November 17, 2017

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this week


Rock in the Red Zone featured at Film Festival

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Hanukkah Extravaganza 2017: Sharing our light with Houston

MARK KiRCHHoff Program and Communications Assistant, Jewish Federation of Omaha The Omaha Jewish Film Festival continues with its presentation of highly-acclaimed films when it screens Rock in the Red Zone on Sunday, nov. 19 at 7 p.m. in the JCC Theater. The film is an Israeli

Veterans Day at The Rose Blumkin Jewish Home Page 6

Jewish Book Month Luncheon featuring Annabelle Gurwitch Page 7

Why some religious Israelis are saying women are weakening the army Page 12


gABBy BlAiR Staff Writer, Jewish Press he weather is turning colder, the days are growing shorter, and Hanukkah is right around the corner! As you begin to prepare for our miraculous festival of lights, be sure to mark your calendars for this year’s not-to-be-missed Hanukkah Extravaganza on Sunday, Dec. 10 from noon-2 p.m. in the JCC Auditorium. The Jewish Federation of Omaha and The Omaha JCC, along with this year’s dedicated event chair families, Dina and Jason Cisler, Laurie and Jason Epstein,

Sara and Ari Kohen, Emily and Nick Ray and Lauren and Tommy Tam, are excited to announce this year’s extravaganza theme: “Hanukkah for Houston!” Parents, grandparents, kids and friends should come ready for an afternoon of fun, including: bounce houses, face painting, balloon artists, dreidel, crafts and carnival games being held throughout the JCC Auditorium, Gallery and Federation Library. They should also come ready to take part in a Hanukkah mega-mitzvah mission! The Hanukkah Extravaganza is free to attend and open to the community; howSee Hanukkah Extravaganza 2017 page 2

A new chapter begins for Temple Israel

inside Viewpoint Synagogues Life cycles

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Cantor Wendy Shermet, left, Rabbi David Ellenson, Senior Rabbi Brian Stoller, Rabbi Emeritus Aryeh Azriel and Assistant Rabbi Deanna Berezin. Credit: Cynthia J. Kohll

CAt King Director of Engagement and Communications, Temple Israel As the sun went down on Shabbat evening Friday, Nov. 3, members of the congregation of Temple Israel gathered to celebrate the installation of our new Senior Rabbi, Brian

Stoller. After an elegant dinner, we welcomed Shabbat with services that included remarks from our beloved Rabbi Emeritus Aryeh Azriel and Rabbi Stoller’s esteemed mentor and scholar Rabbi David Ellenson. There was a beautiful See temple israel page 3,

documentary released in 2015 and is in English and Hebrew with English subtitles. Rock in the Red Zone presents a personal view from the ground on the frontlines of an endless war and a powerful exploration into the lives and art of musicians struggling to create in a conflict zone. On the edge of Israel’s Negev Desert lies Sderot, a city of factory workers and rock musicians – the children of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Despite being pummeled for years by homemade missiles, the people of Sderot persevere. Rock in the Red Zone raises and deals with serious questions about roots, a person’s sense of belonging, what a country’s responsibilities are to its citizens, and salvation through music. Rock in the Red Zone was to be the final film in this year’s Omaha Jewish Film Festival. However, technical difficulties resulted in the need to reschedule the film that was to be shown on Nov. 5, There Are Jews Here. That film has been rescheduled for Saturday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. in the JCC Theater. If you purchased tickets for that movie, you have been given a credit and may use that for any film remaining in the series. To redeem the credit, please come to the ticket table and you will gain admission based on the list that was created from the night of the original showing. If you will not be attending either of the remaining films, the Federation will refund your purchase when the series is complete. If you desire an expedited refund, please contact Mark Kirchhoff at 402.334.6463 or See Rock in the Red Zone page 2

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November 17, 2017 by Jewish Press - Issuu