February 17, 2017

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this week



F EBRU ARY 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 | 2 1 SH EV AT 5 7 7 7 | V O L . 9 7 | NO . 1 9 | C A nD LELi g H Ti ng | FRID AY , F EBRU ARY 1 7 , 5 : 4 3 P. M.

Holocaust survivors share personal stories

See what Mainstreeters has to offer in March Page 5

Week of Understanding 2016 Holocaust Survivors and Liberator: Agnes Schwartz, left, Bea Karp, Fred Kader, Sami Steigmann, Sidney Finkel, Magda Brown, Milt Kleinberg, Kitty Williams, Roy Long. Liz FELDSTERn Executive Director, IHE rom March 27-31, the Institute for Holocaust Education will once again host Week of Understanding in schools in Omaha and the surrounding area. Now in its seventh year, this event provides opportunities for area middle and high schools to invite Holocaust survivors and U.S. military liberators to their schools. e 2017 program is expected to reach more than 5,000 students and community members with survivor and liberator testimony. See Holocaust suvivors page 3

CDC Tu B’Shevat Seder Page 8

Reaffirming Jewish-Catholic relations Page 16

inside Viewpoint Synagogues Life cycles

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Marty Shukert brings Musical Pre-Purim Bash at the Omaha Children’s Museum Midrash sessions to Beth El

MARK KiRCHHOFF Community Engagement and Education Chag Sameach! It’s a Pre-Purim Bash at the Omaha Children’s Museum at 500 South 20th Street on Sunday, March 5 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. e event is open to all Omaha families raising Jewish children. e evening features all of your favorite museum exhibits plus a dairy dinner, hamantaschen and fun Purim activities. Kids will have the opportunity to make shalach manot (gi baskets) and to decorate a mask or a crown for the occasion. Families on the current mailing list

Teresa and Andy Ruback with Max and Chloe will receive a postcard reminder shortly. e card has a blank mask on the front for your child to cut out, color, and decorate for an early start on the evening. e event is free of charge, with reservations required by Feb. 28. Phone 402.334.6463 or email mkirchhoff@jewishomaha.org to make your reservation. e Bash is headed by PJ Library’s terrific host See PJ Library page 2

OzziE nOgg in the work of some of my favorite As part of Beth El Synagogue’s Jewish, but primarily secular, ongoing Sunday Morning Speaksongwriters and composers.” ers Series, Marty Shukert will The first Musical Midrash sespresent Musical Midrash on Sunsion on Sunday, March 5, will day March 5, 19 focus on God As and 26. Each sesInspiration. “The sion begins at topic of God is 11:15 a.m. and is obvious,” Shukert offered to the ensaid, “and will intire community clude the work of at no charge. such artists as “I grew up lovBob Dylan and ing Jewish liturgiLeonard Cohen, cal music, including his especially easy final profound during the recording, You golden age of the Want It Darker. Beth El Choir We’ll also listen and Cantor to works by Aaron Edgar,” Randy Newman Shukert said. ‘I who wrote a tune have no extraor- Listen to Bob Dylan and Leonard called God’s Song dinary talent for Cohen when Marty Shukert presents and Regina SpekMusical Midrash sessions at Beth El. tor, who commusic. I’m a mediocre piano player, once posed a fascinating song, Laughing played guitar poorly, have good With, that lists all the times in life pitch and an okay but not great when we don’t laugh at God. Powsinging voice. But I do like to erful stuff.” make connections, and that led The second Musical Midrash me to the Musical Midrash series. I session on Sunday, March 19, will have always tried to incorporate explore Texts as Lyrics. “We’ll look Jewish perspectives and ethics into at references to Hebrew texts and my own secular work. It was pretty liturgy in music,” Shukert natural for me to seek similar links See Musical Midrash sessions page 3

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