July 20, 2018

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this week

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The Ed and Sally Malashock Jewish Senior Outreach Fund


LinDa POLLarD community seniors will be Endowment Assistant, Jewish announced soon. Federation of Omaha Foundation Sally and Ed said that they are more aware now recent conof the ever growing need versation with in the senior community Sally and Ed for support, especially Malashock now that they are living was an engagwith older people. They ing trip through their past, have become more aware a look at the present, and a of various degrees of physview of the future. The ical and mental impairMalashocks are warm, hument. They also realize morous and welcoming, that not everyone in this leaving the writer to wish category is capable of supfor more. Having the opporting themselves. It was portunity to observe the apparent to them that light and loving banter bethere is a pressing and tween them, it is clear why unmet need for further their marriage has lasted funding for the senior 73 years. Dr. Edward and Sally Malashock Jewish community. The Recently, Dr. Edward and Sally Malashock made a very generous contribution to Malashocks said they feel fortunate to be able to support establish the Ed and Sally Malashock Jewish Senior Out- the community, so they looked for the right opportunity to reach Fund at the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation. help. Sally pointed out that the need is apparent when you The details of this new and expanded programming for our See Malashock Jewish Senior Outreach Fund page 3

About marriage Page 4

This week at camp Page 5

Need tefillin? There’s an app for that. Page 7

inside Viewpoint Synagogues Life cycles


SPOnSOrED by ThE bEnJaMin anD anna E. WiESMan FaMiLy EnDOWMEnT FunD

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Friedel announces One Scott Littky will head IHE Million Dollar Campaign Danny COhn Secretary and Marketing Chairman, Friedel Jewish Academy There are close to one million reasons for the students and staff of Friedel to celebrate this upcoming school year. Thanks to dozens of donors, the Friedel Jewish Academy is on the verge of completing a one-million-dollar campaign; in fact, the school is 90 percent there. The year-long campaign kicked off last August and will conclude this August. Commitments now total $900,000, but Friedel needs

the whole community’s help more than ever. The campaign’s major donors have pledged matching funds as a challenge grant, meaning that the money will be received once the one millionth dollar has been committed. “We are hopeful and confident that members of the community will help us raise this last $100,000 so that the money already committed to the school through this challenge will be received,” said Ari Kohen, Friedel Board Co-President. “We have been blown away by the generosity of the current donors and hope the community will rally to make this dream a reality.” Over the last three years, the board and staff of Friedel have undertaken a major transformation of the school, evidenced by the large size of the 2018–19 kindergarten class. This class is made up of 15 children, which directly results from a targeted recruitment and development strategy. See Friedel Campaign page 2

annETTE van DE kaMP all formal and informal Youth ProgramEditor, Jewish Press ming, developed and implemented a proWe welcome a new but familiar face gram for Families with Young Children and to the Jewish Federation of Omaha as created and drafted a bi-weekly newsletScott Littky takes ter for families. over as the Executive Of particular interDirector of the Instiest is his work with tute for Holocaust Yad Vashem: Education. Scott has “I had the opportumany years of expenity while in Alexanrience in both formal dria, VA, to go study and informal Jewish in the education deeducation and skill partment of Yad development and Vashem with the top looks forward to scholars in Shoah edworking with a variucation,” Scott said. ety of community “While there, I began members. a relationship with Scott obtained his the head of the deBachelor of Arts, partment for HoloScott Littky History at Wayne caust education in State University in Detroit, MI, and com- the Jewish world outside of Israel. I first pleted 52 Hours of Graduate Coursework took materials created by Yad Vashem in Education and Judaic Studies. In addi- and wrote curriculum for them to be used tion, he is a certified Conservative Jewin supplementary religious schools and ish Educator. helped train teachers to use the material. Among his vast experience is his work Further, we developed a plan to help train as Education and Youth Director at the teachers in the philosophy of Shoah eduAgudas Achim Congregation in Alexancation created by Yad Vashem.” dria, VA. While there, he was responsible In addition, Scott has worked as the for managing the daily operations of a Program Director and Adult Education supplementary education program. He Coordinator at Temple Israel, Omaha, the created and implemented curriculum and Education Director for Beth Israel Relitraining and developed and executed all gious School in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and fundraising initiatives. He also supervised See Littky to head ihE page 2

2 | The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018


Class to explore Jewish History – Which is Your History


Mary Sue GrOSSMan Executive Director, Beth Israel abbi Shlomo Abramovich, Ph.D, and Visiting Scholar for Beth Israel Synagogue, has a true passion for Jewish history. So much so, he received his degree in the field and shares his passion whenever he is given the opportunity. Rabbi Shlomo will share his enthusiasm and passion each week during his new class Jewish History – Your History each Monday at noon beginning Aug. 23. Classes will be held at Beth Israel. “I found history fascinating and I like teachrabbi Shlomo abramovich, Ph.D ing it” says Rabbi Shlomo. “I think that the best stories and characters can be found in our history, more than in any fiction book. For me, however, it is much more than an interesting field of studying. I believe that knowing the history is fundamental for understanding our life and our nation. Through learning the history, the Jewish identity is being revealed.” In this class, Rabbi Shlomo plans to cover the main events of Jewish history. Each class will focus on one period, covering the main happenings, conflicts and achievements of the

Jewish people during that time. While he recognizes everything cannot be covered in such a short time, he believes students will receive a wide perspective of Jewish history from which everyone can benefit. “My goal will be to make an order in the names, places and events we have all heard of, but are not sure when and where they happened, and what happened before which” he concludes. Rabbi Shlomo commented that knowing your history is knowing who you really are, adding that is why we think this class is important to everyone who is interested in strengthening his Jewish identity. “A source that gves me a great deal of inspiration is a letter written by Rav Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of Israel serving during World War I,” tells Rabbi Shlomo. “Rav Kook was in London, could not go back to Israel, and he wrote letters to encourage his followers in Israel. Rav Kook was amazed by the horrors of the war he experienced in England, and one of his conclusions was that we needed to learn history. Rav Kook explained that two books were given to us by Hashem: the Torah and the history, the human events, which are controlled by the All Mighty. Rav Kook believed that just as we need to dig deep and reveal God’s will in the Torah, we need to learn the history and reveal the ways He manages the world through it.” Jewish History – Your History does not require any previous knowledge and is open to the entire community. Varied sources and materials will be utilized to present history in a professional and interesting way. A bagel lunch is available if ordered in advance by calling the Beth Israel office by 11 a.m. the day of class. Please note one day a month, the class will be held in the Kripke Jewish Federation Library immediately following Eye on Israel. For additional information, please call 402.556.6288 or email sabramovich@orthodoxomaha.org.

Lions, and tigers, and bears, Oh my! Sara KOhen Please join us for a morning of fun at the zoo! On Sunday, July 29, families in the Jewish community with children younger than six and all CDC families are invited to join Friedel families for Friedel’s annual Family Zoo Day at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo. At 9:15 a.m., those who are interested in exploring the zoo

with the group will meet by the lion sculpture near the main entrance. At 10:30 a.m., Friedel will provide a kosher snack at the indoor dining area near the Tusker Grill. Please let us know whether you will be joining us by July 23. Please contact Sara Kohen at skohen@fjaomaha.com to RSVP or with questions. We hope to see you there!

Passover We’re Happy In The Neighborhood!

Friedel Campaign

Continued from page 1 Friedel’s diverse student body includes families from all three Omaha synagogues, Jewish families who are not affiliated with any synagogue, and non-Jewish families whose children graduated from the CDC. In addition to the record enrollment, grant funding is on the rise and revenue for the school is up 36 percent. It’s not just about those numbers; Friedel engaged in a strategic planning process, one result of which has been updating the curriculum. After intensive research, including review by a committee of expert educators from the community, Friedel implemented cutting-edge new curricula in math, language arts, social studies and science. “Friedel has been innovating in all aspects, including the school’s new Innovation Lab, which provides a dedicated space for STEM learning; and we have expanded wellness, music and art offerings,” said Beth Cohen, Head of School. “Additionally, 98 percent of our students read at or above grade level.” “Now is the time to ensure the future of the Jewish education offered in Omaha. We invite the entire community to be part of this transformational gift,” said Jeff Zacharia, Friedel Board Co-President. “Our success is your success, and we will celebrate this achievement with the entire community—will you be the millionth dollar?” To help Friedel achieve this goal, donations may be made by check to Friedel Jewish Academy, 335 S. 132nd St., Omaha, NE 68154, or by credit card on the school’s website at www.FriedelJewishAcademy.com (and while you are there, check out the epic video of Friedel students telling you how much they love their school). For additional information or to discuss your participation in this exciting effort, contact Head of School Beth Cohen at 402.334.0517.

Littky to head IHE

Continued from page 1 first Assistant, then Education Director for Beth El Synagogue’s Talmud Torah in Omaha. It all amounts to a body of experience that makes Scott the perfect fit for his new position: “I look forward to first carrying on the amazing work that both Beth Dotan and Liz Feldstern have done,” he said. “It has always been my ultimate career goal to head an agency like IHE. I am passionate to build on the current successes of IHE and grow the agency in its goals. I am further passionate about using Shoah education and programming to help teachers, adults and young people to develop a conscience and to not sit by when wrongs are happening to our fellow human beings. If we all acted like the Righteous Gentiles during the Shoah, think of the world we could create.” Please help us welcome Scott as he begins this new chapter in his ongoing story.

42 children are going to Jewish summer camps this year thanks to our generous donors. More scholarship funds are needed to help more children. Call the Foundation today.

There’s something for everyone KHULWDJH FRPPXQLWLHV FRP 402-504-3111 | WK 3DFL¿F LQ 2PDKD

Contact Howard Epstein, Executive Director 402-334-6466 hepstein@jewishomaha.org www.jfofoundation.org

The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018 | 3

JBL Bagels & Business series

Gabby blaiR Staff Writer, Jewish Press The Jewish Federation of Omaha is pleased to present the Jewish Business Leader’s Bagels and Business Breakfast featuring guest speaker Rachel Jacobson, Founder and Executive Director of Film Streams, on Wednesday, July 25, 7:308:30 a.m., at The Happy Hollow Club (701 S 105th Street, Omaha). Rachel moved back to her hometown of Omaha in 2005 after five years of working for arts and media organizations in New York City to start Film Streams, a nonprofit organization devoted to enhancing the cultural environment of Omaha through the presentation and discussion of film as an art form. Film Streams has attracted great media attention to Omaha, including a profile in The New York Times and mentions in Wired Magazine, The New Yorker, on NPR’s Morning Edition, CNBC, and airings of two of Film Streams’ Feature programs on PRI’s Studio 360. Most recently, Jacobson led the organization’s nine million

campaign and building project to renovate and reopen Film Streams’ second venue, the historic Dundee Theater. Come eat, network and learn with us! Please RSVP at https://tinyurl.com/breakfastjuly25 by July 20. Be sure to save the date for this year’s JBL Hall of Fame Event at the Happy Hollow Club 7:30-9 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17! Please consider joining JBL if you haven’t already. All club events are free with paid membership of only $100 per year; current members will be receiving renewal notices soon. Your membership helps us continue to build and Left: Rachel Jacobson strengthen the legacy of Jewish Credit: Laurie & Charles businesses in Omaha. For Photography more information, or to become a sponsor, please contact Steve Levinger at 402.334.6433 or slevinger@jewishomaha.org or Alex Epstein at 402.505.7720 or aepstein@omnepartners.com; join online at http://www. jewishomaha.org/about/community-programs-and-events/jewish-business-leaders/.

Continued from page 1 look at so many new assisted living homes opening and filling up quickly, offering services from independent living to memory care. Shelly Fox, Director of Admissions and Community Outreach at the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home, said, “The newly established Ed and Sally Malashock Jewish Senior Outreach Fund will help a growing segment of our community – the Jewish seniors who are living on their own and could benefit from help with transportation and basic handyman Sally Malashock services. Our goal with Jewish Senior Outreach (JSO) is to serve the needs of our elders. We focus on helping our community members continue living on their own in a safe environment. We know how important it is to most folks to maintain their independence... and we want to partner with them in making that happen.� Both Sally and Ed were born and raised in Omaha. Ed went to medical school here, and then interned in St. Louis. The Malashocks were married in 1944. After medical school and World War II, Ed had an obligation to serve in the military. Ed was stationed in the Philippines, where he served as a medical officer at a general hospital. Eight months after Ed was assigned to the Philippines, Sally joined him. She and two other military wives traveled to the Philippines via a freighter. The trip took 18 days. Although this might sound like a rough mode of transportation, the women had a great time and were allowed to go anywhere on the ship, and ate their meals with the freighter’s officers. Sally recalls it as a “fun vacation.� After Ed’s service in the Philippines, Sally and Ed returned to St. Louis, where they lived for a year. They then moved to New York, staying there for three years before returning to Omaha. Ed practiced medicine from 1946 to 1989, and was in independent practice from 1953 to 1989. In their early adult years, they lived away from Omaha for a total of eight years. Ed said that after eight years away, when they had an opportunity to do so, they returned to Omaha. Ed stated that “returning to Omaha to be with family sounded good.� The Malashocks recalled that everywhere they lived there was an Omaha connection. After they moved to St. Louis, Shirley Goldstein called them. Shirley had a cousin who was in the hospital after having a baby, and Shirley asked them to look in on the new mother. After that initial meeting, Shirley’s cousin and her husband helped Sally and Ed a great deal while

they lived in St. Louis. When Sally and Ed moved to New York, Ed had a relative who helped them in the city. Ed reflected that those early days of memories are still strong memories. Ed and Sally said that they have had an exciting, interesting life. The Malashocks have had many memories, different experiences, and they stated that it is a privilege to be able to recall them. Ed said that his medical practice was the focus in his life, and yet he felt an obligation to participate in the Jewish and the general community. Sally recalled that many times when they were out, they would run Dr. Edward Malashock into Ed’s former patients. These patients would stop and talk for a while, disrupting their dinner, and taking away Sally’s valuable time alone with Ed – the price of being married to a much respected doctor! Sally and Ed have a very rich history of volunteering. Ed was active with hospital-related activities and the medical school from which he graduated, where he was a volunteer faculty member. He was the president of the Clarkson Medical staff and the president of the Douglas County Medical Society. Ed served on the Jewish Family Service, the Jewish Federation of Omaha and Temple Israel boards. Sally served on the Temple Israel board, was the president of the Nebraska Medical Center faculty wives, was on the Clarkson Hospital Service League, was the chairwoman of the Ak-Sar-Ben ball committee, was president of the Omaha Council of Jewish Women for many years, and still found the time to volunteer at their children’s schools. As busy as they were, the Malashocks took advantage of the time available to them, finding the time for travel, seeing different parts of the world and the United States. Many times they traveled with their children and other times they went with friends or by themselves. Colorado was one of their favorite vacation spots. Sally said that they had no intention of buying a house in Colorado, but two attorney friends purchased a condo in Colorado for business use and then convinced the Malashocks to also buy a condo. The attorneys did not want to look foolish, so they felt if they convinced the Malashocks to join them in Colorado condo ownership, their purchase would be justified. The attorneys sold their condo after a few years, but Sally and Ed kept theirs for 32 years. They said that it was a long-term and pleasant experience. Sally and Ed have three children, Jan, Jim and Mark, and six grandchildren. Jan lives in Omaha and Jim and Mark live in California and Colorado.

Malashock Jewish Senior Outreach Fund

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4 | The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018

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about marriage


Persecuted. engaged. married. marriages of convenience in exile Sabine Bergler and Irene Messinger | Jewish Museum Vienna, 2018, 147 pages

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e marry for love, romance, money, and to procreate and extend family lineages. Marriages of convenience (MOC) are embedded in politics, survival, citizenship, and migration. Marriage and Nazi domination evokes the horror of the 1935 Nurem- OliveR b. POllak berg laws which led to searching birth certificates to identify Jewish parents and their offspring, dispossession of employment and property, loss of citizenship and worse. Jews were non-Aryans. “Mischling” children, the product of Jewish and Christian marriage were hustled out of Germany to save them and to secure the status of the now divorced Aryan father. Divorce among JewishChristian marriages became more common. Austrian Jews suffered increased discrimination after Hitler came to power in 1933. Germany absorbed Austria in the Anschluss in March 1938. Austria became Ostmark and the takeover further worsened conditions for Jews. Marriage turned from a religious ritual to a civil ceremony. Civil marriages by magistrates replaced religious marriages on July 30, 1938. On Kristallnacht in November 1938, synagogues were burned in Austria and Germany. Jewish women found spouses through networks of family, friends, professional acquaintances and the personal column in the Jewish newspaper, nine of which are reprinted. The five line personals appearing between 1938-41 with the first line in bold type read ‘Blonde; slim, pretty; Looking for my sister; Young elegant widow; and Respectable. They were artists, painters, musicians, dancers, scholars, medical students, heroically politically active women engaged in Socialist, Communist and Zionist causes. The members of Vienna’s urban kibbutz were readying for Palestine. The best known was Erika Mann, who through the agency of her gay brother, arranged an MOC with the gay English writer W. H. Auden. Marriages between Jewish women and foreign nationals who were gay, cousins, politically anti-fascist solidarity, and gold diggers, without intentions to cohabit, and to divorce when the political crisis had passed, marriages of convenience or sham marriages became more frequent. Most of the men were Jewish. These were marriages of survival to British, Czech, Dutch, Egyptian, French and Italian men that provided a new passport and citizenship and a path out of Austria. Irene Messenger is a Viennese political scientist who studies citizenship, exile and migration, the Austrian Alien Law of 2012, hot subjects today and in the 1930s. She identified at least one hundred Jewish Viennese women desperate to leave Austria. From this array, the Jewish Museum Vienna selected 13, the tip of an iceberg, for extensive research. Her co-author, Sabine Berger, studied comparative literature and art history and Shoah literature, has been a researcher at Jewish Museum Vienna since 2014. These women were courageous, intrepid and resourceful who came from educated, assimilated bourgeois and upper class families. They did not live happily ever after. They carried the humiliation, of scrubbing the pavement, isolation, immigration permits that limited employment to domestic service as a housemaid, and in one case, moving to 25 lodgings in five years; life interrupted and disrupted. Their Jewishness was problematic to them, but not to the Nazis. Their parents changed their name from Rosenblum to Rose in 1882. They converted to Catholicism and Protestantism in 1894 and 1901. Some “probably never set foot in a synagogue.” The authors suggest a process of deliberate secularization, the undeniable lure of German culture, Bach, Beethoven, Wagner. Departure from Judaism may have facilitated individual identification as an Austrian.”

In the main they were characterized as ‘assimilated Viennese Jewish bourgeois families. They were described as “a Viennese girl of the Jewish religion, not as a Jew”; “Religion and traditions were almost absent from daily life”; she “knew that her family had Jewish origins, but religion did not play a role in her life, either then or later.” Only much later did they and their families break their silence. Hilda Monte (1914-1945) married a gay Englishman. She was shot in Vorarlberg at the Swiss border while on a mission for the British. The violinist Alma Rose (1906-1944) went to Auschwitz in 1944, played in the women’s orchestra “and died under unexplained circumstances in August 1944.” Another related that “the entire Yugoslav branch [of the family] perished in the Shoah.” In Theresienstadt many died of neglect, malnutrition and lack of resistance to normally nonfatal illnesses. Since they were incarcerated against their will, it is appropriate to say they were killed, murdered and executed. Others were more fortunate. One woman who moved to London lost her apartment in the blitz, she remembered, her resistance work remained unaffected, she still had her typewriter and a voice. These fragmentary stories survive as one informant said, “Neither of my grandparents’ families had any descendants apart from me, my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.” The authors were gratified by coming into contact with numerous descendants and friends of these women. In spite of the bad experiences, the talk “of Austria was always full of love and longing,” and a “sentimental attachment to the city” of Vienna. These women “sound out the limits of human experience.” Austria engendered an enduring love, but the bureaucracy of reacquiring citizenship could take decades. This is a compelling book and museum exhibit “of the fragility and interconnectedness of the three life segments – before, during and after the marriage of convenience.” It reaches out to a wide audience by presenting a side-by-side German and English text. The Exhibit, opened in May, runs to October. Hopefully it will travel across the Atlantic for North American audiences. Pollak, a professor emeritus of history at the University of Nebraska Omaha, and a lawyer, is a freelance writer now based in Richmond, California. He may be contacted via oliver.pollak@sdjewishworld.com

tisha b’av

This week we mourn the destruction of Jerusalem. The rabbis tell us that only those who truly mourn will ultimately rejoice in its rebuilding. Our job is to realize that all the pain and suffering in the world is a result of the destruction of Jerusalem. We must look beyond our own bubbles and look at all the pain Rabbi aRi in the world to yearn for something bet- DembitzeR ter. May we mourn so we can ultimately Beth Israel Synagogue rejoice. Shabbat Shalom.


b’nai b’Rith bReaDbReakeRs

B’nai B’rith Breadbreakers meets weekly on Wednesdays at the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home auditorium from noon to 1 p.m. For specific speaker information, please email Gary.Javitch@Gmail.com, Breadbreakers chairman. For more information or to be placed on the email list call 402.334.6443 or bnaibrith@jewishomaha.org.

This week at camp

The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018 | 5

community Temple Israel welcomes new Youth Advisor

brittany hamor Intern, Jewish Press Can campers learn how to survive in the outside world with no technology? Yes, they can! This week campers learned how to survive in the wilderness. They were taught camping skills, outdoor survival skills and basic first aid training. JCC Coaches helped campers explore different sports this week. At JCC Active Sports Camp, campers went off JCC campus to learn ice skating, bowling and roller skating. They also got to enjoy a healthy snack each day. This week Musical Theater Camp is in session. Musical Theater Camp is a full day camp that includes mock auditions, script work, choreography, vocal class, set and costume design and a field trip to a local theater. Campers performed Grease. Parents and family were invited to attend a performance on Friday, July 13 from 3:30 - 4 p.m. in the JCC Theater. Campers also learned about Japan. They learned how to make their own Japanese dessert sushi rolls. Campers also learned how to create origami and the basics of martial arts. This week at Camp Shemesh campers learned about dinosaurs, volcanoes and fossils. They were able to do their very own fossil digs and saw volcanoes erupt.

See full digital issues https://issuu.com/jewishpress7



CaSSandra hiCKS WeiSenburger Director of Communications, Temple Israel Temple Israel is excited to announce that Jacob Kahn will be our new Youth Advisor beginning Aug. 1. Since 2015, Jacob has been volunteering in assisting with planning, execution and evaluation of programming for OTYG. He is familiar with the young people of our congregation and will be a great addition to our ever-growing professional team. Jacob graduated from the University of Central Florida with a B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in International and Global Studies. While at Florida, Jacob worked as a Resident Assistant, mentored students to further their academic, personal, and leadership success, and supervised the Sport Club Council. Jacob moved to Omaha in 2015 after accepting the position of Health Educator at Planned Parenthood of the Heartland. After being very involved in the Jewish community on his college campus, Jacob wanted to continue his involvement here in Omaha. After only a month of living here, Rabbi Aryeh Azriel introduced Jacob to Aliyah Lasky, who was our Director of Youth and Young Adult Engagement at the time. Ever since, he has been volunteering with OTYG from chavurahs to the spaghetti dinner. Jacob has enjoyed the


J e w i s h

last three years of guiding our Jewish youth, so when Temple Israel announced they were looking for a part-

Jacob Kahn time youth advisor, it was the perfect fit! As advisor to OTYG and JYG, he will empower, guide, and support teens in planning a healthy mix of social, religious, educational and social action programming that reflects the tenets and values of Reform Judaism. Rabbi Deana Sussman Berezin and Jamie Skog-Burke spearheaded the search to find our new Youth Advisor. “Jacob is a gifted educator and has a

passion for working with young people. His vision for empowering our youth to create the kinds of experiences that will be meaningful to them and his experience mentoring and guiding youth in this type of work make him the perfect fit for this role!” said Rabbi Berezin. Just days after accepting the position, Jacob already has goals in mind: “My biggest goal is to challenge our young adults and develop them into our future Jewish leaders.” “Jacob’s passion for empowering and mentoring student leaders will be an amazing asset to the Temple Israel team,” said Jamie. “Over the last three years in his volunteer work with OTYG, he has been able to develop relationships with our student leaders that I think will be vital in creating a shared vision of values and community around the work of teen engagement at Temple Israel. I am looking forward to the conversations and innovations that I think he will bring to the table.” And Jacob is already excited to be working with this team: “Jamie, Rabbi Berezin, and I share a vision that includes preparing our young people for the world post-high school. Fostering leadership, discovering passions and developing critical thinking skills in an environment that helps to define their sense of identity within the Jewish community is the forefront of that vision.”


P r e s s

e x h i b i t

The entire community is invited to the opening reception, sunday, August 12, from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in the JCC Gallery. Made possible through the generous support of the Special Donor Advised Fund at the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation.


6 | The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018

community Neo-Nazi Propaganda found in little free libraries

PAm monSKy Community Development Liaison, ADL-CRC Neo-Nazi booklets have been turning up in the West Omaha communities of Trendwood, Leawood and Deer Ridge in Little Free Libraries. The Plains States Region of the Anti-Defamation League-Community Relations Council is aware of the issue and is working with local law enforcement to combat the rise in hate speech. Regional Director Dr. Mary Beth Muskin said, “Fortunately this kind of hate does not reflect our community. This is a growing tactic used by white supremacists to get their message out. Clearly, it is the act of one person or a few individuals. The majority of Omahans reject this kind of behavior and beliefs as witnessed by the multitude of reports we have received. These attitudes have no place in our society.” If you encounter any of this material, please notify the Plains States Region of the ADL at skurz@adl.org, or call 402.334.6570. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” Now the nation’s premier civil rights/human relations agency, the ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all. Locally, the ADL-CRC office was established in 1950. In a unique relationship, the ADL also serves as the Community Relations Committee (CRC) and is the central resource for information on social issues and problems affecting the local Jewish community in Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas. The ADL-CRC attempts to foster conditions conducive to creative Jewish living in a free society.

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Volunteer seamstresses at the Rose Blumkin Home SAbine Strong Volunteer Coordinator, RBJH Please let me introduce you to the two amazing ladies who volunteer their time sewing for the Residents of the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. Karen Lofgren-Anderson is a Business Analyst for TD Ameritrade. Barbara Cabrera is a retired Microbiologist. She is currently still doing research work for UNMC. Karen’s projects include but are not limited to, Walker bags for the Residents and Dignity bags for IV stands. She embroiders on her own embroidery machine at home, so everything can be labeled. Karen is also working on protective fabric envelopes for the tiles that are mailed out to the family at the passing of a Resident, as well as covers for chair alarms and purses for prizes for Residents. Volunteer seamstress Barbara is making ponchos that go on the RBJH bus for the Residents to wear, as well as shawls with pockets for the Residents in the lounges/rooms. Barbara also makes the Fidget blankets that the activities

and the therapy department can utilize with the Residents. In addition, Barbara takes care of the mending and sewing needs for Residents, such as shortening pants or dresses for free, and will even take on sewing jobs for Staff and the Jewish community in her private time. The two wonderful Bernina sewing machines and the sewing equipment were donated by LOVE (League Offering Volunteers for the Elderly) a few years ago. LOVE is also funding the sewing projects materials. Ricki Skog, from the LOVE board, has also made embroidered materials in her spare time. A big Thank You to – LOVE - for funding the project. I couldn’t be happier with these two volunteer ladies. They have so much talent and are such angels for what they do. Many Residents have stopped by to see the seamstresses in action and are very excited to chat with them about their many projects. I am thankful for Karen and Barbara, and happy to have these two wonderful ladies on my team of Volunteers.

Kosher agency says it can no longer vouch for Starbucks stores

But several years ago, Starbucks began selling jtA newS StAFF sandwiches, including some made with bacon Kosher observers who pick up their coffee at and non-kosher cheese. That brought up kashrut Starbucks may need to look elsewhere for their issues, like whether the utensils used to make caffeine fix. the coffee were washed with utensils that had A kosher-certifying agency said it can no longer been used with non-kosher items in the store. vouch for the kashrut of many beverages served Nevertheless, Star-K has posted a new list of by the coffee giant. The Star-K agency said this Starbucks drinks that can be considered acweek that it was ending a program under which it ceptable for kosher observers. They include deemed many Starbucks products permissible cafe Americano, espresso, iced caramel brulee without actually certifying them as kosher. latte and nitro cold brew served in paper cups. Plenty of kosher consumers aren’t taking the Exceptions are also made for drinkers who are news lying down: As of Thursday afternoon, more A view of a Starbucks shop in Washtraveling (in other words, “when no other viable than 7,000 have signed a change.org petition callington, D.C., April 17, 2018. option is readily available”) or at stores that ing to “Make Starbucks Kosher Again.” Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images don’t serve meat or cheese items. Star-K for years has kept a list of the drinks But the petition signers are looking for more. prepared at Starbucks that it called “kosher friendly.” Under the reasons for signing, one person wrote: “For a company The stores were not under the certifying agency’s supervision, but that closed down all their stores for eight hours for sensitivity trainStar-K regularly checked in with the company to determine which ing when people want to use their bathrooms without making a puritems were kosher friendly — that is, contained no objectionable ingredients. In recent years, even Frappuccinos were considered OK for chase, they can at least show a little sensitivity to Orthodox Jews who would like to be paying customers!” kosher observers.

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The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018 | 7

Need tefillin? There’s an app for that.

Cnaan LiphShiz AMSTERDAM | JTA You can call a taxi, order a hamburger, rent a film and buy a book with a few clicks of a smartphone. So why shouldn’t it be as easy to score a set of tefillin? That, at least, was the question that led to the launch last month of Wrapp — an app its creator calls “the Uber of the tefillin world.” It connects those who have tefillin — leather straps attached to a set of two small boxes containing scripture on parchment — with Jews who need them for morning prayers or other rituals. And it’s free. The brainchild of a 39-year-old Brooklyn businessman, Wrapp hit app stores last month. It already has signed up more than 4,500 providers world wide. Providers offer their tefillin to those making the request within a radius of 20 miles. The app’s creator, a follower of the Chabad Hasidic movement named Shimon — he said he did not want to reveal his last name to avoid a “downpour of emails and suggestions,” – decided on a trip to Israel two years ago that this is what the world needs, he told JTA. He met an old friend from the States who had made arrangements to borrow another person’s tefillin in Israel. “It didn’t make sense to me that in a Jewish country, borrowing a tefillin should be such an issue. That’s when the idea came to me. I knew I was on to something big.” Although the app is also intended for observant Jews who forgot or lost their tefillin, Shimon said the typical user would be someone who had an impulse or inspiration to don a set. Users tend to be people “who want to connect to God. And when people do, it is a very personal thing. Someone might reach out when they’re depressed, another when they’ve just signed a huge successful deal. Others on their mother’s yahrzeit,” he added. “It’s different for every person.” Those in need of a set can indicate their window of availability — a half hour, an hour or two hours. Providers within a range are pinged with the request. The first provider who accepts can then schedule a session at the requester’s location or propose a different location. Shimon wouldn’t say how he was supporting the project or how much it cost. “First of all, it’s not a one-time investment – it constantly evolves and changes, so I don’t have a figure for you,” he said. “Maybe I could tell you when Messiah comes.” An app that lets users summon an observant Jew to a predetermined address raises some security concerns at a time when Jews are frequently singled out for violence in Europe and beyond, Shimon acknowledged. “Yes, it’s something that we’ve taken into account, which is why there’s a 20-mile limit” on how far a provider may be summoned to deliver tefillin, he said.

“The assumption here is that you as a provider know your immediate surroundings. And of course our advice is: If it’s fishy, don’t go!” The range can be changed to one mile. Additionally, providers need to indicate on Wrapp that the action has been completed. “When there’s an action that stays open for more than an hour or two, it raises flags and we can check to see what happened,” Shimon said. Wrapp is only usable during daytime, when tefillin is usually worn.

On the “Fence” about buying or selling a home? Hop off and let me help you through the process. As an Omaha native, I will guide you with integrity & dedication. After all, home is where your story begins, let’s write it together!

The brainchild of a 39-year-old Brooklyn Chabadnik, Wrapp enables users to find someone nearby who can lend them a set of tefillin. Credit: Tefillinwrapp.com Orthodox Judaism considers wearing tefillin a commandment that only applies to men, although some Orthodox feminists and many more women in the Conservative and other non-Orthodox movements have taken up the ritual. Two weeks ago, Wrapp received its first request from a female. Shimon said that responding is up to the discretion of the individual providers, and Wrapp currently has no policy on the issue. The new user turned out to be the non-Jewish caretaker of an elderly Jewish man who wanted to perform the ritual but had neither tefillin nor a smartphone. Hillel Pikarskei, a Chabad rabbi in Paris, welcomes the “competition.” “It sounds like a good thing, I like it,” Pikarskei said. “You think it’s going to put me out of business? No way, my friend. I’m working in a world-renowned tourist spot. Don’t you worry about me.”

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Classic rock tunes with a big band twist; big band standards with a rock and roll twist.

Volunteers needed

The RBJH is looking for volunteers for Saturday morning religious services. We need help with escorting Residents to and from the chapel and assisting service leaders with their needs, such as handing out books, setting up, etc. Time: Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. If you are interested, please contact Sabine Strong, Volunteer Coordinator at sstrong@rbjh. com or call 402.334.6519. Orientation and background check are required. Training will be provided by Renee Kazor.

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8 | The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018

backyard Concert Series 2018 Annette vAn de kAmp Editor, Jewish Press and GAbby blAir Staff Writer, Jewish Press It’s time to mark your calendars for this year’ Jewish Federation of Omaha Backyard Concert Series. Our backyard, located behind the Pennie Z. Davis Childhood Development Center will host four summer evening concerts during the month of August. Pack your cooler and your picnic basket and join us for the eighth annual series, which is, as always, free for the entire community. Kona Ice will have 50+ flavors of shaved ice, as well as novelty ice creams available for purchase. e Dante Food Truck will bring their cheese, marguerita and veggie pizza as well as soda, with a new pan to make it nice and fast! Glutenfree and vegan options are available. Jewish Family Service will accept donations for the food pantry. Greatest need is for canned proteins, such as chicken, tuna and salmon; Personal care items like toilet paper, soap, shampoo, lotion, toothbrushes and toothpaste are also appreciated. Please check the expiration date on the packaging before donating. All concerts are from 5-7 p.m. in our pavilion. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be moved indoors to the Jewish Community Center eater. Aug. 5 - petrock Omaha band PetRock is the nation’s most unique Tribute Act. PetRock brings the sights and sounds of 70’s rock to life - minus the disco! Band members include Christopher Frostvocals, guitar; Steely Dana-vocals, guitar and keys; Philly Dee Williams-guitar; e Maestro-keyboards, vocals; Duke Bradford-bass, vocals and Flam Tapman-drums. ey are influenced by Player, e Eagles, Ambrosia, Todd Rundgren, Little River Band, Andrew Gold, Pablo Cruise, Christopher Cross, Exile, Doobie Brothers and Hall & Oates. Aug. 12 - Hi-Fi Hangover Hi-Fi Hangover exploded onto the scene in 2010 and have

gained a reputation as one of Nebraska’s most sought-aer live acts. Renowned for insane guitar, thunderous percussion, pile driving bassriffs and off the hook vocals, Hi Fi Hangover has become one of the top draws in the Omaha Metro and the premier event band in the region. Hi-Fi Hangover is comprised of some of the top musical talent in the Midwest, featuring a breadth of music guaranteed to please every taste from beat-driven dance tunes to the best of classic and contemporary rock. Aug. 19 - the 9s e 9s offer a hybrid of 70s jazz rock, 80s funk, soaring stadium rock with a healthy dose of wink-anda-nod thrown in. Since their inception, e 9s have shared the stage with e Average White Band, Parliament/Funkadelic, Maceo Parker, Sonja Dada, Ziggy Marley, and Bela Fleck. Aug. 26 - rex Granite band Featuring Sarah benck with Opener virginia kathryn Gallner Originally formed in 2002 and Winners of the 2017 OEA “Best Blues” award, Omaha Nebraska’s Blues/Rock original, e Rex Granite Band draws it’s fresh/retro sound from a variety of sources. Straight-up Rock and Roll, Blues, and Gospel all play heavily in their gutsy roots rock style. Sarah Benck and Rex Granite are the primary songwriters in the band, but the true appeal lies with the unique vocal of Sarah along with Sarah/Rex guitar chemistry. e band has put together a powerhouse blues showcase. Originally formed in 2002, e Rex Granite recorded their first CD Rollin’ and Tumblin’ in 2003. Virginia Kathryn Gallner, who will open the concert, is a folk-and blue musician who grew up in Council Bluffs and received a 2018 nomination for an Omaha Entertainment and Arts Award in the best blues musician category. She plays several cover songs along with her own originals, including some from her recently released album. e JFO Backyard Concert Series is made possible by our generous donors: Alan J. Levine; Omaha Steaks; Morgan Stanley; All Makes Office Equipment Co.; the Karen Sokolof Javitch Music Fund; the Fred and Eve Simon Charitable Foundation and the Special Donor-Advised Fund at the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation. For more information, please visit www.jewishomaha.org.

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The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018 | 9

viewpoint thejewishpress

(Founded in 1920) Abby Kutler President Annette van de Kamp-Wright Editor Richard Busse Creative Director Susan Bernard Advertising Executive Lori Kooper-Schwarz Assistant Editor Gabby Blair Staff Writer Thierry Ndjike Accounting Jewish Press Board Abby Kutler, President; Eric Dunning, Ex Officio; Laura Dembitzer; Candice Friedman; Jill Idelman; Andy Isaacson; Michael Kaufman; David Kotok; Natasha Kraft; Debbie Kricsfeld; Eric Shapiro and Amy Tipp. The mission of the Jewish Federation of Omaha is to build and sustain a strong and vibrant Omaha Jewish Community and to support Jews in Israel and around the world. Agencies of the Federation are: Community Relations Committee, Jewish Community Center, Center for Jewish LIfe, Jewish Social Services, and the Jewish Press. Guidelines and highlights of the Jewish Press, including front page stories and announcements, can be found online at: wwwjewishomaha.org; click on ‘Jewish Press.’ Editorials express the view of the writer and are not necessarily representative of the views of the Jewish Press Board of Directors, the Jewish Federation of Omaha Board of Directors, or the Omaha Jewish community as a whole. The Jewish Press reserves the right to edit signed letters and articles for space and content. The Jewish Press is not responsible for the Kashrut of any product or establishment. Editorial The Jewish Press is an agency of the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Deadline for copy, ads and photos is: Thursday, 9 a.m., eight days prior to publication. E-mail editorial material and photos to: avandekamp@jew ishomaha.org; send ads (in TIF or PDF format) to: rbusse@jewishom aha.org. Letters to the Editor Guidelines The Jewish Press welcomes Letters to the Editor. They may be sent via regular mail to: The Jewish Press, 333 So. 132 St., Omaha, NE 68154; via fax: 1.402.334.5422 or via e-mail to the Editor at: avandekamp@jew ishomaha.org. Letters should be no longer than 250 words and must be single-spaced typed, not hand-written. Published letters should be confined to opinions and comments on articles or events. News items should not be submitted and printed as a “Letter to the Editor.” The Editor may edit letters for content and space restrictions. Letters may be published without giving an opposing view. Information shall be verified before printing. All letters must be signed by the writer. The Jewish Press will not publish letters that appear to be part of an organized campaign, nor letters copied from the Internet. No letters should be published from candidates running for office, but others may write on their behalf. Letters of thanks should be confined to commending an institution for a program, project or event, rather than personally thanking paid staff, unless the writer chooses to turn the “Letter to the Editor” into a paid personal ad or a news article about the event, project or program which the professional staff supervised. For information, contact Annette van de Kamp-Wright, Jewish Press Editor, 402.334.6450. Postal The Jewish Press (USPS 275620) is published weekly (except for the first week of January and July) on Friday for $40 per calendar year U.S.; $80 foreign, by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Phone: 402.334.6448; FAX: 402.334.5422. Periodical postage paid at Omaha, NE. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Jewish Press, 333 So. 132 St., Omaha, NE 68154-2198 or email to: jpress@jewishomaha.org.

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Nebraska Press As- National Newspaper sociation Association Award winner 2008


What to get the Nazi who has everything ANNETTE vAN DE KAMP Editor, Jewish Press ere’s the story: A classified advertisements website in France removed an ad marketing a secondhand showerhead as coming from Auschwitz. A spokesperson for the LeBonCoin website said on Twitter that as soon as the ad was flagged, moderators “immediately removed it, and were of course shocked by its content. We apologize to anyone who, like us, became upset by this ad.” The website may press criminal charges against the author of the ad, who sought 455 euros, or $535, for the metal object. (Source: JTA.com) Besides the price, which is a bit steep, the story is not really all that unique. There are many opportunities to buy Nazi memorabilia as well as newly designed “Holocaust gifts,” especially online. And as disturbing as those ‘memorabilia’ are, the fact that people continue to come up with new ways to pervert the memories of the Holocaust is equally worrisome. On Cafepress.com, you can buy Christmas tree ornaments with a picture of the Auschwitz-Birkenau barracks. They come complete with a little red ribbon for easy hanging. They call it an “Oswiecim Ornament,” it costs $14.99, is in stock and comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and safe shipping. They also sell Mauthausen kitchen magnets and oval car stickers with images of Auschwitz. And questionable t-shirts that simply state: “I survived” in toddler sizes. I don’t know what that’s all about. Or how about ‘Jewish Memorial at Terezin flipflops?’ They come in black, pink, orange and Caribbean blue (and they’re on sale!). It’s difficult for me not to mock these types of products and the people who buy them. While I know it’s hor-

rific that there are those who produce these things and that there is a market for Nazi-nostalgia, with money to support it, the need to roll my eyes outweighs my rational thinking. Who are these bizarre people who think selling an Auschwitz showerhead is acceptable? Who on earth would want to wear flip-flops with images of Terezin? Why, why, why? Nazi nostalgia has always puzzled me. The way Neo-Nazis parade in faux uniforms, with flags and banners in black, red and white color schemes, reminiscent of the Swastika (but not quite the same) makes me think there is more at work than the need to feel important, in control. Ideas are one thing, but having certain beliefs about racial difference, inferiority and intolerance of others does not automatically cause one to feel the need for dressing up. A racist is not automatically a Neo-Nazi who polishes his boots. It’s a relevant question as Neo-Nazi Arthur Jones currently runs for Congress in Illinois, causing a minifirestorm as Republicans are scrambling. Do they vote for the Democrat candidate in November, or do they write in a different candidate? Do they not vote at all? Back in

March, Jones ran uncontested in the Republican primary; with over 20,000 votes he made it onto the ballot. Jones, former head of the American Nazi Party has a list of NeoNazi credentials a mile long; he is also well known for being a Holocaust denier, calling it “the biggest, blackest lie in history.” It, again, begs the question: why the nostalgia? Why dress up, why the banners, the flags? If it was a lie, what exactly are you nostalgic for? I guess that’s my real question: if Hitler was so great, but the Holocaust never happened, what is going on here? “Cognitive Dissonance,” my husband the therapist says. CD is the mental discomfort experienced when one simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. I think those of us not in the mental health field call that hypocrisy. The notion that every self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi is mentally unhealthy is something that makes me uncomfortable, though. I don’t want to compare these people to the countless individuals who actually suffer from mental health conditions. I feel the same way whenever the discussion around gun control veers into mental health territory- it muddles the issue. I guess for the time being I will have to continue to wonder what motivates people to sell showerheads or wear those faux Nazi-uniforms. But then, it is entirely possible I don’t really want to understand their motivation.

many speakers. One leader praised us for showing up and “supporting the young kids throwing rocks at all borders” -- conjuring up images of Palestinian youth throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers. Those words hurt my heart. Gaza, Ferguson and Texas were invoked in the same sentence, establishing

of people who were suffering, not signing on to the particular policies they promoted. I hoped my presence communicated that they were not alone. This does not mean that all speech would have been acceptable. And this does not mean that in other venues and at other times we should not debate ideas and policies. It does mean that there are moments in life when focusing on our shared humanity, and the suffering of another human being, must come first. When we see the world exclusively in categories of “friend” or “traitor,” we risk making ourselves blind to real suffering and missing an opportunity to build foundations for a real transformative exchange of ideas. On the flight back to New York I thought about my experience. Despite those uncomfortable moments, it was an honor to be a participant in the action. It was beyond moving to see undocumented immigrants protesting on the streets of San Diego, taking an enormous risk to publicly affirm their right to live without fear and threat. It was critical to show Latinx communities -- who do not have a history of deep relationships with Jewish communities -- that we stood with them. It was an honor to walk with other faith communities for these causes. But at moments it was complicated. The U.S.-Mexico border was only one of the fault lines I encountered. Where do I draw my boundaries? Where does the Jewish community draw its lines? Sometimes it’s constructive to remember that “friend” and “traitor” are not the only ways to frame a conversation. Sometimes it is preferable to make the definition of one’s friend or foe just a little bit more porous to allow the humanity to come through. Rabbi David Hoffman is vice chancellor and chief advancement officer at the Jewish Theological Seminary. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

We went to the border to support our friends. Our disagreements were for another time. DAviD HoffMAN JTA Ronald Reagan is reported to have said, “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally — not a 20 percent traitor.” There is much wisdom in this sentiment, but the realities of alliance building in the current political environment raise complicated questions for many people: What happens when the balance shifts and the percentage representing agreement goes south of 80 percent? And what happens when one of the issues that constitute the 20 percent of disagreement is foundational to one’s identity? How much disagreement can be overlooked before working together becomes impossible? I found myself thinking about these questions on a flight to San Diego earlier this month. I was traveling with a group of Jewish religious leaders mobilized by T’ruah to participate in a series of actions initiated by the national "Latinx" group Mijente. We went to demonstrate our opposition to the president’s border policies, to protest the xenophobic rhetoric too often used in national conversations about immigration — and make a statement of our moral and religious beliefs. Different from many of the protests I’ve been to in New York City, this action was organized and led by the Latinx and Chicanx communities most impacted by the immigration policies. I, along with other Jewish leaders, was there as a guest, stepping up in solidarity and as a witness to a moral crisis, but not occupying a central leadership role. The question of what it means to be an ally arose for me at several moments during the action, when Mijente’s leaders spoke words that I simply disagreed with or even offended me. The platform for the march included a call to abolish ICE, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency -- a policy stance that I believe is misguided. Part of the power of Mijente is that its leadership is broad and less hierarchical, so we heard from

Rabbi David Hoffman of the Jewish Theological Seminary, right, and other participants at a San Diego rally protesting the Trump administration's immigration policies organized by the grassroots group Mijente, July 2, 2018. Credit: JTS Communications facile moral equivalencies among clashes in Israel, a police shooting in Missouri and the separation of families at the U.S. border. Others described borders, fences and police departments as inherently immoral and imperialistic — again, not a position I accept. As I listened to the speakers, I found it more helpful not to conceive of the words as policy statements. I was hearing how people who live very different lives than I do experience the world. And sometimes even policy statements express emotions and experiences that deserve to be heard. I like to think that our group of rabbis and cantors transcended any particular policy. I decided neither to agree nor disagree. For this moment, in the context of this protest, these were unhelpful binaries. I was standing there as an ally with a group

10 | The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018

synagogues B’nAI IsrAel synAgogue

618 Mynster Street Council Bluffs, IA 51503-0766 712.322.4705 email: CBsynagogue@hotmail.com

BeTH el synAgogue

Member of United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism 14506 California Street Omaha, NE 68154-1980 402.492.8550 bethel-omaha.org

BeTH IsrAel synAgogue

Member of Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 12604 Pacific Street Omaha, NE. 68154 402.556.6288 BethIsrael@OrthodoxOmaha.org

CHABAd House

An Affiliate of Chabad-Lubavitch 1866 South 120 Street Omaha, NE 68144-1646 402.330.1800 OChabad.com email: chabad@aol.com

CongregATIon B’nAI JesHurun

South Street Temple Union for Reform Judaism 2061 South 20th Street Lincoln, NE 68502-2797 402.435.8004 www.southstreettemple.org

offuTT AIr forCe BAse

Capehart Chapel 2500 Capehart Road Offutt AFB, NE 68123 402.294.6244 email: oafbjsll@icloud.com

rose BlumkIn JewIsH Home

323 South 132 Street Omaha, NE 68154

Temple IsrAel

Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) 13111 Sterling Ridge Drive Omaha, NE 68144-1206 402.556.6536 templeisraelomaha.com

TIfereTH IsrAel

Member of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 3219 Sheridan Boulevard Lincoln, NE 68502-5236 402.423.8569 tiferethisraellincoln.org

B’nAI IsrAel synAgogue

Following a short summer haitus, we will meet again in September: Young Jewish Omaha Shabbat Event, friday, sept. 7, 7:30 p.m. For information conctact Nate Shapiro at nshap iro@jewishomaha@org. Erev Rosh Hashanah, sunday, sept. 9, 7:30 p.m. Rosh Hashanah, monday, sept. 10, 10:30 a.m. Kol Nidre, Tuesday, sept. 18, 7:30 p.m. Yom Kippur, wednesday, sept. 19, 10:30 a.m. and Concluding service and Break-the-fast, 5:30 p.m. Our High Holiday services are led by guest Cantorial soloist Jeff Taxman. For information on our historic synagogue, contact any of our board members: Scott Friedman, Rick Katelman, Carole Lainof, Marty Ricks, Sissy Silber, Nancy Wolf, or email nancywolf16620@gmail.com.

BeTH el synAgogue

Services conducted by Rabbi Steven Abraham and Hazzan Michael Krausman. frIdAy: Kabbalat Shabbat, 6 p.m. sATurdAy: Shabbat Morning Services, 9:30 a.m.; Shabbat Mincha following Morning Services; Tisha b’Av Mincha, 8:45 p.m.; Seuduah (food) following Mincha; Ma’ariv and Havdalah following Seuduah; Eicha following services. weekdAy serVICes: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.; weekdays, 7 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. sundAy: Tisha b’Av Morning Minyan, 9:30 a.m. Nebraska AIDS Coaltion Lunch, friday, July 27, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Joan Marcus serves lunch once a month at the Nebraska AIDS Project, and she needs baked goods for dessert. Contact Joan if you can help by donating baked goods. Beth El hosts USY on Wheels, Tuesday, July 31-wednesday, Aug. 1.

BeTH IsrAel synAgogue

Services conducted by Rabbi Ari Dembitzer. frIdAy: Shacharit, 7 a.m.; Mincha, 7:30 p.m.; Candle Lighting, 8:35 p.m. sATurdAy: Shacharit, 9 a.m.; Summer Shabbat Lunch, 11:30 a.m.; Insights into the Weekly Torah Portion, 7:30 p.m.; Mincha, 7:45 p.m.; Seudah Shlishit, 8:15 p.m.; Tisha B’Av fast begins and “Understanding Eicha” with Rabbi Shlomo, 8:51 p.m.; Reading of Eicha, 9:30 p.m. sundAy: Shacharit, 9 a.m.; Kinnot, 9:45 a.m.; Tisha B’Av film, 10:15 a.m.; Mincha, 8:30 p.m.; “The Destruction of the Temple with Rabbi Shlomo, 9:15 p.m.; Ma’ariv, 9:30 p.m.; Fast Ends and Havdalah, 9:40 p.m. mondAy: Shacharit, 7 a.m. TuesdAy: Shacharit, 7 a.m. wednesdAy: Shacharit, 7 a.m. THursdAy: Shacharit, 7 a.m.

CHABAd House

Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Services conducted by Rabbi Mendel Katzman. frIdAy: Shacharit, 7 a.m. followed by coffee, treats, study and shmoozing. sATurdAy: Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 a.m. weekdAys: Shacharit, 7 a.m. followed by coffee, treats, study and shmoozing. mondAy: Personal Parsha class, 9:30 a.m. with Shani. wednesdAy: Mystical Thinking, 9:30 a.m. with Rabbi Katzman. THursdAy: Talmud Class, noon with Rabbi Katzman. All programs are open to the entire community.

CongregATIon B’nAI JesHurun

Services conducted by Rabbi Teri Appleby. frIdAy: LJCS CAMP ISRAEL, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at TI; Friday Night Live! Erev Shabbat Service, 6:30 p.m. with Star City Kochavim; Oneg, 7:30 p.m. hosted by Kent and upe Malcom; Candlelighting, 8:35 p.m. sATurdAy, shabbat Chazon — erev Tisha b’Av: Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 a.m.; Torah Study on Parashat Lamentations, 10:45 a.m.; Potluck Dinner and Game Night, 6 p.m.; Reading of Eicha, 9:30 p.m. at Tifereth Israel; Havdalah (72 minutes), 10:04 p.m. sundAy: Come learn and play Pickleball, 7-9 p.m. All

equipment furnished. Wear comfortable clothing. For questions, call or text Miriam Wallick at miriam57@aol.com. TuesdAy: Ladies’ Lunch, noon at Issara Modern Asian Cuisine, 1701 Pine Lake Rd #7. Please contact Deborah Swearingen at 402.475.7528 with any questions; Star City Kochavim Rehearsal, 6:45 p.m. wednesdAy: LJCS Board Meeting, 4:30 p.m. at Tifereth Israel. THursdAy: High Holidays Choir Rehearsal, 7 p.m. Flutist Marie Sønderskov and Bassist Erik Higgins return to Lincoln this summer and will perform another evening of enchanting music from many times and places, sunday, July 29, 7:30 p.m. at South Street Temple.

offuTT AIr forCe BAse

frIdAy: Services, 7:30 p.m. every first and third of the month .

rose BlumkIn JewIsH Home

sATurdAy: Services, 9:15 a.m. led by Marty Shukert. Services will be held in the Chapel. Members of the community are invited to attend.

Temple IsrAel

frIdAy: Shabbat Service, 6 p.m. sATurdAy: Torah Study, 9:15 a.m.; Shabbat Service, 10:30 a.m. Haftarah reader: Miles Remer; Tisha B'av Service, 7 p.m. Please join us for a solemn service commemorating Tisha B’Av. Tisha B’Av is a day of mourning for the tragedies in Jewish history, the brokenness in the world today, and the pain and loss in our own lives. The mourning we do on Tisha B’Av also marks the start of the High Holiday season, as we begin our climb toward the light and promise of Rosh Hashanah. TuesdAy: Holy Smokes, 7 p.m. led by Rabbi Stoller, this men-only evening will feature cigars, beer, whiskey, and philosophical discussions of men’s issues and perspectives from Jewish texts. This event is free, though reservations are required. RSVP to Temple Israel, 402.556.6536, by friday, July 20. New Member Family Ice Cream Social, sunday, July 29, 3:30 p.m. at the home of Andie Gordman and Dan Fitzgerald Thank you for joining our Temple Israel Family! Andie Gordman, President of Temple Israel, and her husband Dan

Fitzgerald invite you to a relaxing Sunday afternoon with ice cream and conversation. This will be a chance for new congregants who have joined in the last two years to get to know our Board of Trustees, the Membership Committee, and the Temple Israel Staff and Clergy. Please RSVP to Temple Israel, 402.556.6536 or rsVp@templeisraelomaha. com, by Thursday, July 26. Temple Tots Havdalah at Temple Israel’s Playground, saturday, Aug. 4, 4:30-6:30 p.m. More details to come! Tri-Faith Picnic, sunday, Aug. 12, 12:30-3 p.m. at Temple Israel. Please join us for our annual Tri-Faith Picnic, an afternoon of food, fun, and fellowship for all ages! We’ll have face painting, balloon artists, a bounce house, and games for everyone to enjoy. Halal burgers and kosher hot dogs provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share! Please, no pork, shellfish, or gelatin dishes. Please bring peanut butter to donate to the Countryside Community Cupboard Food Pantry. Open to all supporters of the Tri-Faith Initiative! Questions? Contact info@trifaith.org or call 402.934.2955.

TIfereTH IsrAel

Services conducted by lay leader Nancy Coren. Office hours: monday-friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. frIdAy: LJCS CAMP ISRAEL, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at TI; No Services sATurdAy: Shabbat Morning service, 10 a.m followed by a Kiddush luncheon; Chanting of Eicha, the book of Lamentations, 9:30 p.m. sundAy: Come learn and play Pickleball, 7-9 p.m. All equipment furnished. Wear comfortable clothing. For questions, call or text Miriam Wallick at miriam57@aol.com. TuesdAy: Ladies’ Lunch, noon at Issara Modern Asian Cuisine, 1701 Pine Lake Rd #7. Please contact Deborah Swearingen at 402.475.7528 with any questions. wednesdAy: LJCS Board Meeting, 4:30 p.m. at Tifereth Israel. There will be a training session for those who wish to learn about participation in the mitzvah of kavod ha-met (honoring the dead). Nancy Coren will be meeting with men and women who would like to learn about the methods used by the chevra kaddisha (holy society that prepares bodies for burial) on sunday afternoon Aug. 12 at 4 p.m. here at the synagogue. This session is designed to bring new participants into the ranks of the chevra kaddisha. If you plan to attend, please let the office know.

Argentina freezes assets of suspected Hezbollah fundraising network

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA | JTA In a first, Argentina has frozen the assets of a suspected Hezbollah fundraising network in the area known as the Triple Frontier with Brazil and Paraguay. The Financial Information Unit of Argentina investigated possible criminal actions by Lebanese citizens living in the country that could be involved in money laundering and financing terrorist acts. Hezbollah has been linked to the 1992 attack on the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, which killed 29, and the 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires that killed 85. The investigation into the Barakat Group, also known as the Barakat Clan — a criminal organization linked to Hezbollah led by Assad Ahmad Barakat — resulted in an administrative order freezing the assets and money of its members under the national criminal code related to financing terrorism. This is the first time that one of the three governments has frozen assets and funds from a Hezbollah-linked organization based in the Triple Frontier. The Financial Information Unit identified at least 14 people linked to the Barakat Clan who registered multiple crossings to Argentina, mainly through the Tancredo Neves International Bridge in the Misiones province. Once in Argentina, the clan members would cash in charges at a casino in Iguazú exceeding $10 million without declaring either the income nor the

discharge of funds when crossing the border. “In relation to this illegal act, it is suspected that it would raise funds for the Lebanese Hezbollah organization,” the government agency wrote. The accounts were frozen on June 11, according to the statement. According to a Financial Information Unit statement issued Friday, the Barakat Clan is involved in smuggling, falsifying of money and documents, extortion, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, money laundering and terrorist financing. The Triple Frontier often is mentioned as a place linked to Hezbollah and the Barakat group, and has been investigated over the past two decades as a source of money for Hezbollah and other groups’ activities related to terrorism. Barakat, along with others who operate in the triborder area, has been designated a terrorist by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC, of the Treasury Department of the United States, which means that his assets are frozen there as well and that he is unable to operate financially in the U.S. Argentina is home to a large Lebanese expatriate community and U.S. authorities suspect groups in that community of raising funds through organized crime to support the Iranianbacked terror organization. In 2006, the U.S. Treasury targeted the same fundraising network. Earlier this year, the U.S. and Argentina agreed to work together to cut off Hezbollah funding networks and money laundering financing terrorism across Latin America.

The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018 | 11

lifecycles in memoriam

irvin J. Harris

Irvin J. Harris passed away on July 5 at age 96. Services were held on July 8 at Beth El Cemetery. He was preceded in death by his wife Martha Zusman Harris, daughter Lori Harris Sweet, parents Reuben and Tibbie Harris, and brother Norman Harris. He is survived by daughter, Claudia Sherman and daughter and son-inlaw, Sindie and Jerry Katskee, and son-in-law Mark Sweet; grandchildren: Mitchel and Shannon Sherman, Jill Sherman, Marci and Derek Mainus of Westminster, CO, Rachel and Edward Winthrop of Robbinsdale, MN, Naomi and Michal Gaca, Aliya and Justin Taylor, and Josh and Jillian Sweet of Norwood-Young America, MN; ten great-grandchildren; brother Lee Harris of Scottsdale, AZ, and many nieces and nephews. He was born and raised in Omaha, he graduated from North High School and the University of Maryland. He was a proud veteran of nearly 35 years of the U.S. Air Force. Lt. Col. Harris served in three wars and was stationed at some 22 duty assignments worldwide. His career earned him many decorations including the Distinguished Flying Cross and four Air Medals. After his training and being commissioned a Second Lieutenant, he left his wife of two years for Europe and WWII. He flew twin-engine troop carriers, dropped paratroopers, and towed gliders into combat zones. When the war ended, he remained in Europe. Among his accomplishments was flying Holocaust survivors back to their homelands. He flew to Berlin and Munich, Germany; Paris, France; Pilsen, Czechoslovakia; Vienna, Austria;

and many other destinations. As a Jew, he felt a very special sense of pride in having this assignment of helping survivors. He also flew jurists to Nuremberg for the start of the historic trials. He later served in Okinawa during the Korean War when he guided in a defecting North Korean pilot. During the Vietnam War, he was stationed in Saigon where he flew 136 reconnaissance missions. He was an Eagle Scout and enjoyed swimming as a youngster. As a young boy, he would deliver groceries from his father’s South Omaha store. His hobbies included collecting stamps, fishing, playing golf, dancing, and watching professional baseball. He spent 40 years of his retirement residing in La Mesa, CA before he returned to Omaha in 2017. Memorials may be made to the Harris Family Endowment Fund of the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation, the Creighton University Hereditary Cancer Center, or American Cancer Society.


Tisha B’Av at Temple Israel: Correction: In last week’s Jewish Press article about Tisha B’Av, the wrong date was unfortunately printed. Please join us on Saturday, July 21 at 7 p.m. for this solemn service as we mourn together for what has been, and pray together for what might be: that we may soon know redemption, wholeness, and peace.

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wyman wHite

Wyman White passed away on July 10. A memorial service in Las Vegas is being planned at a later date. He was preceded in death by his first wife Joyce, his sister and brother in law, Genevieve and Donald Bernstein, his two children Marilyn and Jeffrey, and grandson Josh. He is survived by wife Millie and her family; brother-in-law and sister-inlaw, Betty and Ben Shapiro; two grandchildren; a great-grandchild; nieces and nephews; daughters-in-law, Lori White and Debbie White,and son-inlaw, Larry Gendler, and his “daughter” Shari Hess and their families.

Jewish professor describes being beaten by police JTA news sTAff A Jewish professor visiting Germany described being assaulted in a Bonn park — first by a Palestinian who said “I f*** Jews,” then by police who slammed him to the ground and punched him in the face. Yitzhak Melamed, who teaches philosophy at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, in a lengthy Facebook post published accused the police of brutality, then of whitewashing their conduct and falsely blaming him for provoking the assault. Police subsequently apprehended the assailant. e incident on July 11 is the latest in a string of anti-Semitic assaults in Germany. According to Melamed, he was wearing a kippah when a self-identified Palestinian man asked if he was Jewish and then proceeded to follow him, shouting things like “I f*** Jews. I f*** Jews” and “No Jews in Germany.” He then threw Melamed’s kippah to the ground three times and pushed him three times. In response, Melamed said he tried to kick the man in the groin twice but missed both times. e attacker fled aer hearing a police siren. Melamed wrote that two police officers ran past the attacker and tackled him instead, then two or three other policemen helped pin him to the ground and handcuffed him. He said police punched him in the face several dozen times, bloodying him and breaking his glasses. “I didn’t have much time to wonder, as almost immediately four or five policemen with heavy guard jumped over me (two from the front, and two or three from the back),” Melamed wrote. “ey pushed my head into the ground, and then while I was totally incapacitated and barely able to breath[e] not to mention move a finger, they started punching my face. Aer a few dozen punches, I started shouting in English that I was the wrong person.” A police officer then suggested that Melamed provoked the beating, Melamed wrote. He responded by describing his an-


cestors’ deaths in the Holocaust. “en the same policemen shouted at me in a didactic tone (in English): ‘Don’t get in trouble with the German Police!'” Melamed wrote. “is was more than enough. I told the policeman sardonically, ‘I am no longer afraid of the German police. e German police murdered my grandfather. ey murdered my grandmother. ey murdered my uncle, and they murdered my aunt. All in one day in September 1942. So, alas, I am not afraid of them anymore.'” Aer being taken to the police station, Melamed wrote that police did not tend to his wounds and repeatedly tried to dissuade him from filing a complaint against them — including by suggesting that he attacked the police first, and by threatening to accuse him of resisting arrest. Eventually he was taken to another office, where he filed a complaint. e next morning, Melamed wrote, Bonn’s police chief came to his hotel to apologize. But Melamed said the police department’s statement on the incident, published later that day, falsely blamed him for resisting them. According to a police statement on PressePortal, a German press release platform, police said Melamed “failed to comply with several requests from the officials to stop” and “fought against the measures” of the police. “Try (if you can) resisting arrest either when you are not in any bodily contact with the police, or, alternatively, when 5 policemen are on your back and you are barely able to breath[e],” he wrote. Herbert Reul, a local German government minister, also apologized to Melamed, and said, “We will not allow Jews to be persecuted once again in Germany,” according to Deutsche Welle.

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12 | The Jewish Press | July 20, 2018

A huge Thank You to Boris Bally for beautifying the Jewish campus with his artwork titled “Converging Ripples”.

I’d also like to thank the Omaha Jewish Community, my grandparents, Rebecca and Sam Wolf; my parents, Marlene and Martin Staenberg; my siblings, Beth, David, Jon and Barton; my aunt and uncle, Audrey and Joe Kirshenbaum and cousins for their part in creating such a positive ‘ripple’ effect. The future is bright. Michael Staenberg

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