10 minute read
Life cycles
from April 23, 2021
by Jewish Press
Sasha and Levi Weiss of Minneapolis, MN announce the March 4, 2021 birth of twin daughters, Charlotte Marnie and Zelda Wilde.
Grandparents are Cindi and Marlon Weiss of Lincoln, Michelle Alexander and Kevin Hamlin of Zimmerman, MN.
Great-grandparents are Gloria and Stan Alexander of Plymouth, MN.
Casey Weiss Bogenrief and Brent Bogenrief of Lincoln announce the April 4, 2021 birth of their son, Barrett Ari.
Grandparents are Cindi and Marlon Weiss of Lincoln, and Cheryl and Jim Bogenrief of Lincoln.
Brenda Zalkin Frost passed away April 11, 2021 in Eugene, Oregon. A graveside service was held April 14, 2021 at Beth El Cemetery and was officiated by Rabbi Steven Abraham.
She was preceded in death by parents, Marshall Zalkin and Joan Remer Zalkin Martin; and grandparents: Monie and Allen Zalkin and Louis and Sadye Remer.
She is survived by her husband, Daniel Frost; son and daughter-in-law, Eric and Molly Rosenberg, and daughter, Marci Rosenberg; grandchildren: Electra and Violet Rosenberg; sister and brother-in-law, Cheril Zalkin Comisar and Frank Comisar; and brother and sister-in-law, Steve and Kathy Zalkin.
Memorials may be made to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation or the National MS Society.
Rose Raznick Lewis passed away on April 4, 2021 at age 96. A private service was held at Fisher Farm Cemetery.
She was preceded in death by husband, Joe Raznick.
She is survived by son and daughter-in-law, Phillip and Gail Raznick of Boulder, CO and son, Ira Raznick of Davenport FL; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Congregation Har HaShem, 3950 Baseline Rd, Boulder, CO 80303, Nebraska Jewish Historical Society, 333 S 132nd St, Omaha, NE 68154, or the organization of your choice.
Elaine Frank Potts passed away on April 10, 2021 at age 94. Funeral services were held on April 15, 2021 in Santa Barbara, California.
She was preceded in death by husbands, Morton Frank and Samuel Potts, and brother Leo Meyerson.
She is survived by son, Richard Frank; son and daughter-inlaw, Bob and Michelle Frank, and daughter and son-in-law, Julie Frank and Howard Kaplan; grandchildren: Karen Frank and Marty Kaplan; and two great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to National Council of Jewish Women or Serenity House – VNA Health, 930 Miramonte Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93109. The family wishes to extend their gratitude.
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Aiden Meyerson, daughter of Jamie and Troy Meyerson will celebrate her B’nai Mitzvah on Saturday, May 1, 2021, at Temple Israel. Aiden is an eighth grade student at Westside Middle School and a member of the National Junior Honor Society. Aiden is in Westside Connection Show Choir, plays soccer for Sporting Omaha Football Club and basketball for Westside. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her friends and family. For their mitzvah project, Aiden and Cody prepared and served meals together for the Rainbow House and Stephen Center. She has two sisters, Ainsley and Audrey. Grandparents are Penny Endelman and the late Randy Endelman, and Deenie and Larry Meyerson. Great-grandparents are the late Peggy and Chris Krasne, Lois and the late Bob Endelman, the late Sonia and Irving Forbes, and the late Helen and Leo Meyerson.
Cody Meyerson, son of Jenny and Scott Meyerson, will celebrate his B’nai Mitzvah on Saturday, May 1, 2021, at Temple Israel. Cody is an eighth grade student at Westside Middle School and a member of the National Junior Honor Society. Cody plays soccer for Sporting Omaha Football Club and football, basketball and track for Westside. He enjoys spending time with his friends and playing with his dog, Snoopy. For their mitzvah project, Cody and Aiden prepared and served meals together for the Rainbow House and Stephen Center. He has two brothers, Jake and Brady. Grandparents are Carol and Steven Bloch, and Deenie and Larry Meyerson. Great-grandparents are the late Lucille and Sam Gelenter, the late Lottie and Harold Bloch, the late Sonia and Irving Forbes, and the late Helen and Leo Meyerson.
Announcements may be e-mailed to the Press at jpress@jewishomaha.org or mailed to 333 So. 132 St., Omaha, NE 68154. Readers can also submit announcements -- births, b’nai mitzvahs, engagements, marriages, commitment ceremonies or obituaries -- www.omahajewishpress. com/site/forms/. Click on “Jewish Press” and go to Submit Announcements. Tritz Plumbing Inc.

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LOCAL | NATIONAL | WORLD Survey on Antisemitism
Anti-Defamation League The American Jewish community continues to face significant fear and anxiety from the threat of antisemitic or other hateful attacks and harassment. Following up on our 2020 survey results, we asked Jewish Americans to tell us about their experiences online and off with antisemitism. Their responses indicate that antisemitism still is very much a part of Jewish Americans’ lives.
Well over half (63 percent) of Jews in America have either experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism in the last five years. Even given the poll result’s four percent margin of error, that’s a notable increase from 2020’s total of 54 percent. More than half (56 percent) of American Jews have heard antisemitic comments, slurs or threats targeting others in the past five years, and one in four Jewish Americans (25 percent) say they have been targeted by antisemitic comments, slurs or threats during the same time frame. Especially alarmingly, nine percent say they have been physically attacked in the last five years because they are Jewish. These numbers are all slightly up from 2020, but still within the range of the margin of statistical error (+/- 4.4 percent). While the 2020 survey did not ask about more recent incidents, this year, we asked participants to answer questions based on their experiences over the last 12 months. The most notable (and by far the highest) number from that sample: Forty percent say they heard antisemitic comments, slurs or threats directed at someone else.
Jewish Americans frequently encounter antisemitism online in 2021, at levels largely unchanged from last year. Thirty-six percent of respondents say they have experienced some form of online harassment. Meanwhile, 31 percent say they have been called offensive names online, and 13 percent say they have been physically threatened.
More than half (59 percent) of Jewish Americans polled said they feel Jews are less safe in the U.S. today than they were a decade ago. Slightly fewer respondents reported being afraid of a violent attack at a synagogue (49 percent in 2021, versus 55 percent in 2020). There was also a very slight drop (within the margin of statistical error) from 2020 to 2021 in reported concern about various threats to the Jewish community, including verbal harassment, physical attacks and the defacement of synagogues or other Jewish institutions. These concerns are significant enough to affect the daily behaviors of many respondents, at levels similar to last year’s results. Asked whether they have taken specific steps to guard against violence or harassment against Jews, six percent said they have avoided Jewish institutions, including synagogues or Jewish events, and 13 percent said they have avoided identifying themselves as Jewish on social media. The overall number of people who took at least one protective measure was 32 percent, compared to 27 percent in 2020. This level of anxiety and fear comes at a cost, as does targeted online harassment. As was also the case in 2020, one in three (33 percent) Jewish Americans who have been harassed report having trouble sleeping. Sixteen percent said they had been impacted financially by the harassment. Fewer respondents report contacting online platforms with their concerns – 29 percent in 2021, down significantly from 43 percent in 2020. This may reflect some resignation vis a vis tech companies’ perceived lack of responsiveness to complaints about online bigotry and hate (which is also reflected in the general population survey response in ADL’s “Online Hate and Harassment” report).
The survey was conducted by YouGov, a leading public opinion and data analytics firm, on behalf of ADL, examining Jewish Americans’ experiences with antisemitism both online and offline. The survey of Jewish American adults over the age of 18 was conducted from January 7-15, 2021. A total of 503 responses were collected from Jewish Americans, 18 and older, and weighted to reflect the demographic makeup of Jewish people across the United States, according to Pew Research Center. Participants are rewarded for general participation in YouGov surveys but were not directly rewarded by ADL for their participation in this survey. The margin of sampling error for the full sample of respondents is plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.