this week
Typewriters and big hearts
Purim celebration Page 4
Downtown Shabbat: Omaha’s Berkshire Weekend tradition Page 9
12 14 15
Jule M. Newman Law Enforcement Summit
APRIL 5 , 2 0 1 9 | 2 9 AD AR II 5 7 7 9 | V O L . 9 9 | NO . 2 5 | c A nd LeLi g H Ti ng | FRID AY , APRIL 5 , 7 : 3 5 P. M.
AnneTTe vAn de KAmP-wrigHT Editor, Jewish Press mee Zetzman and Jeff Kavich of All Makes Office Equipment Co. will be the featured speakers at the Jewish Business Leaders’ breakfast at Happy Hollow. The event will take place Wednesday, April 17, from 7:30-9 a.m. It will be a busy day for the Kavich family, as the Omaha Chamber of Commerce will honor The Kavich family (Jeff Kavich, Larry Kavich, Lazier Kavich (1914-1996) and Amee Zetzman) as 2019 Business Hall of Fame Honorees. Every year, past and present, outstanding Omaha-area business leaders become part of the Omaha Business Hall of Fame at a gala event. Initiated in 1993 as part of the Greater Omaha Chamber’s centennial anniversary, the Hall of Fame event includes a dinner reception, induction ceremony and dessert. Achievements are See All makes Office equipment page 2
Concert to benefit the Seth Rich Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund Page 3
Viewpoint Synagogues Life cycles
SPOnSOred by THe benJAmin And AnnA e. wieSmAn FAmiLy endOwmenT Fund
PAm mOnSKy Community Development Liaison, ADL-CRC On Tuesday, March 19, more than 60 law enforcement professionals from across the Omaha metro area came to the Jewish Community Center for the Second annual Jule M. Newman Law Enforcement Summit hosted by the ADLCRC. The summit featured three break-out sessions and a keynote address by Oren Segal, Director of the Center on Extremism for ADL National.
Oren Segal addresses law enforcement summit.
Amee Zetzman and Jeff Kavich
Annual Yom HaShoah Commemoration
ScOTT LiTTKy Executive Director, Institute for Holocaust Education The 2019 Community Yom HaShoah Commemoration is scheduled for Wednesday May 1 at 7 p.m. Host this year is Temple Israel. This year’s commemoration speaker will be Scott Miller. Mr. Miller was a founding staff member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, where he worked for 30 years and now serves as a consultant on special acquisitions for the Holocaust Museum’s National Institute for Holocaust Documentation. Beginning in 1989, Scott was a research historian for the museum’s Wexner Learning Center, a multimedia
Credit: Cynthia J. Kohll Photography information center on the Holocaust. Upon the museum’s opening to the public in 1993, Scott became the museum’s Director of University Programs. In 2001 Scott was appointed Director of the Benjamin and Vladka Meed Registry of Holocaust Survivors – the Holocaust Museum’s names, information and tracing center. In 2006, Scott assumed his latest
position as Director of Curatorial Affair, which oversees the museum’s archival, artifact, photo, film, music and oral history collections. Scott co-edited with Randolph Braham The Nazis’ Last Victims: The Holocaust in Hungary (Wayne State University Press: 1998), and co-authored with Sarah Ogilvie Refuge Denied – The St. Louis Passengers and See yom HaShoah page 3
The break-out sessions featured Anatomy of a Hate Crime led by Thomas Reinwart, Special Agent FBI; Civil Rights led by Darryck Dean, Conciliation specialist at the Department of Justice; and, Managing Implicit Bias for Law Enforcement led by Mary Newman, retired OPD and Daisha Muhammad, ADL project manager for Managing Implicit Bias for Law Enforcement. Oren Segal focused his presentation on how extremism is spreading throughout the nation and the world and how the staff at the Center on Extremism work to combat extremism on a daily basis. One attendee commented, “Oren Segal’s presentation was impactful. It validated the need for proactive searches on social media regarding threat assessment.” Another said, “Oren Segal was very engaging and well versed in extremism,” and, “The Implicit Bias training and presentation is very useful. Breaking into smaller groups was great.” Later that afternoon, Mr. Segal spoke to attorneys about the legal challenges involved in combating extremism. The day ended with an informal presentation at Vincenzo’s restaurant for Wine and Conversation, a collaboration with National Council of Jewish Women, Nebraska. The Jule M. Newman Law Enforcement Summit was made possible through the generous funding of the Jule M. Newman Anti-Bigotry Endowment Fund at the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation. The fund sponsors specific programming designed and conducted by the ADL-CRC Plains States Regional office. Knowing that their father respected the mission of the ADL-CRC, Jule’s sons Bob, Jim and Murray chose the organization as the beneficiary of the fund. Jule had a strong interest in law enforcement; therefore, the fund ensures that anti-bias training for law enforcement officers will be held annually.
2 | The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019
all Makes office Equipment
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continued from page 1 Kearney, Nebraska, and Des Moines, Iowa. More than 100 then showcased in a permanent display at The Durham Mu- nonprofits were nominated for the “All Makes 100-year-100k seum. This year’s gala will take place Wednesday, April 17 at office makeover contest.” A team of judges composed of com6 p.m. at the Holland Performing Arts Center. munity leaders and vendor sponsors voted and narrowed it Jeff Kavich is the President and CEO of All Makes Office down to five non-profits in each market. Then, communityEquipment Co. and in that role oversees all day-to-day activ- wide voting took place over a one-month period. 73,480 votes ities in the Omaha headwere placed on the voting quarters. Jeff participates in platform before the winmajor projects and lends ners were announced. his personal guarantee of In Omaha, the Autism satisfaction on every projCenter of Nebraska— ect. His involvement prowhich supports and envides long-term direction hances the quality of life for to the continuing growth of persons with autism and All Makes. other developmental disAmee Zetzman is the Exabilities and their families. ecutive Vice President and In Lincoln, the Child CFO for All Makes Office Guidance Center, is dediEquipment Co. and Jeff ’s cated to providing childsister. In addition to overcentered, family-focused seeing all day-to-day activmental health services in ities in the Lincoln, Kearney Lincoln. and Des Moines, IA, stores, In Kearney, the HelpAmee is responsible for all Care Clinic—which profinancial matters, as well as vides life-changing medical overseeing the purchasing, care to the uninsured, imcustomer service, opera- Clockwise from top center: larry Kavich, amee Zetzman, lazier Kavich poverished residents of Bufand Jeff Kavich tions and IT departments. falo and Kearney Counties. Jeff played an instrumental role in the implementation of And, finally, in Des Moines, Meals from the Heartland — All Makes’ Quality Improvement Process in the early ‘90s and their vision is to alleviate life-threatening hunger through edcontinues adapting those teachings to current work trends. ucation, engagement and feeding. Jeff remains actively involved with several office furniture inPrior to the 100th anniversary contest, All Makes had done dustry organizations, community boards and nonprofit or- three non-profit makeovers: Angels Among Us, Friendship ganizations. Home, and Ollie Webb. All Makes has done work for several Amee has been with All Makes since 1994 and is part of the other nonprofits including Ronald McDonald, Heartland fourth generation of her family to run the 100-year-old busi- Family Services, and the Women’s Center for Advancement. ness. Prior to joining All Makes, Amee was a manager for “It’s not enough to be a business,” Amee said. “We have to Arthur Andersen & Co., specializing in small business clients. be a partner, a family member. We are part of the fabric of the Zetzman received her bachelor’s degree from the University community. That means stepping up when we see a need.” of Colorado, with a major in Accounting. She is proud to As was the case recently, when a call went out on All Makes’ serve on several local community boards, nonprofits and in- Facebook page: anyone who, due to flooding, needed a dry dustry-specific organizations. work space could reach out. It was 1918 when Jeff and Amee’s great-grandfather Harry “We were heartbroken to hear the stories of those impacted Ferer first opened the All Makes Typewriter Company. After by the awful flooding in Nebraska and Iowa,” Amee said. “As 20 years, Ferer’s son-in-law Lazier Kavich took over, adding a family-owned company, we wanted to help. We were happy government surplus and used office furniture to the inven- to provide office space and WiFi access at any of our office tory. In 1960, this prompted the name change to ‘All Makes locations in Nebraska and Iowa to anyone displaced or imOffice Equipment Company.’ Lazier’s son Larry joined the pacted by flooding. We were also able to provide office furcompany in 1965 and eventually passed the family business niture to businesses in need.” to his children in 2004. Earlier this year, All Makes worked with Alley Poyner MacAll Makes is part of the Omaha landscape. Cities change chietto Architecture to furnish items to the Girls, Inc. of and Omaha is no different, but in the middle of all that Omaha Protégé House, which bridges the gap between childchange there is great comfort in seeing a business with true hood and adulthood by providing transitional housing to girls staying power. Just let it sink in for a moment: they have been who age out of foster care. here for a century. Not only has All Makes been around that The All Makes showroom used to be filled with nothing long, the company has grown and continues to be successful, but desks, chairs and filing cabinets. both as a business and as a community partner. “If you walk through the showroom today,” Jeff said, “you’ll Trust, honesty and integrity: these are the core values the see some soft seating, you’ll see some work stations, you’ll see Kavich family has lived by all these years. Nowhere is that some demountable wall products lighting: you’ll see so many more obvious than in the non-profit work the family does. different things that are so different than what the industry To celebrate the company’s centennial, All Makes used looked like 30 years ago.” And because some things don’t $100,000 to donate remodeled workspaces for a deserving change, they still have typewriters. nonprofit in each of their locations: Omaha, Lincoln and That, and big hearts.
Rich and Fran Juro’s visit to B’nai Israel NaNcy WolF Please plan to attend services at B’nai Israel on Friday, april 12 at 7:30 p.m. We will welcome Rich Juro to be our speaker, who will recount some stories of the travels he and his wife Fran have enjoyed throughout the world. Some of these adventures have been chronicled in this newspaper. Fran and Rich Juro have visited about 180 of the world’s 195 countries. They’ve also made an effort to see synagogues and visit Jews in some unlikely places, including Myanmar, Mozambique, Paraguay, Eritrea,
Fran and Rich at the Synagogue in Maputo, Mozambique.
Armenia, Tunisia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The talk will be about these, plus their most recent visit with two Israelis living on the remote semi-autonomous island of Niue. Where is Niue, you ask? I had to look it up. According to Wikipedia, Niue is an “island country in the South Pacific Ocean, 1,500 miles northeast of New Zealand, east of Tonga, south of Samoa, and west of the Cook Islands.” Larry Blass will serve as service leader, and a wonderful oneg will follow the service. We hope to see you there!
Yom HaShoah
Continued from page 1 the Holocaust, the story of their search for the St. Louis passengers. Scott has also taught Jewish History for the Jewish Studies Program at the American University, in Washington, DC. His address is titled Searching for Survivors – the Fate of the St. Louis Passengers. Scott Littky, Executive Director of the Institute for Holocaust Education, Kael Sagheer, Education Coordinator, in collaboration with all three synagogues, have worked tirelessly to put together a meaningful evening. As the host congregation this year, Rabbi Brian Stoller Scott Miller of Temple Israel has led the process of making Yom HaShoah a meaningful experience for all who attend. “The annual Yom HaShoah Commemoration is a meaningful event for our community,” Scott Littky said, “and becomes even more meaningful when we all work together. Having the clergy from our synagogues assisting in the planning of the evening has been very important in supporting us at the IHE in making our annual commemoration meaningful for all of those in attendance.” The Youth Program for our local teenagers will begin at 5:30 p.m. and includes dinner and a discussion among local survivors and our students. Those in attendance will first view the short film Pigeon. The focus of the discussion will be on our moral responsibility for each other, especially in times of danger. “Having different generations represented is essential,” Littky says. “In addition to teaching our youth, it is important to remember the Holocaust; we welcome the opportunity to pair some of our survivors with our youth. By spending time together, they can make a more personal connection.” For more information about this year’s Yom HaShoah, please contact Scott Littky at
The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019 | 3
Concert to benefit the Seth Rich Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund
W Ozzie NOgg
hen it comes to creating Jewish memories, researchers say camping ranks up there with education and Israel experiences as factors most likely to connect kids to Jewish identity, faith and community and lead them to choose Jewish lives as adults. To ensure that Omaha youngsters have the opportunity to add these essential connections to their lives, Beth El Synagogue presents “Jaffe Road to California Street: A Concert to Benefit the Seth Rich Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund.” The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 5 at 4 p.m. at Beth El. In the summer of 2016, Seth Rich, a rising star in the Democratic National Committee, was the victim of a still-unsolved homicide in Washington, DC. At the time of this death, Seth was the DNC Voter Expansion Data Director, tasked with the development of a computer application to help voters determine their voter registration status and locate polling stations. “The years Seth spent at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin taught him to to work with others and respect and value their differences,” said his parents, Joel and Mary Rich. “Camp helped make Seth who he was — a young man committed to making a difference. Helping others became a natural outgrowth of his Jewish camp experiences. Jewish summer camps give children an opportunity to experience living Jewishly with other children of their own age,” Joel continued. “We provide scholarships to Ramah Wisconsin, Herzl and Sabra, plus Israel Experience Trips, where kids have a chance to learn the values and beliefs that will be important to them as they become Judaism’s future leaders. Their ties with Judaism help them give back to Beth El and to be mentors to younger children. The enthusiasm they bring back is infectious.”
The faces of Jewish summer camping Omahans Phoenix, left, and Sophia Mavropoulos, children of Karen Klingberg and Dimitrios Mavropoulos.
Monies raised from the Seth Rich Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund provide resources so every child in the Beth El See Seth Rich Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund page 5
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4 | The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019
Purim was celebrated with gusto all over the Jewish community, with the highlight being the crowining of the Purim King and Queen, top right, Alvin Abramson and Jean Elkon. The two royals will have their portrait displayed with those of their predecessors in the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. They will remain King and Queen until next year, so be sure to make a bow when you run into them.
The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019 |5
Nancy Rips’ book swap
Ozzie NOgg Omaha’s favorite literary maven, Nancy Rips (aka Fancy Nancy) hosts a Book Swap at her home on Tuesday, April 9 from 7 to 9 p.m. Her goal? To always make books accessible and entertaining. “I want reading to be exciting for people,� Nancy said. “At the end of the day, it’s got to be fun.� An author in her own right, Nancy has sold books in Omaha book stores for over forty years and promoted books on TV and radio since 1981. Her Boomer Radio colleague, Dave (Wingy) Wingert, calls Fancy Nancy, “A treasure, a stand-up broad of fashion and taste, a generous and loving friend. And her books look damn fine on my shelf.� The Book Swap is part of Beth El Synagogue’s Miriam Initiative, a series of ongoing projects and programs created, developed and presented by Beth El women.
Seth Rich Memorial Camp Scholarship Continued from page 3 Synagogue family — regardless of need — can receive a camp scholarship in return for a pledge to provide a service to the synagogue when they return. The services include reading Torah and leading prayers, helping out with the Religious School, and assuming leadership roles in USY and Kadimah Youth Groups. The proceeds from last year’s concert granted scholarships to over 25 youngsters. “The funds raised at the May 5 Jaffe Road to California Street concert will help ensure that our youth continue to receive pivotal Jewish camp experiences,� said Hazzan Michael Krausman. Phoenix and Sophia Mavropoulos, children of Karen Klingberg and Dimitrios Mavropoulos, have attended Camp Ramah since 2014. “Ramah has been a great experience for my kids,� Karen Klingberg said. “For the past five years, they’ve had fun, strengthened their Jewish identity and made connections with friends that will last a lifetime. They come back from camp and can’t wait to go again. As a parent, I can’t think of a better way for them to spend the summer. The camp scholarship opportunities given to these kids is invaluable.� Sophia, who turns 14 in a few weeks, said, “Ramah is like home to me. I love it. I have lots of fun, experience new things and have made great friends. Camp is my happy place.� Phoenix, 15, shares his sister’s enthusiasm. “Every year at Ramah I learn something new and get to do all the activities I like,� he said. “Every summer, I look forward to connecting with my camp friends.� For Joel Rich, this is what the Cantor’s Concert is all about. “The kids,� Joel said. “It’s all about the kids.� Jaffa Road was formed in 2005 in Toronto, Canada. The quintet includes Aaron Lightstone on guitar and oud; vocalist Aviva Chernick; saxophonist and flautist Sundar Viswanathan; percussionist Jeff Wilson; and bassist Chris Gartner. The band’s name alone suggests an interest in the long arc of human history. The Jaffa Road is one of the oldest streets in Jerusalem, and the band is influenced by Jewish roots, jazz, Indian and Arabic music and ancient Hebrew poetry. “This kind of idea of cultural fusion music was probably happening 1,000 years ago on the Silk Road,� Lightstone said. “When the musician from Eastern Europe made his way to southern India, there would have been
music somewhere mashed up in there.� Jaffa Road plumbs the history of diverse cultures for inspiration, even reviving protest songs — discovered in wax cylinder recordings made in Turkey in 1907 — written to oppose the conscription of Jews into the armies of the Ottoman Empire. “We take what is old and bring it forward so it can be seen in a new light and appreciated in a new way,� Chernick said. “And breathing new life into it, too,� Lightstone added. “So it’s not like museum music.� Jaffa Road’s debut album, Sunplace, received a Juno nomination in 2009 for world music album of the year. When their version of Lo Yisa Goy won the 2009 John Lennon Songwriting Contest grand prize in the world music category, Lightstone said, “It was validation that you can do world music in Hebrew.� Their second album, Where the Light Gets In, was released in 2012 and won the World Music Group of the Year at the 2013 Canadian Folk Music Awards. According to a review in the Canadian Jewish News, Jaffa Road creates a unique sonic landscape that takes listeners on a journey that is at once ancient and modern, acoustic and electronic, sacred and secular. “We are lots of different strains that come together,� said Lightstone. “Hopefully the sum is something new.� “We’re very excited to have Jaffa Road perform at our May 5 Seth Rich Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund Concert,� Hazzan Michael Krausman said. “Providing service grants and Jewish camp scholarships in Seth’s name is only possible through the generosity of the members of our Beth El family and our friends in the Omaha Jewish community and beyond. We thank you for your support.� Jaffe Road to California Street will include the voices of BESTT and Beth El Hebrew High students. A dessert reception follows the concert, giving audience members a chance to meet the guest artists. Chairmen for Jaffa Road to California Street: A Concert to Benefit the Seth Rich Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund, are Mary and Joel Rich and Pam and Bruce Friedlander. For information on individual ticket pricing and sponsorship opportunities, please visit the Beth El website at or call the synagogue office at 402.492.8550. All giving levels include at least two concert tickets at no extra charge. Donations are tax deductible.
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6 | The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019
Tri-Faith initiative dinner in abraham’s Tent 6405 S. 171 St. | NEW PRICE! | $389,000 Gorgeous 4 BR/4BA 2-story in Mission Park with so much to love and over 4,100 finished square feet!
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urooSa JaWed Communications Director, Tri-Faith Initiative n the spirit of the idea that “If we can laugh together, we can live together,” the Tri-Faith Initiative’s Dinner in Abraham’s Tent, scheduled for Sunday, April 28 features compelling storytellers and uses laughter to promote dialogue and encourage understanding among people of all faiths and backgrounds. This event embodies Tri-Faith’s desire to let humor and joy lead. Dinner in Abraham’s Tent is Tri-Faith Initiative’s signature annual fundraiser event highlighting and beneffiting the mission of Tri-Faith Initiative. Last year’s event, the first Dinner in Abraham’s Tent since 2009, drew over 700 guests. Tri-Faith anticipates 2019 to Wajhat ali be a sell-out event. Two individuals will be honored at Dinner in Abraham’s Tent as Tri-Faith Bridge Builders. Michael Kelly retired in October 2018 after 48 years with the Omaha World-Herald. He covered police, courts, the county and city hall, and spent a decade as sports editor and sports columnist. Mike then worked 27 years as metro columnist, writing about people, events and institutions. Through a series of articles about TriFaith Initiative, Mike gave voice to an idea that was still in its seedling stages and introduced Tri-Faith to a wider audience. D.C. “Woody” Bradford is a founding member of Houghton Bradford Whitted PC, LLO, and has over 50 years of experience in the general practice of law, representing individuals and large corporations. Active in the community, Woody currently serves on the boards of the Omaha Press Club, the Omaha Police Foundation and the Omaha Crime Stoppers. Woody was instrumental in the early formation of
L’dor V’dor Chocolate Shabbat CaSSandra WeiSenburger Director of Communications, Temple Israel In 2014, the Art Committee of Temple Israel, under the chairmanship of Todd Simon, commissioned Mel Zeigler to create a piece of art for the front entryway into our new building. Through learning, studying and engaging with us, Mel set out to create a project that engaged the life, soul and strength of our congregation while embracing our responsibility to each other and allowing us to celebrate and commemorate the past, present and future. This living sculpture was designed to grow and change as each member of the congregation creates and places bronze links on the poles to commemorate lifecycle events. The links will be created using wax and simple tools and then cast in bronze at a local foundry. We invite the entire congregation to make your very own link for the sculpture on Friday, April 12 during our L’dor V’dor Chocolate Shabbat. At 5:15 p.m., we will have a community dinner with Chef Hattam’s famous mac and cheese along with a salad bar. During that time, you will be able to take part in personalizing your very own link for the sculpture. “We look forward to everyone joining us for this meaningful evening! As we gather together across the generations for Shabbat, we will also have the opportunity to celebrate the special moments in our families across generations. From brit milah to b’nai mitzvah to weddings, we want your family to
Tri-Faith Initiative, its relationships with the faith communities of Omaha and helped create the Memorandum of Understanding which outlined the future of this bold endeavor. In addition to honoring these members of the community, Tri-Faith will also honor Cantor Wendy Shermet with a musical performance. Cantor Wendy Shermet has been a beloved part of the Temple Israel clergy since 2001.
Keynote speaker for the event will be Wajahat Ali. Ali is a journalist, writer, lawyer, an award-winning playwright, a TV personality and a consultant for the U.S. State Department. He helped launch the Al Jazeera America network as co-host of The Stream, a daily news show that extended the conversation to social media and beyond. He is a Peabody-nominated producer of the series The Secret Life of Muslims, a series of short-form, first-person documentary films featuring a diverse set of American Muslims. Interim Director Wendy Goldberg will address the audience in a call to action and an invitation to reflect both inwards and to reach out in connection with the broader Omaha community. The Dinner in Abraham’s Tent is an important step in connecting with the faith community in Omaha and creating lasting relationships. For more information, please contact
commemorate your events with us at Temple Israel by creating a link to place on our L’dor V’dor Sculpture. These personal pieces will be part of Temple Israel’s story for years to come as people walk by them and remember their special life moments each time they enter our building,” said Rabbi
Deana Sussman Berezin. Once you have finished your link it will be sent off for bronzing, and we will gather again on Sunday, May 5 to place the links on the sculpture. After dinner and the link workshop, we will move to the sanctuary for our multi-generational Chocolate Shabbat service! This special service features our Kol Chokolad kids’ choir followed by a very chocolate oneg. The sweetness of their voices will increase the sweetness of our Shabbat. The chocolate won’t hurt either!
See full digital issues at
The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019 |7
community Four Cups of Freedom
Ron Lugasy JFO Community Shlicha When around us the tension is growing, we see an increase in hate crimes based on race, religion or other differences. The upcoming elections in Israel bring a lot of questions and arguments and our event ‘Four Cups of Freedom’ is an opportunity to join the conversation. We invite you to find a spot at a table, listen to our speakers and, with a glass of wine in one hand and some snacks in the other, share your thoughts. Our speakers are: Max Perry Mueller. Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the co-founder of religion Max Perry Mueller (PhD, Harvard University) is a historian and theorist of race and religion in American history and culture. He is the author of Race and the Making of the Mormon People and the forthcoming Wakara’s America: A Native and American History of the West. Max will talk about The Limits of American (Religious) Exceptionalism. Dr. Curtis Hutt. Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Executive Director at the Goldstein Center for Human Rights, Director of Programming at the Schwalb Center for Israel and Jewish Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha. Curtis completed his Ph.D. in Religion and Critical Thought at Brown University. His expertise is the history of Judaism and Christianity. He has studied and worked in a wide variety of institutions in Jerusalem since 1985. Dr. Curtis Hutt will talk about Freedom from Religion in Israel. The event is sunday, april 7, 5:30-7 p.m. at the JCC auditorium. It is free and open for all. If you are interested to know more, please contact Community Shlicha Ron Lugasy at
Production of Incident at Vichy is a true partnership PaM Monsky Community Development Liaison, ADL-CRC The ADL-CRC, in partnership with the Brigit St. Brigit Theatre, the Institute for Holocaust Education (IHE), the Omaha Public Schools Foundation (OPSF), the B Side of Benson Theatre (B Side), the Jewish Federation of Omaha (JFO) and the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s College of Communication Fine Arts & Media/School of the Arts (UNO) is proud to present Incident at Vichy, a play by Arthur Miller. Written in 1964, this rarelyproduced masterwork from Arthur Miller (Death of A Salesman, A View From the Bridge) explores the heart-breaking reality and vulnerability of immigrant/oppressed peoples when exploited and the willful disbelief that too often stands in the wings of history with its head lowered, asking us: “If we deny the plausibility of history repeating, are we not ultimately complicit when it does?” Shining a light on apathy, classism, the honesty of fear and the futility of individual bravery in the face of unchecked ideology, the myriad questions raised by Miller are more relevant now than at any time since the ending
of WWII. The performance is a multi-faceted collaboration among seven different local arts, education and social activist
organizations working together to bring a 55-year-old, rarely-performed play to Omaha for the first time. This powerful production, even more timely than when it was written, will be accessible to all, opening at the Jewish Community Center and completing its run at the B Side of Benson Theater. This theatre experience features the play, three
traveling art installations (provided by the Institute for Holocaust Education), firsthand accounts from survivors, educator-led talkbacks with the ADLCRC, cast and production team, and free admittance for all OPS students to any Sunday matinee performance (made possible by the Omaha Public Schools Foundation). The play will be performed at the Jewish Community Center April 5, 6 and 7 (All Performances at 7:30 p.m.); at South High (4519 S 24th Street, 68107) April 7 at 2 p.m. – Open to the General Public, OPS Students admitted FREE; at The B Side of Benson Theatre (6058 Maple Street, 68104) April 11, 12, 13, 19 and 20 (All Performances at 7:30 p.m.); at Benson High School (5120 Maple Street, 68104) April 14 at 2 p.m. – open to the general public, OPS students admitted free; at Burke High School (12200 Burke Street, 68154) April 21 at 2 p.m. – open to the general public, OPS students admitted free. $30 general admission, $25 student/65+/military. For more information, please visit the Brigit St. Brigit website,, or contact Scott Kurz,, 402.616.3766.
Passover Evening Deli
8 | The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019
community Leadingage Leadership summit aNNette vaN de kamp Editor, Jewish Press As Executive Director of the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home, Chris Ulven wears many hats. Sometimes, his duties take him out of the Home, most recently on a plane to Washington D.C. to partricipate in the LeadingAge Leadership Summit.
Chris Ulven e mission of LeadingAge is to be the trusted voice for aging. e organization has over 6,000 members and partners, including not-for-profit organizations representing the entire field of aging services, 38 state partners, hundreds of businesses, consumer groups, foundations and research partners. LeadingAge is also a part of the Global Ageing Network (formerly IAHSA), which spans 30 countries across the globe. From March 17-20, Chris joined other Nursing Home executives to network, learn and bring various concerns to Capitol Hill. “e purpose of the summit,” Chris said, “is advocacy for long-term senior care, but also to learn from each other. e education sessions are great, which is why I’ve been attending the summit for three years now. “ Training sessions he attended included “Unlocking your
board’s potential,” “Partnering for Community Success,” and “Designing for a Living Experience.” “e final day is always spent on Capitol Hill,” he added. “Our group included leaders from Immanuel and Newcastle here in Omaha. We met with representatives of Senators Deb Fisher and Ben Sasse. Fisher and Sasse weren’t in D.C., of course; they
Chris Ulven, second from right, back, with the other participants from Nebraska. were dealing with the flooding back in Nebraska, but we had meaningful conversations with their representatives nonetheless. We addressed HR 1265 — the Nursing Home Workforce Quality Act, which was introduced in February of this year, as well as S2888 — the Geriatrics Workforce Improvement Act.” Fun fact: on the flight home, Chris had a conversation with another passenger — who turned out to be Senator Ben Sasse’s daughter. LeadingAge focuses on a wide variety of issues that affect our elderly, such as the availability of low-income housing, managed care and integration of services, Medicaid, Medicare and hospice services, to name but a few. More information about LeadingAge and how its advocacy impacts all seniors can be found at
B’Nai B’rith BreadBreakers
B’nai B’rith Breadbreakers meets weekly on Wednesdays at the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home auditorium from noon to 1 p.m. For specific speaker information, please email, Breadbreakers chairman. For more information or to be placed on the email list call 402.334.6443 or bnaibrith@jewish
aNNette vaN de kamp-WriGht Editor, Jewish Press Passover is rapidly approaching and that means it’s a busy time at the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home, especially in the kitchen, where Director of Food Services Mike Aparo has his work cut out for him. It is no surprise that, during Passover, the regular Friday Deli is closed. But have no fear: there is an alternative option during the holiday. Please mark your calendars for the Annual Passover Evening Deli, tuesday, april 23 from 5 till 7 p.m.
On the menu is, of course, Star Deli’s famous Latke Reuben. For the uninitiated, that’s “two crispy latkes sandwiched with a halfpound of our premium homemade corned beef, Thousand Island dressing and sauerkraut,” according to Aparo. If you have never had one, don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Or maybe you’ll be more tempted by the ‘Brisket Plate.’ “We smother our briskets with sautéed onions, celery and garlic and slow braise them in beef stock and balsamic vinegar until they are melt-in-your-mouth tender,” Aparo promised. The usual deli meats, such as pastrami, corned beef, pickled tongue, smoked turkey and salami, as well as the chopped liver, tuna and egg salads will all be served on a matzoh roll. There is no need to RSVP, just show up april 23 and bring your family and friends. “All of us at Star Kosher Deli wish everyone a happy and healthy Pesach,” Mike Aparo said. “We really look forward to see you all there!” For more information about Star Deli and how to take advantage of the kosher catering services, visit the Facebook page at https:// or go to style/dining.
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The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019 |9
Downtown Shabbat: Omaha’s Berkshire Weekend tradition
Gabby blair Staff writer, Jewish Press maha locals, friends and visitors from around the world are invited to share Shabbat services and a delicious homecooked meal at Downtown Shabbat, Friday, May 3, 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Omaha Chabad, this fabulous event, hosted by Chabad and the Omaha Jewish community in memory of Forrest Krutter (Z”L), has become a much-anticipated tradition amongt many attending Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder’s meeting. Specifically designed for those seeking an island of calm in an otherwise frenetic weekend, Downtown Shabbat is always located in close proximity to the CHI Health Center where many will gather over the weekend, and this year’s venue will be no exception. Gary Yarus from Miami Beach said: “I’ve been visiting Omaha for many years, and the hospitality shown by the Jewish community and the Katzman family is unbelievable. Let’s keep that tradition going.” According to Rochi Katzman, “We typically host 50-plus people for our annual Berkshire Shabbat Dinner, with many folks retuning year after year. The warm reception and Jewish-flavored Nebraska-styled hospitality they receive when they visit Omaha is amongt their trip highlights. Omaha’s Downtown Shabbat is a really wonderful and unique experience; plan to meet new people from around the world and catch up with old
friends , all while celebrating an inspirational Sabbath together. I am so pleased we are able to provide this service to so many.” On Saturday, May 4 at 7 a.m., Chabad will
Class of 2019 host an early minyan, followed by a delicious kiddush brunch. We will also host an all-day open house; and guests are encouraged to stop by anytime for schmoozing, snacking and meaningful connections. More information on Saturday offerings will be available on Friday night. All Jewish community members are encouraged to be part of the of this signature Nebraska hospitality welcome; location for the event will be announced soon, so please stay tuned for more information. Please contact Julie at or 402.330.1800 to be part of the action.
HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS High School Seniors and Parents
We will be publishing our annual High School Graduation Class pages on May 17, 2019. To be included, email us the graduate’s name, parents’ names, current high school and the college you plan to attend, plus a photo to: by May 1, 2019.
Building Bridges through Music
Sunday, April 14 is the third annual ‘A Institute of Religion in 1998. He trained as a Day of Learning’. This revamp of the tradi- Jewish Educator at HUC’s Los Angeles camtional Global Day of Jewish Learning brings pus, where he received an M.A. in Jewish our community together to enjoy a unique Education. Rabbi Zweiback is also an author, take on learning and engagement through musician and composer. His publications inthe efforts of the Klutznick/Creighton Cus- clude the Teacher’s Guide to Shalom Ivrit II; todial Fund and the JewDay of Days; and Days of ish Federation of Omaha. Wonder, Nights of Peace: The committee looks to Family Prayers in Song for honor individuals who Morning and Bedtime. As have a long history of part of inspiring his band, sharing their passion. The Mah Tovu, he has released first year of the series three albums, published honored Steve Riekes two books, and performed through laughter. Last across the United States. year honored Gloria The Day of Learning Kaslow for her work with through Music is made refugees to Omaha. possible through the supThis year we will honor port of the Jewish FederDebbi and Speedy ation of Omaha Zweiback for their lifeFoundation’s Klutznick/ Speedy and Debbie Zweiback long commitment to Creighton Custodial music and Jewish learning – Building Fund and the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Bridges through Music. We will have the ad- The Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization ditional pleasure and honor of Rabbi Josh at Creighton University was established by “Yoshi” Zweiback who wll teach text Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. and Ethel Klutznick through music. The Zweibacks will share in 1988. Its purpose is to provide an outtheir passion of learning through the arts. standing program in Jewish civilization Jewish Federation of Omaha CEO, Alan with educational and cultural enrichment Potash shared, “I have witnessed the com- for Omaha’s Jewish community. Mr. mitment of both Speedy and Debbi in our Klutznick died in 1999; his generous legacy community throughout my life on a variety continues in the activities of the Chair, its of levels for a variety of causes. They are annual symposium and other activities in both terrific role models for our commu- the community. nity, personally and professionally. I am esThe event is open to the community free pecially excited they are bringing Josh to of charge. Your RSVP is kindly requested. Omaha as an integral part of the afternoon.” To do so and for further information, please Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback was ordained as a contact Mark Kirchhoff at mkirchhoff@ Rabbi by the Hebrew Union College Jewish or 402.334.6463.
Annual Plant Sale May 2 and 3 Two locations on the Federation Campus! JCC Main entrance 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CDC Entrance 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Large variety of annuals and perennials plus vegetables and herbs Plants provided by
Pre-order forms available by emailing Pre-order forms are due with full payment to the school office by April 17. Proceeds from the sale goes to support the work of our great teachers.
10 | The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019
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Facebook and Instagram will ban white nationalist and white separatist posts
ism out of concern that it could also end up censoring moveBen sales JTA ments like Basque separatism or pride in the United States. But Facebook and Instagram announced a ban on posts that in- conversations with experts convinced the company that “white volve “support and representation of white nationalism and nationalism and separatism cannot be meaningfully separated from white supremacy and orseparatism.” ganized hate groups.” e social networking giant “Going forward, while peoannounced the ban on ple will still be able to demonWednesday and will begin enstrate pride in their ethnic forcing it next week. heritage, we will not tolerate “It’s clear that these concepts praise or support for white naare deeply linked to organized tionalism and separatism,” the hate groups and have no place post added. on our services,” a post by Facebook also announced Facebook, which owns Instathat it would begin connecting gram, said. “Our policies have people who search for hateful long prohibited hateful treatterms to resources that help ment of people based on char- The Facebook logo at an innovation hub in Berlin, Germany. Credit: Sean Gallup/Getty Images people leave hate groups. acteristics such as race, Last year, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sparked backethnicity or religion — and that has always included white lash when he said the site would not remove posts denying supremacy.” Facebook did not at first extend that ban to white national- the Holocaust.
Protect your ears this summer
Boys Town ear, nose & ThroaT InsTITuTe As temperatures rise, kids and adults are looking forward to summer and all of the fun activities that come with it. However, without proper precautions, these lighthearted pastimes can lead to unnecessary ear pain or noise-induced hearing loss, a preventable condition that negatively affects a person’s ability to process sound. Protect your ears no matter where you are this summer with these tips from Boys Town Ear, Nose & Throat Institute. at the Pool Swimmer’s ear is a painful condition that occurs when moisture trapped in the ear canal becomes infected. To prevent swimmer’s ear, keep the ears as dry as possible and be sure to take days off from the water. Prevent irritants like soap, hairspray and shampoo from entering the ear. Frequent swimmers can place two drops of white vinegar in the ear canal each week to reduce risk further. If you are concerned that you or your child have swimmer’s ear,
schedule an appointment with your physician. Untreated swimmer’s ear can lead to complications. In the air When airplanes rise in elevation, air pressure changes, causing ears to clog. Try alleviating ear pressure by moving areas of the face. Move the mouth in up and down motions, chew gum, yawn or try swallowing while pinching your nose closed to help equalize the pressure. If you are traveling with an infant, give him or her a bottle or pacifier to encourage swallowing. at the Park Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy fireworks and outdoor concerts. Due to immense pressure, the noise at these events can cause immediate damage to unprotected ears. When attending loud events, sit farther from where the noise is coming from and consider using hearing protection. You can purchase protective headphones or earplugs at your local supermarket or sporting goods store.
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Sheila Katz, Hillel executive and Steinhardt accuser, to head NCJW
JTa sTaff heila Katz, a vice president of Hillel International, has been named as the new chief executive officer of the National Council of Jewish Women, succeeding Nancy Kaufman. Katz, 35, will join NCJW this summer aer 12 years with Hillel, where she launched MitzVote, a non-partisan voter engagement campaign; co-founded “Ask Big Questions,” a national initiative focused on building civil dialogue; and served as a steering committee member for the White House Campus Interfaith Challenge during the Obama Administration. NCJW, with 90,000 members, has a significant Washington presence in promoting reproductive rights, voting rights sheila Katz and children’s issues. Katz currently serves on the executive team of the Safety Respect Equity Coalition, which is working to address sexual harassment, gender discrimination and the gender pay gap in Jewish workplaces and common spaces, according to NCJW. Earlier this week, Katz was among several women interviewed for a New York Times/Pro Publica investigative article concerning sexual harassment allegations against Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt. Katz said that as a young executive at Hillel, Steinhardt repeatedly asked if she wanted to have sex with him when she was sent to solicit a donation for her organization. In an op-ed for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, she called
on Jewish institutions “to implement systems to deal with harassment and abuse when they occur.” She also wrote: “It wasn’t funny the first time prominent philanthropist Michael Steinhardt asked me to have sex with him. It wasn’t funny the second time, either. It wasn’t funny the third time, or the fourth time in that meeting. It wasn’t funny when he attempted to auction me off to two men in his office for $1 million. It wasn’t funny when, before I le, he told me it was an “abomination” that I was unmarried and childless, and that he would not fund my work because of that fact. “Despite what Steinhardt told e New York Jewish Week, e New York Times or issued in a public statement last week Credit: NCJW – that this sort of behavior is just part of his “schtick,” as he put it — none of this is a joke. It’s sexual harassment.” Steinhardt said in a statement that he made such comments “in jest,” and apologized, although his family and foundation say he disputes parts of the article. Kaufman served as NCJW’s CEO for the past eight years. “I am honored and proud to take the helm of NCJW and help write the next chapter in its history,” Katz said in a statement. “ere is no other organization in the country like NCJW – one that harnesses the power and voices of Jewish feminists, isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo, and creates positive social change that makes a real difference in the lives of millions of people every day.”
To submiT announcemenTs
Announcements may be e-mailed to the Press at or mailed to 333 So. 132 St., Omaha, NE 68154. Readers can also submit announcements -- births, b’nai mitzvahs, engagements, marriages, commitment ceremonies or obituaries -- online at the Jewish Federation of Omaha website: Click on “Jewish Press” and go to Submit Announcements. Deadlines are normally eight days prior to publication, on Thursdays, 9 a.m. Please check the Jewish Press, for notices of early deadlines.
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The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019 |11
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12 | The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019
viewpoint thejewishpress
(Founded in 1920) Abby Kutler President Annette van de Kamp-Wright Editor Richard Busse Creative Director Susan Bernard Advertising Executive Lori Kooper-Schwarz Assistant Editor Gabby Blair Staff Writer Thierry Ndjike Accounting Jewish Press Board Abby Kutler, President; Eric Dunning, Ex Officio; Laura Dembitzer; Candice Friedman; Jill Idelman; Andy Isaacson; Michael Kaufman; David Kotok; Natasha Kraft; Debbie Kricsfeld; Eric Shapiro and Amy Tipp. The mission of the Jewish Federation of Omaha is to build and sustain a strong and vibrant Omaha Jewish Community and to support Jews in Israel and around the world. Agencies of the Federation are: Community Relations Committee, Jewish Community Center, Center for Jewish LIfe, Jewish Social Services, and the Jewish Press. Guidelines and highlights of the Jewish Press, including front page stories and announcements, can be found online at:; click on ‘Jewish Press.’ Editorials express the view of the writer and are not necessarily representative of the views of the Jewish Press Board of Directors, the Jewish Federation of Omaha Board of Directors, or the Omaha Jewish community as a whole. The Jewish Press reserves the right to edit signed letters and articles for space and content. The Jewish Press is not responsible for the Kashrut of any product or establishment. Editorial The Jewish Press is an agency of the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Deadline for copy, ads and photos is: Thursday, 9 a.m., eight days prior to publication. E-mail editorial material and photos to: avandekamp@jew; send ads (in TIF or PDF format) to: rbusse@jewishom Letters to the Editor Guidelines The Jewish Press welcomes Letters to the Editor. They may be sent via regular mail to: The Jewish Press, 333 So. 132 St., Omaha, NE 68154; via fax: 1.402.334.5422 or via e-mail to the Editor at: avandekamp@jew Letters should be no longer than 250 words and must be single-spaced typed, not hand-written. Published letters should be confined to opinions and comments on articles or events. News items should not be submitted and printed as a “Letter to the Editor.” The Editor may edit letters for content and space restrictions. Letters may be published without giving an opposing view. Information shall be verified before printing. All letters must be signed by the writer. The Jewish Press will not publish letters that appear to be part of an organized campaign, nor letters copied from the Internet. No letters should be published from candidates running for office, but others may write on their behalf. Letters of thanks should be confined to commending an institution for a program, project or event, rather than personally thanking paid staff, unless the writer chooses to turn the “Letter to the Editor” into a paid personal ad or a news article about the event, project or program which the professional staff supervised. For information, contact Annette van de Kamp-Wright, Jewish Press Editor, 402.334.6450. Postal The Jewish Press (USPS 275620) is published weekly (except for the first week of January and July) on Friday for $40 per calendar year U.S.; $80 foreign, by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Phone: 402.334.6448; FAX: 402.334.5422. Periodical postage paid at Omaha, NE. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Jewish Press, 333 So. 132 St., Omaha, NE 68154-2198 or email to:
American Jewish Press Association Award Winner
Nebraska Press As- National Newspaper sociation Association Award winner 2008
The upside to BDS
ANNETTE vAN DE KAMP-WRIGHT Editor, Jewish Press ou’re probably looking at the above headline wondering what I’m talking about... there’s an upside to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement? Turns out, there is. When a BDS-supporter in the Netherlands, by the name of Mieke Zagt, noticed that HEMA, one of Holland’s favorite stores, had begun carrying Israeli wine, she knew just what to do. She took a picture, posted it to Twitter, so others could take the hint: boycott the store. “Hey, Hema, you’re selling Efrat wine from Judean Hills [as] made in Israel,” she wrote. “Is this possible? Efrat and Judean Hills are in occupied Palestinian land. Efrat is an illegal Israeli colony. Can you verify the origin?” “In reality,” Cnaan Lipshiz wrote on JTA, “the Efrat Winery is located in [Kibbutz] Tzora, a town that is located within Israels’ 1949 armistice line. The wine is not from disputed territory.” HEMA sells everything from clothing to jewelry to kitchen utensils. They also have extremely good pie. There’s a HEMA in almost every town; the bigger ones have a café where you can have coffee and a small meal. While none of that sounds unique, the thing is: in Holland, everyone loves the HEMA. It’s as Dutch as wooden shoes and windmills. What Dutch people don’t love, on the other hand, is people telling them what to do. And so, when the “tip from Mieke” hit social media, before long, people everywhere ran to the HEMA to buy that Israeli wine. There are over 500 of those stores in Holland; every single bottle of Israeli wine (including those available online) sold out within hours after Zagt posted her tweet. Starting with known pro-Israel activists, but quickly picked up by those who have no particular opinion for or against Israel, Twitter blew up with people posting pic-
tures of themselves buying the wine. They tagged their photos #TipvanMieke and #BDSFail. Now, if you Google her name, you see endless stories about how her activism fell upon deaf ears. Mieke Zagt was not amused: “On Twitter, she seemed to suggest that the people mocking her were engaged in ‘intimidation and defamation.’ Her hecklers, she added, ‘are showing their real Twitter nature,’ which she called disturbing.” (JTA) Disturbing? No, not really. What’s disturbing is when one activist, who apparently isn’t even familiar with the map of Israel, decides all by herself that her politics should inform an entire nation on where their loyalties should lie. Who does she think she is? How is it possible to grow up in Holland and not understand that this is the only possible outcome of a tweet like that? The minute you tell me what not to do, it’s suddenly the only thing I want. And if someone were to tweet about boycotting products made by Palestinians in the West Bank, would the HEMA decide to sell those, we’d run out and buy those too. We’re obnoxious and defiant like that. Don’t try to boss around a nation full of bossy people—you’ll get shut down, and then you’ll be mocked. I’m not advocating mocking anyone. I do think that if
you put your politics out there, on social media, and you try to tell complete strangers they shouldn’t buy a certain product, you cannot be surprised if people push back. Boycotts can be a useful tool to put pressure on politicians, but they don’t work if they are born from ignorance. And then there’s the fact that, contrary to popular opinion, there are still many people who really like to make up their
In rabbinical school, I co-founded a training program for seminarians to teach them how to become progressive, grassroots community organizers. I was the president of my rabbinical school student body the year we fought for LGBTQ+ ordination. Since that time, I have stood in coalition with people of color and the marginalized in our society in almost every conceivable way.
bipartisan way, despite the corrosive tribalism that has infected American politics. In 2016, when then-presidential candidate Donald Trump enraged many of us with an AIPAC speech containing a diatribe against President Obama, AIPAC’s president admonished him in a general session and issued a clear commitment to bipartisanship. When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attempted to mainstream the far-right Israeli party Jewish Power, or Otzma Yehudit, shocking the American Jewish community, AIPAC condemned the group. AIPAC invites every member of Congress and countless other elected officials to its annual policy conference, regardless of political affiliation. At this year’s conference, over half the members of Congress came to speak or spend time with the 18,000 attendees, including Democratic leaders Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer. At times I live in tension with AIPAC, but I see that as a good thing. Tension is a natural part of public life. As I learned as an organizer, without friction, there is no electricity. As a rabbi, I have built a good working relationship with AIPAC staff. Every time I feel something is going the wrong way at a policy conference, like when a politician slams the other party, I’m quick to call AIPAC leaders and demand an explanation. In these accountability conversations, I have always been treated with respect and honesty. Through AIPAC and its affiliate American Israel Education Foundation, I have met with Arab Israelis, Palestinian businesspeople and the political elite. I have met with progressive Israeli organizations aggressively working to end the occupation. No AIPAC office has ever hidden the wrinkles of Israeli policy when I have asked. Power in democracies is derived from the collective political will of the people. It is only through shared interests and broad coalitions that great ideas can become hard-won realities. AIPAC understands that, and in many ways we need this kind of bipartisan, broad leadership more now than ever. Rabbi Noah Farkas is a rabbi at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, California. He can be contacted at
The progressive case for AIPAC
RABBI NoAH fARKAS LOS ANGELES | JTA I am a rabbi and progressive faith leader in this city who has fought for racial and economic equality for almost two decades. I am also an unapologetic Zionist and a proud supporter of AIPAC. The public perception of AIPAC among my fellow progressives is that it is a white, Trump-supporting, right-wing organization for millionaire donors. In this progressive imagination, AIPAC is a place where evangelical Christians join with their Jewish ideological counterparts to leverage undue influence over American politics. Nothing can be further from the truth. AIPAC welcomes anyone who wants to support a relationship between Israel and the United States. During the past two days at AIPAC’s annual policy conference, I spent time with hundreds of people from all walks of life and a diverse range of cultures. I watched the crowds give standing ovations to progressive politicians and grassroots activists alike. When it comes to Israel, many of my fellow progressives feel upset when I am open about being Zionist. For the past many years, there has been a litmus test in progressive movements around Israel. Unless one condemns Israel at every opportunity, or pushes for the boycott of Israel and Israelis around the world, Zionists are looked on as interlopers into the movement for collective liberation. At the Chicago Dyke March in 2017, Jewish activists were asked to leave because they were waving a rainbow flag bearing a Star of David. That same year, the Democratic Socialists of America passed a BDS resolution. There is the ongoing drama between the Jewish community and the Women’s March. Many progressive Jews feel they have to be anti-Zionist to be considered “good Jews” in progressive spaces. Of course, there are many times that the actions of the Israeli government should be condemned. When the sitting prime minister limits religious pluralism, is about to be indicted and has made bedfellows with right-wing extremists both at home and abroad, we must speak out against his actions – because of our Zionism, not in spite of it.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks at the annual AIPAC conference in Washington, March 26, 2019. Credit: Mark Wilson/Getty Images In all of my work, I have always held true to the most basic tenet of community organizing: Those who are the victims of oppression should lead the way of their own liberation. This is true for immigrants, for women, for people of color — and for Jews. When we talk about Zionism, we talk about the collective power of a community to push for its own liberation and self-determination. Rather than relying on others to feed us, Zionism is the desire to feed ourselves. Rather than relying on the supposed protection of others, Zionism asks that we protect ourselves. Zionism is the only Jewish ideology that calls for the ultimate manifestation of power – a nation state – for the sake of the global Jewish community. But it’s not enough just to support Zionism in theory. As a progressive rabbi and community organizer, I know that we if we want to fight for our values, we must engage with power. While there are countless Jewish organizations that advocate for Zionism, only one manages to do so in a truly
own minds; maybe, when they do, they come to a different conclusion and do the opposite of what you want. The store couldn’t have asked for a better marketing campaign. Just in case you’re worried; HEMA is in the process of restocking their shelves. And yes, my own mother got her hands on a few bottles. Editorials express the view of the writer and are not necessarily representative of the views of the Jewish Press Board of Directors, the Jewish Federation of Omaha Board of Directors, or the Omaha Jewish community as a whole.
The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019 |13
AIPAC must get tough with the anti-Israel left
lArry greenfIeld LOS ANGELES | JTA AIPAC has long promoted bipartisanship as the key to maintaining broad support for the U.S.-Israel relationship. Members of Congress from both parties regularly attend its annual policy conference, which concluded Tuesday, and the organization’s biggest legislative priority, securing foreign aid for Israel, is overwhelmingly supported in both chambers of Congress. In AIPAC’s worldview, every legislator is a friend or a potential friend. is approach works – until it doesn’t. In 2016, AIPAC’s then-president Lillian Pinkus controversially rebuked then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, who received warm applause for his strong critique of President Barack Obama’s policies. In front of 18,000 conference attendees and thousands more watching via livestream around the world, she characterized his remarks as something “which has the potential to drive us apart, to divide us,” and added that “we take great offense against [ad hominem attacks] that are levied against the president of the United States of America from our stage.” Her remarks were politely accepted by the crowd. But the incident marked a new era for AIPAC: e pro-Israel lobby had grown so nervous in recent years about offending the political le that it scolded its most loyal and informed members for their spontaneous support for the truth. Most Jewish members of Congress over the decades have been Democrats, as are a large majority of American Jews. AIPAC is naturally comfortable with that side of the political aisle and therefore has respected the role of the Zionist Organization of America, Christians United for Israel and the Republican Jewish Coalition, among other groups, cementing and celebrating relations with pro-Israel conservatives. Democrats from President Harry Truman to Sen. Henry “Scoop Jackson,” labor union leaders and civil rights icon Martin
Luther King Jr. were all advocates of Israeli survival and success. e progressive PAC MoveOn called on Democratic presiBut Obama led a dramatic reversal. Stating that we needed dential candidates to skip AIPAC this year. e Women’s “daylight” between the United States and Israel, the two-term March leader Linda Sarsour tweeted in 2016 that AIPAC is president picked political fights with Prime Minister Ben- “anti-Palestinian, anti-human rights,” and this year accused jamin Netanyahu over borders and settlements, including in the organization of funding anti-Muslim groups. eastern Jerusalem, tilted toward Israel’s hostile enemy, the ShiLe-wing hostility to Israel is so pronounced by now that ite regime in Iran, leaked Israeli defense actions in Syria and, AIPAC cannot appease it. e campus radicals have come to in a parting shot, sided against IsCongress. Six of the seven Democrat rael on a one-sided Security Counsenators running for president opcil vote at the United Nations. posed recent anti-BDS legislation in When Obama endorsed the Senate. Congressional votes against Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital anti-Semitism are now watered down. to an AIPAC audience, but then AIPAC may have to adjust to the immediately reversed himself, messy real world of an increasingly AIPAC kept quiet. Whenever his partisan Washington, D.C., which secretary of defense, Chuck Hagel, now features anti-Israel voices rapidly who had gotten in trouble for caschanging the Democratic Party. If it tigating “the Jewish lobby,” critihopes to continue to be effective and cized AIPAC, the lobby remained respected, AIPAC must redouble its mute. When Obama spoke in the support for those in both parties who Arab world in 2009 with a perni- President Barack Obama addresses the annual oppose the anti-Israel le, rewarding cious narrative that Israeli sover- AIPAC policy conference, March 4, 2012. friends and punishing enemies. Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images eignty was rooted in recovery from AIPAC President Howard Kohr’s the Holocaust, AIPAC did not answer back to argue for the speech at this year’s policy conference certainly made it clear 3,000-year Jewish history in Jerusalem. that AIPAC will not allow attacks on the lobby to go unanBy 2012, Democratic National Convention delegates were swered. But if AIPAC had confronted Democrats earlier, booing the idea that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel. Obama may never have pursued his dangerous Iranian policy, To appease these progressives, AIPAC treaded very cau- which AIPAC gamely fought but lost. While AIPAC does not tiously in confronting Obama, seeking access and accommo- rate or endorse candidates, it can certainly use care not to indation by choosing one of his political supporters, Lee “Rosy” vite as speakers those who endorsed the Iran nuclear deal or Rosenberg, to serve as its president in 2010. fail to condemn by name AIPAC’s most aggressive opponents. AIPAC has long been aware of the anti-Israel le. But today, So, AIPAC, kindly note: Appeasement doesn’t work. many Democratic organizations and activists have moved Larry Greenfield is a fellow at the Claremont Institute for sharply toward that once minority position, creating an en- the Study of Statesmanship & Political Philosophy. ergy that has intimidated traditionally pro-Israel Democrats.
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14 | The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019
synagogues B’nai iSrael Synagogue
618 Mynster Street Council Bluffs, IA 51503-0766 712.322.4705 email:
BetH el Synagogue
Member of United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism 14506 California Street Omaha, NE 68154-1980 402.492.8550
BetH iSrael Synagogue
Member of Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 12604 Pacific Street Omaha, NE. 68154 402.556.6288
CHaBad HouSe
An Affiliate of Chabad-Lubavitch 1866 South 120 Street Omaha, NE 68144-1646 402.330.1800 email:
Congregation B’nai JeSHurun
South Street Temple Union for Reform Judaism 2061 South 20th Street Lincoln, NE 68502-2797 402.435.8004
offutt air forCe BaSe
Capehart Chapel 2500 Capehart Road Offutt AFB, NE 68123 402.294.6244 email:
roSe Blumkin JewiSH Home
323 South 132 Street Omaha, NE 68154
temple iSrael
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) 13111 Sterling Ridge Drive Omaha, NE 68144-1206 402.556.6536
tiferetH iSrael
Member of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 3219 Sheridan Boulevard Lincoln, NE 68502-5236 402.423.8569
B’nai iSrael Synagogue
Join us for our monthly Shabbat Speakers Series on april 12, at 7:30 p.m. with guest speaker Rich Juro on Visiting synagogues all over the world while traveling with his wife Fran. Our service leader is Larry Blass, and as always, an Oneg to follow service. Everyone is always welcome at B’nai Israel! For information on our historic synagogue, contact any of our board members: Scott Friedman, Rick Katelman, Howard Kutler, Carole Lainof, Wayne Lainof, Sissy Silber, Nancy Wolf, or email
BetH el Synagogue
Services conducted by Rabbi Steven Abraham and Hazzan Michael Krausman. friday: L’dor Va’ Dough Delivery Day, 10 a.m.; Kabbalat Shabbat, 6 p.m. Saturday: Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 a.m.; Junior Congregation, 10 a.m.; Mincha following Shabbat morning services. weekday SerViCeS: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.; weekdays, 7 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday: BESTT Classes, Grades K-7, 9:30 a.m.; Kindergarten Round Up, 9:30 a.m.; Torah Study, 10 a.m.; God 101, 10 a.m. with Rabbi Abraham; Torah Tots, 10:30 a.m. tueSday: A Journey through the Talmud, 11:30 a.m. with Rabbi Abraham; Mahjong, 1 p.m.; Chesed Committee visits Remington Heights, 2 p.m.; Miriam Initiative Book Swap, 7 p.m. at Nancy Rips home. wedneSday: L’dor Va’ Dough Delivery Day, 10 a.m.; BESTT Classes, Grades 3-7, 4:15 p.m.; Sing unto the Lord a new song, 6 p.m. with Hazzan Krausman; Hebrew High, 6:30 p.m.; A Journey through the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature, 7:15 p.m. with Rabbi Abraham. tHurSday: Breakfast and Brachot: Service, 7 a.m. and Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.; Shanghai, 1 p.m. Shabbat B’Yachad, friday, april 12, 6 p.m. Shabbat’s Cool, Grades 3-7, Saturday, april 13, 10 a.m. USY/Kadima Program, Sunday, april 14, noon–2 p.m. at Altitude Trampoline Park. Contact Amy to RSVP, complete a waiver and/or volunteer to be a parent driver. USY Chocolate Seder, Sunday, april 14, 6–7:30 p.m. at Eadie's house. Call Eadie at 402.612.4834 if you need a ride.
BetH iSrael Synagogue
Services conducted by Rabbi Ari Dembitzer friday: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Mincha, 7:36 p.m.; Candle Lighting, 7:36 p.m. Saturday: Shacharit, 9 a.m.; Insights into the Weekly Torah Portion, 6:35 p.m.; Mincha/Seudah Shlishit, 7:20 p.m.; Havdalah, 8:37 p.m. Sunday: Shacharit, 9 a.m.; Mincha/Ma’ariv, 7:40 p.m. at Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. monday: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Jewish History — Your History, noon with Rabbi Shlomo; Mincha/Ma’ariv, 7:40 p.m. at Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. tueSday: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Torah Tuesday, 3 p.m. with Rabbi Ari; Mincha/Ma’ariv, 7:40 p.m. at Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. wedneSday: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Board of Commissioners Meeting, 6:30 p.m.; Mincha/Ma’ariv, 7:40 p.m. at Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. tHurSday: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Connecting with Our Faith, 9:30 a.m. with Rabbi Ari; Mincha/Ma’ariv, 7:40 p.m. at Rose Blumkin Jewish Home.
CHaBad HouSe
Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Services conducted by Rabbi Mendel Katzman. friday: Shacharit, 7 a.m. followed by coffee, treats, study and shmoozing. Saturday: Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 a.m. weekdayS: Shacharit, 7 a.m. followed by coffee, treats, study and shmoozing. monday: Personal Parsha class, 9:30 a.m. with Shani. wedneSday: Mystical Thinking, 9:30 a.m. with Rabbi Katzman. tHurSday: Talmud Class, noon with Rabbi Katzman. All programs are open to the entire community. For more information call 402.330.1800 or visit
Visit us at
Congregation B’nai JeSHurun
Services conducted by Rabbi Teri Appleby. friday: First Friday Family Shabbat Service, 6:30 p.m. music by Jon Leo and Steve Kaup; Oneg, 7:30 p.m. hosted by Aimee Hyten; Candlelighting, 7:38 p.m. Saturday: Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 a.m.; Torah Study on Parashat Tazria, 10:45 a.m.; Havdalah (72 minutes), 9:09 p.m. Sunday: LJCS Gan through Grade 7, 9:30 a.m.; LJCS Gesher, 10 a.m.; Adult Hebrew Prayer Class, 11:30 a.m.; Come learn and play Pickleball, 7-9 p.m. All equipment furnished. Wear comfortable clothing. For questions, call or text Miriam Wallick at wedneSday: LJCS Hebrew School, 4 p.m. at TI. 35th Annual Mayor’s Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, friday, april 12, 7:30 a.m. with guest speaker: Pardeep Singh Kaleka, Forgiveness Project, Partner andFounder, Serve2Unite at Lincoln Station Great Hall, 201 N. 7th Street , Lincoln (7th & P Streets in the Haymarket. Allow ample time for parking. Admission is $30/person at or mail in registration form by Monday, April 8 Spring Garden Clean-up, Sunday, april 14, 9-10:30 am. We’ll be cleaning up the garden beds and trimming plants. If you have any of these items, please bring them: gloves, hand trimmers, paper garden trash bags/trash containers, rakes, brooms, string trimmer, etc. Let Ellin Siegel know if you have any questions at Community Passover Seder, Saturday, april 20, 6 p.m. Cost is Adults $18, Children ages 5-12, $9, Children under 5, college students and active military are free. If you need assistance paying for dinner, please contact Rabbi Appleby at rab or at 423.763.8007. Donations to subsidize Seder attendees are welcomed. RSVP by April 15. Call the Temple office: 402.435.8004 or e-mail office@ Volunteers to help with set up, plating, or clean up are welcome. Contact the Temple office if you’d like to help! It’s not too soon to be thinking about summer camp! All Federation families are eligible for Camp Incentive Grants of $300 per camper to pay the initial camp registration deposit. Application packets are available in the Temple office and on the Temple website.
offutt air forCe BaSe
friday: Services, 7:30 p.m. every first and third of the month.
roSe Blumkin JewiSH Home
Saturday: Services, 9:15 a.m. led by Jim Polack. Services will be held in the Chapel. Members of the community are invited to attend.
temple iSrael
friday: Shabbat Evening Service, 6 p.m. Saturday: Torah Study, 9:15 a.m.; Shabbat Service, 10:30 a.m. Haftarah Reader: Miles Remer. Sunday: Beginning Prayer-Book Hebrew, 9 a.m.; Religious School for Grades PreK-6, 10 a.m.; Teacher and College Assistants Appreciation Lunch, noon; Rosh Chodesh: M&M’s Magical Mystery Tour Hosted by Mendy Halsted and Mindi Armstrong, 2 p.m. Join us for a Magical Mystery Tour of Old Jewish Omaha by bus! Led by Renee Corcoran of the Jewish Historical Society and Kevee Kirshenbaum, this will be
a great tour for newcomers who want to learn about the rich Jewish history of Omaha, those who have lived here all their lives and just want to reminisce, and everyone in between! Cost is $10. RSVP to Temple Israel, 402-556-6536. wedneSday: Religious School Grades 3-6, 4 p.m.; School Dinner, 6 p.m.; Grades 7-12, 6:30 p.m.; Family School, 6:30 p.m.; More Precious than Rubies: Parting Wisdom, 6:30 p.m. with Cantor Shermet. tHurSday: The History of the Jewish People: Theodor Herzl and Political Zionism, 10 a.m. with Rabbi Azriel. L’dor V’dor Chocolate Shabbat, friday, april 12, Dinner and Link Workshop, 5:15 p.m., Service, 6 p.m. Temple Israel Blood Drive, Sunday, april 14, 8:30 a.m.2 p.m. Make your appointment to donate your life saving gift! Register online ( or by calling 1.800.RED.CROSS. Questions? Contact Executive Director Dennis DePorte, 402.556.6536. OTYG Pancake Feed featuring The Pancake Man, Sunday, april 14, 9 a.m. Temple Tots, Sunday, april 14, 10:30 a.m. Passover Family Seder, Saturday, april 20, 6 p.m. This is a family-friendly event and children will be rewarded for participating in the Seder with an exciting search for the afikoman after the meal. Reservations are required and your payment is your reservation. To reserve your seat at the table, your RSVP must be made by Friday, April 12. Cost of the dinner is $27 for adults, $14 for children ages 6-12, and no charge for children ages five and under. After April 12, the cost of the dinner increases to: $37 for adults, $24 for children 6-12.
tiferetH iSrael
Services conducted by lay leader Nancy Coren. Office hours: monday-friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. friday: No Services; Candlelighting, 7:37 p.m. Saturday: Shabbat Morning service, 10 a.m. followed by a light Kiddush Luncheon; Got Shabbat, 11 a.m.; Havdalah (72 minutes), 8:39 p.m. Sunday: LJCS Gan through Grade 7, 9:30 a.m.; LJCS Gesher, 10 a.m.; Tifereth Israel Board Meeting, 1 p.m.; Come learn and play Pickleball, 7-9 p.m. All equipment furnished. Wear comfortable clothing. For questions, call or text Miriam Wallick at wedneSday: LJCS Hebrew School, 4 p.m. at TI. tHurSday: Hebrew Reading class, 7 p.m. at the synagogue taught by Nancy Coren. Please let her know if you plan to attend and bring a pack of index cards with you. 35th Annual Mayor's Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, friday, april 12, 7:30 a.m. at Lincoln Station Great Hall, 201 N 7th Street, Lincoln with featured speaker is Pardeep Singh Kaleka, a former police officer and inner-city educator, and co-founder of Serve2Unite. Join us for a Communal Seder at Tifereth Israel. You can choose from 2 options: A traditional Passover seder, friday, april 19, 6 p.m. or Escape from Egypt-A lock box experiential seder (interactive/kid friendly ages 0-13), Saturday, april 20, 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Reserve a place now for yourself and your family! Cost: Free to all but donations to help defray expenses may be contributed to the Layleader Discretionary Fund. RSVP: Office at 402.423.8569 by APRIL 1 to say you're coming or e-mail ncoren@tiferethis It’s not too soon to be thinking about summer camp! All Federation families are eligible for Camp Incentive Grants of $300 per camper to pay the initial camp registration deposit. Application packets are availible in the Tifereth Israel foyer.
Holocaust survivor Vera Schaufeld awarded top British honor
JTA news sTAff Vera Schaufeld, a Holocaust survivor, was made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire at Buckingham Palace on Thursday for her services to Holocaust education in Britain. An MBE is awarded to those who make a “positive impact in their line of work.” Schaufeld was born in Prague in 1930, and fled the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia on the kindertransport in 1939. Her parents couldn’t escape and were murdered at the Treblinka exter-
mination camp. After World War II, Schaufeld moved to Israel and lived on a kibbutz, where she met her husband, Avram, a fellow Holocaust survivor (he survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald). They eventually moved back to Britain, where she helped establish The National Holocaust Centre and Museum and worked with the Holocaust Education Trust to help increase awareness of the Holocaust in Britain. Schaufeld, a mother of two and grandmother of four, has been a teacher her entire life.
The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019 | 15
lifecycles BIrTH
Tziporah and Max Marcovitz of Beitar Illit, Israel, announce the March 13 birth of their son, Binyomin. He has four siblings, Nachum, Hadassah, Batsheva Esther and Dovid Schlomo. Grandparents are Mimi Rogers and Scott Farkas of Frisco, Texas. Great-grandparents are Jerry Farkas and Elaine and Ronald Marcovitz, all from Florida.
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Visitor to Auschwitz caught stealing rail track
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Joseph Burstein passed away March 24 at age 91. Services were held March 27 where he was honored by many family and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife Geraldine Burstein, parents Jake and Evelyn Burstein and brother, Herman Burstein. He is survived by daughter and son-in-law, Nancy Burstein and Steve Elliott, and sons, Sanford Burstein and Stephen Burstein; brother, Stanley Burstein. Joseph was born in Omaha, where his father was a tailor. He went to Central High School and enlisted in the navy late 1944, and returned to Omaha after World War II. Joseph went to Creighton University and then later to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. After he graduated he returned to Omaha and met Geraldine Cohn who he married in 1950. In the ensuing years they had three children and moved to St. Louis (Creve Coeur) in 1967 where they lived for the next 52 years. Geraldine passed in 2016. Joseph’s children live in New York, New Jersey and Taiwan. Joseph was an executive in the trucking firm Associated Transports in St. Louis and later owned Chestnut Mountain Ski Resort in Galena Ill for more than 25 years. During this period he was also the chairman of the board of LMI Aerospace in St. Charles, MO. Joseph and Geraldine were members of Beth Israel synagogue while living in Omaha and Brith Sholom Synagogue in St. Louis for most of their 50 years. They were married for 66 years. Joseph celebrated his 91st birthday on Nov. 18, 2018. Memorials may be made to the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Family and Children’s Service or the organization of your choice.
60 Years Experience With Jewish Lettering and Memorials
Noah Atlas, son of Stacey and Brett Atlas, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, April 13, at Temple Israel. Noah is a seventh-grade student at Westside Middle School where he is an Honors math student and a participant in the Duke University Talent Identification Program. Noah is interested in basketball, tennis, making music and hanging out with friends. For his mitzvah project, Noah volunteered for the Special Olympics. He has a brother, Zach and a sister, Marley. Grandparents are Zoë and Carl Riekes, the late Ronald Atlas, and Ellen and Don Israel.
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The railway track leading to the infamous “Death Gate” at the Auschwitz II Birkenau extermination camp on Nov. 13, 2014, in Oswiecim, Poland. Credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
MArcy OsTer JTA A visitor to the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp was caught trying to steal a piece of the camp’s iconic rail tracks. e American visitor, 37, who was apprehended by police in Oswiecim in southern Poland, was charged with attempted the of an item of cultural importance, the Associated Press reported. e incident was first reported by police and Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum officials on March 31. e man admitted his guilt and was released until further legal action is taken. He could face up to ten years in prison. He had attempted to remove a metal piece from the tracks where people were unloaded from train cars at the entrance to the death camp.
Fake social media accounts working to help Netanyahu re-election bid, report finds
MArcy OsTer Facebook by Likud camJERUSALEM | JTA paign officials and NeHundreds of social media tanyahu’s son, Yair. accounts, many of them fake, e network could violate are working together to help Israeli laws pertaining to the re-election efforts of Iselections, campaign finance, raeli Prime Minister Benprivacy and taxation, accordjamin Netanyahu and his ing to the report. Likud party, an Israeli watchA Likud spokesman told dog group found. e Times that the party does e group, called the Big not run a network of fake accounts. Bots Project, found no links “All of the Likud’s digital between the network of soactivity is entirely authentic,” cial media accounts and Netanyahu or Likud in its Hundreds of fake social media accounts are working together to Jonathan Urich said, “and is report. e New York Times help Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party, a based on the great support of Credit: iStock the citizens of Israel for saw an advance copy of the report by an Israeli watchdog group found. report, due to be released April 1. Prime Minister Netanyahu and the great achievements of Some 154 of the accounts in the network use fake names the Likud.” and another 400 are suspected of being fake but appear to e report was written by Noam Rotem and Yuval Adam, be operated by actual people, which makes them harder to founders of the Big Bots Project. eir investigation was asdetect, according to the report. eir posts, all in Hebrew, sisted by the Israeli Alliance, a liberal group calling for social have had over 2.5 million hits. change in Israel, and financed through an Israeli online eir messages have been retweeted and reposted on crowdfunding site, Drove.
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16 | The Jewish Press | April 5, 2019