15 September 2016
Trips of a lifetime made possible for those who deserve them SUPPLEMENT
015 1 February 2 iday Fund, ildren’s Hol h C h is w e J Dear that our et you know l o t d e t n I just wa ccabi GB in ed from Ma n r u t e r n had to grandso Medal. We r ve il S a h he has America wit ews because n l u yf jo share this he got back else since g in h ot n He told talked of is stories. h l l a d e r sha at he and he has trip and th g n zi a m a st talked us it was ju nds. He also ie r f l u f r e ted made wond e was trea how well h t u bo a y l all endless ess to say, ily. Needl m a F st Ho d it not by his appened ha h ve a h ot n nt and of this would nerous gra ge t os m r u been for yo Trust who tee of this it m om C r u was so course yo grandson. He r ou e ik l ren ere we. help child esult, so w r a s a , d n ed a to each overwhelm r gratitude ou e ib r sc e ot d Words cann mittee. in your Com e on y r ve and e rely, Yours since
Dear JCHF, My husband and I are not sure who we need to personally thank,, but we just wanted to write to express our deepest and he artfelt appreciation for th e grant we received for our girls summer camps this year. Tomorrow is their las t day and they have had an absolutely incredible time, som ething that would not have been possible without the financial support that was given. Please, if you could pass on our sincere hakaras hatov to the relevant people, we w ould be most grateful. A personal thank you to you too for orchestrating it all. Yours faithfully, Mrs
Samuel Registered Charity No.295361
Donate with www.justgiving.com/jewishchildrensholiday