March 31, 2017

Page 1


this week

Efrat Srebro Pages 6

Rabbi Joseph telushkin

Learning about the Holocaust YJG’s “Three Rabbis and a lot of Mitzvot” was a success through art

“Jews and Guns” Page 7

inside Viewpoint Synagogues Life cycles

Rabbi Joseph telushkin to present in omaha

MARCH 3 1 , 2 0 1 7 | 4 NISAN 5 7 7 7 | V O L. 9 7 | NO . 2 5 | c A nD leli G H ti nG | FRID AY , MARCH 3 1 , 7 : 3 0 P. M.

MARk kiRcHHoff Program and Communications Assistant with comments from AlAn PotASH Chief Executive Officer, JFO he Jewish Federation of Omaha is excited to bring to the Omaha community a most influential Jewish thinker, scholar and author. Alan Potash, CEO for the Federation shared: “Along with the synagogues, we invite the community to hear from Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. There probably isn’t a Jewish home that doesn’t have at least one of his books on a book shelf. Through the years his work has been read, taught and discussed in all corners of the world. In his spare time he writes detective novels (these are also worth reading). I first came to understand the influence of his work when he and Dennis Prager wrote Eight Questions People Ask About Judaism that later turned into the Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism. To this day it is the one volume I most recommend to understand the vast complexity of the Jewish people; and it’s only 224 pages! I have had the honor of hearing him on several occasions and look forward to his talk in Omaha at Temple Israel, Thursday, April 20 at 7 p.m.” Beginning in Nov. of 2016 and extending through Feb. See Rabbi telushkin page 3

Out with the Shaliach – In with the musician Page 2


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DonnA WAlteR Education Coordinator, Institute for Holocaust Education For the third year Omaha area middle school art students are participating in the Institute for Holocaust Education’s “Art and the Holocaust” program. The program is designed to encourage middle school art classes to study the Holocaust and make connections between that period of history and art. Nine area schools participated

during this school year, involving over 700 students. Each school had one of their art teachers attend a training session with the IHE, after

Rabbi Abraham, left, Rabbi Dembitzer and Rabbi Azriel deep in discussion.

which the teachers implemented the specially-designed Holocaust lesson plans to their classes. With art supplies subsidized by the IHE, the students then went on to create works of visual art inspired by their studies. Students could choose one of three art projects: charcoal portraits of victims and survivors, a mural based on a piece of Holocaust literature, or a collage of images of Holocaust-era artifacts. After completing the project, students wrote reflection See Art and the Holocaust page 3

DAnielle GoRDMAn Program Director, Young Jewish Giving 35 students from area middle and high schools with various synagogue affiliations attended Young Jewish Giving’s event Tuesday, March 21 in the JCC auditorium. Many of the students are YJG account holders and attended to learn more about tzedakah in anticipation of making their annual contribution in April at the Giving Shuk. Others attended to be with their Jewish friends and hear from the rabbis. YJG events are open to all students, regardless of whether they are account holders or not, in order to offer a community-wide

opportunity to gather, similar to BBYO. The event began with a special guest, Shay Goldenberg, a visiting shaliach. He talked to the kids about tzedakah in Israel and also how important US philanthropic dollars are to the shaliach program. As an extra bonus, he brought virtual reality glasses to experience Israel. Several kids exclaimed: “Now I really can’t wait to get to Israel.” Others said: “I can’t wait to go back!” “Love someone you don’t like,” said Rabbi Ari Dembitzer. The discussion with Rabbi Steven See three Rabbis page 2

2 | The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017


out with the Shaliach – in with the musician

MarK KirchhoFF music as a means of expression for Israeli society. He Program and Communications Assistant will focus on an interesting process of connecting with Eliad Eliyahu ben Shushan, Omaha’s endearing traditional Judaic sources, as well as secular music. shaliach for three years, is out and Eliad Eliyahu ben Rabbi Abramovich will explain how music is a tool for Shushan, the talented musiIsraeli advocacy. He will discian is in, when Rabbi cuss the way in which music Shlomo Abramovich welis helping to connect the comes him to the Monday, world – especially young april 3 session of Eye on Ispeople – to Israel. He will rael. The session meets in then turn the microphone the Kripke Jewish Federation over to Eliad. Eliad shared the Library at Noon. Eliad will joy of music with the Omaha join us via Skype. Eye on Iscommunity during his time as rael sessions are open to the a shaliach. From the Pennie community free of charge. Z. Davis Child Development Rabbi Abramovich will Center to Friedel Jewish begin the session with his Academy to the Rose customary informative and Blumkin Jewish Home to nuinsightful look at current merous JCC and JFO proevents taking place in the grams, and to synagogue only democratic state in the programs, Eliad strummed his Eliad Eliyahu ben Shushan Middle East: Israel. Topics guitar and lifted his voice in for this introductory section are always established song in ways that were inspirational, fun and often as close to the beginning of the session as possible deeply moving for all. Even before his service as a muto ensure that the most current happenings are dis- sician in the IDF, Eliad had embraced music as an intecussed. Come early and you might even see Rabbi gral part of his life. He promises to share that love and Shlomo perusing his internet news sources before the his expert understanding of the music that is woven session begins. He has been hinting that there might into the fabric of Israeli life when he joins Eye on Israel. be a discussion about the possibility of another elec- With some coaxing, he might even play a few licks. tion in Israel. We encourage you to both attend and participate in Following the news updates, Rabbi Abramovich will this special session of Eye on Israel on april 3 at Noon set the stage for Eliad’s appearance by discussing in the Kripke Jewish Federation Library. Bring a friend.

Three Rabbis

continued from page 1 Abraham, Rabbi Aryeh Azriel and Rabbi Ari Dembitzer centered around tzedakah, chesed, and why taking care of others is an obligation. Several questions were posed about tzedakah: How did it work in biblical times? How can someone who struggles financially still participate in tzedakah? Are we commanded to give tzedakah to non-Jews? The discussion was serious at times, but mostly light-hearted and jovial. Rabbi Azriel said: “I missed this,” in reference to his classic style of pushing people out of their comfort zone to illicit critical thinking. The teens quickly realized he was asking them to think beyond the obvious and push themselves. Rabbi Steven used his uncanny ability to reference the Talmud in a user-friendly, understandable and relatable way. He engaged with one student about his Torah portion at his upcoming bar mitzvah in reference to giving a portion of land to someone in need. Several teens shared stories about their parents’ volunteering and financial support of various local and national nonprofit organizations and what great role models they are. This unique opportunity for teens in grades 7-12 was well-received by students, with many asking to do it again. The next Young Jewish Giving event will take place Tuesday, April 25. The Giving Shuk will feature philanthropist Michael Staenberg. Michael will talk with students and their mentors and share his personal motivation for giving. Then, the Shuk will open with roughly 12 organizations showcasing their programs and financial needs. Students with YJG accounts will be able to

make their annual donations. A kosher buffet dinner will be available throughout

Top: Shaliach Shay Goldenberger and Nate Shapiro, Jewish Federation Director of Development; bottom: Emily Kutler giving the program a thumbs up with Nate Gendler in the background the night. The event is free, but reservations are requested to dgordman@jewish

sponsored by T H E M E Y E R S F A M I LY L E G A C Y O F L A U G H T E R E N D O W M E N T F U N D of The Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation


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The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017 | 3


Archaeology at Treblinka

leonarD J. GreenSpoon rchaeologists do not work only with artifacts from antiquity, nor are their excavations of interest only to specialists. As revealed in a series of presentations in early April, archaeologists, especially forensic archaeologists, can also help clarify events as recent and still relevant as the Holocaust. Dr. Caroline Sturdy Colls, associate professor of forensic archaeology and genocide investigation, University of Staffordshire, has spent a decade uncovering vital information about what went on at Treblinka, the Polish extermination camp where approximately one million Jews, Poles, and Romani were murDr. Caroline Sturdy Colls dered. With her team, she has been able to locate, record, and interpret the physical evidence that survived at Treblinka in association with evidence derived from archives and witness testimonies. During her presentations, Colls will describe the major finds, as well as the interdisciplinary approach her project adopted at Treblinka and similar sites. Through her presentations in Lincoln and in Omaha, audiences will have direct access to her experiences and observations. Monday, April 3, Colls will speak at Richards Hall 15, on the UNL campus, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The title of this presentation is “Finding Treblinka: Forensic and Archaeologi-

rabbi Telushkin

Continued from page 1 2017, Rabbi Steven Abraham of Beth El Synagogue taught weekly classes to two groups of participants. The topic for these classes was Jewish ethics. The class used Rabbi Telushkin’s A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 2, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself as the textbook. In addition to the broad topic of loving your neighbor, the book presents such topics as hospitality, visiting the sick, final kindness, tzedaka, Judaism’s attitude to animals, and numerous other topics. Much like the rabbi’s speaking style, the book is filled with illustrative narrations – many of them personal, that elucidate the topics in a straight-forward, insightful manner. Following the ethics classes, Rabbi Abraham has been presenting a course on Jewish wisdom, again using a Telushkin book, Jewish Wisdom: Ethical, Spiritual, and Historical Lessons from the Great Works and Thinkers. In his introduction to this 1994 book, Rabbi Telushkin writes, “For many years, I also have written at the front of a book the page number of passages that I wish to recall, along with a very brief summary of their contents. These marked passages, drawn from some 3,500 Jewish books in my home library, constitute a large percentage of the texts cited in Jewish Wisdom.” According to Rabbi Abraham, members of the two classes have demonstrated their wisdom in the reading of the book and astuteness in their reflections. Rabbi Joseph Telushkin was named by Talk magazine as one of the 50 best speakers in the United States. He was ordained at Yeshiva University in New York and pursued graduate studies in Jewish history at Columbia University. He lectures throughout the United States, serves as a Senior Associate of CLAL (The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership), is on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Book Council, and is spiritual leader of the Synagogue for the Performing Arts in Los Angeles. His two books (with Dennis Prager), The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism and Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism have been widely acclaimed as two of the most influential Jewish books of the past decade. His book, Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jew-

Art and the Holocaust

Continued from page 1 sheets which reveal insights into the thoughts and emotions of participating students. Look for an exhibit of over 100 works of art in the Jewish Community Center gallery during the month of April. Pictured are just a few examples of what will be on display.

cal Approaches to Nazi Camps.” For Omaha audiences, she will make this same presentation Tuesday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m., in Harper Center 3023 on the Creighton campus. Colls returns to Lincoln for another lecture at UNL Wednesday, April 5. This lecture, titled “Forensic Approaches to Buried Remains: 21st Century Approaches to In-

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vestigating Unlawful Deaths,” is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. in the auditorium on the second floor of the Nebraska Union. All of Colls’s presentations are free and open to the public. Among the sponsors of Colls’s appearances in Nebraska are the UNL Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, UNL’s Harris Center for Judaic Studies, the Department of Fine and Performing Arts and the McCormick Fund at Creighton, and Creighton’s Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization. For further information, please contact Leonard Greenspoon at or 402.280.2304.

ish Religion, Its People and Its History has been hailed by leading figures in all the major movements of Judaism. A new edition was brought out in 2001. Jewish Literacy... has been the primary supplementary resource book for the Jewish Federation of Omaha’s “Exploring Judaism” class for many years. Rabbi Telushkin’s presence in Omaha is an example of the commitment the entire Jewish community of Omaha has to Jewish learning. The Jewish Federation of Omaha is proud to present this evening in support with Beth El Synagogue, Beth Israel Synagogue, Chabad and Temple Israel. Rabbi Telushkin is sure to speak on a broad range of topics, in all likelihood including comments from his June 2016 release, Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History. Rabbi Telushkin’s 7 p.m. address at Temple Israel on April 20 is open to the community at no charge, thanks to the support of the Phillip & Terri Schrager Supporting Foundation and the Shirley & Leonard Goldstein Supporting Foundation. Please take this early notice of what will prove to be an interesting and informative evening to mark your calendars. More importantly, attend and bring a friend.

BBYO update

max kohll As the end of the BBYO yearly term is coming up, I would like to reflect on what specifically Omaha BBYO has accomplished. We have inspired young Jewish teens to get involved in their community and make a difference. We have given leadership opportunities to teach skills that will last a lifetime through fun and interactive programming. The highlight of this year was when 3,000 Jewish BBYO teens at the international convention in Dallas heard from actors, political leaders, Israeli activists, celebrities, professional leaders and many more speakers to help enrich their leadership roles as Jews. That was just a piece of the action there. From conventions, to hamantaschen bake offs, to chapter sleepovers, etc. we have found ways to encourage teens to continue to stay in touch with their Judaism. I’d also like to say thank you to all of the seniors whose BBYO careers are coming to an end. We will miss you and we hope you continue staying in touch with your Judaism as you go off into the world. Also, as we look forward to next year. Any Jewish teen who will be an eighth grader or in high school in the 2017-18 school year should certainly look into joining BBYO. It will be a decision you will not regret. If you have any questions about BBYO in Omaha or about membership, do not hesitate to text or call me at 402.306.6501.

Marty Cohen

Alan Cohen

Anne Cohen




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calendar April 2017

All events held at the Jewish Community Center unless otherwise noted. This calendar does not include all community events. For a complete listing, visit the Federation’s website: www.jew (click on calendar). To keep calendar accurate, call Pat Anson at 402.334.8200. The Jewish Press is not responsible for the accuracy of the events.

FRIDAY, MARCH 31 IHE ‘Week of Understanding’, 9 a.m. Star Deli, 11:30 a.m. at RBJH Mainstreeters Movie, 1 p.m. Scholars-in-Residence JewAsian Helen Kim and Noah Leavitt, 6 p.m. at Beth El Tot & Family Shabbat & Dinner, 6 p.m. at Beth El SATURDAY, APRIL 1 Torah Study, 9:15 a.m. at Temple Israel Scholars-in-Residence, JewAsian, 9:30 a.m. at Beth El BESTT Junior Congregation, 10 a.m. at Beth El Mini-Minyannaires, 10:45 a.m. at Beth El SUNDAY, APRIL 2 Beth El 8th Grade Holocaust Trip, 6:30 a.m. BESTT Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. at Beth El Religious School, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel Temple Tots Sunday, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Torah Tots, 10:30 a.m. at Beth El Scholars-in-Residence, JewAsian, 11:15 a.m. at Beth El OTYG Board meeting, noon at Temple Israel Joy of Laughter, 1:30 p.m. Performing Arts Academy, 2 p.m. Musical Theater Rehearsal, 3 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 3 Eye on Israel with Rabbi Abramovich, noon TUESDAY, APRIL 4 IHE Art & the Holocaust Reception, 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 Breadbreakers, noon at RBJH Rabbis & Presidents Meeting, noon at RBJH Religious School, 4 p.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Hebrew School, 4:15 p.m. at Beth El Adult Education Class, 6:30 p.m. at Temple Israel


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THURSDAY, APRIL 6 Women’s Class, 9:30 a.m. at Beth Israel Hebrew Class with Rabbi Schlomo, 10 a.m. at RBJH Adult Study with the Clergy, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel Goldstein Lecture on Human Rights, 5 p.m. at location TBD FRIDAY, APRIL 7 Nebraska Partnership for Philanthropic Giving, 8:15 a.m. Star Deli, 11:30 a.m. at RBJH First Friday Shabbat Service, 6 p.m. at Temple Israel

SATURDAY, APRIL 8 Torah Study, 9:15 a.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Junior Congregation, 10 a.m. at Beth El Mini-Minyannaires, 10:45 a.m. at Beth El OTYG Event, 5 p.m. at Temple Israel JCC Dance Party, 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 9 Performing Arts Academy, 2 p.m. Musical Theater Rehearsal, 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 Breadbreakers, noon at RBJH THURSDAY, APRIL 13 Women’s Class, 9:30 a.m. at Beth Israel Hebrew Class with Rabbi Schlomo, 10 a.m. at RBJH Love and Logic Spring Session, 6 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 14 Star Deli, 11:30 a.m. at RBJH Shabbat Services, 7:30 p.m. at B’nai Israel-Council Bluffs SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Torah Study, 9:15 a.m. at Temple Israel Mini-Minyannaires, 10:45 a.m. at Beth El SUNDAY, APRIL 16 Musical Theater Rehearsal, 3 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 17 Mainstreeters Lunch, 11 a.m. at RBJH Temple Israel TiYPE Breaking of Pesach, 5:30 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 18 Board of Trustees, 7 p.m. at Temple Israel WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 Breadbreakers, noon at RBJH Religious School, 4 p.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Hebrew School, 4:15 p.m. at Beth El Adult Education Class, 6:30 p.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Hebrew High, 6:45 p.m. at Beth El THURSDAY, APRIL 20 Temple Israel Youth - Spring Chavurah Women’s Class, 9:30 a.m. at Beth Israel Hebrew Class with Rabbi Schlomo, 10 a.m. at RBJH Adult Study with the Clergy, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel Love and Logic Spring Session, 6 p.m. Rabbi Telushkin Visit, 6 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 21 Temple Israel Youth Spring Chavurah Star Deli, 11:30 a.m. at RBJH Mainstreeters Movie, 1 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 22 Temple Israel Youth Spring Chavurah Temple Tots Shabbat, 9 a.m. at Temple Israel Torah Study, 9:15 a.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Junior Congregation, 10 a.m. at Beth El Mini-Minyannaires, 10:45 a.m. at Beth El Kids Night Out, 5:30 p.m.

SUNDAY, APRIL 23 Temple Israel Youth Spring Chavurah Blood Drive, 8:30 a.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. at Beth El Book Club, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel Grief Support Group, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel Religious School, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Torah Tots, 10:30 a.m. at Beth El OTYG Board meeting, noon at Temple Israel IHE - Nebraska State Holocaust Commemoration, 3 p.m. at Nebraska State Capital Building in Lincoln Musical Theater Rehearsal, 3 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 24 Federation Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m. at RBJH Budget and Financial Review, 6 p.m. at RBJH TUESDAY, APRIL 25 JSS Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m. at RBJH YJG Giving Shuk (market), 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 Breadbreakers, noon at RBJH Religious School, 4 p.m. at Temple Israel BESTT Hebrew School, 4:15 p.m. at Beth El BESTT Hebrew High, 6:45 p.m. at Beth El IHE Omaha Community Holocaust Commemoration, 7 p.m. at Beth Israel THURSDAY, APRIL 27 Women’s Class, 9:30 a.m. at Beth Israel Hebrew Class with Rabbi Schlomo, 10 a.m. at RBJH Adult Study with the Clergy, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel Love and Logic Spring Session, 6 p.m. 2017 Ruth & Phil Sokolof Lecture: Dr. Jonathan Adelman 7:30 p.m. at UNO FRIDAY, APRIL 28 OTYG Lock in and Elections at Temple Israel Scholar Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman at Temple Israel Star Deli, 11:30 a.m. at RBJH SATURDAY, APRIL 29 Scholar Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman at Temple Israel Torah Study, 9:15 a.m. at Temple Israel Mini-Minyannaires, 10:45 a.m. at Beth El SUNDAY, APRIL 30 Scholar Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman at Temple Israel Temple Israel Breakfast Service at Stephen Center, 7:30 a.m. BESTT Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. at Beth El Religious School, 10 a.m. at Temple Israel TED Talk, 11 a.m. at Temple Israel Walk/Run for Camp Scholarships, 1 p.m. Musical Theater Rehearsal, 3 p.m. Beth El Cooking/Serving at Stephen Center, 5:30 p.m.

coaches corner: Five ways to minimize your fear


Annie nogg Annie Nogg Coaching fter being exposed to the movies Child’s Play and Carrie at an impressionable young age, I decided I was done with scary movies. The gore, creepy music and blood curdling screams just didn’t do it for me. It didn’t feel worth it to get scared to the point of having certain scenes haunt my dreams for years (ahem, final scene of Carrie). Since then, when I choose a movieeven at Halloween time - I choose dramas and comedies. What happens, though, when the fear comes from what is happening in the world around us? I’m not talking make-believe any more. I’m talking about the very real fear of losing health insurance or being harassed because of your religion, skin color, accent and/or sexual preference. In my work as a life coach, I get to support clients in consciously choosing how to react to a given situation no matter how challenging it may be. If we’re able to break through fear, what’s on the other side? I believe it’s love. Here are five ways to break on through to the other side (cue The Doors song). 1. Shift your perspective. If the message going through your head all day every day is “I’m terrified; things are horrible” it’s likely not going to serve you very well. This becomes your lens from which to view the world and it’s far from rosy. Try instead to focus on what is good. For example: Jews and Muslims are coming together to rebuild damaged cemeteries and places of worship, millions of people worldwide are standing up to injustice and hate, US citizens are more civically engaged than they have been in decades. Try this message on for size: “We as a country are in a dank, uncomfortable cocoon and, with time, will emerge as a butterfly!” If it doesn’t resonate with you, find your own new love-giving perspective. 2. Zone in on what you care about. These times call for us to draw a line in the sand and step up. What are the one or two issues that mean the

most to you and how to you want to protect them? What will you personally do to move them along? For example, say your issue is strengthening public education. Volunteer at your neighborhood school, call your representatives several times a week, hang a sign in your window. Once you focus on taking action and stepping up, you’ll be able to break free from your fear paralysis! 3. Find a role model. I’m not gonna lie- I was in a bad headspace from November to recently. I was terrified and saddened to the core about the direction our country was going. Then, I cracked open a book that my mom gifted me called I am Malala. It is an autobiography written by the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner. She advocated for girls’ rights to be educated when the Taliban took over her region. Even though it was dangerous, she spoke out for what she knew to be true and made a huge impact. Reading about her incredible example has allowed me to step out from the immense amounts of fear and into loving action. The fear is far from gone but it’s significantly minimized now. I encourage you to find your own role model representing bravery and follow their lead! 4. turn up those tunes! Think of a song that makes you laugh without fail. Now go put it on. Did it work? Yep- that’s what I thought. For me, it’s songs from South Park: The Movie. If the song titles didn’t have so many expletives, I’d name a few of them in this blog. Never underestimate the power of a good soundtrack to turn your mood around! 5. educate yourself and know when to turn it off. With so much going on, we need to stay informed. There’s no doubt about that. By constantly reading up on what’s happening in our country and the world, we don’t have to fear the unknown as much because there is less unknown. That said, it’s equally important to know how to clear your mind and kick your feet up. Set limits on when and what you’ll read. Keep sacred technology-free time. Enjoy finding a new place from which to operate. Your life is about to get a whole lot better!

The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017 | 5

community Cantor-in-Residence Patti Linsky

Scott Littky Program Director, Temple Israel cantor Patti Linsky performed parts of her one woman show Altar EGO. She also led the discussion at the adult education class and took part in the March 17 Shabbat service.

councilwoman Aimee Melton “The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext, infringed.” James Madison At times in our history, our society has struggled to live up to the ideal of religious diversity. Nevertheless, religious liberty is a hallmark of the American experience. This legacy makes recent stories of religious intolerance all the more difficult to hear. Omaha is a city that strives to exemplify understanding and cooperation. We have built our city on the shoulders of pioneers, immigrants of every stripe, and we are reminded of all that unites us. It is this spirit that has defined the work of the Omaha Jewish Federation. It promotes education about the rich heritage of the Jewish people, service to others,

and stronger bonds of community. It is easy to take this spirit for granted, and even to assume that it is effortless, but events around the country, and now in our own city, sadly remind us otherwise. The First Amendment protects freedom of religion. However, the right to worship can never be realized in the face of threats and violence. The work of combating hatred and promoting understanding is not just the job of any single organization. Rather, it rests with all of us. Whoever we are, we are obligated to acknowledge and promote all that unites us in this community we call home. I applaud the work of the Omaha Jewish Federation. I stand with you to preserve and expand that spirit of unity in Omaha. Paid for by Melton for Omaha, 1324 N. 129th Circle, Omaha, NE 68154.


OMAHA IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK. ON APRIL 4TH, VOTE TO RE-ELECT AIMEE MELTON! As a former domestic violence prosecutor, a working mom, and a small business owner, Aimee Melton understands the issues that matter most:

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When I was elected to represent District 7 on the Omaha City Council in 2013, our city faced many tough challenges. Skyrocketing taxes, a deficit budget, and rising crime were my top priorities. Since then, Omaha’s budget deficits have turned to surplus, and we cut property tax rates twice. We have made public safety our number one concern, adding more police and investing in new technology. We have made great progress in Omaha. Our city is growing again. Let’s keep it going, together. Your neighbor, Aimee

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community Douglas county commissioner Mary ann Borgeson

Commissioner Mary Ann Borgeson was first elected to the Douglas County Board of Commissioners in 1994. She was re-elected to her 6th term in 2014. In 1997, Mary Ann was the first woman elected to serve as chairwoman of the Douglas County Board and has served in this capacity numerous years. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for both Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO) and the National Association of Counties (NACo.) Borgeson has served as Chair of the NACo Health Services and Cyber Security Committees. Currently, she serves as VP of Large Urban County Caucus, Healthy Counties, Health Services Committee, and a Member of the International Economic Development, Arts and Culture, Membership, and Programs and Services Committees. Commissioner Borgeson is past president of Women of NACo. Borgeson has an impressive list of awards and recognitions: 2000, 2003, 2006, 2010 - Recipient of Nebraska Association of Counties President's Award for Leadership in Health and Human Services and Juvenile issues; 2003 - Hope Medical Outreach Champions Award; 2004 - Domestic Violence Coordinating Council Outstanding Leadership Award; 2008 - Recipient of Nebraska Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) for Outstanding Elected Official; 2012 - Recipient of National Alliance to End Homelessness Public Sector Award (1st Public Official to ever receive this award.); 2014 - DCHA Mary Ann Borgeson Housing and Services Advocacy Award (1st time an award like this has been established in honor of a County Commissioner); 2015 - Named one of 25 members of the Governing Institute’s Women in Government Leadership Program; and 2016 - National Association of County Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Directors Outstanding Leadership & Service to health of the Nation Award. Commissioner Borgeson is on the Board of Directors of the following Community Organizations: Millard Business Community Foundation, Aksarben Future Trust, College World Series, R.E.S.P.E.C.T., Nebraska Innovation Zone Commission, Omaha Community Partnership, Nebraska Family Collaborative, Nebraska Safety Center, Heartland 2050, Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force. A graduate of Daniel J. Gross High School and the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Commissioner Borgeson worked in the healthcare industry in addition to her county board service. Mary Ann and her husband Bob are the proud parents of four and grandparents of three. PAID ADVERTISEMENT

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Efrat Srebro

6 | The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017

Mark kirchhoff Program and Communications Assistant, JFO t didn’t take long after entering Efrat Srebro’s classroom to realize that this wasn’t “standard issue” for a kindergarten. There were little people chairs of course. But they weren’t lined up in neat rows around little people desks. No, this classroom was something different indeed. The chairs formed a large oval taking advantage of every centimeter of space the room had to offer. Five or six of those tall drums, the kind that are played with your hands and fingers, were lying on their sides, extending from one side of the oval to the other. A single drum with colorfully printed sides and a taut tan head stood upright waiting to sound the beat for the music that would surely accompany it. Without hesitation, Efrat Srebro Efrat perched on one of those drums that was lying on its side and fashioned an energetic, finger-tapping riff. A delighted smile spread across her face. Whatever takes place in this room, it is obvious that she enjoys it. A music chart is mounted on the wall at the bottom of the oval. On it are black musical notes -- whole, half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth, with corresponding rests printed precisely on pure white paper. Lying on a table next to the chart is a small collapsible stainless steel pointer with a rubber tip confirming that some form of instruction takes place at that location. Efrat explains that “Music that counts,” the enrichment program she fashioned over 20 years ago, fills this classroom with music and dance throughout the school year. Kindergarteners from every school in Akko participate for 2 1/2 hours per day, one day per month for eight months. Over 1,000 children were the beneficiaries of this amazing program during the 2014-2015 school year. “Children learn in different ways. ‘Music that counts’ uses the universal language of music to teach in ways that kids love. As they get swept up in the music, they are learning many things,” Efrat continues. It is clear that this is more than a traditional music class. “In the very beginning, our children learn discipline. By following the music chart and counting with the music, they learn when to strike the triangle and when it must be silent, for example. They can’t just cling away and

Happy Passover


City Councilman Rich Pahls Paid for by Friends of Rich Pahls, 15422 Holmes Plaza, Omaha NE 68137

expect to produce anything but noise. That isn’t music.” Learning how to cooperate is an important component as well. “No child plays alone. They all play together, some with different instruments, and they must cooperate with each other, taking turns when the music says to do so, in order to play the music properly.” In listening to her and sensing her excitement, it is certain that there is even more to come. “When they learn the notes, they automatically understand fractions. They learn what a whole note is, they learn half of that... half of that... half of that and they understand through music all about fractions. They learn how many individual parts – sixteenths, eighths, quarters and so on, are needed to make a whole. “They already know fractions by the time they are taught them in the upper grades,” Efrat points out. “They just have to learn different words to talk about it.” It all seems so simple when it is explained that way. And a lot more fun, too! As an educator, Efrat recognizes that not every child has the same abilities, not every child speaks the same language, and not every child is as adventuresome as another. “These things are not so important when it comes to playing music together,” she says. “If a child pays attention and follows the music, if a child works with the rest of the class, he can perform just as well as everyone else. A child who is learning is a child who starts developing the self-‐confidence that allows her to explore abilities she didn’t know were there.” As Efrat talks and smiles, it is clear that she enjoys facilitating the transformations that take place daily through “Music that counts.” She is teaching discipline. She is teaching cooperation. She is teaching fundamental math skills. She is providing opportunities for every child to succeed. She is providing a solid foundation for their progress through school. And the children don’t even know it. For them, they are simply having fun playing music and dancing. “Music that counts” continues to grow, in depth and breadth. It seems that the program might be limited only by one’s imagination. By any stretch of imagination one cannot find the barriers that hold Efrat back. Her recent application of music to experiential learning came from her own love of the beauty and variety of Israel’s landscape. “I wanted children to see and experience what I have come to appreciate about so much of what Israel has to offer. If I can excite them about that, they will carry it with them the rest of their lives,” says Efrat. How to do it – that was the challenge. In 1994 Israel developed the Israel National Trail (INT), a walking trail beginning in kibbutz Dan on the Lebanese border in the north and extending to the town of Eilat on the Red Sea, Israel’s southernmost city. The trail is approximately 1,000 km (620 miles) long and takes approximately 55 days to walk. That is a dubious undertaking for five yearolds – or anyone else for that matter. But what one experiences on that trail is exactly what Efrat wants to share with See Efrat Sebro page 7

The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017 | 7

Jews and guns

nate shapiro Director of Development Eric Shapiro wanted to create a welcoming and apolitical opportunity for those curious about guns to learn about them and how to shoot them properly and safely, while learning a little about how Jewish teachings relate to self-defense and weapons, while hanging out with other Jews. “Jews and Guns” was born. Seven Jews from the Omaha area met at The Marksman Indoor Range on a stormy February night and shot a variety of different guns under the strict supervision of Range Staff, as well as Eric. After an hour-and-a-half of shooting, the group met at a local pub, where Rabbi Ari Dembitzer met with the group to discuss what Tanach can teach us about weapons. He also provided a D’var Torah of the week’s parsha.

Efrat Srebro

Continued from page 6 her children – the beauty of Israel. For hikers, the trail is marked with three distinctive colored stripes painted on rocks, posts, or whatever is most noticeable in a given area to mark the way. Orange, blue and white stripes indicate that you are on the trail. White is symbolic of the snow on the mountains, blue is for the sea, and orange for the desert. Efrat made use of photos and videos and a bit of imagination in presenting a virtual hiking experience for the kindergarteners. Israel came alive for these children. As they watched the presentation from one day to the next, they were vigilant to spot the three colored stripes as they appeared. When they did, it was time to get up, dance, play music and move about the room as they were taught to do. When other colored stripes appeared, it was time to stop the movement and the music. The children also learned about the “angels on the trail,” people who are there to assist hikers with whatever needs they might have. They acted out the roles of angels and hikers -imagining what the hikers might need and how the angels might help. Efrat has introduced “Music that counts” to other parts of the world as well. She has visited Thailand with her program 12 times. She has introduced the program to Napal, Bhutan, and even as far away as Canton, OH, USA. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has in-

“Jews and Guns” was partially funded by Moishe House Without Walls, an initiative that seeks to engage young Jewish adults with the Jewish community. “Jews and Guns” was partially modeled after the

Medical Care for Mind and Spirit “Guns and Moses” clubs that have recently began popping up in certain locations throughout the country. For more information on Moishe House Without Walls, or “Jews and Guns,” contact Nate Shapiro at

vited other countries to visit Israel and learn about “Music that counts” from Efrat. In addition to the learning experience, the program promotes goodwill and information about Israel. Most recently the Ministry sponsored her for a two-week trip to Ghana where she conducted workshops and built friendships with over 50 educators as they learned to adapt the program to their culture and music. She has presented at a number of educational conferences throughout the world. She is currently the Co-chairperson for the Education Task Force with the Partnership2GETHER program of the Western Galilee. Efrat embraces all that she does with a warmth, passion, and enthusiasm that is infectious. “You’ve been doing this for a long time. Do you ever hear back from your kids?” Efrad responds quietly. “Yes. I receive many former students thanking me for the program. I also feel good to hear from the parents. Many have told me that I have opened the door for their children. Some tell me that their child had low self-esteem and thought that he couldn’t succeed. ‘Music that counts’ helped them learn that they could succeed. Parents have told me that their child’s whole selfimage changed. It was like their eyes were opened and they realized that if you worked at something, you could do it.” This truly is “Music that counts.”

Lifetime insight with Dr. sarit hovav Dr. Sarit Hovav graduated medical school from Ross University and completed her internship in Internal Medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. After a three-year Postdoctoral fellowship in Brain Stimulation and Neuroimaging in Mental Illness at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience at the University of California Los Angeles, she graduated from the Psychiatry Residency at the University of Nebraska-Creighton University program. She went on to become the Medical Director of Behavioral Medicine at Fremont Health Medical Center but then decided to start a private practice to be able to have a long-term relationship with patients in an outpatient setting. Dr. Hovav has a deep understanding of the biological, psychological and social components of mental illness. Her focus includes major depression,

bipolar disorder, substance use disorders and neurocognitive disorders including Alzheimer’s disease. She provides compassionate, appropriate and effective mental healthcare and she is passionate about helping people break free of the barriers that contribute to mental illness. Achieving optimal emotional and mental health is a climb that is worth the effort. It starts with building a trusting and honest relationship with the physician, finding the right diagnosis and using the most tolerated and effective medications together with the proper psychotherapeutic approach. Dr. Hovav was born in Israel. As a Jewish Israeli woman, she understands the issues that may surround religious and cultural matters. Her new practice, Lifetime Insight, is located in the Regency area and she is accepting new patients.


Mental healthcare for a variety of disorders including: Insomnia | Depression | Bipolar disorder Memory disorders | Concentration difficulties Anxiety disorders | Life stressors

Providing these services: Treatment for adults and geriatrics Diagnostic assessments Consultations for other mental health professionals Consultations for physicians | Second opinions Medication management Individual psychotherapy

Sarit Hovav, M.D. Board-Certified Psychiatrist Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

440 Regency Parkway Dr. | Suite 136 | Omaha, NE 68114


8 | The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017

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High School Seniors and Parents

We will be publishing our annual High School Graduation Class pages on May 19, 2017. To be included, fill out the form below with a photo and send it to us or you can email the information and photo to: by May 1, 2017. High School Senior Information

_______________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________ Parent(s)’ Name(s) _______________________________________________ Current High School _______________________________________________ College you plan to attend Send by May 1, 2017 to: The Jewish Press | 333 So. 132 St. | Omaha, NE 68154

Letter from Israel

nate shapirO Director of Development As part of our Partnership2Gether platform, the Jewish Federation of Omaha was delighted and honored to host two Israeli Artists from the Western Galilee region. They were here in Omaha Feb. 22-24. While in Omaha, they toured a little bit of the local art scene, led some workshops at the JCC, and presented a couple of lectures. The following is a letter of gratitude from the artists to the partnership communities; Toledo, OH, Ft. Worth, TX, and Omaha. There were so many people involved and we want to thank you all. At first from fear of forgetting somebody we thought we wouldn’t name anybody but, on second thought we decided to try and name EVERYBODY and those that by chance are not mentioned by name... we can’t forget all the great experiences and interactions we had... Toledo: We want to thank our wonderful hosts – Fagie and Eli, Sharon – for organizing our activities in Toledo, Tom – for the efforts to try and meet us (and the mutual frustration when it didn’t work out), Colleen - for showing us around the Glass Pavilion Studio; Dena, Helen and Chris - for their time and friendship; and finally Eli and the guys at Gathered Studio for the quality time spent there. Omaha: Starting with Nate and Jennie who organized our great stay and activities, who took special care of us (up to the point we almost forgot to take care of ourselves), to our hosts Julie and Eric and the short but special time we had together, to Lisa and Gary for having our presentation at

their house – opening it to all, to Ellie and all the people at Bemis Art Center, to Tim for showing us around at the hot shops, to Mark for his photographs; to Kim, Iris, and all the other people who helped and were involved at the JCC. Fort Worth: Beginning and ending with Kim and Bob our hosts, organizers and everything else in between, Jan our host for opening her home and heart, Tatara for being there at the beginning and end with and without us, Gail for showing us around at the museum, Rebecca for opening her gallery to all the people who came to the presentation and her great generosity, to all the people that were involved and helped us out with the workshops at Beit El; and to Bob and Phyllis for the warm welcome and interesting evening we had together. Last but not least we want to thank our people at home – Judy and Noa, who started working on our journey, months before we had any idea what would and could be. Without their meticulous planning, this amazing program would never have happened. Thank you all again! Koby and Batya


B’nai B’rith BreadBreakers

speaker to be announced for Wednesday, april 5, noon. For more information or to be placed on the email list call 402.334.6443 or

OMne partners’ alex epstein named top industrial power Broker Alex Epstein, son of Lisa and Gary Epstein and grandson of Harold and the late Etta Epstein of Omaha, Nebraska was named a top Industrial Power Broker by the nationally known CoStar, for 2016. A recent moderator of the Industrial Sector breakout session: “Search or Hype”, of the Commercial Real Estate Summit, featured well-known panelists Brett Bosworth of R&R Equity Partners, Jon Meyers of Nebraska Warehouse Company, and Jonathan Rudersdorf of Prologis Global Industrial - one of the largest publicly traded Industrial Real Estate Trusts in North America. Epstein is a graduate of Indiana University, having majored in Management and Entrepreneurship. He joined OMNE Partners, as Executive Vice President, in 2016. When asked about OMNE Partners, Epstein said, “The leadership of our company is something that excites me every day. There is intention and strategy behind everything we do.”

OMNE Partners is a full-service commercial real estate firm, consisting of thirty-eight employees that each serve in providing sales, leasing, and property management throughout Nebraska and Iowa. An affiliate of the Seldin Company, OMNE Partners manages a myriad of properties containing more than 3.7 million square feet. OMNE Partners attributes its success to finding and hiring the right people. “We invest heavily in our personnel, going the extra mile to find outstanding talent.” OMNE Partners recently relocated their headquarters to 13340 California St. Suite 100. Epstein said, “the new office space has been designed with intentional features that promote collaboration and transparency. We encourage our clients to see our space and view how we work. There is a lot of energy in our office.” In addition to his work in Commercial Real Estate, Alex serves as a board member for the Jewish Community Center of Omaha and is founding the Jewish Business Leaders of Omaha which will launch fall 2017.


The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017 | 9

viewpoint thejewishpress

(Founded in 1920) eric Dunning President Annette van de Kamp-Wright Editor Richard busse Creative Director Susan bernard Advertising Executive Lori Kooper-Schwarz Assistant Editor Thierry ndjike Accounting Jewish Press board Eric Dunning, President; Andy Ruback, Past-President; Sandy Friedman, Treasurer; Andrew Boehm; Paul Gerber; Alex Grossman; Jill Idelman; Mike Kaufman; David Kotok; Debbie Kricsfeld; Abby Kutler; Pam Monsky; Paul Rabinovitz and Barry Zoob. The mission of the Jewish Federation of Omaha is to build and sustain a strong and vibrant Omaha Jewish Community and to support Jews in Israel and around the world. Agencies of the Federation are: Community Relations Committee, Jewish Community Center, Center for Jewish LIfe, Jewish Social Services, and the Jewish Press. Guidelines and highlights of the Jewish Press, including front page stories and announcements, can be found online at:; click on ‘Jewish Press.’ Editorials express the view of the writer and are not necessarily representative of the views of the Jewish Press Board of Directors, the Jewish Federation of Omaha Board of Directors, or the Omaha Jewish community as a whole. The Jewish Press reserves the right to edit signed letters and articles for space and content. The Jewish Press is not responsible for the Kashrut of any product or establishment. editorial The Jewish Press is an agency of the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Deadline for copy, ads and photos is: Thursday, 9 a.m., eight days prior to publication. E-mail editorial material and photos to: avandekamp@jewish; send ads (in TIF or PDF format) to: rbusse@jewishomaha. org.

Letters to the editor Guidelines The Jewish Press welcomes Letters to the Editor. They may be sent via regular mail to: The Jewish Press, 333 So. 132 St., Omaha, NE 68154; via fax: 1.402.334.5422 or via e-mail to the Editor at: avandekamp@jew Letters should be no longer than 250 words and must be single-spaced typed, not hand-written. Published letters should be confined to opinions and comments on articles or events. News items should not be submitted and printed as a “Letter to the Editor.” The Editor may edit letters for content and space restrictions. Letters may be published without giving an opposing view. Information shall be verified before printing. All letters must be signed by the writer, but the name can be withheld at the writer’s request. The Jewish Press will not publish letters that appear to be part of an organized campaign, nor letters copied from the Internet. No letters should be published from candidates running for office, but others may write on their behalf. Letters of thanks should be confined to commending an institution for a program, project or event, rather than personally thanking paid staff, unless the writer chooses to turn the “Letter to the Editor” into a paid personal ad or a news article about the event, project or program which the professional staff supervised. For information, contact Annette van de Kamp-Wright, Jewish Press Editor, 402.334.6450.

Postal The Jewish Press (USPS 275620) is published weekly (except for the first week of January and July) on Friday for $40 per calendar year U.S.; $80 foreign, by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Phone: 402.334.6448; FAX: 402.334.5422. Periodical postage paid at Omaha, NE. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Jewish Press, 333 So. 132 St., Omaha, NE 68154-2198 or email to: jpress@jewishomaha. org.

American Jewish Press Association Award Winner

nebraska Press As- national newspaper sociation Association Award winner 2008


Keeping joy at the center of our lives

AnneTTe vAn De KAMP-WRIGhT Editor of the Jewish Press ow that the person behind the recent bomb threats has been caught, I should, first and foremost, feel relief. Relief, not only for our community, but for every Jewish institution in America and abroad. The culprit is in custody and will be charged; he can no longer affect us. I should feel good about that, I should breathe a little easier. But I don’t. Not because I was scared before -- I wasn’t -- but because the idea that the person behind all this, Michael Kaydar, is a teenager from Israel is something I cannot yet wrap my head around. I imagine I am not the only one. Of course, there will be copycats: the Dallas JCC, within hours after the arrest, received a new bomb threat and had to evacuate. So there’s that. In addition, anti-Semitism is alive and well; it is obvious from the enormous volume of anti-Jewish chatter online, here and abroad, to the burning of an effigy of Jewish women in Poland last weekend that supposedly was meant to ‘celebrate spring.’ The World Jewish Congress issued a press release on March 24 that stated “more than 382,000 anti-Semitic posts were uploaded to social media over the course of 2016, an average of 43 posts per hour, or one post every 83 seconds.” There are some obvious responses to Kaydar’s arrest. Disbelief, worry that the ‘False Flag’ argument is further strengthened; concern that, once again, it will be used as an excuse to not take anti-Semitism seriously. “I feel sick knowing upon learning that the suspect arrested for allegedly making these threats is Israeli, American and Jewish,” wrote Hinda Mandell in the Forward, March 23. “Of course I know from a rational perspective that being Jewish encompasses a range of diverse experiences, including experiences born of hate and motivated by malice. But from an emotional perspective, I feel like I’ve just been sucker punched.”

I think we all felt that, but this is not a place where we should dwell. The question remains: where do we go from here? I think first and foremost we should stop debating

our daily business, we send our kids to day school, attend programs at our Jewish Community Center and we show up at our local synagogue when our friend’s child becomes Bar Mitzvah. We keep giving to the causes we believe in, reach out the hand of friendship to our non-Jewish neighbors and pledge to our Federation’s Annual Campaign. We volunteer and step up, day after day, from the moment we wake up until we roll into bed at night. When we see misunderstanding and ignorance, we address it head-on. In other words, we take an active part in community life and we don’t hide away. Because what anti-Semites want, what they think they want, is for us to cower and change our ways. They want The JCC bomb threat suspect, identified as Michael Kaydar by The Daily Beast, leavfor our lives to become ing court in Rishon Lezion, Israel, March 23, 2017. somehow less enjoyable, for Credit: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images us to sour on Jewish commuwhether anti- Semitism is getting worse or not. It is; the ev- nal life and let fear be our guiding principle. We cannot let idence is overwhelming. If others don’t believe us, so be it. that happen. We have the power to not let that happen. Trying to convince the naysayers is a waste of time. Equally Yes, the main culprit behind the bomb threats was caught, useless is the handwringing. and that is a good thing. But anti-Semitism won’t end with Yes, this sucks, pardon my French. But in situations like his court date. We can show others and ourselves that we these, it is important to act, rather than react. How do we can be aware and vigilant of the threats that are out there respond to those who wish us harm? We live. We go about while keeping joy at the center of our lives.

And another song will rise MICheLLe hobeRMAn “Why is this happening?” is the question I am asked over and over again by my non-Jewish coworkers and friends. But, not once has a Jewish person asked me this question -- not my family, not my Jewish friends and not even my own children. Is it because we are afraid to ask why? I often find myself asking how and what questions. How are we going to respond? How can I help? What are we going to do? Yet, I still avoid the why. Is it because I was taught to take action and to do something instead of playing the victim, and therefore turn to the how and what more comfortably than the why question I can’t seem to answer? What has happened in our St Louis area is unconscionable. People have harmed our close-knit community by desecrating the resting places of generations of Jewish families. There have been bomb threats to our cultural centers and schools. There are people in this friendly midwestern city who seek to break lines of trust and to pit society against itself by classifying us and them. Of course, we will gather and bond together to overcome these acts. We will pool together the emotional, financial and spiritual resources of our community to provide solace and repair the damage done. This is what we do; this is how we do it. Already, our community has held a candlelight vigil, organized a cleanup at the cemetery site where our new Jewish Governor Eric Greitens and Vice President Mike Pence offered words of support and enacted a swift online reparation fund through the Jewish Federation. It may come as a surprise to some, but not to me, that the St. Louis Muslim community has been at the forefront of support for our Jewish community. Both minority groups have been recent targets by emboldened actors of hate, the true them in our broader society. The Muslim community acted swiftly, starting a Launchgood page to assist with the repair efforts of our beau-

tiful historic cemetery, Chesed Shel Emeth. ferent type of prophet, Debbie Friedman: “Not by Heartwarmingly, they have named their crowdmight and not by power, but by spirit alone shall funding effort “Muslims Unite to Repair Jewish we all live in peace.” Cemetery” and their efforts have raised almost $67,000 in about 24 hours. But the what and the how can go only so far in providing a temporary solution to our concerns. As Jews, we learn through Torah and Talmud to dig deeper, to strive to understand the meaning behind or beyond the words, to grasp the context greater than just the story unfolding in front of our eyes. Yet, when we are confronted by another example of anti-Semitism in our modern world, once An aerial view of the damage done to the Jewish cemetery in St. Louis. again we do not ask why. Why? And another song will rise. Is it that we know the answer? Michelle (Birenbaum) Hoberman, WHP Is it that we don’t want to know the answer? Member (St. Louis 15), grew up in St. Louis, Or could there be no plausible answer for this Missouri, and has resettled back into her homedeep-seated hate? town after a few stops along the way. She works We live in an increasingly confusing time -- a by day in residential real estate and is a busy time that makes it hard to grasp the profundity mom of three. Michelle is actively involved in the of it all. From when we were little, it has been Jewish community, supporting the Jewish Federseared into our collective consciousness to ation of Saint Louis as a funding advisor for “never forget.” But to never forget and to worry various committees and as a committee member about the future of our community are two very for Jews in Need Overseas, and has worked with different concepts. Having grown up in St. Louis the National Council of Jewish Women and the J and having lived here most of my life, I don’t Associates. She is also connected on a personal think I have ever felt as vulnerable as I do today. level with Saint Louis-based Pedal the Cause, a Perhaps, we can’t answer the burning question nonprofit organization which donates 100% of of why, but then how do we answer the question its funds to cancer research at Washington Uniour children ask, like “Mom, Dad, what are we versity’s Siteman Cancer Center and St. Louis going to do about all this hate?” To this, I am reChildren’s Hospital, as both an advocate and as minded of the words of the prophet Zechariah, a participant. She can be reached at whose words were immortalized in song by a dif-

10 | The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017

synagogues B’nai israel synagogue

618 Mynster Street Council Bluffs, IA 51503-0766 712.322.4705 email:

Beth el synagogue

Member of United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism 14506 California Street Omaha, NE 68154-1980 402.492.8550

Beth israel synagogue

Member of Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 12604 Pacific Street Omaha, NE. 68154 402.556.6288

ChaBad house

An Affiliate of Chabad-Lubavitch 1866 South 120 Street Omaha, NE 68144-1646 402.330.1800 email:

Congregation B’nai Jeshurun

South Street Temple Union for Reform Judaism 2061 South 20th Street Lincoln, NE 68502-2797 402.435.8004

offutt air forCe Base

Capehart Chapel 2500 Capehart Road Offutt AFB, NE 68123 402.294.6244

rose Blumkin Jewish home

323 South 132 Street Omaha, NE 68154

temple israel

Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) 13111 Sterling Ridge Drive Omaha, NE 68144-1206 402.556.6536

tifereth israel

Member of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 3219 Sheridan Boulevard Lincoln, NE 68502-5236 402.423.8569

B’nai israel synagogue

Join us for our monthly Shabbat Speakers Series on april 14, at 7:30 p.m. with guest speaker Nate Shapiro, Jewish Federation of Omaha who will discuss his recent trip to Israel. Oneg to follow service. Everyone is always welcome at B’nai Israel! Our services are led by lay leader Larry Blass. For information on our historic synagogue, please contact any of our board members: Scott Friedman, Rick Katelman, Carole Lainof, Marty Ricks, Sissy Silber, Nancy Wolf and Phil Wolf.

Congregation B’nai Jeshurun

Services conducted by Rabbi Steven Abraham and Hazzan Michael Krausman. friday: JewAsian Pre-Neg Appetizer with Scholars-in-Residence, Helen Kiyong Kim and Noah Samuel Leavitt, 5:15 p.m.; Kabbalat Shabbat, 6 p.m.; Tot Shabbat/Family Shabbat, 6 p.m. led by grades 6-7; The Making of JewAsian, 6:45 p.m. Babysitting and kids programming available by reservation. saturday: Morning Service/Life & Legacy Shabbat, 9:30 a.m. followed by a light Kiddush and JewAsian A Deep Dive into PEW -- What Have We Learned Two Years Later?; Junior Congregation, 10 a.m.; Mini-Minyannaires, 10:45 a.m.; Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by JewAsian: Interfaith Marriage -- A Blessing, Not a Curse, Ma’ariv and Havdalah. weekday serViCes: Sundays, 9:45 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.; weekdays, 7 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. sunday: Eighth Grade Holocaust Trip, 4:30 a.m.; BESTT Classes, 9:45 a.m.; Torah Study, 10:15 a.m.; Sisterhood Breakfast, 10:15 a.m.; BESTT Torah Tots, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Speaker Series, 11:15 a.m. featuring Helen Kiyong Kim and Noah Samuel Leavitt on JewAsian: Instilling Jewish Identity in Children; Men’s Club Yellow Candle Project, 12:15 p.m. wednesday: BESTT Classes, 4:15 p.m. School Seder; No Hebrew High. thursday: USY Chocolate Seder, 6 p.m. at the home of Eadie Tsbari. Family Seder, tuesday, april 11, 5 p.m. Reservations required for dinner. Cost of dinner is $45 for Adults (13+), $25 for children 7-12, and no charge for children ages six and under. Shanghai, thursday, april 13, 1-4 p.m. All classes and programs are open to everyone in the Jewish community.

Services conducted by Rabbi Craig Lewis. friday: Pre-neg, 6 p.m. hosted by hosted by Leslie Delserone & Peter Mullin; Sha-ba-ba-bat Family Dinner, 6 p.m.; Friday Night Live! Shabbat Evening Service/Sha-ba-ba-bat Family Service, 6:30 p.m.; Candlelighting, 7:33 p.m. saturday: Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 a.m.; Torah Study, 10:30 a.m. on Parashat Vayikra; Havdalah (72 Minutes), 9:04 p.m. sunday: LJCS Gan through Grade 7, 9:30 a.m. at Tifereth Israel; LJCS Gesher, 10 a.m. at South Street Temple; Harris Center 25th Anniversary gathering, 4 p.m. at Sheldon Art Museum. tuesday: Kochavim Rehearsal, 6:45 p.m. wednesday: LJCS Hebrew School, 4 p.m. at TI. thursday: Choir Rehearsal, 7 p.m. adult eduCation tuesday: Intro to Judaism, Session #13, 6:30 p.m. led by Rabbi Lewis. Passover: Annual Community Second Seder, tuesday, april 11, 6 p.m. Please RSVP by friday, april 7! Late RSVP’s cannot be guaranteed food. RSVP to 402.435.8004 or to office@ The cost is: Adults (13 and up) are $18, Children (ages 5–12) are $9, Children 4 and under are Free, and Full Time College Students are Free. Payment in advance is requested to plan and ensure that we have enough food for everyone. You can register and pay online or mail your payment to the Temple office, 2061 South 20th St., Lincoln, NE 68502. If you need assistance paying for dinner, please contact Rabbi Lewis, and confidential arrangements will be made. South Street Temple is partnering with "We Can Do This" to provide weekend meals to the children of the F Street Community Center. Join us as we provide lunch on the third Sunday of every month. Food/monetary donations, meal preparation and assistance with setting up, serving, and clean-up are needed! We will serve our next meal on april 16 at 2:30 p.m. For more information, email Sarah Beringer at LJCS CAMP ISRAEL, July 10–July 21, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at TI. Kosher lunch and snack provided. LJCS enrolled students entering. Tuition for each week is $75 and if you are enrolling two or more children, the cost is $50 per child, per week. This program is open to children entering kindergarten through sixth grade. Please send tuition checks payable to LJCS to Andrea at TI no later than July 1. Camp registration is required through LJCS.

Beth israel synagogue

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Beth el synagogue

Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Services conducted by Rabbi Ari Dembitzer. friday: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Mincha/Ma’ariv & Kabbalat Shabbat, 7:30 p.m.; Candle Lighting, 7:30 p.m. saturday: Shacharit, 9 a.m.; Insights in the Weekly Torah Reading, 6:30 p.m.; Mincha/Seudah Shlishit, 7:15 p.m.; Havdalah, 8:31 p.m. sunday: Shacharit, 9 a.m.; Bagels and Beit Medrash, 9:45 a.m. monday: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Eye on Israel with Rabbi Shlomo, noon at the JCC; Reb Nachman Class with Rabbi Shlomo, 1 p.m. at the JCC; Friedel Alumni Club, 5 p.m.; Hebrew America Level II, 7:30 p.m. tuesday & wednesday: Shacharit, 7 a.m. thursday: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Ethics Class with Rabbi Ari, 7:45 a.m.; Woman’s Class with Rabbi Ari, 9:30 a.m.; Learn with Rabbi Shlomo, noon at UNMC.

ChaBad house

Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Services conducted by Rabbi Mendel Katzman. friday: Shacharit, 7 a.m. followed by coffee, treats, study and shmoozing. saturday: Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 a.m. followed by a festive kiddush luncheon. sunday: Shacharit, 8:30 a.m. followed by Sunday Secrets: Jewish Fun Facts class at 9:15 a.m. weekdays: Shacharit, 7 a.m. followed by coffee, treats, study and shmoozing. monday: Personal Parsha class, 9:30 a.m. with Shani. wednesday: New Tanya Series -- The Anatomy of Your Soul: Who Are You?, 9:30 a.m. with Rabbi Mendel Katzman. thursday: Advanced Talmud Class, noon with Rabbi Mendel Katzman. Family Passover Seder, monday, april 10, 7:30 p.m. Farewell to Pesach, Moshiach Feast, tuesday, april 18. All programs are open to the entire community.

sunday: Grades K-6, 10 a.m.; Temple Tots Sunday, 10:30 a.m.; The Magic of Hebrew Chant: Healing the Spirit, Transforming the Mind, Deepening Love with Rabbi Shefa Gold, 10 a.m.; OTYG Meeting, noon. wednesday: Grades 3-6, 4 p.m.; School Dinner, 6 p.m.; Grades 7-12, 6 p.m.; Family School, 6 p.m.; Taste of Talmud II, 6:30 p.m.; Finding God in Music, 6:30 p.m. with Scott Littky. thursday: Meanings within Meanings, Stories within Stories: Uncovering the Wisdom of the Torah, 10 a.m. with Rabbi Crystal. First Friday Shabbat Service and Oneg, friday, april 7. Candle Lighting and Kiddush in the Simon Community Court, 5:30 p.m., Service featuring the First Friday Band, 6 p.m., oneg following services. OTYG Babysitting Night, saturday, april 8, 5-8:30 p.m. Looking for a babysitter for a night out? OTYG is offering to babysit your kids ages 2-11 at Temple Israel! Cost is $20, then $5 per additional child, and includes dinner and all programming activities for the evening. All proceeds go to Camp Rainbow. Please RSVP to Temple Israel or use our online form. OTYG Members: Join OTYG for a fun night of hanging out with your friends and babysitting children at Temple Israel for a great cause! RSVP to Aliyah Lasky by monday, april 3rd. Passover Family Seder: Let Us Make the Seder for You!, tuesday, april 11, 5:30 p.m. Join us for our family friendly Passover Seder. Reservations are a must! Your payment is your reservation. Please contact the Temple Israel office, rsVp@ or 402.556.6536, by monday, april 3, to reserve your seats. Cost of the dinner is: $27 for adults, $14 for children ages 6-12, and no charge for children ages five and under. After April 3, the cost of the dinner is: $37 for adults, $24 for children 6-12, and no charge for children ages five and under. Concluding Passover Service and Yizkor, monday, april 17, 10:30 a.m. If you would like to have the names of your loved ones read at the concluding service, please contact Temple Israel, 402.556.6536 or, by Thursday, April 13, with the names.

tifereth israel

friday: Shabbat Service, 6 p.m.; OTYG Youth Service: PJs and Prayers with OTYG!, 6:15 p.m. Inviting all 9th-12th graders to join OTYG for an intimate youth group service. Wear your PJs! If you are interested in participating in the service, please contact OTYG Religious and Cultural Vice President Elijah Marburg. Services will be followed by dinner. RSVPs required. saturday: Torah Study, 9:15 a.m.; Shabbat Morning Services, 10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of abigail friedland, daughter of Jackie and Jason Friedland.

Services conducted by lay leader Nancy Coren. Office hours: monday-friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. friday: TI and UNL Hillel Potluck Shabbat Dinner, 6:15 p.m. at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center at UNL. saturday: Shabbat Morning Services, 10 a.m. followed by a Kiddush Luncheon. sunday: LJCS Gan through Grade 7, 9:30 a.m. at Tifereth Israel; LJCS Gesher, 10 a.m. at South Street Temple; Harris Center 25th Anniversary gathering, 4 p.m. at Sheldon Art Museum. For more information contact 402.472.9561 or wednesday: LJCS Hebrew School, 4 p.m. TI and UNL Hillel Potluck Shabbat Dinner, friday, march 31, 6:15 p.m. at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center at UNL. Join us for a communal seder at Tifereth Israel on monday, april 10 at 6 p.m. A Passover seder for all ages or tuesday, april 11 at 5:45 p.m. for families with children ages 0-13. Make your reservations now! This is a free event to all but donations to help defray expenses may be contributed to the Layleader Discretionary Fund. Please RSVP to the office at 402.423.8569 to say you're coming or e-mail ncoren@tifer LJCS CAMP ISRAEL, July 10–July 21, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at TI. Kosher lunch and snack provided. LJCS enrolled students entering. Tuition for each week is $75 and if you are enrolling two or more children, the cost is $50 per child, per week. This program is open to children entering kindergarten through sixth grade. Please send tuition checks payable to LJCS to Andrea at TI no later than July 1. Camp registration is required through LJCS.

WASHINGTON | JTA e U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum will bestow its highest honor, the Elie Wiesel Award, on German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her work advancing Holocaust awareness. "Chancellor Merkel has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to making the preservation of Holocaust memory a priority for Germany,” said Tom Bernstein, who chairs the council governing the museum, in a recent release. “e Museum has partnered with the German government and institutions on many initiatives, and those partnerships have only grown deeper and more fruitful under Chan-

cellor Merkel.” Merkel was instrumental in 2011 in overcoming the reluctance among the 11 nations that run the International Tracing Service, the Germany-based documentation center of Nazi atrocities, to opening up its archives. She will receive the award on April 24 during the museum’s National Tribute Dinner, which takes place on Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, in Washington, D.C. Merkel will accept the honor by video from Germany. e honor was named for Wiesel, the Holocaust memoirist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who helped found the museum.

friday: Services, 7:30 p.m. every first and third of the month.

rose Blumkin Jewish home

saturday: Services, 9:15 a.m. led by Jim Polack and David Herzog. Services will be held in the Chapel. Members of the community are invited to attend.

temple israel

U.S. Holocaust Museum to honor Angela Merkel

The Jewish Press | March 31, 2017 | 11

lifecycles b’nai mitzvah

bradley edward berman

Bradley Edward Berman, son of Beth Cohen and Harry Berman, will become a Bar Mitzvah on Monday, April 10, at Beth Israel. Bradley is a seventh-grade student at King Science and Technology Center. He was selected for All-City Chorus and received the student of the week award. His interests include drone flying, lego engineering and minecrafting. He has a sister, Zoe. Grandparents are Sheila and the late Harvey Cohen, and Marilyn and the late Dr. Bradley Berman.

mia menolaScino zweiback

Mia Menolascino Zweiback, daughter of Amy and Tim Zweiback, will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 8, at Temple Israel. Mia is a seventh-grade student at Westside Middle School. She received the Temple Cantor’s Appreciation Award Her interests include skiing, Camp Shwayder, art and jewelry making. For her mitzvah project, Mia works as a counsler at UNMC Menroe-Meyer Institute. She has a brother, Max and a sister, Nefertiti. Grandparents are Judy Zweiback and the late Warren Zweiback, and Donna Menolascino and the late Dr. Frank Menolascino. Great-grandparents are the late Joe and Rosie Zweiback, and Moe and Dorothy Gimp.

in memoriam

marion gill SloSburg

Marion Gill Slosburg passed away March 10 at age 93 in St. Petersburg, FL. She is survived by her daughter, Jill Slosburg-Ackerman and son and daughter-in-law, Jack and Donna Slosburg of St Pete Beach, FL; grandson, Jesse August Slosburg Ackerman of Cambridge, MA. She was born in Chicago to Russian immigrants, Nathan and Lillian Dofsky Gill and Marion attended the University of Illinois where she met her life partner, Harold W. (Bus) Slosburg of Omaha. They were married in 1944 and lived in Omaha for 71 years. Harold died in 2016. Marion enjoyed interior decorating and antiquing and was known for her uncanny ability to find treasures. She was an early ‘Foodie” and gourmet chef. Together with friend, Tham Friedman, they opened the Martham Gallery and cultivated many midwestern artists. Warren Buffett purchased the gallery for his late wife, Susie and later described the acquisition as one of the worst investments of his career. Memorials may be made in her memory to the Millard branch of the Omaha Public Library.

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The Jewish Press deadline for the April 21 issue is Friday, april 7, 5 p.m. Questions? Call 402.334.6448.

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Residents of the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home and students of the Friedel Jewish Academy worked in pairs with nationalknown storyteller and facilitator, Rita Paskowitz. Rita’s dynamic background as an actress, storyteller, writer, and comedienne worked with both populations and a storysharing partnership was formed. This sixday artist-in-residence program was scheduled for Feb. 2-10, with a final performance on Friday, Feb. 10. At the end of this workshop, the student gave a presentation about their new friend and a memory book filled with photos and

rick’s Life story

the Resident’s story. At the time of printing the earlier stories, we did not have Doniven’s story in our possession, so we are including it here. This intergenerational program will be a gateway for more projects in the future that will allow the Jewish youth and elderly in our community to interact and encourage friendships and team building. This program was supported in part by a grant from the Herbert Goldsten Trust, Ruth Frisch & Oscar S. Belzer Endowment Fund and the Ruth Riekes Richards Fund of the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation.

parts. While Rick and his mom thought she did pretty well, she got a ‘B.’ Rick was furious! So during parent teacher conDoniven Christensen Fifth grade ferences, Rick walked up to the teacher that had I was honored to be able to work with Rick Eiren- given his sister a ‘B’ and punched him in the gut. Then Rick said: “She deserved better!” berg. Rick has an amazing personality. Rick’s favorite toy was a metal Rick’s family immigrated from horse named Moby, pronounced Russia. Rick’s grandfather was ‘Mobo.’ Rick still has it, too! one of the first people in Omaha to Rick’s best birthday was when own a grocery store. his mother gave him presents from Rick’s name honors his grandhis dad. mother whose name also starts Rick got a practical joke played with an ‘R.’ on him called a ‘Dog Party,’ which Rick’s chores were to take out rick and Doniven is where popular people invite not the trash, mow the lawn and do the dishes. Rick got $5 a week so $20 a month so popular kids, then make fun of them at the party. He didn’t deserve that. which was a lot back then. I hope to see Rick around. He’s a great guy. When Rick was six, he visited his sister’s school and his sister’s class was drawing and making fish


Never IS Now

Mary-Beth Muskin Regonal Director, Anti-Defamation League o date, there have been a total of 166 Bomb threats sent in various ways to a myriad of Jewish Organizations over the last three months. On the morning of March 15, the Omaha JCC joined the ranks by receiving a bomb threat via email. Security protocols were immediately implemented and staff, in conjunction with law enforcement, quickly and thoroughly ensured the building’s safety. Even though this threat (like all of the others targeting Jewish organizations) turned out to be a hoax and the authorities currently have a suspect in custody, it continues to be of the utmost importance to remain vigilant. We will continue to take all threats seriously and to respond in a manner that safeguards our community and staff members. Nationally, extremists are only a tiny minority of our population. Unfortunately, the internet expands their reach exponentially -- amplifying isolated voices of hatred, and enticing individuals perpetrating local incidents by lending them national exposure. Extremism is on the rise. It is an ongoing, pervasive threat we face as a nation. Regionally, neighborhoods and schools are reporting vandalism and personal threats against members of minority

communities. It is up to each and every one of us to remember to not normalize something that isn’t normal. It is clear that we are in the midst of a wave of anti-Semitism and broader forms of bigotry. The phone lines in all our Regional offices are busier than ever, and the ADL-CRC is no exception. People of every stripe within our community are looking for support, guidance and resources. We know what the threats look like. So what can we do to fight back? Here are some resources to share and help educate friends and loved ones in this time of heightened concern. Visit our website and type #StandUp or any of the titles listed below: • 5 Tips for Talking with Children about Bomb Threats at Jewish Community Centers • Empowering Young People in the Aftermath of Hate • Anti-Semitic Incidents: Being an Ally, Advocate and Activist • Protecting Your Jewish Institution We have pledged, “Never Again.” Well, Never is Now, and our mission to “secure justice and fair treatment for all citizens,” is as relevant as ever. Please contact us at 402.334.6570 or visit if you encounter an incident of hate or have any questions about any of these resources.

For more information about Heath's vision to make Omaha a more welcoming, connected, and innovative city, visit PAID FOR BY MELLO FOR MAYOR, 5315 B ST, OMAHA, NE 68106

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