersey and even, at one point, to Golders Green. Meanwhile, one of those involved in expediting the kidnap was Ruth Blau, born in Calais in 1920 to a Catholic family and then known as Madeleine Ferraille. She had a fascinating life even before getting involved in the Yossele Schumacher a air, having served in the French Resistance and even having posed as a double agent between France and the Nazis.

Danielle Greyman is suing Leeds University. Her lecturers failed her third-year essay because it did not blame Israel for what Hamas does wrong. The institution rallied round the markers. Her degree was delayed by a year. In the end, after legal pressure from UK Lawyers for Israel, the university conceded that the essay was not a fail. But the damage done to Danielle by that antisemitic exclusion is irreversible.Holocaustand genocide studies is being reconstructed by people who say focus on the Holocaust is a Zionist strategy to legitimise Israel and to normalise colonial violence in general; their call is to ‘decentre’ the Holocaust. SOAS paid out £15,000 to its student, Noah Lewis, to settle his complaint that there was an antisemitic hostile environment there. SOAS had asked me to chair his appeal. My appeal committee had mandated SOAS to have a proper inquiry to determine whether or not they have a problem of institutional antisemitism. I persistently reminded them of this and they ignored me. They never had an inquiry. When I spoke out in public they tried to undermine my professional reputation. They later withdrew the claims. We need to institutionalise the work of challenging the intellectual underpinnings of antisemitism in public life. We have played a role in shaping the responses of the Jewish community to 21st century antisemitic threats. But our position in universities is precarious and it is becoming increasingly di cult to teach and mentor the scholars of the future. We are cut out of research funding, academic publication and promotion. Even the very brightest young scholars of antisemitism are not getting jobs in universities.ThenewLondon Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism (LCSCA) is necessary to create a space where we can work. In collaboration with colleagues in other countries, we need to build an MA programme in antisemitism; we need a PhD programme; we need to fund and to lead academic research into contemporary antisemitism. LCSCA is associated with the Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism and it has signed a deal with Routledge to publish a series of academic books on contemporary antisemitism.
The task is nothing less than to change the intellectual weather and to turn around some powerful and enduring intellectual tendencies that have been building for decades; that threaten Jews, and that weaken the democraticLCSCAstate.is completely unsustainable without significant support. We need a minimum foundation on which we can build a self-sustaining and permanent institution. We believe we need £250k a year for three years. We are asking the institutions and the individuals of the Jewish community, as well as wider communities of institutions and people who care about democracy, to help. help oppose antisemitism in academia
How you can
A ntisemitic thinking is routine in parts of the social and human sciences. Thousands of academics have signed statements a rming that Israel is uniquely apartheid, illegitimate, racist, should be boycotted and that these axioms are foundational to their scholarship and to their morality. It follows, then, that if you cannot sign up to them you are neither a scholar nor moral. Although they do not say so as explicitly as their defrocked colleague Bristol sociology professor David Miller does, many academics think of their Jewish students and colleagues as ‘assets of Israel’. Hundreds of them, and indeed whole branches of their union, defended Miller, not only on the basis of academic freedom but on the basis of the eminence and value of his scholarship. They have not thought again, even now, when he is reduced to making clunky conspiracy theory videos for the Iranian propaganda machine. For the overwhelming majority of Jews some kind of positive attachment to Israel is, in the formulation of lawyer and academic Anthony Julius, a “non-contingent and rationally intelligible aspect of their Jewish identity”. In any case, ‘Zionist’ in this context is not a self-ID concept. It is an identity that is thrust on us without our consent, and it means ‘racist’, ‘pro-imperialist’: a person who is not acceptable as a member of either the community of the good or the community of scholarship.Antisemitic thinking of this kind is positively embraced by only a minority, but most academics either stay quiet in the face of it or they accept it as legitimate. It is protected by those who have administrative power in our universities. But the work of describing and opposing it is not generally accepted as real scholarship; it is not protected, respected, rewarded or funded.
A first year student told me she had been warned that there was actually a “Zionist” inside the department! It is that picture of me that inspired the designation “far right white supremacist”. I am called that by our Students’ Union, which formally speaks for our students, and it is endorsed by my own union branch, which formally speaks for my colleagues. I am a scholar of antisemitism, and of genocide, and of 20th century totalitrianism. I am the son of a refugee from Nazi Germany. Depending on who you count, tens, or hundreds, or thousands, or millions of my people were murdered by “far right white supremacists”. There is an antisemitic hostile environment at Goldsmiths. It has announced that it is going to carry out a formal investigation to determine whether that is true, and what should be done about it.
Jewish News20 Opinion www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022
LECTURER IN SOCIOLOGY, GOLDSMITHS UNIVERSITY OUR UPCOMING LAUNCH EVENT WILL REACH OUT TO PUBLICACTIVISTSANTI-ANTISEMITISMACROSSLIFE ❝ Travelink - Job Vacancies Two exciting opportunities to join a leading travel company based in Hendon 1 . Experienced Bookkeeper/Accounts manager – Full time (min 4 days p/w) Overall responsibility for the daily running of the accounts department. Credit control, bank reconciliations, payments, VAT returns, etc 2 . Financial Controller – Part Time (5-6 days per month – flexible) Review and streamline the accounts processes and systems, preparing y/e accounts incl provision of agreed trial balance and schedules,monthly management accounts etc Competitive salary package offered depending on experience and Emailexpertise.forfulljob description and further details – incl your CV. Email: info@travelinkuk.com No agents
Generations of successful Jews have donated money to build and sustain Jewish studies in universities, Holocaust and genocide studies, Israel studies and antisemitism studies.Hannah Arendt wrote that “in a society on the whole hostile to Jews … it is possible to assimilate only by assimilating to antisemitism”. This is the situation that confronts academics even in these ostensibly safe spaces for Jews: assimilate to the wider hostile environment or risk exclusion from it. In polarised America, such exclusion is achieved by designating scholars who take contemporary antisemitism seriously as Trumpists. It is becoming clear that much of the money that has been donated over the years is now being spent on people who do not have the conceptual tools or the intellectual clarity to understand and oppose antisemitism. Our forthcoming launch event and conference are going to achieve something unique for an international meeting of academics: they will, at the same time, reach out to people in politics, the arts, public life; to the Jewish community; and to anti-antisemitism activists. The centre’s core business is research, and producing peer-reviewed research outputs, but it is keenly aware of the importance of that work having wider, practical impact. This outreach is not one way. LCSCA is making a virtue out of necessity. It is cut o from academic sources of support, publishing, and funding so it is building a community of people around it who feel they are part of the work the centre is doing. LCSCA will prove, by the success of its launch and conference, that it is in a position to lead a global network of scholars and to institutionalise the work that is now only done by individuals.Theinstitutions, and many individuals, of the Jewish community, and we ourselves, are ambitious for our new institution.

Runners raised tens of thousands of pounds for good causes at the second London Interfaith Fun Run. Participants took on 10k, 5km or 1km routes around the StoneX stadium in their efforts for 50 charities, from those supporting the homeless and refugees to those bridging the divide between faith communities. It was organised by the Faith & Belief Forum and Maccabi GB and backed by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London’s Council on Faith, chaired by David Dangoor CBE, who initiated the run. The event also offered a charity fair and the chance to sample foods from different cultures. Performances included Iranian and Arabic dances by refugees from New Citizens Gateway.
Raising a sweat – and vital funds
1 September 2022 Jewish News 21www.jewishnews.co.uk Community / Scene & Be Seen

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Jewish News22 www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022

A couple of years ago, when Britain’s former Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier, who is from Kilmarnock, Scotland, first heard Richard Hecht speak, his jaw dropped. His deputy, Sir Stuart Atha, also from Ayrshire, was similarly astonished. For Hecht was then head of the Israeli Air Force’s (IAF’s) international policy relations – and despite many years living in Israel, his accent is pure, unadulterated Glaswegian. This month Hecht, now a Lt-Colonel, took over in one of the hottest seats in Israel as the IDF’s international spokesman, tasked with explaining the actions of the military to foreign reporters in print, on TV and online.
Jenni Frazer talks to the Scotsman explaining the IDF’s moves to the world army for the US company course, he studied Hecht on the tarmac and (right) with IDF Gen Gadi Eisenkot and the US joint chief of staff Hecht (right) with RAF officers at the RAF Officers Club in Mayfair The Israel and Hecht acted as master he began to speak. “They later went to the UK for a at the time: “You will never a diaspora Jew, to see you walking border. Gradually he worked and was then o ered the at the IDF’s expense. As well as being commanders’sentlawandpolitical science tary on a variety of projects, including wanting to improve his English, to make With his US commendation medal friendly. He spent the latter part of his military career moving between foreign relations posts and combat positions. But Hecht hoped to leave the army. In March 2020, he was o ered a post at New relishing the challenge, though he understands there is a di erent dynamic between briefing o cers and talking to the international press. Not every reporter was ready to accept Hecht’s painstaking assembling of data, showing that it was the shortfall of Islamic Jihad weapons that was killing Gaza’s children, rather than Israeli rockets. Home for Hecht now is north Tel Aviv, Hecht has served in the West Bank and at the Lebanese border
1 September 2022 Jewish News 23www.jewishnews.co.uk InsideBrianEpsteinstatueLostmusicalssongsPhotoexhibition A look
And Hecht — who has vast operational experience as a battalion commander, as well as a self-imposed mission to “bridge both cultures” — couldn’t have started his new job at a stickier time: the day before Operation Breaking Dawn, Israel’s most recent conflict with Islamic Jihad in Gaza. His presentation to the two British RAF o cers was, for him, a form of closure. “It was a secret obsession with me. My grandfather had served in the RAF and talked to me about being a Jew in the RAF, and that it had been complicated. So to some extent it was closing a circle. I said to my guys, ‘Let’s not do training just with the Greek air force, let’s try and work with the British RAF.’”The British o cers came to Israel and Hecht acted as master of ceremonies. He takes pleasure today in remembering Hillier’s and Atha’s expressions as he began to speak. “They were looking around for Candid Camera!” The IAF later went to the UK for a joint exercise with the RAF. He told his commander at the time: “You will never understand what it means to me, a diaspora Jew, to see you walking into the RAF O cers’ Club.” During Hecht’s tenure with the IAF, Israeli pilots took part in joint exercises with the RAF and in celebrating the RAF’s centennial. “It was a massive deal,” Hecht says. It is a long journey from the Jewish suburb of Newton Mearns in Glasgow, where Hecht and most of his siblings began life; their youngest sister was born after the family made aliyah in 1983. Hecht and his identical twin are the eldest. “Our parents wanted to make a new start. I think they were tired of the diaspora. But it was traumatic. We left a very comfortable lifestyle to live in spartan Israel.” The family went first to an absorption centre and then to a kibbutz in the Golan, where Hecht and his twin were obliged to sleep in the children’s house, away from their parents. It was tough, he says, “but it made us Israelis”. After Kibbutz El-Rom was privatised, Hecht says, his parents went to live in Zichron Ya’akov, in the north. His mother, Valerie, worked for many years in the Golan Heights and Carmel wineries, and his father Albert turned to agricultural writing. Both are now retired. Hecht joined the army at 18 and, by 22, having met Zohara, now his wife, had left the kibbutz. He started his army trajectory in a combat unit in the West Bank and the Lebanese border. Gradually he worked his way up to becoming a battalion commander and was then o ered the opportunity of studying, at the IDF’s expense. As well as being sent to America for a year for the US commanders’companycourse,hestudiedlawandpoliticalscience at Reichman University in Herzliya and worked with the American military on a variety of projects, including ballistic missile defence. He recognises that it was smart of his superior o cers to make use of his language skills, but says he is conscious of wanting to improve his English, to make his media presentations pithy and userYork’s Jewish Heritage Museum. But on the eve of moving, Covid struck, and the job did not happen. Instead he went into industry, working in business development for an Israeli defence company. But, with a smile, he admits he “got a bit bored”. A phone call from the army spokesman’s o ce inviting him back was welcome. So it was back into uniform and a world he knows inside out, running a team of young men and women, many of them lone soldiers, who have made aliyah without their families. He is where Zohara is a financial planner and the elder of his daughters is about to go into the army. What does her father tell the new recruit? “It will be a fantastic opportunity for her to meet and see Israel. She’s been living in a protected neighbourhood. She’ll meet people of all colours, all races, and she’ll have a chance to promote herself based on her capabilities.” Hecht’s relationship with the diaspora, he says, “remains complicated” — but he’s enjoying the balancing act.

T o a chorus of Let It Be, sung by a huge crowd gathered on Whitechapel, Liverpool unveiled a new statue last week. A statue many felt was long overdue. The striking bronze incarnation of Brian Epstein, manager of The Beatles, now stands on the street he walked along on 9 November 1961 as he made his way to see the band for the first time.
24 Jewish News JN LIFE 1 September 2022
Marie Darwin, a Liverpool Beatles guide, historian and author, was determined it to make happen, and she had already proved herself by organising a plaque for Epstein at 4 Rodney Street, the place of his birth in 1934. Encouraged by this small success, Marie joined forces with a small group of dedicated campaigners who worked tirelessly to redress the balance. As a collective operating as The Brian Epstein Legacy Project, they started a fundraising campaign to create a statue. Like Marie, everyone who donated (there were contributions from 30 other countries) believes that Brian Epstein was a visionary who should never be forgotten for his contribution. Among those gathered to see the unveiling were Freda Kelly, who was Brian’s secretary and ran The Beatles fan club when she was just 17, surviving members of The Quarry
A long-awaited statue of the Jewish impresario Brian Epstein has finally been unveiled in Liverpool. Brigit Grant was there to see it
Honoured at last: The
RIGHT: How Britain read about Brian Epstein’s death in August 1967, from an accidental drug overdose. Below: Epstein (centre) with John Lennon and Paul McCartney
Created by Andrew Edwards, the sculptor also responsible for The Beatles statue on the waterfront, the Epstein statue has been perfectly placed a stone’s throw from The Cavern on Mathew Street and directly opposite the former site of North End Music Store (NEMS), the Epsteins’ family business. Known for selling furniture and instruments, Brian joined the business in the late Fifties and was put in charge of the record department. Under his guidance, it became one of the biggest musical retail outlets in the north of England and, as the frontman, he had a talent for picking songs that would do well – and eventually the bands that produced those hits. There had always been plans to honour and commemorate Epstein, the Jewish impresario who put Liverpool on the music map with the Mersey Beat, but there was never enough money or collective intention to make it happen.
Above: North End Music Store (NEMS), the Epsteins’ family business.

life of Brian
Far left: Andrew Edwards, the sculptor
Left: Epstein (right) with The Beatles. Below: Brigit, who is writing the screenplay for a bio-pic about Epstein, poses with the striking bronze. ‘I feel I know every inch of the man, despite never having met him,’ she says
Above: Brian Epstein’s headstone in Liverpool
Left: Crowds at the unveiling last week
Men(John Lennon’s first band) and Pauline Marsden, the widow of Gerry Marsden who, together with The Pacemakers, was also managed by Epstein. Pacemaker Les Maguire was there too and he and the others in attendance were visibly moved to see such an accurate and commanding likeness of the man who once navigated their careers. Andrew Edwards has captured Epstein’s stance, swagger and sartorial elegance in the statue, though it was at the suggestion of Sir Paul McCartney that the trademark cravat was included. It is draped around Brian’s neck inside his coat, which carries the initials of those who contributed on the inside lining. I studied the statue, from the waves in his hair to the laces of his shoes, as I was fortunate enough to be at the unveiling. Having spent the past three years writing, editing and working on the screenplay for The Midas Man, a bio-pic about Epstein, I feel I know every inch of him, despite having never met him. Being engrossed in the life of Brian for so long, and consuming every word that has been written about him, has made him feel like a member of my extended family. This may sound incongruous and indeed presumptuous to his own family, but it was inevitable after so much time spent in his company (sort of). Like others at the unveiling, I have come to understand his brilliance, determination and spirit for adventure despite the personal challenges he faced. With that spirit and acumen he changed the lives of Cilla Black, Gerry Marsden, Billy J Kramer and the Dakotas, The Moody Blues and The Fourmost, who were the musicians in his stable alongside The Beatles. Ultimately The Beatles are Brian’s legacy and the statue on Whitechapel cements this. Together they changed music forever. Jewish author David Stark was also in Liverpool to see the statue. He fell in love with The Beatles as a child and in later life was instrumental in getting a plaque mounted for Epstein outside Sutherland House, beside the London Palladium on Argyll Street in London. Brian ran the NEMS Enterprise management company from there until his death in 1967. The unveiling of the statue on 27 August coincided with the date of Epstein’s death at the age of 32. For the Legacy committee the choice of date was intentional as they see it as ‘rebirth of Brian Epstein’ in his home town. The return of Liverpool’s most famous Jewish son was marked by a chorus of Beatles songs with the final line of Hey Jude changed to ‘Hey Brian’.
1 September 2022 Jewish News 25www.jewishnews.co.uk

Tickets are £30. Londonantisemitism.com/launch
Jewish News26 www.jewishnews.co.uk1 September 2022 JN LIFE &
New to You And now for some news for fans of musical theatre. Circle 18th September in your diary as that is the evening you will have the privilege of listening to songs that were cut from classic shows. The titans of the genre have been rummaging in their drawers to select and repurpose the melodies and lyrics of never-before-heard songs that are being regenerated for one night only.
Regenerate: Lost Songs from the Musicals is a livestreamed online gala fundraiser that will be free to watch, but with the audience kindly donating via text, phone or online. So far the unsung songs and world premieres include It’s Still Me in Here sung by Anita Dobson from new musical Feather Boy by Oscar winner Don Black and Debbie Wiseman OBE, who was the o icial composer of the Platinum Jubilee Celebration at Windsor in May. There’s a Stephen Schwartz (Wicked/Pippin/Godspell) o ering, Leaving Myself Behind, from new project Marley, and a song by Claude Michel-Schönberg and Alain Boublil that was cut from Miss Saigon during the development process.
Baddiel,Luciana Oberman Miss Saigon
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A rabbi’s daughter returns
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The Wiener Holocaust Library has the UK’s largest archive of family papers related to Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, including extensive collections of photographs: portraits, snapshots and albums. Family photographs have o en been overlooked as historical or artistic objects in their own right but a new exhibition at the Wiener is designed to make you reconsider their significance. Most of the images show domestic everyday life, plus there are holiday snaps from the 1920s, photopostcards sent during the First World War and formal studio portraits from the 1890s. Photography in these decades underwent radical changes, and this is reflected throughout the exhibition. The objects on display demonstrate an image-savvy public, using photography to express their identities and belonging within national cultures and local communities. Admission is free. There was a time… Jewish Family Photographs before 1939 is showing at the Wiener Holocaust Library in Russell Square, London, 21 September-4 November. wienerholocaustlibrary.org
Confessions of a Rabbi’s Daughter is a heart-warming musical by Emily Rose Simons, coming to The Other Palace as a concert production for just two performances, on 21 and 22 September. Rachel is a budding Jewish matriarch in a prominent Orthodox London synagogue, weeks away from obtaining the last essential requirement to follow in her departed mother’s footsteps: a husband. Will she manage to keep herself, her community and family together, or find the courage to follow her heart in another direction? The show is performed by Tanya Truman, who we recently saw in action at Park Theatre with her hilarious one-woman show Pickle (which returns to the Park in November). theotherpalace.co.uk
TECH THAT EXHIBITIONMUSICALS SHOW FESTIVAL CONCERT Photo opportunity EntertainmentThat’s Dr who? Tracey-Ann
• It may be on the pricey side for •someTheEmber app has poor reviews on both Android and iOS. Unfortunately, they were substantiated. The mug would constantly lose Bluetooth connection with my phone, and I’d have to pair it each time. It’s not the biggest hassle but needs fixing for such an expensive product
VERDICT ✡ ✡ ✡ Ember Mug2 is by far the best selfheating mug out there in terms of design and functionality. While the buggy app shouldn’t be a dealbreaker, it does need to be fixed and maybe then it would get a perfect five stars from me. Reviewed by: Daniel Elias, TikTok @ daniel_ Instagram_Elias@daniel_elias You’ve read the book, seen the show, watched the TV series and now you can see the show again - with a di erence. NHS doctor turned author Adam Kay is going on a nationwide tour with his new show This is Going to Hurt More, telling stories from his forthcoming book Undoctored. He’s at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith on 14 November. Adamkay.co.uk If David Baddiel, Luciana Berger, Howard Jacobson and Tracy-Ann Oberman sound like your kind of people, get yourself down to the Bloomsbury Theatre on Sunday 11 September for an all-day festival of lectures, discussion, music, comedy and drama to celebrate the launch of the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism. David Baddiel will discuss his book Jews Don’t Count, Luciana Berger and Rachel Riley will be comparing their experiences of exclusion, antisemitism and misogyny that resulted from speaking out against Jeremy Corbyn, and Tracy-Ann Oberman will perform a scene from her production of The Merchant of Venice, which comes out next year. Howard Jacobson and Anthony Julius will be giving keynote lectures and there is a host of other well-known personas performing music and comedy.
Other Jewish musical creators gi ing work will be Canadian husbandand-wife team Irene Sanko and David Hein (who wrote Come From Away) and composer/lyricist Adam Guettel – composer of The Light in The Piazza – who is the grandson of Richard Rogers, who gave us The King and I and The Sound of Music. If that list doesn’t do it for you then a new song by Sir Tim Rice and Sir Elton John might. Proceeds from the fundraiser will support new writing talent without the finances to share their work at BEAM 2023, the UK’s biggest showcase of new musical theatre. Glad we told you? Then watch on www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ705NK7j5A
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On 5 September we will find out who the next leader of our country will be. This week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, contains the secret to longevity in leadership. God commands a Jewish king to carry a Torah scroll with him at all times and to read it every day, “so that he may learn to revere God, to observe faithfully every word of this Torah as well as these laws” (Devarim 17:19).
The Baal HaTurim (Rabbi Jacob ben Asher 1269-1343) reminds us that this message is not just for kings; we ‘commoners’ still have temptations to act superior towards others in our dailyYetlives.aswe have seen time and again on both a personal and a national level, pride comes before a fall. The secret to longevity in leadership is self-e acement acquired through the commitment to lifelong study. One always has more to learn – and not just through text but also through the knowledge and experiences of every person. Whoever our next prime minister is, the Torah’s advice would be to start hitting the books.
Longevity leadershipin BY LAURIE REZNIK PROJECTS EXECUTIVE FOR THE UNITED SYNAGOGUE MAKING SENSE OF THE SEDRA Antiques Buyers Wanted all Antiques & furniture including Lounge Dining and Bedroom Suites. Chests of drawers. Display and Cocktail Cabinets. Furniture by Hille. Epstein. Archie shine. G plan etc in Walnut. Mahogany. Teak and Rosewood. We also buy Diamonds & Jewellery. Gold. Silverware. Paintings. Glass. Porcelain. Bronzes etc. All Antiques considered. Full house clearances organised. Very high prices paid, free home visits. Check our website for more details www.antiquesbuyers.co.uk Email: info@antiquesbuyers.co.uk Please call Sue Davis on Freephone: 08008402035 WhatsApp Mobile: 07956268290 Portobello rd London By appointments only. Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, like all of us, always have more to learn
Jewish News 27www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022 Orthodox Judaism
It is very interesting that although all Jews are required to learn Torah, the king is singled out especially to be told that he must be constantly learning. The Torah goes on to give a reason why the king must be constantly learning: “So that he would not act haughtily toward his fellows … in order to lengthen the days of his reign, him and his descendants in the midst of Israel” (Devarim 17:20). When people find themselves in positions of power, it is very easy to let it change the way they treat others. What is the antidote to this? There is a new concept called continued professional development that has crept into the workplace in recent years. It suggests that employees, despite earning their positions at the company through previous study and work experience, must continue to do more training. No matter who you are, you have more to learn. Even CEOs with multiple degrees and decades in industry are included in this. No one is held to higher account than a leader. He or she is expected to obey the laws they institute – in fact, to know them better than the layperson. There is no option to rest on one’s laurels. The Torah is telling us that leaders have a duty to remind themselves constantly of their responsibilities and advance their knowledge, lest they become lazy and conceited.
In our thought-provoking series, rabbis, rebbetzins and educators relate the week’s parsha to the way we live today

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The Biblical King of Israel, Solomon, was known as the wisest person of his generation. Although he never sat – let alone passed – an A-level, a GCSE or a BTec, the Bible relates that God gave Solomon “wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore” (1 Kings 5:9). Solomon’s reputation spread far and wide and international visitors would come to test him. One was the Queen of Sheba and the Bible (1 Kings 10:3) reports that he answered all her questions, scoring 100 percent! On witnessing his knowledge and wealth, the queen is described as “breathless” (1 Kings 10:5).
The wisdom of King Solomon
A more di cult choice faced King Solomon when two women approached him, both claiming to be the mother of a baby. One of the babies died, and each woman identified the remaining baby as her own. Solomon tried to solve this conflict by suggesting they cut the baby in two, with each woman in the proposed arrangement receiving half. One mother was content with the proposal; the other looked to Solomon, pleading, “Please, my lord, give her the living baby! Don’t kill him!” Once the mothers revealed their true feelings, Solomon could discern the true mother from the fraud. Solomon is also credited with editing one of the cleverest books of the Hebrew Bible, Proverbs, where in 24: 16 we read: “Even times the righteous person falls and gets up while the wicked are tripped by one misfortune.”
The Proverbs verse, in the name of the wise Solomon, seeks to remind us our futures can be changed. Giving up at the first hurdle or on receiving a bad result or set of results is not the only option and the student who is disappointed but has another try will receive his or her results (or reward) the next time round or in the end. Solomon knew, too, that answering questions correctly is only a small part of who a person really is, because King Solomon himself never passed an exam.
Progressive Judaism
A free valuation from our in house gemmologist
All the students who have taken exams this summer have done their best in extraordinary circumstances, including school closures during the pandemic. They are not, of course, ‘righteous’ or ‘wicked’ but they may be perhaps lucky or unlucky, elated or disappointed.
A stimulating series where our progressive rabbis consider how Biblical figures might act when faced with 21st-century issues BY RABBI DANNY RICH
King Solomon, the wisest person of his generation, never sat an exam Can’t choose the diamond ring you are looking for?
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Dear Lesley I’m 21 and looking for my first proper job but am getting lots of conflicting advice.
Dear Emma I manage a salon in London and am struggling to manage the emotions and tensions surrounding the war in Ukraine. One of my employees is Russian and has been complaining of bullying. How do I handle Stephenthis? Dear PoliticsStephencanlead to heightened emotions in the workplace and can easily result in claims of bullying and harassment. While HR, managers and employers need to be aware of world events in order to support their employees, they must ensure they keep their personal views away from the running of their business. Additionally, they should manage their employees e ectively to allow for discussion but protect members of sta from feeling harassed, victimised or bullied.Acasadvises sending company-wide messages o ering support and avoiding speaking directly with individuals so as not to be discriminatory or spark anxiety.
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First, any kind of work experience is good – whether it’s a holiday job, childminding or voluntary work – as it shows initiative and a willingness to work. Second, good written and verbal communication skills are important. IT skills such as Microsoft O ce and digital conferencing are also valued. When applying for roles, an up-to-date LinkedIn profile is a must as employers will look you up. Plus, please remember that employers want people who are punctual and reliable. You can highlight these skills on your CV and demonstrate them in your application.
solved PC,
What do employers really want? Emily Hi TheEmilygood news is that there are currently lots of jobs out there, but competition remains high. So how do you make a good impression?
Jeremy Dear DiamondsJeremyare governed by the international market price. Every Friday via Rapnett, there is a price update. Most weeks it stays the same, but then some weeks it may move up or down a couple of percentage points. What obviously determines this is demand, or lack of demand or international political and financial conditions.But what really a ects why your son had lost so much money , is because any diamontaire will source the exact same diamond they need from the same suppliers listed on Rapnett, as the top end jeweller where your son purchased his ring from. The only di erence is ,that the jeweller/diamond dealer from Finchley (Jewellery Cave ) has almost zero overheads compared with the top jewellery brand where your sonSowent.myself or most other dealers will probably be able to make the exact item for a quarter to a third of what your son unfortunately spent. If he wants me to look at the ring and try and help him, please ask him to visit our Hendon Lane showroom. I hope this explains the problem.
Our trusty team of advisers answers your questions about everything from law and finance to dating and dentistry.
For example, use good, clear English free of grammar and spelling mistakes. Be friendly and concise when talking to a potential employer, and have your technology ready and working if you are interviewed online.
Jewish News 29www.jewishnews.co.uk 1 September 2022 Professional advice from our panel / Ask Our Experts
Ask our
Dear Jonathan I need an explanation. My son purchased a 3ct diamond solitaire ring from a very well known top end jewellery brand for close to £100k. Unfortunately their relationship broke down and they splitWhenup. my son went to try and recoup his money on what he had spent , the best he was offered from many jewellers was about one quarter of what he had originally paid. Please can you explain why this has probably turned into one of his worst ever investments?
Do bear in mind that anything an employee does during the course of their employment will be seen by the law as having been also done by the employer, regardless of whether the employer knew about it or approved it (vicarious liability). This means that both the employer and their employees can be held responsible for acts of discrimination in the workplace. To avoid this, an employer must be able to prove it has taken all reasonable steps to prevent employees from committing discrimination at work. Education and training are key in preventing racial discrimination in the workplace, along with having clear procedures and policies that are readily accessible to your workforce.
This week: Help when looking for your first job, understanding the price of diamonds and managing workplace conflict
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1 September 2022 Jewish News 33www.jewishnews.co.uk Fun, games and prizes SUDOKU Fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains the numbers 1 to 9. 01/09 Last issue’s solutions Sudoku Suguru Wordsearch Codeword Crossword See next issue for puzzle solutions. All puzzles © Puzzler Media Ltd - www.puzzler.com SUGURU Each cell in an outlined block must contain a digit: a two-cell block contains the digits 1 and 2, a three-cell block contains the digits 1, 2 and 3; and so on. The same digit must not appear in neighbouring cells, not even diagonally. 123 45 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ACROSS 1 Elect to power (4,2) 4 ___ Domino, rock’n’roll singer (4) WORDSEARCH CODEWORD In this finished crossword, every letter of the alphabet appears as a code number. All you have to do is crack the code and fill in the grid. Replacing the decoded numbers with their letters in the grid will help you to guess the identity of other letters. BAKED CHIPS COOKED CRISPY DINNER FRIES FRYER GOLDEN HOT KETCHUP LUNCH MAYONNAISE PEELED POTATO SAUCE SEASONING STARCH STRIPS VINEGAR WEDGES ACROSS: 1 Stiff 4 Hilly 7 Replace 8 Any 9 Arc 11 Cradle 14 Income 17 Tie 19 One 20 Have fun 22 Hinge 23 Yours DOWN: 1 Streak 2 Imp 3 Franc 4 Hyena 5 Leaflet 6 Yo-yo 10 Condemn 12 Rum 13 Tennis 15 Ochre 16 Envoy 18 Josh 21 Flu The listed words related to chips can all be found in the grid. Words may run either forwards or backwards, in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction, but always in a straight, unbroken line. O O N N D D 17 15 421263 19 11 18 15 16 26 19 21 20 14 21 820 11 71912176 25 18 21 91517 26 9266 18 66 8159 97 21 15 25 62114 113262521 919236 21 18 21 8915267 21 21 25 26 14 19 18 14 21 12 19 761626 10 15 925101510 15 12 19 826 561525189 23 25 796252612 891924263 22 6632625 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 41 55 35 13 2 4 5 3 45 8 85 46 91 8 96 84 87 6 37 25 91 47 3 49 3 PU HC TE KE MT BW D VC RI SP YS FS OE L LG MA SL PI ERKH T SA OA BO UA IA YA T LE UL TR SN BM IE A RC IA DO ON ST RRR EA TR NE DO TF EC I HO GI FE NY AL NO U CA NE LN O ARRN OT NG IE NA BM CE IK L UG ES PI HCHND EM LP OR TI VA EW HDN WE DG ESYS PI RT S BF TW SC IE NT IS T AVP NHDHH O LIL Y N BAAE CI DAU OL Y II OS TM IV MW IN R MS SI T SIE AMA EN AE TL NER RADS IO T SUE AU R FETP OI ECY CTNF OA PL HS DOU AS NDU IO XR O BBE L NER MO DR EL ERP W HAR NE IL AP CANYNSHE LT ERX UR OT AE R CEC DL E BA FFL EC OM BA T MR XO AW L AVA PE NKN IF E ZN AI U BEC KON PI CK LE LS RL QU AY IC E STY E PV JM AS TUT E USA BL E WN DS I VIS ITI NG HO LT NO VEE A AG EN CY DE DUC E H Y N A V R B F W O P Q S M E C L G T K I J X U D Z 83 71 59 426 95 48 26 713 61 27 43 859 58 12 34 697 26 39 78 541 74 95 61 382 17 56 82 934 39 64 15 278 42 83 97 165 1 3231 3 2 5152 4 3 4243 1 2 1512 4 5 3435 1 4 1212 3 2 5423 1 3 1314 5 4 2423 1 3 1314 2 2 4525 3 1 3141 2 8 Large expanse of salt water (3) 9 Husky (voice) (7) 10 Chopper blade (5) 11 Uneven (5) 13 Theatre where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated (5) 15 Kitchen gadget (5) 17 Mysteries (7) 19 Handled beaker (3) 20 Outstanding commitment (4) 21 Original, belonging to the earliest time (6) DOWN 1 Eye protector (5) 2 Person guilty of disloyalty (7) 3 Bury (5) 5 Alternatively named (inits)(3) 6 Bashfully (5) 7 Snatch (4) 12 Largest possible amount (7) 13 Joined by melting (5) 14 Cook slowly in liquid (4) 15 Money hoarder (5) 16 Stately (5) 18 Young fox or bear (3) THE JEWISH NEWS CROSSWORD
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