1 minute read
from April 23, 2021
by Jewish Press
Above: Friedel’s Yom HaShoah service included Hamorah Hadar sharing the story of her Savta (grandmother) who was a survivor of the Holocaust.

Above, right and below: Fifth and sixth graders designing and testing their VEX robots.

Above: Rabbi Brian Stoller, together with volunteers from all three partner congregations, blessed the Tri-Faith Garden and Orchard. April is child abuse awareness month. Jewish Family Service marked the occasion with pinwheels on our campus. Above: Front row: Amanda Talmon, left, Kenley Talmon, and Lucas Purdham; middle row: Brecken Talmon, left, Teresa Drelicharz, Brody Talmon and Matt Talmon; back row: Dave Purdham and Danny Purdham. Below right: Brody Talmon, left, Brecken Talmon, Danny Purdham, “Betty,” Lucas Purdham, Kenley Talmon, Teresa Drelicharz.

Above: Chrystal Gonzalez has accepted a promotion to Administrative Assistant at the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home! She will remain the dynamo of the front desk, but this title better reflects and appropriately acknowledges the significant changes that have happened to her job duties during the pandemic. Right: The Rose Blumkin Jewish Home Residents and staff had lots of fun with this year’s NCAA men’s basketball tournament bracket challenge. Thirty-eight contestants participated in a close competition as Chris Ulven tallied up the score after each game. The overall winners were Angelique Bock, Nakia Martin and Dave Beecham. Congrats to the winners!

SUBMIT A PHOTO: Have a photo of a recent Jewish Community event you would like to submit? Email the image and a suggested caption to: avandekamp@jewishomaha.org.
Below: Jennie Gates Beckman, Michelle Johnson, Danielle Gordman and Jamie Skog-Burke preparing the Yom Ha’atzmaut gift bags for JFO families.